FFERED FOR YEARS < FEMALE DISEASES. lion Peru a street lueeuug ai vur- uer of Eighth aud Wiilameta streets, which was well atteaded. A central and in«pirlug figure in the convention is tbe Ker. E. E Chivers, | of New fork city. Tbe ibspiratiooal boor, led by him will long be remem­ bered by all who beard him. He bad eucouiagiug things to say abou'. work In Oregoo. ills address laet eveulnH was listen­ ed to by a full bouse He at! I that Tuesday's Daily Guard, Mooia/'a Dally Guard The first cession of the Oregon Bap­ we each owe our debt »0 tbe l ast We succeed because another has buildeit Yesterday was a day long to bw re- tist Minister's coufereuee was formal­ ly opened last night at the first Bap- ! well before us. Tbe euceeae attend­ i>embereA. Wnoddy. He gave a very full there bare been numberless saints who .he remodelled church building, lie ceived Every Year. report of tbe World's Baptist C od - ¡are unknown aud wb> bare never iiiuitortum, kaller-ies ami lectu e grass held in London last July. At been chronicled as such. Tbe true oom were almost packed at both t e ideal Medicine. taie meeting 4O0CJ delegates sere pres bixtory ot the church of our Lo d Je­ morning and eveuliig services, prob- sus Cbiiat baa never been written. «bly Dno people Leiug present ai each,' ent from all over tbe world. ISS LOUISE MATHER, Ker. J. Whitcomb BrougL t , paste r EASTERN CITIES GROWING. Title morning tbe ntaiu topioa die- 13ChurchSt., Burlington, cussed were "L’he Minister's iiead- Vice-President Bureau of “We bare an obligation to the new ot tbe rtrst Baptist cnurcn, of Port­ writes: ug," by A. L. waiswortb, field sec­ ■arrivals who are coming to our shores. laud, tbe “White Tempi-,” preached medicine Is an ideal retary of the FHcitie trapthls. A gen The cities of the East ere growlug two powerful aeriuotis. Hla tbau.e at 's medicine and by far -rul dlscussiou *bloh followed led tb ■uore rapidly than tbe Western cities, 'be morning service was “Why He best I have known to chairman to appoint a committee for '.n two years '2,700,1)00 people • are Was lu’ Ont," and in the eveoiug, lost health and strength. LOU 1 JE the purpose of advisiug concerning come to us. Over 1,000 OdO a year. "What He Got for His Curl laity." suffered for several years, MATHES 'be establishment of a circulating II |)f these ten per cent go West,two per The discourses were li-teued to with k ached, I had bearing brury tn Oregon among tbe pastors. •ent South aud 88 per cent, remain great lutrrest by tbe vast audlevcea. pains, and frequent bead- Members ot all churches in tbe city H.eii is very much needed. .Many pas- In the hast. and many wbo are members of no would often wake from 'ora are unable because of small sal- “l'be missionaries of the American in such pain that I would >ri«s to keep in touch with the latest Baptist Home Missionary Society ebureb were in attendance. Special for hours before my eyes books. '•reach tbe gospel in the United States muxic characterized tbe services, Pro­ kd close again. I dreaded lhe next topic, “By 'Vbat Author o twenty-tbree nationalities aud in fessor 1. ,M. l.len rendering a solo In I . s as well M the ity,” was clearly presented by Ke», klxfeen different iudiau dialects, a the forenoon aud Mias Eva 1. Stinson fy days. las. Clark, editor of the “Pacific „reater vnri->ty ct tongues than was as lu the evening, consulted two physicians, The euin of S150U with which to pay Japtitst." He said: “It cat tern a euipled on the day of i'entecost." bop) [ng to get reHef. Finding off the Indebtneea of ttie building iUeStton asked ot the ag-'a, ‘ By Whose Dr. Chivers sp ire oi the 1 rge min ­ that their medicine did not utborilyf* There Lave teen many er of Indians who Lave accepted tbe was needed before tbe forenoon 1 to cure me, a friend ad­ laimants to this di Uuctiou. The Baptist postiiou, saying there were cervices tegan «nd within a abort it me to try Perun a. tiroue of authority has been claimed 10.J0 in tbe Indian te.rltory. He spoke time ilOtki of the amount was raised. __ | am certainly glad that I sum was ■ >y tbe Komau church.