|// Humors Ipure matters which the -kia, Kineys and other organs litter the whole system. Lies, boils, eczema and other "The Adventures of Gerard" la the Lus. loss of appetite, that tired title of A. Conan Iloyle’s new book. ■ bilious turns, fits of indiges- Miss Caroline Brown has sent the lull headaches and many other I manuscript of her new book, "Un the : W e-a Trail.” to the Macmillan Com- L are due to them. pauy. it is a tale of Indiana In the closing years of the revolution. "The Pool In the Desert” is the title I of Mrs. Everard Cotes' (Sarah Jesu- nette Duneam new volume of short L, all humors, overcome all stories which D. Appleton & Co. will [effects, strengthen, tone and issue. There are four tales in all, each Late the whole system. said to be very interesting. Myrtle Reed's new novel, “The 1,1 salt rheum on my hands so that I Lt work. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla I Shadow of Victory.” will be published [drove out the humor. I continued j by G. P. Putnam's Sons. As has been I till the sores disappeared.” Maa. | announced, this la a romance of Fort hjaows, Rumford Fails, Me. i Dearborn, the little trading post from tl's Sarsaparilla promise* to which developed the city of Chicago. and keeps tne promise. Bliss Carman's flrat book of prose. I he Kinship of Nature,” is announced for early publication by I.. C. Page & Poverty In Denmark. Lark makes a clear distinction Co. it will be followed immediately in the thriftless and therespecta- I by “Sappho, One Hundred Lyrics,” >r. The former are treated like j with an introduction by Charles G. D. ft paupers. The latter never ■ Roberts. i workhouse threshold. P desti- "Ferns.” by Dr. C. E. Waters. Ph D., they receive a pension ranging Johns Hopkins university, is to bo bree pounds to seventeen pounds brought out shortly by Henry Holt & r or, if too feeble to look after i Co. The book describes all the ferns lives, they are placed in an old- in the northwestern States anil Is In- me. ’ tended to cover the same territory as j Gray’s “Manual.” His View of It. Arthur Severn, the artist who mar- Iggsby—Yes, it was a close call F I owe my life to my wife’s | rled Ruskin's cousin and ward. Miss Joan Ruskin Agnew, has nearly com- pleted his "Recollections of Ruskin.” gins—Is that so? rg«by—It is. The doctor objected which should prove Interesting, con­ niethods and quit in disgust. sidering the author's Intimate aasocla- I tion with Ruskin and his great talent London's Criminals. as a raconteur. often said that there are 70,000 The Macmillan Company have just b criminals in London. The j published a new abridgement of Lln- I records of Scotland yard do not . gard's well-known "History of Eng- a In in all eo many names, and ' land." brought down to the present. of these have been dead for ' An abridgement of this book has for fifty years been used in most of the 5 Catholic schools of Great Britain as Misplaced Affection. L Eskimos were very angry with | the text-book in English history. Itive explorer. It is understood that Samuel Merwin that did he do?” asked the mem- is completing a new novel, which will I the relief expedition. j be called "His Little World.” This e petted our doge,” explained i story Is described as including the | ative. ' presentation of an original aud strik- I there any harm in petting your | Ing character—a real man doing a if man's work in the stirring shlppiug les; their tails were frozen stiff, and lumber life of Lake Michigan. Uien they went to wag them they During one of his recent wanderings off.”