a Portland Team Out. f COUNTY DOES TMC UAniZ Elmira News. (Guards,. -1.1 8erv.ee. June 29. —Mr. and Mrs. THE MORK „x? made Fairview a visit last ------------ | Oregon Klute .Jonrnul : The lowest bid for the building of the bridge : over th« Coast Fork, at Cottage Grove, was furnished by N. B. Alley, I which wad severs! hundred dollars leas than the highest bid, by the Pacific Timber Company of Cottage Grove. Mr. Alley agreed to build tba bridge according to the pinna and apecifica- t.iona furniahed by County Surveyor C. M. Collier, for 8875. The county court believed that they could build the bridge, by purchasing tbe ma­ terials at the market price, and by hiring men by the day to do the work, for less money, and therefore rejected all tbe bids. They then sent Mr. A. N. Striker to purchase materials, hire men and superintend the work. He completed tbe bridge stxiording to tbe plans aud specifications for <681.27, including all expenses, which saved the county <193.73 on the low­ est bid. Th< items are as follows: 8249 83 Wheeler A Gwen, lumber. Rods and blacksmithing 106 70 Griffin A Veatch, hardware 11 36 Hauling tools from Eugene to Cottage Grove 0 (Ml tabor on bridge 232 w Team work 13 00 50 00 Old lumber used, 5550 feet. Long & Bingham, lumber 12 u The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which lias been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one todeceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Kxperiments that trifle with anil endanger the health of Infants und Children—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Cairtorfa Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It c. ntains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and Bdays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. OENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bars the Signature of The Kind You Haye Always Bought Total Lowest bid, N. B. Alley Cost of bridge In Use For Over 30 Years. ▼Ml CINTAUN COMPANY, VV MURRAY RTRCCT. NEW YORK OfTY. The Frequent Assassin. They say the Sultan of Turkey shuddered while his vourtiers were telling him how the late Servian sov- eregns were done to death. Unfor­ tunately there is no reason why the most desperate ruler should feel more unsafe in these times than the heads of constitutional monarchies or re­ publics. Within ten years the Frenoh Republic has lost Carnot, the Ameri­ can Republic McKinley, Italy her constitutional King, Austria (also a limited monarchy) her Empress, while attempts have been made within the same period on the lives of the con­ stitutional King of England and the Presidents of Mexico and Brazil. It would seam that, if there is any method in their madness, the assas- sins are more disposed to strike at those beads of states who rule with limited powers and by popular con­ sent than at those who rule abao- lutely and by “diviue right." Prob­ ably the latter take more precaution. Denmark sent twice as many emi­ grants to the United States in May than during the corresponding month of 1802. But the emigration is offset to a considerable extent by the money sent tack to relatives, about four million dollars last year. Yellow fever has made its usual ap­ pearance on the Gulf coast off Mexico. Mme. Sembrich says she does not talk to her husband on the day of the evening that she is to sing. But how often does she sing? The Register goes to considerable I trouble in reprinting the logging strike report as published by the Gnard, only to deny it. The Turkish Hultan iv not in favor of Peter Karageorgeovitch for the Bul­ garian throne left vacant by assassi­ nation. Maybe it is the name. The Portland Telegram prints pic­ tures of four bricks that are worth fourteen thousand dollars. They are void “bricks'’ from a Southern < iregou quartz mill. Crop prospects are poor in the Mis­ sissippi Valley Northwest on account of continued dry weather. Still people will comejliere from that section and complain about Oregon rains. It seems ghastly significant that spectator stands have taen erected at the