The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, May 09, 1903, Image 12

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    A hm ïï;s Subs<Tib€d.
( I ally Guard. May .». )
Dr. A. Sharpie* is iu the city,
l arrow went south today.
Lockwood is in from Lorane.
Cochran is up from Cottage
The Kimi Yon Have Always Bought, ami which has been
tn use for over 30 yearn, has borne the signature of
ami lias been made under his per­
sonal super» Nioii nlnce its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations ami “Just-as-gootl” are but
Experiments that triiie with ami endanger the health of
Infants anti Children—Experience against Experiment.
(Mstorla in a liarinleaa
batitute for Castor Oil, Pare­
goric, Drops mid Soothing Hyrnps. It Is Pleasant. It
c iitains neither Opiunq Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
ami allays l’cvcrishn«>ss. It cures Dlarrluea ami Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, « iik s Constipation
ami I'lntiilciicy. It assimilates th«* l'o«»<l, regulate« the
SUriii « h anil Bevels, giving healthy ami natural Bleep.
The Children’s Panacea— The .Mother’s Friend.
B ars the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
> it. \nd we don't lay
Republican doors exclu-
Democrats an just nu
Note and Comment.
That was a terrible accident up at
Pendleton, a woman-worker In a laun­
dry gutting both hand» caught in n
( 'uriiegie in in favor of putting the
mangle and mashed to a jelly, ne
under stato control,
cesaitatiug amputation!
about iruu works? if tlm state bad
The report of the Superintendent of not given iron manufacturers the
the Oregon insaue asylum filed April chance to chuige people almost us
30, showed 129*4 unfortunates under limy please, Carnegie would not now
treatment. Just think of th« mi wry lie throwing thousands mid hundreds
of thoUHunds of dollars about with as
under that bit of roof!
little care us you throw biscuits at
The theory that salmon eat nothing your dog.
after entering fresh water has received
Hermiiiin's j- us iu congress are
a decided negative at the mouth of
the Columbia llsheries this sea.on. dwi-lt upon a.- .ii n reason why he
The toothsome smelt is running in should lie kept in ollie«. Somehow,
with the salmon, and in many in- though, they fail to mention his dis­
stauoes smelt have been found iu the tinguished nerviois as eiiuiinissiolier
And this to of tho laud office. That is a sore spot,
stomach of the salmon.
the sorrow of the cannerymen, us aid tt is bard to vindicate Hcrmauu and
mail which have eaten smelt spoil express full coufi-lunce iu tlie Roose­
very quickly—uoou smelt ns it were.
velt aduiiuiatration nt one mid the
Millie time.
Mrs. Coati llo shot tlio father of
liar children at Buffalo, New > ork,
It is said the Gorman emperor's
yesterday, and ail because he would V irti t Io tlic Pop. inis for its object
not give those children to her cure. A th« « innii'g of i >ie friendship of the
divorce tragedy.
.« « u. Iro.u I rmivc. 't he Kuiser cur­
ly i in so foolish as to suppose
William Lloyd <¡arrisoli, son of hl-
mi nt Unit th« Pope will favor
father, the latter the famous old alo i Piolcstmi' ci untry nt tbi expense
litiouist of “before the war’’ days, Is if one win « pi .plr, g«i.i mlly, tire
Li Port laici.
And ho is au old man. loyally t*nt holic!
Time not ouly Hies hut .teeuiH to take
lightning expresa train conveyance.
And now Hearst is digging up Her
maun'» record mid will toll why tlic
R oosevelt ad miu 1st rut ion kicked him
out of the general land office.
will make no ditfuruuce.
Just think
of the rotten record of Furnish, uud
Governor Chamberlain beat him
than three hundred, aud that at a gen-
era! election! lie should have I HMkt
him teu thousand, mid would had
voted their bonsat sentiments.
Thnt la XV tit tlic Book«» S hv ot
Chronic I Kidney D.octif-, But
the New Fulton Compounds
linac a Racerd of 87 of Reaco-
Atnoofi Chronic Cases lu­
¡a by ll ('Jar Nicdlwlm i,
They must take heroic measures up
nt I rmik, the little town where eighty
lives or thereabouts were lost by a
rock slide from the top of the moun­
tain the other morning. Careful in­
spection of the top of the mountain
shows that other slides are possible,
therefore they will knock the loose
mid daiige-ous rock off with dyna­
It nny wreck more of the
town, but public safety lemmids it
Living under the constant fear of
ladng crushed l.y falling rock would
be about like tukiug up living quar-
lent iu a powder factory.
