The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, October 03, 1903, Image 4

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    Conn House Her
Weekly Eugene Guard
Mary G. and John 11. Kiasiuger to
Corporations in Politics.
Chauucy C. Sparks, 40 acres in tp.
As has beeu previously predicted 18«, r I w, 9320.
William MaxweP to Chauucy C.
by the Guard, the Booth-Kelly Lum
Per Company is reaping the reward Sparks, certain laud in tp. 18 s, r
w, 11200.
of a corporation that attempts to ruu
Jane A. and Henry R. Coleman to
political affairs.
II..F. Ung, 80 acres in tp 16 a, r 1
It is regrettable that this company • I.
T. G. aud Martha A. Hendricks to
»aw tit to euter tbe political areua.
Up to the time they commenced to Sanford Clark, lots 1, 2, 3 and L
block 15, Hendricks' amended ad
take an active part in politics the
to Eugene, 9300.
Aim was liked by everybody, re
Joel tiirlhert to Rosita 1. and ?
gardless of party creed.
drew GrabHin, 114 acres In tp. 15 i
Now a change has taken place. 5 w, 9627.
Stephen B. and Nora B. Strawn to
'The Guard regrets that such is the
John and Annie Manghau, lots 6
case and it is not too late for this
and 7, block 10, Skinner's donation
company to eschew politics from its to Eugene, 91525.
business creeds.
W. W. aud Maude Masterson to W.
The Guard does not know whether G. Chandler, quarter interest in the
tbejutichs puLlifbed by tbeRoseburg “Nappanee” and the “Drumbum-
mond” mining claims, Bohemia dis­
l’la iudealer are true or uot, but it
trict, 9X0.
does uot seem possible fur a paper to
A. D. LeRoy to Leonard G. Brown,
make the statements tbe Plaiudealei half interest iu 8U acres iu tp. 22 s, r
does uuless they are true, The editor 1 w, 9600.
U. S. to Mary Gill, 80 aciea in tp.
of the Plaindealer has said some
17 s, r 6 w, patent.
veiy harsh things. He
State of Oregon to C. H. Shaw,
cuses Senator Booth of standing 80.50 acres iu tp. 19 e, r 6 w, 9100.63.
J. C. and Clara M. Goodal to W.
“pat " with the Democratic paper at
S. Leonard, half acre iu Coburg, 9550.
Roseburg, etc., etc.
John W. and Rachel Walker to B.
Tbe Piaindealer has said much that
S. Kelsey, 700 acres in tp. 19 s, r 3
tiie Guard Las not used. We give this
w, 95,500.
matter to the public as of public in­
John F. and Mary J. Walker to
terest. We give herewith a portion John W. Walker, 245.87 acres in tp.
nf a statement made by the Plain 19 s, r 3 w, 91.
A. A. Keevey locates Comstcck
“The editor came to Roseburg with
tbe iutentiou of editing a straight Mining claim , Blue River district.
W. H. Wallis, Star claim, Blue
1>< publican newspaper and he bus
tried to do so faithfully. It is bis i River mining district.
J. N. Mason locates Mogull West
custom to praise that which merits
praise and to denounce that which i claim, Bohemia district.
J. W. Downer flies amended location
• ieserves comment. Early in the year
he saw bow monopolies and combines i of Keystone mining claim. Blue River
sought to control the people and to i district.
make tbe citizens of Oregou to be
nothing moro than burden bearers for
Church A. Stephens and Bertha
political bossed «bo by virtue of theli E. Day, Frauk Nuuson witness.
office sought to have specious schemes
J. E.¡11 listings and Bessie Bartmess,
of legislation paused.
C. R. Hastings witness.
“Tbe Piaindealer, as it is well
Nathan F. Rice and Jennie V. Gard­
known, opposed two bills iutroiluced ner, Homer M. Gardner, witness.
by Senator Booth and poked fun at
tbe ’big pill’ gotten up by an over
zealous Methodist divine to compel
tiie tioHness faith healers anil Chris
tian Scientists to ba converted, will
(Guard Special Service.)
ye, nil yi, to the allopathic faith and
Creswell, Sept. 30.—Fred Robinett,
Yt once u crusade was
•s tl>< Plaindeiiler aud it an old time resident of this place, is
waged ai
visiting relatives and friends iu Cres­
W8 ii« .■ nniuud that it» utterances
against the scbeni« oi the politicians well. He is employed at present In
ami iioo'ilers by legislative schemes hauling freight for Chrisman's store
hl ha stopped and every scheme at Silver Lake.