most dangerous points of the road to be covered liy the automobile race in Kurland Thursday. It la not a safe job ruling Bulgaria and Montenegro. Of the sixteen rulers since 1800 eight were assassi­ The two men arrvtsod at The Dalles nated or expelled. Of the sixteen but on suspicion of being the highwaymen four died peacefully on tiie throne. who have ls>en operating In Portland It is appropriate that the Second fur several mouths may is« iuiioeeiit, Oregon Regiment memorial monu­ ■til Tt hay’deserve locking up, revol­ ment, to ls> built in a Portland ceme vers, masks and a complete set of bur- tery at a cost of fifteen thousand dol- glar tools hsving^lieeu found in tiieir inis, shall lie built of Oregon stone as possession. Bad egg*. decided upon. The British authorities at Hong Kong, which is a British treaty port, have evidence tiiat the Viceroy of Canton offered a reward of twenty thousand dollars for the murder of a Chinese reformer, then the four mur­ derers were made mandarins. Chin­ ese rulers are utterly devoid of con­ science. in cousequence the British government uses no diplomatic gloves when handling Chinese affairs. Oregonian: Emperor William's tribute to President Rooaevelt at the Kiel tauquet Friday will make good I campaign literature for distribution | ■uioug Garman voters in the fall of 1904. Yea? And so will Admiral Dewey’s won! to the tierman warships at Ma­ nila that if they didn't get out of the way ho would blow them out. Our citizens of German extraction left tier many to get away from* that royally to which President Rooaevelt is toadying. Their votes will not go to| such an illy tailed hook. ”ta.«t year*eight Demo»-ratio mem- tiers of the Ohio legislature violat'd th* platforms on which they were elected by voting for wbat is known' aa the “curative act.,’’ dMigtied to confirm a Corrupt grant of franchise to the Cleveland Traction Company. | Mayor Johnson at the time told them* eight black sheep that if any of them ever came up for office be would g» to their districts and endeavor to de­ feat them. Now one of them is up for re-election and the Cleveland mayor is making hie word gwsi. campaign­ ing against him. It was hot in Chicago yesterday, 87 degrees at two o'clock in the after­ noon. There were several prostra tions from the extreme heat. This Northwest Pacific coast lias little troulile from that cause. 8681 07 Amount saved to county 8193 73 The bids which were rejected, be- cause th-y were considered too high, were as follows: The Pacific Timber Company of Cottage Grove, 81490; A. B. Tillistou of Portland,81094 and <1.50 per foot for approaches, making a total of 812X5.60. Thus it will tie seen that the bridge was built for 8818.73 less than tta Pacific Timber Company bid, or less than one-half; for 8554.33 less than the Tillistou bid, or very little more than one-half, and for 8193.73 less than the Alley bid. Wherever con­ tracts are let for bridges the cost is from 25 to 50 per cent, more than where the materials are purchased and the labor paid for by the county, without awarding a contract. PRIZES FOR JULY FOURTH The Fourth of July committee has selected the followng prizesato lie giv­ en to winners of tbe athletic contests to be held on the afternoon of July 4th. 1(10 yard dash—First prize 810; sec­ ond 85. 50 yard dash—Prize, gold medal. 100 yard dash—Prize, gold medal. Thre«< legged race—Fir«t prize, 833; second, 81. Potatoe race—hirst prize, 81.50; second, 81. Horizontal greased pole—First prize, 82; second, third aud fourth, <1 each. Pillow tight—First prize, gold medal. Tug of war—First prize, 820. Running broad jump— Prize, gold medal. Rac«< for boys under 12 years—First prize, 81 second, 82. A ticket to the tall game will be given to persons taking third place in each of these event*. 