THEE WEEKLY GUARD 1 I t B&TABLl&HEB FOB THK O1RÄE11MATIOM OF H10CUTIC FBIWCIPLBI, 4SÜ TO IAKB 11 HUIT LITIOS I! TUB SU KAT OF OH BOOH VOL. 36 EUGENE. OREGON. SATURDAY OCTOBER 3 1903 NO 24 = NEW ARRIVALS r"" ' SETTLED S Plumbers of Portland Went Back to Work Today. Suits Jackets Furs, Waists Have Been Out for Six ^eek$ for An Increate in Wages From $4.50 to $5 Children's Per Day. Gents’ Department Oven )ats and Suits All the Latest thii gs in 1 les. (Scripps News Assoriatiou.) Portland, Or., Sept. 30.—The plumbers of Portland who have been on a str iky for an » bers asked an increase of wages from ■ four ami a half to five dollars a day. The smypatby of tbe public was I against tbe plumbers. The general H public beileve that the scale now j paid tbe plumbers was sufficient. 9 The strike has been hotly contested. 20 cases School Shoes just in. 50 cases Rubbers. 10 cases Ladies’ Shoes, new styles. New Store Open DENTIST rrhased the office and fixtures <> George and L. F. Stanley have i.-ceased W V Henderson, 1 »ni hpr to do anything in the line of openeii their new store iu the new tbtry io the above said office. Chrisman block and fire nov ready for nro and bridge work a specialty. busine s. The new film carries notions, dry L. CHESHIRE, M. D goods, stationery, furnirbiigs, etc, and are conveniently situated. BVSIi IAN AND SURGEON, A. M. Hendricks, who suffered a Lan i g. breken ankle at Campbell A Walk­ Eugene. Oregon. er’s hop yard tbe other day, yester­ day bad a second bone set aud is now r HR >WN, M. D. getting along tine. KY8ICIAN AND SURGEON, St. Helens Mist: Ed and Jesse McKibben, of Cottage Grove, Lane r ’ >1 I a I i .-i avi 3 c > •ur.; . >ll »! i. i i .. couuty, were iu St. Helens during tbe past week, visiting tbeir father. J. 1'. I. Waitob S. P. Ness McKibben and brother, Bert McKib­ ben. Tbe McKibben brothers came [TON A NESS. ATTORNEYS AT-1 AW to Portland to purehuse machinery for a new mill that they intend erect braetke in all tbe courts in the ing. late. 1— Room No. 3. Walton Blk. lee. Oregon. k : FIRST : : BS 1 BEAN ATTORNEY AT-L\W Iu tew McCfaog Block, Root»* 14 « beciaJ Attention giren tu land »nd viiiH ». OE EUGENE. Paid up Cash Capital - $50,000 U T. Harria . - $50,000 Surplus • - Woodoock pcoCK A HARRIS, vT TORNEYS-AT LAW. EUGENE, MURDERER DIED AT SEATTLE (Scripps News Association). Seattle. Wash., Sept. 30. —W. 8. Department I 'VIHTSON, iuciease of wages 3 for tbe past six weeks, returned to | work today. Iu this case the plum- OREGON. Thomae, alias Kid Smith, tbe mur­ derer of Policeman Scbaucmau, died iu the hospital here this morning. Smith was iu a bad condition aud it was found ueceseary to operate upou him to save his life so tbe hangman could attend to his duty. Smith died from the effects of tbe operation, but steadfastly refined to divulge who bis two companions were that assisted in the murder. Smith never confessed to the crime. A (Scripps News Association.) Vienna, Sept. 30.—The Czar reached here this morning. There is no longer danger of any difficulty with tbe socialists. Tbe Czar is now visiting with Franz Joseph, aud they are consulting together regarding tbe Balkan affairs. There is no change in tbe Bulgarian affaire. Matters remain as they were yesterday. Dedication. Tbe new refaced aud improved Church of Christ iu Springfield, Lane county, Oregon, will be re­ dedicated next Sunday, October 4th, at 11 a. m. E. C. Sanderson, L. L. D., of tbe Eugene Divinity School, will preach tbe dedicatory sermor. Mrs. G. I. Lobdell, vocal music teacher, will lead the singing and render special solos. A public dinner ami ice cream will be served by the church for all who attend. Come and enjoy yourself with ua on tbeis special occasion. Respectfully submitted, D. E. OLSON, Cor. Secy. Married k .ne I R kí ? My Ycj >wuld Irjid on I«. i HV HESS C any other. leutliei M>tt. prepefwd. water, wlied oil. f •fL lit pTt^erva^ivr of x'Q»;-- liarti •n the leather ; U inerrant I GLORY TICKETS >N SEPTEMBER COMMENCED v Daily Guard, September 30.) After tbe usual scripture reading •mi prayer. Prof. Glenn favored tho Today marked the commencement assembly at tbe O. U. th a morning with a vocal aolo, which war bigi y of a good four days’ going at Bangs' appreciated. He deciiue«! au encore. Park track. There was a good crowd President Campbell was tbe ouly admitted thia morning aud a larger «q esker, aud he coutined hia remarks one thia afternoon, wbeu