General Debility RUOFISON MAOHINCRY OO. A PROMINENT COLLEGE MAN w Bnd out there ls that fe*llr>« ot ^¿ess that rnakea a burden ot itaeU. Dark Hair ’food doe» nt>‘ »fene‘h«n- One of Indiana’s Useful Educators Says: “I Feel Like a New Man.” »1« p does not refresh. . it hard to do, bard to bear, what Jould be easy. - vitality is on the ebb. and jLwbole system suffers, “yor this condition take Hood’s Sarsaparilla „ ....«lizes the blood, gives vigor and tone 11 .11 the organs and functions, and is *° lively unequalled for all run-down or Habilitated conditions. .—¡¡¿jjTniXS ears eonnlaatiou. M cents. HIS Inherited Dramatic Talent. Miss Blanche Booth, a niece of Edwin gooth, has established a dramatic school'at Minneapolis. She was for- —,r|y a member cf her uncles com­ pany and played Ophelia at hie Ham- tot. _________________ , nodern Conveniences. One day my little three-year-old brother »»• visiting at onr neighbor’s. He catne home vety much excited and said: ‘Mamma, you ought to have a pump jits they have at Camery’s. You turn it like a gasoline stove anti waterccmes out like a washing machine.”—Little Chronicle. No Longer a Mystery. “I have often wondered,” obeerved ths doctor, “at the extraordinary popu­ larity of ‘O kie.’ People always ap­ plaud whenever an orchestra begins to play it. Why is it?” The professor was silent a long time. “Well,” he said at last, ‘*1 have sometimes thought it whb because everybody liked the tune.”—Chicago Tribune. An Objection. “No,” said the friend, *‘I don't think your new type of American girl will create anything of an artistic stir.” “Why not?” asked the artist, in at one of indignant disappointment. “Because her legs are not too long nor her waist too short In fact, she looks too much like a human being to bs accepted as artistic’’—Washington bur. THE WHITE SUMMER OIRL. She Is a Sympbeny In White and Ker Teeth Should Match. The girl who now plane to go off on her summer vacation recognizee that it is a white year. Everything in the line of feminine apparel is white by preference. White is all the fashion. White dresses, white ribb ns, white bats, white stockings, even white trim­ ming on the bathing dresses. White psraeols, indeed the summer girl is a svmphony in white. Now comes the point we wish espec­ ially to make. Do you think this beautiful vision of white lovliness this summer girl in all he»- white costuming looks well when she opens her mouth to laugh and shows a yellow set of teeth? Heaven forbid that any dainty wo­ man who expects admiration this sum­ mer, from those who look upon her, will forget the absolute necessity of having her teeth white, clean and per­ fect. Before yon go to the coast, or to the country, for your vacation, go to Wise Brothers, the famous dentists in the Failing building, Portland, Oregon, and have your teeth put in good order. The cost is very moderate and the pain nothing. Outdone. “He doted on Alice and would have married her but for her mother.” “Ah, her mother—” "Yes, her mother was still more at­ tractive.—Detroit free Press. In Sunny Kansas. Druggist’s Clerk—See Old Limping Wolf—what a brown study he is in. He’s wrestling with a tremednous prob­ lem. Druggist—What’s that? Trying to figure out how he can get a drink in a prohibition town. On, that’s the trouble, eh? And thereupon the kind druggist conducted the noble red man to the back room of the store, and the Indian problem was quickly and easily solved. Uncomfortable. Finnicns—I wonder why it is that those who attain the pinnacle of euc- ce’“ never seem to be bappy? Cynnicua—Because the pinnacle of success is like the top of a particularly tall lightning rod with a particularly sharp point, and those who succeed in perching temporarily upon it usually find that they are targets for all the •orld's lightning. The