Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1903)
Weekly Eugene Guard Sweetness in the School. LAUNDRYQUAR If you happen t • see a Eugene iAH I.IMl ........... UCl'UBEKj J school teacher standing with bauds spread out like a fan, mouth open and eyes popping from tbe sockets, Rost burg Land Office. don't get the wrong notion. She isn’t Tbe Eugene Steam Laundry, Hodes ; The Roseburg Plaindealer, oue of having a tit—she is simply mad and is A Johnson, proprietors, located on j the staunchest Republican party or trying the Rigler system of getting West Eighth sire« t, , have concluded gana in the alate, gives a taw inside over it. that the r business has grown to such proportions as to necessitate an en facta regarding the Roseburg land For City Superin!eudeut Rigler of largement ot tbeir quarters. office, as fallows: the city schools of Portland, ap|>ears Accordingly they have leased the “Much baa been said for and as the promoter of a new method of adjoining room, formerly occupied against laud office affairs in Oregon; pedagogic discipline. Whether he by tbe Soap Company’s office, and but of all the appointments held by will succeed iu thoroughly introduc are now using it as an office aud dis virtue of politioal graft, the Roaeburg iug it iu tbe public schools ot Oregon tributing room, giving ruueb more office ia eutilted to the cake for remains to be seen—but there’s noth room for tbe mechanical department in tbe other room. blazon effrontery and besmirching of ing like trying. Tbe Messrs. Hodes & Johnson are Republican |>arty principles. Here “1 waul to urge upon the teachers bustlers aud are making a success of TERS ENLARGED . we have the case of a receiver who, at the same time, ia a stockholder, di rector and treasurer of a timber laud compauy owning thousands upon thousands of acrea of timber laud that has beeu aecured either honestly or fraudeutly from the pubic domain. Now we do not desire to state that the Republican political machine has no ' right, nor the President no right, to appoint the man to a political office, but we do say good politics aud de cent appearances ibould couut against | Mirs Sadie Fold r.-turimd today from a visit to Cottage Grove. C. L. Fitchard, ot hidependeuce, I Hie well known hop men, is iu Eugene. Judge II. R. Kincaid returned |thia afternoon from a trip to Port- the appointment. The receiver of the Hose burg laud office should be u man against whom the Huger of mere suspicion of collusion could not be poiuted. The good of the party de mauds this much iu the name of Re publicauisui. If tbe present receiever is a ward of the Repbulican party aud has to be takeu care of becauso hie brother, Senator Booth, haa a cinch, the Plaiudealer has no objections to the Federal government appointing him to a position in any other office that his taleuts will till, but for the Oregon delegation to insist that the present reciever be reappoiuted uudei the circumstances, is a slap iu the face to true Republicans of the state and also a direct slap iu the face to the President of the United States, who belives that the Republican party is oue of principles instead ol spoils. “It hardly needs repeatingtbat the land office at Roaeburg, at night, while honest settlors and timber en- trymen were snoring the song of the just, that the office has beeu open to (. ..her laud companies' ug. nt. that u key »ss secured so that auy Slud Ct infi . u hidden an 1 sacred frou. Ibeaie • citizen’- houesi eye was- ’ 1 to the agent tor land com- Htates of million» of acres of the best timber land In the world Now, w« presuaie all the dot uments and piqiers in the laud office are O. K., but why should a key be furnished to oue mai or the man allowed to obtain a dupli cate key to the laud office so that b< could do bls work and worked for tin timber gratters who employed him ai night. Why should such question able methods be allowed? We han asked the question before, but ech< answers why? We attack bo man’ houesty, tut we do attack the bail judgrneut. that allowed such a re markable aud deplorable state ol affairs. If this is houest, straiglitfoi ward transaction aud it was only i error of the brain and uot the add I tiou aud division of the heart. th< 1‘laindealer, iu a spirit of forgiveness would recommend that the official grant iug such an ext radord I nary pub lie concession t.