jericanBcauty d F. C. Corsets Mr. Mitzuer. nearly overturning the BONDS BID IN fuggy, and shortly afterward broke away from him and ran down tbe BY PERRY FRANK road, tbe baggy passing over Mr. Mitzner's body. Tbe horse rau about half a mile dowu tbe road to whtrv x elusive Lute Savage and several others wen gns and l-ast evening the city council met staudiug, aud wbeu the men attempt it fash i<'fi­ iu etxra session for the purpose of I ed to stop him. turned around, over le models. iqieuing tbe bids fur the $15,1X0 turning the buggy and ran iuto the ;r 90 new sewer Isinds recently voted. Has Gotten Him Into | I ilitch, State Taxable Property where he dropped dead. .jp-todate There were three bids ou $SXKkl of corrodes, never ¿.Shortly after .ear I a team fr mi th es to select the bouds, made by the First Natiouiil Trouble at Estimated at sweats nor exp., ds; in fact Mute school came aloi g, and becoin n. Made Bank, 1*. Frank a»d J. J. Lewis. P. First Day on the Ground never fives .-v tronfie of ing frightened at the dead horse, rau n selected Frank was the beat bidder for th« ' *ny kind and is i»ed Cr all away, doing considerable damage to Salem $175,000,000 ar-well •XXX', his bld being as follows: -r work. ---- l Is Interesting. classe* of , A very buggy and driver. i r i c s and First KXM -tie fourth of oue per i superior covering f EJ. McClanahan is an employe ry Pair cent preu; um; eecoud $3(XX), one filetcrin, depoti, ci of Fred T. Merrill, of Portland, our liber- third of oue |>er cent.; aud third Increase Shown in al! Counties — Mathine Caused Horse to Run dealer iu bicycles and «ut« mobiles, tanneries, «Lcd» *i.J uarantee. fA'iK' one-half of oue per ceut. The | proper!/. aud often comes to Salem on busi- Away and Kiil Hmiseli- limber Lands Show .Marked to see other birds were by J. J. Lewis, Send for be»k' , uess for the firm. Ou that day he Pavilion and Stock Ex­ $2917 for $HlW; by First Nations). 6 Dead Horse Caused Another Raise—-Farm Valuation came to Salem iu an automobile, r* The Pd per cent net ou totsi $15,(MX». aud in the afternoon was out riding Runaway. Not Greatly Improved hibits Visited by EXKX) of tbe the bonds I hh - oiu « due with a young lady of the capital c.'y. every thr -e years for tbe next 15 Exclusive MaKera Many People. THE PENALTY. years. Tlie remainder of the $1.\(XX), From what can be learned iu uuotti I Sunday's Salem Statesman has the JIMA200, MICHIGAN As the automobile is a compara will be let to tbe liest bidder laler on. ical advices, from the different conn following concerning a well known Id «od rei siuniended bjr . tively uew vehicle in this country, tiesoftbe state, il seems probable that Eugene young tuau: OTHER COUNCIL MATTERS. the total value of tbe taxable proparty Bill Depart ment.Store The first case in court in Marion - no specific laws regulating their use Program for Races and the Hor­ Mumu - l iothers were awarded the of the stale as shown by tbe assess county resulting from auj automobile have been enacted, so he la teirg coutrai t r tbe construction of the uieut recently completed, will be in prosecuted under the provisions of ses Entered to Compete for came up for trial in Justice of the Ttiirte- ¡1 street sewer at $198,r>. the neighborhood of $175,000,000, says E. D. Hargsu’s court last night the general I hw for the willful des­ the Premiums Ottered Then ore uo other bidders. ■ at Peace truction of property. Iu the case of a special from ¡Salem. This will be 8;:Hi o’clock. The trial was tlie \\ Eighth street between Charnel iu rouud numbers $25,000,000 greater by the State. outcome of tbe accident which hap­ a bicycle or a steam eugiue, tbe case ton id Willamette, was declared to tbau last year. pened Sunday, July 12, last, result­ would be plain, with no grounds for be i.ithin tbe bicycle limits aud an delense. The peualty for the offense ( I>aily Guard, September 29. ) From almost every couuty comes ing in the buggy;owued by Gustave ordiuan-e to that effect was ordered tlie report that valuations are being The visitor at the fair grounds tod.y Mitzner, a farmer residing near charged, is a tine of from #1 to $500 prepared. advanced and that uew property is Marion, being considerably darnag d but there does uot seem to be auy I was well repaid for the trip of two West Sixth street will lie sprinkled being added tc the assessment roll«, provision for reimbursing tbe prop­ miles from the city, the exhibits aud tbe horse killed. iu place, the pens of stock of all th is week as far as the city limits. so chat tbe total increase for