readers of this paj^r will be pleased to jam that there is at least one dreaded disease mat se euee bas been able to cure in all its “*»“ a id that iacatarrb. Hall’st atar-h Cure "n-r positive cure known to the medical •’“nay • atarrb being achat it fa U to cure, bend for list v'terttmoniaia. Address K, , v. . F •». CH EM1Y & CO., Toledo, 0 bVr’>Wista,7Se. • fannlr Pills are the heat Not Too Precipitate. Georgia, dear,” she said to ’he duke, "why don’t you go to papa ^May, ar* dangerous, you '*»• I realize that,” he replied, 1 ve only xnown you three days *n' these get-rich-qnick schemes al- *»m to be so risky.”—Chicago **wd-H«r*ld. „ Bls flood Hearted Guess. I J'®*ley thinks his wife is an an- That so’ Why, I didn’t know J1m»iey was married ” is a widower.” Bibles In Demand In China. Intemperance.—Intemperance Is not only one of the most degrading of sins. It is one of the moat disgusting of follies. It is wasteful. It is sinful, it is foolish.—Itev. G. Dobbs. Baptist New Orleans, La. Holding Office.— a mean, little pol­ itician may have to prostitute all his virtues to bold office; but a great man with convictions and patriotism need not do so.—Key. M. E. Harlan. Dis cfple, Brooklyn. New York. Stirring up Strife.—Shame upon the man or woman who only knows hour to stir up strife that can only lead to a battle and have not learned yet the necessity of following the sanie to the final Issue.—Rev. W. L. Simmons, Bap tlst, Peoria. 111. The Name of Jesus.—Jesus is to us the sweetest name that is ever breath­ ed on mortal tongue. We lisp it at our mother’s knee, and it Is the last utter­ ance In our mortal agony, as the soul goes to the great beyond and into eternlW.-Kev. T. H. Rice. Methodist, Atlanta. Ga. Rewards.—What is the reward of the spiritual life? We do not ask a re­ ward for taking the trouble to keep well. Health Is its own abundant reward. And so to live spiritually is to have life and have it more abund antly.—Rev. Bartlett Crane, Methodist, Kalamazoo. Mich. Objects of Contempt.—The loafer, MR. JOHN W. MENO. the sporting rich, the selfish society Mr. John Meng, 54 Jeffreson Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., State representative woman, the worthless mau of mouey In the private car and the tramp on of Indianapolis Business College, writes “I firmly believe that I owe my fine health to Peruna. Constant travel and the trucks underneath It. are equally the objects of the contempt of the man change of food and water wrought havoc with my stomach, and for months I suffered w ith indigestion and catarrh ot the stomach. I felt that the only thing who works.—Rev. J. H. Speer, Presby­ to do was to give up my occupation which I felt very reluctant to do. Seeing terian. Denver. Col. an ad. of Peruna as a specific for catarrh I decided to give It a trial, and used The Living Christ.—Jesus Christ it faithfully for six weeks, when I found that my troubles had all disappeared lives to-day more than be ever lived. I and I seemed like a new man. I have a bottle of Peruna in my grip all the time, and occasionally take a few doses which keeps me in excellent health.” He lives in all the good deeds with —John W. Meng. which Christendom is tilled, in every I The most common phases of summer [ who need a good remedy. As a tonic effort to discover new means of coming ' catarrh are catarrh of the stomach and it is excellent. In the »bort time I to the aid of the sick and the suffer ■ bowels. Peruna is a specific for sum- . have used it it bas done me a great Ing and the poor.—Bishop Spaulding, I mer catarrh. I deal of good.”—Willis Brewer. Roman Catholic, Chicago, Illinois. Hon. Willis Brewer, Representative If you do not derive prompt and sat­ Change of Heart.