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About Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
By J BELL Author of “Wee Macgreegor.” “Mrs. McLerie, COPYRIGHT. 190 I’m vexed it wisna- But there it S. an’ thenk ye fur the leu' o' it. Ha'e!" Taking a packet from her underskirt pocket. Mrs Wnllace handed tt to Mr. Ogilvy. "Are ye »hair ye're no' needin’ it?” he asked awkwardly “Na. na. man I’m no’ needin’ it, an’ I’m (led ye’ve gotten yer ain again I'm no' guid at tbeukin' folk or peyiu compliments, but I tell ye I'm obleegi to ye fur yer help. Ye can coont il when ye get bniue. an' if ye tin' a baw bee ower many ye can keep it—or gi'< it to yer Jenny. Ha. ba! Guid uicht Maister Ogilvy. I'm wantin' ma tea.” "Mistress Wallace! Mistress Wai face!" be exclaimed as she moved fo: ward. “Weel. Maister Ogilvy?" “I—I was jist wantin' to say that that I'm aye ready an' willin' to da« enythln’ to serve yoc or yours, as I were." "I believe ye. Maister Ogilvy." she returned. “An’ 1'11 no’ furget whit ye’ve dune. An'—weel. guid nicht again. Maister Ogilvy.” The griwer wanted to accompany her. but be lacked the courage, und so be turned aud went slowly la the other direction. “Samuel Ogilvy." be ad dressed himself moodily, "ye're a peeti- fu’ spectacle!” i tir.-vr m tr TRMlirvrfaV FXTfiiofil’.niiry Ve •Dean” I'm u : going to explain—if you fashion. Ills message boy having gone Uad. .»land. See! There's Mr. for the night, the grocer was alone in bls shop, yet be looked about him as ' v waving to you." \ m :iucd the salute of the gro- though be feared a watch upon bis i-Uo stood in his door. "My. but movements. Satisfied at last that be ! ie the twu happy yins!” he sightsl was unobserved, he opened bis ¿ill and took out a penny, muttering to himself: ■ watched them along the road. "Ye're a muckle eedlot. Samuel Ogil . r Mr. OgUvy!" murmured Mrs. vy.” stun gently. lie' regarded the coin for nearly a ■ hat's wrung wi' him?” asked her ..ule, replaced it in the till and took sud. doubt he's v« -” bad, Davie," she out a half crown. "It's tuair in keepin’ wi’ the opera •itly.. “He wants .-red, smiling tion.” was bis inward observation. iii-j- Aunt W Just then a customer came in, but ■r that yet? I is be no' gotti .lied him lang fortunately did not wait long, although t her tongue i alter her departure the grocer could not remember where be had laid the CHAPTER VIII. ut you're not in afraid it bast half crown. SOME FRIENDS AND AN ENEMY. cak about aunt I like that.’’ "I've uae time to luk fur it the noo,” cli, we a' ken she's got a gey SOTUER May bad come aud [i tongue, Jess. 1 I'm no sayin' ony- 'is thought, glancing through the win- the afternoon sunshine fell low at the lights of the approaching ab rot her Uert. mind!” he added srariuly on the south gable of u-ly. Then be laughed and lu- steamer. Hazel Cottage. Having picked a florin from the till, d. "D'ye keu why be wants to Angus blinked drowsily and he gazed at it earnestly und then spun ¡•v yer aunt, ma dear?’’ slightly altered his position on tlie sec it into the air. As it fell be grabbed at s in love with her, of course." tion of a log which Berved him for a it, but missed it, and It struck the floor it's a sma' bit o' the reason. He seat when Mrs. Wallace, who for th< and rolled under the counter. to rnairry her to get bein’ yer last half hour bad been marching up "Tits!” he exclaimed. "I'll get it the Aye, that's it!’’ At which state- and down the path with her niece'» morn." „ baby In her arms, sat down on the low David looked pleased with bim- He spun a second florin and this time chair that had been brought from the caught It between bis palms. parlor for her convenience und care Le stupid!” retorted Mrs. "It's lieids!” he murmured when he fully adjusted the infant's garments with allected sternness. had lifted bis right band, “I’ve to gang and placed her umbrella in proper po fac', though. He's got an an' meet her. Oh. me!” sitlon. Then, the child showing signs lif ;li opt ■nicu o' yersel'. D'ye Five minutes later, as the steamer ivhr.t Le said to me the day?" reached the pier, Mr. Ogilvy, having al of waking up. Mrs. Walluce began to j. and I don't want to know.” ready put up the shutters, locked the I croon softly and persuasively, if not al together tunefully, the ancient, brief e sa.d '— door of ills shop — at least an hour e quiet!" before the usual time—and hastened and simple ditty— v, eel. I'll tell ye anither time when along tlie road in the direction of Mrs. Shoo sh „fry ower the glen. Mammy s pet an dadd> s hen— ■ n i' expectin’ it," said David, smil- Wallace’s abode. easlugiy. “But boo d ye think he's which she repeated until it Lad ti.e de On reaching it he turned and walked u mi wi’ his coortln’?” slowly back toward the pier, which the sired effect. ss shook her bead. "lie doesn't “Is't sleepin’?" inquired Angus, tak steamer had now left. i extra happy Just now.” "She's a lang time cornin',” he said ing out pipe and. having cautious hiylie lie's worrit aboot trade." to himself. "Maybe she’s no' cornin' removed th“ plug of newspaper, peel doesn't complain about trade the niebt efter a'. Oh. me! Samuel I ing regretfull) at the remnant of to so much as be used to.” Ogilvy, ye're jist a nondescript nin- bacco left in the bowl. at's a bad sign." observed David coflipoop!" “Aye. she's sleepin'. the daurllu'.' btfjliy. He retraced bls to the cottage Mrs. Wallace replied tenderly, looking leas. ,:e complains more about and again set out toward tlie pier. Sev dov. a on her charge und gently rernov litomerE." eral people from the steamer passed Ing the edge of lae shawl from the tm) Iplim! tie’ll be turnin’ his thochts him. while be pretended to be absorbed mouth. « business to—to"— The joiner by the view over the sea wall. “I was thlnkin’ ye wud shin ha’e the k for want of a word to express But at last the looked for figure came wean suffocatit If ye didna watch ool." self. "But it's a bad sign ony- dimly In view, and thereupon Mr. Ogil the old man remarked, feeling in bls he continued. “I mind when I vy lost his head. waistcoat pocket for u match, "It's a I I to turn frae me work on accoont “Oh, I hope she’ll no’ see me!” be mercy it doesua need us muckle breltli ersel’, Jess.” groan«*d and gazed steadily across the as musel’." io you blame It all on me?" she "Man. ye wudna need as muckle loch. id. with the least trace of irony in Mrs. Wallace came through the dusk breltli if ye kdp' yer mouth shut," re tone. luto M <a,' be replied soberly. “I blame and baited behind him. "Is that yon. torted Mrs. Wallace, adding. "Ye waste Mhlster Ogilvy?" she said, and there the biggest bauf o’ yer breltb on yer n masel'. If I bad peyed mair at- was something In her voice that added stupit sayin's.” ten !i-m to ma work ye wud ha’e been