the »peed to tbe subject, “Preparation for program was taken up. I a-aderaldp. ’’ Everyone voted the races well worth the admisaio» and tbe crowd wj He said iu subatauce ami in part: “ Then has beeu a gì adusi su ball- entirely satisfied with tbe eutertaiu- i tutiou of iutellect for muscle. It is meut. Considerable excitement pre expected that the time will come vailed during the finish of mauy of when tbe bulk of physical labor will the races aud the beat horse won be done by the natural forces around every time. Tbe following entries were made in us, directed by human intelligence. Tbe great possibilities of the Wil today's pt ograin : First race 2:30, trotting—Eutered, lamette valley give a wide field for such development. Tbe complaint Lord Kitchener, owner Condon; Nep has been made that over-education tune, owuer, W. C. Belknap; Liu- has made people less w illitig to w ork. niout, owner M. K. Thompson. Second race, half mile running- But this is not true. Statistics show that only a small percentage receive Euterei, Daisy, owue Pvt, owuer Larwill; Golden, owner not make people less willing to work Beckley ; Suuday Mac, ow ner McElroy Third race, five-eighths mile—En­ but more particular ai to the condi­ tions under which they work. It tered, Gad, Howuer Darr; McFarland, leaches them wbat are good con­ owner Ruberford; Peppersauce, ami The Maniac. ditions. Fourth race, quart r mile ami re­ “Training in schools promotes lead­ ership and it is tbe student who is peat — Eutered, Moland, by Stroine; able to get all the facts aud has tbe Black Dugon, owuer Rutherford; big ability to use them iu large generali­ Joo, Lawson; Fitzsimmons, owner zation that makes the best leader. Berger. Starter, Leslie Galbraith; judge. If one is to serve the common good he must have a geneial development Win. Nesmith. ot himself. ‘If he is to be a leader THE RACES. he must be a part of that which he A big crowd was on tbe ground this leads. ’ afternoon ami interest centered on “There are three things then to be the track. looked after, viz: development of The opeuing race was a special 2:30 intellect, development of artistic trot for <10J purse. sense and development of character. The entries were T. D. Comlou’s It is tbs duty of every student aud at illion Lord, Holmbox, especially those of the state institu­ Neptune and Linmont, tbe horsea nr tion, to do tbeir beat in the way of riving at. tbe wire in the order uamed, general development, for induing tbe Lord Kitcbuer hsviug everything bis best for the state be is doing the best own way in two successive heata. for himself.'* The second race was a half mile FOOTBALL MATTERS. dash by runners. Mt. Pete, Suuday The second team game with tbe High Mac, Goldie aud Daisy entered. It Schoo], which was to be played next was a pretty race, Mt. Pete and Sun­ Saturday, has been postponed une day Mac racing nose ami nose the w< < k, 1. e., O. t 10. whole distance, Mt. Pete juuipe«! O. A. C. has asked for a game lx uluo.l nt tbe wire ami took the race tween the second teams of the two by half a leugth. Time, 56 seconds. iuutiUitlons. if sucu ,0 -»me be r , »25. played it will probably be at Cor- Tbe third race whs a beautiful five- eighths run. The noble “Gad" was vallia. declared winner, although Mizzer whs alongside and many thought she bud tbe beet of it. Peppersuace was third, McFarland fourth. Time, 1 :U9. Purse 160. Tbe next was the quarter mile dash. K'ng Joe came in first, Nolan secj oud, Black Dugan third. Time To hia iutimate friends the an­ 25 seconds. nouncement of the retirement of Dr. D. A. Paine from active practice in E uueue will not come as an e< tire surprise as the contemplated change baa been expected since last spring. j . M. Small, of Silver Lake, made However, tbe popular doctoi has de­ the Guard a pleaaant call today aud cided to engage in business iu Port­ incidentally renewed hia aubacriptioo land, wbeie be has invested as a part­ to the Weekly Guard. Mr. Small says be takes a large ner in tbe Northwest Electric Com­ pany aud will bold the office of secre­ uutnlier of papers and believes the tary-treasurer iu tbe company, which Guard to be tbe beat weekly paper iu is one of tbe largest concerns iu Port­ the state. He has beeu u subscriber to the Guard for tweuty years. land. Mr. Small brought soma hordes Dr. Paine's family will remain in Eugene for tbe prefent, but will ulti over to the valley to