tbe en Mitzuer immediately swore out a erty owner for his loss Venders of petty articles were re tire state will be large. kinds, the pHviliou where al) kinds | warrant charging the chaffeur with of of fine stuffs from t he farms, fused Hocuses to operate within the The highest assessment ever made maliciously refusing to stop while] for Ladies, store« and homes of the people of the tire limits during the district fair. iu Oregon was that of 1893, wbeu the PLUNDER IS passing the buggy, aud causing tic- has no equal for style, counties in tbe district, h 11 present total valuation was over $168,000,000, damage. The specific charge lodg. .1 quality or low price. ■in interesting picture to the spectator. The valuatlou bad growu to that sum See our line ag lust the defendant is the mall IDENTIFIED Till STOCK I ’ ENS. by steady advances from $84,| loyed by tlie Booth Kelly proportion to tbe assessed valuation laud last Friday t ■ urre&t McClane stickey fingered gent who took har- plications came in this men ing it Lumber L ou.pauy at Spriugfieid, ac- and as each county controlled It« own 50c to h:iu aud bring him to Salem, Lilt was ness, etc., from Eugene, ut tlie time was decided to at once build thirty cid> utally Int lii-vieli oil tbe leg just assessment, it could gaiu something extra stulls aud pens for the incoming abovo his atikl . witbn sledge baui- by reduction. Iu 1900 this process uuable to find him. However, be , of his arrest. $20 exhibi s. Woikmeu were put tu work of reductiou bad brought tbe total nu-i. The bb » was a severe one but learned that he was in tbe employ of Leonard Gertz, who resides north at ouce and construidiou was under did not cause more tlmu usual con­ assessed valuatlou down to $117,000, Fred T. Merrill, who represented him of Portland a short distance, arrived Tbat are to l-o a man of good -t 'sing aud whol in Eugene Saturday evening and ideu- way ail day. This evening the pens cern. It did not even hurt him for a 000. Superior In order to put a stop to this rivalry to any promiecd tbe conetill t' it he would lifledone of the horses as his own were all constructed und spice for all day. Faiu soon began, however, and < utries complete. shown. upon examination lie was found to lie in reducing assessments tbe legisla be responsible for i1 : < pearauce of nod the other as belonging to Michael Tlie tine cattle of Amos Wilkins, afflicted with the deadly gangreue. lure ef 1901 passed passed au act pro McClanahan in court for trial last Taunier, a neighbor, lie stated that of Coburg,; Coleridge McElroy, of He was brought to the l'ryor home vidifg that B'ate taxes should be ap night. Tbe constable returned home, bis horse and that of Tnnnier, .was Eugene; li. A. Kompp, of Junction at West Eight and Lawrence streets, I ort lot ed a . > < t be . ■. , rf n and true to Mr. Merrill’s word Mc­ stolen September 8, together with the City; 8. M Douglas, of Eugene; A the follow! ng Sunday aud he died fixed ratio, iuo beuibci..J« ui Clanahan appeared i-i Salem yester­ double harness iu use. ufternoon, Septemlier 27. this change was seen tbe first year, Sheriff Fisk had seat deceptions to D. Hyland, of Lowell and various Sunday day with bis father, and last night other prominent stock men, were in Ho was aged JO years, 1 mouth, aud for the total assessment that year was was placed under al rest on tbe chaige all .heritfs north of Lane couuty and place this morning. Bulls, heifers, seven days, mid leaves a wife aud •141,0CK>,OCM>, and iu 1902 it bad grown of w llful destruction of property and Sheriff Storey of Multnomah, noti calves, hogs, goats, sheep, horses, three childreu, Frank, Mabel and an to over $148,000,000. If it shall reach tied Gertz that bis horse was in tried before the justice. Colts, all ill 11»ut pubs tilled w ith clean infant child. Die family came to Eu $175,(00,000 this year, as it now seems a .. Luge ne. Alter consultation the case was probable, the valuation will then is The wagon proved to bo the prop stiaw, met the«ye of the visitor as gene from Kansas three years ago. - postponed uutil Monday ut 10 o’clock. The time of the funeral has uot tbe highest in the history of the state. from $1.67 to $10.00 erty of 11 Portland n an, Mr. liayes, be euteied tlie grouuds. THE ACCIDENT. These will aloue be well worth lieeu decided, but will be announced who eume to Eugene aud identified it We are showing a beautiful lini yesterday. It was stolen from a going to see. The judges will make upon tbe arrival of a sister of the Ou Sunday, July 2, Gustav» Mitz- New Jackets