“ lie said tout of tbe First Baptist church of Rainy Nearly the remaining followed her ad vice,for Peruna was lie only medicine for me. be authority could be reduced to Moontaiu, and how they gave 91000 raised at the evening service. Tbe church edifice as it now stands EvJr.v ache and pain disap­ two parts, the Bible at d Christian to the cause of missions. pear'd in fonr months and I Is one of the most commodious and -xperience. “We have these state­ W EI )N EtiDA Y M O KN 1 NG. am in perfect health now. con leniently arrange i of any in tbe ments marie in tbe Biole concerning The morning session was entirely city. Tbe seatiug capacity has been •Ml y earnest ad-ice to suf- Jesus Christ, but they must be terii^ »omen is to try Pe­ .orked out iu experience or tbey are occupied with reports nf the different more tbau doubled Tbe auditorium, 'MIJ5 nina. for I feet sure they will useless, yet each are uecessaty to tbe i le; artments of work. Following th with a sestlog capMltr ot 4h0, is 50x EDITH W aot\be disappointed in it.”— tour-c Mather. other. Christianity could uot survive | report on foreign mission« an adrlren 5<> feet tn dimensions, with a balcony aitbont the Bible, aud Cbnstianity was given by Ksr. C. 1 . Davenport, which sems 3rk> around three slues, r L E. Enjoying Splendid l'he pulpit, which was formerly In ould not remain a power without nf Burmab. Health. Tbe report of the corresponding sec- tbe north side of the auditorium, Jbristiau experience. ” « * L. E. Tyler, Santa £ |rs. Mr. C'ark went on to say that many etary, Leonard W. Kiley, v as very j has been changed to tbe east side aud ilea, Cal., Secretary Santa Monica ' America is the Land of Nervous Completely Regained Her ' are led away by various so-called re­ encouraging to all who were present. I tbe choir box is lu tbe southeast cor­ iical Society, writes: Women. Health. lit lone because their leader« spoke i lie said ttiat in Oregon during tbe 1 ner of tbe rcom. To the north of tbe ••J w as troubled for over three years The majority of women are nervona Miss Edith Reams,726 North Main St., vit*> apparent aulbotity. “oesus J .ear 38 miesiat)Hrs rs- tor’s study and plectv o! rjurn lu tbe taking fu elve bottles of this medicine I ailments should write to Hr. Hartman, atxLt eleven weeks I was entirely well. brsement for b^yo’ dub rooms. Tbe ^K am pleased to say that I have have completely regained my health. President of The Hartman Nanttanum, with in ancient custom I preface my >orted li~4 baptisms. This number, heating plant le also eiluated lu the Columbus, O. Give him a full descrip ­ I taken with tbe oilier a 1 dittou>*, make I “ lam pleased to recommend Peruna e.arks witu a quotation from an eyed splendid health now for nearly basement. A [ear. I have a fine appetite, enjoy to any one suffering from the above ail­ tion of your symptoms, previous treat­ aucieut collection of devotional lit­ a total gain of 2016 tor this year. But ment and age. Tbe interior of he building is band- erature, part Hebrew aud part Greek, there bare been some losses, which sleep and do not suffer from any ments.”—Edith Reams. He will promptly reply with full di- properly known as the Holy Scrip­ bring the net gain down to 1353. The omc'y decorated aud numerous in- No testimonials published without me*' headaches or other pains.”