> a iuhu who was look mg after the interests of timber land Oumpauiea l>e appointed to the position of cell companion to a luna tic iu a Federal Asylum; for a post tion of such nature would about til) the brain capacity of the laud office official who honestly granted theniid- uight right of way to laud office affairs. Now we do not know who granted concessions, but the good of the Republicau party demands that was so over-coutlditig and gullible be promptly removed. We are iuclined to lieileve, for it niustjbave been, t hat'allowing a timber land worker in the land office at all hours of the night was a mental de lusion dependant upon a high sense the man who of moral obligation and unbounded confidence in the man who had full and free access to all the government records, but why haa not the land office the same serene confidence lu any other mau who merely wanted to purchase 160 acres of land timl>er or to file on a homestead? “If upon full Investigation of this remarkable case the land department finds it to tie a case of culpable mgli- genre, chicanery or fraud, the official should l>e promptly put out of office. If it ia simply a case of abounding t-infldence in humau naturef President Roosevelt should preeeut the official with a leather medal abowt oue foot i _________ ‘Hl* * Geo. F. Craw expects to make a ‘rip to Ban Francisco iu the early part of next mouth. A marriage license was issued today to Church Stephens, of Noli, ai “d Miss Bertha Day, of iviaon. M. 8. Newman, who has been visit ing bis parents iu Eugene since Sat urday, returned to Portland today. The great department of orn-time has onf7epartment usually customers.\nd yet very of the »tore. It is the hospital de- Srtmeut. The hospital is a fea‘ure the equipmentof the great modern depart- ment stores, because experience has proved its advantages. It is not more mark of humanitarian progress than ot commercial sagacity. It is not the benefit of customers, though its use would not be denied them. It is there for The benefit of the clerks, a majority of whom are women, and the« women are those who almost exclusively use the hospital. It is not an uncommon thing for the young woman employee of th •tore to sink down exhausted, or to drop J. D. Braly has urrived from Los Angeles. Mrs Braly has been visit ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hobbs. Boise City, Idaho, News; G. 8. assembled here tbe necessity ot con tbeir business. U. Humbert, field secretary of the trolling tbeir tempers,” tbe learned Divinity School, of Eugene, Oregon, ia iu the city. educator is quoted as saying. “Any Sheriff Fisk escorted a morphine »moticu may be controlled or fiend to the train this afternoon and banished. AH the emotions, while i saw him out of town, He had beeu (Daily Guard, September 28.) they may lie su id to originate with crazy with tbe drug. ideas, manifest themselves iu physi W. D. McLean, of Camp Creek, is Mrs. J. C. Welsh, who bas been iu Eugene. cal exertion. visiting at tbe home of Mrs M. J. W. Stewart ¿is home ^from San Edmonson, left tiiis afternoon “Now to offset a fit of auger, it is her borne in Portland. uecessary to do something that will Fraocicso. E. L. Campbell spent Suuday in Mr. aud Mrs. J. S. Medley, of Cot lessen tbe wave of emotion. A very tage Grove, left this afternoon for your Woodburn. effective way is to spread Mrs. W. H. Dodge ia a guest of North Yakima and Tacoma, where hands ont, open the mouth slightly they will visit for a few weeks. Portlaud friends. and raise the eyebrows.” A. L. Jackson, of Tacoma, a for Prof. F. G. Young returned from Perhaps it will work all right in I Portland yesterday. mer Eugene photographer, is in Eu Portland, but the Guard would give i Mrs. Hugh Hampton returned to gene. He is one of the old-timers. He has been greeting old friends and just a few words of quiet advice to day from Goshen. the boys and girls of Eugene, if, J. S. Medley is in the city from acquaintances. L. F. Wooley, of Cottage Grove after dropping a wet sponge down Cotttage Grove. formerly editor of and proprietor of Ralph Robiusou retuned this after the back of your seatmate’s neck, the Leader, is iu Eugene. He now you see your dear teacher coming noou from Albauy. devotes his attention to his Bohemia J. M. Medley was a passenger to towards you with moutb open, eyes ' rniuiug interests. Cottage Grove this afternoon. bulging and fingers scattered over a Mr. aud Mrs. M. Svarverud returned Dr. D. A. Paine arrived h<-me ye»- home this afternoon from the Na large area, don’t stop to zee whether terday from a trip to Portlaud. tional Irrigation Congress held at the Rigler system does or does uot Harry Cherry was a visitor to his Ogden, where Mr. Svarverud was a i repress the