—Stray Stories. abroad Clifton Johnson visited the County of Wiltshire, where he secured twenty-live of the finest picture,' of nature and rural life. These photo­ graphs will be used to illustrate the new edition of Richard Jefferies' well- j known work, “Wild Life in a Southern Village,” which Little, Brown A Co. will publish under the title, “Au Eng­ lid Mortality In the West Indies, lish Village.” the West Indies infantile mortal- An Important little volume is an­ very heavy. Ae soon as the chil- Df the peasant can toddle about nounced by Houghton, Mlfllln A Co., ire allowed to eat whatever they by the late George 8. Morison, former­ up. Ae a natural result more ly president of the American 8oclety half cf them die in many of the of Civil Engineers and classmate and close friend of John Fiske. "The New la before they are a year old. Epoch as Developed in the Manufac­ The City Man's Advantage. ture of Power” is the compreuei five [ (the hired man)—That city title of the essay, which blds ieir to Jer’s the biggest fool I ever seen. arouse no little Interest among scien­ [he don’t even know enough tew tists and others. I up a hose. James Otis Kaier, better known as kg—He may not know enough to James Otis, the writer of stories for [up a hoes, Jake, but I notice he young people, is now at work on Ills iitch up cluseer tew your beet girl ninety-fourth book, which Is to be pub­ )e minutes than yew kin in a bull lished by J. B. Lippincott Company. In’.—Judge. When it is added that all the Otis books are yet on sale, it can lie under­ A Diving Cat. farmer in Bailina, New South stood that the author has made no fail­ >8, trained a black cat to act as a ures In the euormous amount of work »ver. The animal was also fond performed The new story from Mr. Sing in the sea for fish, and recent- Otis Is to be called, probably, “The brougbt out a two-pound mullet, Treasure Hunters.” truer was ended by being swal- Jean's Revenge. 1 by a shark. An avenger need not necessarily be a naturalist, but there are cases where Too Swift Concurrence. he would take his vengeance more to I Atchison man, newly married, lonnding his wife's praises to hie the purpose if he knew the habits of friends. “Why, she is eo much his victim. Llppencott’s Magazine ir than I," he said, “I don’t see tells a story of Jean, the French-Ca­ she came to marry me.” Hie nadian gardener, who was found ria all agreed to this eo promptly stamping on a little mound of fresh be got mad; said he was as good earth and chuckling to himself. “Ah, m'sleu',” he cried. ’Tlumph- Is wife any day, and wanted to antly, “I am not a one to be trifled I the crowd.—Atchison Globe. with! I am a cr-r-r-uel man when once I am arouse. M’sleu' will remem­ For Sale or Exchange. ber the mole that has long time rav­ ■ o lflO Acre Tracts and two 120 Acre age the strawberry beds of madame? Its of unimproved prairie land in fca-ka, clear title; will grow corn, Every morning madame she say, 'Jean, ■ wheat, rye, alfalfa. Will exchange why catc'uost thou not that mole?’ “But the mole was wise; 'e was |or all for small saw mill, shingle I. timber or ranch property in Wash- queek. Always I look and look, but Ilin or Oregon. A. B. NEWELL, never can I find beem. But at last [818, Seattle, Wash. _ tbees very morning—I catch heem. I bold heem tight in my hand- go—and I iHy. ’Aha-a-a! Is It tbou, then, that has vexed madame. and rav­ aged her beds of the strawberry? Dizzy? Headache? Pain Aha-a! You shall repent of tbees wick­ bk of your eyes? It’s your edness.’ Fer! Use Ayer’s Pills, “Then I wonder how I shall kill heem. He must be punished as well bntly laxative; all vegetable. as killed. I wonder and wonder, but for 60 years. fcgJffSa at last I here the grand idea Ab. it was cr-r-uel, m'sleu', that way I ant your moustache or beard kill heem! But wbat would you? Did beautiful brown or rich black? Use he not deserve of the worst? But be will vex madame no more. I fix beem. I bury beem alive!” P 7» or Pttotimo» a r kau > *— w Peebles. It Opens ■ Naw World to One Who Ueea It Properly. Ld’s Sarsaparilla and Pills [Bilious? |d BUCKINGHAM'S DYE The Genuine TOWER'5 POMMEL SLICKER . HAS BftN ADVERTISED AND 3OLD FOB A QUAiTEB Of A QNTUiY » LIKE ALL .igPto.MTfimOf CLOniiNG Ss'SJZ? It is sn4e of the best rwtsrwls in biack or/el:« My ^aastati tad »cM by reliable dealers eWTwkere STKK TO THt , ’ SIGN OF THE FISH — — — ___ J I I Where Solomon (lot His Wisdom. THE CAMERA AN EDUCATOR. The little boy was asked by a Sunday school teacher to write all he knew about Solomon and hand his paper to her the next Sunday. The following Sunday he handed her a slip of paper on which was written: ‘‘King Solo­ mon was a great and wise mau. He had 100 wive«. After that he did not believe in God.”