Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, October 27, 1905, Image 1

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    r ,O
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'V'S r-
TomtYKFv «rd the next day we will offer some big values in our Knit
Goods T^tytmeflU including all our Tam O’Shanters in white, blue,
brown, redirJ black, round and square ones, little ones and big ones,
pvl misses, at extremely low prices.
AH 25c Tam O’Shanters 20c.
All 50c and 75c Tam O’Shanters 45c.
Thrttf pttaes are good for Wednesday and Thursday only, and if the
chiUren are feeding a head covering you should by all means take
<His sale.
Ladies* Knit Shawls
square shawls, made of all-wool yarn, in every desirable
ranging from 25c to $2.50.
Attractive People
Ycruf clothes ought to add to your attractions, not by being noticeable,
but by being correct. If you come to us and ask for Hart, Schaffner &
Marx clothing for men you will get what you want. It will be coirect
in style, all-wool in quality, and all right in price.
Jerry S 'i.T.pion
am O Shanters
* »V>
No 4O
St. Petersburg, Oct. 25. — Workmen
Ihia afieruoou voted a general strike
to tie up all tbe industries of tbe ua-
Prince Hiikoff today submitted a
request for a counsel of tbe erfptre to
meet witb the czar to discuss tbe
St. ret.rebarg. Oct. 25.—Tbe rail­
road tleup prevented the Britleb am-
nasaador from leaving today as in­
ended A trahi bearing 50C tick aliti
vouuded soldiers returning from the
«er le stalled near tbe city, The
«utferers can't be takeu tc. tbe hospi­
tal. A dlipstch from Rigs says attar
ehy exists there. There are frequent
loody affray* nnd many casualtise.
I Three government shop* bave been
! .‘stroyed the railway cashier mur-
’ dered aud 25,000 roubles etvleu.
Ekaterinuzlaf, Oct. 25 —Two bloody
conflicts occurred here today between
troops and strikers and many were
killed on both oecaaions.
Wlcbta, Kai., , Oct. 25.—Jerry Simp-
son was buried this afternoon with
Masonic ittee. Cougie.-emau Victor
Murdock deliverei tbe funeral ora-
One Greek Convicted
Roseburg, Ur,
Oot. 2* —Antone!
Jeuzea was found guilty of riot near i
Greenbrook iu tbe circuit court bere
ye.ter.lay after tbe jury bad been out
only 12 minute*. The case* ef tbe
other Greeks, ou trial for tbe same
offense, were takeu up Immediately
after a motion fur their coutiuuauce
□ad peen denied.
Otuiba, Neb., Uct. -5.— Tbe Harri­
man special passed Kearney, Neb.,
without stopping at 4:21 tt;ta morn­
ing, goiug through tbe city at a mile
a mluute. it it aoe tbe '.MJ miles from
North Platte to Kearuey in !*8 min­
utes; Grand Island to Uolumbut, 62
miles, in (il munîtes. The train past­
ed Fremont at seventy tuties an hour,
with no «top. Tbe pilot train was
forced to sidetrack ou account of a
bot box.
Tbe special arrived tbit moro inn a*
9:25, having made tbe run from San
; Butte. Mont., Oct. 25.—Chief Miob-1
Francisco In
hour* aud 54 nitr­
elle, a rlatbead ludlati, and four ate*, 16 hour* ahead of the legolar
bucks have been arrested, charged schedule
Dirsctcr Krti‘t«c dnitt, or
witb murdering a squaw al Camas tbe Union Pacific, »ays tbe talk or
Prairie. Tbe wuman »as kicked to the president's protesting agaiuat the
death during a drunkeu carousal speed of tbe train is ooueenee.
Chief Michelle is wealtby. owning
says tbe newspapers made a (eater
several baud* of cattle.
schedule than could be run.
Shanghai, Oct. 25.—Chinee* army
maueuvres according to modern plane
»re now io progress. The foreigu of­
ficers are surprised at the efficiency
Prince, Utah, Oct. 25. —Word reach- of the army,aud say iliat the Improve­
si here today that the Indians are in ment la sensatloual.
an ugly mood on tbe Uintah reserva­
Saturday a drunken Ute at
tempted to shoot up tbe new town of
Nyton. He a'med at w. T. Muee
who shot the Indian through
tae heart. A number of young buck*
swooped down upon the town, but
were headed rff by a troop of cavalry
Taco»’*, Oct. 25 —Henry Willlama
from Fort Duchenne.
Muse was was clul>tied to death today with a
guarded by tbe soldiers and tiually | mop si ick hy John Sberland st the in­
handed over to the sheriff at Heber I sane asylum here today. Both were
Soattle, Oct.
25. Tbe
steamer S hu J uhu baa just arrived
from Alaska witb a cargo of 250,000
pounds f treat) halibut, tne large«*
smilar cargo ever brought In a siugle
ship to any port In tbe world.
