The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, October 03, 1903, Image 2

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Eugene Weekly Guard.
Newark Has th« Greatest Strike In Yea«-«
■nd End Is Nel laL
Newark, N.J., Sept. 26.—The big-
state department closed
gat strike in Newark in the past 20
years began tonight and extend«!
lice guard.
It is expected that by to­
morrow the strike will have extended
to the power houses, including thoa
that supply tha lighting circuits.
Odd Fallows will erect a 31,000,000
temple in Baltimore.
At Sanger, Cal., a clevei thief sub­
stituted a brick for 31,600 in coin.
gas bouse employe* are ■!«> aid to be
ready to go out and complete the tie
Newark trolley men declared the
■trike will bw general all through Es­
sex, Hudson, I’asaic and Union coun­
Turkey has appointed a commission
to inaugurate reforma in Macedonia.
Receiver Scobey of the Olympia land
office is cnarged with being abeent
without leave.
ties l«efore tomorrow noon.
The men have demand«! 22 cents an
hour, the abolition of the "sp it runs”
system and recognition of the union.
President McCarter, ot the public
T. Manuel Hermann, biothei of the i
service corporation,
which controls
Oregon congressman has resigned from
most ol the trolley iinee, had practi­
office in the pension service.
cally promised that thecompany would .
Great pressure is being brought to accede to the men’s demands, but it is ,
bar to have Lord Milner reconsider understood that tonight there has l>een '
bis refusal tc enter the British cabinet. i objection to this on the part of some
of the directors. Up to a late houi to-
Premier Balfour holds that the best
; night President McCarter had not
solution of the Balkan problem is for
definitely informed the employes as to
the powers to support a Russo-Austrian
what the real attitude of the corpora
tion ia.
The striking carmen at Newark, N.
Coming as it did at the busiest
J., have returned to work. The com­ traffic hour of the day, the strike
pany has promised to consider the caught thonsaads of working p««ple
changa damandod.
■ nd shoppers unprepared.
Many of
No trace Las been found of the men them were com pel lad to walk mila to
who attempted to hold up the O. K. A their homes in the suburbs.
N. train nar Portland. The wounded
man who was captured continues to
Austria fare a Kossuthist revolution
in Hungary.
Lord Milner ie oelievad to have de­
clined to enter the British cabinet.
In a r« ent battle lietwaen rebels and
Turkish troops the latter lost 600 men.
British Storms Ruined Fruit Crop, ■nd
Imports Were Never so Big.
London, Sept. 20.—America ie now
raping great
benefit from the storms
Progress Has Been Made In the
The great progress that has been
made in the prune industry in this
state in the last few years is indicated
by the machinery which has been put
in operation at the Willamette Valley
Prune Association's
warehouse in
In one corner of the ware­
house stands an old-fashioned hand
prune grader, of the back-breaking
type­ It «as capable of handling ten
tons of fruit a day if a gang of men
could keep it going steadily. In the
center of the warehouse la a massive
power grader, 42 feet long and ten
feet high, the most up-to-date machine
for that kind of work. Its capacity is
100 tons a day. In former years the
prunes were loaded on trucks, taken
up to Ul<‘ second floor on an elevator
and emptied into the grader by men
who lifted the sa'-ks of prunes to the
hopper. Now the grader stands on
the third floor.
A continuous chain
carrying cups runs from the base­
ment to the top of the grader. On
any floor prunes may be dumped into
a hopper and they are carried up to
the grader without further effort.
From the grader the prunes run
through a steam process from which
they emerge into another hopper and
from this they drop into boxes all
ready for packing.
start to
finish manual labor is reduced to a
minimum and nearly all the work is
done by machinery. During the pas­
sage of the prunes through the grader
and processor they are cleaned of all
dirt, are made uniform in moisture
and are placed In the boxes bright and
wheat trade at standstill .
which made the past summer one of
the worst on record in Great Britain
No Sales Oa the Peadleton Market ■nd
No Shipments Io Coast.
The Shenango, Pa., tin plate mill,
The wheat market of Pendleton ■nd
the largest in the world, is to shut ruined home crop, California fruit i*
is at a complete standstill.
being imported in larger quantities
No sales have been made for nearly
Mrs. Jefferson Davis, widow of the
a week and no shipments of moment
president of the Southern Confederacy, in London marked a record with 25,-
■re being made to the coast.
is in Buffalo, seriously ill.
