Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910, October 13, 1905, Image 6

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McMurdy Says No One Knew What
President’s Salary Was
High in Thickly Settled
New York and the Same Conditions
Exisited in Texas
f New York, Oct. (J —McCurdy was wLat built up tbe business. McCurdy
on tbe witness stand again today aud said the Raymond company's remu­
Mid the fl nance committee fixed the neration was about tbe same as gen­
The president's eral agents for other companies.
«alary of officers.
MoLl'Udy admitted that rates paid
■alary hadn’t been changed for two
ears, He was on tbe committee, but Raymoud were higher than elsewhere
Tbe Texas rep e-
didn't know tbe president’« salary, excepting Texas.
beutHtives are Chamberlain and Gil­
and didn’t know If anybody did.
Hughes probed into tbe affairs of lette, thv latter being a brother of
Raymond X Co., New York represent­ i be Mutual'» former manage..
atives of the Mutual, of which agent bad previously stated that Retting
Thlebaui, McCurdy's brotber-lu law, business in New York was expensive,
is a partner.
McCurdy explained 1 while Texas was high because sparse­
how be bad saved the company 817,- ly settled. Hughes remarked that it
000 annually through supervision of was peculiar that expenses were high
the company alone. Raymond A Co., ■ in New York, where it is thickly set­
said tbe wtlnees,when be became gen tled, aud tbe same conditions exist in
eval manager of the Mutual, were do­ | Texas, where few people were.
Tbe Mutual counsel produced a list
ing au annual business ot >11,000,000.
He made a long technical explanation of salaried officers. It shows McCur*
ot his failure to make Inquiries as ily received 8150,000 a year, being the
to bow much tbe firm was maalag out highest salaried officer in this coun­
of tbe company, and sail the general try. Tee Mutual auditor showed ad­
ageut was really au independent vertising, ctatiouery aud postage ac­
merchant, aud wheu tbe general ageut count to be 81,1'4,533.76, and legal
made great profits tbe company also account, 8'564,‘251.94 Hla woeful ig­
profited greatly. Tbe system of large norance of tbe accounts caused laugh­
rewards for large achievements was ter.
families were saved by Firemen Tease
and Nugent.
Tease saw the flames
break out from tbe building while be
was atanding off doty on tbe corner.
He turned in au alurm and joined bia
companion. They found tbe doora
New York, Oct. 5.—August Belmont . locked, but aecoring a ladder en-
underwent a sucoeasful operation for ! tered through tbe window. They
! found
Donnelly and family un-
appendicitis today.
couscioua. They were carried out,
and otbera in the beuse «roused, most
Wichita, Kas., Oct. 5.—Jerry Simp-
| of wbom bad to be carried to safety.
sou continues to improve.
San Francisco, Oct. 5—The trans­
Toklo, Oct. 5. — Yarnazu aud K. W.
Dennison arrived today bearing the1 port t'homas, recently overhauled,
tailed today for Guam and Manila,
peace treaty signed at Portsmuotb.
via Honolulu,carrying tbe 13tb infan­
try, enlisted men ot Co. E, signa
Chicago, Oct. 5.- The policy hold­ corps, and many officers aud cabin
ers of the Western Life have decided passeuger».
to abandon the tight ami will refer the
entire case to Judge Kublsaat an ref­
Peoria, Oct. 5.—N. C, Dougherty,
30 years superintendent of tbe city
sebaols, was indiotid today for em­
Kiobmond, Ind., Oct. 5. —Colonel bezzlement of school funds.
Stabbort, of St. Paul, has been ap- amount lost is estimated at 875,000.
pointed major general,
Uniform lie is an educator of note and has a
Sauk, K. of P., to succeed J. R. Car- j wife and three grown children. He
used every device of speculators to
get rid of money, raised and forged
Peoria, Oct. 6,—Tb» daughter of check», issued false bills for supplies.
au ex-president, now a ti ember of I For years be bad been considered
tbe exooutive committee of tbe Na­ wealthy. All hie property venture«
tional Educational Association, is ' were bad, and in the first steel slump
»aid to te au inveterate speculator •ie dtopped 8'25,000.
■nd the full extent of her discrepancy
may reach 8600,000.