arriving daily. awards and premiums during the re­ deceased. ner and sou, llenry, attend-.d church black-quit shop on the same night the HOLD UP MAN mainder of tbe week. iu this city, and started for their ioilnrstidf was taken, tie sold it to THE PAVILION. hime, near Marion, at about 2 o'clock 1 Kay Frank iu Eugene this morning. Tiie scene iu tbe exhibiting pavilion in the afternoon. They were driving was uue of great activity this morn­ SCOBERT& DODGE a spirited horse, for which Mr. Mitz- ELOPED WITH A ing. A big part of tbe exhibits were tier had paid $100. A short distance IN NEW QUARTERS iu place ami more constantly being east of penitentiary they saw an auto- ' Baki r City, Or., Heptember. 28 added. This afternoon the place was FORTUNE TELLER ■» \ o r* mobile coming and after driving Mauager Art Harris, of tbe Geis«- open to visitors and many took ad­ Hi rers a small bridge both occupants Grauil Uotel, of this city, aud vantage of tbe opportunity aud in­ of tbe buggy got out and Mr. Mitzuer' 1 Hcobert A Dodge, tbe West Eighth Colonel E. E. Stewart, of the 6 spected the exhibits, held the horse by tbe bit with bis| Baker City, Or., Sept. 26 - - Lentil Tbe mo t prominent agricultural street grocers, are moving their «tuck mous Hardware Company, St. Loui«, right hand, while with his left; he Kobertaou. only daughter of un aged exhibits are those of Amos Wilkins of goods to their new location, in the were held up by a lone highwayman, waved for tbe automobile to stop, as man of Baker City, eloped with Pro- and E. M. Warreu. Both have blue Hovey building at the corner of West several miles above Humpter, ueer Hauover, while ou their w«y to the Li.i horse was becoming unmanageable fessor cladius, a fortune teller, last ribbon quality. The grain« and Eighth and Olive a'reeta. through fright. All of the witnesses lllght The father is heartbroken and grasaes brought from tbe state fair Tlie uew location furnishes much Mountain View mine Saturday morn testified that tbe speed of the auto is ■ trying to find her. The girl’s aud exhibited therefrom Lane couuty 1 lore room and is more convenient ing. never slackened. They were relieved of all their be mother died when she was bom, 17 ■re elegant. Other competitors for t .nu tiieir old quarters. The build- As the auto machine passed the years ago. She is a beautiful girl premiums have their exhibits iu i g is also well lighted aud makes au longings Including cash, clothing in horse plunged into the ditch with with blue eyes aud golden hair. place. id si place for a grocery store. The their grlppa, cigar« and other re 1 Cladius will lie held on the charge of The space at the command of tbe >.nn formerly occupied by tbe firm, freahmeuts. Mr. Harris lost over seduction if captured. exhibitors is uot enough tu make which is immediately in the rear of $iX)U iu cash aud Mr. Stewart was It has been ascertained that the girl much of Hu artistic display, but tbe the uew quarters, will lie used by relieved of about $70. They oould 2CB met the fortune teller about a mouth quanity aud quality are there all the] Messrs. Hcobert A Dodge for feed, uot give a clear description of the robber. Mr. Harris said tbe gun ■go when he established offices here. same. Tbe visitors gaze promiscu­ flo ir, potatoes, etc. used was a very large one; tbe bole She had been a frequent visitor to ously upon all manner and varieties iu the muzzle was apparently as large the rooms for three weeks. Cladius of corn, squashes, pumpkins, wheat, as tbe mouth of a mine tunnel by Is a man of fair appearance, but of a barley, oats, onions, sugar cane, po­ tbe roadside. vulgar type and uneducated. tatoes, apples, pears, canned fruits, quinces, peas, tomatoes, alfalfa, Home time ago a Eugene mother beets, walnuts, hickory nuts, turnips, told her pretty daughter that the parsnipe, sunflowers, grains and vege­ young man who called ao often waa tables, all grown in Laue county. The scene is interesting aud in­ stayiug too loug and late at uigbt, Hau Francisco Post: It is very and called her atteutiou to the im­ The many friends of N. U. Pitzor, doubtful if tber is a surer fielder in the structive of tbe vast ability of tlie propriety of the thing aud instated a former citizen aud resident of Laue Willamette valley to raise farm pro ­ state than Tim Shanahan, now cover that abe mu at ait down on him and couuty, will be pained to learn of his ducts. ing acres of territory in the middle 4 Tbe other departments of tbe pa­ that without any further delay. Tbe death iu Waitsburg, Washington, yes­ section