BACK There are three working tunnels and one deep adift. The veins are from Society Events. 8 to 40 f. et wl le and coutaiu ore yielding train $3 to $150 iu gold t ■ the tou. Tbe general average for tbe Mrs Julius*> entertained a district Is from $6 to 813 per ton. arge number ot tier society friends (Original.] Tbe members of the committee are Wednesday afternoon at ter borne ou nineteen I iell ili-sperately In love, BY INNINGS. all very enthusiastic over the wealth Interesting Game Between the Eaat Eleveutb street. Progressive object of my affection was yiss 0 0 cf tbe district and magnitude ut op­ Blues and Rdglaru This whist was tbe amusement ot the after- Winifred Stirling, aged twenty nine * 1 3 1 erations. Comparatively little ot the 1 uoou. Mis S 8 Spence- ami Mrs Jer I 1 wns ti n young, too sensible of my 1 1 0 o Afternoon. *> mines is kuowu to Eugeue people.and 1 0 4 i ry Horn drew for hist prize aud tbe Inferiority, to make love to her. In- it is a great surprise to everybody consolation fell to Mrs II L Traver. deed, there was little opportunity, for Committee of Citizens upon making a first visit to tbe dis­ A gord sized crowd saw the second Earned r_’_. » 4; Salem, 3. Delicious refreshments were served at she had hosts of admirers among men runs — Eugene, trict to see wbat lias teen done there hit— E_ Emerson. . „wase lhe close of the contest, tbe hostess who were of a suitub.e age for her. ........ Two-base game of tbe preseut serie« at the Three base *_i: tbe last few years hit— -Williams. Williams. Stolen tases— — Briseno, Briseno. beiug assisted by Mias Zida Gold­ W bile 1 had not the courage to Appoin’ed by Com- iu During league grounds this afternoon. Mc­ “ ”i«no Dowuie, it---- ■- " McKune, Emerson, Long- their vi»i‘. to the miues the Farland did tbe twirling stunt for tbe •eed. Sacrifice hits—Briseno, Mo- smith, Mrs C 44’ Lowe aud Mrs F A thrust i..\self forward among so many members of tbe party were accorded locals and Terry McKune was again Kune. Monble piay -McFarland to Edge. The invited guests were: Mes- | suitors. I could not forbear telling my mereiai Club. evary courtesy by the mine owuers Radford. t?>ruck out—By McInnis, dames F K Wetherbee, l\E Snodgrass, | love. or. ra tlier, writing It. for even op’aud eralors. They were treated behind the bat. McInnis aud Wil­ 8; by McFarland, 4. Bases on balls- F A Page, W L Herich, J 4V Kaya, liiul I plenty of opportunity I could kins formed the Lattery for tbe visit­ Off McFarland, 1; off Mclunis, I. royally. not have spoken it. So without hav- ors. Passed ball —Wilkins, lime of game Henry Hoffman, James Huffman,Jobu Ing expresMsi It is predicted that within two Kelly, Jerry Horn, S L Whitson, 8 iidmlratlon or having — Two hours. Umpire — Jaektou. Both teams put up a good games years there will bo 2C0 stamps drop­ Scorer—Robinson. 8 Speueer, I’ B Luckey, David Link, I so luiii’h as sent a handful of flowers Ail Are Very Enthusiast c Over but tbe Blues won bv all around su ­ plug iu the distiict, wuereas there are R M Pratt, Romeo Gilbert, J M I Slit down and wrote a love letter, perior work McFarlaud aud McIn­ the Wonderful Resources in are now only atout cO. Roseburg won from Albauy yester­ Abrams, A J Tolmie, H L Traver, I ending v ith u proposition of marrlngo. nis both pitched splendid ball. Tbe Regarding the road, it is tbe opin­ The mail in which a reply should day by the score of 3 to 2. Frank Gilstrap, 4V C Yoran, F W the Blue River District sctie whs Eugeue 7, Salem 3, up to ion of most, i* not » h **-? member» have come did not bring it. nor the ------------ .... - ,uv uisuitiui Prentice, J 4V Shumate,»lolly Elliott, the 9tb inning. —Riat Properties. i of tbe party that even it it were not The Roseburg Game. A L Peter, K McMurphey, 4V H Alex­ next, nor the next. A week pasaed be­ Finnl score : Eugene, 7; Salem, o. tor the mines, it should be greatly ander, G D Liuu, Claire |44’illougbby, 1 fore I gave it up. Then It occurred to ; improved tor tbe beueflt ot tbe far­ R H Dearborn, Geo H Smith, Geo W me tl...t tile lady did not consider nie Yesterday’? Score I’uiiy Guard June 25 mers who live along the line. From Smith, Martin I Klamath Faile), J S of sutiicient importance to warrant a Tbe committee of h ugene citizens the valley clear up into tbe moun­ I Luckey, D A Paine, the Misses Bessie reply. 