Mr. and Mr®. Geo. Hawley have
tliai < <-uld ' 1 di vised by crafty cun-
i j . . . . i n » . r...«. i K4*v IUI » saw « l /(» i on u visit, tn TsA Grande, ’they
Tbu bdninevH rightfully belonging expect to tie gone about a month.
to the 1 laindealer
held up aud
Frankie Newman baa been presented
giveu to a Democratic paper by so- with a nice piauo tiy her Uncle, Mr.
called Republican otll< is for the Newman.
only reason that
the Piaindealer
Miss Fannie Stone is clerking in
wyuld not stand quietly l>y and see C. L. Weber’s store.
tbe rights of tbe people legislated
Geo. Hillegas and wife have gone
away in the interests of grafters. ou a trip to the coaBt. He expects to
By the scores of kind letters we re­ get a load of flab while there.
ceive we know that our work iu the
Tbe Creswell school Is-gan Monday,
interest of true Republicanism ie
with a good attendance.
Tbe busy hum of the wood saw re­
minds one that winter is fast com
The football season is ou and th< ing on.
really big teaniH are teacbing thè 1 itti,
Dr. Scarbrough’s prune dryer is
fellows thè game at tbe cost of big running day and night. Au eno mous
crop is being harvested, it will re
scorse and hard bumps.
quire a week or ten »lays yet to finish.
A Demorest medal contest was held
A Montaua man has eloped with his
It is a question at the M. E. church Friday evening,
iflioda Smith was awarded tbe prize
whether his wife or his father-in-law
by the judges.
is to lie congratulated more heartily.
Deputy Surveyor Wagner aud tbe
couuty viewers located a county road
During the congressional vacation iu the Howe neighborhood last Mon­
the sugar trust has gobbled up tbe day.
beet sugar industry. This is one way
to circumvent unfriendly legislation.
CreswJi Items.
Transient ¡teople and farmers over
night in Eugene can find neat, airy,
well furnished rooms at the Old
Courthouse Lodging House for only
25 Cents to any part of the bouse,
upstairs or dowu.
Convenient to the business part of
town, yet clear away from all the
uolse of the main streets. Naw furni
If tbe bill which the German gov- ture and bedding.
ernment proposes to introduce Into
transparency "BEDS” one
tbe reiebstag, regulating the sale of block east from l>ay A Henderson and
Just beck of
intoxicants, sballj become a law, tbe Beckwith
man who has not tbe price will be
obliged to retain this thirst, as credit
at the bar is to l>e prohibited.
A case earns to light that 'or per-
Oregon weather thia fall has lieeu sisteut and unmerciful torture has
all any one could ask. It gave tbe perhaps never 1 «eu equalled. Joe
Golobrick of Colusa, Calif., writes:
the wheat growers flue weather for "For 15 years I endured Insutferatile
harvest. Then tbe bop raiser» hail ex­ l«iu from rheumatism and nothing
relieved me though I tried everything
cellent weather to care for their hop known. I came aernee Electric Bit­
crop and now tbe prune meu hare ters and its tbe greatest medicine on
earth for that trouble A few bottles
u»t such weather as they deeire. Tbe of it completely relieved and cured
Just as good for liver aud
Oregon farmer ought to be happy.
troubles aud general de­
bility. Only 50 cento. Satisfaction
While Wall Street feais a pinch, guarautae«! by W. L. DeLano, drug
tbe farmers of tbe country are prepar
irg to enjoy a winter of ease and
wanted .
The financial situation is
that King
Edward while a great lover of doge,
lias a strong dislike to cate and will
not allow them in any of hie resi­
dences. It used to tie different—at
least as to cats.
