Eugene Weekly Guard 83, CAMPBELL BROTHERS Publisher* She would worst. hasten tbe bolding bar face and Lead in a *“pbliaoed every Friday, Eugeoe Ore Entered at tbe Eugene, Oregon, poatoffllce a» ««ootid cla«s matter NOVEMBER 3 oo a dog llceoae b*d A York disptacb Naw tbe at midnight instrumentality of tb) eaya Miss excited preacher. year», has undergone a gradual sexual no oomplaint leit alone till tbe next day ioatead ot through Mary Best, living as a woman for 34 Here is tbe Grego- oia’i's account: "Prospective rural bridegrooms fre tranaformatlon till a surgical operH quently apply at tbe lioeuae depart tbe other day brought ber to realize tbe fact that »b»i was indeed marriage license», tinn ment of tbe city auditor'» office foi fact that a man. From childhood was Miss Best m whom As a meat. «omao she was tail, broad- • ■ Idered aud very handsome, • »he county clerk, to secure tbe coveted der-ou -sseuted tbeuiselve» at tbe »icense bair and bine eye«. «1« counter in tbe city ball aud was strong, bad rather large feet aud 1 naked far a liceuae, without hands for a woman, sad walked with mg auy particular kind. a maouiab stride. In spite of these 1 Auditor Pie'ce was on dnty, j«t at the "Tuesday a verdant-looking couple yourg I f oblivious to tbe courthouse, Is the proper peraoa from strong, rotust girl, with an abnormal fondues* for tbe sport* of boys, rlack timidly ipsetfy Deputy aud t-eiug during the rush hours, was ex her ceedingly strenuous. Owing to tbe sus activity of the poundiuanster recent- face, she never bad tbe slightest picion of tbe change to life sbe was Her undergoing, ideals chose girl companions, she painted, that women do. • lib both. Silt to tbe other things Uhe bad tneu friends aud girl frieuds, Beet devoted her- Mias womeu'a several belonged, wnich she was popular aud to ar d to ber charitable clubs to her church work, living a ,fe of usefulneca aod endearing her self more aud *nore to ber friend*. was always aware of the Beet Miss streak of mannishness in ber, but did net think It was auy g.eater then bad manifested in many other wo- | itself Sbe did not think men ah« bad *e«n. seriously matter until a few tbe of years ago, ber beard began to when It uecauie ueceaaa- grow so fast that ry bar to shave every day. for In •pite of this growth abe kept her se and without stop- for deg licenses, ping to cousider the Al Dockateader, recently from tbe East, has purchased I. C. Circle’s ln- hurriedly issued one of this kind aud 1 tersst Jn the Circle & Baker Blab Wood Co. Iu tbe future the firm turned bl* attention to the next ap name will be Baker & Docketeader. plicant. After two year« of efficient service "The couple sought the services ot aa city marshal J. D. Humphreys a minister, and attar tbe divine bad handed in his resignation to tbe coon- joined them iu holy wedlock, was ell Wednesday uigbt, to take effect at banded tbe paper purporting to be once. Tb« council accepted his resig- 1 nation and as baa successor Mayor tbe license. Thia he thrust Into bls Jayne appointed L. F. Revere, wbo1 pocket as a matter of cour«e without ba* accepted tbe office. . perusal, to-ik bls fee and repaired Ed Burgeie, eon of J. A. Burgels, to tbe county clerk s office to record met with a painful aooideut last Tues tbe instrument, when the startling day evening while working a» tbe discovery was made that tbe couple Boctb Kelly mill. While handling lumber a large timber fell, striking had been man led oo a dog license. him on tbe arm at tbe wrist, breaking "Agitated beyond expression, tbe both bones. Luck seems to be against rev«ren<i gentleman promptly apprised tbe lad, for be bad just recovered Deputy Pierce cf tbe sltuatloD, aud from injuries received by a fall last the latter started off post baste to lo soring which resulted in a fracture ot cate tbe couple. About midnight they tbe same arm but above tbe elbow.