S a BLE TO GET HELP. E OF THE DRAWBACKS TO WESIERN FA...4INQ, o,„ ot Thia Condition-Harvee! la >racticallx Bimultanaoua and Get- Inif to N«w Fielde of Labor Takes k bat Money W orker Maa Earned. \ peculiar situation In which there protit for neither employer nor em- >ve i* fouud in the harvest si-usou the heavy cereal-producing States the Missouri and West Mississippi Heys, says a writer in the Boston auscript. Search from the Mlssls- ,pi to the mttle ranges and north (1 south through the full extent of f wheat country reveals only occa- >nal ».rain ranches with acreages iltiplled Into the thousands and pro­ pions of harvesting machines el­ iding in length the parades of great •«■uses. The real wheat country is , good to be blocked out into acre- es commonly more than a section, larter-section farms are exceedingly siuent, and those of -UM) acres the liter has found to be a popular size mughout the wheat country. Prairie farm machinery has reached ch a development uud diversification crops, tending to distribute the farm >rk evenly through the seasons, has rived at such a stage that two men n successfully operate a standard •m from the close of one harvest ison until the opening of the next, e gang plow anil disk harrow, the lr-liorse grain drill and wide-reach- ; drug, together with weeks of time which to do the work, enable one m to seed seasonably from one to ieral hundred acres of grain. And ? tale of the prairie corn crop is one swift methods of preparing the seed 1. of planting and of cultivating, and a long, fair fall for the picking. But r smooth running of affairs on the airie farm—herein lies the peculiar nation—is broken at harvest time, lere is yet an imperfect adjustment farming methods to prairie condi- mH—en different periods—is going on. The 11 seeded for years for no other small •ain than wheat is beginning to de- and rotation in crops. But wheat la it the staple grain on the prairies, mi when the harvest time comes, it fle/d by field with many days ln- rvening, or even weeks, does the irm's crops ripen, but practically at ice. The harvest should be as near- instantaneous as possible. The two en on the 400-acre, or even 100-acre, inn need help. The situation is unprofitable to the nployer of farm labor because th«* orkers in the prairie towns and cities ) not find it convenient to drop their ■gular employment to hasten to the irmer's aid. And few workmen can fford to lie without regular employ- lent through tlie year for the sake f the week or ten days’ special bar­ est work the farmer will provide, his person must depend for his bar­ est help upon the temporarily unem- loyed gathered from the four quar- frs (more strictly speaking, from the astern liaifi of the country. «Indeed, be gathering is gratis. Press anil Jilway officials are effective agents, 'he press delights in the stories of rent wages, in the vast interest of the Western harvist. The railway official as a future freight Interest and a res« nt passenger Interest of linpor- ince. But the situation has a vast isadvantage for the farmer in that he far scattered hands cannot be Hu-lied swiftly and surely. The bar­ est cannot wait. The situation Is even more unfortu- ate for the harvester drawn from broad. He is not told that the tai­ lored wages are the highest offered— hat low wages are quite as frequent s those which have made copy for he press correspondent or been skill- wily advertised by interested people, md to those unfamiliar with Western ffairs it Is not explained that the pe- lod of harvest service In a particular ommunity terminates In two weeks, ?n days or a week. And it is not ublished that the belt of simultaneous arrest is sufficiently wide—several undred miles—to reipiire in crossing 1. for the purpose of following up the arrest, a material if not a major por- ion of the earnings of the service. The harvest service ends when the rain is cut. It does not include hous- ig grain, as in the East: prairie grain 1 not housed. The harvesters from broad rarely find even brief employ- nent stocking bundles in the field. The leailer. used exclusively In wide dis- tlcts, does away with bundle stack- n< anil leaves no more work but the trashing when the cutting Is done. ln. ““form part of every Western tluaeu «"at,,n1^fa^ra“7^Prvf;'T‘hin'i I settled community «-an take « ¿7 ?o ' HOUSE UHL RE I UAS BORN SOME BARGAINS IN CLOTHING THAT op*r»Uo« without outside help. * Round the h !