000 boxes of American fruit, represent­
This state of affairs waa caused by
Russia and Austria
again ing about 675,000 pounds weight. The the sudden decline In prices. Club Is
warned Turkey and Bulgaria against fruit was sold at a two days' auction in quoted at 67 cents per bushel, while
war, and declare massacres must cease.
bluestem Is selling at 70 cents. This
Cogent Garden Market, the prices aver­
Is a drop of 5 cents per bushel on both
Russian soldiers are persecuting the aging 30 per cent above what has here­
classes of wheat.
Jews of Gomel. The («eople were l«st-
The mills had boosted the price.
tofore been obtained here. The ala
en and their bouses robbed and burned.
They were just out of wheat, and If
were chiefly of California pears and they had not paid high prices they
The hunt for the men who held up
plums with a fair consignment of New would have been forced to shut down.
the O. K. A N. train nar Portland has
Some of the mills Bouth of here had
so far failed. No trace whatever can York state Bartlett pears
to suspend operations because they
be found of the bandits. The wounded
did not care to pay such a fancy price.
man refuses to give any particulars as obtainable, while France, which usual­ The mills are now well supplied and
ly exports large quantities of pears to are buying but little, only In cases
to who hia confederates are.
England, is sending none. The Amer­ where there Is storage room.
An Illinois court haa reoognixml a ican section of Covent Garden market
The export buyer seems out of the
decree of divorce granted in Russia as is now almost the sole source of supply, market. The farmers will not sell at
and there are no signs of the demand the present quotations, and the buyers
American apples, which will not offer higher money.
Senator 8<ott, of Wat Virginia, con­ decreasing.
hie profitably are about 900,000 bushels of unsold
tinues to improve, and will be out in hitherto
shipped hither till later in the year, wheat in the county.
ten days.
Never was there such keen activity
now have a brisk trade.
among farmers in storing wheat. The
Rural guards have captured Juan
thousand barrels of Canadian apples
buyers sa ythat about 3000 sacks are
lolwz, the leader of the recent Coban
are expected in the London market to- arriving in Pendleton dally, which is
day, aud record prices are assured.
1000 sacks above the average dally
Four tourists who were climbing the
delivery. This rush of wnem u> the
warehouses is due to farmers fearing
mountain, in England, fell
- a. a . . . „ a. àì ; . „.
a wet nronou, Ml.d nlnu to get this
work off their hands so fall seeding
Oliver T. Sherwood, the defaulting Sault Ste. Marie la Alao Threatened
can be started. By the middle of next
With Another Strike.
cashier of tha Southport, Conn., Na­
week all the grain of the country will
tional bank, has been sentenced to leu
Detroit, Mich., Sept. 26.—An even­ have been placed under shelter. The
years iu prison.
ing News special from Balt Ste. Marie weather Is Ideal for the finishing of
harvest, Most of the grain which was
Honduras continues to threaten to says the situation in the Canadian Soo,
standing when the recent rains came
Invade Nicaragua unless boundary dis­
which ie suffering moat from the shut­ will not be threshed, but will be cut
pute over granting of • eoncosion to
down of the Coneolidated Luke Superior for feed.
Americans is settled.
company’s plants ia today the worst
The United States squadron under
Installing Mining Machinery.
the command of Rear Admiral Eraos, since the closing of the works.
The Crystal Consolidated
has arrived at Kiao Chon, the German to the general state of destitution of company is at the present time ener­
colony on^the east coast of China.
the discharged employes comes the an­ getically placing machinery that has
been contracted for some time. They
Since the paeage of the Irish land nouncement today that the street car are now installing a 50-horse power
act many evicted tenanta now raiding men will strike next Monday unless iKiiler and engine and sawmill. They
in ths United States have been making
have also placed an order with the
they receive their pay in full.
anxious inquiria regarding the pussi*
Union Iron Works, of San Francisco,
for a stamp mill, This will soon be
bility of reacquiring their former hold­
that the |>ay day which had been an­ completed and will he on the ground
The company Is
nounced for Monday had l>een declared early next month,
Annie R. Sharpley, who caused the
The men on the street care in the also building a wagon road from the
postotfice authorities
road to the
American Soo are also getting restless, new Champion Creek
Mountain Lion claim, a distance of
through her swindling operations in
as are tlie men on the ferries across the
7500 feet, the coat of this road will be
raising the figures on postal money or­
river Itetween the two Koos.