1 wo weeks after the writing who left here Tueeday far the Blue tains there are settlers’ ranches where Kelly, Kale Kelly, Ada iitiudricks, of my epistle 1 went back to college Following is the «cjre of Thor s for my second year. River mines, havirg been appointed they raise their little bunch ot hay Cora Liuu (Jai kionville). NATIVE DAUGtt- Ten years passed. The indy of my by tbe Commercial C>ub to visit the and oats, flocks of chickens, herds of day ’s game : love had ix-eii replaced by tbe indies district and ascertain if tbe lmport- hogs, etc., which they market at Eu­ EUGENE, ne»‘ residence of Dr and Mrs »V of my loves. I was not married and TERS DISBAND L The anae and wealth of the mines warrant gene. ab h r Po a Cheshire, ou South Willamette hail no expectation ol‘ being married. Lhe necessary outlay of funds to put Briseno, ss - 3 1 0 2 2 I street, was tbe scene rf a very pleas- My attentions to the fair sex hud been McKune. c - 4 1 •> 9 3 tbe road from Eugene to tbe mines in i Courthouse Items Strieb, 2b ant “bouse warming’’ Thursday after- like tlie two ends of a barometer, one - - 5 1 Î 3 1 first-class condition, returned home Radford, lb • 4 1 1 1 I New Society to Include Both J noou and evening by the ladies of the end of which goes down ns tin* other last night. o Downing, 3b - -5 3 1 0 Thimble Club aud their husbands aud goes up. As I grow In age tlie girls 1 Clyues. It The commtiree is unanimous iu the' - 4 3 3 •> 0 Sexes to be Organized. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS I a few invited guests. In the after- fancied were of more tender years. At Sohoüeld, p - 4 Ü 1 0 ■> expression that the wealth ot the Maggie aud Eva .May McMurry to i uoon tbe Thimnle Club held their twent] * 'nc 1 fancied maidens of nine­ mines and the activity of tbe district John Davies; five sixths interest in Oswill, cf - - 5 1 2 1 0 Portland,June2'>.—Following in the regular meeting, and at 6 :30 o'clock teen. - 5 0 o 0 is far above their expeotati ns and lot 4, blk 7, Scott’s ad to Eugene. Nefzger, rf wake of the state orgauiaztion of Na­ the ladies aud their husbands were One morning, hearing the postman’s that by all means the read should at $600 Totals 39 13 12 ¡y 9 2 tive Sous of Oregon, which dissolved eutertaiued at a sumptuous dinner. whistle, 1 went to tlie door, when* lie once be improved. Tbe party which I Charlotte 4V and T M Hunt to after flourishing for a time, the Na­ In tbe evening table games were in­ had been dropping the letters through made the trip was composed of the Mary F White; lot 6, blk 8, Long & SALEM. tive Daughters of Oregon decided to dulged in. The members of tbe club a slit into a box inside, to get my mail. following, not all, however, being on laudess’ as to Cottage Grove. $600. ab r h Po a e I dropped a package mid on stooping tLe Commercial Glut’s committee.! Stell» W and 4V m H Wright to An­ Emer«on. of • 4 Ü 1 0 0 1 drop their orgat Ization. The grand aud invited guests were as follows: Mr aud Mrs J M Abrams, Mr ami to pick it up saw the white corner of a Loiigheed. 3b • -2 0 0 2 o 1 cabin of the Native Daughters met in Eli Bangs, F E Dunn, M Svarverna, ; nie C Parker; 160 acres in tp 15, s r Wi.kins, c ■ 3 1 2 G Î 0 sixth aunual eesslon here recently and Mrs * T Cockeiliue, Dr aud Mrs W L letter between tlie bottom ot tlie box W M Green, F L Chambers, Geo G 9 w el. I Neb Hug. lb - 4 0 0 11 3 0 decided to drop tbe present organiza­ Cheshire, Mr and Mrs Julius Gjld I and tlie uoor. 1 pulled it out. and an- Gross, G W Grifflu, Alf Walker, W T; A II Spare to Pacific Timber Co; 2 ¡ 44'ill tarns, sb • 4 1 1 0 4 3 smith, Mr and Mrs Jerry H;rn, Dr oilier followed, l’rying the box away I Downie, 2b - 4 0 1 Carroll, B A Washbnrne, Professor K acre in tp 20, s r 3 w. 1 2 tion and reorganize next September McInnis. If - 3 0 0 3 0 Ô iu a manner that will include native and Mrs L L Whitson, Dr and Mrs from tlie door, a dozen letters dfopptaj 11 dearborn, Geo Fisher, Otto Olston, Fred Fisk, sheriff, to the Cosat Luc«e l,,rf"- - 3 0 0 3 0 0 sons in membership. Airs. Julia A. Claire Willoughby, Mr aud Mrs G D to the floor. 