• old darted houa. th. They were happy days—God rest PLEASED BOIH FATHER AND SON. them And the wind unhiLr^"1*’ LtFT HANDSDNEsS. —for my f«-et had ue'er bx-eu ,k t . UI,Il,,«ieree alu , nJ sash au d huger nheriv why be laughed. ed from Racefc by the brambles ot tunnoil; tuarka of Time is showing. h ha" h**" written a trout left­ And Decay u running riot o'er the rub- , Ne er the long years of anxiety my tern plea had been graying. handed people, hut as no one ha. here buh-covemi Boor One of the most durable woods to “Becan»» I am happy.” repll«! The Man. “I'll tell you about IL thers .a ‘ Nor. my weary form trowed earthwara ■yewmore. A statue made from It uow sMtitles‘° eaiu is falling. in the museum of Glzeb at Cairo, la prof i fluently they was thru theu a wouder wonder palace, palace. From afraid that tb» ten wouldn't cover the need. What do I know about boys’ Over yonder saga the mantelpiece da Earth th. Li. determined to uuder- known to b« nearly tktMW year* old. «astern window gating overcoats? Ills mother buys hla clothes, and. God bless her, she pinches X 1 XUMk "** ’Mde "baervatS jected and forlorn; I beheld th. new moon haugiug like s Notwithstanding this gr«-at age. It Is There is helplesaaess pathetic and th» along and makes *2 do the work of *4. and how am I to know? I didn't shining silver horn; upon 1.02» operative, and soldier* and aMert«*d that the wood Itself la en­ vmc. of O)d Arv (,alUn< And tar down upon the heavens bright tirely souud and natural lu appear­ think 1 «rould «lo much with less than *12. and I couldn't spare *12 very welt per reni’in“1“ n°r“1*1 PP°POr,1'“> < »rom each crumbling bit of mortar la "The Hoy and hla mother cant« to the office, and The Boy and I went th. evening star waa biasing; Per cent In men «nd 5 to 8 IM>r t , ance. the house where I »«, bom. to a clothing store. It was a new experience for me. I saw 'lZ in red Both were shining, just to please me. women. Further research re« ealed the A new fuel la being manufactured figures on some boys' oven-oats, and almost bad heart failure; found later o'er the house where 1 was born fact that the proportion of left-handed Her» before th, ancient areplace> whara In California which is made from that the figures meant age. not dollars. People among criminals i. verv muHi I have pa«s«d on one. It waa gray and warm and had a belt, and camo higher. So that Prof. I.ombroso re­ wonder and the glamour I first saw the futur- pictured aa 1 tree mix«! with crude petroleum. It down to th» top» of bls tiroes, and he waa so tickl«l be ju»t giggled. He Of the little eastern window from the Is said to burn freely and give girod gards left-handedness as a new char watched the embers glow; kept finding new pockets, and he threw his cheat out and aald: 'If I could world have worn away; Here 1 Iaj t0 boyish dreaming, while wT“" results. rilea made from this tree are I have seen its disappointment; I have Immune from attacks by the teredo, just have thia one. papa ' I asked the clerk and he aald 'five dollars.' Five th» shadows Bitting, flying. with savages, among whom left haml- dollar« for all that expanse of coat! I gasped like a drowning man. and said: heard its empty clamor; " ere a hundred ghosts of faucy as edness is not uncommon. His re And the house 1 once thought wonder­ and last longer than yellow pine. The 'Boy. don't you want something else?' He look«! shy. and said he alwaya they wandered to anti fro; demand for them Is greater than the wanted a pair of golf glove». Got 'em. too; good ones for 25 «ronta. and Th« searches in thia direction led Prof ful—bow pitiful to-day! knew 1 of the unirer»« which Irombreso to inquire whether there is Little spread But who knows? Perhaps eternity may supply. Boy said that mamma was going to get him a new sweater lot»» day. itself around me bring a realising not also what one might call left-sided- I An Innovation in the line of railroad In a canopy ot azure and a sea of " ‘We'll get It now,' 1 said, and the clerk flung out a daisy, white and Of the thing» my fancy painteil oret telegraph service haa trocn put Into blue, *1.50. and I paid. Say. I gue«s Boy thought 1 was going to die right waving corn; ness— that Is. whether there are not childhood ’ » early morn; use on the New York Central Railroad people who have a greater sensibility .Lil my world was on the hearthitone the gift of prophecy was. between Utica and Albany. By the there, and when I told him that he ought to have one of those tasseled caps where my childhood dreamiug And, mayhap, on the left side than on the right. He to go with the sweater be absolutely looked scared, and Mid he dliin't know after all, arising found me; discovered that left-sidedness exists In In my heart when I lay dreaming in means of the apparatus a single wire he could have It. It was a beauty—59 cent»—made of mercerised silk, they I was king—and my dominion waa the can be us«l for telegraph aud tel« said. The Boy kept the coat on. You couldn’t have pried it off him. He much larger proportion than left-hand- the houae where 1 wae born. house where I was boru. phone message« at the same time. giggled again and want«! me to feel In the pocketa. and then he wanted tn —I-eslie’a Weekly. edness, and that left-handed people do While the operator Is ticking away kiss me on the street. He aald he guewaed the boys at school would think not have more of this sensitive left- a telegraph tn Morse «ro«le another per­ he hail a pretty go.