Requests nl>out $4000.
This company
has a
ders in many cities, has been sentenced
for aid from the town are increasing. large amount of ore In sight and will
to two years in prison in Pennsylvania.
Many of them come from men who run the mill continuously during the
The fishing tug Silver Spray, which have pay checks in their possession winter months.
had an exciting brush August 12 with that they cannot cash.
the Canadian patrol teat Petrel, has
State Veterinary Board.
again narrowly escaped capture. Ac­
Argument of America.
of the Oregon state
cording to the captain, he waa out look­
London, Hept. M.—The presence of
ing for lost nets and might have lieen several American women brightened veterinary board, created at the last
in Canadian waters. He immediately the procedings of the Alaskan Iron nd ary session of the Oregon legislature, will
be named by Governor Chameblain in
ordered his engineer to give the tug a commission today.
David T. Watson,
full head of steam, and after a brief of Pittaburg, <*ontirued his presenta­ a few days The board will consist of
five competent practitioners of veter­
chase the Silver Spray eacaped.
tion of tne American case, and ex- inary medicine and surgery. Two of
Sir Thomas Liptun is fast regaining pected to conclude his arguments to­ the men to be appointed will serve
night. Mr. Watson devoted the morn­ for a term of two years and three for
his health.
ing to an examination of Rnreia'a title, a term of four years and after the
John Mitchell is relied upon to avert
pointing out that everything in the flrst two years the term of office of
a labor war against Roosevelt for his
all members will be four years
Rusao-British negotiations showed that
action in the Miller case.
members serve without compensation,
Russia’s demand for a boundary in­
hut receive theft traveling ami ether
A New York philanthropist will take volved the exclusive possession of ali expenses.
1,000 of the poor of that city to Mon­ tlie coast line.
tana and establish a colony.
No Mouldy Hops Picked.
Austen Chamberlain will be made
chancellor of the exchequer in the Brit­
ish cabinet and either terd telborne
or Lord Milnei colonial secretary.
Robbers knocked nnconacion an ex-
pros messenger at Chicago and rifled
two safes.
Very little was secured as
the money they were after waa not in
the car.
Tntkey has appointed the former
vali of Beirut as vali of Bruaa, which
is rally a promotion. The action has
■roused much indignation as it is re­
garded as a challenge to the powers.
Rear Admiral Evans criticisa the
action of the board which at in the
cna of Paymaster Nicbolaon.
in China Nicholaon beam« Intoxicated
and lust an elderly man.
The Itoard
reduced him flee numbers in bis grate.
Tha admiral hold* that he should havs
been disrniaaed from the service.
Affairs at Beirut continue quiet.
A collision on thel llinols Central in
the suburbs of Chicago resulted in the
injury of 12 women.
W. Pmith W’ooiey, ef Pocatello, has
been appoint*! aaaayer at the Boia
United State» assay office.
Premier Balfour, of England, haa
ban roundly scored because he pla.wd i
a price upon his fi«al policy pamphlet.
B. H. Pllea, of King connty. Wash-
in«ton. baa announced himalf a candi-4
data for Foster's sat in the Unit*i
Btata anato.
yesterday at
2 lb LJ^>
Pr«sldcat of R.publk
Necessity (or Clvg^te
Santiago De Cuba a. ~
»•« today
4 o’clock it was agreed that the Pana­
til at midnight not a single street rail­
way car waa running, except under po­
Panama Canal H<M Up by Colombia Un­
til Time Expires.
Washington, Sept. 23.—When the
► alma
Thousands are Loaded at Pendleton for
All Parts of th* Wcat.
Pendleton is one of the greatest
sheep shipping centers of the Pacific
slope, railroad . men say. About 100.«
000 sheep have been shipped from and
through that point this season.
A 1
great many more will be shipped Is
tore the winter season comes on, as
the fall movement has just become es-
The O. R. * N. reports that 300 cars
had been shipped from and through
that point, while It was ascertained
that the W. & C. R had handled 200
cars. The cars, as a rule, are loaded
with about 240 sheep each.
