Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, November 03, 1905, Image 1

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1 in »he back, »hen shot «nd killed h|n?-
selt at ms borne. Neither Haena uo
the woman are badly wouudeu.
Engineer klcCue arrived this morn­
ing from bis r..u but refuses to talk.
Sachs attributes tbe shooting to yea!
Jusy on the part o Neeley.
knew Mrs MoCue before she whs mar­
Neeley left a note sayiug that
ba hoped Sachs would die end tbe
woman get well. He »aid he did it for
Riverton, Ky., Nov. 1. — L'he Lank
bls fi lend, NluC .e
robber» who for week« have terrorized
Ohio Valley ci tie» by blowing up
many sates and stealing thousands if
dollar.», came to grief iu h , i exciting
Uuiab, art tee a tsiil on the bank of IV III-
erd, Carter ceiMity, yesterday. Fou­
nt tbe robbevs me In j il.two of them
unhurt and one mortally wounded.
Tbe rohbere entered Willard yester­
Hongkong, Nor. 1. —It is reported
day aud found ou tue outskirts of tbe that tire American missionaries have
towu a locomotive under steam aud been murdered at Lien Chow, a towu
iu charge of a watchman They bouud of 12,000, in tbe province of Huang
sud geggad the watchman, went into Tung.
town ami blew tbe »ate tn smither­
eens, attracting the citizens, who has­
tily gather, d.
There was a running ; New York, Nov. 1.—Tbe offlre of
tight end tbe baud is. iped to tbe en­ tbe foreign toard of Presbyterian mis­
gine and left at full speed. Blood­ sion» today recelreJ conlirmatiou of
hounds took tbe trail wbere they left tbe killing of missionaries at Lieu-
I be eugine and loomed the robbeia obow.
Picking a
Thoroughbred !
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
We are selling them. The are right, they are hand
tailored, they fit, and they contain no cotton. Strictly all-
ESIDES handling this splendid line of cloth-
i ng at popular prices, we also handle othel’
makes at prices from
$5.00 'and Up.
Men’s work pants at, per pair....................... $1.00
Priestly’s Cravenette rain coats...... - All Prices
Men’s All-Wool Overcoats
Wool Sweaters,
fast colors, at
rretiug iu a Held. A tierce battle en
a,ted, resulting In tbe capture of tbe
Cleveland, Nov. L—The Presbyte­
rian church is tbe only denomination
maintaining a mission at Llencbaw.
Tbe missionaries stationed there are
Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Machle, Rev. and
Mrs. Rees F. Edward«, Misses Eleau-
or Chestnut, E. Patterson.
New shipment of Caps just received.
Hats, all shapes and colors, 5Oc, 75c and $1.00
Little Men’s Overcoats, $2.50 and up.
Boys’ School pants at 25c.
Boys’ Sweaters for $1.75 and up.
Sacrauieuto, Nov. 1.—Cope Neeley,
a leiiroad man, after driukiuz with
-■everal acquantlances at tbe bouse of
Engineer MoCue.lett at 2 o’clock this
morning to take a woman companion
borne. Fred bacbe, aleo a railroad
Washington, Nov. 1.—Truman I?.
mat?, was left alone io tbe bouse with Newberry, of Detroit, whs sworn In
tbe McCue ncman. Neeley returned, as assistant secretary of tbe uavy tc-
sbot^tbe woman In tbe neck aud Saebe day.
Cotton Sweaters,
in colors,
Wait for Our Big
■>ne ol
ancheeter, England, Oct. 30. lt ’
ported that tbe czar bas shipped
tbe royal plate and jewelry to
et.baqen. Tbe valuables were lu­
ff for 13 750,000.
. Petersburg, Oct. 30.—Strikers
the comber of 120,COO are receir-
strike contributions amounting to
bourand roubles daily.
esse. Oct. 30.—There la a persist-
tumor that tbe sailors of tbe
k Bea fleet bare mutinied at Ba-
, killer Admirals Birlleff and
nine, Iban eel rail for Sebasto-
ylug tbe revolutionary flag.
Petersburg, Oct. 30.— Fifty «tu­
end tbe Instructors of tbe school
bnology bare set up a provie-
government. Troops bare sor­
ed tbe building In which the
I Is established.
Odaaaa, Nov. l.--Fljbtlng occurred
on the outskirts of tbe town last
night. The mob, Incited by tbe po-
| Hoe, attacked tbe Jews
A ssml-offl
cial report ’says that 37 were killed
and 81 wounded. Tbe sitostion Is tbe
moet serious since tbe beginning of
tbe strike.
pfljE HAVE sold thousands of yards of Dress Goods during the last two months and
Ui have now on our shelves dozens of odd pieces and short lengths, enough for a
dress or skirt pattern, ranging in prices from 50c to $1.50 a yard. We wish to clean
our shelving of (these odd lines, and Tuesday we are going to pile them all on
a table by themselves, and you can have your choice of a r
This includes Cheviots, Mohairs, Panamas, Mannish and Scotch Mixed Suitings, in
all-wool and silk and wool in Plaids, mixed and plain effects, at, a yard, 46c.