«! father. sfdedness than right-handed people. In ♦ son can telephone a mes«age without lunatics this sensitive left-sidedness is "When we got back to his mother he waa «o exclt«! that he couldn't the slightest Interference. talk plain, atul he tnlx«l pockets an«! loving u.a father and mercerized silk almost more the rule than the excep­ In a recent rejrort oti the resulte of cap and golf gloves tip scandalously. Then she glan«ro«l around to b« sure tion. the conclusion being that left­ exteml«Hl measurements of mental that nobody was broking, and lean«! her h«*ad up against me and said; ’You hand«! people are more numerous traits In the two sexes, Prof. E. L. mak<> me so happy. de»r.* among criminals and sensitive left­ » “And It all cost *7 34. and I figure that there waa one thous-nd dol­ Thorndike sakl that In the measure­ sided people among lunatics. Lom- » ♦ ment of abilities the greatest differ­ lars' worth of good f«-llng in It. I am happy, and yet I f«>l like a cheat ♦ broso remarks: ♦ ence found was the female superiority when I think that I ever begrudged my family anything ” "As man advance» In civilization and A thousand dollar»* worth of Joy for *7 34. Yes. there are Itargalns for In the tests of Impressibility, such as culture he shows an alwaya greater the rate and accuracy of periroptlon. thn- BREEZE stlrr«! the foliage of I Caleb Frye laughed. "They're weeds verbal memory anti «(«elllng. In these ages, the masculine tn this wav out­ cluded the merchant, “this sounds pre­ the trees at the liase of the thnt I'm mighty glad to get." he said. matters only about one thlrd of the numbering the feminine and adults posterous. But Just the same, It actual­ hills. The air had a touch of "This Is the Aster linariifollus, and I boys reach the median mark for girls. outnumbering children. Thus women ly happened, and had not the dye ! In general the girls were found to rubbed off of the little captives, and and savage races, even when they are chill in it. for the October day In this never before have lieen able to find be mentally lets variable than the not properly left handed, have certain Southwestern Dakota «■ountry was any that were white. Most of them troys. Governor Bailey, of-Kansas, Is a thereby their Identity established. I are violet iu color, anil the white ones gestures and movements which are a drawing to its close. great liellever In corn binds. He owns don't doubt that the grafter would The War Department, co-operating A man was lying at full length on are as rare as albino blackbirds." species of left-handedness. Some time a farm of several hundred acres which have died Indepemlently wealthy. All "You're a great one for flowers, birds I with the Sheffield Biological Lairora­ he refuses to sell, holding that corn of w hich only adds one more proof to ago Delaunay observed that the man the grass that the early frost had holds out the right arm, which the touched and killed, The man’s hands and the like, Mr. Frye," said the ranch­ tory at Yale, has detaih>d 20 men from land will soon be more valuable than the ever current fact that the public I the Hospital Corps of the army to really wants to be humbugged that woman takes with the left; that the w ere supporting his chin and his eyes man. "but I never could see anything go to New Haven under charge of an wheat producing ground. His proper­ they are anxious for It. The only real woman buttons her clothes from right were looking far off across the rolling in ’em. excepting on«1 chokes the wheat I assistant army surgeon, ty is worth more than *75 an acre, he and submit to left, while the man does so from prairies, which here met at the base and the other steals the fruit." thinks, and will rise to *100 in five difference being degree,"—Washington Post. "Well, 1 found something rarer than to experiments lntend«*d to determine years. left to right, and that women and chil­ of the Black Hills. There was pain In I whether physiological economy In