Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
ROOSEVELT IN NEW to sit up lu the cabin. He enjoyed ; tbe accident hugely. It is said tbe p|| jt of the Emparla was wholly to tlame. LIKELY DOMES ORLEANS TIC TRAGEDY RUSSIAN SITUATION SERIOUS | hunger aud cold, at tbs best only I making thirty ceuta a day, insist that, ' economic demand* shall receive first | attention. Tbe more enlightened mechanics deciare that ail effort* mnst be first directed toward crashing tbe political regime. All members of professional association* have decid ed to give three days’ earnings to aid tbe strikers. I St. Petersburg, Oct. 2C.— St.Peters Seattle,Oct. 28 -Mystery surround* New Orleans, Oct. 26.—Tbe presi ths suicide of Frauk J. Hubbell, one burg today has tbe • ppearance of a de. arrived here at 9:05 o'clock this of the most prominent capitalists iu I Lelvagured city, but martial law bas morning,after au uneventful all-uigbt This city is this city, last night. Ill* bride of doi been proclaimed. run from Memphis. U. 8. Senator three mouths, who occupied a sepa practically isola'.sd aud tbe tie-up lu Foster and Co' gresamau Davis, uf rate apartment ia the t»‘*blonabl* ho i- ' tbe interior is more complete than Eouniana, met the president at Ham — The only traius operated are tel, discovered him unco isclou* cn “ ever, mond, thirty miles irom here. Upon the f ■ • room this uiumlug —<— | handled » floor of - bis by tbe military. tbelr arrival here they were transfer He was worth half a million,and came j red to lhe do-jks, where the president from Sew York a tew jears ago. All Odessa, Oct. 26.—it it reparted that aud four Luudred citlzeus boarded attempts tc save bis life failed. an attempt was made to hold an aner the rteamebipComus tor a trip on tbe Hubteii, when found, bad tbe gi* cbistic meeting aboard tbe baitleehip river. A high wind kept meet ut the tube iu bi* mouth. Domestic trou Katnerlne aod in the fortress. Four passengers below, tut the president ble* are believed to have been tbe hundred arrests have been made. paid no heed to tbe wind aud weath cause. He had unde* way some of the er. The party disembarked at 11:30 greatest public improvements iu tbe for a parade of Ibe priuclpal etree»». St. Petersburg, Oct. 27.- the lahot dong the history of tne city aud was constaotlj The fever infected houses al---- ! 'drawing Eastern capital here to help strike 1s spreading through all classes route didn’t worry »he rreslden» |n I of labor throughout European Ruteia ai-eompiivb bis plans. the least. He considered nimseir im I today. Three leading papers have mune because be was unaffected in been forced to suspeud in this c*ty the midst of t e j allow fever in Cuba through lack of workeis. Conflicts during ths campaign. are reported iu many to a ns, wl.h uu* A striking feat ire of the parade merous casualties, tut tbe general sit was the p»llie-scarred Confederate uation ia quiet, pending oevelop veterans marching on foot The dec ments. General strike demonstrations orations are »»id to surp iss Hi nee in J. H. Whiteaker, son of "Honest everywhere are ordered by strik honor of the victorious Federal troops lobu" Wbiteakei, tbe Brit governor committees for Saturday. Minister returning from tbe war iu Mexico bait o’ Oregon, began proceeiugs in bank- Witte is in supreme command. At a century ago The national colors usely I uP‘°y ln the United States district Warsaw and PaManice tbe police have never been flaunted so pio'i heel. court today, says Tuesday's Portlund j have refused duty, while tbe soldiers I In this city since. Multitudes cheer-j H, helegram. His liabilities are given’ refuse to mount guard, fearing tbe ed Roosevelt with euthaelas-u as be | l«lf'«,anl- J seemed “Z'x" preai. i , ^«2535. with no assets, excepting populace. rode aloug, and i J ....................... wearing spparei, valued at »jo. bceaase of Ibe pbyeicial limits placed This actiou recalls an episode in ' St. Petersburg Out 27 —The supply ' upon their vooiferousuess by uature. I the life of Whiteaker seven years ago, I of food io thia city