waves of emotion—slide old home from Portland last evening. delegate from Oregou. for the door aud take a running jump Mr. and Mrs. S. Ilaudfaker have re John M. Moore, formerly of Junc down tbe stairs. turned from tbeir visit to Plea»aLt tion, and a well known member of Hill. Co. C, Second Oregon Volunteers, is There is an opportunity to get the who lias been iu tbe city. He is now a commercial Ralph Steveus, Hatfield family of Keutucky, now away from Eugene all summer, ha« traveler, aud was recently married. # Misses Cynthia A. Allen and Emily headed this way, to settle iu Oregou. returned. Ralph Bacon, '05, returned yester- F. Hale, of Akr in, Ohio, who have They could be used as a drawiug card , day to Eugene aud will re-enter the been visiting iu Eugene at the home at the 1905 fair. 1 University. of tbeir cousin, L. O. Beckwith, for Walter B. Dillard, former princi several weeks, left for home today. Major Delmar has equalled Lou pal ot tbe Eugene High School, Dr. 1. D. Driver aud Rev B. F. Dillon’s feat of trotting a mile in opened the Lorane school this morn Rowland, of the local M. E. church, two minutes. The world knows mi ing. went to Salem this afternoon to at more curious phenomenon than tho Mrs. R. S. Huston is quite sick, tend the annual conference ot tbe M. force of example. Call it coinci having fallen aud hurt heiself quite E. ffiiuisters in session at that place. Rosebug Review: H. C. Slocum, dence in the case of brutee, if you badlv last Saturday. J. C. Aiken aud Enoa Dixon weut to Mis« Vinnie Knapp, who has been will, it still reniuins carious. visiting in Cottage Grove, returued Eugene today to atteud tbe district fair which opens tomorrow. Mr. Slo this atteruoon. Secretary Shaw is right in his with G. W. Handsaker, manager ot the cum has secured tbe position of ticket holding government deposits from Junction City mills, returned to seller. banks which trade on the situation . Junction this afternoon. by retiring tbeir circulating notes. Mrs. G. 1«. Lobdell went ivj. Tbe national banas aie pn.aie busi 1 llou City this afternoon to atteud the ness enterprises, but they receive funeral of Mrs. Lathy Reud. i i (Guard Special Service.) C. F. Toi-ey left this afternoon national assistance that should forbid Maiue, where he will settle up Mohawk, Sept. 29. —Mrs. Weddell them to ignore ttie general financial affairs and returu to Oregon. is on the sick list at present. interests of the coutitry. Personals. YOU four months agp. 1 ’*®**r* parents almost every day that u seeiM Xost an impossibility for medicine to do a person so much good. During ths whole summer I could •caM*U to walk *l>out the houae, and yesterday I walked four miles and felt better from the exercise I now weigh UJJ pounds. I read in your book of testimonials where a lady said Dr. Pierce’s medicines were a • Thousand pound» of comfort, please let me add one thousand pounds more to it Mine was a case of complicated te- niale disease in its worst form.” THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WOMB. Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prescription <xa lay claim to being the best medicine for women without fear of contradiction It it best because it contains no alcohol, aud is entirely free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics, which give only temporary relief from pain. It is the best medicine for women because its cures are radical, going to the root of disease and establishing perfect and per manent health. To these claims the women themselves are the witnesses, who having tried in vain other medicines have found in " Favorite Pre scription ” a complete and lasting cure. ’’ I feel more than grate ful to you for the benefit I have received from Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription and ‘ Golden Medical Discovery,’“ writes Mrs. Ervie E. Woodin, of Millerton, Dutchess Co., N. Y„ cars of Box No. I. "For a numtier of years I h.'d been troubled with female weakness, nervous head aches, irregularity, rest lessness at night, and, in fact, was all run down, but after taking three bottles of * Favorite Pre scription ' and one of •Golden Medical Discov ery ’ feel that I am en tirely cured. Have no more nervous headaches, and rest very good at night; in fact, feel like a different person, thanks to your kind advice and medicine. I earnestly advise fainting to the floor. Her shop-mates wonderful all who f rom --- any similar troubles www suffer ------ j ------- promptly care for her, and she is assisted U*a f the store __ u —wViara eVif* mav rest to write to Dr. Pierce at once. They to hospital where she may rest will not regret it.” and have the needed restoratives. WOMEN THE SUFFERERS. NOTICE FOR PL’I’LlCi Uuiti-d i ATloy Kosoburg, or I“’ nl !' < Hu Notice is her< uv eiicti t* I'liauio with tbtf iiuvi,'; It Hit lit UOli^TcHM (j| J||( tilled “All a i tor i . ? l»7k. h lauds in tbe states ot i hq, ‘ 14 “•Ht, gon, vt..q,; '' " lory, us exteiHie-i t. h -, u Lin.. laud Hates by aet ot Í, '* I I '-•«> Kail- Guil’y. " u<-huty Oregon, 1.