Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
I ffalatn. spent Sunday at bl» bam» th* rout of bis barn, is now able to bs log for several months at Tracey, near Eugene. Minn., returned home this atternoon. out S. R. WilHama 1» on • trip to Port E. O. Howe, of McMinnville, came Mi's Ruth Loveridge cam« in frota land and Washington county point» In this afternoon to, 4« In bis wife, who Portland yesterday afteruooo. Tboraday’s Daily Goard is here visiting biesMer.Mrs. Poun on basin»»». Every Catarrh sufferer dreads the return of cold weather, I t at tht : ! $t C. R. Vanduyn returned last night Bob Vaughan, 01 Waltervill«, wa» In L. H. Potter, Edward Bean and H. told breath of the season this plague of Wintei is fanned intr life v der. from Portland and Eastern Oregon. Tlugene today. tip. a-d a c nst C. A. Gilmore and wife, of Hood L. Traver were bunting in tbe Mo its miacrable symptoms. The nostrils are stupp Mrs. I. M. Bmitb, ot Coamo polls, ping of mucus back into the throat keeps up a c> ntinuaF hawk ... Mr. and Mr». T. W. W«t»oo, of Port River,who have been u«re looking for hawk -uonnlaina yesterday «nd suc ting the patient has dull headaches, ringing nr -es in ‘he enr n-d Angeles. Washington, arrived yester is the gu«at of Miss Nellie Hampton. a farm, went to Creswell this after ceeded in killing two floe deer. sick, depressed feeling all the time. Every inner i. I ti day to visit Mr». Frack Zimmer, wbo E. M. Warren Is home from bis W. H. Kay^ieturned today from a body becomes inflamed, and secretes an uruieal.i matter * ch i« .- noon. 1» ■ sister of Mr*. Watson. work at Portland and is taking a rest. Mrs. E L. Weetrope and children, duck Quoting trip down the Colum into the blood and distributed to all parts of the boc.y, suite <.i Judge H. R. Kiucaid returned from Rev. A. M. Sweeney, otCoast Fork, have been vlsi'.iog friends In bia. He killed tbe limit and was comes constitutional. The catarrhal poison brings 09 st -n. i..i> Port lead wltb friends yesterday after is visiting bis neiie, Mrs. Dr. J. P Roseburg, returned home till» atter- loaded down when be alighted from affects the Kidneys and Bladder, attacks the soft 1 nes oi U e t’ r head and if not checked leads to Consumption. A dif-ce s> . noon. Bart!«. tbe train. noon. and dangerous cannot be washed out, neither can it be svu 1 Mr». W. H. Blair returned to Cot Clyde Mabon and wife and G. F. morning for I w H. Kay left thia Sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., are useless, be» use they tage Grove yeiterday. ábe bas been Skipworth went to Junction this af ■pend a tew day« Wednesday's Daily Guard. Portland, and will i membranes and tissues, while the real cause of ti e dit-^e bere on business connected with the ternoon. S. S. S. cures Catarrh because it attacks it threugh *- x hunting ducks on i tLe Columbia Jas. Stewart left today tor Klamath change of proprietorship of tbe Gra Miss Roma Bray, of Oakland, Cal slough. the circulation and drives out all unhealthy acc -uvlnti ns a-:.l cn Falls. ham Hotel in tbat place. Tbs Blairs ifornia, 1« he>e visiting her cousin, matter, and when this is done every part ci the sys’.em receives a sno>. v ,4 Miss l.eta Matthews, who baa been take cbaige on Mundaj. Mi ess Alicia McElroy came up form rich, pure blood. Then the inflamed r,.