—Man usurps the in Congress from Alabama, writes the | isfactory results from the use of Peru- authority of Christ and deceives hi»: following letter to Dr. Hartman: na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv- fellowmen if he professes to Join any House of Representatives. ing a full statement of your case and one to the body of Christ. Men may Washington, D. C. he will be pleased to give you his valu- Tbe Peruna Medicine Co., Colum- able advice gratis. add "names,” the Lord adds souls in Address Dr. Hartman, President of re[ientance and faith, (inly a change bus, O.: Gentlemen — I have used one b ttle The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, of heart unites a soul to Christ. Rev. W. E. Wilkins. Baptist, Columbia, S. of Peruna for lassitude, and I take Ohio. pleasure in recommending it to those I C. The Unknown Future.—If death ends all, let us eat and drink for to-mor­ All There la to It. He Doesn't Worry. row we die. If death is the beginning “Tell me,” pleaded the artless Duffy—Meeker’s a philosophical sort of a larger life, let us be steadfast, maid, “wherein lies the secret of the ’ of chap isn’t be? unmovable, always abounding In the art of conversation?” Guffv—In what respect? The sage affected the attitude he was work of the Lord, for ns much as we Duffy—Why, he is the husband of s know that our labor in not in vain.— wont to assume when in the act of im­ famous woman, you know, but his oh- Rev. F. O. Hall. Vnlversallst, New parting wiedorn, and said: | scurity doesn’t seem to trouble him in “My child, listen.” ' the least. York City. “I am listening,” breathlessly she Manhood.—Manhood is not a thing answered, Something to Talk Through. of the lips, but of the life; it lies not “Well, my child,” he rejoined, Hilow—I wonder if Breezes is going in seeming, but in being. Manhood "that is the art of conversing agree­ to make any political sfreecbes tbit pays. It Is its own reward. It lifts ably.”—Stray Stories. spring? to the highest summits of real power; Cumso—I don’t know. But why de It gras|is all the prizes worth possess­ Lively Occupation. you ask? ing; It commands the forces that con­ To one nnfamiliar with country nom­ Hilow—I saw him buying a new hat quer men.—Rev. J. M. Markley, Con- enclature the question asked by the yesterday. gregationallst. Denver. Col. young man might no seem wholly un­ Physical Energy.—Physical energy natural. Making Money. “And were you never in the country Is an absolute requirement for success. A certain amount of money minis­ No matter where a man Is. he must during the season ot huskingbees Mr. ters to the proper wants of man, but do some kind of work—he must liilior] 8— ?” asked the young lady. the uian who spends his life in trying “No. The idea' How do you husk with his hands. The Almighty fiat pro­ to make money is doing nothing more nounced in the Garden of Eden was a bee?”—Philadelphia Press. than piling up a mass of brass-header that labor should forever lie the tacks. What good does it do to neglect Her Preference. destiny of man.—Rev. J. F. Atkinson. Fashionable Doctor—My dear young your wife, your home. y«*ur friends, t< Episcopalian. Elizabeth. N. J. ladv, you are drinking unfiltered water, make money?—Rev. Frank Crane. Decay of France.—Germany, Russia, which swarms with animal organisms. Pessimism. Great Britain and the United States You should bave it boiled; that will Pessimism nourishes itself in our are to lead the nations of the world, kill them. Patient—Well, doctor, I think I’d time, not in the hard ground, where la because they are the most virtuous. Since France Is dying of a moral i sooner 1« an aquarium than a ceme­ bor swears and mails, but in the flow­ ery I reds of luxury and slothful ease plague, let us put a quarantine upon ■ tery.—London Tit-Bits. — Rev. J. W. Chadwick. her products—her pictures, plays, A Valuable Publication. novels and works of art.