These shipments are much heavier
now than they were last year at this
The shipments of the entire
country will greatly exceed the ship­
ments of last season, for the reason
that there are more sheep in the
country, and feed
scarce and sheep raisers are forced
to sell. The season is now fairly
opened and heavy shipments will con
tinue for the next month or so.
Most of the sheep have been ship­
ped to Portland on the coast and Seat­
tle and other Sound points
have been shipped as far east as St.
Paul. Heavy shipments have been
made to California points.
No res
son is assigned for this extraordinary
activity, beyond the fact that a scarc­
ity of mutton prevails in ths Utah
sheep of Montana,
this year, have been killed by sevare
storms, and there is not the usual sup­
ply there.
treaty waa dead, although
which the Colombian congress might
take affirmative action upon it.
ing, however, had been received during
the day, either from Minister Beaupre
at Bogota or from Mr. Herran, the Co­
lombian charge here, which gave the
slightest hope of a favorable issue.
A report is current here that the Co­
lombian congress, in secret session, lias
clothed President Marroquin with full
power to negotiate a treaty. If this re­
port should turn out to be true, Presi­
des. Marroquin, who is counted a
friend of the treaty, could proceed un­
trammeled by the fear of future reckon­
ing with his congress.
In any event. President Roosevelt
must now take the next step. He can
elect to proceed under the S[>ooner act
and take up the Nicaraguan route, or
be can allow the matter to drift for the
present in the hope that a way may yet
1« found to straighten out the present
difficulty in the path of the Panama
Contrary to his custom during the
summer, Acting Secretary of the State
Department Odell remained in the city
yesterday in order tc be on hand to act
promptly on any information which
might come from Mr. Beaupre regard
ing canal matters at Bogota.
Up to
9:30o’clock, however, nothing had been
received. Dr. Herran. the Colombian
charge, also waited anxiously for news
from his government, but likewise was
disappointed. Colombia, it is known,
ie anxious to keep alive the canal ne­
One interesting feature in connection
Effect of Ruling Relating to Timber and with the legislative situation in Colom­
bia ia the fact that the terms of one-
Stone Entries.
The ruling by the department to third of the members in the seriate,
construe strictly the testimony taken numbering nine, will expire on the
in timber and stone entries in regard 20th of next July, when the life of the
These nine
to speculation will have the effect of . present congress will end.
throwing open again a greater part senators, it is said, are averse to the
of the timber land which has been en­ canal treaty. The hope of the advo­
tered upon under the act of June 3. cates of the treaty will be to elect sen­
1878, and for which patents have not ators in their places who are favorable
been Issued. There would be no pos­
sible way to enter the land then ex­ to the convention.
cept by those who have forest reserve
lieu land script to place, and this
would have the effect of throwing the
best lands of the public domain into
the hands of corporations which have
bought up all available scrip to us«
for good timber lands. This is the
exact result congress most desired to
Only a small percentage of
the entries under this act have been
made by adjacent homesteaders, who
enter such lands to reserve to them-
relves and successors woodland for
the future.
Pokegma ■ Village of Tents.
Southeastern Oregon can boast of
city built entirely of tents. Pokeg
ma is the name of this unique village,
which is located among the towering
pines near the summit of a mountain
range It is the terminus of the Klam­
ath River railroad, a branch of the
Southern Pacific
The branch Is con­
structed for a distance of 25 miles
and was laid for the purpose of tap­
ping the timber belt of this section.
People have rushed in to secure land
and nun.« tourer locations have el
ready been made. In fact all the best
of the land has been taken.
Polk County First.
Polk county has been awarded first
place 1 nthe county exhibit competi­
tion at the state fair, and consequent­
ly claims to be the banner agricultur­
al county of Oregon
A woman. Mrs.
F. A. Wolf, of Falls City, prepared and
arranged the exhibit, assisted by her
Miss Belle Wolf.
county led only by a scratch, Ljnn
county coming a close second and
Washington a close
dropped a little further hack as fourth
and Lane still further back as fifth.
Yamhill gets sixth place. Douglas
would have had the seventh premium,
but that exhibit was not entered
Masked Men Blow Open Safe But Oet
Little Beodle.
St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 24.—Four
masked men, at 10 o’clock tonight,
held np west bound Burlington A Mis­
souri River train No. 41, five miles
north of this city. The safe in the ex­
press car was dynamited and the car
wrecked. Officials of the road say tne
safe contained but little money. Other
reporte say it contained 35,000 to 310,-
000 in money. Everything in the safe
was taken and the men escaped in the
darkness with horses. A posse was’or-
ganixed and is in pursuit of the banits.