1 picked them ur umi C H Park and W G Gilstrap. | Fork Lumber Co; 30 acres in tp 23, b Califf, p - 3 0 1 0 0 0 Gault, of McMinnville, president, Linn, Mr and Mrs F K Wetberbee, | found them of various date-», mlitilng Arriving at Blue River City, the r 3 w. Sneriff’s deed. I recommended this change iu her Mr and Mrs Frank Page. Mr and Mrs back for a number of years. Ou open­ Totals 30 Í 6 27 It party, after spending the night, visited j U C aud Euzetta Holeman to George David Link, Mr and M tb W C Yorau, ing them I found one that startled me. the immense electric powe' plant of ( U Simon; lots 2 and 3, big 6, Kel KUVS A N D HITS BY INNINGS. morning address to tbe delegates. The new organization will include iu Mr and Mrs J W Kays, Mr aud Mrs 8 It was signed ‘Winifred Stirling.’’ It the Lucky Boy company. The plant, I say e 2d ad to Eugene. 8275. Eugene. 0 1 0 j 0 3 0 8 * o u-p the III!' husbands of native 8 SpeDcer, Mr aud Mrs Arthur Cam­ read: tilts, 0 J 1 o 0 3 0 5 0 J2 , its membership which furnishes power for tbe opera-I J B and Ella McFarland tv W wives of native ber, Mr and Mrs Robt McMurphey, 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 tion of the big <0 stamp mill three or i Milliron; lots 9 and 10, blk 34, June- Hits, 1 0 0 0 6 1 1 1 •2 (j | sous. The president, Mrs. Grault, Mr and Mrs Geo 11 Smi*b, Mr aud pleasant, surprise. I confess that I luivs four miles away, wn an eye-opener i tion City. $775. admired tor >t long while one whom I j Mrs. Welch, the past president, and Mrs Robt M Pratt, Mr and Mrs Mar­ hate been used to consider the soul of SUMMARY. for the cotEinitlee, but this was only ' II I inder to M E Speer; lot youthful enthusiasm u ’ I Earned __ __ _ ____ .. runs — Eugene. 4. Double Mrs Mary Kuykeudall were the re­ tin (Klamath balls). Mrs James Hoff honor and with whose a beginning. Going ou into the die- j >-ig 13. 44asLLutne A Milliton’» ad the worn emotions of older *< play—Williams to Dowuie to Neh- oipients of appropriate jewel pins, man, Mies Bessie Day, Miss Libbie contrasts men. I would accept your proposal but trict the Lucky Boy stamp mil! and , Junction City. $50. rm» Struck out __ —By ------------ Schofield, , 8; Yoian, Mies Louise.Yoran, Miss Cora for one reason—wlien .you are iny age, mines were visited. The company is j Eliza Anu and J C Anderson to i by Califf, 6 Baseson balls—Gif Seho presented by members of the graud twenty-nine. I will be thirty-nine. Will cabin. Linn (Jacksonville),(John Gray. you then love me as you do now? I leave carrying on operations on a gigantic ! Robert E Campbell; certain land . field, 4; off Calitf, 2. Two-base tilts- ln I Downing, Oswill, Clynes, Wilkins. On Friday afternoon little Miss it to you to decide, if j«u are sure you scale. Tbe stamp mill, which, to­ tp 17, s r 3 w. $11. will, come and see me temo-row evening. | Sacrifice bite—McKune, Radford, Nellie Newland entertained a number If not, let us drop the matter here. gether with the power plant and other Vote of the World’s D W and Virgil M Coolidge to W J ClyneB. __ __ -wwavaaww« tsMOVCj OI.U4C1J Schofield. Bases stolen of her friends in a most delightful Improvements, made by the company Furnish, guardian of estates cf Hazel ¡ I CJynes, Clyno« Briseno, Hrise»'', Downing,Strlsb, u.''w.n‘n«.Strieb, Me- 44 us ever test so put upon u matt in manner at her home on the corner of the very nick of time? I saw It all. 1 this year, represents an outlay of Arnold Dupuis, Otis Arnold and Wal­ ! Innie, Wilkins. Left on bases—Eu­ Fair Contes gene, 6; Salem, 3. Time of game — West Fifth and Lawrence streets. 