e N Semi-Weekly Vo . 37 EUGENE OREGON SATURDAY I : SHOOTING AT CORVALLIS Spring Clothing For Men I SHERIFF BANDITS’ KILLS A Who Had Shot a Police Officer and a Dep uty Sheriff. < & The Boy Who Was Drunk Was Copyright 1904 by Hart Schaffnar A Man I The Gorcon ! Corvallis, Or , April 25, 3 p. m.— ; Ex-Sheriff Oeburn is much better and citement Prevails in I nnless complications ensue he will recover. The condition of Dunn Is Corvallis. not so good. The symptoms are not wholly unfavorable, though be suffers Corvallis, Or., April 25. —Chester much, if be survives tbe night his Keady is dead, James Dunn, ex-obief physicians say he ought to live until All^Jthe surgeons of police of Corvallis, is perhaps fa­ the eighth] day. tally shot, David A. Osburn, ex-sher- agree that there is a ohanoe for him Many New Shapes to Select From in Both <-'. -Felt and Straw. The Florsheime Shoe Is recognized by its elegance and individuality and its difference from other shoes. Its good traits are as distinctive as in people. Prices Correct. s ! ■yy As Long as our Present Stock Lasts. Apositively bona fide offer Only a Few are Left. BOOK STORE S. P. Ness J. J. Walton hussars, when a corporal olove tbe peasant’s head. Schwarzschild’s E uíthi »4». Oregon. CHAMBERS, H E. ANKENY President. Vice President. DARUIN BRISTOW, Cashier. i LOUIS E BEAN • " O CHA MBERS - BRISTO W BANKING CO E —A —uAW. Office in new McClung Blook, Rootr 14 and 15. Special attention - .on and and mining matters. Eugene, Oregon. Of Eugene, Oregon. Paid Up (Cash Capital S6O.OOO L. BILYEU, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office over Yoran’s Shoe Store. gene, Oregon. Eu­ GEORGE D’B DeBAK, M. D’ Office-Room over Eugene Loan and Savings ^ank. Residence No. 189 E. 11th street. Calls attended to day or ni.nt Phone, residence, Main 77-1; offioa Main «9- l.yt. HARBAUGH ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collections a specialty. Agent for Continental aud New Zea land Insurance Cos. Room 3,First National Bank Building Eugene, Oregon. A C. Woodcrwk L. T. Harrt» WOODCOCK 4 HARRIS, Al TORNEYF-AT-LAW I Hee—One uiU • IMO*-' « man Blue. b of Chris- Oregon. THE DEADLY TORPEDO AND HOW IT IS SENT ON ITS DE­ i STRUCTIVE ERRAND. I The upper picture shows a Whitehead torpedo in a submerged tube on n battleship. The stern of the torpedo alone is visible. Behind the lateral and horizontal rudders are the propellers, which are run by compressed air con ’ tained in a chamber of the torpedo and w' ich >•<»».. 1 I <• engine of death on It»* • mission. The lower picture indica.es Low a ••«liver s’ ark” or “baby.*’ as it U variously termed by sailors, is fired fro.n a tn'.<• i f >• deck of a torpedo boat in each instance the torpedo is placed in the nine sob cwliat as a cartridge I f slipped into a breechloading shotgun, the bw< is <<-.>-«‘d. and the torpedo is expelled by compressed air or a smali charge of powder When it strikes the water Its own engine begins to turn t ■ i- 1 r uid the “silver shark” uioves rapidly In the direction Its gunners have It. I iff of Benton county, is dangerously Cotes and mortgages- bought. Money <>ued on approved security. Interest shot, as the result of a pistol duel paid on time certificates of deposit that took place aoortly after midnight «isuersl banking business transacted. Sunday morning. Keady is aged about eighteen years, and is tbe son of George B. Keady, head of the printing department at the college. He was shot in tbe head ' and instantly killed by Sheriff Bur­ nett while resisting arrest. Osburn's wound is in in the neck, tbe ball having entered the left side of the neck, and is probably lodged under tbe right shoulder blade. OF EUGENE, Dann's wound is in tbe abdomen, /«id uo Cash Capital - >50,000 two incbee to tbe left and below tbe S50 . 000 . urpius............................. C- ' - oaTe1, Tbe surgeons are now In tbe ' midst of an operation to determine EUGENE, OREGON. ’ tbe character of bis injuiles. GENERAL BANKING BU8I- KEADY WAS DKUNR. aeaa dona on reasonable terms, Tbe trouble began shortly after draft» on Chicago, San Fran- and Portland Oregon. midnight, when Keady, alter leaving of exchange sold on foreign a restaurant tired off bis pistol, and lea. Depo.it« tevei.vd subject •x-Sheriff Osborn, who is night offi­ ck or eertlfcH*e of deposit, collect inn« «ntm-ted to na will cer of CorvslIG, undertook to arrest ve prompt attention. him. Kesdv wn« under »he influence G. llENOKlt Kb, President, of lijuor.and when Osburn apprnaeb- u. lakin , vic« i\c«.ûeui. | ed him he drew a gun snd ordered . E. SÎUMXlFASS Cathie». Os JU til t< <• .J f*C*TLU_Aslas;t~l^’ < «.»nier • : FIRST : : Mui Buk Berlin, April 25.—The Tageblatt has received a code dispatch from Rome, reporting an attempt to assassinate Presioent Loubet, of France, who is now in Rome. The plot was discov­ ered and frustrated. Him liar cade messages have reached prominent financiers on the bourse. The Parle correspondent of the Tageblatt also wires that reports of the attempted assassination reaohed there. Th* Italian censorship has suppressed the direct news. BRIGANDS MAKE IT WARM FOR FOREIGNERS promptly Bright Invention And What About the President W ALTON 4 NESS. a TTORN E YS-AT-LAW Will practice in all tne courts in th» state. Office—Room No. 3. Walton Blk. Eugnee. Oregon. Loubet. Japanese Steamer Sunk. White Sewing Machin ihriswan Id«. SINATE St. Petersburg, April 25.