Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
miners til retir» from active business life I c| I/"* r; Al c. r.CTC A No.«tubar l«t. 1st. ti E. Menu, lb- tUtltilL UL | 3 A oo o Notetubar piano -lesler. succeeds him a« local aau«»»r A, t- ■ ed in yeaietUMy'a G -ar • i‘>* c tic* » II be ear Ved from uj 11 .« ri nob *' ,H!* O. J. Hall, the enterprising drug- block, where Mr. MorrL is mutteg hgt ln,uUed b(g ,,w Cen bis stock of goods. Miss Urpba torj, BMOt)arj. goaa FauutaU, wi-ic Harms, the efficient operator, will ba won the gild medal at tbe Lewie a. <i retained by the new manager. Clark exposition. It is a thirg rf Mr Graw estaoH*beJ tbe Postal of- teBBfy ! and a departure from the or g , floe iu Eugene in ltWT, «nd ba» been dj nury style« al suda fountains. All dinary m »e-r♦lr>'-.-'r«lv ■!» re H* 1« the »jrups end Savors a'e ctorrd In c»mp?lled to retire from bueiaeee lite sterilized ■'«•• Forties eileer I. ___ with ___ ___ _ ou account of poor nea'.tb. He bas caps, iu plain slew ui tbe public, and served bis company wall ani faith which insures pure sanitary soda wa- fully, an’ all regret that tue condlton ter. Tbe superstructure, or back bar, of Lb health makes it nee—eary for is fitted with a plat- g.ass mirror, 5x bim to give up tbe office. His sucres 12 fee', which is elite to be a popular sor is a tiiBt-class business m<tu and feature to ibe ladiee. This ie held iu the offioa r ill be iu good bands. place by four massive oak columns, slckness commenced alout ten days i abcu’ five years agu. She leaves, te- ago and her death wav somewhat Uf • • idea her aged husband, two daugb- expected t aid one eon. Tbe deceased was • r.lia fajli'* was I n-n iu Lt m estimable Christian womau, and lod'ai a I r53, a <1 c«m- to r-< i I »red by all who koew her. She was with u«r p«i» is. M ana ■ re. L 1‘ member of the Presbyterian church topber Taylor, while :he was jet au frem early childhood until several infant, via the Panama route. They years sgo, when sbe culled with the settled at Dayton, Yamhill county. M. E. church at Cohurg. The funeral She was educated at 8t. Helen’s Hall {took place at tbe house toiav, Thare- I 1U PoiiiauU, eUd I» ,SSU w«< IlialllaJ | da, 8«: ween Robert A. Booth and re H. R. Kin aid, editor and publisher | to G. E. Detmerb g. Tiej meved ’ > II. •Xi »ntfcs•••"d an 1 n* Owecve'n ,|nnrns| for- Fn<»ene eleht yea*« eyo. Mr«. D«r. I fnM- tmeiit and tbe mluers 01 Ur««ou, ""*r'T •«"•«J <>» “bd Lane mering »«• au only uaugoler au > i « , .te Buriiand T. Ivgrira Those C 'unty i idge, ba« within tbe past few leaves only her mother, Mr*, laylur, w» are pressing tbe criminal charge r* iu reeled heavily in valuable and her husband as Immediate rel , ray ibst their revelations will bar | Portland real estate. He bought tbe lives. She ass a leiutliul Curistiau Pirn from re, re»ent iuc Lane in the i Sentbern rooming and boarding cbaiacter, beloved by all her acquaint Conct-ninn Dr. Darrin Now Lo upper bouse of tbe a sembly; the house,at tbe southeast corner of Yam anees, aud her memory will long be cated at Hotel Smeede, miners assert that even should be hill and Weat Park streets, with a lot chéris’el by those who kue • her clear himself in tbe Federal court having 50 feet frontage on Yivmblll Sbe was au earnest member of St. Eugene their cause against him 1» so strong with gold c*ps. The soda water is 1 and 100 on West Park. The buiPtng Marys' Ephcpoal church.In this ci y. that be will be defeated. drawn from an oDyx draught staDd oq is three stories high and a frame and a zealous worker for all that was Senator Booth, it is Mid, will be Dr. Darrin, the specialist, bas bis tbe counter, which is fitted with the structure, and bas been used as a p ire lu life. She was also a member opposed by 1 H Bingham, t-presen'- o'tice crowded every day, and th- lie of tbe local Uiuer of Eastern Star. , roomlug bouse for several jeers. Tbe L. A. Becket Co. pateut duplex cool ative from Lane in the last iegisle- The remains will be taken to Fay of te-tlmouixls of hit cure« art-elo ers, from which it is impossible to cunei .era'lou was *25,000. tare, who ottered aud worked for a Phil Metschan, formerly state treas ton, UregoL, for lutermeut ou tbs 6 quent tributes <o bi« ability, — lode draw warm soda. The workboard, or I pendenee Enterprise. bill modifying tbe m rpuratiou 1 <ws urer, oue of the rroyrietors of the a. m train tomorrow. kitchen of tbe ecda fountain, is all I ' by