of the Held for the Jess« young lady remarked that was Just terday. The remains arrived thia af­ Moores. With Shanahan In center vilion contain fancy work of all what she tad lieen doing every time ternoon from the north aud ware met kiuds, including pillows, battenbuig and Max Muller and Gue Pyne on pyrographic he called. She afterwards told her at the depot by many friends of the either aide, the Distillers certainly work, leather work, woik, oil paintings, wood carving, mother that she ueedu't tbiuk abe doaaaeed. outfield. • • • In have a grand He wee 78 years of age at tbe time was a liack number. Charley Strub the ex Sauta Clara tc. The work ut Mrs. ‘ W. Lowe, of bis death. Tbe immediate cause Miss Warfield aud Mrs. M Williams Jesse Moores have a collegian, the of death waa paralyaie. “pippin” of a first baseman. In occupies promiueut positions in the The fuueral will ba held tomorrow fact, the youngster played the posi­ art corners. A table, made by Mrs, 1 morniug from the Maaouio hail, to tion better than it has been R. 11. Miller, Hr,, la attracting con tbe Masonic cemetery, tbe Eugene Second iand Bicycles qc Willamette st. _ covered for them this season. Htrnb siderable attention. It is an odd Thiiredav afternoon, Septemlier 24, Masons having charge of tbe sama. also showed to 1* bandy with tbe shaped table, covered with piece« of Traded for Wood, at tbe borne of Mr. and Mra. Jas. stick, and laniged out a brace of nifty odd china, broken up and made iuto Eigard, parents of the bride, Miss fantastic designs with gilding iu be- singles.___________ ___ tween. It is something entirely new Slue Eigard was wedded to Samuel here, but this kind of work Is attract Sorenson, Bev. Bas*>mesen, of tbe Dr. Cheater Osburn, formerly of ing considerable attention In tbe Danish church officiating. Mr. ami Mrs. Horeuson bare taken up tbelr Eugene, now of Atbena, Is visiting East. residence at Coburg, where Mr. Sor­ old time friends aud relatives in OUTSIDE EXHIBITS. Eugeue. Chester was a Eugene drug Tbe Griffin Hardware Company, enson is employed. clerk bare for years, but baa beeu iu and Loughmllier A Peter have big the drug business at Atbena for ti e exhibits of all kinds of machinery, past few years. Mr. Osburn baa aold wagons, and other farming imple out his buaiu«ee at Atheaa, but bee menta near the paviliou. Other not concluded as to what he will do. apei'es are occupied by notion Coun­ Messrs. Train and Whitney, owners ters, souvenir stores aud refrosh of tbe Herald plant, have sold the He has Just returned from Belknap Springs, where be has enjoyed a meut booths. property sml goixi will to C. B. pleasant outing. TU ACCOMMODATE. W.nn and G. A. Westgate, of tbis E. R. Mummy and H H. Hkeoa city, who will hereafter have charge have refresbmtht and cigar stand* of the buaiueea. The Democrat is in tbe lane running to the ;>avillon, not JuforniMl as to the coming man aud Mrs. I’ickett’s wattle bouse will agement, hut it la understood It will I cater to the wants of the hungry be in able bauds.—Albany Deiuu.'liil. public. A kitchen and diuing room Ed. McClaunaban, who was given is also doing a good business, while a hearing before tbe justice of the p-auut ►tan-ie, peddlers aud hawkers peace at Haleni yesterday on the charge of wilful destruction of prop­ give tbe orowd almost anything they erty, having caused twu runaways want. T! o Georgia midget aud tbe Tbe galvanized iron work on tb« and tbe death of a horse by bis auto­ Kentucky glaoteas also attract con new Beckwith block has Soon c m mobile, an account of which appeared eid-rulle attention. plefed. Tbe building now presents in yesterday's Guard, waa boat d e 't'tx y ■ r yv.. a handsome apppeeraiice, and when over to tbs circuit court with bonds com; leted will be on« of tbe i>»et of $1(JC, which were promptly fur­ ,50 -. ’A Jiam tt«‘ street. looki .g tHisineea blocks ip tbe city. nished. M CLANAHAN’S VALUES ARE OPENING AUTOMOBILE MUCH HIGHER OF THE DIS­ TRICT FAIR lamazoo Corset Co Th. GLORIA” S DIcD FPJ>M Ladies Skirts GETS BOOTY TOLMIE (Sb TRAVER. ast Woven Wire Mattress made sh Bedroom Set ir Bedroom Set C SI6.C0 $1250 DAY (Sb HENDERSON’S FOR. YOUR Fishing Tackle, Hardware, Tinware, Guns Ammunition Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing C T Mnflnck nldUUVIX, She Wasn’t a Back Number. Shanahan and Strub. Andrei Pitzer, Deceased. Married. | Visiting Eugene Friends. Stoves, Ranges, Wagons* Buggies, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Builders’ Hardware. Albany Herald Sold. Bound Over. A Handsome Building.