10c Light and Dark Outing Hunnel, a Yard, 7c.
Kimonas at 50c.
All-Wool Sweaters $1.19
A beautiful assortment of about 10 dozen short Ki­
monas, made from oriental velours, in pinks, blues
tans, greys, etc. Oriental designs worth
75c, yo r choice at...................................... JVC
Ladies’ and misses’ all-wo.l Sweaters, in red, blue and
white, sizes 32 to 38 and 24 to 30 for girls. These
sold regular at *2.50 to *4.00. Made
1 1 q
full in every way. Price....................
4^ 1 • I ¿7
50c FaBCZYlK,Km 25c 35c
20 pieces polka dot, Persian snd fancy
striped and the Moire ribbon», in every
desirable shade, 5 inches
f _
wide. 50c values at. yard
$ 15.00
29 c
New effect» in wool Golf Glove», brown»
tan», blues, reds, white »nd black, in
both plain and fancy. Reg-
ular 35c vulues. Sale price
P«-siant Bands
Just the thing for fancy collars. You will
want some of these, fl quality re­
duced to bOc. Colored and black
grain ribboa for collars
We received yesterday 24 more of those Cravenettes. We are glad to be able to nut
these coats on sale at this price, and many who have waited will be glad to know
them. *we got in ten of these coats about four weeks ago; they
lasted just,two days. These wilt not last much longer. Better Cll
be on hand early if you want one. Price.............. -....................... $1 1 .JU
Chicago, Nov. L—Tbe Daily Newa
St. Peterabarg ofirreepondent ••y»
tbe aoldier« are »booting down the
moba who era attempting to free prla
oner« in fail. Many people believe
tbe altuatlon la atill remediable, but
all agree tbstoRoMla never before baa
faced each e peril. Tbe atreegtb dis­
played by tbe revelutloniate la a
«ooree of general Mtonlabmeut.
Warsaw, Nor. 1. —The employee of
tbe Vienna Kallwr.y tried to organize
St. Petersftbrg, Nor. 1.—The neral
at a meeting tbie morning, bat tbe
authorities today deny reports of the
soldiers dispersed them. Tbe crowd
battleships being destroyed in tbe
gathered around tbe station and tbe
Black Sea end the admirals killed.
eoldlete formed a cordon and ordered
them to disperse. They tired tarerai
cago, Oct. -30.— Tb* Deily New»
St Petersburg. (Jet. 31.— The rerol-
rolleys. killing and wounding many.
pondent at St. Peteraborg cable*
ot loo late are determined to free all
here la open talk of s change of
ty. It 1« peralatently romo red
Odea«a. Nor. I.—Conflict« between
Tomorrow, Tuesday only, all
and 10c outing flannel« about thirty different styles
to choose from, in light and dark folors, stripes, checks, figures,'and plain
colors, 10c values, at, a yard
Helsingfors, Nov. 1. Cossacks fired
Warsaw, Oct. 31.—The »trike con­ upon tbe people today, wounding 31.
tinues tare. Tbe revolutionists de
mend political amnesty for all offend­
(Jdeeee, Nov. 1.—Tbe lighting today
ers. The newspapers reappeared to­ oocurred chiefly in tbe cathedral
day, and »oHiers petrol tbe «treats. square aud Derlbus»av gardens, In tbe
The offlctala are at a loss to know heart of the city.
Tbe wounded
whBt attitude to a»«ume.
Two men, were taken to tne municipal hospital.
believed to be working under orders Tbe crowd» participating were com
of tbe revolutionary committee, today po*ed of tbe very roughest element of
broke into tbe Vufcsn Iron factory, tbe city.
People are blaming the
killed tbe cashier, stole t'27,OQU and authorities for disbanding and dis­
escaped. Tbe social democrats have arming trtie police.
Issued a proclamation calling on tbe
people to riee. declaring that Russia
NT. FeteMbuag, Nov. 1.—Officials
is not free.
tay todag- its* peseunism is growing
It is believed tbe
8t. Petersburg, Oct. 31. — Forty id efflelai circles
strengthen tbe
thousand men gathered at Kazaa
If things
cathedral square this mormog while position of reactionarlee.
do not soon quiet down there will be
services were being held insteie.
a turn to tbe old order of things
tbe first time tn the blstcry of tbe
under thinly disguised quasi constitu­
church ot Russia tbe word “sutocrat
It will probably be years
io’’ was omi’.ted from tbe prayer for
before Russia has a free, stable got
the czar.