Harris returned from a trip
to Salem this morning.
Mis - DuJ< 1« turned from Portland
Frank Whipple is do..u from Cot­
tage Grove.
C. W. Sloat, of the Bohemia mines,
arrived down today.
Attoriiiy Lee Al. Travis went to
Portland this afternoon on businesa.
J. C. Brunstetter aud wife were up
from Junction today.
Attorney J E. Young was air arriial
this atfernocii form Cottage Grove.
S. L. Moorehead of the Junction
t 'lty 'l imes, is in lire Eugene.
Albert Applegate will take an out
lug near V> (idling fur the next few
Mrs. (I. o. Wall uud daughter camo
down from Cottage Grove this after­
Chas. (Choppie) Campbell arrived
today from tin* south on his way to
Spokane. He will visit a few days in
Mrs. Win. Laue, of Fairmount, wcut
to Walker this afternoon to visit
Mrs. 8. Stevens, of Pleasant Hill,
who has been a guest at the borne of
J. W. White, returned this afternoon
to her home.
('Ims. Hempe left this pfternoqu
for Seattle w h re he lukes steamer for
Kloudike. liisdaughter liver iu that
country aud bo will spend tha sum­
mer at her borne.
Miss Ida Amis, former employe of
the Guard oitice, left today for Oak-
laud, Cal., where she will visit with
her brother mid wife, who reside iu
that city.
Mr. Hiid Mrs. J. M. Barnard arrived
iu Eugene today to visit friends.
They came in from Ashland, but re­
side iu Crook county, Mrs. Barnard
is remembered as it daughter of Elijah
Buy, nu old pioneer of this section.
Mrs. Jeunie Higgins lett this after­
noon for IndiaiiHpolis, Indiana, as u
delegate to the supreme
sion of the Royal Neighbors from Ore­
gon. Mrs. Higgins was elect« d at the
session of tlie state convention in
Salem a few weeks ago.
(Daily Guard, May 6.)
Doak Zumwalt is here from Lorane.
J. A. J. (Jrow was in from Crow to­
AV. H. Baber is here from Junction
Frank Wooley is in the city from
Cottage Grove.
J. S. Medley is in Eugene from
Cottage Grove.
ii 1. T. Nicklin came up from Junc­
tion this afternoon.
Dr. 1 *. M. Canady, of Long Tom,
was in Eugene today.
J. L. Lei; iy came iu from Cottage
Grove this afternoon.
Miss Minnie Foss, one of the tele­
phone operators, is ill.
John Coggswell is home from a visit
nt Muddy, Liun county.
, Geo. A. Hicks, of Junction, was a
caller at this pl nee today.
Dr. T. W. Harris was a passenger to
Cottage Grove this afternoon.
Dr. L. W. Brown returned this af
ternoon from a business trip to Cut-
1 tuge (¡rove.
Geo. Hines, a citizen of Lorano,
I camo to (be hospital yesterday with n
severe attack of the grippe.
Miss Edith Hoffman weut to Port-
■ laud today on busiuess gonnected
I with the Saltzman millinery store.
Chas. Cochran returned to Cottage
Grove today, lie will play with lb*
Fourth Regiment baud Friday even
Mr. and Mrs. C. Barnard, who
stopped yesterday to visit frigid* anil
relatives lie re, went on to Portland
thia afteruoAn.
Miss Irene Applegate returned thia
afternoon from an extended visit at
Portland, McMinnville aud other
lower valley points.
W M VanBuren left this afternoon
for Corvallis, where he will take
charge of the painting department of
the Corvallis Carriage Factory.
Mi«» Helen Quiner came up from
Portland to attend the contest trial
of her homestead. Testimony wm
taken today. She will return tumor-
lhe cotnplai'R til I y* »ti-rdey even-
mg l.y the mil:ii*l' . a .1 then agents
against tUe «lit* ■«» ut the Eugene
Bute ball Co. which was incur por«-
dte a few we< ; s ago, resulted this
morning in th« members of the or-
ganizution being the
various warrants citiiq
pear at 3 o'clo« « to au»wer th« charge
of vitdating the 8u . «y uti.usemeut
closing law, last Sunday.
Constable Jack Smith delivered th«*
papers to the geutiemeu cited and
they were the i-ame as being under
arrest the remainder of the day.
At the appointed time the gentlemen
appeared it) the courlhouaw, stricken
with fear, their faces pallid and their
forms vibrating in psychic unisou
with slow heart iieats which made th«*
blood flow with but faint energy
through their veins. They sneaketl
quietly upstairs Th* re was a move­
ment among some of them to make a
bold break for lil*< rty, but the hand
of the law wis hard upon them.