ie so low that the Tbe crowds were so large that tbe president had a hard time reaching when he left Creswell, Laue county, ’ soldiers' rations now conaiit of only | «nd numerous creditors for , a little salt meat. A message from tbe city ball. Women aud children | were crushed mid for a time it looked Hurting bls wife, h sister of Henry H. I Peterhof, where the czar ia eaya that I iJllfry, and bis children. Ills wife j all warships are under steam and the as if tbe jam would end fatally, f’ick- pockets were at work, but tbe police afterward got a divorce aud married ■ imperial yacht ie ready to convey the Intercepted them aud made many ar i Ira Petty, a wealthy Alaska mining ; czar at a moment's notice to Den Whiteaker wae in the 'nternal mark if it becomes necessary to flee rests. Finally Roosevelt got upon the >i>an. I revenue service from 1885 till 1890, for bis personal safety, stand. The place raserved tor him was so crowded that be had to staud land for five or six years before he left 1 upon tbe back of a bench, supported kept a store at CreBweil. Chicago, Oct. 27.- The Daily Newt by three men, before be could eey a correspondent at St. Petersburg cables word. that the disturbances bave Increeeeo FIRST GOVERNOR’S SON A BANKRUPT EXPENSîVE UTAH BLAZE New Orlean«, Oot. 27.—The light house tender Magnolia, with President Roosevelt aboard, collided wiib '.be fruit » earner Esparta near N'ai*D,La , Sunnyside Utah, Oct. 27.—Three shortly alter midnight. The new i coe) crushing plants, two bridges aud reache t this city through a -everal buildings have already been from Uaplalu William Ruse, cf »bi- I d-striiyed by a Are which broke out Esparla, bakiLg lor ao»i*,auce. C-p- last night threatening tbe property taiu Pose stated that both ve»a- Is aud mines of tbe Utah Fuel Co. It were aground ou tbe river bauk, al I is believed that Itallau striker* woo said that the Esparta would proL..I|y for the past 18 mouths have been have t" carry the president's par'/ to hanging around tbe camp started tbe tbe mouth of the river, wh'ie tt.» tire. Tbe estimated damage Is 831*0,- cruiser Meet Vlrgiuia was «altitij. 0.0 No one was injured. From this it it Later report* say tbe fire destroyed iu'srred that tbe Magnolia was bHdly tbe ookiug plaut, uno may throw 12,- damage!. The t»g- Wilmot an I 000 men out of work. The smelters Woods left New Orleans at 4 o'clock iu Utah have only seven days' coke this muruiug for the scene. Nairn is supply ou baud. about sixty tulles telow New Urlesna on the west Lank of the Mississippi. Railroad Rate Convention It is likely that oue of the tugs will Chicago,Oct. 27. -Second day’s rail ccuvey the party to tie cruiser, The road rate convention considered reso telpeboue operator at Empire, tire lution* setting forth and approving mile« below Nairn, telephoned at 8 15 the recommendation« of the presi- thia mornlug that the Maguolia passed dent, urging railroad legisUtiou. at 2:30 It should have passed at mid Speeches were made by many de night bad there beeti no accident. nouticlng railroads and trust msg- nates, and urging that transportation New Orleme, Oct. 27. -A telephone facilities be given to the control of message «as received here by the the people. St Petersburg, Jet. 2« -The city is again dark tonight b » vu I or kern- jer e and caudles. Upon Witte rests tbe Imj trial hopes, aud it is only a ques tion of hoars wneu be will be pre mier, with tbe power of a dictator. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES Nebraska City, Neb , Oct. 28.—Gro ver Cleveland reached hr re this morn ing The ex president eulogized J. Sterling Morton sod said that his memory ie sacred, not alone for bis work as a tree planter, but as an hon est, upright statesman aud patriot. Addressing Morton's tons,he declared that the only success that ie satisfying ■ nd honorable Is that achieved in tbelr father's spirit aud high resolve. San Francisco. Oct. 28.