dren, when they trace a lint- or turn a the gazing eyes. The voice of a her­ the aster to-day." answered the stu­ [diet cannot be practlc«l with distinct Borne sixty four miles off the coast A. T. 8TEWARTS CARPET WAR. key, for Instance, of a watch, initiate mit thrush broke the silence. Instant­ dent. "1 found a hermit thrush that betterment to the l«>dy, and without of Tunis a cluster of little islands has ly the look of the man's eves changed was willing to sing In Octolier with all the movement from right to left, while loss of strength and vigor, Brofra lieen discovered. One was found to How the Merchant Started the Milla at Glovoraville, N. Y. the adult man does so always from left Pleasure and surprise took the place the sw«-etness I have henrd It alng In »or Chittenden of the Sheffield Scien­ lie inhablt«l by a former French ser­ With sll Ills wonderful shrwwdneea, to right. Thia explains why. in early of pain. Whf.t a wonder was this, a June on Mount Washington, at the foot tific School says there Is ajtparenlly geant, Clement, who bad disappeared times, and »till among people little hermit thrush singing in Octolier its of which I was born." some fourteen years ago, and a small A. T. Stewart, mercham prince, occa­ "Those flowers are lovely, Mr. no question that people ordinarily civilized, such as Arabs, the writing song of the springtime! numtier of natives. The Islands have sionally caught a Tartar. Mr. 8tewart Frye,” said Frances Darrow, "even It consume much more f«rod than there The man rose and looked toward the was preferably from right to left, tieen annexed by France, and Clement lived to see the decadence of the Amer­ Is any necessity for. aud that thia ex-1 Mr. Driver does call them weeds. Tell which is the habit of children until cor­ copse w hence the sound came. There appointed resident inspector of fish­ ican trade In foreign carpet», flrat large­ me where they grow, that 1 may get < esa la. In the long run. detrimental to rected. Delaunay even went so far sat the bird. Its brown back reddened ing and of the harbor, registrar aud ly undertaken by him In New York. I health, and defeats the very obj«-cts In the last rays of the sun. The bird some In a day or two." The manufacture of Axmlnlatsr and In his observations as to dls«-over that teacher. 1 aln>«l at “They are growing by the spring sang ecstatically for a full minute; moquette carpets by hand In foreign antique chronometers were wound It la not known Just how long mos ­ Electromagnets promise to come Into just lieyond that bit of swamp where then sunset and silence. countries was one of the slowest of from right to left, while modern ones quitoes can live, but their average life common use for lifting heavy pieces Caleb Frye rose. He listened a mo­ the big tree was blown down In the trade proceeeew Two men aud a boy are wound in the opposite direction.— j of Iron In factor!«« and rolling mills, is much longer than is ordinarily sup­ ment, hoping to hear once more the last storm.” were employed at one loom, and they North American Review. "I never knew so much of nature, j IiiHtead of the present hooka and posed. Thousands of them live through could make but one and a half yards voice of that prince of singers, but winter, hlliertiatlng or asleep In dark chains a large pl«-e of metal Is sus- no sound came save the slight rustling Mr. Frye,” said Howard Deane, “but plucea In liarns or house cellars. In a day, according to the New York Ilog knew His Business. of the russet leaves. Caleb Frye turned from the enjoyment that you s«-em to pended strove the Iron or st«-l obj«-t Times. Alexander Smith and Ills part­ A certain officeholder decided to buy and walked with shambling gait east get out of It I lielleve It must tie worth to be fittml, a current Is run through sparsely settled localities, where they a dog. In reply to his “ad.” a man ward away from the hills. He strode cultivating. Some day 1 wish you'd thia, rendering It magnetic, so that It cannot find such places for shelter, ner, Halcyon Skinner, of Yonkers, In­ vented a loom that made eleven yards calle«! at his office with an intelligent- on for twenty minutes, and then, teach me how to get into the good simply picks up the obj«'t and holds they live through the winter In hollow a day when attended only by a young trees; end. even though the tempera ­ I It until the current Is turned off. A looking animal, that he Immediately rounding a bit of timlier. came upon a graces of the Mother.” girl. This revolutionised the carpet took a fancy to, though he deemed It That night Caleb Frye went to his magnet weighing 850 pounds