- win otnen h< r ,... ru . . -• 1 •’•!•» .... the pun-bar“ Uu"'"'’ s.-criin, 28, tp. 1;, »• t, and will ull.-t i,,'. ,11«" Iiiut the laud sought 1- f< r it. liinl,i r i . Pt. , ‘ "* GL», NO NEED TO BE SICK. For the majority of women there ia no need to be sick with womanly diseases. The figures show that out of every fifty women suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex forty-nine are cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Even the one woman in fifty for whom no perfect cure is possible is benefited by a lessening of pain, and an increase of strength through the use of this great medicine for womanly ills. " Favorite Prescription ” establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cure« female weakness. It is the best tonic and nervine for weak, worn-out and run down women. It quiets the nerve«, en courages the appetite and induces re freshing sleep. It is a purely vegetable Reparation, and cannot disagree with the weakest constitution. Weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, fret. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Adores« Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. " Favorite Prescription ” makes weak women strong, sick women well. Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. • sUili »re j Ml' uaJ'» tbe i; Wiles, Caraon Matthews rfL F?ik lor and Amins J. a“, gene, Lauo county, Oie,,ol. uf U Any and all petsotts claimi versely tbe above de.-vribs t u.a* requested to tile tbeir el '„d‘ “» office on i.r before said October, 1903. *'lh day cI J- T- BR11XJJS, i:«Wer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I uited States LaU(j Roseburg, Or., July Notice is hereby given that i« pliance with the proviso e, of congress of June:. 1878, Xi “An act for the sale of timber 1? in the states of California Nevada and Wasbir gtou Te’rhUn" as extended to all tbe pubiio states by ai t of August \ 1J ? Carson Mathews , f j- uge^ county^ Oregon, has this day this office bis sworn statement? . section, k XXJ tor the puichase otthe -et < township 19^ \ range 5 west, and will off,,-r ' show that tbe land sought i. valuable tor its timbre -.r -¡m-e o ’ lor |-ur, atJ u •“ *.ub ‘“ ‘v claim J. J. Walton, L. S. Cemn:irt--Utel t Eugene, Oregon, on Moidsy tu 28tb ct, Roa ” He limits as v-ituesses- ¡...q £e,wr’xF1«7 C*“ -’ ,0,h''tL«kL* E. \t. Mathews, of Goshen; Char-in Caylor of Hadleyvlle, all ot Ls-. county, Oregou. Auy aud all persons chiming U vereely tbe above dt -cribid landau, requested to file their claims in thin office on or before said 2bth dar of September 1. 903. J. T. BRIDGES, Register. While the existence of the store hos pital points to the sympathy of the man agement with its employees, it also em phasizes the weakness of the women for whom the hospital ia established. Women who work must be prompt and regular in their duties or they are not wanted. The back may ache, every step may jar along the spine until the head throbs NOT ICE LOR I LBLICATIOS. pitifully. The reaching up for a box of United States Laud Offlee, gloves or the stooping to pick something Roseburg, Or., July 22, M from the floor may cause acute pain, but Notice is hereby giv.-u that iu coa- the woman behind the counter must hold pliance with the proviricus uf tbe on until she drops, and she generally act of congress oi June 3, 1878,.en does. Then comes the hospital, a brief titled “Au act for the bale of timter rest, and some pallative for her present lauds in tbe states of California, pain. Next month she may repeat the Oregon, Nevada and \iaebiatgon Ter same; for it is noted that this ritory,” as extended to all IbePutlk liability to physical collapse among land states by act ot August 4, IK, women is much greater at certain pe William 11. Hod< s, of Eugene, Lue riods. The hospital is good in iit. j4acr. county, Oregon, has this day filed tn But what these women need is health, this office bis sworn statement No. sound health. And sound health for 5533 for the pure* of the tAs le1,. them means the cure of those womanly 8w*'4, tf