—New Yotk Time». No Hair? A friend of one of our contributors walked into the editors office tbe other day with a request that we give our attention to wbat be called au ' auticamera crusade." says the Amer­ ican Inventor. He informed his patient auditor that Ills small sou bad lately become f>osses»ed of “oue of tinse devilish kodak things" aud now, by the great born spiran, lie wanted to Navlgnble Chinese Rivers. study art! It was mildly suggested to the irate | parent that sons have on An investigation of the Obi and occasion done worse things, but a Yenexei livers, made under the aus­ was the only re­ pices of tbe Russian government, has muttered malediction I suit. He < did not give us time to tell revealed the fact that these streams are him what we really thought of the navigable by ocean steamers for a dis­ matter, so we are going to do It now. tance o( 1,000 miles from their In our opinion there no greater fac­ mouths. tor to-day tbau tbe camera as a means of education. We do most emphati­ cally believe that the closer man gets To Chicago, Dubuque and the to nature the more he knows, the Fast; to l>ea Moines. Kansas City and better citizen be makes and tbe more the 8onth«>ast, via Chicago Great West­ competent he la to bear bls part as a ern railway. Electric lighted trains. unit tu the great machine humanity. Vnequalled service. Write to J. P. Aud tbe camera Is the thing that Flmer, G. 1’. A., Chicago, for informa­ sends a man out Into the country, tion. that makes him walk and look, not Moon and Weather. walk and think about his business. It sends some of Its devotees down When tbe moon moves south in her close to the ground for iuaect pictures, orbit abundance of rain will follow, others It makes climb trees for birds, but when she goes north drought is to to others It holds out inviting hands tie expected, says the government as- calling them w here ocean breezes blow tiouomer of Australia. and to one and all It exercises a Mother* will flint Mr« Winslow's Moot bine fascination and a mysterious charm Syru|> the beet remedy to use lor lheir children which breeds, often from nothing, au the teelblus >es»ou appreciation and love for tbe Iteauti- Feast of the Arrow. ful. without which uo one can truly The feast of the arrow is a Persian say, "I have lived.” festival. It commemorates the feat of In education the camera la a bigger Arieh, who at eveniug shot the famous man than the superintendent of arrow which fell 500 miles away by 12 schools. Bringing far acene« to the o’clock the next day. textbook page fur the edification of tlie child to w hum pictures are every- BTATX OF O hio . CITV or TOLK DO, > ( OVNTY. I •• thing and print a to- be- avoided evil, F rank LVCAM J. < hknky make* oath that he 1* the telling a story In seelies from the ■cmor |>arter of the tirui of F. J. t hknky A Co., doing buRincBN in the <’itv of Toledo, County uorth or south and making real to lit­ and State aforesaid, ami that said th tn will pav tle minds the difficulties and danger« the inm ol CNF HCNDRED DOLLARS for each every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured which the explorer and the vanguard and by tbe u»e of H all ' s C atarrh C i mk FRANK J < HKNF.Y have to face, It is plny- of civilization Sworn to before me ami eubacribed in my ing a part in the better education of pretence, thiaktb day of December, A. D. 1 n * m <. mnukiud that may well require an ad- <—A. W. GLEASON, | Aofary FuMic miration and a reverence but little r second to that which the world pays Uah’s Catarrh Cure is taaen internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of to the inventor of letters aud books. Lbv system. Send for totimontala, free. I. CHENKY 4bCO.