8134,000. Tbe mill, which is one of ter M Arnold; lot 10, blk 2, He it had not called, anil she liiul supposed ¡1:40. Umpire—Jackson. Scorer— Flinch and other games were Indulged I had come to a negative decision. 1 the finest in tbe West, is running son’s ad to Eugene. $60. Robinson. in, after which dainty refreshments tried to picture how she would look night and day, working on ore which Nelson and Trypboea Simmons to The first vote of the World’s Fair free were served. Those present were: ut this advanced age. 1 could form no yields on an average $6 to $8 per ton Ernest E Southard; 80 acres in tp 19, trip contest was counted todoy with the fol­ Rhoda and Lois Green, Formosa and image except the one I remembered, SALEM WON and it is worked at an expense of a r 4 w. $350. lowing results:— Fay Warren, Or ilia and r-asie Zim read again tlie words ‘‘one whom 81.50 per ton It is easily seen *bat Euen and Jincy A Bailey to George M. Billings...... . .54 mer, Evelyn and Helen Bristow,Mary there is big money in the property. F Saunders; certain land in tp 17, a r have been used to consider tlie soul o TODAY’S GAME Pearl Miller ......... . 36 Chambers, Katie 8humate, Minnie The Lucky Boy people state that 3 w. $600. honor.” I bad made a proposal. 1 Hazel Hampton . .. .31 Chambers, Flora PattersoD, Leone they bave ore enough of this kind was not the lady’s fault that 1 bad not Matilda M Sroufe to R o ana , W. James.............. 21 Griffin,Nellie Lombard, Lora Adrian, received my reply. I was unniarritsl blocked out to k»ep the 40-stamp mill Smith; 40 acres in tp 18, s r 5 w. I C. H^mes.............. . 15 Augie Owen, Enola Wells, Nellie, and fancy free. There was nothing for I Somers Had an Off Day and running for 50 years. $400. *C. L. Straub......... .10 Ethel and Mildred Newland. me to do but proceed us I would have Tbe treasure mine, owned by C. H. " U S to Amanda Newth ; 93.83 acres Mrs. 0 C Wright .. Was Batted Hard. ..8 proceeded ten years before or live in in tp 16, s r 5 w. Patent. Park, was then visited by tbe party. Louisia Bernsten .. ...7 Mrs. Frank Hampton entertained her contempt, as 1 had doubtless lived C and Mary A Cole to Cari E Fish This is one of the beet developed Arthur Hendershot. ...6 the Pricislla (Hub Friday afternoon for tlie past ten years. My amour propre Daily Guard lune 24 properties in the district, 840,000 hav­ er; certain land in Cole's plat of May Hammitt ..................... ............................. 6 at her residence. 195 West Seventh triumphed. I was the same individual, will*, the Maine sensitiveness. 1 Learn­ ing been spent in development work Marcóla. $25. Today tbe Salem team had a change Maude Bryan.................... ........................ $ street ed Miss Stirling's address —sho was C and Mary A Cole to Glenn Gil­ in luck and played winning ball JohD Wienzeried...... ..... ......... alone. A sawmill is now at woik on 4 • • • still Mis» bUrUng—and wrote her tbe • • • tbe property getting outnumber fcr lett; lot 4, Cole’s plat of Mercóla. from tb* vety start. The fun beg.t Mrs Sailay Marti n.......... ................. 4 A notable society event of the week explanation of my long silence. She toe necessary mining buildings, In- $150. in the second Inning, when Dowuie M A Ruff .................... ... ..................... 3 replied by invitiug me to come und see Sarah L Knox, et al, to F E Bib made connection for a home run.,hav­ O C Wright....................... cludljg a lfi-stamp mill which will be ..........................3 was the joint entertainment of Mrs. her. In operation next year. A good wag­ lington; certain land in Cottage ing put the ball over tbe fence, and G A Dyson ........................ .......................... 3 A K 1’atteraon and Mrs J J Walton, I found a woman attractive in wlint scored three men. on road 1» being built to the property Grove. $150. May Zumvralh................... ..................... 3 at tbe borne of the latter, 239 Eaat constitutes attractiveness in women of MARRIAGE LICENSES. from the Lucky Boy mine, a distance Somers bad a decidedly off day aDd T B Mulkey....................... ........................ 