They cowered as caught chickens
cower before tie longing, hungry « yes
of a visiting preacher. Their once
bright manliood seemed blighted By
the cold winii of justice. Where once
there livi d ambition aud hope there
was a future evi r blighted by the re­
membrance of having been iu the
toils of the I hw .
Where ouce the
light, elastic step of Al. Hampton
trod the stone ou business into the
majestic court house, there uow-
c«zwered a man frightened with the
penitentiary staring him in the lace.
The loving expression of Frank Gil­
strap's face hn l faded to a listless
gaze of longing for the freedom of the
editorial sanctum. A look <;[ pain
aud regret crossed th«* haudsome
features of Mr. '1 raver us he thought
of his reputation as u driving gentle­
man beiug rtliued. D. E. Yorau and
W. 11. Kay sa t with stolid istte, so
with determination to bear the oppro­
brium without flinching. The wives
aud children of the six were too
broken with grief to appear.
Hon. Dirk Bilyeu aud Helmus W.
Thompson made eloquent appeals for
the discontinuation of the case in
behalf of the ballists. L. T. Harris
steruly demanded tho law to be in­
voked in the name of the churches.
Justice Wiutermeier felt the weight
of his duty and refused to settlS with­
out help.
A jury trial set Or Thursday
morning was the regelt if the after
noon's work.
The men have
don't josh them.
An extra good milch cow,
Jersey and Shorthorn, 3 years
witli second heifer calf for
Price 210. Also stock pastured.
W. A. POTTER, Irving.
Crockery and
Tli it we wi li to dispose of entirely
Without cost to our
Every Custonier purchasing ¿5 00 of
Mei< handiso or more will bo
jefunded HX per cent of
their purchase in
Sträw liäts!
...Cail on...
i js Gold^m th
That wo will GIVE AWAY
...Next Saturday....
without any t; >.-t to the .Customer).
Coine aril help yourself -We
ask no questions, only
we I mu you to onu hat.
Wil lu.
• • • • A C,AR
that makes your
horses glad.
• ■ - .
' .
j 4
Mir i ii mm—
For aiic\ -
nin, > ■«, fumes and fire do
not a?set it.
Comet in
r<' s ; ' / for laying. Loiv
freight charges.
sive t
. cheap in the
p'ace s..d jiatt foi
fine Paint Co.
The i
LQAD • • • *
Direct from quarries in New England.
Two more cars on the way.
None furnish better work.
None in the valllej handle in larger quantities,
Hence our prices are right .
Write for booklet.
W W M' RTIN, Proprietor
Send for booklet.
i ’ I I Ii PS ^f,,,,lrnH*'8,n- Neural
O • * 1
gia, Spriiins, Bruises,
Burns, I^ir.l«- Buck, Stiff Joints, Corus.
Bunions and Chilblains, aud all iu-
tlammation of Mau or Beast.
This Popular Remedy
Mcn s*Misses ancl Childrei\
We also have some Millinery
The Mutual
Why Don’t You Use
We off* r you the entire steck
at 1-2 tho former price.
San Trincuco, Seattle,
rorth: 1, Los Angeles
* and Denver, Colcrado.
Ol' NEW S ORK, offers the most liberal policy contracts at the
lowest possible premium rates consistent with safety; they pro­
vide large Cash and Loan Values each year after the third, also
paid-up and extended insurance. If the insured ceases to pay
premiums th«> paid-up insurance is immediately provided without
any farther action on his part. Five per cent, interest only is
charged for money loaned on policies.
The “Distribution Policies” of The Mutual Ufe
ar<* by far the most desirable for the insured, as may be seen by
the following illustration:
Life Policy—Twenty Payments; Twenty-Year Distribution:
Age Thirty-Five;
Amount, $10,000;
Best Liniment on Farih.
master ' s
Cures Sciatica.
v. W. L Riley, LL. D., Cuba,
,, writes: “After fifteen davs of
leiatii .• pain troni Sciatic Khetl-
• III, mi ! r vari in trenini* lita, I
induced to try Ballard’s Know
n«nt, th« t’ -t application giving
rat relief, su l the second entire
!. I give it unqualified rt*coni-
olicy by its terms will become a paid-up policy for $1,500
can be exchanged for a policy of <10,000 full paid
h o years and 7 months;
i >i. ii can be surrendered for cash
Hr u loan can be obtained to,the amount of
from which the next premium is payable.