—L. E. . rections for Ueatm. nt, free of charge. Tv|< r. I written consent of the writer. tures. Brethren, ail 1 hope for in total members' ip in Oregho Is now candekOeut • lamps afford plenty ot light at bight. this sermon is that some may find it 1 9838. In tb« BUt-cousf iraeies. Among tho-e Much ot tie success of this under­ New churches have been organized ratber suggestive ” Mr. Clark con ­ I h II ged to hare received money free taking Is 'due to tbe popular pastor, at Hood River, Ma Iras, Ec*'O, Eagle cluded bis reuiarksl by saying: “ A Joues ere Mrs. H. M. Hains, W. D. minister rb> ul I preach what lie knows i Point, University Park, Poitiaud, and Rev O. C. Wright. Since he cam« Clark and E. C. Chamberlain, of Or­ aud he shoul 1 Hr>t should kuow Jesus I St. Johns, biur new churches n«ve here from 'Mbs. L'tah in May, 1904 eg u i. ity. Christ 1 would much ratber have a I beeu dedicated ■’bile five new parsoo- ago, the church has made a wonderful grow h and every department of the man say of me that be did not kuow agee have heeu secured. work la now active and tn a proepe r 1 bad a text when I preactied a sermon ous condition. tbau have turn go away and nut know magnif The sum of $6500 nas been expended 1 bad preached Jesus." ■■ upon Improvements during ti«w pas­ The next topic, “Progrersive Evan­ torate. gelism," wt s made interesting by tbe New York, Oct 10 — Rotert Oli­ youug paster from Oregon City, Rev. timid, Oct. 5 —T.ongeneeker te«- CHURCH OFFICERS. phant w-s the Instir ¿a a itneta to- Henry B. Kobins. He eaid: “1 can M. G idbiatt. toausger and propri­ to taking tip land in the Siletz Tbe officers of hte chuicb at present T .e Woodturn iudepenoeut, a Ke- lay. lie said be had authority to only bold up to you an I leal. What etor ot tbe Magnet Clothing Co., ar­ are as follows: Deacons, B. F. Dor­ atloo under sgreemnt with di­ p ibiioen paper edited ty Herbert L. draw money ou his own vouch' r» foi is progressive "vsb^elisT? Is it r s- rived borne thia moru'ng fr< m a trip nts in tbe land fraud trials to Gil), evidently has it in far Senat r ris, A. J. Harlow, 8. C. Marsh, Rev. legal eip-Lse». He said !e d.du'l rles q! meetings in wlilch every Body , to Puget Sound points. He says that When Galloway left tne laud of- R. A .Booth, of this county. Here is H. A. Green, T. N. Plank, C. W. Con­ kt ow why the money was utipnid to gets excited fo: a few week«! No. l while gone be wss able to secure the In Oregon City final proofs tor its fllug at tbe senator: verse, Professor E. E. DeCoa; trus­ tbe g< neral solicitor. It is an evangelism that will last all magnificent Peter»on shoe stock at tees, C. S. Frank, M. H. Harlow, M. were made before deteudant Ira ‘The Oregon legislature, whet. whs Ol h,nt said eight pay men's of tbe year around. But our topic has BellingbatE, Wash. Keep your eye an D. Mitchell; clerk, B. IN Dorrla; at Toledo. He said be only an- rather p erlons, exonerated Senator $25 000 each bad been made to him to another meaning It Is an evangel ! the Guard. 1 two questions in making final M:ret ell. The Albany M. E. confer­ treasurer, Professor W. P. Boynton; chairman for legal experses, and sain ism which is accumulative. It is not the balance of answers being ence ma .e no such mi>'alre in words. til t ie school superintendent, Frank that he tied turned tb»m over to the ii lad In by Wade,many it which were It referred to S.nHlo Booth h - a ‘dis­ progressive evang-liem ui less it Needham; asals'atit superintendent, olticers and didn't consider it hie i makes each convert au evangelist to til guishei and beloved broth r, in Mrs. Mary B. Young. duty to know tbe .pacific usee He ' win EUOlber. It makes biot question w* om the ujtmier- of the conference said he soppo-ed some was coutrlhut- : nis own conversion anlesa be can go bad every confident e. ’ 1 hat did no Poli land, Oct. 7.