—Rev. W. F. Moral Rectitude. A full set of the “Almanach de Crafts. Baptist. Washington. D. C. Moral rectitude is a protest against Gotha,” from 174« to 1900, was re­ The Value of Music.—In estimating cently sold in Paris for 11,300. Of evil. Wise men are ready to com­ the forces that are set apart by God j course its value is largely that of » lit- I mend a goo>< man, (or he is of value to work for the world s regeneration, erarv rarity, but the old volumes are to the community in which be lives we must give music a high place; not extremely useful to s|>ecial students. | — Rev. George Adams. that musl<' can do It of Itself any more than preaching can. but music is often the medium through which the spirit works ui>on the souls of men. -Rev G. B. Vosbugh. Methodist, Denver, Col. The Power of Sin.—God does for ths sinner what the sinner can not do for himself. The sinner can not regener j ate himself. He can not work for hli pardon, but when God saves him from For Infants und Children. the guilt of sin. the sinner must from that point t>egln to work along with God. for his deliverance from the pow­ er of sfn.-Rev. A. R. Holderby. Meth odist. Atlanta. Ga. Freedom—Men may oppress and tyrannize under constitutional forms, A\cCdabk’ Preparation for As tint they cannot evade or permanently1 similatinßtticFoodandRegula • prevail where the soul of freedom rules Ung the Steinachs and lkrweis of the people. Wealth may be increased j and may engender such effeminacy | and love of luxury as not only to le stroy itself, but to destroy the capabil­ PromoicsDigcBtion.ChprrruE ities by which it Is produced. -Rev ness and Resi Contains neither G C. Lorimer, Baptist New York. Opium. Morphine nor Mineral City. N ot N ahcotic . Cause and Effect-The only thlhf bat oppose» man 1a the negative z , _ Human law. If this did not obtain [ man would be restored to his pristine j k Ztx rsM * condition as a spiritual ego. Man is, jEfedfwUt- 1 not depraved bet ause be wants to be ¿New*"* ' \ I but tiecause his mind 1» human, moral | and finite he has no option than to Mirw ’ I express a corresponding condition He Is under the law of cause nnd • lie. t. A perfect Remedy forU onstipa —Rev F E. Mason. * John Poole) Foot nt Morrl«on Street. *\>rtlmd, Oregon The Eli <>«»o!ine Engine A child « an run It. Valve« and all working pi rt cowr»M| up 2 h. p |1*‘ ih p |_1 t*h p . # •*' Put in a lit­ tle <>aMoline «nd then go to i«k*ep.” W ri’e for illustrated catab »Nicoeks. etc. In Toklo there machine on the market riiotiwands are in sue- SI M a tettto. All tfrvttiata. ce««ful »«iteration HEIEHHON MAtHINKHY are gardens filled with life size figures CO., (venerai Agent«, foot of M oitis « hi street, if your drii^gim cannot supply you, Portland, Ore. Send tor Erve lllUHtruled C«tol«»g. made entirely of the flowers and •eud ua one dollar and we w ill expreaa leaves, the faces being masks, ami you a Iwittle Be «ure and gne the n«ui« Of your ue*re«t eiprea« oflu e Addie««, these chrysanthemum figures accurate­ J.C. A\EK UU., Lowell, M am ly represent court ladies, warriors, children and animals, one of the fa­ WONDERFUL vorite characters IH-Ing a young lady Why Engagement Waa Broken. with a fox's tall peeping from under HOME "I, A. B , declare my engagement to her dress, and a mask which by the TREATMENT touch of a string turns Into reynard’s C. D, »piiiHter, of thia town, to l>e at Thi* wor.dvrtul < hi an end by leaaon of her pawning the tie«»»* <|octur I m railed head. great I hm - uhm * hr currM engagement ring,” ie from the per- WithlHIt O|MTH "The contractor for the New York tonal column of a Germau uewtpapar. tion that art1 given up to die. He CUT»* m with rapid transit subway recently statiwl.” thonr wonderful Chi­ To Break In New Shoe«. kh . vb the Electrical Review, "that ow­ nese herbs, root«, hud«, bark« uiul wgeteblr* ing to th«* gr«*at developments In elec­ Always shake in Allen's Foot Eaae, « |M»wder that arc entirely un It cures hot, sweating aching, swollen fret know’ll to l1U*dlCHl M«'i trical art. a generation of electricity Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunion«. At enor In thH country rhrmigh thè th(M»<* barmlPMM remcdlen thl* famou« doetor is now only thr«*»> years. This Is a all druggist.