2 Ninth street,on Friday afternoon and her ago that Is, Intelligence, tact, sym­ of perhaps three-quarters of a mile. W D McLean and Vina Lemley; J I was batted quite freely. Eugene’s Ora Wilson ........................ ...................... 2 evening. The house w«~ decorated pathy, indeed all traits except beauty. On tbe Treasure the lower tunnel |bas J Walton, witness. outfield did splendid work. Tbe lo­ Wade Wilson....................... ................. 2 beautifully with summer flowers for 1 here was still enough of woman’s been exteuded 1700 feet into the j Geary Kimbrell and Cora E Wylie; cals tried hard ta make the score Nellie Perkins ................... ......... ............. 2 tbe occasion. The parlor was artisti­ witchery about her to lend a sparkle to her eye at my position, which seem­ even, but in vain. mountain, and on the second level H E Wylie, witness. Kate Patterson ..............................................2 cally arranged with roses and sea ed to amuse her immensely. the tunnel is 400 feet long, with an The score at tbe close of tbe 9th in­ Pcarl^Gilbertj^FJ^Chanibers, Mrs J H Starr, foam, tbe tilting room with sweet “We meet,” she said, “just ln time tu upraise of 165 feet. Independence Enterprise: This ning Mood 11 to 7 in favor of Salem. Befsie-Baxter^ Marie Thpson, Allen Benn­ peas and the library with red poppies. fulfill the terms of my letter. Nothing The dining room, decked with pink Batteries—Somers and McKune for ett, Mrs Cary, Earl Berlin. Rose Blakely, The Uncle Sam properties, owned city bad a plrarant nail on Monday could lie more to the point. Ixxtk nt by Tromp aud others, was the next Fast f'roL '»Uncle Sam” Handraker', ^n«^De and Lucm and WlktlD' for Marry Woods, Wiola Hanns and Helen geraniums and passion vines, was pre­ me and tell me If at twenty-nine you sided over by tbe Misses Pau Hue Wal­ can love u woman of thirty-nine.” Potts one each. placed visited. Here $45,000 has been of Eugene, who, with bls wife baa Salem. ton, Kate Patterson, Fannie Wylie "I can,” I said, with my tongue, call­ spent In devleopment work and a 1C- been visiting with their daughter and and Mrs. Ransome. io tbe afternoon ing up what resolution 1 could to screen Tomorrow’s game promises to be a stamp mill has been in operation for family, Mrs. W. L. Bristow, of Lew­ about seventy-live ladtea were enter­ the falsehood. some time, but it is now being moved isville. This aged couple crossed the good one. Tempany.tbe new acquisi­ "What a valiant liar!” she exclnfmed, tained with needle work aud h few to a new and better location. A new plain« with ox teams fifty years ago tion to the Blues’ pitching staff, ar­ laughing. "You’re splendid. 4Vhy did iano sele ctioni by Mias Sadie Ford, sawmill is ready to run. There is and are now on their way to take in rived thia afternoon, and will he io not fate pnt you ten years ahead of me Yesterday E. J Frasier, the real es­ in the evening an equal number of Instead of ten years behind?” the annual meeting of tbs pioneer and the box tomorrow, while it la proba­ 2000 feet of tunnel on this property. "Because fate wished to prove that From the Uncle Sam the party pro­ Indian war veterans, of whom Mr. ble that Emeraon will pitch for Sa­ tate dealer, sold the Isaac Blancon ladle« were entertained, flinch being there are certain men whose hearts ceeded to the Badger, owned by Wag­ Handsaker “is one.” While in the lem. Tempany was formerly with farm of 508 acres, ou Spencer ereek. tbe principal amusement. Io Annie L Willoughby for $5080, also onee fixed, never change," was my goner and others. They are now city they were tbe guests of Mrs. Spokane ■\ ’__ j Pacific National League sturdy reply. tbe B L Bogart faim of 160 acres sd Dnrnsife, a former neighbor. building a wagon road to their prop­ team, and is Bald to be a splendid Its A it P L was euteita.