seeliui ¡<2. tp. 19 gd diseases which are the primary cause of range, •> w, ir 1 w 11 Jer prwl to the physical weakness such women feel. show that the land «ought is o.ui There is a cure for womanly diseases valuable for its timber or Rote ttai which has the testimony of tens of thou for agricultural purposes, and torr sands of women to its perfect and per manent nature. It is Dr. Pierce’s Favor tablieb his claim to said laud Lehn ite Prescription, the medicine which J. J. Walton, U. 8. Commissioner it FREE TO EVERY WOMAN. makes weak women strong and sick Eugene, Oregou, on Wednesday, tbe The best medical book free. Doctor 14th day of October, 1908, women well. -A lira.I overflowing with gratitude Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, He names as witness««: Fnoi the greatest nu>dern medical work Heyer, A. Carson Mathews, both d as well as a sense of duty urges me to w-rite to you and tell you of my wonder containing more than a thousand large Eugene, Jacob Gates, of Crew, Join page« ano over 700 illustrations, is sent Clary, of Lorane, all of L sdc County. full recovery,’’says Miss Corinne C. Hook, free on receipt of stamps to pay expense Oregon. of Orangeburg, Orangeburg Co., South Carolina, (care of J. H. Hook). "By the of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamp« Auy aud all persons claiming al- Mr. Ilansburry aud family will use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription for the cloth-bound volume, or only 21 vertely tbe above described landssre Dr. T. B. Ford was a passenger to I am entirely a new being compared to stamps for the book in paper covers. requested to file their claims iu this Salem this afternoon to attend the lea ve Thursday for Eastern Oregon, th« poor miserable sufferer who wrote _ Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. office on or before said Htb day d The Atlanta Constituiton says that conferences of M. E. ministers in where they will locate. October, 1903. the Confederate veterans of many that city. J. T. BRIDGES Register J. A. Briggs made a flying trip to NOTICE I ’ OR PUBLICATION. Southern cities are trying to induce Robert Cronin, tbe expected Pen Eugene Friday. United States Land Office, Col. A, K. McClure to deliver bis dleton footballist, arrived Saturday NOTICE 1OR PUBLICATION. Died, Friday evening, Sept.' 26, at Roseburg. Or., July 18, 1903. United States Land Office. Notice is hereby given that in lectures on Abraham Lincoln undei and was on tbe field this evening at his home on the Mohawk, Rev. J. Roseburg, Or., Aug. 4,1A3- compliance with ’he provisions of tbe (Guard Special Service.) F. Mulkey, [aged 71 years. The re their auspices, and it gives its hearty the University. Notice is hereby given that incom act of congress uf June 3, 1878, en mains were takeu to Mulkey cemetery Fall Creek, Sept. 28. —Bud Kintz- titled. “Au aci for the sale of timber pliance with the provisions of the Art Dr. Sharpies, of Goshen, was In the approval to the suggestion. The near Coburg for burial. ley, who has beeu in Eastern Oregon, lands iu the states of California, Ore of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled country has had already convincing city this morning. He reports as Miss Margarita Stewart left Satur as witness in a law suit, has returned. gon, Nevada and Washington terri “Au Act for tbe side uf limber Unde large a crop of prunes as usual from tory,” as extended 1 o all tbe public in the States of California, OregM, proof that the war is over, but could day to resume her studies at the U. O. Mr. Storey’s family, who have been timlier land states by act of August Nev(<la and Washington Territory, bis farm. auy lai more satisfying than this? Nate Hall, of Springfield, was on visiting near Eugene, returned home 4, 1892, James M. Goldson, of Gold as extended to all tbe Public land Preisdent V. C. Loudoh, of the son, Lane county, Oregou, hae this States by act of August 4, 1892, the Mohawk Sunday, visitiug his Tuesday. Southern Oregou District Fair Asso Royal S. Smith day filed in this office his sworn state brother, Monroe. Mr. J. W. Cox anu son Bertie left ment No. 5519 tor the purchase of the of Crow, Lane county, Oregon. M Lieutenaut Burbank of Fort Leav ciation, arrived this morning from Geo. Hill has returned to Eugene to for a visit with relatives in Washing s'a nel4, e>i sej< of section 30, tp. thia day filed in this office hisi’ r- enworth is in a liad predicament, his Roseburg. 