( L'.edu, O. So to that dissatisfied father whose bold by druggists. 76c. sou of slxtei-n was so broadened that Hall’s Family Pills are tbe best. lie knew his ignorance and asked for British Shipbuilding Statistics. an art training, and to all the multi­ Last year Britain sold 300 ships of tude of parents whose children use the camera to the alternate amuse­ an average tonnage of 2,000 each to ment aud disgust of tbe household, we foreign countries, Among these were would commend a little «■ducat Iona 1 twenty warships. reading, a subscription to » photo- riTft Permanently cured. fltsornerrousnoas graphic magazine and a careful re­ I I I U after tlriitday'suneofl)r.Kline'aGreat Nerve RoMtorer. Send fur Frew S2 trial tie and t real la»x pressiou of oppression of tile camera. Dr M. H. Kline. Ltd Ml An h st . hot Philadelphia, Pa. It does no harm. It does great good—It Is not a waste of time—it is an ed­ A City of Vicissitudes. ucational recreation, and last, but not Herat bolds the record of being the least, it is not a "monomaulacal pur- [ most often besieged of the world’s cit­ suit,” but a broadsuer and deepen»* ies. It has beeu taken and retaken of the mind, and as such ia to be en­ over fifty times. couraged and smiled upon. You Can (let Allen’s Poot-tiase FRH.B. Daguerre, salutem! “My ha ir was falling out very fast and I was greatly alarmed. I then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair stopped falling at once.”— Mrs. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, O. The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save your hair. Feed it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer’s Hair Vigor will restore color every time. ti m • Mils, an amuiMs. LOWFST RATES Miss Gannon, Sec’y Detroit Amateur Art Association, tells young women what to do to avoid pain and suffering caused by female troubles “D ear M rs . P inkham :—I can conscientiously recommend T.ydfnE. Pinkham’s \ egetable Coni|M>und to those of my sisters suffering with female weakness and the troubles which so often befall women. I suf­ fered for month* with general weakness, and felt so weary that I had hard work to keep up. 1 had shooting pains, and was utterly miserable. In my distress I was advised to use Lydia K. Pinkham’s X’egetable Compoun'l, and it was a red letter day to me when 1 took the first dose, for at that time my restoration began. In six weeks I was a changed woman, perfectly well in every resiiect. I felt so elated and happy that I walltail women who suffer to get wellas 1 did.”—Miss Gin a G annom , 339 Jones St, Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art Association. It is clearly shown in this young lady’s letter that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound will certainly cure the sufferings of women; anti when one considers that Miss Gannon’* letter is only one of the countless hundreds which we are continually publishing in the newspapers of this country, the great virtue of Mrs. Pinkham's medicine must be admitted by all; and for the absolute cure of all kinds of female ills no substitute can possibly take its place. Women should bear this important fact in mind when they go into a drug store, and lie sure not to accept anything that is claimed to Is- " just as good " as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for no other medicine for female ills has made to many actual cures. How Another Young Sufferer Was Cured. “D ear M rs . P inkham : — I muat write and tell you what your Veget able Compound has done for me. I suffered terribly every month nt time of men­ struation, and was not able to work. Your medicine has cured me of my trouble. I felt relieved after taking one bottle. 