Angus did not answer till he bad lit to the grocer's discomfort. "Is that 1er at! tue day.” you. Mr. Ogilvy?" she rejieated before his pipe. H R'hlsht, lad!” sbe said in soft sur- “Weel. mistress.” he said slowly, "it’s be nerved himself to turn aud face her. » r« W *• “Ayo. it’s Jist me. Mistress Wallace. no’ for me to Instruct ye”— .1 nel I “ u maybe the gairdenin’ has been It—it’s a tine nlcbt.” “ 'Deed, je're rlcht there!” Illume tae.' he went on. "I thocht "But 1 doot It's no' geltln’ stiffeecient “It Is a fine nlcbt," she replied, “a t whiles lately. But ye ken, Jess, fine niclit fur plunkin' the shop, Mafs- fresh air to gar it grow nice.” a great temptation to me.” •T'll fresh air ye!” ID | But, Davie, you've bi.*dly touched ter Ogilvy! Whit d’ye mean shuttln’ "Never mind me. I can fresh air y I ng. S' I garden since the spring—since the yer shop afore the time?” “Was ye wantin' somethin’?” he masel'. thenk ye kindly. I'm shalr ye L" she said gently. wud be vexed if it growed up nlppit stammered. sighed. “Maybe it's jist as »Hit Javid ' "Aye, wis I! An’ when I cam' aft an' peely-wally.” 111. Ma trade's the Jinerln', an' I the l«>at an' gacd to the shop, here the "Peely-wallyI” exclaimed Mrs. Wal Bm stick to It. An' it's no' a bad door shut, an' the pairty that sud ha'e lace Indignantly. “Au' her the stur e, an' things hire gaun weel. an' kep' It open gallivantin’ aboot like a diest lass that ever— Oh. ye auld foot no' complainin'," be added more j-oung yin!" er. ye've wimkened her again!'' orfully. "I dinna. it was yersel', «distress "Aw. Mistress ” — held but you'll get time for your garden- ‘‘Ave; ye're a fine yfn to keep a shop! Yer v'lce is shairper nor mines." prised Isoon again, Davie," she said. "Haud yer tongue!” she mutter«-d An’ me yCr liest customer!" cried Mrs. ok R. ^'e'll see, we’ll see.” and set about soothing tlie little one bh, but, Davie"— she began and d, te with crooning aud caresses, while An mere. ■topped, lest she should say too much. gu» grinned oeblnd bls pipe, at first in Suddenly he turned toward her. an Irritating, but presently in a more I With sympathetic manner. it ion. “Y 're the best wife a man ever had, an' I envy naebddy,” he exclaimed, Unfortunately Mrs. Wallnce's next id and le Are was maybe a guid thing. It remark was u t a conciliatory one. ig be l a guld thing because o’ yersel', ma “Ye miclit thins sha ue o’ yersel', An Moro» gus. cornin' here an' disturbin' the no, it ut, Davie,” she said, breaking a weaD. To hear ye speakin', onybody Ion; silence, "supposing the shop baou't wud think ye wis sillin' herrín'.” M 'u insured”— "Ha, ba!" laughed Angus, softly but “ -n-ud ha'e been dune for. Fine I sarcastically. “I was <t tiiiukin* the ken that!" noo, mistress, that if ye kent anlthe- >n meo *3ut wait a minute. Supposing the sang ye miebt try singin' roon' th«- le safe she hadn't been Insured and suppos doors when the simmer veesltors 1- retting ing you hadn't been married, what here. Eb?” 1 tired T I IU ha' ■ Mrs. Wallace smll«?d in a way that I That's a question.” he said, smiling made the old man feel he had missed epboM (Would you have become a gar- getting the last word. ■r?” “D'ye no’ think I wnd dap better wi' I bank, e mean a gairdener to some gen a hurdy gurdy," sbe said slowly, “see armed ian?” he said after a pause. in’ I’ve a monkey there a'ready?" I poeee 'es—I suppose so.” Angus grinned