CHICAGO POSTOFFICE SACRAMENTO RIVER FLOOD ACCIDENT Sacramento, Feb. 2*—The river is 27.6 feet above low water at noon to­ day with a light rain. Tbe backwater at Nicolous qnd Vernon is higher thau ever before known. Tbe river is rising. It is feared the levees will give way as the c.e.-t of the flood has not passed Red Fluff. A break at Edwards’ ranch below this city is nearly a hundred feet wide with an immeu-e vi lume of water pouring through. The water is up to the f .ot of street krees but there is no dan­ ger to the city. Thirfetn Workmen Dead or Fa­ Unless tbe big breair cjjn be closed tally Hurt—Some Fell Dis­ water v ill covèt the bottom country down to Walnut Grove and do im­ tance of Eleven mense damage. Water stands three Stories. feet over the Southern Pacific Rail­ road track between Marysville a id Urovilla. Roads will Le impastatile Chic: go. Fe- — V. it a a Clash that startled huncie of pedestrians in before Wednesday at the earliest. i streets the huge ■Clark and A ^scaffolding i ;b the dome in the interior ot the acw postoftiee build­ ing gave way at 1 o'clock this after­ noon, carrying down fifteen men. Thirteen are believed to be dead or fatally injured. Tbe scaffolding Washington, Feb. 27—The state de­ rose like network to tbe dome a hun­ dred and sixty feet high where men partment today transmitted to Russia were plastering tbe interior. Some Commander Marshall’s reply relative to the gunboat Vicksburg al Che- men fell seven : i< s. Work diggingihe bo lies from the n ulp.i Tbe state department holds immense mass of wreckage was put that luarsiialia’a action was eulirely under way immediately after the ac­ commendable. The incident referred to was thut cident. marshall refused to Not all the men were cn top. Commander (Some were working at side sections allow rescued Russian marines and which struck by falling timbers car­ sailors aboard his vessel after their ried th m down. Timekeeper An­ ship had been sunk by tbe Japanese, derson stepped off the scaffolding to and refused to join with tbe com­ a place of safety forty feet up just manders of the other foreign warships as it gave way. He says tbe scaffold­ iu pretesting against tbe Japanese ing was then groaning and creaking, making such an attack. JUNCTION HOTEL PLANT SOLD Junction City Improvement Co. Pays $¡7,000 for It— WISCONSIN CAPITOL J. H. BOOTH QUIT BOOTH-KELLY CO RUINED MILLIONS WENT UP IN SMOKE Oregonian News Bureau, Washing­ ton, Feb. 26—At tbe suggestion of Other Items. -------- tbe Oregon senators, James H. Booth, receiver of the Roseburg laud office, Q. . . . , has disposed of bis interests iu the At a meeting of the stockholders j tiOllSC dt Bootb-Kelly Lumber Company and of tbe Junction Ui’y Hotel Co. seme * * ' If! all other companies that are dealing time ago. the directors were anther lu public lands. Ibis action was ized to sell the hotel in order to get « necessary before the president would tbe corporation ou a bnsiness basis. agree to reappoint Booth to his pres­ It seems that tbe iudebeduess was ent office. At the conference with guaranteed by personal security by the senators the other night tbe certain members of tbe company president said be bad no objection to and aider our incorpcration laws each invidual surety was liable for The Loss Will be $800,000 With J. 11. Booth, and found nothing wrong with bis record, but be did tbe whole amount. The sale was But Small Insurance-- Build­ uot like the appearance of having a therefore authorized by tbe stock­ , laud officer at Roseburg who was Burned Area Covers Three Acres holder aud ’he sale was made to the ing Originally Cost generally known to be an offioia! in Juuctiou City lmj rore-nent Com­ —Finest Buildings in City $1,000,000. i a lumber company tha’ did consider­ pany for the consideration of 717,000. Went Up in Smoke- able buisuesj before that office. The The new company is composed of president ’ » sole objection to Booth Outside Help. Madison, Wis., Feb. 22 — A fire at J. A. Bushnell, J. Milliorn, C. W. Was’iburue aud W. M. Pitney. 