1 know of no med­ icine as good as yours for female troubles.” — Miss E dith C kos *, 109 Water Street, Ha verhill, Mass Heart Mint Go with the Pen. If your druggist cannot supply yoa, send ut one dollar and *e will expreM you a taottle. Be *urv and gt\• the nama •t juur uearost expre»B office. Adwell, Mass. Miners and Quarry men. There are 4,500,000 miners and quarry men in the world. MUSIC'- StlLkncy < iuMollrsss I £rvigln«» Fifty dollars can l>e saved by buying the aliove. Will run cheaper, chopping 15 to 2tl bushels per hour, wood saw, well drilling maehinerv. pump«, etc Write for catalogue REIERSON MACHINERY CO.. Foot of Morrison Strrtt. Portland. Oregon. Finest in the world. bit right down and write for beautiful illustrated x|iecial catalogue on r< >«■ l.usheH. Hoffman Bros.. Glisan St.. Portland. Oregon. DYSPEPSIA “For «lx y««rs I waaa victim ol dvs- D.-p.ia hi it. worst form I counl rat r.otlimic Ont milk toast, and at tlinrsniy slomuvl) would not retain and dluesi Bien thul 1-avt March 1 l>e,an Mklim I’ASCAKETS and since tin n I have steadily improved until 1 am as well as 1 «ver was In my life. Daviv H Mi ni'BV. Newark. O. CANDY CATHARTIC Plssssnl. P«l»lsblo I’otenl Good Rs Qoud. N.-vsr Sii’dru Wsateli or Gril* II« Ks- ÙOs. ... A good letter may be written by one who dislikes to write letter»; one who dislikes to write may even, by force Another Point ol View. of Intellect or will, always compose good letters, but this Is not what is "How true it is,” said the dealer in mt a lit by the elegant art of letter writ- ' stock quotations, “that the apparel oft Remember, Mrs. Pinkham** advice is free, and all sick women Ing. That art demand* primarily not proclaims tbe man.” alone an ease of outward form, but an j "Yes,” remarked the casual oh- •re foolish If they do not ask for it. No other person I um sue! i underlying love of the thing, a natural server, "and on the other hand an hon- vast experience, and han helped so many women. Write to-day. . recourse to the pen a» a means of en- ent heart sometimes beats lienealh the Ar AAA FORFEIT*' ” nannot forthwith produes th- original lel^r. and .igbat uran ot Joyment. as a solace, a» an unprented- plug hat that surmounts a sack coat." X hllllll Above leBtizuonUds, which wfll prove their absolute genuinene«8. 1 itated expression of thought or emo- VUUUU Lydia E. Piukham Medlciue Co., Lynn, Matt, i Iloti. It is the presence of this fac­ tor hi tlie constitution of the writer that ho often makes the letters of peo­ fiarket Pries. War Doga. One day a little baby brother arrived ple not superlatively Intellectiinl or The war messenger dogs of the Ger­ man army have hitherto been recruited at Hamiln’s house, and being of a prac­ learned far exceed In grace and charm I from the ranks of sporting dogs. But tical turn of mind, he asked his moth­ the Intsired effort» of initid» of pro- a change is to be made. The retrievers j er how much she had to pay (or him. | found attainments. Women are often The little “How much do you think he is excellent letter writer». were not always sure letter-carriers, be­ ! things that go to the inaklnk of the ing often diverted from their mission worth?” returned his mother. ‘•Well,” Hamlin reflected, ‘‘he only perfect letter ure appreciated by them, by game met en route. They will be replaced by Scotch shepherd dogs, weighs ten pounds, so I should Uiink the trifles of the outer world no les» Genuine which have more endurance and are ten dollars would be enough, because than the trifles of the Inner world of beefsteak is only 20 cents a pound. more conscientious. I human affections and endeavor. Noth | ing kills the life of a letter more sure­ The Coffins of the Greeks. Hood Wishes for Wedded Couple. ly than the conscious or unconscious The ancient I «reeks useu " -peciea ol feeling on the part of the writer that A couple who were united in wedlork recently were the recipients of a tele­ limestene known ae sarcophagus in it Is not worth while to write this or gram which read as follows: “I wish making coffins. The peculiar quality that. Absolute play of pen is nemled, you the health cf Jeffries, the wealth of sarcophagus consisted in the fact ; for the quality of style In letter writ­ rf Rockefeller and the luck of Roose­ that it would consume the human body ing. evasive as It is, tends rather to Muet Bear Signature of velt. I cannot attend tbe wedding, but within a period of a few weeks. It is (liwurslvMiess than to conciseness.