feebly and sucked at id tn»« a!" he replied firmly. bis pipe as if for inspiration. thoae- Wouldn’t you?" she cried, greatly Mrs. Wallace emitt«?d a low chuckle irised. “Why ?" of triumph and bearne«! down on the fiVeel. Jess, if I was to be a gairden sleeping child as much as to say. “We wud want ma ain gairden. D’ye bad him there, ma dearie!" a tic of I Angus writhed on bls seat in bis de e nMded gravely. “I see, Davie ” sire to pay her back and puffed nerv mio* I wud like ■ place like Davison's onsly. la fear- 1 Another low ehuckle ram» from Mrs. onndsi I »si-.y." “I know." »lie mnrtsured "1 wo«hl "/» that you. Mr. O'tllvuf" Wallace. and the old man writhed Ide. he 'hat too* ■ (»In. JV-'u«i ye. 1 m »7' he sstsd. "Ws«k •»'« Wallace.- "But dinna let ice keep y® “Ye th! k « ‘ she addel, with frae yer apptntme-it. ” Mke yt ts synpathise wi’ smn Jr, .» .t i .< an unkind chuckle 'to hto daf^n« tovatos b»« a-.' to« I to •'I- I’ve nae a "-pin met Mfs’re- ion thill r® sksfcytw wcaptof tor Wallec’i,'' he retu iec u-srerate.y je frc»l Jis»^»ip' OOt to—to pueked «ape the «ata «4 Baw* n «biciI "Ob. I’m no' w .th o ' n ac. and «hay wear tip path to mrulDJi I name. We'll be bearia er in the'sHlne of the autumn iua- "Ye're aye thlnkin' o' it." h«‘ rstorted Fl arida. I shin, nae doot" “Ye mgnn ha’e yer Joke. Mistress indicating the baby with the stem of neon w| •tvle." she Mid earnestly, “you’re Wallace," said Mr. Ogilvy. With a very his pipe. do, -"’I to forget our garden altogether.'* ''That’s somethin' worth thinkin' o’.” feeble grin oui I st I West, to tell ye the truth." he re- “Aye, jist as you maun ha'e yer Jen she rejoin« d. “But ye ken weel enough •y liglbl ny.” retorted hi» “best customer.” with ■he's a lamie, an’ ye n«ilna lie ay«- ; r -«sd I ref-rrin' to her as It." another chuckle Dei • - re-l I "Wool y» se«, mist.-ms. I’m aye Th- poor grocer »to« d speecMen*. pl ’tedi “Weel," said Mrs Wallace at last, thlnkin' o' t! -• p«*oty o' It bein’ a lassie ad mil*I and Ler voice was kindly. "I didna that I canna' • •'An' whit's wrang wi’ It—I mean lier Hit gang to the shop the nlcbt to buy—but to pey. I wantlt to gt'e ye back the —bein’ a las«ie?" Mrs. Wallace fiercely wüe siller ye lent me awhile «yne. It stid demanded li tL ft "A1 [a*tx U SUIU. 1 L-2. ho'e been tn rcr pooch afo- ’.’Ms. an' 1 o ’f !• 1 ! -1 a l-ddle It miebt *nw Intll ■■ .'i i i!.uent man like ,s farther." ••’f sb.> r-'w« lnt'1 a d-cent wuoi n;;n like b>. ui tu<-.- -lu-Tl <’ due!" "If" "W’-lt d've mean. Angus?” "Jist wb-t i «- y " "D'ye mean she'll no grow up." "Octi. », II grow tip. if sbe dorsti: get suffocutit " "Tab! Wlien 1 want yer advice. 1’11 ask ye tar it." "1 hope j ¡1 no’ i-ouie askin’ when Hoi it’s own .ate. Le ritortcd. “ "Ilooevcr. there’s uy- a «•’.:::ti<-e o’ yer uicie bring- :i’ up lui -v -a:i In spite o’ ye. We un un l-.ope for the beat." ..1» W.ulace was going ; to re- ,. . . ,t «va» d .j..lie w > - metli.n;— was prévit a i C «n”'i’’«-d LANE CO. CAPTURES FIRST PRIZE Soon after I began to taka Wine f Cardui I couid see that I u. i» beginning to get back •t ’ ength.*’ That makes. If you are sink you can taka Wine ef Cardui «nd secure health aud strength. If oth>T iin dioines and other treatment have tail«- I. th it will make no difference. Faw women have taken Wine of Cardui at lint. Mrs M Seva,our 43 Stra ¿st jx By far the greater number of Wino of Crane Gap, ja Cardui cures are women who could got Meure relief elvewheiw. All druggists sell 11.00 bottles of Wino of Cardui. WINEorCARDUl No. 48 Straight St., Q iiaxd R apids , M icw . 