—lu tbe Jones land exactly sat that the senator was en­ ' «d to the Kepubilcan fund, because j after bis fellow men. It is an evangel­ Koeeha'g Review . Alter a long and fraud trial today it developed that tirely inuncent of tbe federal charge be bad Dot hear. ot contributions ism that works from Christian to R. B.lMontsgue. deputy couuty clerk against him, nor did the re-eleotiou coming from any .ther fund. When :ChristiHU, aud from Cbrietian to un­ thorough examination by Dr. W. T. j Williamson, uf Portland, and otner of Lii , county, oo learning Jone»1 of tbe senator as pr aident of tbe lay­ asked: “if a vi< e president ot tbe saved ail tbe year around." medioil men, Wm. F. Beekman, who i «oban to secure land through old men's cooferetce signify bis guilt- comrany a»ks for money do you give A R. Black, tbe irrigation man, ELECTION OF OFFICERS. baa been bald iu jail b»re for tbe outtfited a party of men who left Eu­ •oldilsre. gave tbe defendants the leasnes'. Dr. Driver unintentionally i it to him without knowing anything Tbe aDnual election of officers wati murder of bis stepson, baa been de­ ^donbi cross by ottering the veterans added humor to the occasion by sug­ a' i.t what it is fathe replied : “I arid with tbe foilowlug result: Pres- clared tnaane and will be commuted gene Saturday for Waldo Lake, In the MO bore for their bnmesteada than gesting tbe Finsing of “Tbe Morning have to. ” Cascade Mountains. These men wiik K. A. Grannis, vice president of the ' ideor. Rev F. W. Carsten«, Medford: to 7be asylum at o ice. •they mad contracted for with Jones Light is Breaking.” work on tbe Waldo L«ae ie«ervulr, first vice president. Rev. Harry 8e- Mutual, testified in regard t- polit ­ Niamargeed to sell tbe patents issued. which will be used in coDnection cor, Faker City; second vl?e pre» ical contributions. I be com.-'!*«co Tit* la 1 is now In tbe name of raber with the irrigation project of Mr. wm surprised to hear that Geo. W. iderit. Rev. A. L. Black, I’urtland, «nd Reis, tbe Albany brewers, who .Black in this valley. secretary «nd treasurer. Rev. J. B. ferklris bad sailed tor Europe. 'aifnfcbed the money for tbe scheme, Grannus said be never heard of any o iglit, Hcod River. xmls Paqoet and Geo. J. West were STATE CONVENTION. campaign contribution«. He was un- •be Oi l soldiers wbi testified to bav- Henry WaeenmiD baa moved hie , acquainted with Hamilton, and could This aft' >oor he session of the Bken tbe land at tbe instance of small soap works plant to 'be Mount kfend-.^t« Al Harker came to Eugene fire or not recall whether be bad conferred ministers* cuutereuue was concluded, liulldiug at 59 Easi Ninth s reet, a Greanlea Oct. IL —We are having with a New York Life representative aud tbe work of tbe Oregon Baptie six days ago from Acme,where be bad some lovely days of ssnablna after good lecaian for tbe business. regarding legislation anywhere in ■tate convention b gan. The aermone tbe rain. (land, Oct. 9.—Senator Fulton | been employed for some time past by this county,and said Tbummel locked will be delivered by F. W. Carstens, tbe Pluslaw Lumber Comrany. Acme lied as a witness ou the J ones j Marion Wheeler male a trip to the after legislation, but could not recall of Me iford,and toil evening the main and Florence are now “dry” towns lake last Monday. I trial this morning. He i having given him instructions. address is to be given by Rev. E. E. and In consequence Htrker bad ac­ tbe letters be bad written Gillette another vice president, was Chivers, D. D. of New York. Ail ar Chipear Wolcott and Clarence Bar­ Crow, Oct. 7.