16 s, r 6 west, aud will offer proof statement No. 5586 for the purcum take a course at the Eugene Business ton recently. Mrs. C. A. E. Duncan ami daugh- College. to show that the land sought is of the ne*4 uwl4. of section JOJorj lawfulHy wedded Filipino wife still Jack Marlin, foreman of Booth- more valuable for its timber or ship 19 south, of range 5 seet; im fiersistlug In claiming him as her bus 1 ter, who have tieen visiting in this Will Bair was down to Eugene Mon Kelly ’s logging camp, spent a week ' stone than for agricultural purposes, will offer proof to show tbs’ tbe Ju» , city, left this afternoon for Loe An band, and thus preventing his mar with his family at Portland, return- and to establish bis claim to said sought is more valuable for its¡tim day. geles, Cal., their home. ! land before J. J. Walton, U. S. Com- ber or stone than for agricultural pot riage to a young lady in thia country. Much hunting ia going on in the iug Monday. Racy Madison was in i missioue-r, at Eugene, Oregon, on poses, and to establish bis claim s Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Toy, of Myrtle charge during his absence. valley. There are certain persons These uncivilized Filipino women may Friday, the 16th day of October, said laud before J. J- Walton, I- Point, are visiting at tbe home of Mr. ’ Commissioner at Eugene, Oregoi- Mr. Snyder, an employe of the 1903. in due time become educated up to and Mrs. Frank Bowers, on South who might get along very well with He names as witnesses: Thomas Tuesday, the 20th day of 0cE>* out speudiug too much time killing Booth-Kelly camp here, is "carrying E. Evans, of Hale; James H. D. the idea that there is nothing very Olive street. _ f his bead in a sling,” as the result I Goldson, James M. Hayuea, L. C. 1903. “cbinamen. ” He names as witnesses: "arreB.' serious or biuding in a marriage cere of falling down with a saw and stick Moffitt, all of Goldson, Lano county, Smith, Arthur E. Smith, John » John Vosa, of Woowburn. was in Oregon. mony, thus preventing such trouble I Eugene today on his way to Policy man, ofCrow. Frank Hadley, o' ing a tooth in bis bead. Any and all persons claiming ad leyville, all of Laue county. (WJ- some complications iu the future for Springs where he will s|>eud a couple P. C. McAve is tending the Booth- Any and all persons clauning versely tbe above described lands are Kelly dam here. the gay defenders of the nation's hon . of weeks for his health. i requested to file tbeir claims in this versely the above deercibed *,D * ,, , office on or before said 16th day of requested to file tbeir claim» Saturday's M. E. Edwards, of Unity, is work Corvallis Gazette: or— if altogether too carel«>ss of their (Guard Special Service. ) office on or before said -bth *J October, 1903. George A. Houck en lug on his ranch here this fall. route to Eugene own. J. T. BRIDGES, Register. Crow, Sept. 27.- C. O. Davis and October, 1903. )iRI[)(.& from the coast, by private convey family, accompanied by Richard Regli«*' auce, was iu town Thursday. His Hayes, left for Eastern Oregon last family is to remain at Newport for President Roosevelt appears to dis NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Friday. the next two weeks, pending the com NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Laud Office. trust the cougreaalonal delegations J. K. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Liles and wife went to Eu- pletion of a new residence in Eugene. Roseburg, Or., July 18, 1903. United States Laud Office, gene yesterday, returning today. from Oregon, Washington aud Idaho. Rosebnrg, Or., July 23, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in com United States Land E. R. Skipworth and family, of Eu Notice is hereby given that in com Roseburg. Or.. Julyh In the two former states he haa C. M. Stevens, of Noti, was a vital- pliauce with the provisions of the act gene were in tbe city this morning of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled. pliance with tbe provisions of tbe act : Notice is hereby given that w * turned the matter of filling the laud on their way to Lebanon. Mr. Skip tor at W. L. Ford’s today. An act for the sale of timber lands of Congress Of June 3. 1878, entitled, pliance with the '’’ „.¡rf Mrs. A. J. Kraal and children, ac- in the states of California, Oregon An act for tbe sale of timber lands I of congress of June ... 