English dispatches say
not troubling them in the least.
a full granary ami turn and money in
Meu to cut wood. Seo or addrw
McKenxie block Faros,
Spring Held, Oregon.
bis pocket or to his account in tbe
bank, he feels that tbe flnanciai situs
tion is all right so far as he is con
Thoee who took advantage of tb«<
nrwiit tax law by paying the Brat
half of their taxes tieforv the first
Monday in April will pleeae take note
that tbe eecond half of the tax 1» pay- '
able on or before tbe Ftr»t Monday
in October, (O'tober 5»h ’ ami If uu
paid after that date it will t«e nece»-
sarv to add 10 per cent, penalty ami
8 per ••ent intereat (o the half tax re­
nte iuiug unpaid.
You know wbat yoa are looking far
when you take Grove’s '1 asteleas (.’bill
Touic, l>ecause tbe formula is plainly
printed on every iiottle, showing that
it is simply iron and quinine in a
tasteleaa form. No cure. No pay
X cents.
Sheriff and Tax CoHralor.
No Dessert
More Attractive
Hy Stewart has returned to Pen-1
dletuu. having decide«! not to take
the I'lwitlun iu the R"-' tuig bank.
Why use gelati»«* »«»<1
” (Daily Guard, September 30.)
Mr. aud Mrs. W. T. Kayser, of Cot­ ®l>end hour® soaking,
tage Grove, formerly residents if El­ »wvetening, flivtiring
Mrs. M. Senders, of Albany, is in
aud coloring wben~
mira, are iu Eugene to take iu tiie
Wm. Horn, of Saginaw, was in fair.
Mrs. Almond Hemenway, of Grants pvodnees better results in two minute»!
Eugene today.
Pass, was a visitor among Eugene Every tiling in the package. Simply add n«X
F. E. Ailey came iu from Roseburg
I friends yesterday and today.
She water and set toc.l. It’s ierfeetion. Aeur.
this afternoou.
prisetotlie h'.uiewife. N > trouble, l.-r e«.
, returned to her home this afternoon.
D. R. Walker was a passenger to j
pens*. Try it to-«lay. Tn Four » rut 11*
Mrs. U. E. Keuyou, formerly Miss vors: Lem« Onm^e, Straw berry, Rasp­
Albany today.
1 Maggie Luckey, writes to have her berry Atgrxkrs. 1W-
P. R. Edmunstou, of Thurston, is Weekly Guard changed from Burt’s,
in Eug> ne today.
Or., to Boise City, Idaho.
Mrs. A. G. Baldwin came iu fro3 I i J. L. Tetzlaff, of Portland, is in
Corvallis today.
i Eugene looking for u business loca­
Notices under this head not to ex_
Frauk W. Allen, of Albany, was in' tion. He has two or three proposi­ ceed five lines, 50 ceuts a week; fl.«*
Eugene this morning.
tions in view aud may conclude to a month; 912.00 per year.
W. O. Trine, of Corvallis, is on remain here. He says Eugene has the
For Sale.
busiest appearance of any town south
Eugene, taking in tbe fair.
f 6 f F s AL e 7-25,OOO choice assorted
Jas. Hemenway came down from of Portland.
fruit trees. S. F. Kerns, North
Albany Democrat: Roy Crow, one
Cottage Grove this afternoon.
Washington street, Eugene, Oregon.
Bud Hyman returned to Portland
college football team, returned to Al­
today, after a visit in Eugene.
FOR SALE.—A first-class uO-bushel
bany yesterday afternnoou aud will
Mies Sadie Wells, of Roseburg, was
Colton Surprise steam dryer. Cost
re enter the college. Besides being
an arrival on tbe aftreuoou train.
«,70. Perfectly new, for 1100. En­
au excellent young man be will be a
quire of T. N. Segar.
E. A. Wilson aud wife came iu great addition to the football team,
from Cottage Grove this afternoon.
I which promises now to be as good as SHEEP.—1 have some good stock
Mr. aud Mrs. Frauk Kennedy came that last year.
sheep to lease on shares on one or
dowu from Roseburg today to attend
more years. Inquire of or address
the fair.