Not a single shot was fired.
The train was stopped by means of a
red light. The engine and express car
were uncoupled from the remainder of
the train and backed half a mile furth­
er on where it was dynamited.
train was in charge of Conductor Har­
vey, who hurried to the city and gave
the alarm. The officers lost no time
in organiizng and making a start. It
was necessary for the entire train to
be brought back bn the city and a new
train made up which left at 1 o’clock.
According to the meager reports re­
ceived from the scene of the hold up at
midnight, the instant the train was
stopped, two of the robbers climbed in­
to the engine, and with drawn weapons
compelled the engineer fireman to
obey orders. One of the men un­
coupled the engine and express car
from the remainder of the train, The
party then climbed into the cab and
the engine and car were run up the
track. The explosion followed,
soon as the safe was dynamited, the
men dashed to the wrecked car. It is
asserted that they did not get a cent as
a result. The train was loaded with
passengers for the West and the hold
up created a panic.
As soon as the conductor saw the
robliers, he ran back down the track
and secured a hand car on which he
came to St. Joseph and notified the
th. Americans and th» sJ/
Says Uoxarameat
Can III Afford It—la Backed Up by
Representative Burton of Ohio—This
ident Palm. urg«dth.
guard the ideals they
mean, oi inter,ention
Branch Is Shown to Afford Soft
The presidential n»«.
Places for Many.
Mtically received on thj,,’*" **
The Alcalde*fnM|
that thegathermg .^'^
Washintgon, Sept. 28.—Representa­
tive Burton, of Ohio, who made a gen­ eran. Present P.lJ^a
he wanted to 0»,^
eral assault on the Indian appropria­ that
ly a. anybody,
tion bill during the last seaion of eon-
grew, brought to light some general was not only an act of
lacta which would seem to justify the necessary to th. recoi'?
country. Nobody ^**4
1 opinion held by Secretary Hitchcock
that the Dawes commission, now under prodaca mor, than hi«^*
tire in the Indian Territory, ie an ex­ the president.
The only way to sacrifi« n.
pensive and unjustifiable luxury, which
He would be to bring ,bS U "»
the government can ill afford.
sentative Sherman, who had the bill in He believed there wa!
; charge, had just concluded an earnest in. thousand who
plea for further appropriations for the mamtain the honor of ex’*»
Dawes commission when Mr. Button the extent of forfeitin, ?■*'»
The Cubans, hXil"^
was recongized. Among other things
Lnit*l States intervsntor* ‘t**
he eaid, refening to this commission:
“The government has been expend­ of ending their troubi* "'M
ing enormous sums, to be counted by an obligation to folio, thL 2-*
millions, for allotments ot the lands prove themselves «
«Peaking of th.Xi^*
and settling the rights of the respective
bond of insurrectioniXX?^
Indians. The total expense of the
service for alloting, appraising, divid- I resident Palma condemn
ing, acting as mediator and judge in all den instigators of the
the various claraes of. disputes among Alcalde declared that no
the Indians is paid by the United two)leagues of El C.n.yhad;oi^
In view of the immense value
of these lands divided among them for
their benefit, the very large exy-endi
tures incurred prove that our country
has been more than fair to these tribes. Sovereign Grand Lodte Op,,, .
”1 think, further, that the expendi­
more With Large
tures of this commission are open to
Baltimore, Sept. 23.-
the accusation of extravagance. I find exercises of the anDusi coo,J?
in the report of 1901 a list of the em­
the sovereign grand lodge ofOdd^u
ployes. There appear in that report
began here at 9 o’clock this nxn.
19 surveyors and 57 appraisers. It
in Ford’s opera house.
seems to me that pioportion of three to
The condition of the order«,
one ie dangerously like that of three
close of 1902 is shown by nJ.,
grown persons who have to escort one
Subordinate lodge
boy to the circus. It would look to an
ship, December 31, 1902/ limsa
outsider as if there were a surplus of
encampment memberihip,
Rebekah membership, broth* j
"On page 449 it will appear that
195, sisters 259,850; Patriarrtu
there ie one clerk in charge of the
Unt membership, 17,754.
land offices, and there are some 32 sub­
The total membership of tbs t*
ordinates. One clerk in charge at 3150 which includes the subordimtiZ
a month; one clerk at 3125 a month;
membership and the iUtentalya
eight clerks at 3100 a month ; one con­
Rebekah lodge membenhip, it 13.