1HE PLUG UGLIES. The following committees have been appoint««! on plug uglies for the burlesque parade at 4 p. m. : On taud and military companies:— Ora and Wade Wilson. Float»* aud horse*: Frank Kos*. Hose companies: Norbert |Aya and Frank (Shuman. For the best sustained character in the plug ugly parade a prize of 810 will be glveu. Nothing Known Weber-Moore. Will Cure Kidney Dlaenaea After They Httve Fasten««! »nd Be­ A very pretty wedding occurre«! this come Chronic But the Fulton morning at 8 o’clock at High Mass at Compounds. We lime Secured tlio Solo Agency for Th'» City. the Catholic church, when M. W. Fuites'« Rsnsl Co ■ rouna«'inea Here la another HHOvery *»• are pe.mr.tn4tu refer to Mr» S B (’Uneofr Proa ! way. fan Finn etneo. proi u i. « t by her p i . an as Incurably 111 wh U k. .r’y d caae that had bn •omn rhenade Bright « 1>S< aae). Rhe alno had diabeti». At other uh) • 1« an wan called la Drop*? s oi !»cl io, t'l » tta’la ran » off an«', be too • a J iic'h.u; - »own w U «“• r j h r . o was to tar bey ad h Ip tier to',4 Lut not tn furlbet f*<* 11 ng I ’•< nil i< n.1''rt’h wd for pawohint. Recover'e* iteariy 3 , aw. ug th^«e blthnrte neurahl»» div mi». « f .It. » ’ter.al Omp*’uM for Bright • aud k da«j L>i«raann Bl. for v Job' J Fh'' ♦' I st k««n UMhi I.inn I'rug ta Uua vilj. Ço„ Eugen* Sunday. The work of putting in the new is in _ A. Woodcock of Eugene, Mr. our burg trying to organize a Wood­ water system at the University will begin in a few days. The pipe has men lodge. already been receive«! and is being Mr. Warren Nichols has gone to Hal­ distributed around tbe campus. sey on business. Tbe new system will embrace nearly A few of our boys attended the the whole of tbe campus and will ex- picnic at Walton Saturday. i tend to tbe president's house, in tbe Miss Kuby Strcme of Junction Collier tract. Four-inch mainsjwill passed through .here on ber way to ta run near each building and from Wm. Iiimanu's. Miss Annie lumau these the water will be taken into returning with her to attend tiie pic­ the buildings and arranged for outaide purposes in two aud one-half inch nic at Junction. Mis* Ruby Yates aud Miss Laura pipes. The purpose of the new system is to Gilson made Eugene a visit Saturday. Mr. Jesse Fountain attended the give a plentiful supply of water for Smith-Hale wedding last Wednesday. fire protection aud for irrigation. A rew steel water tower and tank The affair took place at the residence has been in contemplation, but it will of the bride’s parents at Hale. not be built this summer. The new Quite a number of our young peo­ well which is down something over ple attended tbe dance at Fairview :100 feet w ill be tested at once, and if last Friday night. They report a the supply is sufficient, water for all good time. purposes will lie taken from it. If, Mr. Jesse Bollman made Smithfield however, it proves inadequate the H call last Sunday. water for irrigating and tire protec- Mr. Joe Strome made Wm. Inman tion will be taken from the same a visit last Sunday. Wonder if he source as at present and the water did not go to ace the old folks on im­ from tbe well used for drinking only. R. L. Jones, a student in tbe En­ portant business? Hans Yate* is sick this week. He gineering Department, has charge of was not able to attend baud prac­ tbe work. tice. Grand clebration here the 4th. Weber, receutly of Wlaconain, and Misa Mamie Moore were united in marriage. Rev. Father Beutgen, o tticiating. The bride waadreaaed in a becoming gown of blue velvet, with real lace trimmitiga, and wore a white picture bat. Nh«> was attended by Mias Eliz- at>eth Aya, aa bridesmaid. Mr. Nich­ olas Moore, brother of tbe bride, acted a> la»st man. Iiume-iiiately after the «-eremony the happy couple were driveu to tbe Hazelwood where a charming wedding lrvakta-t was partakeu of. The guests from out of town were Mr and Mrs. T. F. McGlynn, of Ivison. Mr. aud Mrs Welter will make their future home at Springfield. Beckley-Mulkey. Tbe marriage of P. W. Beckley to Miss Etim* Mulkey was celebrated at the home of J. L. Beckl>y at Elkton, Dougla« coouty, at noon Sunday, June 28. The bride is tbe daughter of Rev. Mr. Mulkey of Coquille City, that gentlemen performing the ceremony The groom i* a brother of i. H. Beck­ ley of i turene, ami a son of tbe late Senator Beckley. He i* a member of the firm of Be«-kley Brvdberv of Oak laud, where they will make their home Tacoma, July 1.