X ' I Mt tUUt *'t GUARD HT ROSEBURG. rr L and Betij G McPhe-son to * ab r L po a o e O C K R Co; 15x120 teet in exttud- j mill« (two aud one-half percent., 2 1 ... 5 0 2 I Newell, ss Ô e< urvey of Springfield. 830. where ne found it, to 21L mills, at Ï oÔ Reed, rf....... ... 3 0 0 I r> 0 'a.ues .« i. d Fannie L Stausbie ’he same time educing the county . 4 0 0 ( Bradley, If O 2 0 o ! 4 o Nadler, 2b JACK K C o ; 15»12 t feet iu ex debt from 8100,000 to approximately Ï 8 2 Ô 0 1 4 Morrow, c ti led survey of spil ¿field. 830. 1 Î 0 4 0 0 I Oswill, cf . . lu t ie Im nement of r:ads Com- ' G slid A B Van Valzab to Wm 11 1 0 4 0 1 Ordway, lb 1 0 1 G. s«l of •inky ... . iu trout of plate; Radford cemetery have made arrangements ready to go ahead with the construc ­ I any importance,the capability of road “ ANOTHER CITIZEN ” las. having been on that run for sev- walked to first; Downing hit to short, tion which, when completed, will with the Eugene Water Company to eial months past. The train arrives builders as demonstrated by their Radford out at second; wild throw lo put in water hydrauts at the ceme­ have a capacity of 300 tone per day work, and is just, now after the sev ­ In Portland on its morning run HEARD FROM first scored Downing; White hit H tery, provided one hundred and fifty and will bo th» largest quicksilver shortly befor* ten o’clock, and it eral years absolutely required to gain pretty one over left field fence for a lot owners will agree to pay one dol- plant in the United States. Mr. Den ­ must have beeu while the train was i such kuowledgo in the best condition home run; Reitz flew out to short nis brought with him a complete set lar a year each for the use of the wa- 1 to do spleudid, money-saving work switching iu the terminal yards Roseburg, 0; Eugene, 2. of plans and working drawings which ter. It would make a decided im- for Lane county. Elect a new man shortly after its arrival that the terri­ Eugene, Oregon, May 7, 1904. Second inning—Roseburg: Nadler provemeut iu the cemeteiy to have ' who must gain all the knowledge I were especially prepared by San Frau j Editor Guard:—Let us lock the ble accident happened. batted to Romer, out at first; Mor­ i the lots green during the dry summer cisco engineers under his direction Commissioner llill new possesses, it Mr. Hawk was aged about 35 years • '• r squarely in the face. Did Dr. row walked; W. Oswill singled over and according to Mr. Dennis’ views Mnl leaves a wife and one daughter, will t il» him the better part of his ; Bechdolt, a few days ago, by a public econd;Orsvday batted to third; bases months and make it possible for the of what a modern quicksilver furnace Echo, a;< ! nine years. He resided iu J term to get in position to do good | statement, refuse the position of su- full; Miller batted to short, scoring cen etery to be a very beautiful ought to be. The plans include a Eli, eue seveial years, having been at work. Then, too, the voters would periDtenaent of our schools? Our Morrow; Ordway out at second; Mil­ place. : number of original ideas and jew de­ The water company is extending its on» time on the night police force, take big chances in supplanting Mr. ! school board could have used their ler stole second; Bilyeu fanned. Eu- vices for treating mercural ores aud mains out toward the cemetery, and Hill of getting a commissioner who and was driver for the Wells-Fargo I judgment in the matter. He did not [gene: Clynes flew out to Morrow at handling rock on a large scale. Work Express Co. for some time. He was would not attend to this important need ts condemn himself. Why, then, first; Duohaue bitted to Nadier at at preseut h^s a fotce of men ou the i of construction will begin some time a member of the local tent of Knights work. did he make the statement? One of i second, out at first; Somsrs flew out work and could install the water sys­ during the month.—Cottage Grove tem in the cemetery right away before There is no politics in good roads — Of the Maccabees and carried an in­ three reasons are evident: First, that to left. ■ Nugget. the real hot weather begius. It is to surance policy in that order. His we all want them. They eave the peo­ he could serve the best interests of Roseburg, 1; Eugene, 0. be hoped that the owners of lots will ple thousands upou thousands of dol- i many friends will learn of hi* un our schools bv resigning (But he did Third inning—Roseburg: Newell I look upon this proposition favorably. lare in their time in hauling, the ■ timely death with deep regret. He . not have the position ofi'eied him to singled to right centre; C Oswill GOOD ROADS was of a genial disposition