The encampment meat»
at 3'5 a month; two interpreter« at 360
and the brothers of the Rsbsuhii
a month; five stenographers at 3100 a
are not included in this total, as
month; four stenographers at 375 a
■re subordinate lodge metoben.
month; one marshal at 360 a month
Revenue, relief and invsstedl
and one messenger at 340 a month,
are indicated as ffilowi:
two janitors at 330 a month; ■nd offi-
receipts in 1902:
Sobordiniti 1«
ce rent, etc.”
310,214,000; encampments,|?U,
Rebekah lodges, 3626,743; totsi 1
nue, 311,553,905, an increinoli:
343 over the preceding ystr.
Railroads of the Country Are Planning a
Relief expended in 1902: E«ik
General Advance.
lodges, 33,559,794; rslief by ae
Chicago, Sept. 28. — The Record- ments, 3265,617; relief by M
lodges, 367,808; total relief, |i,
Herald tomorrow will say :
A movement is on foot by the rail­ 220.
Total relief, as shown by a
roads of the entire country to bring
about a general advance in freight since 1830 to 1902, incluaive, |N,l
rates, the general reason assigned being 425.
the increase in the wages of all classes
of labor and in the price of all materi­
als used by the railroads. A similar
advance was made a year ago for the Strong Pressure Is Btlnf Bmpl
same reasons, and went into effect Jan­
Bear on State Depsrtaot
uary 1 last. At that time shippers
Washington, Sept. 23 -Coass
generally protested, and it is under­
tions have reached the etata JepM
stood the various manufacturing and
urging the government W aj •
industrial associations will combine to
something that will pat a atop a
prevent further advances.
atrocities in Turkey. It ia stated
this pressure does not emuis
the missionaries. Officuliiitki
department are reticent about IM I
Hold-Up Men Blow Up a Buggy by Means ability of the United States pH
of Dynamite.
preeeion to the feeling with ’hk
Washington, Sept. 28.—A murder alleged atrocities in Turkey» ”
and robbery occurred this afternoon on by the people of the United Stitt
the Middletown road about 15 miles they said that reporte fa» &
from here. Samuel T. Ferguson, of the ■bow that the deede dniiw 1*1*
Fergue-n construction company, of in sections of that country««
Pittsbug, was inetant'y killed and 8. a character as to ehock civiiaaf1*
Martin, of Cincinnati, fatally injured. necessarily are of deep concert »
The two men were driving along the United States.
State Normal School Open.
The etale department tod»» *
road in a buggy carrying 33,600 in cash
The work at the State Normal at
a cablegram from MiaiBerl*
Monmouth has begun
Many students
employed on construction work along at Constantinople, but non.«
are in attendance and the work of get­
ting located is being rapidly pushed
the line of the Wabash road when sud­ given out regarding it except ta
An unusually large number of new
denly an explosion of dynamite in the contained no alarming nen*
faces are appearing and the addition­
roadway literally tore their rig to partly concerned with routine ba
al facilities for the accommodation of
Withdrawal of the Amer«*’
pieces, killing Ferguson outright and
students provided in anticipation of
ron at Beirut, it ie eaid, b*
an increase will be fully required. As
been determined upon, eu
arm almost from the socket.
the real work of the state normal is
cation has l«een received I« '
Turkey Mavlng to Avert War.
better understood, the new students
Bay as to the president !
represent many who have had much
London, Sept. 24.—Turkey ia show­
France to Aid of Sultan.
experience tn teaching and who come ing signs of yielding to the Bulgarian
Berlin, Sept. 28.— According to the the matter.
for special training.
demands, ana
and n
it is
is evident
evident from
from the
the National Zeitung, an
Test of tbs Drtdr« <**
daily meetings of the council of minis- agreement ie likely to lie reached,
At State Agricultural College.