3 o'clock this morning, starting from having beeu removed, it is expected The new company expects to make crossed electrio wires completely that both he and Register Bridges Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 26—Fira some extensive improvements to tbe gutted Wisconsin’s beautiful capitol will be reappointed within a few days. broke out iu tbe very heart of tbe dry ! building. The loss will be 7800,000 property this spring. goods district of this city this morn- Grandma Houston and daughter with insurance ot only $60,000. The | ing at 5 o'clock and coutinued for Mrs. Miuuie Feebler came up trom i fire was not diwovereed until uuie. several hours, entailing a loss of haleru SuDday. lhey left Monday for great headway. Toe local liremen were ‘several million dollars. uaable to cape with the flames and Roseburg where Mrs. Houston i Tbe tire rtarted in the central ele an appeal was made to Milwaukee but make hex' home for the present rater ibsfi ef Rs Richsstsr Dry the aid was too late. her duughter. C'oi&pac/ ol Main st.eet. Tbe fl:e will necessitate the build- Jones Brothers are openiug up a Ten minutes after tbe alarm sounded Bids Were Higher Than the stock cf dry goods, notions and mil­ , tbe six-stcry building was a mass of P’EMirn KATSURA OF JAPAN. Woodmen Expected— iuery in their new building m the ' flames. In less than half an hour tbe Conn: Jnpi'n'w premier city ball, They huve a very neatly : rear wall fell and the flames spread Springfield Notes. and i: !i: i In.orior. .Soldier arranged roam. to tbe seven-story file proof building as well us s i. lie received bls Born, in this city Monday, Febru­ The time for opening bids for tbe of Sibley 4 Carr Co. ary 22d, 1994, to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Buffalo and Syracuse were appealed first new brick in Springfield to be, B ickaum, a daughter. T! is is their arrived last Thursday night at which to aud special traius given by the first born and Papa Bucknum is time there were quite a number of railway companies started, carrying therefore stepping pretty high these Lids which were rejected immediately. ’ extra tire apparatus. At 7:30 o clock days. We extend congratulations. It seems there is n little disappoint­ series explosions occurred, followed A brass band was organized ment among tbe committee, and other by breaking out of flames in a twelve­ the nails and that immediately after Panama Treaty Finished. Harrisburg last week aud Prof. Bib­ Woodmen, who had been misinformed story building at tbe corner ot St. holding planks polled out. Washington, Feo. 26--Presideut bets of this place has beeu employed as to tha estimated cost of the build­ I Paul and Main streets. Roosevelt this afternoon signed ,tbe as instructor. Within half an hour flames were ing. Cbica go, Feb. 26—To the surprise proclamation announcing tbe ex­ belching through the roof. At 10:15 Tbe lowest bid was ?5,980 and the Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thomas of of contractors and all others in the change of ratifications of the Panuma highest was $6,600, both a few hun­ tbe Ur<^ win practically under control. Portland were guests at Col. Fo'som’s rostotfice accident, it was found at treaty. dred higher than tbe committee be- OUTSIDE HELP ARRIVES. Sunday. .Mr. Thomas is a brother of Ewe. o'clock that only one man was i loved tbe organization could staud. New York RepubPcars. At 8:15 o'clock, the Buffalo and Miss Nellie Folsom. killed and one injured when the con­ The W. O. W. are amply able to build Syracuse fire companies arrived. It tractors assembled all the men and < j . F. Skipwortb was off duty Wed- New York, Feb 27—The Republican a brick ball und had tbe bidders seemed at that time as though tbe tire Lulled the time rolls. Escapee in state committee went i*.to r-e-sion r esday and lhursady on account of kept auj'ways near their first asser­ would cross Main street east und tbe Lnany instances were miraculous tut this morning iu the Fifth Aieuuu sickness. tion as to the cost, tbe preliminary windows iu stores across tbe street the kimilar ia that the men le iing bote!. The mee’it!" lasted only ten W. C. Washburns is able to be arrangements would have been under ! began to burst out under the territlu scaffolding falling clutched e iges or miuutw*. Tiie state conveutiou will way. again and assumed bis duties iu ' heat. The entire police force held rroj <• ions at sides then ; •- tbsir ot-Lei 1. April 12th. Strong ree>;luti..i.a However, tbe Loys Lave not given the crowds iu check. The employes Lank Wednesday.—Times. i AHO KAT IT.