< n. Mrs. Freu Rose. visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. C. Mat branes and tissues heal, all discharge A. A. Aaby left to visit bis home- Mias Ethel Ham left for Portland thews, returned to Goshen j ester lay Monroe today. , the depressed feeling of the body is relieve •. □ ate«'I near Black Bntte yesterday. He this afternoon to take a course in a Attorney E. B.Simmotis returned to afternoon. every symptom passes away. S. S. S. goes to will be gone a week or ten days. Eugene ioday. business college. • the ven-root of the trouble, and by purify ng __ Mr-i. John Smith, of Cottage Grove, Drs. Owens and Williams, of June Milrcy Robvosky went to Portland diidci v urrFTARI F and enriching the blood and building up the Mrs. D. T. McElroy, who hss teen wbo has been riritiinr her daughter, rUnt.LT VtbtlABLt. entire system, cures Catarrh permanently, u tion, were In the city today The visiting friends st Medford, returned Mrs. Norbert Aja, returned home today to work. former took a Masonic degree last home this afternoon. you have Catarrh do not waste time with local remedies, but begin S. S. S. F. J. Schofield went to Altany to- j< s'erdav. and write for our book and any medical advice without charge. n evei.iug end another this evening,and Miss D. Egler, of Chicago, arrived Sergeant L. A. CiRrk, late of the day on business. Dr. Williams attended tbe County THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA, today to visit her old friends, Misses 26th Coast Artillery, wbo has beeu T. J. Buford, tbe well-known lodge Medies) Association. Emma and Nettle Chase. doing recruiting work, ta «pending a orgauizer, is iu tbe city. Miss Mary Collier, wbo has been Dearborn; CL70 acres in sec 16, tp 2L M. Goldblatt went to Portland this short time in tbe city. W. E. Lakin, sou of JJ. R. Lakin, teaching in Csilfornia. but rceently s r 4 e. »230. morning and will leave there for Pu han epent sl- returned to Portland today. Miss Ferguson, who visiting her parents, Profes-or aud Wm and Mary 8 Brown toJamesS get Sound points on business. must a year vieitiug friends bere, Mrs. C. E. Dimoud returned today Mrs. Collier, left yesterday for Dsk- Mansnr: 27 20 acres in sec 16, tp 21 home at Win* A. J. Raw, traveling auditor of the took her leave for her from a trip to points north. Jand, where -he will take a course in s r 3 w. #606. Great American Importing Tea Co., ona, Wash, this afternoon. ■teuograpby. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pugh, of Tbe Geo J a'd Annie Boblmsn to T M Sadie E and A D Patterson to W M returned to Portland this morniog. Mr. aod Mrs. O. L. Callison, win. Dalles, are visiting Mr. aud Mrs. E. Professor Langemo, who recently Dojle; tbe "U 8 A” quartz claim, Roberts and A C Hausman; 1-3 lnt A. W. Gilbert is wearing the chief, bavs teen visiting J. T. Callison Dodge. attempted suicide by cutting bls Bohemia mining district. #500. in "Idaho” mining claim, Blue River of police star this afternoon while J. ' and wife, bis parents, returned home throst, left yesterday with bis broth - Mrs. John Winkley came up from Geo J aud Annie Boblmau to Hi», district. »175. er, E. M. Largemo, who rceentl» 8. Stilss takes a short layoff bunting to Portland this afternoon. Albany teday to visit her daughter, watba Mining and Milling Co: th» P “ ter C aud Mina A Olson to James Mr. and Mrs. Ed 8mltb, wbo have Miss Bessie. came after tbe unfortunate man from pheasa'its. S and Clara B Miller; 15 acres iu sec "Woodman” aud tbe "Stump Trrs” Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. Tooze.of Wood been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. P. 8hu- Delius, Tsxss. quartz