Ihe Poli.-y by its terms will become a paid-up policy for $5-000
Or ¡t can b « exchange i for a policy of 210,000 full paid
for 1>> years aud 4 months:
Or, it can bo surrendered for cash
$2 560
Or. i I in em be obtained to the amount of
from which the next premium is payable. This fea­
ture of the policy enables the holder to keep it in force.
V ß? 'winly ?;.!i Years’ fremin? shall han be r paid
Tb, Victor T«lkln| Michiar bold, irw
place- Il look bigbeit »«„j ,t the Bulhio
Pan-American Exposition.
rue vtcTon i, s,.t
\ kt* r record disc« are fiat and indestracti-
Me— bo vai to crack or break off.
Victor re.o? !, t”t perfect reprodartion»—
t e human roico»o nd» although tk« uoter
were preteat ia per»oa.
Victor re ord» contain all that it bett |n
h repro-
veib| ■ootkertaakmg Biachiae.
yfctor»c. .t jr/.ao to
The new
r gid arm Victor—the lajett improvement —
>29.50 to SSS. lent C. O. D. on ap­
proval to any place on the Fadi« Co*«.
Send for Catalogue.
Sttinwav PUnw.-An<«lu, PUytr
G«n*ral Murk Dealer«
Seamy and Si-l’er St»., San Francixo
If von are liaving k><’al
notices published —fiueh
tho-e of ndminiRtratord
• state-, «iininon* or citation
in legal procc 'dingti and de-1
•«ire the same printel in the.
G uard , gi»e your atiorn»y
instruction» to publish th*
«anie in thi< pttjxer
If you
do not he mavtakeit to some
other paper io wnich you are
not a nubfcribe
You have
the right to publish your
h*gal notices wherever v>>u
n’ax d reef.
We have a large
quantity of
Binger U- rn.aini is announced to
speak in Eugene Monday evening,
May 11. The meeting will take piace
iu the court house.
The trial of Faruk A. (Doc) lug Is
for the killing of Thomas Barker in
tiie Clay Moore .Joon iu Marshfield
on tho night of Dec. 6th, 11'02, took
place before Judge H
iltou iu the
ciruit court To«.-' iny uud Ueduesdny
ai d resulted iu a v. dit of man­
slaughter, Tor which ti e penalty is
imprisoumii.t from *
i > fifteen
................ i. ii ■ '
I "■ «r
John Bull roblied Bismarck on
I'Hsioti, at least got Zanzibar
coast of Africa iu exchange
for I d * ignthrant Hrlig olamt, off the
German conni. The r< H'k ol if which
the latter i?lan«l it com poned carries
a large per* ntiue ol vali1 and it ■ »lowly
melting lutti the Nori! i S» a. Eight
btiudrad y» nm «go it waa llv n* time*
the i re Brut nhe. Of c©<urwe bi I» march
wan aware of the
wt I U|f 118 at ore of
Ile! Isolanti, but at I hat 1lini*' (h irasnj
wan not uffrcteU !»y the colonh ml fever
aii'l Zanztbwr w;ie coital derart prweti-
call y worthier. If the» Cerna lan em
peror had the rich h•laud nww it
wool«! take a pretty Cui Bidenti >l ion to
take it from hi* grace.
Free! Free!
an additional evidence of the
of the district. No bonds
l he policy by its terms becomes a paid-up participat-
1 - »Hey for
SI 0-000
Or, it cau be surrendered for caah
¿6 3 I 0
Or. a loan can be obtained for
$6 31 0
In a 1 litlon to the above the SURPLUS can be drawn iu CASH
or applied, u i ler terms of policy, to purchase additional paid-up
ins irance.
tb<-‘ above figures are absolute guarantees for the end
the yean for which complete auuoal premiums have been paid-
For Further Particulars See
W A. WANN, Agent
Loin & Savings Bank.
Eugene, Orf^on-
L’* Cl’M Iff
’ ;ie Season is Almost Here
I/i n Du .
IT on ’ s
th m in every class and kind which you may ne
Strictly regi Lx
RE51 I T5. u
*) p«r butUa.
________ ned
' ir Mock of Canned Me«ta 11. The ___
mplete in «very detail. Try our ■dallies in the city. Every 1****
'lied. Potted an<l Dried Meats.
guaranteed first class.
Try HEINZ CHOW CHOW in bulk. Also bottled relishes of every
i h nt Red 1211.
J. W. WHITE ¡^’opSU