— nil' endeavor to lie present at the chris­ said to have been found at Assos, a .G-inton's Magazine. city of Lycia. tening.” SECURITY, Carter's Little Liver Pills. All Kc.llomlc.l Mother. Small Katherine, who had been for­ bidden to touch the Ink liottle, bad a«' cidentally s|illl<*d Its contents not only all over her mother’s desk, but on the rug, several chairs and her own apron. Her mother, on dliw-overing the state of affairs, had expressed more surprise than pl<-asiiro. When the fath««r of the family returned at night hla little If so then your system is out of balance, and there is a flaw somewhere in your constitution, daughter met him at the door und and a possibility that you are losing health, too. asked: The falling off in weight may beslight, bat it make* "Papa, how much does a bottle of a wonderful change in one s looks and feelings, and ink coat?" unless tbe building up process is begun in time, “Oh. about 5 cents." vitality and strength are soon gone and health “Five cents!" exclaimed quickly follows. If you are losing weight there is gri«-v«-d youngster, In a ton«- of r a. OSlNGViZ it PaoSImlle Wrapper llclow. ( I «maU a.d aw wway to take aa astrae. FOR NUOACHEs CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. FOR FOR FOR FOR FOR RIUOUSRES». TORPID LIVER. CONSTIPATION. SALLOW SKIR. THE COMPLEXION CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Msstessl. *•« t«rt- «11 ■«««■• «•••«! Write Allen 8. Olmated, Le Roy.N. Y., for a free sain pie of Allen's* Foot I-awe It cures ■wealing, hot swollen, aching feel. It makes new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for corns, Ingrowing nails and bunion* All «1 rug- gists sell It. ’Jftc. iFon’t accept any substitute. ha TA ns A Hold and soiirnau-t-d Io All '1ruf- boi * Lo Cl K s: l'obac-isj liable RU*IU«DAv W. L. DOUGLAS *3 SHOES *3.22 & MAOL You can »are from $3 to $6 y®*rly by wearing W. L. Douglaa $3.50 or $3 shoes. They equal those that have been coat­ ing yon from S4.00 to >5.00. The im- meuMe wale of \V. L. Douglas shoes proves their superiority over all other makes. Hohl by retail shoe dealers everywhere. Look for name aud price on bottom. That P ouk I an hrv « Cor« onaluli proves then* I n value In lloutflai* Nhoea. I oriina I n the hlahoNt grail«« fat.Leather mad«. riitt > ’i»ior h yelatt utrd. Our 94 Gilt f L ina rann _ »qualíatTaf _________ . tany pries. NhoeM by mall, 25 reetN extra. Illuxtrateg Catalog free. W. 1.. IMM 1*1.AS, Hrorkton, Haw Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chl- NM «b«< tor I n t ailt-d great becrniM» he rum |M-op|r without oprrw tion that are given up to die He cures with thfNie wonderful t'lu- lire* herl»B, roots, htnlN, harks and vegetables I Inti are • ntir«lv im known to medical sci­ ence In this country. ,. Through the u*e o; those barmleea remediee tht* A mimmn < i ««• > knows the <«r ovt mo d ff. r«m rea w in- ii h« --!• « eeehill - T« '• «li*.-nw« - He guarafitece to ear* cattarli, Mth ma, lung, threat, rheumatlam, nervi»uan«*•<*, •iiotiiai'h, liver, k -Ini \ s. et< ÌMM >*«»«»«Ir*-1«• or testimoniala * hargea moderate. < nil and »O him I’Mlli'iiiN «ml <.i III., rlty wr 1 blanks andciHMtlare Mend atamn i TAT1UN Hili a iH-ki -MW The C. Gte Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 2SJ Alder St.. Portland. Orogen. P. N. U. CURE SICK HEADACHE Yîürsjfora llïëârtfeâd3 e BROMO-SELTZER* IIP tSoLl) EVERYW/flKE Southwick Hay Press The Southwick has the large*» • apaetly. I* faetwt and eaaieat worker of any Hay frees made. Hr ml for catalogue Mailed free. MITOHIU, LCWIS A STAVCR OO. Portland, Qrognn PAINLESS EXTRACTING teeth Extracted Absolutely W ilhout Pain and al! kinds of Dental Work Done by Wise Brothers, the Painless Dentists. Open rraning« till t. Huadajr* from 9 to IX SVISI. BROS., Dentists A f % KkZJÍ •