removing the arbitrary tax on Imperial Hotel, and Mr. Kiooeid have Tbe Republicans of Liuu county Sbe was at the time of her death The Line County Me Ileal Assocla made ot copter,and bas two Icecream minlDg properties, and placltg them tiou met iu tbe roemi ot tbe pres cabinet«, drain boarde, sinks, etc. it I also purchased the half hlouk facing president of tbe Ladles of the G. ?. won’t thank Dr. Darriu for rescuing no au income basis, Booth tough that old Demur atir warhorse, Judge ident, Dr. J. W. Harris, last evening is the most beautiful and modem ; Ninth street, between Flanders and K , of this city tbe measure, acd all tbe arguments J. J. Whitney, from tto grave. — Sa and a large amount o’ business was fountain in the state ot Oregon, and ' Everett, tbe cousid-ration being *32,- that those interested in its passage lem Journal. Only from deafness. transacted, l'ne object of tne meeting should receive a liberal patrcnxge 5u0 No building is contemplated for presented to him In its behalf were Otherwise the judge baa been as sound was to get tbe members of tbe profes from tbe people ot Eugene. Mr. Hull 1 tbe [resent to replace tbe small cot- turned into weapons agalu«t it At as a dollar. —Aibauy Democrat. sion outside of the city more tbor I ie to be commended for hie enterprise i tages occupying trie tract, but nex’ that time tbe miners are said to have l year larger structures may be erected. Judge J. J Whitney, of this city, oughly acquainted and to establish iu purchasing such au apparatus. revolved that Booth should no lotig»r Mr. Kincaid recently tol l two jots bas beso takiug treatment from D-. cordial aud harmonious relatiocs be represent Lane In the senate, and It Portland for eom-*thlnir Ilk» *10,000 Darriu for hie bearing and is surpris tween them. Tbe members ot the when their bill past-ad they began to I lie bad held tba^. lor ::.5 jtsia, Tbe esse of Homer Brown vs. Bert ed himself at the quick and complete profession iu Eugene, aud every prac-I prepare for tbe election of tbe man Viucaut, In tbe justice court, to de reetoratiou of hie bearlug. His letter ticibg physieiau iu tbe city, except who championed it. And now Bing- termine the possession of a bird dog, to tbe pnblic «peaks much for tbe suc one, Is a member, eujjy the most cor for ham la having himself fitted was decided yesterday afternoon lu cessful treatment of this specialist. dial relatloue aud they work together Booth's toga favor of Brown, l b is case baa beeo — Herald, August SO. without tbe slightest friction. Mrs. Olive Van Orden, departm-n* In court tor several weeks and has ai There bas always beet) a prejudii as Tbe meeting opened with tbe cue- , presiden’, and Mrs. Jennie Wardlav t-acted ccnslderable attention. The against advertising doctors, but Dr tomary banquet, which was given at Lyon, department secret«!y of ¿the the Seede Hotel, after which tbe In tbs esse of the Mtate against ousts of the suit on each side are Darriu bas overcome this prejudice Ladies of the Graud Army of the Re many times what the dog is worth. and ha« received [atrouage from the members repaired to Dr.Harris’ rooms public, came In from Roseburg this B’yant. cbargtuz statutory rape ou most influential citizens of tbe couu- and many matters of interest to tbe one Ida Conrad, under the age of afternoon and are ins. voting and in ty. When such men as W. W. Parrish, society were discussed at length, in structing the local lodge in Odd Fel sixteen years, this afternoon some of Sodaville, and Judge Wbituey, of cluding tbe arrangement of n uutform Hre or six witnesses were examined Building in Eugene and Spriugdeld lows' Hall this alte'ooon. The na Aibauy,testify to his merits as a heal seems not on tue waue an the winter tee bill. It was decided to hold two tional president was expected, but and the conclusion of the judg« was er, he is surely entitled to ibe consid regular meetings a month at which that the ceteudaut be bound over to month« approach. The Eugene plan was unable to be present. eration of tbe suffering public. —Leb tbe circuit court iu the sum cf ?'5O, ing mill received orders within the poet graduate work will lie diecueted, : anon Criterion. pathological epecimeuts presented, in which he promptly furnished. Tbe past few days tor work for a new s'ore | Tbe Katie D. Berlin farm of 430 cluding patients recently recovered ' defense was conducted by L. Bilyeu, As will be seen by tn article on the building for