— Na*s. were unearthed in an obscure down matter Pierce every oo* save those wbo town rooming bouse.” cret from Jived with bar. Tbe beard humiliated j her to some exteut, but never gave I MRS, EMMA CATH- wss uodergoiug sny sexual change • 1 It wee a little over two weeks ago ERINE PARKER Iter tbe slightest »uai-loior: that sbe that Miae Heat was hrought tc a end . den realization of ber conditiqn. Sbe kuew then for tbe first time that sbe woman, but a men. was Dot a She Mrs. Emma Catherine Patkei was L^rn iu Lane county, Oregon, August 14. 1872, and dtparted tbi* lite Octo- ! was prostrated by tbe blow, and con- | ber 21, 1905. She was the daughter suited ber pbysiolau, who bad M>sa of Mr. and Mrs. L. Crnzan, of Dex-! ter. Oregon. In this place sbe pa.sed Beat removed to tbe Freucb Beuevo most of her childhood, growing to ieut Hoanit'il, where an operation wae womanhood at the eldest of four what daughters. She was geutln and wo performed, which confirmed manly In her disposition, possessing tulas Best bad suspected. those qualities which make friends 'everywhere. Fiv« years ago she be A Narrow Brain The Woodburn Independent under stands ho<* to work the game for what It says: there 1» io it. "Governor Chamberlain declared a boll lay for September 30, osteuaibly because It was Portland Day at tbe fair, but principally because It was In ret'iigultlou of th« Jewish New Year. What do the Americans ot Oiegon think ot that?” Tbe Independent Is not what it» signlflea, but Is e rabid Repub name lican sheet, aud ie probably working (or some Individual forjgnvernor that baa taouey. Most of tha Ja*a of Uregou are Am«riceua. uotwlthatanding tbe dirty of attack the Independent, aud aa a role they ar« good cltixeos, too. \4 ban a uewspaper or paraou baa to attack the religion of auy of our peo ple it ie a small piece of bnelueea aud will net bort tbe governor by its shameful, barefaced lie. • bat the apacial jury law. Voder il Judge of th* o’rc.lf McDonald, th re< «rd»» of it « I ec » t < iu him. ha try a rn j>” f o ■ »I oci.U ¿0 .. t aXZr ia/ •Ü’ ' » for < r «li nboKc I ì «ha «urn- #*•••** i riu «u»«s i .>«> umh la u-«J. breathed inhaivr, »ho b.laamlc i tbe jury lists a bo posse»» more thtougb the n C\ from than ordinary Inlelhgence. tbe staud • rd of which is to be their ability to au lerstand sod •tlve to the boJy grasp testimony re'* anatomy of th? human and tbe treatrnsut ot personal injuries. horrible desiti», aith accom- nerve, that of an aged Three .Michigan, woman seems tbe - | Promotes Digestion.CheerfuU ness and Rest Contains neiliter Opium.Morphtne nor Mineral. N ot N arcotic /Oec«- al’OU fr.Wít ZZ HTOOfí Pumpkin Seul' dix Senna * lirxk.Ue irltt- dleuer Seed e frZZ&SM,. Hirm Seed - ClrxrSeel in)V Mitteyrern 'lune dragging the river for a few minutes the body was found and brought to tbe surface aod taken to bl* borne on tbe McFadden farui. Mr. Millen I I leaves a wife and three children. Use For Over Thirty Years Aperfed Hamedy forConstipA Hon, Sour Stonuch, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of S leep . Facsimile Signature of àL&ffZÂZ*. WILL COMPEL ATTENDANCE NEW VOHK Alb monIh J5 Posts-; The school board bold its regular - EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. monthly meeting last uigbt, and among other tbingB took steps to en force tb« provision of tbe compulsory school law. R. MoMurphey wss ap pointed by tbe board to act in confer ence with tbe city officers to see that tbe 100 or more boys of school age that are now running the streets in idleness, or wbo are working, are in The Allen cannery, of Eugene side tbe school room. Mr. McMur- sires to purchase potatoee and pbey will see to it that tbe law is en pay the highest market price forced. Tbe board took off the re dreee Allen Canning Compauy striction of students Leiug obliged to gene, Or maintain a ccrtaio grade to take part in athletic contest* and fixed the date of tbe annual school meeting fur De I cember I. Dr. M. G. E. Bennett Wanted Potatoes HOTEL BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS! Successor to Dr. H. E. Penland. Osteopathic Physical), Acute and Cbr inlc Dlneaaee Heated, Office corner 7th and Willamett« »treets. Phone Red 1831 Mrs Anna Maurer Osteopath physician. All curabili diseases treated. Women and chil- dren a specialty. Offices over F. E. Drnn’s. 