San Francisco, Sept. ’’
ters at > lldiz Kiosk that some sort of whereby France willeupportthesul-
Registration has been In progress
at the Agricultural college today. The negotiations are in progress with the Un of Morocco in suppressing the Grant ie in drydock st
total has reached 250. The total at object of avoiding war. According to a troubles withia his dominions and will the last touches. Tbs d*« _
the close of the first day last year lispati h to the Daily Mad from Con- assume a protectorate over the country; north ie not fixed, bot
was 327. There is a vast contingent 2*"linopfe’these connmls concern two Italy will give up any claims she may unique test of the large ’’*•
of new students, and it is certain now possibilities—either to make an ar- have in Morocco in return for a free on the Grant was
that the freshman class will be larger rangement satisfactory to the Macedon- : hand in Tripoli.
Great Britain’s pos- While on keel block! tii«P
„ l *--
........ ... .I.puu,
urrai ornain 8 ixia-
than usual.
grMt power8 'Wl8ion °f Egypt will be recognized; lasing the materia! pt.^
_ i •_
promisee nf
of nwiifralifu
neutrality it
if it is found
ini-1 I z-»
J will receive satisfaction in eels while dr»ignW
poeaible U y aroid a war.
1 i the
the open door in these ter- water tight, fromiib»
dock. Between 2000
' ritories.
water was then pumped WW
Treasure Ship Is Found.
Hopmen In the vicinity of Eugene
bin for a test to discow i«s*.
Wants American Fleet to (Jo.
Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 26.—Ru­ are much provoked about a report that stea, 73c; vallsg, 73s.
No lake were found.
Fleur—Valley, 33 <»•« «» per bar. Moody will tomorrow discuss with Mr.
mors of the finding of a treasure ship has been sent out charging them with
Sept. 28.—The porte
Bremer, the founder of the town of
were confirmed today when Captain
Bust of victoria
protest that the greatest care Is ever hard
pa teats, 34 19ft 1.39; Bremerton, Wash., the latter’s propo- has expressed a wish for the withdraw­
Jennings and three of the crew of the
clsed regarding the quality of the out­ grab an», 38.9»ft3.75; whole wheat, sition to sell to the government a large al of the American warships now off
London. Sept 23
wrecking schooner Osceo filed a libel
put and declare that the report of bal­
tract adjoining the Puget sound navy Beirut, “so that the settlement of the church of Crathie. « 'rt*-!.
against the cargo of a sunken ship, in ing rotten hops Is absolutely false, 33 66ft 4.00: rye wbat, 34.50.
Barley—Feed, 319.00«>0 00 per tea; yard, the purchase of which has been questions pending between the United mile from Balmort-
. ’
the United States court here today. ’.resides the damage it will do in cast
recommended by Commandant Barclay
States and Turkey can be proceeded attorni«! by Queen
With the assistance of a chart in his ing the reflection npon all hops from brawl ag, 321; rolled. 311ft21.IO.
Onto—No. 1 white.
gray, on the ground that additional land is with ”
It is thought here that the ward, in the P^n.1* Jl
poaaosion, Captain Jennings has been this
all . Atat 1 A _ _
»■••» locality.
itnssuv/. The
a »•<- growers there
» hviv mi
, r”‘'*“*ry fe accommodato the growing I nited States will not consent to with­ Princess of « ale*. r
# I
rearch ing for this vesal from time to
of I>. nmark, D’1’ ,(|
and- var'’- If »&* secretary approves the
Mi listate— »
1 Braa, 311 _ per »oa;
__ ,____
If a moldy
time for many years. It is supposed quality of their product
draw her ships. Minister Leishman
dilaga, 336; shorts. Iti; ehop, gig; purchase he will have to a tire the
snsdo»ne. "th*r
to have gone ashore in 1835, loaded hill is found It is left unpicked, and
has arranged for a conference with the
sanction of congress before a purchase
with ore from the Mexican mines. Ex­ nothing but first-class hops are put liaseed dairy food, 31*.
foreign minister, Tewfik Pasha, today.
Into the bale
Hay — Timothy, 114.90 p«r oa; can b) made.
amination confirmed the belief.
1 1 fficial circles take a calmer view of morning unTe,’?d A«“ svi ’
slower, asmiaal; graia, 310; chat,
the late Queen ' >• t”r“’ „1
the Balkan situation.
Selling OH Range Cattle.
let*, in memory of
President Oro wing Fat.
Hotel Fir* Costs Lives.