San Francisco, Oct. 5.—TLe Daugh­
ters of tbe Confederacy held a mem-
Washington, Oct. 5.—Tbe pres'deut orial service this morning, Resolu-
has issued a proclamation enlarging tions were passed In memory of Miss
the Lake Tahoe forest reserve to near­ i Mildred Lee, Judge J. H. Hagen,
ly a million acres, Including the wa­ General T. J. Churchill,General Fitl-
ter sheds of tbe south, middle and Lee, General Bates, General
north forks of the American river,and W. S. Green aud John S. Ward.
both tbe Tahoe and Truckee basin«,
extending Into Nevada.
Mining in­ < Petrolia, Oct.6 .—All efforts of tugs
terest» will lie greatly furthered by io pull off tbe steamer Si. Paul were
thin furnishing a permanent supply i fruitless, and tbe steamer will be a
of timber. Five more Important wa­ total loss.
She lies witbin 100 yards
ter «beds iti Northern California have of shore.
been placed uuder government pro
tectlon by the establishment of the
Montreal, Oct. fl.—Gaynor and
Shasta reserve, including the tracts of
Shasta, Siskiyou aud Triuity coun­ Green were turned over to United
ties, aggregating over a million acres States officers today and will start tor
Georgia tonight.
for by packers. This will save 473,000
■ □ouslly, and tbe proceeds will be
used for addition«1 Inspectors.
Tbe president, on tb« advice ot tbe
cabinet, »ill nol transfer the canal
from tbe war to the state department.
Russia's Hague conference Invite'ion
was consider»!. It was decided uot
to send clrcnlirs ii a ructing consuls.
•‘Soon after I b»gan to
Wine of Cardui I couid see |fait
I was beginning to get b*t,
my strength.”
oommect Mr,
.»g '
Portland. Oct. 6. — Lebtbnier and
f.awrence, old soldiers, admit pe.jury
at instance of defendants in taking
up Siletz Indian reservation claims
aud transferring them to defendants.
One had never seen claim bi filed on.
Eureka, Cal., Oct. 5 —A message
this morning from Petrolia, <0 miles
down tbe cosst from here, states that
a large: passenger steamer, thought to
be tbe steamer St. Paul, enroute to
pcrtiand from San Francisco, has
I broke down aDd is drifting in store
near Point Cotda. M*ny passengers
Roseburg. Cr., Oct 5—Excavating
are on the decks, but tbe name of tbe
work for lhe new roundhouse is well
steamer is invisible In tbe tbick fog.
under way in tbe Scutbern Pacific
Prompt assistance was urged. A tug­
jards here. Tbe new building will be
boat and life saving crew have left for
entirely of brick and will have room
tbe scene.
<or eigbt engines. The old wooden
Tbe steamer Roanoke passed Point
four-stall roundhouse is to be retain-
Gorda early this murniug, but did
ed. The new building will be oom-
not see anything of tbe damaged
pleted by December.
1 steamer, It is possible tbe wrecked
There are now more than 45C rail­
steamer is tbe Breakwater.
road men working in and out of Rose­
from tbe Ocean House Hotel, seven
burg, and all engines working be­
mllas nortu of Petrolia, says tbe
tween Ashland aud Junction are
steamer is on tbe rocks.
■ared for here.
More than JOO tons
Tbe steamer is on the rocks 100 feet
of coal aud 20 cords of wood a'e load­
from tbe shore. Passengers aboard
ed on engines I d this city every day.
can be landed if necessary.
If you are siok you can take Win* . pren
Cardui and secure health and strength ’<
other medicines and other treatment hs.
failed, that will make no difference, y*
women have taken Wine of Cardui at in
By far the greater number of
Mr.". M.iieV.TiCJi:
4Ô Strait St
Grana RoeuU.M«fb
Cardui cures are women who coaif H augi
secure relief else whet». All druggists sell >1.00 bottles of Wine of Cart. ■ cyl
No. 48 Straight St., G rand R apids , M ici ,
1 am pleased to endorse Wine of Cardui as I found it so bensidg fa
restore my strength after my baby was born. I could not seem to get n*
enough to be up and able to do my work, and as I had been in bed fa w
«reeks this was rather serious, but soon after I began to use Wine of Card«;
could see ’hat I was beginning to get back my strength. In ¿Higher v«t
I was a -le to sit up most of ths day and in a month I was able to be up ut
do most of my work. I think it is
splendid medicine for a woman and VA**- Vk..
urn carUinly give it highe»’. praise.
woman ’, . nomt . ul
Eurkca, Oct. 7.—Fire detdtoyed the
San Fia- ..-o, Oct. 5.—Agents here
steam beer plaut of tbe Humhcld
admit that their steamer,the St Paul,
Brewing Co. here today. Loes, 8150,-
with 100 passengers aboard, is on the
rocks at Point Gorda.