« and shoe «tores, .’. m - l»on t accept any •'iibstitutc Sample n.»» . i i 1.1 i \>i ■. < - knowN th»> Hcllon <»f over tliffvrvnt rem- startling announcement, ami sets one Alien S. Olmsted, lx? Roy, N. V. whlch lie AiucecMMfully u«»*n In «lifferent dlwcaMCM. Ile guarantr«*N to cure cHttwrh, twith to thinking. What becomes of all the iiiM. luiig. throMt, rhvuniHtImn. iiervtHWiiMfe, Truly Unlucky. «tornarli, llvwr, kldney», etc. ; tuv» humiredn of old machinery and who pays for the Cliarge« moderate. Cali and Do you believe that 13 is an un- t«*y«timonÌMlM. new? How long will it be before a «(•e hlm. l’atlent1* out of firn city wrtte for blanks and CIK «U hi s. Mcnd «UUUP CONNI l. company can install a plant and f<*el luesy number to have at the table?” TATION FKICL ADHKF. mt * assured that the machinery will not asked the Mt. Auburn man “ I do, ” replied the Norwoo»! philos ­ The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. have to come out within a year or 253 Alder St.. Portland, Oregon. two? Does not thia continual scrap­ opher, ”espe< tally when there ie only IfMruiiou paper. ping of machinery mean a loss some­ enough dinner for 12.” where?” C|TQ r.rm.ii.un» owns Vo n>. sr nM.ou.nM» »n»r firn I.» • onttpr Ntis.'.orMlt Nom A curious railway accident Is report­ filo AMtor-r. B-u.t for HU KK SZ.UOirl.t hoin.sudIn-*» ed front India by C omuioh . About two «• Oi R H K lims , lad. un ArrhSt.. PhlfoUlvhtor» kilometer» (l’<, miles) from Ranqtore Granite Beat Building Material. Hat. says the Journal, "a train com­ The value of granite aa a building posed of an engine, thirteen passenger material is 10 to 25 time» as great an cars and three other cars, was seized that of brick. After granite come in and overturned by a tornado. The the following order limeatone, alate, ff you b«T»‘nt a regular, healthy movement of tM phenomenon was absolutely local, and aandhtone. Dowel« every day, yuu'ro sick, or will be Keep roof bowel« open, and be well. Force, in the «bape of since nothing was nottced at the sta- . violent physic or pili poison t« dangerous The tlon Just left by the train, and except I For cough, and colds there is no better nmootbest. easiest, nmtt perfect wa/ vf keeping ixe bowel« clear and clean 1A to take medicine than Piao s Cure for Consump ­ for th«* upsetting of a few native lints there appears to have been no other, tion. Price 25 cents. CANDY damage. The number of the wounde»l | CATHARTIC An Earth Angel. is not exactly kuown, for the Hindu 81. Peter (at Heaven’s gate)—Come passengers tied panic stricken In an In­ in. slant. Thirteen persons were killed Fair Spirit (anxions'y)—la my halo and fifteen wounded are known, Some on straight?—N. Y. Weekly. of the cars were turued eml for end. Indicating a whirlwind.” P’s««»«, rslstable. Hoceni Tsite (food. Do (food, Those who have had no practical Hever Weaken, or Gripe. lUc. 50c Writs experience In the use of ll<]uid fuel tor free sami >> and bookk-t on heslm. Address Bt.rli.a «•«.», I CklMs^, S.w Isrk. SSW ar«* often surprised at the elaborate- neas of some of th«* methotls employed 16251746 to secure efficient eonibustion of the oil. One of the latest Is tin* Orde • .stëX£fë(txî)<»'s; •>•*• *®®e®»>- • system, which Is employed for steam­ ship«. First, the oil must Is* fre«*d, as The Champion Draw Cut Mower