claims, Bohemia district. #5u0, Mrs. M. E. Cowan and son Frank 34, tp 17, s r 3 w. »1350. Mr. Rinehart, wife and daughter, bum. are here ou a short vi*lt, and mate, of Ilmira, returned to their left today for Fiesno, Cal., where CIRCUIT COURT. Andrew aud Audelia McDonald to who have been visiting Sherman Hil are tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. home at Sacramento yesterday. tbey will reside. Evan Davis; 2 acres la tp 17, s r 3 w. John Porter vs Tbe Gunn M iu I dj W. E. Key came ic from LeCoom, ler, left for their home at Cole, Iowa, Snodgrass. Co; tn recover money. Tbomp on Jt Mrs.« W. Wicks left today for Win #275. Mr. aud Mrs. A. F. Harsh arrived j Alberta,Canada, to attend tbe funeral yesterday. They will stop at Caillor- Letita Kendall to Idaho F Camp Hardy, attorneys for plaintiff. lock. Wash., to join ber huaband.wbo from Lowell, Nebraska, yesterday and of bis, mo‘her, which will be beld at ula points on the way. bell; 78x225 feet In Blair donation in W J Van Schuyver A Co vs L K Mi la employed there. H. D. Hales, father of C. H. Hales, will visit some time wltb bis brother, I 2:30 tomorrow afternoon at tbe Pres tp 17, s r 4 w. »300. J E Young, I nard; to recover money. Attorney Ubas. M. Kissinger return byterian church. 1 ft today f-r bis home at Port Hope, P. L. Harsh. C 8 Farrow et al to J Wm Doug'as; attorney for plaintiff, ed tbis afternoon from a short busi- lot 1, blk 7, Hendrick's amended ad H. T. Lincoln, of Boston, stepped Outarlo, Canada. Louisa Mulkey vs L H aud Mary tl ' ness trip to Cottage Grove. of! yesterday afternoon to visit bls Monday ’ s Daily Guard to Eugene. »100. “ Mulkey; to recover money. Juhu .4 Masen Warner and family left to C A and Loiena Cornell to James and Geo A Pipes, attorneys for plain Henry Winkley, of Gates, Linn day for uinjna, Wash., where be will i>iece, Miss Irene Lincoln, a naiver* A. J. Ward is down from Vida. go into tbe general merchandise bust- ally studeut courty, wbo bar been visitiug bis Horn; J6}-a acres in tp 17. , s r 4 w tiff. to Portland today J. M. Eddy went Jotiu Really whs over from Sprlng- ofc business. rMgg# daughter. Mrs. A. L. Peter, in Eu #672. M 8 Wai)ia vs the BwOtb-Kslly lies*. wat started Moo- Wm H Roberts to Audrey 1 Roberts; Lumber Co and tbe Detroit True! today. Work gene. returned borne to‘ay. field George Fisher returned last evening A. W. Wallace Is In the city from day ou tbe big addition to his hotel J. F. Johnson, of Wallowa, and 160 Beres iu sec 10, tp 16, s r 7 w. 51. t'o; to determine ownership of cer from a trip to tbe Blue River mines. Cottage Grove. J A Gilkey, W W Calkins and Ami s tain land. bn lid I ng there. John M William» aud Mra. C. C. Applegate, cf Loa Angeles, Vero Callison and M. B. Huntley, Dr. C. W. Lowe came in from the rbo have been visiting tbelr sister, J Calkins to T 8 Dean; tbe following Thompson & llprdy attorneys for L N. Roney and wife will start for two of ibs exposition guard».returned the vicinity of Gate Creek tomorrow south thia atternoon. Mrs. J. M. Shelley, In Eugene, left mlniDg claims, Blue River district : plaintiff. from Pcrtiand last uigbt. “Jumbo,” “Crystal,” J. M. Wilhelm came down from tbis afternoon for I.os Angeles. "Betty,” Nannie K Belshaw vs Sarah E Thom morning for a week or ten days' out Ross Hu-ton and family have moved “Uld Tom” and “Homer.” Creswell thia afternoon. as et al; asking for appointment of ing bunting deer. . _ i from Flmlra to Engeue for the win G R and Mary B Chrisman to Geo