'Phone P.ed 1631. My wife.Eopbany Gerebach, baa my bed aud board. Hereafter I will uot be repsoDsit'e for any debt* con tracted by her. CHARLES GERSBACH. dr . SHIPPING HOPS DIRECT TO EAST I I bealh g of Hyamet ueuetrate* ti th« I mo»t «mot» «’«lia of tn« no*» and throat, aud thus kills Iha catarrhal w.ras, brait tbe Irritata»! mucous meartraae, «n-! giva» compì«!« aud permsueut cura. Iljom.l )« tb* slmplaet, moat pleat- «et aud tt>« only guaranteed cura fo’ »'«t»rrb that b*e been discover et. Cnmplrt« outfit, fl; extra bottle», 50 cauta. Fcr «ala at Hull'» Jtug S.cre. . See Hall A Sona before you sell Mies R. M. Randolph wl'i organize your WOOL a »Junior C. E. Boclety next 8uu4*y Country batter wanted. Scohert A at 3 p. m Dodge. Mis Boyd and ssod , Alpheae, wvut to Balawi J«»t Thursday tor several By n Ing a 1900 WH.hiig machine. days' stay. Fn -ugh juit race'val to rusk« a dcx«n Two new bona«« a-e h«iDg built Io hornea happy. C.'t org i n« for John Mattb.w, tn the Chamber»’ ti«rtiw»v«. Macy addition, and one for A. M. Carload Oliver chilled an st«.. bkluuar In tbe llelauey addition plows just received. David Sidwell »111 begin tbe «reotion Chambers' Hardware. cf •«'•■ral none«« on bis lots recently purchased from tha Swaoar «state In Sell your poultry. Scobeit À Dodge the Delaney a 'dltlon Io the near fa pay blgbevt cash price». tor«. I be cooventlon et tbe ('brietian church»-« ot Lane coouty convened at Coburg several -»ays last week, and very profitable and loterettiog eea- alon» were bald. Dinner wee «erred by tbe .adlee at tbe church darirg1 »he three days and a • as eujcyed by all. pie-sac» time CASTOR IA For Infants and Childreu F»s Kind You Have Always Boi'glr EUGENE MARBLE and GRANITE WORK F stablished 1892 Capital ara M c D ougal PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON In addition to genei al practice spec, attention given to diseases of women us childrer. Office over Freston and Halal Phone Black 16111 Notice Wm. Lllwall, a late arrival from Texas, ha» purchased tbe furniture and busmens of tbe Willamette Hotel My place, miles ew. of Eugene, Tbe 37th anniversary of tbe found on West Eigbtb street from Mrs. Ho-1 bereby withdrawn from th« marke is nig, and will take charge of tbe busi ing of the Ancient Order of ¡United until further notice. Workmen by John P. Upcnurcb was ness od November 1. ROLAND DEKICKSON. celebrated in an appropriate manner last evening by tbe local lodge, No. Sheep for Sale 15, in conjunction with tbelr auxil Registered Cotswold backs. J. J iary, tbe Degree of Honor. Tbe local HendersoD, Coburg, Or. lodge baa now about 140 members in good standing, and after their regu lar meeting the “sisters” came in and « splendid program was rendered. Among tbe Lumbers were addressee by Hon. J. M. Shelley and R. Mc- Murpbey, a talking duet by Harold Stiles and Master Grey, and piano solos by Misses Ina Watkins and Edon Harris. After the tbe feast of music and flow of soul, a more eubstantisl feast was partaken of by those present, served a* only these daughters know The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature McFadden ksepa some of | E. C. LAKE, Prop. aonr>, in yhy.lci* I Mr. - AXegetable Preparation for As similating the Food and Regula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of