can carry ture may fall far lielow freezing, they Industry. Stewart, quick to perceive. advisable to first Inquire Into some­ room early. He studied for a while a load of five tons. The time required are not winter killed, but on the ap­ Immediately acquired control of the thing of its characteristics. and then became restless. He wan­ I for fastening a load to a crane by the proach of warm weather become ac­ output of Alexander Smith A Sons "What can he do?” be asked. dered out on to the porch and turned present methtxls Is eat I mat«! to rep­ tive again. Mosquitoes are frequently Carpet Company, and through his enor­ “Oh, sir. he can do anything, the corner of the building. He beard resent one half the cost of handllug seen flying alrout In the woods liefore mous dealings that concern grew toon« voices and listened Involuntarily. The tlie material, so that great saving In the snow has wholly left the ground. of the largest of Its kind In tlie world. you've lost anything, sir. lie'll go direct voices were those of Howard Deane handling material la apparent. There —Popular Belence Monthly. to the place where you lost it. Hell----- " The Smiths had llttlw to say. Alex- A hundred pounds of Hiutiergria has ander ami Warren B. went quietly an«l Frances Darrow He did not mean Is a numlier of the«e el«*tromagneta "By the way, I've just missed my inow In iwe at different «f«»el plant« ’ been aoia« he «■ OTfl find It?" along filling Stewart's order» and ln- If w« must havu Iioouiuitoe« at all, erty. The appraised vain« is *3u an koo«v that wh«t lm«f hern in hit heart "Certainly, sir. Just let him sniff at creased their plant. Inaainuch aa people w:l!l regret that the new. «pedes ounce, or *48.0<)0 for the hundred must die. your hand." Stewart had financed the company A hundred pounds of pure of these inseds which Dr. William L. I pounds. Caleb Frye went to hla room and The officeholder hehl his hand to the right along, he thought he owned It. threw himself on his bed. The win- Cnderwo«.«! ha« dl»«>ver«l Is a native gold would not be worth as much by One «lay Smith (It was In 1873) called dog's nose and the animal trotted se­ And were a hundred pounds of the Maine woods instead of more *ldj>0<>. «low was open, Ilownward through renely off. Presently he returned, aud flying from the liberal with you. and I'm paying too At the same moment the ell k of the coming winter," be thought to himself, moreover, Its larvae f«-«-d eagerly upon to find and harder to tranaport. It la much for your carpets. You must typewriter in the next room ceased. "but for me the winter has already the larvae of other sp«’lea of mosqui­ found floating In lumpa In the ocean, come away down In your price»,” I A girlish form appeared In the door­ toes. For thia reason experlinmts are and occasionally In the Intestines of come." Smith said he would think It over. way. The next morning the ranchman and being made to determine If the new the apermncetl whale. There are, how­ The Sloane», who had started In the "My sash ribbon." crl «1 a high sweet his two men guests stood on the porch. mosquito will thrive In the climate of ever. few aperm whnjea available, and carpet business In 1R43 In a small build­ voice, "my sash ilblron! The «log has Mother Driver came out. “Where's southern New England. It has receiv­ the lumps of amlicrgrls have been ing opiMielte the city ball, were not, up my sash ribtion!" Frances, Mother?” asked ths ranch­ ed tho name of Eucorethra Under- growing »career as the whale» have to this time, of great consequence In The officeholder’» face turned a dull woodl. Its manner of disposing of decreased In numtier. man. the trade, but when Smith left Stewart red. He cast a furtive glance at the •AW HIM COMING AND WAVID A HAST). "She's Just left for school. Rhe went the larvae of othw mosquito«» Is cal­ to think over money and pries» he man, dived into his pocket and ltau!«l POOR ENGLISH 8PARROW& culated to make sufferers from recent early because she wanted to get soma great, rambling ranch house On the walked straight to the fUoane estab­ out a bill. mosquito bites gleeful. "The victim of those white weeds down by the nipped In Cnnsrx Dp» Th»p War» »old lishment and made a dicker. The next said. veranda was a young woman hardly “ I guess the dog ’ ll do, he Is caught," says Doctor Underwood, I past girlhood. She waved him a wel­ spring, and it takes her out of the for Hon<«t«rd. morning Stewart learned to his dismay quietly.