^eJ lui* "Bravo d” she cried, clapping her joining above place, to same party for erty from the Treasure mine, and pitcher and beady player. Emerson $1600. He also sold tbe Body prop- | afternoon by Mrs J A Straight at her hands. " ‘You should have lived In the have a 10-stamp mill at Blue River is Salem ’ s strongest pitcher. i residence, 631 Oak street. Tbe house days of knight errantry, r.e seated ARE YOU AGEING? erty on Mill street for $1UX4, These; ready to haul in as soon as the road was artistically decorated with tbe and tell me all about It. 1 I would give three sales were closed yesterday. Mr. I is completed. There is 400 feet of worlds to bave seen your fi, when Dr. Holmes used to say he Frasier recently sold tbe H h II? farm, j national colors and flags. The pro­ you read rnv letter. I '__ tunnel on this projerty. I.ot me see: yon gram for the afternoon consisted of six miles southwest of town, of 240 1 are Just entering upon that age The Great Northern,owned by Scott was “seventy years young.’ ! when acres, for 83200, the J ones property on three select reudirigH by Mrs Geo T men first begin to delight In tlie ’bnds.’ Standish, is operating a two-stamp Some men are old at halt i The above is the standing of the North Jefferson street for 8200O, the Hall, Sr, Mrs G N Frazer, Sr, and i'lnef' -,-e f„r rou now_ j,;v. mill, which Is yielding from 8100 to clula not including -oday's games At ery few year« you will drop n year lift W E Wilson farm, four miles north Mrs J N I! Fuller respectively. ... 8110 every day with an expense of j that figure. the close of tbe [rugram delicious re ­ The score of Friday's game was as west of Eugene, for 81500, 100 lots in you get down to fifteen. There you wilt only $15 per day. At this rate the Age is not in years. It is fol'ows: Florence for $3500. He also closed • freshments were served by the hostess. stop.” owners sre bound to soon become; in the blood. Scott’s Emul­ There had been gomet deal last week for 100,00U shares of The guests of the club were Mrs G EUGENE. rich. This is one of tbe best proper- j I> Linn, Mrs Claire Willoughby and Stirling that li u| tl • Sunset Mining Company stock to tv-p. and tli ties in the district, according to the sion helps to keep you young Briseno, ss i'.if i p« rties for $33,001*, This la«t MlsaCorinna Linn, of Jacksonville. something outlay of money. by keeping your blood young: McKune. c sale is contingent upon me successful to wonder if. The Fisher and the Hawkins dt Kyi- by supplying it with an Strieb. 2b hard to ¡¡li IV termination of tbe litigation now Kadford^b Born. lo properties were next visited. On ( Downing, 3b mature w< pending over Hie Sunset property. the latter there is 350 feet of tunnel abundance of rich, pure, vital Clynes, If not conten There seems no pmssltle chance fur Schofield, rt nn the lower level and 70 feet on the; nourishment; carrying con Mr. Green to lose his suit against iti tl e Spencer < reek nelgbla.ih.... 11 became rny I n ObWill, cf npper. Dodge A- Kunyard.ami if be wins this June 21.1.M4, to tl.e wife of Jutm Cal- was la tter stani life and renewal to McFarland, p her. He At tbe Gruning mines the lower deal will be immediately completed, j leway, a eon. and It an Total« tunnel has been extended 240 feet every fibre of your body, It Mr Frasier reports a number ot other been me large deals in course of negotiation. and the upper 40 feet. will help you to rob advancing SALEM. gave up The Cuba Mines Company proper­ years of half their sting. part, and Emerson, cf her. At ! HY HOOD’S? Because ties were also visited. They consist Lougbted, 3b w.'il ier.d rx> * «ample Ire« upon -equnt Yestenli Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best of six claims on which there are four Wilkins, c -■«■ YoiS, To Mr and Mrs Albert Higgins, of My heart Most rename and accomplishes the parallel ledges 150 to 360 feet apart. SCOTT & iwA’M, tot Iftul Netrlog. lb m; a t| err f greatest cures. HOOD’S CURES | Trent, Jnne 2t*, a girl. EUGENE BLUES FROM THE again winner MINES * SOme Large Property Sales. 4 W DIFFLKLNCt OF TEN YEARS