=5 Cl ASSIFIEl) COLO f¡RAINQ¿ V 1 V/ Brevities 1Y1SOD Items h Where Are the Sign Boards? M J There is no section of tbe road law * a month; »12.,«, p£ which is more imperative iu its re­ THE PURE mon Snow fell at Butte, Montana, fester (Guard Special Service.) (Guard Special Service.) rn*IM rfiFFFF — day to the depth of several inches. — CRAIN COFFEE quirements and which is more disre­ Iviaon, July L — Rainy weather Mapleton, July 2.—Mr. Prosser who SATURDAY ............................ JULY 4 The old Are cistern at tbe intersec­ garded, than that which makes it the liought tbe Patterson place above which is bad on the bav crop. Gar­ Even children drink Grain-O dens look fine aud a good fruit crop tion of West Eighth aud Olive streets Acme has a great improvement iu because they like it and the doc­ duty of road supervisors to erect rníí ku.f OFFCE—Near corner Seventh and is being filled up. tors say it is good for them. Why Willamette streets opposite Odd Fel guide boards at tbe forks of every the looks by slashing tbe land, and insured. cow*. W. R. Doherty has driven piling for a bridge across Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McGlyuu. of lows’ Temple—No 506 Willamette St Al Kuykendall is helper in the post- not ? It contains all of the nourish­ oppo ite Baugs' pbrk ’ w highway. If the Jaw wee strictly fol­ Patterson slough. It was hoped that this place attended tbe Moore-Weber Telephone, Main 191. office while the several clerks take ment of the pure grain and none GOATS FOR SALE.-ufL^J lowed no supervisor could draw his be would muke It his permanent resi­ wedding at tbe Catholic church in their summer vacations. of the poisons of coffee. goria goats for sale. C| j 7 « * salary until he had erected gqide dence but he says be will go to Eugene Tuesday. The Oregonian puts the yield of TRY IT TO-DAY. TERMS OF SUSCRIPTION. Cruzan Brothers, Zi0I1 Seattle aud will perhaps locate there. I boards wherever roads unite or cross, I. S. Day and family were in Eu ­ grain in Oregon, Washington and Oue Year ..»........................... •'2.00 At gn>c*ts «verywhere; lie. and Ke. per pecksc* SHEEP FOR SALE J, , He will continue to improve the Six Mouths ..................... 1-00 yet it is remarked by everyone who gene a couple of days last week. Idaho at just 41,678,UOO bushels for place. A dyke across the slough is Three Mouths......................................50 sheep. 49 early j ’ J M. D. Evers of Elmira, was doing the year ending. travels iu tbe country in this section planned which will reclaim a large ewes. Call on or business in this neighborhood today. Miss Farrow, representing Baker's of the state that there are very few tract of swamp laud and make it one Perry, general delivery Oregon’s Chance«. Several parties from here attended cocoa, is demonstrating the good such boards in evidence. Newcomers of tbe bent pieces of property in the qualities of that particular brand at the picnic at Walton Saturday aud all (Guard Special Service.) In response to a communication I 1'OR SALE. — so acres timi iu particular notice the absence of whole Siuslaw country. Ax Billy’s store. report a splendid time. Dexter, July 2.—Mrs. E. B. Hun- from the Ohio Valley Manufacturers ten i A young man weighing about with living water and guide boards. Tbe law on the subject The cleiks and bartenders of Marsh­ saker of San Francisco, is visiting Tbe mountain roads were never in pouuds came to F. C. Bean's on the «Uo 10,000 capacity asking Governor Chamberlain’s views is section 30 of tbe latest edition of first. Ho will soon be running the better condition thau at present. field played basetiall Tuesday for tbe relatives here. ted two aud one-half mji“1'1* upon the business situation and out­ Heppner relief fund. Over »500 was Oregon road laws and reads aa fol­ busiuess and Fred can take some Mias Mabel Williams is spending Wild blackberries are very scarce Saginaw, Oregon. AddrZ^* look in this state, the governor an­ realized. Tbe clerks won, 12 to 11. a part of the week in Eugene. lows : needed rest. Joyce, Saginaw. 