-With a nullet bole In bis right temple aod a pistol clutched In his right hand lames Carroll was found dead in bed io a room at the Denver House this oorning. He left a note slating tbat til* home was in Terra Haute, Ind., -nd tbat hie father's name was Chris Carroil. A cert'tiiiite of defO'lt for -20U0 with L<dd Jc Tilton, baokers, it Portland «»id bauk books vere found smo.iv bis e tecte. Nc »esson Is assigned fir tbe >.ct. New Tort, Oct. 98 —Mn-»a Hass and Frederick A Puckham, cotton broker»,are warite l"> Washington ou ehargee of caneplr. cy t« A fraud tne governme- t throne' tbe »• tton crop leak, were dleehe ged th:. morning by Commissioner IHdg'ey, before whom extradition | rviedings were held The comm tseloner decided that to each au extent throughout tbe em- i the government mu<-t prove beyond a pire that there Is now practically no doubt that tbe offense bad been com government. Tbe provinces continue mitted. to report bloody struggles between the military and mobs. Revolution Corunns. Oct. 28.— Tbe Spanish ists have triumphed over tbe soldiers at Kharmov, Ekaterinslav aud other warship Cardinal Cisneros founder ed this morning after striking a rock. places. The crew were saved. St. Petersburg, Oct. 27. — Daring ' tbe afternoon the wildest rumors were circulated aud the city was seized with a nanlc. ntudents began to con gregate at the university, announcing I that they lutende 1 to bold a building in tbe VHSsilioetrov district against i tbe military to hold a big meeting to night, to which workmen of all social groups are iDvited. FOOTBALL IN THE EAST FIRST HALF. Pennsylvania, 6; Carlisle, 0. Columbia, 0; Princeton. 0. Harvard, 5, Brown, 0. Michigan, 24; Drake, 0. Chicago, 16; Northwestern, 0. St. Petersburg, Oat. 28.—Tbe mu FINAL SCORES. nicipal council of Moscow has tele Princeton, 12; Columbia, 0. graphed to Minister Witte: "Owing Pennsylvania, <>; Indians, 0. to tbe deplorable situation existing Harvard, 10; Brown, 0 here this municipality an sals tn tbe patriotism of the statesmen who are I Yale ,20; West Point, 0. Swarthmore, 6; Navy, 5. directing affaire, praying them to immedaitely establish law aud order, based on fundamental reforms." Telegraphic communication with Mos cow ie now interrupted raeienger«. The Umatilla contimi ou 1U way, but tbs Aurelia was toew to ber dock. WORLD’S TELEGRAPHIC Washington, Oct. 27.—Memo*,, of the prisident’s party who left hi(i nt Memphis («.turned this morumv KooMvelt sutertained them at laugh eon before their departure aud »am, oue said that be could make m*nt Paris, Oct. 26.-Elliott F. 8hep trips during bi* next term. "Thss* psrd, an American, grandson if fl• will te uo nexf term; Dm serving uq l«:e '.Vo. F. Vanderbilt, was found last. I will not even be uumiLated • guilty It.ia morning ou tne :tar*e of replied tbe president. maudlaugbter L t causing tbe deatn on August 28 uf a iwoive-year-»Id girl, i 2*..- Ex-PreeLis.t over whom Sheppard's auiomonile, Chicago, Oct. ran. He was sentenced to three | Clerelaud reached this city this mu(Q. months' imorisonment without »*•- lug, and spent the day here quietly pite, and ordered to pay a fine of 66" ( He is enroute to Nebraska. franca and costs, while au award of I 20,000 francs was made in favor of the Chicago, oct. 27.—Adolph I’erbo'. child's parents, this latter to be paid I uer, president uf the Equitable L. g jointly by Sheprard aud tbe automo Estate and Lc«nt,'o., accused of g. . bile compajy by whicb he was em ting money under false ptetense*| ployed. this morning when approached by of. BRIEF filer* witn a warrant for bi* er rest Portland, Get. 26.—Sheriff Word , jumped from bl* office window, four this morning laided tbe "Society of stories ubove tbe sidewalk. Japanese Art Admirers” at the expo sition and secured tbe clerks. War San Quentin, Cal., Oct. 27.—Jo- rants are out for tbe proprietors sepb SuaiOacki was hanged a’ 10:10 charged with rupnlug a lot’eiy aud this morning for tbe murder of Mr*. obtaining money under false preten C. Salmon at Lo* Angeles in July, ses. Lists of membership seized show 1904. Tbe condemned man mad* * that over 8000 persons, among them tateine nt, admitting bis guilt. many prominent society ladies, had paid a dollar membership fee to tbe San Francisco, Oct. 27.