referee to sell property. Jubu .M J. K. Campbell is con Hoed to hie Charles Bartel, wife and children, ter. Tbey reside at 233 Madison H Boyne; 640 acres iu tp 16,s row. Williams, attorney tor plaintiff. borne on account of illness. wbo have been visiting H. F. aud street. »12,800. W 8 Marshall, administrator of ths John Newmao, left for their home at H. C. Mabon made a business trip Dr. C. 1. Candlanl, Italian consul Emmett Butler to H J Dickey; 30x estate of William A Marshall, d» Bpokane yesterday. to Junction this afternoon. at Portlaud, spent lait night in Eu 50 feet in Junction City. »210 ceased, vs Norton R god Laura J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary Harry Hopkins arrived borne from gene. He left this murulug for tbe Margaret and Ambrose Grace tc Ed Gaylord; to recover money. Jesse 1 of the Order of A'asbington, is bere a trip sontb tbis afternoon. What He Saw and Heard of Dr ward A Powell; 9.75 acres iu sec 5, Wells, attorney for plaintiff, Blue River minea'where he bas some 1 from Portland and will visit tbe local Wuluable property. Kola Nel», a veil-known bop mer tp 15, s r 4 w. #200. Darrin’s Wonderfuf Cures by MARRIAGE LICENSES. chant, w<u io tbe city today. ' Dr. G. L¿ Tuft is beie from Port lodge this evening. 8 N Fenne to Edward E Quimby; Wo C Barr aud Mise M r hell' Mrs. Grace Lamp<hlre, daughter of Electricity land, conferring with P. J. Rinehart, I certain land in Skinner’s donation to P. R. Edmiston aud fe. of Thurs Smith; Joo Barr, Jr, witness. Eugene. $1453. tbe local representative, ou autl- Mrs. Linton, left today with her little ton. are registered at . Hoffman. Arthur C Bates and Flora Mjs.., Eugene seems to be lull of "wise C M and Emms A Elspass to Rob euloou and Balance of Power Leugue cbilil for Burns, to look after prop F. R. Ream and family laft last L F F eld. witneai. erly interests tbeie. people, ” judging from tbe steady ert McCulloch, lot 2, blk 10, Scott ’ s business. night for Banta Rosa Cal, tbelr fu T Harvey Horn and Hazel Cook;J 8 N. ri. Withee, of LaCrosse, Wl»., ture born stream of callers at tbe office of tbe ad to Euiteue. #?50. Mrs. L. Bushey returned to Juno- Blanton, witness. wbo owus large tiacts of Hirber land celebrated Dr. Darrin at tbe Smeede Mra E M 8 I rank to I- rauk E Denn ; fl «on tbiefternoon. Mis» Mae Baldwin returned this af MINING LOCATION. In Lane county and other parts of Hotel He is making wonderful cures 19.19 acres in Glenwood Park. »1149.- C. F. Smith transacted business in I ternoou from a short visit at Cot G M Bassett and C/ Coûte locate Oregon, is in E igeue. 60. and letters of gratitude are being I Junction today. tage Grove. I Mrs. E Jacksou and obildren, who dally received, showiug satisfactory A J Crnzau et al to Hattie and O F "Mastodon” claim, Bohemia district. Miss Nell's i’ipes went to Portland Miss Inga Sather, of Beud, wbo has results of Ids skill in treating dis Leitb; 9 93 acres in sec 3, tp 18, s r have been visiting J. H. Moore, near this afternoon for a few day»’ Visit beeu visiting bere several weeks, left eases. Tbe following cards are select 3 w. #475. tbe Masouio cemetery, returned home with friends. for bom* today. ed from the many, and most of them O 1 Circle to W E Brown; lit 1, to Londsu tbis atternoon. Professor W. A. Wann went to Port u. J. ergoust, of Tacoma, one of tbe I are well aud favorably known to tbe blk l, R F Scott’s ad to Eugene. $500. D. Moore and family and Mr. and laud yrst-rday un import ll*t business