perfectly as possible, from water. This la done by preliminary settling In a Write for tank, l-'roui the tank the oil Is pumped, Alcohol, I llusi rated under a pressure of sixty |«oumla to C irculars Opium, . M __ the inch. Into the burners. On Its way it la heated to a temperature j Tobacco I ftw A rfo a TOOMtST to Just below its Isilllng point, and then, ' Usina jw D’fiftAND.o« AT* I Ttiephc>ne rviinJS» on emerging from the Inner tuts* ot the burner, it is met by »teain mid air heated to 800 degrees or more, and thus is entirely converted Into vapor, In this form It Is sprayed Into flame and eonaunied. The VI,,«er with the “HIIAW ITT " /Dr. C.Gee Wo J BESTFORTHE BOWELS drawing" ihe cutting bar from h point Hhrad, caiim I iik the w heel-* to pre«« hard­ er eople, who at the next station gave him to a policeman. The Incident, however, wru not rl<>«. ed until the traveler was pnnlshx! for violation of the railway regulations. I MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAYER CO.. First H ck. An abtwTit minded elderly man en- tered the station at Rockville (’enter, L. I.. tb<* other day. Nervoonly Snyer« Ing a dollar bill, he appro«« ho<| the window an»l asked: "What's the fare to ÎCorltville C'en ter?" The agent InokM at him a minute and then said In a loud voice; "Tbla la Rockrille (’enter.” The old man with the far-away look In hla eyes pushed the dollar under the grating and said calmly : "Give me a return thket” New York Tim»-« A wrmian doesn't «are snyhng ats.iit the silver lining» of clouds If ber gown la only silk lined Tboae who offer lairynlna yet rick qu. krr bau ’L -• n • Type­ writer in the office of that buaineaa-nine times out of ten. It’s like the red headed girl and the white hone when you •ee one you can ice the other. Drop u» a poetai and let u» tell vou about thia T ypewriter. Carriage Exercise as Mourner. At h funeral In Glasgow a gentleman found himself opposite a pale faced man very warmly clad. Feeling a curi­ ous lnter»N»t In Ida companion, he ven tur«*d to a»k him If he wm a relative of the deceased. The pale-faced man replied In the negative. Pressing the question a little further, he Inquired If he was connectid with the dei-ease»L "No.” ««hl the other. "I am in no way connwte»! with him.” “(Inly a friend?” Inslnuatol the gentleman. "No,” was again the reply. “I am not aware that I ever shw the r!e«-eaie«*n In poor h<*alth for some time; my medical adviser has ordered me to take carriage exercise, and thia la the third time I have lie.n to the crmelrry this week.” Porllaad. Orrzoa. CXM)« *««(«••••! • DURPHY & DICKERMAN Sole Aeentv for faille Coast, 247 Stark St., Portland Oregon It KN w title g U> a«l v.rtfoorw pit menllua thio paper. PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD, the Grcateet Conditioner and Stock Pattener known. NOMIt <1 o more work on lees feed COWS xlvr more and ric her milk HOGS grow end fatten <| hi < krr if e*n Frumlan NU>rk • ti •pjw'lte erwl mah»-« the* GOOD FO» STUMTfO CALVOS. wv th»>r*>utf *»hr*4 «wine «I rfivrq *h««B I afeo trtnd it on ttanted »-«Ive« with «alntao- tori rwtlto F W (ilUMtiilC Kirin M«b. mil »« I>««r Hand «ooh frskrt». Im.». U.. St f.«f, Mlu. YOUR CHANCE ÍIN LIFE Perhaps this ia the ls*at <*han<*e that has l*e»n offer*»! to vrsi. You can't sfford tooveri*M*k it. I’* r ha pa you will a ic< ■•«•»I 1» at in a l«i- io as car«s*r. B e fit you practically for laisine«,, ami assist in getting y«ai a position «hen f-omplet»*»i; all our grmluates are • niploy»*»!. That's the «h >le story. R**-ults are never in t with <>ur gra«lu- atrs You hml belt« r sit right down now ami write for *ne «Inch explains fully. • BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, »•X^ l^at the Smith I’ w hawe purché* if 1« the m««t (O-mler typewlier t»n tnarhinm fot our new rho» L U