111 in these parts. swered the question in the order of Three lintels for the opera house S. M. Goddard now rides in a new Every supervisor shall erect and 1 see by the “The West” that tbe C. M. Stephens, of Noti valley, was FOR SALE, TRA1)E O r ' re ^ their asking as follows: keep up at the forks of every high­ gasoline launch, “Um Paul,” has hauling shingles from here Monday. were put ou tbe ground this morn­ buggy. gooil farm for either sale , “Oregon is prosperous aud prosper­ way and every crossing of public been soled. of Russia. ” If the czar had befor, TESTIMONIAL: From the number of new harvest­ Wyoming. Two hundred and eighty Just back of and on same block a lieen iu doubt as to killing all Jews in ing machines being shipped in and Court House. Quiet locality. N men went into a coal mine Tuesday street noises. Beds at any time of th the number of large barns in course his domain be would no longer hesitat, Liniment on Earth. and l,»s than titty have came out night. See transparency “BEDS” of construction in this section one now that the President of this most J *ay Henderson'a. or Guard would be led to the belief that the alive. One hundred and sixty live of from office coruert Henry D. Baldwin, Supt. Water enlightened, liberal and progressive farmers were < xpecting an abundance Works, Shullsburg. Wis., writes: “I the men have large families. country does worse than uot to *|>eak at harvest, and it is to be hoped their , have tried many kinds of liniment, Mso some Special Values NO PITY SHOWN. I but have never received much benefit for them at all—gives the impression “For years fate was after me con- expectations will be realized. in Our Gent’s Department. uutil 1 used Ballard's Snow Liniment Various London Imards of guardians tiuuously” writes F. A. G tilled ge, that he would not stay the hand of for Rheumatism and Pains. I think Verbena, Ala. “ I bad FARM FOR SALE. a terrible it the best liniment on earth.” the czar if he could. We caunot propose to send quite a num I st of | case of oi piles causiug 24 tumors, children under their care to Can When all failed Bucklin's Arnica read between bis Hues in any other the «!.. Au «XMll.nl »0... ft will I A farm of 216 acres iu Pleasant TESTIMONIAL. Hill precinct is offered for sale. 130 way. the youngsters a chance to become | 25 cents at W. L. DeLatio's drug J acres iu cultivation and more suit­ able. Balance pasture and 16 acres somebody. They will have room to ; Cures Sciatica. Foe of Wife Beaters. ! of timber. Suited for grain, hay and ■M develop. ! stock. Well watered by springs. Chicago Inter Ocean: An idol of Rev. W. L. Riley, LL. D., Cui®, Two dwelling houses on premises. N. 1„ writes: “After fifteen days of women and the terror of wife lieaterv Call on or address, excruciating pain from Sciatic Rheu- Governor Chamberlain has issued | has fallen. matism. under various treatments 1 C. S. RICHARDSON, his annual proclamation against set was induced to try Ballard’s Snow Yesterday morning Aiderman Dono­ Pleasant Hill, Or. Disgusting. i M.u.u.v.n, uir umi application giving Liniment, the first ting tires. And they will go ahead mv .».»J »L. __ . s entire . . * C. A. PARKER, hue, of Wllkeabarre, I’a., the justice i my Hint first mlinl relief, and the second Chollie — I went down to a rather taking chances of letting brush and Springfield, Or. j relief. I give it unqualified recom ­ ----- DEALERS IN----- famous the world over for thrashing informal affair last evening, deah mendation. clearing tires got away from their l>oy, and gwacious! 1 was compelled the wife lieaters hale,I ktefore him, The New Deeriug mower is as near control just the same as if the Gover­ to witness a sickeniug sight! was arrested for assault lug his own perfection as mouey and brains can “Horrors! What was it!” nor had doue uothing about it. The make it. It is the ball-bearing aud wife, carried disgracefully to the Tin and Granittware. ”A fellow without evening dress careful man will lie careful with tire very light draft. We have a car load station house, with fewer clothes eat lug lireakfast food for supper!”