Strt '
Satisfa et s
When You “-’©e
Eurrka, Oct. 7. Ths steamer fit.
Montreal, Oct. 7. -Secret service
Heavy seas
men left this morning with Gaynor Panl cannot last a week.
are washing over tbe vessel, aud it is
and Greene for tbe United States.
going to pieces. Tbe mast ie goue
»nd the wreckage is strewn about h
Chicago. Oct. 7.—Dr. Oliver B. nile out to sea. Tbe hull is still In- I
Harf was formally charged this morr- tact, but is ponndlng away on tbe
ing with the murder of Jrece Klokow. rocks. Tbe cargo is a total loss. Tbe
underwriters l«ft this morning for
' the wreck to make an inspection.
Peoria. Oct. 7. -Tbe Peoria Nation­
Tbe remaining passengers left for tbe
al Bank, of which Dougherty w e
north on the Alliance today. The
president, tailed to open this morning.
orew bad a terrible experience last
night, no provisions having been
made for them by tbe owners, and
San Francisco, Oct. 7.—The case of
they are suffering hardships.
Geo. bauson against the Nevada and
zens are raising funds to send them to
California Jockey Club for damages
San Francisco.
before Judge Hunt tdoay, resulted In
a ruling that the racing corporation
baa no right 'o eject a person from
the grounds for signalling or flashing
the results of the races, aud that per­
son ejected may obtain damages.
Need Not
Take Our
Try h
San Francisco, Oct.
7. — Mike
‘‘Twin” Sullivan says be is prepared
to battle any lightweight or welter­
weight champion, and bas posted 8500
as a guarantee of good faith to meet
Jimmy Gardner .at any time at any
Washington, Oct. 7. —Chief Ensi-
Deer Stevens cables from tbe Panama
canal headquarters that he baa ep
pointed John G. Sullivan aislatint
chief. Sullivan 1« now chief engineer
of tbe Canadian Pacific.
Chicago, Oct. 7. —The policyholders’
committee of the Western Elfe In­
demnity Company today denied the
statement that it had rgreed to sub
mlt their difference to Judge Kohlsaat
as referee.
Portland, Oct 7. — It is reported
that the government dredge. Colam
bla, was suuk In a collision with tbe
llghtbon e tender Manzan ta last
oight in 'he Columbia near Westport.
No details.
Jacksonville,Or., Oct. 5. —The -Jack- .
son county board of equalization,
consisting of Judge Dunn, Assessor
Applegate and Clerk Ortb, is consid­
ering tbe radical change made this
year by the assessor in more than I
trebling tbe assessment cf last year 1
and raiei ig valuations to something
j near the commercial worth of the ’
The assessment for 1904 for the '
county was approximately 84,O j O,COO,
while tbe valuation this year is in
excess of 813,000,000, an increase of
times that of last year. Timber
lauds throughout tbe county have
been raised from about 8*2 to 810 and
812 per acre.
The roadbed of tbe
Sou. hern Pacific, assessed last year
for 85200 per mile, is this year placed
at 820,000 per mile, and tbe lands of
the company have teen raised propor­
tionately with those of private indi
2 -
The Careful Housewife V. i’.l Always Pef-’«'" ?.n ,m*’tatioii,
Especially of an Article so I 'portant . .s B'kirir Powder.
'"<‘.7 -
Laborating Method of Bookkeeping, First
Class, no'Failures.
Gregg Shorthand, Great
y Zc?
Get Our’Rates. Enter at Once.
Eugen® Business College
Eugene, Oregon.
Portlaud, Oct. 7.—The hop market
Is much firmer aud tbe toue better to­
Boston, Oct. 7. —C. W. Barren, o' day. Quotations for gilt edged goods
tbe Boston News Bureau, spplledffor have raised to 13 cents and the lots
a warrant against fhos. Lawson this picked up around for 11 to 12
afternoon,charging him with criminal cents ate either not choice bops or *
libel. The judge put the request over have been contracted for
until tbe 10th.
