THF FUGEVFGUARD I CASTORIA 500 D rops THIEVES CAUGHT RUSSIAN ■- Soldiers AXt'getablePreparalionforAs ^imilatiriJfliei'oixjandReöula I» W.K die Stomachs and Bowels of d d q Fromotes Dige&iion£lrerr-..t- IP5S and Rest.Conten., n» idea- - Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Jap anese Use Magnet Bears the Signature ui ÍKCK l I j Believe in Bittle. Say It Draws Strength from N ot N arcotic . the Russians—Caanot Be Convinced Differ­ Z»w/r arM»S.Vem(hold u a 'nets to see if a magnet caused weakness. The soldiers could not be, convinced, stating that tbe Japanese ; magnets were different. CASTORIA EXACT COPV or WRAPPER. TRIED TO STEAL HIS TM« OBNTAWI* «OMFANV. NEW VO>« «ITV. MISTRESS 4 Munsey Editor Dead. KESWICK Berlin, April 2.—Lieut. Mattaaich Keglivitch today made another un successful attempt to rescue his mistress, Princess Louise of Coburg, from a mad house near Coswig Saxony, where she baa been incar­ cerated some time, though perfectly sane. The princess Is held in the asylum under orders from her husband. Prince Phillip, und with the conni­ vance of the Princess’ father, King Leopold, of Belgium, and the Kings of Austria and Saxony. The lieuten­ ant's scheme was betrayed to the police in a similar manner In 1902. New York, April 1.—Guy Welmore Carry!, author and poet, formerly ed­ itor of Munsey's, died of heart trou­ ble today. TRAIN ROBBERY Feint Attack on Port Arthur. Condon, April 1.—A Central News Tokio dispatch today says Admiral Togo attacked Port Arthur Wednes­ day night. No details were received, but it is understood the attack was Redding, Cal. Aprill .—A hundred made for the purpose of taking sound­ *sse g‘»t on the trail . luvM horesaien this morning, and a? now following it east. The rob- Ders cain|>e ' 'nlral Makarotf and other otti- much sutl'ering ensuing. cial -. i lia party visited the ships in • • " bur and inspected the repairs War in the East. in progress on vessels damaged <1ur CRUELTY V fCEROY ALEXIEF AT PORI AR I HUR lug bombardment They also vis­ ited i «e torpedo boat destroyer Btllnl «inch distinguished itsell In the last ■battle. P ho . Tnzowitacb, a Russian teacher ths Board of Tra I. dis- trlct de troved th« builditm occupied bv w.*tsc. Ja«k *t Co., 1 . - r’be, Stete. L m > tLOOCi.MQi ———— — — — — J •••••• I J. W. Quackenbush & Sons • -------------- DEALERS IN; Hardware, Vehicles, Eugene Oregon. T East 9th I I OF THE O.N.G Bedding, Cal., April 2.—Word has just been recieved at the sheriff's office that two men suspected of com­ plicity in the train robbery aud the messenger’s death were arrested this morning at Keswick and will be brought to Redding at 3 o’clock to­ day. Detective A pern and a posse of men have been watching them since yesterday morning. Another suspect I isfin"Reddiug. The bandits doubled! back atfer crossing the Keswick , bridge aud turned their horses loose. | The arrest has been kept secret for 1 fear of popular demonstration. Dr. W. L. Cheshire, head of the hospital corps of the First Separate Battalion, has received the following notice of the assignment of tbe offi­ cers of the Medical Department of the Oregon National Guard: “Major Sanford Whiting, surgeon | Third Infantry; Capt. Frampton C Brosine, assistant surgeon Third In­ fantry; Captain Joseph D. Sternberg, assistant surgeon, Third Infantry; Capatin Waldo L. Cheshire, assistant surgeon, First bop. Bat. Infantry ; First Lieutenant Walter E. Carli, as- I sistant surgeon, First Battery, Field Artillery; First Lieutenant Wm. ri. Byrd, assistant surgeon. Troop A. “By oruer of the commauder-in- chief, “ W. E. FIN ZEE, “Adjutant General." < \ I the pabilo « p**P ander ' I Shirt Waists! 5 Shirtwaists! In Japanese Silk and Lawn. A rather unusual phenomenon was observed in tbe otherwise clear sky last night about eleven o ’ c I ock . Stretching from the zenith southeast erly a streak as of a breadth of milky silk crossed the sky,dividing iuto two Russians Entrenched. Seoul, April 2.— it is reported that 2lk)0 Russian troops, including Cos- •acks and infantry, are entrenched about the gate on the south side o! Wijti. The Kussiaus are utilizing trained dogs to act as messengers and order bearers. STANDARD Canada Fire. IMF «WXFT 5PEC/F7C CIL. ATLANTA, «4» MEDICAL OFFICERS ARRESTED MILITARY rived. When their tmain reactwd thia city they left tbeia side-door sleeper and weut down tewn. After passing through the city, they again boarded their car when they were arrested. Otfieer Catlin, who had been looking for tbe meu, found their car and dis- ; covered that tbe seal of the door was . broken. Investigating, be (Recovered evidence of reaent occupation, aud I be followed the train thrnugb the i city, expecting that the former occu pants of tbe car woulj again board 1 He was right, for tbe tnen found! their car, also the officer waiting for ’ them. Tbe Cottage Grove officer is certain I that he has tbe right men, and i.h is likely that they will not be abU to do mischief again for a time. Tbe oftioer left for home with hie prison­ ers yesterday.—Albany Herald. Otlieer Walker brought the two men to Eugene from Cottage Grove this morning and they were placed in the county jail to await trial in the cir­ cuit court next June. Their names are George Williams aud Charles Lee. TWO SUSPECTS COLORADO Germ Infected Air Malaria is not confined exclusively to the swamps and marshy regions of the country, but wherever there is Albany Officer Captured Two I bad air this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous Men Wanted for Larceny. vapors and gases from sewers, and the musty air of damp cellars are laden with the germs nf th«« ’•»ises.ible disease, C..G. Walker, of Corinne Grove,, a. which are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the blood and transmitted to every part of the body. Then special officer,came to Albuay Tbiuw- you begin to feel out of sorts without ever suspecting the­ leave took tha personal prop­ the bind, Liver and Kidney troubles and other serious complications often erly us U m > house to and «uld arise. As Malaria begins and develops in the blood, che treatment to be effective must begin there too. 8. S. S. destroys it.ard in is ou this charge they tare* to the germs and poisons and purifies the polluted be taker* back to be tnied. blood, and under its tonic effect the debilitated Tbe two fellows came down the liras constitution rapidly recuperates and the system is in a freight car Wednesday evenugg. soon clear of all signa of this depressing disease. A request had beet* Deceived to leek 3. S. S. is-a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant and look out for a coujla of men a>u.wer- harmless. Write ns if you want medical advice or any special informa­ iug their description before they ar­ tion. about your case. Inis will coat you nothing. CREDULITY For Infants arid Children. MALARIA COTTAGE GROVE SAMPLE