i ' j ma stock during tbe summer mouths, end drive the stock home. He did I not return, and bis ’amily became worried, but tbsy made no inquiry «bout him to tbelr neiabbo»* until yesterday, when McMillen’s horse was found in tbe woods near tbe river with tbe saddle banging under tbe horse’s belly, it was then tbougbt that be rnrvt have drowned, and » search was made to' hie body where • be tracks of tbe horse were found ! c’CBitit cl ' »f the waist, aid after i third Sunday* ot tbe —onth. u t’a la« . f • here CASTQRIA t Attention Farmers i» callad it A. 0. U. W. LODGE CELEBRATES Juoction City, Oct. 27. —George Mc Millen drowned iu tbe Willamette river about odc mile above the rail road bridge. Mr. McMillen was working for »Judge W. 8. MuFaddru oo bis farm east ot town. Last Tues- day he took a horse and was going to ford a fork of the river to an island, M. R. C. ” <« Mdlnbofg, Scoti DR. J. CHRISTIE, Veterinary Surgeon. Secretary »nd treasurer of the Board of Veterts Medical Examiners; Domestic animals of all i rea'.ed on icirnnfic Looted at Bangs' Stable, Euftnc Res. Corner 10th and Olive. I Buy your flour and feed at whole Ed L. Ayres this week shipped 120 sale prices of Scobert <k Dodge. bales of bops to Milwaukee, Wis., di LOST-Iu Eugeoe, October 7,a small, rect, where be will And a market for I shaggy, blue spotted white shepherd them. Mr. Ayers baa been shipping dog. Black stripes and yellow spots direct to tbe Eastern market for the in face. Name "Bouucer. ” Reward past sixteen years, and finds it about came the wife of G. F. Parker, of this for return ot dog or information as as profltable as selling at borne. Ha city, l'be brief year* of ber married to location. C R. Luomis, Lorane, has quite a let of bis this years' bops life were tilled with happiness unti Or. 'Phone 5429, ‘tyrof-two” line. 1 on band yet, and bis last year's crop, the time ot her last Illness. In her which is yet unsold. If all the bop FOR SALE—A good lot of cheat seed ■ girlhood sbe btceme a member of the for sale at 1 cent a pound. Call or 1 Methodist Eplcsopal church. Her lee bow. Altogether it was an occasion growera would follow tbe example of Mr. Ayers and get tbelr hops out of address 104 Thirteenth and Charnel-1 day* were day* of suffering, but were long to be remembered, the local market perhaps the horde of spent in patience and resignation. I toD, or P. O. Box 404, Eugene. speculators and short sellers who bave Sbe leaves a bright little boy of four 1 teen keeping tbe price down would POSITIONS WANTED —Man and wife year», beslder a devoted husband. ' would like to take charge ot small be forced to let go a little and give country hotel kitchen or camp There are alio an aged mother, three tbe hop raiser a show for some of tbe kitchen. Both good cooks and bak sister* aua three brothers. 1 Coburg, October 26 —The Coburg ers. Addres» H. F. K., 576 Willam profits of bop raising.-Harrisburg Her funeral services were held at school opeued October 2, with H. C. ette street, Eugene. Bulletin. Pleasant Hili Monday afternoon, Oc Baughman principal, Misses Amelie PLOWING WANTED-A man with tober 23, at tbe Christian church, Sorenson and Clara Hawkins, fir at I team wanted to plow and sow 75 conducted by Rev. L. E. Rockwell, and second intermediate, aud Mies acres of vetch aud oats for bay. See D. D. Her body rests In tbe cemetery Ells Hadyu tn charge ot tbe primary Mrs Skiowortb at dairy, Meriau'e Park. which ovailooks tbe beautiful valley department. The logham viu°gar factory baa be of tbe Willamette. i John Burns, of Woodturn, aud a gun to receire apples. Highest price FOR SALE—Hardware aod groceries, or will exchange for produce. For Stepheu Mmeed baa just (old 140 former resident of Coburg, »pent ear paid. particalai» bring your butter, egge« bale» of hops to Krebs