—Four th*, club for tbe chance in drawing costly Japanese art works as prizas. Tbe men were buried in toe ruina of the prizes are worth about fifteen cents. California cannery, whicb was psr- The promoters cleared up from *10,• tially destroyed by Are early this morning. Tbe second flour fell,bury 000 to «25,000. ing John Arata and D. Harrison, and at the same time a wall fell out, car Fairfield, Iowa, Oct. 26.—The east rying down Harry W ilsou anu Frank and westbound Rock Island trains Casases*. AH were rescued quickly ’uo-lided here ibis. morning. Four except Arata, who was pinioned four persons were killed, including one of hours under huge beams aud probably tbe engineers. A misunderstanding fatally inju'ed. Luas, 8 100,00. of orders caused tbe wreck. Chicago, Oct. 26.— A Daily News special cable from St.Pt-feraburg rays Dews come from the palace at Peter hof that the czar has signed the cou- «tituatiou granting liberty of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of worship and equal Jrigbts to all cit izens. Witte is appointed premier. It is expected the manifesto will be promulgated today. If this does not establish peace, martial law will be declared throughout the empire. Autho: *£•-- -’••I [-- a I t und' kv n.i'.ng Ly retir» inbe stum ha the tw L watched Lir Mr. < Lon genti fiiat’s wn Lud. [doubt he L,r«l. sui tarry Atu las be no’ Lt her toi I i r| H I afraid I fm j cak abo« lih. we I Li tongue r aboot h Lu-iy. I hl. "Dy try yer ai It-'s in lo [hat’s u s wai Its to Uli |< : Aye. L L>a\ >d i., Le wi L fa w 2 ■ H » o - London, Oct. 27.—It is reported that Prince Charles of Denmark hu accepted the throne of Norway, sub l - no’ ex| ject to the popular vote to be taken I jicnsiu^i; on November 12. ■ in on w J<- Mboo H u extra I ’• Tokio, Oct. 27 —l’he emperor so tertaiued 21KJ0 naval officers at lunch II eon today,and 1s to entertain an equal number tomorrow. TFe commander tho:_ of the Tokio naval division also gave a farewell garden party for the Rus sian officers lately held prisoners. does . .1., », Sevastopol, Oct. 26.— It ie reported tbat tbe battleship’mer- ly the Kniaz Potemkin, has been de stroyed by an inceudiary. Tbe Pato llmon was left behind last night when tbe rest of tbe flee' sailed under the direct command of tbe minister of marine, supposedly to force Turkey to grant tbe demands of the power* for international supervision of Mac- ; edoniau finances. busin for i heir. • wej L” he c 1 to tut ersel’, bo you p<i. wltl tone, he n mnse ■ M er atl ' T . t, L Tucson, Ariz., Oct. 27 —A southern Pacific big mountatin engine pulling a freight train blew up thia morning two miles east of Yuma, killing tM engineer and fireman aod seriously injuring a brakeman. The whole an- peretructur- of the engine Itared into tbe air a hundred .«• -t, leaving tbe truck on tbe track. ■ ■ ie Hot Springs, Ark., Oct. 26.—“The Nome, Alaska, Let. 27.—As tbe re Pacific," a cheap lodging house, was sult of a double b in ie knife duel H tn ma blame i destroyed t.y fire early this morning over the Tundra claim near I-art ba- whllt uud several of the inmates were burn vie. Ewdard Killilae aad B Shaugh a grea ed to death. Six bodies were recov nessy. partners, were each stab ted in lut, D ered soon after tbe fire was extiu u dozen places and both are dying. garde guished. There were 35 roomers in Homer Bounds and «oil Lee vers ’ she the bouse at tbe time tbe fire started badly cut but will live. Jbeyjaere (avid s H. Mi Three todies have been identified,but arrested and placed lb tbe Federal on stl< tbe other three will proto Mi jail. i, an' never be as they were burned to a I'm no’ < crisp and tbe betel kept no reigster. trfullj The roomers in the ee-ond sterz I Manila, Uct. 28. —Datto All, beid hut yo I jumped and several were badly In of tbe Moro Insurgents, was surprised isoon i All wbo escaped were clad by troops under Captain Frank K. James Stafford, wbo lives od tbe jured. i\,-11 r ThPy McCoy.Third Cavalry, and killed, to "['1 b: Mohawk, has