stockholder« in tLe lugbam Vinegar reporter of this paper and we have J. P. Smith, sged 76years, Smooth» Rufus Mallory, trustee, to C E Col Mrs. Wm. Conrtwrlght, of Dakota, *itb his company. Co., is bere ou business. conversed wltb them at different cord; 14.62 acres in tp 17, s r 3 w. and 22 days, died at tbe borne of 1!» arrived yesterday atternoon and are daughter, Mrs. R. J. Evans, at Co O. O. McClellan, tbe Salem bop stopping temporarily at the Gross. Deputy District Attorney J. M. times. All give high praise to the •731. buyer, returned home yesterday, He Williams returned tbis alternoon doctor. Fred C and Laura E Bean to Jona burg. October 31, 1905, from penile C. 8. Horton, who has been work was accompanied by bls, wife aud Dr. Darrin baa reduced bla profee than C Phelps; lots 5 and 10, blk 13, debility. He came from Texas snoot from a trip to Cottage Grove. ing for the Union Pacific Railway In children, wbo bare been bere visiting aional fees so- as to accommodate Mapleton. $10. three months ago and is survived If Mrs. L. R. Plymouth of Portland, Nebraska sud Wyoming duriug -the friends. many of tbe afflicted who were unable J R Sloan to V. Robvosky ;lot 1, blk bls son, J. R. Smith and hie daughter. wbo bis been visiting Mrs Douglse, summer, Is home visiting bis family. Fratik Page, wbo 1» now buying to meet bis terms in tbe past, and 6, Shelton's ad to Eugene. (125. Mrs. R. J. Evans. lhe funeral ser in Eugene, returned home today. Mr. aud Mrs. George Ware, of In hop», returned to Woodburn this af also for tbe benefit of tbuse who have vices were beld at 10 o'clock thli Colonel F and Angle bmitb to Isaac H. E. Morris today moved Lis stock dian Valley, Idaho, wbo have been ternoou. hesitated to apply to him. and Rbodia Higgins; ¡ot 2, blk 23, morniDg by Rev. Mr. Meyers, wittl visiting bls brotbei*lu-law, J. B. Cal of pianos and musical poods to hia interment at tbe Odd Fellows' cem Fairmount. #200. W. B. Kay and family are home G. A. PIPES' CARD. loway, and wife, left for their horn new locatlen In tbe Cbrisman Mock. C W Wasbburne to Hattie Curtis; etery at Coburg. from tbelr trip to tbe oil home at Mr. Editor:—Dr. Darrin has cured Mrs. G W. Taylor is attending »be today. Monroe and report a good time. W. me ot constipation, heart, stomach lots 1 and 2, blk 20, Wasbburne & bedside ot her father, wbo is very ill The drug firm of Hall & Pc ole, of County School Superintendent W. ll.wis too busy with hie business aud and liver tronhles, and also Dumbness Milliorn’s ad to Juuction City. $150. at his borne at Lacomb, Linn county. Junction, has »old out its business to B. Dillard returned from bolding au Geo T and Sarah A Hall to F social matters to bunt much, but of tbe feet aud bands. I reside at Lo a man from the state of Washington Glenu Giassford, formerly cf the raine, Or., »nd can be referred to. Institute at Florence aud visiting Goode; 20.20 acres in sec 36, tp 19, a reports good success. schools In the west part uf the conyut Talace of Sweets, aeut to Portland A 10.000-feet capacity sawmill la be r 1 w. $225. G. A. PIPES. Ja»“n Ricbarloon, of Smithfield, is today and from there will prutably go ou last uigbt'a stage. ing erected by Hammett Bros, on Mo I , Elayer and Nancy F Bostwick to AN AL3ASY LADY'H CARD. In the city fur a few days on business. East. To the Editor: —For some time I Martin Jetmundson; 180 acre» in sec hawk. Harry M. Holden Í» In the cltv Saturday's Dally Guard. Miss Jean Crawford, a former stu bare beeu