—Gates Bros, are ruin­ nett went to tbe lake laat Monday ! tbe alleged fraudulent claims cumulated nearly >400, receiving good I called. When shown vouchers for welcome. ing farm work on tbe Ford place. qn-ittou be passed, and recom- wages as a log scaler. When be bit •25,060, each btaring bls signature, be witb a load of chlttlm. ^^Bng tbe defendant. Tbe letters Eugene ba and bis money began to said it was for legal expenses Hughes C. H. Hadley «nd wife arrived Wedneeday's Daily Guard. Work was buisbau ou tbe Greenleaf AUslied that the proceedings be de- separate. He bought champagne for S-ked what legal exja-nees were. Gil­ him» from Portland tbe first day of bridge Saturday. the boys and litarslly threw tbe Tbe following officer« were elected •yad until Fulton bed time to Intrc- tbe week lette said tbe general solicltcr told Tlere 1« to ba a public sale of fii" bill in cong*ess for some mod- money »boat the saloons. He was biot tbe money was to be used for le­ at tbe Baptist convention : Miss Winifred Hadley has gone to homebold goods at Pate Wolcott's President, W. A. Wann, Eugene; pns to tbe land laws that were put In jail two or three times to get gal expenses. Hughes persisted, and Eugene ts re».rme ber studies at the next Thursday. The things I slung to ble to tbe uld soldier applf- him sobered up and was begged by ; Gillette said be was net told any epe- vice president, E. M. Bliss, Portland; adversity. tbe police to deposit bis money in a Fred Wordeu and family, who • t correapondiug secretary. L M. Kiley, Mrs. Jeff Hayes, of Heppner, la ex­ to go back to Washington t> itra bank before it was all gone, but no; 1 eific purpose. Gillette’s attention Portland; recordIrg secretary, J. B. be was out for a good time aud was ' »as called to tbe fact that tbe legal Travis, Grant's Pass, '«surer J. £. pected sh irdy on a brief visit to her Mrs. Warden is a daughter ot r» going to bare it. Saturday night the expenses of tbe Mutual last year co-t Falling, Portland; aoirtors, W. L. sister, Mrs. Geo. Hadley, «bo has Woloott. bland, Oct. 10.—Tbe testimony I $300.500; New York Life, «172,000; ie land fraud case tbis morning last of bis money was spent and be Morgan acd W. D. Haines, of Port­ been Hi for more than two years. L G. Woolridge la working it A. i Equitable $24.1100. When asked to willingly accompanied the officers to b l tbe defendants were tbe vie- land. Board of managers fur three Walt Canady has gone to Portland M. Almssl’r. explain why sj much larger be indi- lot blackmailing plots in tbe jail. He appeared before Police Judge years : J. W. Brongher. First Baptist with a carload of beef cattle. Frank Parker, with tbe «aelataLca of a numter of people who die- Dorris tbis morning a 1 was fined oaied he thought it was a matter fur church, Portland; H. W. Btone, sec­ A bear baa been making free witb of two ether men, brought iu a taneb I 1 rhe general solicitor to answer. bl 1L« fraudulent character of $11 Not having the nec-xeery ‘‘Ma- retary Y. M C. A., Portland; H. A. t'e apples io Nod Owen's orchard, ot about 1ft) bead of g»>«t« from tbe klou» and extorted morey in zuma, ” be will board six lays with Douglas. Albany; A. J HuDssker, In­ and a poasw was called together to vicinity of Jon-tlon last week. This CAS'T’On.TA. Bts ranging from »ro to $500 tbe city. Ila wooden «by all bls Ha <* •' •- Mwp M. dependence; H. B. Robins. Oregon O.ptura it tne othxr day, but teycud makes about 300 bead of goat» that »1 n)d soldiers wers ander cor.- friends osva deserted him in bis boor City. /z / ¿¿Jt the siaa<;bter of four coons tbe bunt Frank baa oow, and be has a few^more with tbs defendsr t * and io’n- ’ Last nigh- jjeml era of the conven I was uoauccesitol. to bring iu. robust Women Who Owe Their Restored Health and Usefulness to Pe-ru-na. BAPTISTS DEDICATION IN ANNUAL ¡ OF BAPTIST SESSION CHURCH the Letters of Grateful Women ured by Dr. S. B. Hartman s rree Advice. HOW BUS SOME I INESS WAS NEW DEVEL OPMENTS HAS IT IN FOR SENATOR BOOTH HANDLED secured ­ icent SHOE STOCK I MURDERER DE­ CLARED INSANE HARKER WAS A HIGH ROLLER WORK ON IRRIGA­ TION RESERVOIR MOVED SOAP WORKS PLANT Greenleaf Items Palestine Pointers