A. C. Jennings 109 West Fifth street
Mrs. Frauk C. Baker, of Tillamook
City, is in Eugene visiting her daugh­
FOR SALE.—50 bead ehoats, also
(Guard Special Service.)
ter, Mrs. L. M. Travis.
some registered Hereford cattle.
W. M. Morrow has returned from
Irving, Sept. 30.—Hop picking in
Either sex.
Address McKenzie
Portland. Mrs. Morrow stopped off a thing of tbe past in this neighbor­
Stock k’afm, Springfield, Oregon.
hood, and tbe yield has been excel­
at Leiianon for a visit.
- »oe eeee
Retiring from Business
We are selling out our entire stock
Dry Coo* uid todies' Furnish^
O. P. Coshow, of Brownsville, is
attending tbe district fair. He is
Mrs. J. M. Howe’s father.
Mrs. Geo. 11. Smith went to Port
land today and from there she will
make a trip to the Puget Sound.
C. McMorn, of Portland, arrived
yesterday to accept a clerkship in
8. H. Friendly’s dry goods store.
lleury Neu was brought to the Eu
gene hospital last evening from Fall
Creek, with symptoms of pneumonia.
Herbert Ogdeu, who is now tiring
on a freight engine between Rose
burg and Junction, is visiting in
H. O. Caufleid and bis cousin, C.
O. Baker, are efiendiug a couple of
days in Eugene.- -lx, ban on Express
V. Hemenway aud J. H. McClung
left tills afternoon for Granta Pass.
They are witnesses at tbe Gibson mur
del- trial.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Matlock left
this afternoon for Grauts Pass, where
Mr. Matlock is a witness in tbe Gib­
son murder trial.
M th . W. W. llaiues left this after­
noou for San Francisco, where she
will attend her daughter, Miss Re­
becca, v bo is very ill.
Mrs. A. D. Daviasou, or
enoe, who has been visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. M. L. Dorris, iu Eugene,
returned home today.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Robertson have
just arrived down from Foley Springs
on their way to Washington, I). C.,
Mr. Roberts' n ie private secretary
to U. S. Senator John H. Mitchell.
C. E. Edmunson. of Eugene, who
lias been in tbe city for several days
looking fot a location, returned to
hie borne this moriuing.— Pendleton
East Oregonian.
Mrs. Grace Hampshire, of Burns,
Harney county, arrived iu Eugene
Saturday evening, coming overland
alone save fcr her pet bird dog. She
is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. B.
W. H. Walker, of Jasper, left on
this afternoon’s train for Morrow
county where he will spend tbe winter.
Mr. Walker’s heal th has been poor
and be removes in the hope that a
cb»nge will tie beneficial to him.
Mrs. M. A. Witbrow returned yes
terday from Independence where she
visited her daughter, Mrs. Lydia E. I
Gray. Mrs. Withrow has a bad felou
on her Huger. It was lanced yes­
terday and is now getting alcng uieely.
3. P. Nickelseu (or Pete, as he is
kuowu at borne) came up
from ;
Eugene Saturday to speud a week
with the home folks. He is now em­
ployed as telegrapher for the Western
Union at Eugene and, like everyone
else, Is delighted with that city.—
The Dalles Chronicle.
(Daily Guard, October 1.)
Horace McKinley is in tbe city.
R. G. Fowler, of Walton,
city today.
is in the
FOR SALE—A binder, practically
Harry Wimmer is doing a rushing
new. Cheap for cash or will trade
business sawing wood. He has two
for oats F. A. Archambeau, Eu
steam saws at work.
gene. Oregou.
J. A. Fugate and family accompan­
ied by his wife’s mother, Mrs. Louise GOATS FOR SALE.—76 goats, good
condition, for ifale at reasonable
Mulkey, left here last week for Red­
Addres, or call upon A.
lands, California, where they expect
Eugene, OregoD. Rest-
to spend tbe winter, for tbe benefit of
dnece ten miles southwest of Eu­
Mrs. Fugate’s health.
Mm. and Mrs. Nathan Zumwalt, of
Nebo, Illinois, left here on Sunday FOR SALE.—80 acres timber laud,
on their homeward journey. We wish I with living water and large bouse,
tlisas a safe and pleasant trip.
also 10,000 capacity sawmill; loca­
ted two and one-half miles east of
Isaac Zumwalt and wife, of Eugene,
Saginaw, Oregon.