New Orleans, Oct. 25.-The yellow
fever quarantine has been withdrawn
except tn the southern part of the
state. The Infection in Mlsrlsfsppl
has been officially declared at an eud.
RJENDLY’S BARG MN NEWS For Friday, Saturday, Monday and
Girl*’ Coats
To half and less in many cases. We
have planned to fit the girls out this
u'-usk. Every coat has been reduced
»«-quarter, many one-half the price
they were. You can have a new waist
er ¿at or a dozen new neck ribbons
*Hth what \ ou-save on your coat if you
buy it here this week, and there are
dozens ef the smartest styles of the sea­
son to sslect from.
ff 1 Q
Is the first price: th s coat
■ • X J has a loose box back and
full leg.o’mutton sleeves, others with pleated
belted backs. Reduced to
$2.50, $3.75, $5.00
and U/ to $12.50 tor a $16.00 Coat.
essage of interest from the
ilk and Dress Goods Store.
Si.k aw* «."»•< g**4s buyers will welcome this news Sp endid
noting of rwu
m both plain and fancy weaves, just the sort
f fabric to.
iw* favor in the eyes of Eugene s best dressers
We address the out of town people specially. We realize that
only occasionally you can take advantage of special sales, for the
reason that special sales are usually held in the middle of the week
and you know' nothing of them or are too busy at home to come to
town. Now for the next four days,
Friday, Saturday, Monday and
Tuesday, 27th, 28th, 30th, 31 st,
We are offering some values of special interest to you. It will
repay y to read every word in tnis ad, and if you are in town any
of the above mentioned days, you will save time and money by giv­
ing us a call first. If you can’t come, send us your mail order.
All Mail Orders Will Be Filled at Reduced Kates if
Received Before Tuesday Night.
Glove Interest.
SI a pair for real Kid Gloves, all colors, black and white, fitted
Qft/v .■> 0Mt for «1 25 Dress Goods in mixed and plain
every desirable shade and many neat man-
at the glove counter. 29c per pair for 35c Golf Gloves.
ish mixtuaes. • g rs u t Aeavieg of about twenty different stales. «1.25
alues at •■'. ««' MW*«
Women’s Underwear at 25c.
♦<**• fer all 60c mixed or novelty suitings, an as-
Extra heavy fleece lined vests and pants in ecru and grey, special a
•ffMV |*MM() stiout twenty stvles. many neat patterns,
• 25c
luitable fer chsidwaa'e daSkMe.
36-hretktea Toflfeba Silk at $1 a yard.
Sold rejmlja Al.fc
Moneybak Silk.
White and Black Japanese Silk
25 diSeaat»w*»amd shades you want.
--------------- «BWWMMMMM------------------- -------------------- - —————
3.0Q Wcol Sweaters $1.19.
Sizw ¿2, #4 Jr*
12° red. bl>e and white.
ladies’ Jackets $4.98.
Come in •
Tight fitting
and 34.
Size* 32 to 38, 30 inches long.
There i* also a few tan shade* in size* 32
75c Black Mercerized Petticoats, 50c
65c Table Linen, 64-inches wide,
49c yard.
50c Fancy Ribtx n, a yard. - - 25c
10c plain and fancy Outing Flan­
nels, BSc yard.
Extra Value Fleece Lined Hose 15c a pair.
Fast black, full fashioned ladies’ fleece lined hose, 20c values,
a pair............................
Women’s fine white all wool underwear, form fitting, extra val­
ue. A garment.....................
Women’s Empire Coats at $10.
Prices so many like styles they like better. We
hive pictured one. Look at the way it fits and
hangi. Greys are in favor, many are among these
«10 coats, but the brownsand greys and blue effects
ar* here too. See them and judge for yourself if
they're not the best you've seen tor the price.
Tailored Suits Underpriced Next
This season's smartest styles, long and short
costs, they’re reduced because they're odd sues
and broken line*. If some of them happened to be
your size you'll be lucky, for they're the best Sait
values we've ever offered.
$45.00 Suits $25
$16.50 Suits $12
Men’s and Boys’ Department
Rear Half of Store.
Saturday the new “Fprest Green” suits
arrived. Many are waiting for these, so if
you want a look you’ll have to come early.
They are both single and double breasted
with side or center vents, and coats are cut
31 inches long. These new green effects
are the very latest things in suitings.
$15, $16.50, $10.
Our Boys’ Department
Is beaming full of good things in Clothing,
Blouse waists, Underwear, etc. Our as­
sortments are always largest and in abso­
lutely every instance our prices are lowest.
Boys’ Suits $1.75 to $12.50.
Boys’ Overcoats $2.35 to $12.50.
A large shipment of Bovs’ wool and fur
felt hats is now ready for you.
Price 50c to $2.50.
Little Tudor Play Suits
For children from 1 to 8 years old, saves
hours of work for mothers. Washable,
fast colors. Price 50c.
Sole Agent for Priestly Dtess Goods,
Monevbak Silks,
Kabo CorseCs.