J. A. Ellis.of Springeid, acres aud tbe L Bostwick farm ot 180 aud it was evident from the bearing first page cf this paper, the emiueul and a large addi'ion for 11. N. Cas from operations, demonstrations iu , aures.adjcining each other In the Lle that an alibi will be set up as a de teel, and a residence to be built at histology aud any ether matters that wellyn neigbborhood, ten miles we«t pbysiciau, Dr. Darriu, is again iu fense. Miss Corn ad is ouly a strip this pare of the Willamette valley, t>e- that place, and also tor the work for may be of interest to the profession, i i of Eugene, have been sold to Martin aud for the benefit of the community. ! ling of a girl and Is said to be en ing located at the Smeede Hotel, Eu the Dew SchLeider building on Eighth Jetmundson, recently from Spring Frank Reisner, city treasurer, and ceinte. street. With what order» they have i Beside« a good attendance of the | Grove, Minn., for (8445. The deal was gene, to ««main uulli November 12. in sight, they will bare work to Keep i local [bysicuos there were In attend also treasmer of tbe s bool distrlot, made through the Eugene Real Estate Duiiog tbe doctor’s stay in Salem last ance from out of town: Dr. C. T. received *1811.90 from Sheriff Fisk, summer he made many marvelous Hhern busy for a long time. ■ and Investment Co. (Bvarverud A Hoekett, of Cottage Grove; Ur. L. D leaving ibe city's share cf the delin cures, and tbe sick and afflicted of Calkins.) -carbroogh. af Creswell; Dr. R. A. quent lax collected up to this date, this section can congratulate tb»m- \ Janey, ot Spriugtield, aud Drs. J. L. and *1063.29 for tbe school district. Reive-, upon being able to take advai - — Gwen and David E. Ruff,of Junction. tag« ot bis remarkable skill In the E. M. Warren, who bad charge ot The nex’ meeting will be held at Cot treatment of disease. Mrs. Ella OctmRririg died at hvr Mrs. Fanny Crandall died October tage Grove on Saturday.November 11. tbe Lane county exhibit at the Lewis The officers of the eooiety at pres aud Clark expesit'on, snipped tbe home at thy corner of Weet Sixth and 2>, 1905, at the home of her sou, E •k- ii Mrs. Cran Geo. F Craw, who for the past 18 ent are: President J W. Harris; vice furniture and fixtures to the pavilion Washington etieets this morning at C. Crandall, at L'obutg. T1K.N1 Y. F ff 1rs has been manager of tbe Postal ' Präsident, I prasideut, Dr. T. W. Harris; eecre- 1 at tbe state fair at Salem, to ’e used - 8 :'- j 0 o clock. She had been au luva- dall was born iu Watertown, N. Y., at the oonuts exhibit theie next year. ' lid tor about ten years, biiLber last1 June 9, 182', and same to Oregon U'bgraph Co.'s otflie lu this city. t«rj, Hr. F. E Selover. MAY BEAT BOOTH PRIZE WINNER I KINCAIDS' PORTLAND PERCHASE Press Clipint>s MEETING OF MEDICAL SOCIETY BROWN WINS THE DOG CASE OFFICIAL VISIT TO LADIES G. A. R BRYANT IS BOUND OVER MORE BUILDING IN PROSPECT FARMS SOLD TO EASTERNER more money TURNED OVFR DEATH OF MRS GEO. CRAW RETIRES FROM POSTAL Mrs. Fanny Crandall DETMERING A FOOTSTEPS to the Store of Plenty! still selling O|jEXT week we will have a special sale on Rockers. Every Rocker in th? house IM marked down from 25 to 30 per cent., and we’ve an immense stock to select from. One solid floor of Rockers. If you fail to attend this sale you certainly will miss some extraordinary bargains in Rockers, fot we will positively sell. The Reasons Why - *2.00 Rockers for / 2.50 Rockers for 3.00 Rockers for 3.50 Rockers for 4.00 b b b b 4.50 b b b b $1.50 $1.85 $2.25 $2.60 $3.00 $3.35 *5 Rockers for 6 Rockers for / Rockers for 9 Rockers for il 16 b b b 6 b b b b $3.75 $450 $5.25 $685 $8.45 $12.50 All Other Rockers in Proportion! li you haven’t thè money your credit is good We trust all of thè people all of thè time. Monarch Ranges At» the Lewis and Clark Exposition. BECAUSE --- —........_ The Monarch was the only range with the Patent Duplex Draft, which causes the fuel to burn evenly in each end of the tire box. BECAUSE The Monarch was the only range shown with an Emory Polished Top, requiring no blacking. BECAUSE Monarch Ranges have oven ventilation which carry the fumesand gases into the flues instead of into the room. BECAUSE the Monarch ranges have more rivets and malleable braces used in their construction than any other, and have the tightest joints and an air tight ash pan. $1 a Week Buys a Monarch ! J.W. Kays Furniture Company, Furnishers of Comfortable Homes