—President W H. Lucas of the Pacitlo National Base- Itail League, officially announced last night that the Portland team and franchise bail been transferred, bag aud baggage, to Salt Lake City, by which name they will be known here­ after, instead of Portland. Salt Lake will start with a clean record of games won and lost. Grimm will continue in charge. The magnates expect to retain their park in Port­ land. A new schedule was adopted for the Pacific National League. r°8ACCQ ••■Call on.,, Juliu’ Goltoij If you an- having legal notices published— such as those of administrators of estates, summons or citation in legal proceedings and de­ sire tiie same printed in the G uard , gi»e your attorney instructions to publish the same in this paper. If you do not he may take it to some other paper to wnich you are not a subscriber. You have the right to publish your legal notices wherever you' may direct. Ben Rush’s Mining Venture. Mapleton News, <875 00 001 07 THE UNIVERSITY’S NEW WATERSYSTEM (Guard Spceial Service.) Mapleton, June 25.—The schooner Bender Brothers came in on Friday and loaded at the Siuslaw Lumber Company's mill. The steamer Acme with the Wing and Wing in tow, came in on Mon­ day, and will load at Siuslaw Lumber company's mill. The Acme brought goods for most of our merchants and a large logging engine for the Sius- law Lumber company. It will be run by Phelps Brothers on W. W. Neely’s place. They have a large quantity of logs cut and will put them in lively. There are two telebone lines from Aome to Florence, but this country needs connection w ith Eugene. Some of our capitalists would do well to con­ sider this enterprise as it would be a great convenience to this country and to Eugene and would undoubtedly be a good paying investment. Ben Rush left for his home at Grant's Pass on the overlaud last night after a couple of days’ stay on business. Be informed us this was bis first trip back to bis old home since going to the Southern Oregon town six years ago. Mr. Rush Las quit blacksmithing and is engaged in developing quartz claims so far as his health, which is not good, will permit. Himself and sou have a two- thirds interest in one quartz mine, their interest being bonded for 812,000. The parties hav­ ing the bond have been at work five months on development work. He has a one half interest in another claim that is bonded for a year for 810,000. This latter bond was given but a few weeks since and the parties have not yet commenced work. " nerbury. Coen. Offices 8ew Vert. Chicago. Son Fr.ncl.co Hadleyvilie News. The condition of Mrs. Geo. Hadley, who baa l »»th 0,1 .nd Sweet Spirit, of Kdcn. t>rM,lt, wU1 ret H for Manufactured by California Co-OperaUve Medi. «1 Com p«ny. «.apu,! stock, ft 500.000. of jo □« melha* No one c”’ <””> moreVhan one »hare. A. income increases, .ham inor-,u c r'xV? ? ssx C.C. M.Co.. Eureka, or Oakland, Cal. MONUMENTS ARBl^D • • • • A LOAD • • • • CAR Direct from quarries in New England. 1 wo more cars on the way. None furnish better work. None in the vallley handle in larger quantities» Hence our pricks are right . Write for booklet. MA’TrroiO EUGENE GRANITE AND MARBLE WRl w W MARTIN, Proprietor Made in Cal’forni ere materials ar sduced. J he lowest iced roofing made. 4ts longer than all It is weather and water-proof and fire resisting. □ Ft lyon ’ s French Periodical Dry PF M ■?T<<**.able’ PerfecHy harmlcM. eure to accomp’ '*■ RESULTS. Greatest knowufcma.e remedy. I‘> Â «vi I i.T. * WILLIAMS ’’ " ■ -f « ■ co,**« *« OU. For Sale bv I/nn g *e>r b^Yk’YW. The Paraffine Paint Co. '«* t’'.l.i toft', d. La« Anjti«. MOTT’S MWA!. PILLS .. CÎU J3 p JT-1 of menstruation.” Thcj- are “LIFE S'Y L11» ^r. ^■"manhood, aiding d« e.onment of or«'': ’ Jo »«(* kn. w n remedy for wom.en eqvn's them. <■ J".'. M \H* become» a r rasure- $:.«X» l’lili I’»<’^ 1,1 ^.4. «.» e-up^-i. . . . . —-— ■ C «i«r«d«. i .1 - — - -7 — - — bjf lAnn Drug Co « ■ r a