1. Oct. 30.—A German cruiser,
a complete torpedo boat dlrls
bas sailed for tbe KuaelsD cuost.
reported tbe kaiser bee ordered
t to bold itrelf tn readineee to
tbe czar and family io caae of
Stocaholm, Nov 1.—The new Swed­
■ H
ish —
hoisted , throughout
Sweden today, it Is tbe same a« flown
before the union with Norway. Troops
paraded and «Elpa flrm! «al.ites.
-- -■
All Goods Purchased Tomorrow Will Be Charged on Next Month’s Account.
lions, Sbaffbaueen.
:ain the'
erf ct fit.
This Week Price Surprises win be in Evidence Everywhere at Friendly's
the | eot le «-id troop« tier* nave been
ot cobbtaut occurrence all day, re»- i
uLitcuiMtd HttH.kiag students causing
tbe most trouble it Is estimated
that fully a hundred wire killed. The
students have formed n civil guard
and are trying to hold in check tbe
working men who attacked them
Dead bodies are lying everywhere it:
the streets. l'be mt »loritie» Hre doing
Washington, (Jot. 31. - Spencer Ed­ little to pi eveut cni diets between stu­
dents and workitigoien.
dy, charge d’affaires for thia country
at St. Petersburg, cables tLe official
St.Petersburg, Nov 1. - Strike lead-
announcement of the establishment I ere are iariilng pro 'Inmariona cb IIing
of a constitutional government with upon tbe people to be firm until am­
tbe following cabinet: Minister of tbe nesty and unlveraal suffrage are re­
cured. They piece uot tbe least faith
interior, Obolensky;
minister ot
io tbe government's promise9.
fluence, Romanoff; minister of jus­ , driving sleet atom? legari thia after
tice, Noni; mlulster of education, noon, end I- doii g m re tc keep or­
Kruhovsky; minister of communies- der than all tbe eolcl'eis.
t. Peterbmrg, Oct. 30.—It war
let ir thia city all morning, though
>0.1» ar» entrant that preparations
b» iug u.H a in tne soul hern part
tbe empire for the massa-re of tbe
It has already commenced at
wbere part ot the Jewish
»as plundered and ten Jews
in the a. tack. .However, a
• P Hit or tbe Russian workmen
e e.pouse.i tbe c « u » b of the Jews,
ar« determined to be avenged.
Warsaw mob» forced the banka to
e »nd stopped most of tbe trafde,
rtuming many street cars. The
Isti proriucea are revelling, de-
ylog government property.
1 tba’. P.loci' Paul Dolmnnnckcff will
be elected to tbe throne. It is claim­
ed his right ’a greater than tbe de-
attendant, of Romanoff. J. P. Mor
gait,Jr , George W. Perkins aud other
foreign financiers caugb there are try-
fT’* C* < log to charter a steamer to Lonuon,
\it being impossible to leave by rail.
St. Petersburg Oct 3).—While the
people «»re joyously crlst rs’h.g tie
acbliiemeut of liberty this afieiuuou
a uii.uuueistaudlug caused the troop«
to flra three v< ileya iuto the crowds,
eausii g tliiy casualties. Immediately
a great proc-ton shirted for tbe
Norsky 1 respect, headet by a woman
carrying iu tiu arms be.* baby,killed
by tbe volley. A mob madly Infuri­
ated by the uuslaugbt followed. At
that momeui a crowd of police cau.e
out o* the palnee and tired on a booy
ot etudaota. The latter returned the
tire aud a panic ensued. Many were
wounded In these clashes.
Tbe ardor with which tbe people
greeted the constitution has dampei -
The women demand revenge
for the lose cf their husbands and
Tbe League of Leagues Issued a
hundred thousand coplea of the czar’s
! manifesto with instructions to the
1 people: “Arm yourselves; we are de
’ ceived Russisns ”
I Tbe situation Is grave.
Copyright 1905 by
Hart Schaffner or" Marx
Si li . in
ugb If
□e a
h fra
{Lit’s r
ing a
)r. Ki
I lever
: and 1
ial i
You will find it easy to pick the best dressed men where
ever you go. They’re wearing . . .
Laces and
There will be something
Doing every day this
Week at Friendly’s.
Watch this space.
Fresh news every day.
Other stores »round town can »how you
laces and trimmings, bat no other store
can »how you the value or assortment to
be had here. Ne* tip laces and allovers
10c to $5 a yard
Trimmings of all kinds
5c to $4 a yard.
The Value Store.
Satisfaction or
Your Money Back.
Stylish Waists
Low Priced a
We are in a better position now than
ever to serve yon with some of the best
values in
Silk and in
Sflk ShirLwaisLs
we have ever offered. We save you 15
per cent on every waist, too, becasse we
have marked them in proportion to what
they coat u*. We got a ift per cent dis­
coant be, ause they were not shipped when