Some cattlemen of southeastern
Bettor—Faacy creamery, 26ft37Se
Edinburgh and top’**
Washington, Sept. 24__ \
Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 2ti.—At Oregon say the range thia season is per pound; dairy, 11«20«. «tore, 15
Gold From the North.
letter roeived in Washington fJm,'
least four lives were lost in the fire the shortest In many years
J C • Ite.
Neattie, Sept. 28.—Seattle's gold re­ Germany.
Oyster Bay say« President Rocsevalt
which destroyed the Hotel Rrnnswica I Franks, superintendent for J D Carr,
11« on the scales was surprised to see he ceipts from the north today amounted
Valuable Hors««
early today. The bodies were taken;”*** of the cattle kings of the coast
to 31,256.000.
This great treasure
per pound; spring, 14«l4^e; ‘irpwl the lam
220 pounds. More-
from the thin! floor and are not identi­ J says they arc reducing the herds on hoas,
broilers, 33 M per ow, it is an indication of still further shipment came from Nome and the
i tha Carr ranges as fast as they can
fied. Abont 40 guests, most of them
British Yukon on the steamers Ohio, four horse- ^^1^
find sale for the cattle
They have
visitors to the ananal connty fair here, already disposed of many hundreds. ■ pound ;drase.i,14« 15c; ducks, 34314^66 increase in his weight. The president Senator ami Dolphin. These three vee- which eonae h, nr 1W« ■*2
is aoinswhat concerned at his growth
were in the building when the fire and there are many more to be sold, per daen; gam. 35ft*.50.
«els hronght 820 i-assengers. The Dol­ at an early
•xf 910.00®-
as he feels it interferes with his out-
broke out abont 1 o’clock. It ia be­ notwithstanding that the management Ì
phin had the Klondike, or British Yu­ loss will e«<8 8.1 wereH«*;,
Egge—Orogen ranch, 24«.
ifeor ttercias, of which he is » fond
lieved that tha remains of other goats baa purchased range lands during thel
kon, shipment of 3500,000. It came con­ animals burr
Potatone—Oregon, *A«75r per mck
in M P"*Mem, signed to the Seattle assay office and pacing recoi- , ««iS,
net a, •>unte<l 1er will be found in the present year costing about 350.teO,1 •wat potataa, 3 Sc per ponnd.
Kooeerelt welghed 18.5 pounds.
j dl
the (snadian
Bank of Commerce Conwav, •' ..,1 1 two
What Seeks—In lots of 100. 5\c.
.rmac*. »*¿1
by John Mc(
Slaughter of Pheasants.
this city from the Daweon branch.
Raf — Groa
stare. 33.75ft4.25
I rark People Fla.
First Sale I nder Irish Land Bill.
There la urgent need for vigorous dresewi. 6ft 7c pot pound.
31500 each. ( mit
Nelson, B. C., Sept. 24.-Paaenie1 e
med b»
Ihiblin, Hept. 26. —The negotiationa enforcement of the game laws of the
Veal—BH« P»r pannd.
Agrees to Settlement With American.
, kill»! were
I r otpf **•
arriving tonight over the Crow e Neet
for the tirsi land ale under the new state, so far as they are designed for
Molten—Groea. |S;
La Li hertad, San Salvador, Sept. 28. the others ben
land act have Ireen complete! between
5He; lombo, gran. 31.M; dreesed. 9«.
L ongrees has approved the agreement
•nrred this mormng at Turtle moun­
For the past five weeks these
High Speed ••
the Dkuè of Leinster and the tenants llt
Hoge-Gras, |6 »Ofti 7|;
been killed in countless
near Frank. Alberta. As far as made by tenor Ixtpet. the Salvadorean
Berlin, ” ■ ’t - ’
of his átate in the Athy and May-
number» In the Willamette valley, al- tc.
b* •'! th. minister to the United States, to pay
nootb districts oí Connty Kildare. The
Hope—1*03 crop, lie per pen ad
A ired H. Barrell 35,000 gold monthly at the rate f
though the season for killing of thia
People of Frank have deserted the
tenants are given a 15-year purchase. game does not open until Thursday,
Wai —VaOoy, 17ftUc; Fatare
during eight years aa eompenation for rea bed —
Die trauact ions involves 3*,254),000.
Oregon. 12ft 15c. mohair, »«W^s.
October 1.
sod other town,.
'*lr th«- Salvadorean government's treat­ line, but over "ha ,
c’.ood. The engtb
ment to the Trionfo company.