troubled wltb rheumatism, 35, tp 17, » r 5 w. »1810. Robert Lyle, of Crow, baa sold > from Portland. Attorney C. A. Hardy Is io Port dent of the Uuiversity, arrived this du'lness of bearing, inflammation ot Caddie D and Paul Berlin to Mar bales of hops to Neil & McClelland, Hou. II. 11. Giifry went to Croswell land. afternoon from Portland tor a visit tbe bladder.biiiousness, etc. Through tin Jedmundson; 443 acres io tps 17 of Alhany. today to visit bis brothers, George M. A. McLaughlin, of Salem, Is In with friends. ! Or. Darrin's electrical aDd medical and 18, 1 r 5 w. $6645. Rev. H. L Board man, former!! sud William, well-kuown farmers in the city. FreJ C and Laura E Beau to School pastor of tbe Eugene Baptist cborob. Willard McCulloch, of Harrisburg, skill I bare recovered and cheerfully tbat vicinity. R. Phels, of Black Butte, cerne In wbo has teen visiting bis aunt, Mrs j jummsnd bim to tbe public. I reside District No 32; north half of lot 4, has been elected president of McMi0»-| all of lot 5 and sontb half of lot 6, rille College, He was formerly rrM*' Mrs. J. A. Johnson, sister of K Me- last night. 8. Long, in Eugene, returned horn* at 5L8 First street, Albany. blk 2, Mapleton. #60. this afternoon. MK8. N. E OLIN. Murphey, who has been visiting here, dent of tbe institution tor »evert! C. D. Edwards Is dowu from Blue I A and J V Nesbitt to Fred F«»- years. returned to ber borne at Kendall, River City. MRS. PET CRABTREE CURED. Kansas, this afteruooo. Tn tbe Eidtor:-I am bappyto state tou; 1011230 feet in sec 22, tp 17, » r 1 Tustdsy's Daily Guard. When the south-bennd passengKl J. J. Hughes went to Portland this w. #121 Miss Rose B Coleman returned to afternoon. A. W. Ream left today for Emory- that Dr Darrin's electrical aud medi train passed tbe Calapouia bridj- N A and E C Foeter to W B Hawley; eight miles south of Albany, Sundsy.l cal treatment has been a success in Jonction Ibis afteruooo. after e »bolt 8. K. Williams went to Portland on vllle. Cal. vl-P wltb friends. curing me of rheumatism sod catarrh. 316.62 acres in •eca 1 and 2, tp 20, a some miscreant fired a load of sbd Will L-yd, of Iowa, Is bere and business tihs afternoon. Refer yjur renders to me at Crabtree. r 5 *. #100. Mrs. George .McCulloch, »later of at tbe tram, shattering a window is W B and M J Hawley to Roy Potter; Katie Condou went to Harrisburg may locate. MRS. PET CRABTREE. Mrs. S, W. Long, went home to star* the coach and narrowly missing • Mrs. Edith Burns returned to Port to visit a f»w days with her aunt. 316.62 seres i* tece 1 and 2, tp 20, e risbuig today. woman passenger. Tbe load stroH NO MOKE PAIN FOR HER. r 5 ». »123. C. E. Hansen and wife left for a land ♦odny. high, a portion of it tearing thr -ug»l To tbe Editor;—For a long time W. Mary J and John Cluckey to M J tbe tit if tbe roof of the coach, wbli» L. Houston strived home today visit with Portlan I friends today. 1 bsve been afflicted with what phys Hawley; certs In land in secs 1 and from The Haller. Mrs. C. W. Smith returned fir m a two windows adjoining were ah*'- icians call a canoerous tumor of my Friday's Daily Guarii, A. M. Richarde, of Meadow, »pent breast which gave me great pain. 1 2, tp 20, s r 5 w. #100. visit to 8a*eoi yesterday atternoon. tered. E»an and Angeiiue Davie» to Rebec K. W. Dovi» went to Oakland th I Sunday in Eugene. Mrs II. K. St rk and children I have been under Dr. Darrin's electri ca A Pope; 2 acre» in tp 17, • r 3 w. afternoon. FOR SALt..