—The London, Apiil 25. — The J apanese i Vreyma today quotes the Sbuntyang minister, Hayashi, reports that two i Shibao, of Pekin, as stating that the Russain torpedo boats entered tbe anti-foreign agitation in northern harbor of Wonsan, on the east coast China is growing and is heiug car­ of Korea, today, and sank a small ried on actively by the brigands. Japanese steamer, the Geyo Marti, six i Seven persons have been killed near hundred tons. Fieri Tain. Trouble has also occurred at Lonanfu, Shansi province, Shuu- Hasty With the Sword. defu, Peohili province, and several Vienna, April 25.—The Hungarian other plaoes. A French merchant and parliament was prorogued by royal Signor Poma,an Italian road engineer, decree this morning iu order to ob­ have been killed. A desperate tight tain a free band for Count Tisza, the is reported in the disturbed district premier,in dealing with striking rail­ I in which twenty Europeans are said way men. During the rioting a to have been massacred. The author­ Eleed Sunday a peasant knocked the ities have telegraphed to I’ekin for re­ Bword from the band of a cap'ain of inforcements to suppress the brigands ON THE LATEST MODEL L. CHESHIRE, M. D Chicago, April 25. — lu a downpour of rain the funerals of the late “auto­ matic tr'o" of carbarners were held this morning from the undertaking rooms where the bodies bad lain since the execution. Three thousand mor­ bid people stood about. Religious services were held over all three, Catholic in the cates of Marx and Van Dine, and Protestant for Nei- dermeier. The latter was buried at Oak Side, the former two at Mount Carmel. The mothers bade patbetio farewells to their offsprings,each kiss­ ing a pallid face. Berlin, April 25.—Die Post an­ nounces an imperial decree signed by the czar this morning, officially re­ calling V’.c roy Alexieff. Closing Out Price DENTIST Tivia^ piimnsi ths o floe and fixture ths lata daiaaial W V tiia derso n, I! i>r prepare 1 i> 1> nytniug iu the line D tiBtry in the above said office. SGVCrown and bridse work a specialty. pour of Rain. Viceroy Alexieff Recalled. g H ampton bros L W WHITSON TO ASSAS Funeral and Burial To Italian Anarchists Would day in Down Kill President Resisting Arrest—Great Ex­ THE STANDARD AND MONARCH SHIRTS at prices ranging from 50c to $3.00. EFFORT FUNERAL BOY $10.03, $12.50 and $15 00 1 There was some parleying, aud in tbe process of tbe attempt to arrest Keady tbe pursuer and pursued passed from Chipman's restaurant to tbe nos toftice, a distance of a block. There, as Oeburn advanced, Keady tired,and tbe officer, shot through the reck, fell lu tbe arms of bystanders. Sheriff Burnett was sent for, and iu due time arrived. James Dunn ao compauied him, aud tbe Sheriff, ap­ proaching Keady near James Taylor’s residence, took Keady by tbe arm aud ordered him under arrest. Keady whipped out a pistol and began to tire. The first shot went wide of the mark, aud a second also aimed at the sheriff, took effect iu Dunn’s ab­ domen. Then Burnett Hred, and Keady fell wib a shot in bis bead. Duun fell into tbe arms of a companion, firing two shots from bis pistol at Keady as The Mothers Bade Pathetic Fare­ The French Executive in Danger he did so. well to Their Offspring Kill­ of His Life While Visiting Bort Turney aged 22, is In custody as an accessory with Keady. ed by the Law. Rome. CAICAGO Net er before in our history have we had such a rich and exquisite display in oth ig department as sp n . The selections brace many imported terns, made up in all new spring cuts. Some cellent values for I I APRIL Berlin, April 25.—Roosevelt ba» offended the German chauvinists by hd interview withhim by Eugene Za­ I bel, nf the National Zeitung, who ca­ bles that] the, president devoted a quarter of an hour extolling Ambas­ sador Steinburg, the German ambas­ sador. “Although flattering,’’ says the Breslau Zeitung, “Roosevelt’s testimonial offends the dignity of the tierman empire, and creates the im- presisc u that Stein berg is striving to gain the American government’s ap­ probation instead of resolutely pro­ tecting the j interests of the father- land.’’ Clarence Morse Is not only a bright young musics' genius but he has re­ cently demonstrated the fact that he lias somewhat of a mechanical head on his shoulders. Feeling the need of a more rapid means of copying and writing music than by the use of a peti be secured an old t j pewriter, re­ modeled it and fitted the bars up with notes and musical chaia tern, and is now able to produce or write .nusio with accuracy and considerable rap­ idity with this slight altered and re­ modeled typewriter. This young man will no doubt be heard from In the future.—Cottage Grove Nugget.