1' offices over to Secretary Hitchcock, worth haa been seriously ill for some < r jal,i» Nevada and Washington territory ’ ’ ’ in the states of California, Oregon, “ Au act for the sale of t»mt compenie«! by Norris Smith, returned who, acting upou reports of Inspector time and has been at different places Nevada, and Viashigton, Teiritory, ’ as extended to all the public land in the states of California. - fiom Hale last Wednesday. states by act of August 4, 1892, Fannie as ext- ide-l to all tbe public land Nevada, ami Washington Green, baa turned down a mau recom for the benefit of hie health. -Satur ,, , Mias Emma Hartwig is lying dan M. Moffitt of Junction City. Lane .-fates by act of August 4, 1802, Percy .s extended day’* A limn y Democrat. mended by the Oregon delegation for gerously ill of typhoid fever at the county, Oregon, has this day filed in G Bradway, of Eugene, Lane county, states by act of August 4. w Flornece West: Mr. Holieubeck. the IatGrande laud office and also the off« home of her sister, Mrs. C. C. Stur this office her sworn statement No ’ «TR02’ has ,big ,|av Kled in ‘bis Heyer of Eugene, Sr., who has been iu Eugene during >.»14 for the purchase of the s'., se'. - nice his sworn statement No. 5638, gon, haa thia day filed ... f f ta» tevant, of Crow. Dr. M. Canady is of section 18, tp 16 s, r « west; and or the purbnae of tbe t»e’4 of section man recommended by the Washington tbe summer, returned to Florence ou bis sworn statement No. will offer proof to show that tbe land II. t| 18 s, r 7 w, and will offer proof purchase of tbe d delegation for a position at Spokane. Wednesday's boat. • • • Mrs. W in attendance. u ,, o sought is more valuable for its tim to show that the lan-i sought is more tp. 21) 8, r 5 west, and will , Miss Alice Gates has not yet fully In Idaho it ia claimed the president R. Holieubeck aud children returned her or stone than for agricultural valtiai le for its timber or stone than ’ to show that the laud tooetto» recovered from her severe illness of home Wednesday after a three weeks' purposes, and to establish his claim for agricultural purposes, and to es- j valuable for its tind't i • will turn down the republican ma f( laat winter. to said land before J. J. Walton GU hsh bia claim to said land before for agricultural purl ,j ¡ife« chine by retaining J. W. Cunning visit with relatives in Eugeus. * • V. a. commissioner at Etigeue, Ore- A h I o - i , 1 . h . Commissioner at tablish ________ his claim to said * H. 11. Fisk, of Mapleton, and his *ober”°9iaiJ*y' lt!,h ham as aasayer. It speaks volumes . ' ' Oregon, on Monday, tbe ■ ' ................. j~ j',~Walton. U. uncle, Hiram Fisk of Nebraska, gave U'tb day of October, 1903. I Eugene, Oregon, n ^on against the Republican machine the Weet office a pleasant call Mon She names as witnesses James M lie names as witnesses: i 5th day of October. I- faM Goldson. James H. D. Goldson' mtthodsof these far Western states, day afternoon. He names as witn. . willJ« James M Haynes. L C. Moffitt, all ¡Mattbiws. Clem Hod«* * when the president, amemlwr of their o* '»oltlson. Lane couuty. Oregon. < t i of hageoe, all of Lane county, Hodes. John Clary, all (Daily Guard, September 28.) Any and all persons claiming ad Oregou. own party, cannot stomach their Lane county, Oregon. , Any and all pt rsons claiming ad- Auy aud all persons » Claud Sylvester, the printer, todsy versely the above described lands are actions. Or haa Roosevelt a case of requested to file their claims in this vt t- ly the above described lands are versely tbe above d<rl1*“ 1B ffi» (Daily Guard, Septem tier 29.) nt noon slipped and fell on the side swelled head? I MU 4 m r«»]i.f-ted to Hie their claims iu this requested to file tbeir v qb d*-T N. J. Wright is in Eugene. walk at his borne and broke a bons in office on or before said 19tb day of office on or before said J. T. BRIDGES, Register. October, 19u3. bis left hand. Dr. W. L. Cheshire at Dr. T. W. Harris Is in Portland October, 1963. •I- T. BRIDGES, Register. J. T. BRIlXiLN Henry Welxenfelder, of Leaburg, is tended the injury. It will be some time before be can ues the baud in Eugene. Mohawk Item^ Hypt lleras Palestine Pointeis. Hand Broken. Frat k C. Lucas, of Monmouth, Sherlock llolmea :— "1 see you in Eugene. to kick the medal when worn around have been buying a dictiouary. “ C. Cole, of Marcela, was a visitor town for lieing too over confiding in Dr. Watson. -“How the----- ?” iu the Guard office today. “Simple, my dear doctor. I ob common humanity. to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Armitage left this afternoon «ei ve a copy of the Eugene Register Kotiert Nail, of Mobn-sk, a daughter ou hie return to Marshfield. iu your pocket. ” —Oregonian. square ami th« n hire a cheap nigger «