— The careless man will heed uo oue. in stock. NEW BUSINESS, NEW GOODS. CALL AND INSPECT OUR ST(XX thau modesty requires, and later Baltimore Herald. Chambers Hard war*. Vintén & Co., Druggist held by Mayor Price under 9300 bail EUGENE. • EAST NINTH STREET, Of coursepiavard feels sore today to a| pear before the grand jury. Russia Jot'S not surprise anyone by His wife, who has a black eye aud stating that uo commuuicatiou from while Yale is correspondingly elated. three children, appeared to testify any other power will lie received And it will be a year before the Mass against him. The trouble arose over relative to the Kishluet massacre of achueetts university can have * The W eekly G uard has Mrs. Donohue's protecting against Jews. That country ha* the liesl of chance to get «ven. niaeopie do about and corruptly used it, in the campaign all news, local, state and gen­ eral, telegraph, special fea­ treatment of wife-beaters. it? that made McKiuley then Rooeeveit Weekly Eugene Guard Lower Siuslaw Noles. Dexter Items. Irving items. * Cherry Pickers Wanted. » Attention Mea’s Trousers BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT? $2.50 I S. H. FRIENDLY. J. W. QUACKENBUSH & SONS Vehicles, Implements, Hardware, TO OUti SUBSCRIBERS. u You Will See 99 The Grandest and Greatest of Bargains Friday and Saturday at the president. If Mark is bad now he Edward Hogan, a lamelial) player at The Register «ays “A strain of white was bad then. Walla Walla, stole his own wife from blood runs through the colored race the pesthouse adjoining that city the of the Sot.th that cries tut tor com Spokane telephone service is de­ other day ami lit out for Portland. paulonship of white womeu,” and moralised, and all because the tele­ The Inland Empire Ixsigue had dis that Í» responsible for the lynchings phone company sought to say what the banded, and the tmaeballiat did not that follow outrage* This is not girls should wear and how they i propose to leave the town without his true. The census returns show that should wear it. High collars, no wife. She bail Iren in the hospital apart from the border states the pro­ low net ked dr e ss e s, turn down col­ three weeks for smallpox. Ilugan did portion >f ¡mulatto** I» very amali, lars, no wearing flowers, and hair not quit at that. He turned the car And the blacker tbe l«lt, like »orne doue up on top of the head, caused riage over to an acquaintance at the parts of A la, am«, tbe fewer of mixed the mutiny. The girls were right in depot for return to the stable from Moods. It la tbe negro—many of insisting on their privilsge of drew which it was hire«]. It was not paid them but little above the brute— that ing in prevailing fashion and look for, and now the stableman holds the casta the »hade of apprehension over lug aa pretty as possible They have (nan who returned It for the charges the homes of the South. other views for the future than answering the telephone calk tures and full market reports. W eekly G uard and Semi Weekly Journal per year ......... | 12.00 W eekly G uard and Weekly Journal }>er year [ 1 85 “ Remember this calls for paid-in-ad vance subscriptions and at the price mentioned you receive the G uard and Journal for one year. A LEO THK ORKOONIAN. The W eekly G uard and the Weekly Oregonian tn paid-in-advance «uhícribers $2.25 per year. Satuiiv GVVi*Ced BON MARCHE. ï°Vr eyes on in this Uwn- Excelling on Friday and . —.-------- -c.ns. Nothing llke J* i ou are all invited for a hundred miles around, Oil hand, you can double • v jur dol.ars here in this Great Store. Men a finest 915.00 Suita, «lO.iO Men s liest W.50 Suit, fi;, Men a fine »2.m;Fur Ha a H oc len a beat gl. tir Fur Hats Extra 93.141 Boys' Suita •2.00 m «hoe. »1.4.-, Men * high grade »2.50 shoes » Women sr.OO skirts »4 :* *’ «¿men's »10.00 *k4rt* gg r<) 2“.: », 9* .»1 «1». J«-». All Wash Dress Good? at Manufacturers' Cost. Men’s fine 15c cambric handkerchief* k. Men's best l