dispose of and mately remove to tbe city, some time as soon as all are sold will return during tbe next few months. Their home. He Informa us that the sage removal takes away from Eugene one brush areas of laike county are being of tbe most popular families, and the turned into tillable laud. A few social world as well as tbe profes­ years ago it was thought this land sional and business circles, regret tbe was of no vallte whatever. move which separates them. BRUTALLY TORTURED Dr. Paine has been prominent in A case came to light that ’or per­ Eugene and indeed all over tbe state sistent and unmerciful torture lias since be came to Oregon years ago. perhaps never l>een equalled. Joe He has beeu superintendent ot tbe Golobrick of Collisa, Calif., writes: state insane asylum, city couuellmiu “For 15 years 1 eudured ibanfferanle pain from rheumafistp aud nothing iu Eugene, vice-president of tbe Eu­ relieved me though I tried everything gene Electric Light Company vice known. I came aerose Electric Bit­ president of tbe Eugene Loan A Sav­ ten and its the greatr-et medicine on ings latnk, and a bolder of various eaith for that trouble A few bottles of it completely relieved and cured other office * of honor, such as presi­ me.’ Just as good for liver and dent of tbe Eugene Commercial Club. kidney troubles and general de Dr. Paine will retain his bust nets billty. Only 5o cents. Satisfaction interests iu Eugene and will be Lack guaranteed by W. L. De La no, drug ami forth from Portland a great deal gist. During the mouth ending today, Couuty Clerk Lee issued 22 marriage licensee as compared with 24 iu Sep­ tember last year aud 17 last month. Sept. 1- Johu M. Gibeouaud Metha Nelson. . • Sept. 2.—Gustave F. Jausen and Hattie L. Nye. W. S. McFarland and Cora E. Baker. Sept. 5. l.oe R. Thomason aud.Ora Powell. Sept 7.—Homer Farlow aud^Mrs. Luciin t Evaue. Samuel K. Scott aud 1 Ta Handy. Morgens P. Mögen sen i nd Aunie C. Nelson. Sept. 8. — Alfred 1>. Rowe and Emily C. Nelsou. J. 11. Vate«. aud Pearl Darelius. Howard Town and 1.1 In i 11. WTlliams. Sept. 9.—John W. Richardeou and Mary Kennedy. Sept. 10. -Charles F. Littlefield and Martha Medley. McMillan ami S. pt. 14.—W. A. Emily N. Neal. Sept. l.">. —Orriu C. Stanwood Hiid Florence latudei king. Sept. 19.—William H. Sanders and Nellie C. Wallace. Sept. 21.—C. L. Inman aud Cora Belk ap. Sept. 23.—Jay C. Rico and Enaice Davis. John 11. Kell and Theo A. Kudo. Nitis Soieu Sorensen and Siue Elgard. K< pt. 29. —Chinch A. Stephens ami Bertha E. liny. Sept. 30.—J. E. Heatings am] Bessie Bartniess. Nathan F. Rice ami Jennie V. Gardner. INSPECTION OF COS. A AND C (Daily Guurd, September 30. ) The tirst inspection and muster of tbe local military com|MUiiea under the new natioual militia law has l>een held, Co. C being inspected Monday night by Captain .1. M. Williams, aud Co. A last night by Capt. C. C. Hammùud. Tbe soldier lads appeared iu good trim aud their u»w Krag Jorgesen ritles were all in splendid shape. Last night after the inspection of Co. A, a ball was given by the Mill tary Club, it was largely attended and was a success. The Eugene Man- doliu Club furnished Hue music for the occasion and the dancers enjoyed every nu inlier of tbe program. Dr. W'm. Kuykendall, efficient («art ner of the retiring physician, will C' nlinue the practice of tbe office. lane County Tobacco. PHYSICIANS SUED FOR $10,000 Paine & Kuykendall Are the Defendants. Herbert Beadle, a Log ger, Alleges Negli­ gence. He Says a Broken Arm Did Not Get Well Under Treatment at the Eugene Hospital —L E. Bean, Attorney (Daily Guard, September 30.) In the circuit court this morning a complaint was tiled aud an action in­ stituted to recover <10,(W damages from Drs. Paine A Kuykendall, by Herbert Beadle, a logger, who alleges that bis brokeu arm, treated at the I'.ugeue hospital by tbe defendants, did not got well aud is yet useless. The complaint recites the follow­ ing points: , That on the 7th of May, 1903, the plaint iff's loft arm was broken near tho elbow whib woikii g i i ti legging campon Fall citek. Hat be v.a«. brought to Eugene and pla •< d u del the care of Dre. D. A. l’ail.e ami W Kuykemlal, who undertook to treat the injury. That the defendants, as such physi­ cians, undertook for hire to set the broken arm slid care for aud treat tbe same until well, but they so unskill fully, negligently and carelessly con ducted themselves In the