Courses in Vocal and Instrumental Music.
The latest cable from England
states that tbe crop will be less than
Harmony and Theory.
500.000 cwt., and of a very infsiior PIANO—Arthur L. Frazer, Miss Abbie Whiteside, B. M., Miss Ella McA
Tolelc, O.. Oct. 7 —Ramsey today
With this condition hope
VOICE—Miss Eva R. Stinson, B. M.
asked the court to remove the Wabash
I have taken an upward tendency. Tbe TERMS—>4.50 per month, one lesson a week
Miss McAlister’s rates
election Inspectors. He claims they
New York crop is of poor quality bat
at the same rates.
are not qualified by education or ax Ho bringing 18 cents, which, allowing
Prospective students may make applicati oj. for lessons at the studio oflbua
perience end states be is president
for shipping, me-ui that Oregon’s
teachers named, or of
St. Louis, Oct. 5. —Ramsey thia
despite tbe action of tbe directors In
San Quentin, Oct. 6.—Frank Woods
bops, if of tbe same poor quality as
morning received an order from tbe
removing him, Ramsey alleges some
circuit oourt diiectiug the officers ot was hanged here today for the murder ' stockholders Intend to vote Illegally tbe New York product, should bring _______ __________
Dean of the School ot Milr. y
the Wabash and Missouri Pacific rail-
■nd desires to prevent such action.
ile also
roads to produce the stock books, Francisco three years ago.
showing Gould's holdings.
-aylug auoeber man waa serving time
Florence. Col.. Oct. 7.—This mim­
for tbe crime, but didn't give any
ing before the Are reached the 'ast of
Chicago. Oct. 5.—Not being ready u-imes
the miners In tbe sn tom bed mine res­
to (Qbmll demurrer» to the Indict­
cuers saved them ihrocgh sn emergen­
ment», the attorneys fot the packer«
St. Louie, Oot. 6.—Gould's repre- cy skaft.
New York, Oct. 7.—Tbe New York
thia morning applied for more time •rutatives filed an auawer to Ramsey
■ nd promised to be ready touoirow. | today, claiming the court has no
Life Insurance Company gave out
There will tie several day»' argument, I jurisdiction, and attache the motives,
Teoria, Oct. 7.—A run occurred on tbe statement today that it will con­
and a decision is uot looked tor for a >
tbe Dime Savings Bank bere today. tinue business in Nevada.
Dougherty was interested In tbe In
It is stated that tbe San Francisco
Butte, Oct. 6.—Officers start with etitutlon.
Tbe bank took advantage «gents of tbe company appeared be
Schnieder Block, Weat|Eigtith|St.,'E
Crowe for Omaha tomorrow.
The of tbe 3O»day rule.
fore the Nevada board of revenue and
Tokio, Oct. 5—Okuma, ex-foreign kidnapper says Cudahy’s J.>5,000 w»«
explained matters, and were told to
minister, eaid Japan'» debt will te spent in saloons.
continue businree.
• 1,230,000, and urged efforts to ad­
Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 7.—State
vano» commerce.
Insurance Superintendent Vandiver
A atari a, Oct 6.—The governmeut
today eent a communication to Mc­
lightship. \o
driven anhorv
Call demaralnig that >145,700.50 of
New York, Oct 5.—Three children • u a it'll«* »1 the mouth of tbe tirtr
u pi
campaign fudus contribution be re­
of Charles Donnelly were burned to iMt oight.
9 Ot f
placed in the treasury cf the co mpany
or Lc .<
death tble mornlag in a lire In a row |
or Fl. r*
under penalty of revocatiti- of toeir
vvw *W1-W«.«V
-ZflUUi. WHi'
XV- 1 tv
of tenement house*. The father and
W Mb'ngtou, I Oct. 6. - The cabinet license.
J or^erwe rni-kOLe** to
• r*”.- i t- •
1 1
He also insists upon a new
Roetoff. Oct. 7.—The mail train <7TFn
mothers were fatally burned. Nine ’»elded to laji J hat hereafter tags at-
others were Mrloaoiy Injured. Six Cached to I nep, bted meat mint be paid
ftoiay and 27 killed «ni 35 Injured.
Linn Drug Co.
® l