conceived and will only in their night clo'b*«. put into execution tbe novel idea of we-e housed in the city jail, where gether with his son and ten follower!. ■tj bred, 1 I Uibloll havir.g the deed for tbe family cem- proper raiment whs donaiel Lytle Tbe troops captured 43 Moros with erery on tbe home place cat into a eltizsue A coroner’s inquest is s.t- their arms aud much ammunition. “TO’ re tli an* I er large family mouameDt recently or ting this atterncou. Three enlisted men were killed and I Ie fire « dered from W. W Martin. It ia done two wounded. Heavy fighting be a gu lo ; reserve sacred for all time tbe last tween the constabulary and Moroi resting place of tbe members of tbe Ovel’, Utah. Oct. 26.-Twoyonnt near Lake Llngnaaon, Mindanao, l> Stafford family, no matter to whom sous of W. 1. Fuller, a col tractor, rf reported. the farm may be sold. It is more In Springville, Utah, were e-alded to tbe nature of a dedication, however, death in a commissary car on a con than a deed, though tbe terms used etruction trai i on the Salt Lake route Hagerstown Ind., Oct. 28. —Ten men are those generslly used in a deed. roclay. The engine backed into the early this morning blew open the vafr i it is a novel idea, aud withal a very car, upsetting a big cauldron of soap of the First National Bank, getting pretty one. on the range. 84700. Citizens awakened and tired as the robbers left the acene. Mias Hattie Cbeeseman, telephone Portland, Oct. 26 —The world's operator In tbe office ahove the bank, j record was btuken this morning when heard tbe explosion, saw the armed 1 ten vessels ware chartered at union bandits and gave the alarm. A posse rates to carry a million tusbels of arrived before tbe thieves bad tiw* 1 grain from this aud Puget Sound to reach the Inner safe, where thous W. J. Sharp, field secretary of tbe ands of dollars were stored. V. P S. C. E. for Oregon and Wash port*. DEED RECORDED ON MONUMENT United company, saying that Tomsk, Oct 23.—A mob marched Greeks Sentenced the revenue cutter Ivy took tbs presi through tbe streets today singing rev- Rosebarg, Ur., Oct. 27.-*-Judge dent otf the disabled Magnolia and »Ictinnary songs and demanding a Hamiitou this morning sentenced proceeded dowu the river. Tom Georges and Antone Mize* to communal republic. Troops charged toe rioting crowd, forcing them to feu jeais each, aud Peter Demae to Washington. Oct. 27.—Up tn 10:30 ;hree year* lu the penitenitsry for .disperse, a itb many wounded. Their this morolo, n word was received st the riot at Glenbrook. in which Mcs. attack was followed by a strike of tbe railway employee, who bad remained the White House regarding the acci- Patarseioi was killed. The Greek* at work until this morning. deut to the Magnolia Metcalf wa< weie trick workers. unable tu get communication with th* light house service in tbe New Or 70.00J Pound Hops Site Kieff, Oct. 28.—A mob bas gathered leans district, but no fears are felt Silrertuu, Or., Oct. 27. —Richard I >md threats of vloieuee are made. fur the president's safety. Harding has sold bls entire crop of Troop* Lave placed machine guns at hops, amounting to over 70,000 the railway station to repel tbe ex Wasulngton, Oct. 27. —Tbs light pounds, to T. A. Livesley, of Salem, pected attack. Mr. Harding house board has receive 1 a telegram at 10 cents a pound. Warsaw, Oct. 28. — Martial law bas from Commander Sears, commanding has 40 acres of Lops on bottom lsnd been deciare! In tLI* city. Hirlker* the Magnolia, saying the vessel was along stiver Creek, near its mouth. have blown up the bridge at Kayzoff. struck forealde about 11 o'clock last Spanish Steamer Wreck near here, and the railway track* night by the Esparto. No oue was in jured. Tbe Ivy took tne president's Hamburg, Oct. 27.—Tbe Spanish bave teen torn up for a considerable party. He says tbe Maguolia cau to steamer Andelulra was wrecked this distance. repaired. morning off Heligoland. Tbe crew refused to eater boats and ten were London, Oct. 28.