and made ability to haul at HDy time of the I accept or to refuse; perhaps he was a batted to third,N -”’ î second; / r tl < i 'r» iR A DhC many friends during his residence iu year aud the wear and tear on wagons little hasty in the natter.) Second, Bradley batted t' . M t î row, who CONVENTION and other vehicles and horseflesh. Eugenn. The family has resided in that he thought be could pacify the ran for Oswill, n ond; Nadler Portland for several mouths, since COMMISSIONER HILL’S HISTORY great number who do not wish to have flew out to DuSha » » n’ outre; Mor- divorce Commissioner Hill is yet on the Mr. Hawk took the Portland-Dallas him reappointed, and make the board I row batted to first » >.d ■ -.t. Eugene: sunny side of life, though with 55 years run. Organization Perfected and Offi­ i think that he was in public favor, ano Romer flew up tn L'lljeii, but 'be sud | thus sbp in by stratagem. Third, was in his er - ami I i!ed to Ui.d the W. H. Gossler, of Springfield, fath to give him experience. With cor­ Arthur B. Edwards has commenced cers Elected—Meeting This er-’n-law of Mr. Hawk, left on this rect habits be has splendid physique, that he might be able to say to school ball; Britt m I alted to first and out; suit against Agues L. Edwards for di- i afternoon’s train for Portland, The giving him the stamina required in boards in the future, to whom he ' Afternoon at Courthouse. I might apply for a position, that he Radford out i v tame route; Downing voice. lu his complaint, filed today, funeral announcement will be made the office. Was born in Missouri in dropped in fi nt of plate, out at first. he alleges as follows: That they were I the gold year, 1849; his father, the tomorrow. resigned the position of superintend- j Roseburg. 0; Eugene, 0. married iu Portland July 14, 1901; The Lauo County Good Roads con­ ent of Eugene schools and thus avoid late Judge H. N. Hill, came to Ore­ Fourth inning— Roseburg : W. Os . that they were residents of Lane gon in 1853, being one of f.hs pioneers vention was called to order by Chair­ the shame of being turned down. will lined to Briseno and out at first; county at that time and that the LANE COUNTY ■ who took the “out-off” and experi­ man M Svarverud at the courthouse We had hoped that Doctor Beclidolt ' Ordway safe at first on bad throw; plaintiff has been a resident of the enced such sufferings on the Eastern this afternoon at 1:3C o’clock. A was sincere in his statement, but I Miller fl«w out to Briseno; Bilyeu county for nineteen years; that plain­ Oregon desert, and coming dewn the large number of delegates, represent­ doubts begin to iise as e-ents go on. lined to Kriseno, Ordway out at sec- TEACHERS’ tiff has treated defendant with kind­ then roadlesa Middle Fork of the Wil­ ing the different sections of the coun­ A certain senior of tne high school ot>d. Eugene : Whlte struck out; ness and affection, furnished her with lamette river to Eugene. He Is a far­ ty, were present. is very busy circulating a petition, Rietz batted to third and on bad a good home aud pertormed the du- INSTITUTE mer in comfortable circumstances, After hearing reports of the differ­ with a type printed heading saying, throw made second; Clynes to first on and resides fourteen miles north and ent committees aud a communication after a little flowery trimming, “Wej ! dead ball; DuSbane fanned; ; Reitz , ties of a husband well and faithfully; that in September, 1902, the defend­ west of Eugene on part ot bis father's from the county court agreeing to aid wish to retain his service.” This per- [ stole third; Somers fanned. ant, wilfullv and without piovoca- donation claim and other land ac­ in the construction of a sample road, eon declares that ne does not wish to ■ Roseburg, 0; Eugene, 0. ticu, deserted the plaintiff and has The program for the annual county quired by purchase. the convention proceeded to elect see him reappointed, but that he Fifth inning—Roseburg: Newell te»chers’ Institut» has beeu arranged officers and council of twelve, aud wished to show bis appreciation for j to first on dead bull; C. Oswill bunt­ since continued to live separate and apart frern the paintiff. There are no and will he interesting aud beneficial perfect the organization. The officers what the doctor has done. ed a fly out to Dowuing; Bradley cnidrt-n as the resut of said marriage. COTTAGE GROVE’S to the teachers in attendance. elected were : The senior says one thirg, the peti- ! ' singled to left centra, scoring Newell; C. M. Kissinger is Edwards' attorney. The speaker* aud instructors are: Pretident, M. Svarverud; secretary tion declares another. Do not be