1 am pUssed to sndorM Wine of Cardui sr I found it so beneficial to reetorr mv strength after my baby was born. I ooulil uot seem to gst well enough io be up and able to do mv work, and as I had l>een in bed fur ala weeks this was ratlisr serious, but soon .ifter 1 began to nee Wino of Cardal ’ oould « that I wa» beginning to get v-ack my strength in another «reek I was able to sit up moot of the day a- l in a month I was able to be up and do mo«: t my work. I think it is splendid u.eilicin« far a woman and can vert, .uiy gi»» it highest praise. Froa 1 M. Warren we have receiv ed a large list of the awards given by the jndgee at the Lewis aud Clark ex positicn for the various exhibits ut paiutluge by Mrs. J. E. Zimmer; firm product«, etc. He informs us 1 sue county, large photograph show that there are still others to b« heard ing hop Heli of Robert Haye; Lane tom wlieu the reports Hie ell in. oounty, painting of Mt. Jt-iiersoii, by Lane county lock first prize by deci-- Mrs. Schwartz; Lane county, dairy ton of the state c< nsmlselon on bet and cteamery pruducta; Lane oounty, For the thirl time «inoa October, county exhibit and also won the gobi old newspapers, Bible, shoe hammer, l’.kij, Ml. Ennuis G. Hit ton aud her •tied a I on her collective exhibit as h moccasin last of store and writing husband, .Ian ra G. Hintcn, are seek unit decision by decision of the or- table. ing tbs aid of the courts ti free them potation jury. In this same conuec from ‘heir mutritEonial bonds In ti-n it might not be amiss to inf -m 1902 Mrs. ill. too sued ft r divorce, uewccmers aud tbc»e uot already post but it was not grant« d. In February, ed, that Laue coanty took the gold 1901, the husband begun suit aud be, rneiial at the Centennial exhibition at too, was unsuccessful. Today the Philadelphia, at the New Orleans ex wife Hgniu tiled another complaint, cstt'Ol ard also at the world's fair allegii g as follows : Two cars of steel tor the new rail- j it t'blcagu <n her graine and gr-tees That the too were married March it? 'be tLeef, which exhibits weie road bridge Heroes the Willamette I 12, 1883, aud bare two children, rirer at tspringiieldjo be used for the prepared by George Belabaw. The Charles C., aged 18 years, and Marian fruit exhibit?, especially that of dried out-otf between that place and Hen- 1 f , aged 12 years; that on June 15, rult,usually u.ade by Heueiil A btiu ■lersou, is now al Spr ingtield.and has 1002, Per husband wilfully and with* ou whs ateebt on aocount ot the been placed at the disposal {of the men out cause or provocation deserted hir burning of their dryer. Other exhib st work buil-ilng the foundation for and declared that be would not sup its cf fresh aud canned fruits were re the new structure. The steel constste 1 port her or have anythnlg to do with ported on previously. The tcllowiug of steel piling and girders and le the her; that he occupied the same house is ibe list of tboee who received med ndvaoce of the material to be ueed in i with her until Uctolier 16, 190*2, when the construction of the big cut-oil ala; he < rdered he' to leave. Work on the new road , Gold medals—E. M. Warren, ’ii-a' bridge. Mrs Hinton ai-ks tor the custody of between tlie two poluts up to ths I in sheaf; E. Al. Warren, coiu wheat the children. 