Address H. K.
were in Ivring last Sunday.
Joyce, Saginaw.
Master Edward Dooley, of Irving,
is now engaged with the S. P. Co., at FARM FOR SALE.-A good stock
farm with pleuty of springs aud
Mrs. Nancy Bushnell arrived home
running stream, good orchard, fine
ou Sunday from an exteuded visit in
garden, well fixed for irrigation,
the East.
a dwelling house, two good bams,
Miss Livia Bond returned to Philo I enough laud iu cultivation to keep
makii on Monday, where she will at­
20 bead of Cows; 2 or 3 hoTees, 30
tend school the coming year.
goats, aud some hogs, A flue place
to live, good level road to it,
J. W. Baker shipped a car load of
though bill-side land with lots of
life stock and household goods to
timber, but have good meadow. In
Turner yesterday, where he expects
all 247 acres. Call and see place,
to make bis future home.
2 miles west of Elmira, ou tbe north
Heusill-Stinson C mpauy shipped
iced. N. Teteison.
a car load of dried prunes on Monday.
Also our Store Fixtures.
Everything mObt
by January 1, 1904.
Tho prices we aie makin
on these goods are fust closing them out
those wishing to take advantage of ligi,
tiolis on Staple goods »hould not hesitan. i,
call early.
Irving Items
J. V. Kauffman
Bo a««»«
' remember -*?-'-^
Of Boys’ and Men’s Clothing Closes Saturday
Those who have not taken
advantage already of this
Great Sale should do so now
There ar« «tin
lent values in suits yet»,
be found on the tables.
The entire stock oi Boys’ and Men’s
Clothing is being sold out at a dis-
count of 20 per cent. Everything
goes—nothing held out.
Eugene’s greatest distributors
of Boys' and Men’s Dlothing
Don’t Delay too Long
Buying Your Fall Suit
You know if you decide this
question now you have a aider
range of varieties to select fros
and you get longer wear for th»
money expended.
The Sudden Changes
in American Weather
J. II. Maxwell presented us with STRAYED.—From my premises at
vu.r«« clusters of grapes thnt
Cobuig, Wednesday, Sept. 9th, a
are hard t<> beat. Thanks, come
small Jersey cow. mole color, one
again John.
horn shorter than other. Suitable
L. N. Price has purchased forty
reward for return. Hans Mikelseu
acres of land of O. P. Hoff.
C. K. Kotnpp has leased the Logan
of 95 for information leading to the
farm fadjoining Irving aud will
recovery of the following described
move ou the same sho-tly.
mares, will be given by I. N. Ed­
A brother of Mrs. 8. Jameson, Mr.
wards, Junction City : One a black
Grant, of Iowa, arrived here yester­
mare about 15>a hands high, very
round body aud heavily built in
every way, foretop cropped three or
Mrs. Kos Morris has been on tbe
four months ago. About 10 years
sick list for several days, but is now
Other one a brownish bay
much improved.
mare, four years old, about 16\
On account of the extreme lack of
hands high, little darker about tbe
help to do the necessary work on
head than rest of body.
hand, but very few of our citizens at­
tended either the state fair or the car­
horses have lieen worked, but think
nival iti Portland this year.
there ie no white ou either.
F ine C lothing
The Price of the Suits Start
at $10.00.
make it quite probable till
you will get up some irottik:
soon and And tbe tempenttn
cold enough for thicker apparel
Then you’ll wish yoo hadn’t
procrastinated. Better attend to
this matter During Tbe Prwti
Week, it won’t require mur
minutes to step into our st«»
end get yourself sDugly nJ
handsomely fitted at a price tin
will mean an actual saviugto
We sell tbe
Hand Tailored Clothing
Made by
»•The Bait Clothu Mkm
STRAYED.—A large bay horse; scar
at knee of left hind leg; full shod,
Out fit. Le r
Three full-blooded Jersey cows, a
front shoes much woru.
driving horse, all farm implements
Guthrie, Eugene.