un­ wild throw by Romer advam’td Biad- Stat» Superintendent J. H. Acker­ NEW SCHOOL and treasurer, F. M. Wilkins; coun­ derhanded. Be honest, young man. ! i ley to third; Nadler batted to Briseno Cottage Grove Items. man, President P. L. Campbell, Pres­ cil of twelve, Jerry Atkinson.Lorane; Do not let undue influence shadow and error ecored Bradley; Nadler A. C. Woodcock, Irving; Professor your integrity. We know your inti­ ident Ressler of the Monmouth Nor — stole second; Morrow Hew out to Bri­ J. M. Hyde, U. of O. ; H. D. Ed- macy. Who is the author of that pe­ seno and double play to Reitz put out nud, President Mulkey, of tlie Ash- Herbert. Eakin, the banker, has pur­ land Normal, City Superintendent Contract Let to W. F. Gray of wards, Eugene; Ed Bailey, Junction; tition? ANOTHER CITIZEN, j the side. Eugene: Romer lined to chased of J. 1. Jones the Vanecboiack L. R. Traver, Salem schools. Profes­ Helmus W. Thompson, Pres. Eugene That City—A Six Room (The Guard bus printed letters , Nadler and out at first; Briseno flew residence opposite Lurch’s residence sor Sweetser, Professor DeCou, Pro­ Commercial Club; U. P. Root, Cot­ touching on both sides or the school io centre and on two errors made sec­ property, and is moving it on his lots Building. fessor Shaffer, of the state university. tage Grove; J. V. O’Leary, McKen­ trouble aud now does not wish to ond; to third on another error; Rad­ at the rear of the same block. Both Two periods of each day will be de­ zie; Professor E. H. Me a lister, Dept. keep its columns open for further ford lined out to Nadler at second; Mr. Jones and Mr. Eakin will build voted to the discussion of live educa Bids for the construction of Cottage Civil Engineering, U. of O. ; J. D. dis'usslon of the matter. The school Downing flew out to center. substantial business bouses on the tional question*. Grove's additional six room public Matlock, chairman street commit­ board will settle the question Roeebarg, 2; Eugene, 0. tine lot made vacant by the remoral of Part of oue afternoon to a visit to school building, which will occupy a tee, Eugene city council; R. J. Sixth inning—Roseburg; W. Oswill of the Knox and Vanecboiack res­ whether or not it wants to retain Dr. the university, thus enabling the sltely location ou the west side, were Hemphill, Pleasant Hill. [to first on balls; Ordway fanned; idences in the near future. Bechdolt.) teachers to see the workings of this upened Monday aud the contract was Impromptu speeches were then i Miller walked aud Oswill to second; Frank ¿Hard, proprietor of theJVe- splendid school. awarded to W. F. Gray, of Cottage heard from the different members of I Bilyeu batted to third; Miller out at savins, Oregon-Colorado and River- All the school* of the county are Grove, he being the lowest aud best the convention, af'er which they ad- second; Newell's single to right aide group of mines in the Bohemia BOOTH-KELLY required ny law to remain closed dur­ bidder. journed. scored Oswill; C. Oswill put a two- district, arrived at thia place late last ing the seabions ot the institute, aud The bid*—T. F. Conn, 87750; bagger to deep centre, scoring Bilyeu CAMPS OPENED and week from Boston, where he spent all teacher« are allowed three days' Thomas A Son, 86250, Riggs A Woods, Newell; Bradley lined to Reitz, I th-» winter. Mr. Hard ia making pay from their districts while iu at­ 86649.20; Dan Fisher,87100; A. F. Pe out at first. Eugene: White put a pr narations to begin an aotive Bea­ tendance at the institute. terson. 88583; W. F. Gray, 86222. two-bagger to left: Reitz singled to st ’s operations in hie splendid group Bring your text-books aud course of The contract forjthe furntshiug and right and stole second: Clynes fan­ The Bootn-Kelly Company ’ s camps, ot mines and extensive improvements study and show your interest iu your installation of the heating plant for Mary E and Myron A Bitgood to ned; DnSbane flew out to Oswill at will be made in his mines this season, work by taking an active part iu the th« present school building was Lester N Phelps; lot C, blk 6, Hen- I known as the Foss and Laflin camps, I left, White and Reitz scored on the exercises. awarded to Nelson A Piper for 8600, dricks' amended addition to Eugene. on Little Fall Creek, have begun op­ throw in and an error by catcher Oe- includiug new stamp mills and other erations after many month* of ilde- modern mining machinery. Two evening sessions will bs held. they being the lowest bidders. 8125. will. Somers flew out to Morrow. Excellent music will be furnished at The coutrat for repainting the pres­ Daisy and J O Jessup to A G Good- ness. James E. Stewart, of Spring­ J Roseburg, 3; Eugene, 2. 