—A good stock rau 'hR Jo! :ny Pratlun, of Pleasant Hill. 1 cal treatment and my trouble baa dis turned this »itrtuuv i !r-oi Ellewjrt 320 acres ten tulles southwest cf Esj MOO. H S Hooker, cf Iowa, I» h -r vi», Wash. ■» -.» Io Ei.gei e today. appear» I. I am correspondingly hap- Gertrude Grant *o b rances Madeline gene, known as the Ccnrnd pal” ' itmg friends. Refsr to me at Palmer; certain lands in tp 16, s r offered for sale for »2000 on ressosj F. U Sharkey, the well-auown min py over tbe result. Al'orney Jerome Knox next came Dr. G. W. MiConisll, of Ashland, dowu from Cottig» Grove this after ing man, 1« In tbe city. able payments. Some good timbers Pratum, Marion comity, Oregon. 3 w. #1. the place. Addtt>ao, is in the city. MRS. G. WILLS, noon. J. L. »enter, of Garnett, Kansas, is Eugene C and Prudence Sanderson Mr». L.M. Wooten, Creswell. 0» The affllcted inould call upon Dr. C. C. Coffman was at Saginaw on O. W. Hurd, the t-loreuce merchant a recoct srnval tn Eugene. to tbe Eugene Dlvlnty School; certain GUAT8 FOR SALE-Fi'teer. A Dernn. It th« ease ta hopeless be biielne»» yesterday. aud tan mill owner, arrived on last land in Shaw's said to Eageoe. #1250. twenty bead of wether goats for Miss Be«,-le Dsrliug returned today will eo Inform the patient. If be Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Maton, of Al night's stage. Iea»le G Park et »1 to Nesmith at »2.50 a bead. froa: a trip t > Washington points. Also gold freer esff t»k«s th« esse It is large odds that the bany, are In Eugene. and coif tor »30. Address A. J. Woooj Owen; lot 2, bik 1, Mulligan's ad to A.M. I'emplett n and A. C. Hautmau C. C. Calloway Istt tuiiay tor Mc patlenc will be permarently cured. Eugene. Reaideo«« ten miles suatq Eugene #2600. Attorney J. E. Yeung, of Cottage rauiv up from Bi’oauivlde last night Minnville to enter the college ttierw. west. Kemern her, Dr. Darrlt» will be at i U 8 co Benjamin urove, was lu Eugene today. A Smith; 160 aree» ou a buvinees trip. Webster r»!l«fero has gone to Ho- ■ tbe Smeede Hotel, Eugene, untll No- ' in s«c 26, tp 17, er 7 w. Patent. FOUND—An overcoat about 2i L. M. Ilodgee, of Narr pa, Idaho, I» Henry Giifry returned from Crwe* qnlsta, Wash., «bere he baa empity l^vrmbev 12 ot\». Exsmlnatioo le free ' Geo D «nd Ollie Fisk to H H Fisk; miles from Eugene on Elmira roe* here looking over the county. aell, where he hse been visiting bl» ment. and Charge» »lff a mootb for tt j time one half an acre in sec 2, tp 18, a r The owner can bave same by paylU Professor W H. Den ps'er. who hratbere. tbis altoruoon. ;o w J. P. Barr, a (Indent at the WIL requrled. The poor tree, exeept med- ( :c w #3&i for this notice and proving property- was so severely tojo red t y s tall fr< ui d. #. Partlow, a ho has teen vlett lamette Uoiverulty meiloil ecbopl at leine«. , B 8 and Elin C Kslsny to Belle J. C. Richardson, 130 Fifth »treat. CATARRH Personal 1 cf v/.N- Ea s Around the Courthouse A VISIT TO DR. MR anc jNo a Inde r Remar El By I Under Hartmai “My i complici twenty- the skill sicians. chronic Mandin that mo wuman- I “In Jr case, 1 and Mi i ineneed cured h “A boi about 1 had bee At tim cornine your In for ubo cured i you da John 0 In a 1 Atkins lance w -Iw word I catarri pendei DARRIN’S OFHCE Died BRE I Selo I» ■ a i* ■1 ’ G. 1 [loa i o laud pi The [S hu I lis loat I The Lutile day e< shippi Win Satun where with 1 cargo. The meada the w Lp c« pvbict Ing d I Rev pat i' SIX V Ltlact point Lve'cc Wb Kyle ko. w fcent C. H« I sw M Ml< tei