on place, two-seated hack, harness,
etc. See or address
MONEY TO LOAN.—On good se­
curity. Enquire of Woodcock 4
Harris, attorneys at law.
on Riter road a short distance below
for health, vigor, endurance and vi­
tality, is a regular diet mainly ccm-
posed of cereals. Oats, wheat and
A farm of 216 acres in Pleasant other grains specially prepared for
breakfast use give a flying stait in
A public sale of horses, cattle, bogs, Hill precinct is offered for sale. 130
goods, farming imple­ acres in cultivation and more suit- lor the dry’s Islets. If it’s a cereal
ble. Balance pasture and 16 acres we have it, always fresh end prime.
ments, etc., will be held at the place
of the undersigned, four miles west of of tiipber. Suited for grain, hay and A horse shows his oats, and cereal
caters stew »bat makes nerve and
stock. Weil watered by springs.
Irving, on Monday, Oct. 5, 1903.
Two dwelling houses on premia««
Mrs. Mattie J. Bond.
Call on or address,
J. 8. Stiles auctioneer.
Phone Main 25-1
f leaaant Hill, Or.
619 w illamette St.
Lo Particular Mtn.
A Solid Foundation
Jske I elative Bic no Quinine tab
lite. All dniggiste refi.d the Uitij
it it tails- tc tin. t. W. (.ime*
lettotene ie on each box. 25 cents.
State Game Warden J. W. Baker is
In tbe city.
Notice is hereby given that the un-
Jesse Tborntou is in Cottage Grove
dersigned has beeu appointed Exe­
ou business.
cutrix of tbe Estate of John Bowu,
Miss Msry K licker, of Corvallis, is deceased, by an order of tbe County
Court for I-atie county, Oregou.
visiting in Eugene.
! All perwous having claims against
C. II. Withrow, of Irving, was in said estate are hereby uotifled to pre-
Eugene on business today.
sent the same with proper vouchers to
Hon. R. A. Booth returned Louie tbe exer'utrix at tbe office of Waltou
A Neo», attorneys for the estate,
today from a trip south,
withiu six months from date hereof.
Dated thia 26th day of September
J. M. Medley returned this after­
i 1963.
noon from Cottage Grove.
Antoinette Bown,
D. P. Sheridan, of Cottage Grove, Executrix of the estate of John Bowu,
arrived this afternoon and will take
YY alton A N*ea, Attrrneys for the
in tbe fair.
Opposite the Park.
Bargains that Outclass Anything in Tnv n
Amazing Bargains in ail Department*
for Fair Week.
You save m°r,i
motley here than el»ewl>erw He»- wlul splendi«i values we are offering^
Choice heavy
Teasel Outing
Flannel the yd
at once the
¡«ying too
ths econo­
Good standard g
Calicoes, Fall
‘tyles, the yd
Little Giant School
Our Boy»! Suite
Shoes, lest ou Earth are 30 per cent cheap Elegant cotton tut­ Elegaut, durable
ting. large rolls
Men's Suits, tine
Si .45
est in town S I .95 t the roll
ßc linings
gantiy triM^S.
1 'S" 65c
Heavy 10-4
zx ■»
Ladies' and Men's Men’» YYrights Silk
Ladies' fancy*) g c
box calf and chrome ?5*e.e underwear the chain
50 cent£^
kill shoes
SI • .50.
»VW | »«V niutl
wrist bags
We -ell children’s Men’» heavy weight ‘ No 4«' silk
underwear cheapest «loubJetoe aud heel Tsfetari
in town
age knit bo».., .1 pr 25 I
the yard
Are You Studying?
No use making a anri. us difficulty out of a
proposition. You might as well understand
worth of getting the right things and not
much tor them. We'll give you leeson» in
mies of life if you will give us a chance.
Ladies’ fine Dress Best Sea Island
Skirts, well made
yard wide
muslin the yd
SP**ìlÀ|,Urtni5.F,lr W**k to cla*,‘
Ladle» white, enihmderied »nd
• 5c and 91.00 waist», each
Ladies' full 40guage
fast black double
toe bcse
I Be
2*0) School Children's JtMl-pace I
tablets with large elate ep' ' -
lead pencil, ail for