1. N. Harbaugh le her bridge is now welt under way,and the, in sheet; R. Veatch, moose horns aud attorney. mounted uoiuBr; E. M. Warren, grain roadbed on each side of the tlv«r is being graded, and in the early in jar»; Laue county, collective ex Storage! Storage! Storage! hibit ot graesee, A. C. Neilson, white spring the lies end »t*el isils will be Public nnd private. Storage of all Russia wheat; Usury Kornpp, flabpole laid for the road. kinds of goods and material, etc., at wheat; E. C. Smith, Oregon flax: reHaunsble prices. Goods receipted Hei ry Koiopp, ninety day oats; Jai for. Hop at-, rago sollolle Parties ler Wilkins, wool; Frank Herman, having heps to atore will do well to imperial white wheat; A C. Mult GEO. T. HALL A 8ON ¡uaD. purpl» chalf wheat; Mr. Cliff ord, tall rye; K B. Heaiey, vetches In bnndle; Marslmil Bros., sweet bread wheat; Lane county, collective axtiib it of prams in jars; E. M. Warten, grass seed in jars; E. M Warren, fruit In jars, vegetables iu jars,jellies and dried fruits; Lane county a« a unit collective exhibit; Mrs Edith Lintcn, display of dried hope; T. D Linton, display 'f dried hope; Junc tion City Excelsior Manufacturing ('ompsuy, display 0« excelsior; A. C. Ilognrd, Defiance wheat; Mrs O. P. □ riiflr, first, second and third crop Schnieder Block, West Eighth St., Ensene, Or of alfalfa; E. M. Warren, grains in sheaf. Silver medals —R. M. Day, double- beaded wheat; C. II.Williams, vetches in buYidle; W’asbburu & Sen -, flnnr; Clarence layior, gulden chaff wheat; A. C. Nielson, white clover; J. C. Busbuel),brewing barley; Heury God ard, tall timothy; Japaer Wilkins, MONEY, DIAMONDS AND Australian cl >» »nest; T, J. Vaughn, halrv vetch; C J Dodd, ¿o'den »half whist; Heury Go lard,tali o«.ti; Lane county, collective • x'ublt of grama in jars; I:. M. Warr«u, grains In ca»e«| and sacks; Lane county, collective exhibit of corn; Frank coin wheat; T. J. Vaughn, millet;! (Charles Stickler, sweet tread wheat; J. C. Loom Is, barley; P. V. Coffey, tlirotby; Lace county mineral wa 1 lets, London Mineral Springs Asse ARE IMITATED ntation; E. H. Ingham, vinegar: Wal ker Young, whit* winter wheat; Ku You Want Genuine Money and You Want gene Excelsior Works, display of ex celsior; Dr. F. W. Prentice, English Genuine Diamonds. If You Want walnuts; George Smith, hem boo. Bronze medals-George'Houck, An gora goat pelts; Henry Kompp, Fin nish black oats; Jasper Wilkins, red , top grass Io bundle; H. (’hezsm,sheaf st ; Jásese Wilkins, (>r- ¡0» vo' i ' ' »ion .- i In tiirril-; HeLry Uodard, » . ei-U f J. VBI)gbr> ’IIDr, D- fLnc< o’ ei> chati Crnvs, PURE AND HEALTHFUL i ’ < . .. , 1 ustar me on tad elk hesd; Lare county mln- eral waters, Foley, Belknap and Kit- son Springs: Jack Polli,rompas grase; - F. M. Wgrren,mounted dat» bead and elk herns; Fred Bean mounted elk head; Lone county, collective exhibit of honey; K. M. Wsrreo. note; J. L' nulls, Canadien red when» Honorahie mention—Perry Bennett, golden chad what; Marlin Jt Cook, fire «lay. common clay, fire brick, • If ni *>(>»«• core-non brl»lr «»•••• d rr!ck, efe ; M M- ’O, wbi’e oats; I-ans county FANNIE HINTON wants divorce STEEL ARRIVES FOR BIG BRIDGE PflhACE MEAT MARKET BRODERS BIIOS - ---------- - — Only Good Things Like K G BAKING POWDER Genuine Baking Powder Get 25 ounces for 25c SAVE THE COUPONS UE£9 T: ' nM VITALITY