treatment that the bunas were never set and placed and caused to remain iu tbeir Will Rebuild. By reason of tbe unskillful, negli­ gent and careleas actions, tbe arm is now crooked, deformed aud weak ami almost useless. That the plaintiff was made sick, sore aud lame and caused to suffer great and unneces sary pain aud anguish and is still so sutfeiing, aud la unable to follow bis lawful trade. That tbe plaintiff remained in tbe hospital from May 7tb, 1903, until July 26th following aud waa then plaintiff is damaged in tbe sum of 110,000, and demands judgment against the defendants for tbe Mid sum and costs of action. L. E. Bean is attorney for the plaintiff and tiled tbe complaint thia morning iu the clerk's office. DR. PAINE’S STATEMENT. W hen seen by a reporter this morn lug Dr. Paine stated that the action was entirely unlocked for and came like a thunderl>olt out of a clear aky. He said that tbe young man left tbe hospital without being discharged and that they had written to him on two occasions asking him to call and see If the arm was iu good shape. No attention was paid to tbe requests aud action was brought. Tbe doctor says be does not fear tbe result of a jury trial. John Hooker, of Panther, one of tbe owners of the Hooker Brothers shingle mill, which was burned to tbe ground receutly, spent last night in Eugene, returning home today. He stated to a Guard reporter this morning that it was their inteution to rebuild tbeir mill some time this winter. Tbs l.oaiMt and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr King's New Life Pills. These j II change weakneaa Into strength, Hat- leeenees Into energy, brain-fag int< mental power. They’re wonderful In building up tbe health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold by W. L. D» Laao. Resolutions of Sympathy. From Silver Lake. Th< re has laven left at tbe Guard < office a big buncli of tobacco grown by S. J. Cox and R. E. Willie st Ce iar Flat. The plant is very luxurious, meas­ uring over four feet high, end the leave» are ten to twelve inches wide. Of Euer ne Oreqcn ! It equals any grown in tbe tatst or I I Daily Gnard, Seq>teml«er 30.) Sooth. It Is of tbe White Burley A telegram was received in Eugene ' variety ami is tor exhibition at the I today announcing tbe daatb ibis i district fair. fi d Up Ci h Cub i rtJ morning at Bloomfield, Iowa, of Mr». 5 ut Mary P. Vanlhiyn, mother of C. P>. HAS BOLD A PILE or CHAMBER Van Duyn and Mrs. A. C. Jenning». LAIMS’SCOUGH REMEDY. . e»*«'*'» •usi»»«» »•*• of Eugene. She was aged 72 years. I have »old Cbamt11«« •» < I toa receive prompt attention. I Ah> u, < i u i i i r> sc l.d T G HENDRICKS, President. y. er S B EAKIN. Vice President At tbe home of the bride's parent». P E. SNODGRASS. Cashier. o. Uli n h », il l> L H. POTTER Assistant i aabiT. Mr. and Mr». J. C. Wallace, at Na­ tron, Sept. 23. 1903, W. H. Sander» and Mire Nellie Wallace. Tbe wed UN. ding waa a quiet affair, only a few of • u t S avìom > tbe near relatives being preaeut. .»»eri. C»1 After tbe ceremony all were invited in to partake of tbe »plendid banquet which was prepare« tor the occasion. ► -t l e-halt block south of Chris lac l.loek. Eugene, Oregon. ADDRESS TO r-s Whereas, the divine ruler of tbe u . iverse has removed from our midst, Comrade J. W. Wheeler, lieloved bus bend of our Sieter Almira Wheeler Resolved that Rich Mouutain Circle No. 4, Ladies of the G. A. R., extend our heartfelt sympathy to the lie reaver] wife and daughter, Mrs. B. Downs, iu their great sorrow. Resolved further that these resolu tiona be spread on our recoida aud a copy t>e sent to tbe Istreaved wife and «laughter, and the local papers for publication. Mrs. Sarah Chapman, Mrs. Nettie Kronae, Mr». Katherine Smith, Committee. working night and day . Latest Style Shirtwaists Handed Out| in Huge Bunches. This a fact and they are beauties. 'Tis only a few days we have l>een showing the New Styles In Fall aud Winter Shirtwaist» and the way the’re pl>-H-ii>g and -' lling Is a caution. Of course that la what we I,ought them for and w. Invite you lose« them. Don't «top with th»- window display as you only see a small number of thia magnificent line. FRANK E. DUNN. This year we are showing the largest line of ready to­ wear ever displayed in tbe city. Lache*’ 1.8‘liea’ Ixxli»--’ Ladies Ladiet-’ Suit» and Skirt*. lack’-t«. lx»ui- XIV Coats. Box C< atr. Mackinloelie*. Shoes! Shoe«!! Shoes!! If you ne«