Bros., of New eral days last week »a the guest ot Buy tbe genuine Oliver extras for Mac Burna and wife. etc., Pickett' York, for ll1« cents a pound. your plow; they fit better, do better »Mrs. Hugo Haliiue is apeudlug eev- work and last longer. We always have WANTED—bituatiou as bouakeeeper Tbe Oliver So. I Bulkey Plow with •tal daya iu Bor land. them. by a middleaged lady with one son, No. 40 bottom ia one that does tbe Rev. E. K. Moon, of tbe E. D. 8 , Chamber»' Hardware. aged 17 year». Address P. O. Box work. We can give yoa references will preach at tbe Cbrlatlan church Don't sow foul seed; get a Clipper 226, Junction City. Oregon. among your neighbors that are eon- ■»ext Bunday, morning and evening, fannlug mill, the kind that cleans. vicclng. aud wl.l hereafter Oil regular appoint Chambers' Hardware. Chamber»' Hardware. ments at that church on the first and Tbe legislsture it Missouri, al Ita laut aesslou, adoptad SPRINGFIELD NEWS NOTES ly there Lae been an unusual demand remained female, her taste* were feminine, she sewed «nd did all Tbe Guard yesterday told of tbe 'n- cr«a»»e I d nusiners of th« Eugei a post efefle for tbeyewr endlug .lune 1,13-'5 a« coo-pared with tb«- previous sear. Following are tbe reoelpts of tbe post- office* ot tbe rriuc'pai cities ot tbe sate aod those of Lioa couuly : 1905. 1« 4. 8353,293 8116,052 Portland.... * 29.341 23,521 Salem ............ 16,871 18.824 Astoria........... 16.748 16,448 Baser City. . 13,89i 16,515 Pendleton.. . 14,551 15,755 Eugene.......... IP,481 11,712 The Dalle».. 11,166 10,630 Alaany........... 10, ¡406 9,170 Oregon City ’0,283 9,038 LaUrande... 8,79? Rcrebarr 8,776 8,381 Ashland.......... 7,90’ 8.623 Grant's Pass. .. 4, v.e 4 a» Ccitaaa Gioì» 2,638 1,190 Junction City.... it things, a slight harshness of voice and tbe Increasing growth of heir on For Imants and Children. T might a, well bave been i Ubiog routed out of bed From Woman to Man 9 oo D rops ] that Portlaud couple who got married coming aud FRIDAY JUNCTION INCREASE Got Married on a Dog License ; Bo long as they knew uo different MSTORIl NEAR BUSINESS pot of boiling water. Subscription piloa, 81.50.per year if paid in Advance; 82.00 at end of year DROWNED POSTOFFICE run ning out ot tbe sands ot life, even at Phone Red 2611. ________________________________ _ J 3. Walton WALTON a. 4NE88. ATTORNEYS AT-l.AW Will practice In all the courts In Stat* Office—Room No. 3. Walton Blk. Eugene, Oregon. tí. O. ^otn A. C. Woodcook WOODCOCK à POTTER. A'l TOKNEYP-AT-LAl ---- / Office- One-half block south of Cbn man Block. Eugene. Oregon. LOUIS E BEAN Office in new Vet tace Block, Ko« 14 and IN. Special attention given land and miniug matters Eugene, Oregon. ANDREW L. CHEZEM, LAWYER-NOTARY PUBLIC. Ten years actual experience in State and Federal Col Collections, Abstracts, Land Titles and Suits, P» bate Matters, Estates, E'c. ADV1CB FREE, Loans at 7 per cent.: Time and Terms to Suit. Farms and l imber Lands Sold. Office and Residence over Frank Dunn's Swrt- City and Country Phones. Eugene. After 25 Year Of Success in caring Stomach, L 'tri Bowel disorders, you ought not to have’ doubt as to the ability of the Bitters care you. Then why delay, and thus i long your »uffenng I rnd make a curt much harder? Hosieiter’s Stowell $100.000 I ' ige Mild J T T I >f- .0» :J I Th« Eugene Loan and Savings Bank of Eugene, Or. is prepared to give you the most satisfactory service in every depart ment of banking. Deposits received subject to check, and interest allowed on certi- ' cates of deposit. Loans made on approved security with liberal terms. Send tor cur free booklet. we do not esk® saying that it 1 cure you. to®- it today. F* Sick HeadJtk* Inrfigestic' I Costiven-«. BWoasn«“ Dyspepv or Malarial 1 *’v*| it ii e x c elM Weak WcmeiH also «trengtiesg using th« 8R each mon:h' t