*. Lay to places of safety. Tbe an.ouut w* re adopted endorsing Kocse'.elt’s up tbe idea of a new hall, but further i of tha threatened buildings were al­ nt n tierman war etris is readily calculable then nom iua: ion. a:nl is a livid marshal In Ja- investigations will be made either for lowed to assist iu lemoviug good*. It is known that a hundred thousand a smaller brick or a good sized frame The streets were filled high with T11 v leet of lumber tell into u tuLgled Swell the War Fund. structure. merchandis i, I he merchants fearing » ing ot a new capitol. A special ses­ pass of wreckage. St. Petersburg, Feb. 27—Count La’er—Tbe committee held a meet­ another Baltimore disaster. In Sibley sion of tbe legislature will be called Tolstoi today contributed a thousand ing Wednesday evening to investi & Carr store alone there are 1590 and it ia probably that there will sets of bis books to Le sold lor in­ gate further the advisability of build­ employes and as many more in others. be a renewal of the agitation to re­ creasing tbe war fund. ing a brick. Contractor ltoney of Th -se were utilized but with small Tbe U. O. Is sket ball team met move the capital from Mndi3on to Eugene was there and gave some sug- success as in the actual fire district $75.000 Fire. Milwaukee. with another debat last night at the the ’ i Keetions which will materially reduce the salvage was small. The fire wall the ' T* 10 ea8 *- a,| d wings of 1* f»i i&-K Q:i It s bauds of O. A. C. at Corvallis, U ■ tbe cost, aud it is now thought the of the Sibley wholesale building tem­ corning destroyed „insteeo build­ score standing 50 toll iu favor nf of ’ building are entirely ruined, The i structure will be built. porarily stopped tbe spread of the ings in the business section of Nich- O. A, C. The U. O. team mar at building cost 71.000,009. flames to the north. Tbe inhabitants OTHER NOTES. Governor LaFollette personally o I sod , twenty miles from here, en­ least have the satisfaction that they Last Saturday afternoon as the i of several houses on Mortimer street tailing a loss of 775,000. have played the season consistently directed tbe fight against tbe flames. Students and citizens assisted I d re­ , Springfield stage came from Eugene were removed from tbeira homes by Shortly afterward tbe A Coal Min: Surface Cive-in. moving the records andjlaw Looks. The , aud reached tbe east side of the steel tbe police. vaults are beileved to be intact. bridge it tipped over, caused by tbe ■Sibley wall fell, crushing these Seranlon, Pa., Feb. 26—A cave-lD 1 Only $8,000 are ou band. Fire Chief , front wheel sinking in tbe saw dust bouses. The west wall dropped iuto Washington, Feb. 27—Former covering thirty acres and affecting St. Paul street. This »as followed Bernard was seriously injured by fall fourth Assitstant Postmaster General two hundred dwellings occurred in REAL ESTATE TRAANSFERS. i by tbe explosion of boilers that iDg bricks. A RUSSIAN STAYESMAN. laehen end his conspirators, Lorenz, Bellevue, to ir this city, at eleven last Count Lamsdorff, Russia's minister threw fire into tbe Granite building Harry L Russell to J R Welty and pilon and Groff, in the postotfice de- night. At three this morniDg tbe of foreign affairs. Is a veteran diplomat whose twelve stories were soon ablaze Lrtment fraud cases were each today ,-ave-in gave indications of spreading. Emma Blake 160 acres in tp 15, r 71 through tbe shaft. It had been re­ Lnltn^ed to two years in tbepeniten- The fissures opened up toflay are w, 78OC. garded absolutely fireproof and was Leonard G Boss to Matblag and L.ry at Moundsville, West \ irginia, from two to five inches wide, Tbe tbe finest office building in the city. Ld to pay a tine of 710,000. cave-in is over a portion ot tbe mines Susanna Beyer 109.22 acres in tp 18. j Th i heat was eo great that tbe fron I Sentences are to date from the which were worked thirty years ago. s r 3 w, $2500. and rear walls bulged out and became 1 rank II and Lassie L Tivey to ' I.:ie they arrive at tbe penitentiary. Botts bouses a: t somp! ’tely » o?o.‘ dangerous. Shortly after 9 o'clock 1 inuel Groff has a motion pending • Lils olusrs are oat of plumb ualH Margaret R Sides let 2 blk 7 Skinner’s tbe fiout wall of the five story Marble L a new trial. Judge Kimmler, at doors and windows cannot be donation to Eugene, $850. building fell outward into Main street, Catherine C and John D McDon ­ L ney for Lorenz, made an eloquent opened. Tbe cave in was caused Ly compelling tha fiicmen to aban ou I a for bis client wbe:: tbe latter tbe settling of the surface over tbe ald to James U and Mary 3 Cole 46 the light in that direction. Sererai r od up to receive sentence, tilling Diamond vein of the Bellevue col- acres in tp 1< s, r 3 w, $2000. companies mounted open the roof ot Spencer Butte lodge, 1. O. O. F., to K«d ling. Cal., Feb. 16 — Another I court he Lad borne a reputation . lis y cf the Dea '.are and Lackawanna the six-story Burk A Fitzsimmons |-i r fleeted credit ou bis family. Railroad Company, Many families O C White lot 86, I O O F cemetery, heavy storm is raging. A veritable department store and began throwing $25. cloud urst occurred at Dunsmuir Lodge Pritchard said be would are rendered homeless. streams. Assistant Fire Chief Janes Mrs E J Nichols to S O Hamblin, last night. Toe .Sacramento is rising L no remarks on the ease at pres- fell from a window aril was seriously lots 2 and 3, I lk ". Vtynne ’ s d to ra; illy. The third land slide of tbe I as one other remained to be sen- injured. Cottage Grove. 