—New ? ork Times. "shaken violently a few times, and come, which he answered with hla way.” “ At least soma member» of the spar­ that the entire output of the Yonkers »wallowed!” John Driver paled suddenly. "My hand, but In his eyes there came the row family have tieen enjoying their mills had tieen turned over to the look that was there before the thrush God. mother!" ho said. "Bill and I set ease and s great deal of luxury In Sloanes, and he was no longer carpet New "Hock of Age«." a spring gun trap there last night for aang. A missionary lately returned from pretty, bright brass blrecause she so dearly loved derstand. "Aa it turned out. complaints ha ve colonial lady of four summers, but, says "As in the days gone by; He rould rail no more. His voice Tlie Great T«-lr««*o|>e» <>iil«i«ine. "Mother ” Driver. Caleb Frye had not been coming In thick and faat. C«m- the Cornbill Magazine, she began her The beauty of the acene has fled Remarkable result« in star pliotogrn- plalnta that a\man ban. for some time first con vernation with the gentleman known any woman Intimately In hla was spent with running, but his limbs Uid things hare gone awnr. whole life. He knew nothing of them. carrie«! him on. The girl bad entered phy with comparetive y Inexpenatv» past, lieen peddling around town Eng- just out from England in thia unprom­ The langhter seems to lack the zest He had bad no time for anything but the bush«-« near the spring. The man apparatus have tieen r<-port«*d by Pro- llah sparrows that. It haa since lieen ising fashion: And tears the honest woe "The fie»» bite me a lot In the night.” They had when earth was at its l-est. the studies which held him chained. tri««! once more to call. The voice was femior Sehaeberle. Ill» tel«**cope w>«» discovered, were artistically dlpi»-d •'Heer me. that la very sad!” Then, So many y*»r« ago. ’ Here In the f«rothllls he had the time a whisper, but on be ran. and In an­ ■ parabolic reflector of diort foctl». th» Into a pretty, bright, canary colored The snn that rod» his and the opportunity, and be fell in other moment had burst Into the copse mirror l*lng 13 Inches in diameter, dye. and dl'.|ioae«l of at a dollar or wishing to administer consolation even He saw the glistening of the wire of wdtb a focus of 2o Incoes, and expo*, All smilingly l>rok«l The were quetrly mingle«!. Knowing that lar bam. ” It waa night In England when It w-aa with th* oh! ranchman ha«l look •d over raised him tenderly and carried him tist. "There are o "Perb»p» he'll gi t over hl» fault« In rules consist«! chlefir of "d«in'ts for How- Into the open, placing him gently on «lay In Auairall». she had pictured the the whole territory for mile*. canary blnla " one r«-nd ‘ Avoid parts that won't wor time." aiigge«te«l tlie other. ard iroane should hare left three the dry grass of the prairie. There strong light.' aiol went on to explain fle-i as a wondering Jew. dally bopping fere with the rest at can ’ t “ Not much! H*'» »ham w«*ks I*fore. bnt be llnger«L Caleb wae a gaping wound In bla side. At tie cured.”—Philadelphia Pt Itliat the bin! waa very young, and the world In pursuit of bla laborious But. taken as ■ wh' y-ry, looked at Frances Darrow, and that ln«tant the voire of a bird came j that like all young things, strong light I livelihood. ■ucccm through the from the thicket Caleb Frye opened |*o««<>fn< • Hustn- •«. knew the rreson for the lingering. i was Imd for the eye». But the 'don't' high."—Washington F««r P »IxniBSd«, his eyes "Ifa summer." be murmured. Tb» L uit«-d Mates postal de ■ariment I that provml the fellow's umlolng and Ban Franclaco'a city engineer lt>- to »"I. “I am going up the mountain path; handles 7.2óo.'»»> letters and ranis a . «| evening. John Driver, hla Many Chano 1 xwvr «a A that Optol <-!« for ehil- Deane Join«! the girl on the the hermit thru»hes are singing." year—s niimlier atsoit equ.il to that Samuel W. Hamn UPH». Wtw id rei Ipltfll urg. P*- w* fl ltd dr«'n'« play grounds In hla report on In a moment hts spirit waa beyond of Gr«*»1 Britain. Germany and I'rari Getty*t» country »tore near 1 ■ wltl w blr jr, and in poreb ni-edtd linpruvrnimta. the mountain top. and tn him had come fp rpppntl; taken together. advertised for a wif nst nl ha -What eternal summer and eternal »ong — ■ rpf'rived an It's alm«n>t a» «l.itb «¡it for a mml-um mint Here « the course of a fpw sth till! , Frye?” c* of white Chicago Record Herald. ilng Ita tn preibct what I« going to happeu a* U • r tro ' »were from X?» Wl ’OtDPD. Caleb > g rare.” ‘st d n It I« for a hUtorlan to record w hat ban nth A tt” t Alaune« aoft water la one ezcum Ibp kind /*((.• itappvokX for d/.nklng hard ack » J the raiKhmaB. ila -IL Science vention, : a //V THE SHADOW :♦ : OF THE HILLS. ¡ : A, me I to’r,rd ,b* H