6tate Game Warden J.W. Baker was loth day ami evening sessions. No ent building was let to T. W. Jenkins man; lot blk 2, Coleman'* 2d ad to field, who had the contract last sum­ recently presented with two pair of Seventh inning — Roseburg : Nadier mer to furnish the meats,has received teacher will be excused from attend for 8546.51'. Coburg. 8-55. to short, out at first; Morrow batted < fine ring-neck Mougolian pbeasante aiice at the Institute. Contract for tie heating in the new T G and Martha A Hendricks to an order for the first consignment of to third and on two wild throws made I by some of bis valley friends. Mr. Begiiiuiug Wednesday, May 11, at liuildiug will be let later. The uew llerlert L and Rosa Burt; lot 7, blk 550 pounds, to be deliveied today. circuit of the bases; W. Oswill flew Baker has prepared a nice park for 8:30 a. m., and closing Friday, May public school building is to be com- 11,Hendricks' amended ad to Eugene. More men are being added as fast as out to Somers at right; Ordway, these beautiful birds at bis home in they can t>e had, aud it is understood struck out. Eugene: Romer to Bilyeii this city and was not a little surprised ! pleted by September 1.—Cottage 8120. 13, at 4 p. m. I at first: Briseno to third, out! Certificates of attendance will be is­ Grove Leader, Colonel F and Angle Smith to Wil- that other camps of this company will out at first: Radford singled past first; on visiting the park one day this week sued to those attending at least 16 liam |Hintze; lot 4, block 32, Fair- soou begin operation. to find two neatly couetructed neats Dowuing to Bilyeu, out at first. I certificates entitle your mount. 8225. Roseburg. 1; Eugene, 0. hours. containing six eggs each, the birds SASH AND Final score: 13 to 8, in favor of haviug become completely domiciled schools to an apportionment of 85. Colonel F aud Angie Smith to w W Roseburg. W M. MILLER. I tnd 11, blk 14, ir- to their new quartets. Although only li is said ilia' uothiug is sure ex­ YESTERDAY’S SCORE. | Superintendent of Schools DOOR HACTOKY last July birds it is evident that they cept death and taxer, but that is not Tl.e score of yesterday’s game fol­ mean to be on hand early in the sea Richard B aud Emma E Gorman to altogether true. Dr. Klug’s New Dis­ I covery for Consumption is a sure Frank E Allen; 160.49 acres in tp son with their broods The game I cure for nil lung and throat troubles. EUGENE. 23, * r 3 w. 81200. warden will soou have quite a pheaa I Thousands can testify to tliat. Mrs A report is current here, and it is r h po spencer Butte Lodge No 9, 1 O O • ' B. VauMetn , of Sbepherdt-wn, antry. —Leader. 0 1 9 I ri-eno, s s J. R. HILL upou goed authority, too, that ____________ to Mrs 1 south I’ Hopewell. 'a., says: “I had a severe case Reitz. half 2 i 1 1 2 b Springfield is soon to have a large ^Tlot 87, 1 1 <> O O I) F cemetery. 813.75. of It uchltia :m I for a year tried Doauiug, 3b Quick Arrest. 5 0 0 Î 1 g 1 beard of. but got no re- White, c sash and door factory. The people 5 1 3 15 Frana II an IJAddie F. Rogers*towO J. • e bottle of Dr. King's New A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala., 4 o 2 9 Clynes. If a. re~~in tp H*>, * t '.1 ,4 was twice in the hospital from a ee- ' A faithful, conscientious Iscbarge who are behind the big proposition I' stanwoi I. covery then cured me absolutely.” Radford. 1 b 3 n a 6 are the Bootb-Kellv Co. aud other w. 81. SS----------------- It's infallible for croup, whooping Do> bane, cf case of piles causing 24 tumors Cf the dut les of the office ot county 4 •> 1 0 - fidUd ( After doctors * and . all'remedies* W J and Maggie Tengra to the Ore­ cough, grip,pneumonia and consump­ Romer, rf .., Cotiimlssloovr entitles J, R. 11111 to capitalists from Portland and Chica­ 4 Î 1 1 Buckien s Arnica Salve quickly *r go, which it Is understood will each gon and Califoruia K R Co; 15x120 tion Try It. It's guaranteed by w. I Somers p 4 0 1 0 te élection t that Important office. I. l‘.-l.... '*, I t rested further inflammation andlcurel K Elected lu KKV, Mr. 11411 lia» beeu take a third interest. -Springfield feet in extended survey of Stringfield free. Keg. size, Joe, 81.00. | Totals • ' -J1 conquer» ache* and, kills .38 9 12 27 11 2 f*'n.»2S«> PT ------------------- “ ----------- — fc News. **gW,81.. DeL*no. druggist. r< »| oosille to not a l|r<’e estent in I i bringing the tax levy down from 25 HAWK KILLED BLACK ROSEBURG BUTTE W!NS MINES GAME wants Courthouse items COMMISSIONER •nr Tta* cures effected bj Dr covers, or sump« for th. ? <’otb-'.^uWf JvAii. e, to Dt. IL V. . Bu.T«;« N.Y e _