745 . week at Centura this r ’ruing end | Sentence was delivered iu an The byracuse relief consisted ol tws G L and „aiau .’.I Runt t Mrs srria'l eli Jes con’ltiue. hears are en­ I engioes and two hose companies and Lnsctta Thoma . let 5 blk 1, tertained tha* the whole side of the N P I ■ the name fr'-tn Buffalo. All tbe Chrisman's ad to Cottage Grove, $50. m mtain will slough off onto tbe I .lie case. streams were concentrated on the State of Oregon to G»o W Gordon, railroad traek. Granite building and surroundings. 160 acres in tp 18 s, r 8 w, 72 Shortly after 19 o'clock a big !*>- and Murder and Suicide ha" been very <->jn l St. Paul MARRIAGE LICENSE. Retvizan apparently sunk two Jap- street, thence north to Division in a Calilornia Peniten­ utes bl = w out bis own trains. , The team stood still until tre»!, ap­ William Austin and Addie Buss, torpedo destroyers. Subse­ street, thence half way to Mortimer tnurdeZtook f lace in Schwartz s anses parently not knowing a oat had hap­ tiary Today. James A Austin witness. street. The fire wall of the Cox ate office through a dispute over quently several Russian torpedo boats pened. MINING TXXJAT1ON. went out to sea ard one wbicb was building marked the line of flames ness troubles. K. W. Smith, who came bere from on the north aide. Up Division San Quentin. Calif.—Cbas. Wardrip, cut off took refuge in Colubinaja Bay F D Kuzur locates Grev xoagle win Iowa Capitol Accident. aged twenty and the yeunaeet man Ceder, Minn., w ill in tbe near future street the turned district extends half where it was shelled by the Japanese. ing calim, Bohemia district. a ever executed in the penitentiary here open up a real estate office in Spring- a block. The total burned ar>-a ia s Moines, Feb. 26— An elevator was hanged at 1:49 o’clock thia morn­ held. Mr. Smith is an old-timer I d three acres The Are was confined London, Feb. 27—The Cbeef?o cor- dent In tbe capitol building the ing He mounted the fcatfold with the real estate business and ia al- within this taction. tut there prob­ ring resulted in the death of r«>pondent to the St. James Gazette ready listing Jots’of property. a smile on bis face and died game. ably will be little relief for the fl'a- Fountain, of Valley Jnnctic” • ires that one Japanese gunboat was r Tbe News i« informed ’bat tome njfD until tomorrow T i Daily Guard February 27 her mother "Mrs. Hotige. They ; badly damaged in tbe attack cn Port U. S. Vessels for Korea. time in M arch tber<* will Le opened Tbe funeral of A. 1 erington at 2 going to visit tbe seta e. Both Arthur. Tbe boat made for Cbeefoo Sacramento River Flood. Washington. Feb. 2*1- The cavy de­ in the Nicke ron taHAftg on Main adjourned cnaccccat of tb but ,..nk tefore reaching port. Eight o’clock this atf-rncon was largely .¿8 r illinery ticrc— of the crew arrived at Cbeefoo and attended. Tbe aervires which were partment is informed that the cruiser s’ree a fir Ft cJut« IpT F Bacr&OK nto, Feb. 26—Tbe Sacra- r< ported that several boat loads of conducted at tbe residence at East Cincinnati has »ailed fro“ Sbagliai Few« IT. "nto river ia rising alowly here, Vo:ht Attack Imminent. Tenth and Mill streets were in charge for Ubemulpo, where she will remain the survivors bad landed ea«t of ” s ar r#- ihtect eo ter aa « iof the Masonie fra’emity, tn which iudeani’eiy. Cteefco. Tbe Vicksburg also P.ter «b-rg, F’t 27-Th» J rat fj jm are .tin Mr. Yerlcgton belonged. The O. A. remains at Chemulpo. r ater Marya rille are massitg a pcwer.'ul L3- R. and the W. R. C. attended in r.t Per* Ar'l ar, according tc Is cor rning op in Wi ashing bodies, besides a 1> rge na- iber of Reports Untrue. ‘ * tori ay from liceroy Alexei r art of ’Le town ia flood freed* cf tbe decea ed. > reported in the London, Fsb. 27—Reports Tbv floral triLiit's ae*e many and jree xniiea be! on I... elan cruiser Askold has L’snt’.'ui. The remains were laid to to tbe p J- f H ■ I*. M ' 4»f<5< w I 10, JQ l ere this rest 1 tbe Odd Felic s’ ceBetery. bave be r ■a- drowned in T .ua City, Scaffolding for Plaster Co if deration ing Interior of Dome Madison This Gave Awy. Rochester, N. Y., Morning. Today. MARSHALL’S ACTION COMMENDABLE THE SPRINGFIELD BRICK BLOCK BASKETBALL TEAM DEFEATED AGAIN OSTOFFICE GRAFTERS SENTENCED Courthouse Items. THE STORM EXTENDS WELL SOUTH JAPANESE VESSELS BUT TWENTY AND ON GALLOWS A. Yerington's Funeral. «