—A St. Petersburg correspondent wires that the militery ington. Is in tbe city aud will address New Orleans, Oct. 27. —President drowned. commander at Kieff baa ordered the tbe youDg people of Eugene tomor Cleveland, Obio, Cct. 26.— Steamers Roosevelt boarded the cruiser West Tait Goes to Panama troops to capture Kbarkoff. where a row. He will speak at 11 a. m. in tbe sent out to search for the steamer Virgluia at 9:10 this morning. After U. B. church, st 3 p. m. before tbe i Kaliyuga and crew of seventeen report the salute of 21 guns the cruiser Im- Norfolk, Oct. 28.—Secretary Taft state of war Is declared to exist. Y. M. C. A. at tbe U.U.,and the even f tbit morning having made a complete uiedla’ely weighed anchor sad sailed. •wiled this morning on tbe craiser Co log at 6 o'clock at a anion meeting of tour of lake Huron, finding no signs lamb.a for Panama. He will pass tbe Y’. P. 8. C. E. at tbe Christian, of them. Tbe steamsr was undoubt St. Petersburg, Oet. 28. — At Cornel tbe president off the Soatb Carolina New Orleans, Oct. 27.- When tbe coast tomorrow. three bombs were thrown and tbe and will speak at tbe First Presbyte edly lost In tbe stcru> with all binds. ship was struck tbe president, wbo chief of police end two Cossacks bad rian cbarcb at 7:30 o'clock. was awakened by the jar, pot on bls ly wounded. Tbe mob at Reva' fired Patrick Must Hang "It glasses and remarked calmly: Sen Francisco Oet. 27. — The Pad 9c tbe theatre and prevented the firemen Albany, N. Î., Oot. 27.—The coart from extinguishing tbs flames. Troops appears that tbe boat bas struck a Coast Steamship Company'a steamer snag ** He offered no criticism aod nf appeals this afternoon denied a new charged tbs rioters with dabbed Umatilla, with a full list of passen said ba hoped he woald not have to trial to Altert T. Patrick, lawyer, un guns, with « number of casualties. ger» and a cargo of freight, bound for I take a bath so early lu tbe morning. der sentence of death for complicity Victoria, collided at 11:30 this morn bat coal! eujoy it If necessary, Sec- In tbs murder of Millionaire Wm. ing off Broadway wbarf with tbe lorn- St. Petersburg, Oct. 2b. -Sign* of George Berger, who bas been sick b«r ladeu *t«amer Aurelia, just arrtv- retarj Loeb sent a meteage to Wash Marsh Rice. llssension in tbe rank* of tbe striker* for a long time, was examlnned by ed from Portland. ington : "In tbe morning after break Tbe Umatilla Chemawa Seconds Defeated and tbelr rapporter* appeared for tbe Dr. Prentice, Dr. Paine and Acting struck tbe Aurelia amidships, doing fast notify Mrs. Roosevelt an<1 Mrs. Portland. 6ct. 28 —Fortlend Ao«d- first time this morning, when textile Deputy District Attorney L. E. Bean Klxey that the president's boat col considerable demage, bursting tbe lided with a steamer. No one hurt." emy’s football team defeated the Che workmen and mechanics were unable before Count) Judge Chrisman this steam pipes. Severel Several plates of tbe After tbe Ivy came alongside tbe mawa sec and team thl» morning by to agree upon tbe cuuras ti pursue. afternocn and prvbouuced Insane. Ha Umatilla's starboard -----* ———J c quarter were The former, who are suffering from 1 was ordered sent to tbe asylum. preel lent did not retire, but preferred the score of 40 to smashed and panic reigned among tbe X FIELD SECRETARY OF Y. P. S. C. E GEORGE BERGER insane Tellarld*, Col., Oct. 28.-in a fit I jealousy Carlo Delasso. a gold miner-1 this morning shot and killed hl* fuor- I months-old baby, mortally wound»« bi* wife, then committed soioide. Washington, Oct. 28.—The Waebtofr ton navy yard wireless station tbk morning intercepted a mesaage fre* the cruiser Wee* Virginia, upon wbwt President Roosevelt is return Inf. somewhere off tbe coast of Florida It was sent by Admiral Brownian W ____________ of _____________ tbe eommsndsr tbe Colorado, asff- log that tbe West Virginia woaid ar- arlva aboot noon otf Sand Key lta* aod directing tbe squadron to procs*« at eighteen knots. is eooeiief*« eoosiJe«« _____ It ia plot«« remarkable that Washington pici«« ap tbe message over a thousand œt),• away. ■W» ta n ■a g • lue Io kial t, ( * fl