MUNICIPAL 1 lections . Eugene Weekly Guard I IMI BXLl Bit»«., Proprietor«. EXPLOSION ON THE IOWA. Shell Bursts Big Gun and Kills Three Men —AU Horribly Mangled. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON FIRST IRRIGATION Hesults from Various Cities I" Eastern States-At Chicago. HlOE UNDERTAKING OF GOVERNMENT Chicago. April 8.—Carter H. Harri WILL BE EXPENSIVE. son wa. elected mayor of Chicago yes tenlay for the fourth time, his majority by unoffi. ial count over Graeme stra­ First Five Schemes Will Absorb Whole art, the Kep' candidate, be ing Sum Now Available - Work W ill Not 6,949. The Republicans elected Joi n Be of a Flimsy Nature, but Intended s. gmukki for city attorney by «,700 to Last and Be la Active Use During plurality. an? ■ Itlie Mississippi Valley atove com- tlie lieevy steel bringing them to a «top stock, which the regent« have decided Kansas City, Mo., Apnl 8—Elec­ cision are more than 20 and witbin 30 tions were held in all the large Clt 0- of approximately *7,00),ut>e, son of a Natal, piece charged, the breech closed aad The cost of maintenani-e per capita was notorious character during the early returns from yesterday’« muni, tpal cured posee.-sion of all tlie sites w here the word given to fire. Following the "The government is at prsssnt 'ieen crats made a clean sweep. Hied. sistant «urgvon. The injur»! men were | This road will cost from *7,000 to *8,- which it has been intended to replace will seem unnecessary that the 8 More Land to Be Opened. taken te the hospital and their injuries O'tO. «■< will lie built by easy grade. Republican« Make Gains. Isiael I sander, owner ol the tenement with more permanent and expensive amendment should remain any ionae. It is announc»! through the La In ii e in Philadelphia in which three < I reseed. Ihe dead were brought to The distance is about seven mile« Omaha, Neb , April 8. —Municipal plants when the profits b gan to accu­ part of the constitution. Grande land office that 50,000 acres of i e weie lost by file, 1« charged with Pensacola. 7 he company i« also about to ina’all an election« were held in all the cities and home claim the explosion was can-mi electric plant near ihe warehouse, land in the riortiiea-tern part of Baker town« of Nebra-ka veete-day, with the mulate; t ir !, when congress passed • rr. inul negligence in n-d providing will talk over waoes . e eifH-e. The coroner'« jury holo« by a detective shell, and others th nk which will have 500 ho’se power. An county will lie thrown open to settle­ exception ot Omaha and booth Omaha, the irrigation law it incorf orated there- : ment within a few wet-k«. Ti e land that the frequent firing of the piece at him responsible for the tenant«' death«. electric line will lie constructed up this both ot which w<>rk under »pe- ial in a provision that all work should be Trainmen on Illinois Central to Meet I Culebra during the winter, added to new road, und the power used for the lie« along bnake river and comprises chartera. Fartv line« were drawn in i lie appellant division of the su- the work done here during the past ten done under an eight hour lalor con­ Helals and Discuss liuresse. The purpo-e ot operating the machinery of portions of three township«, but few instances. Re .uMicat a were p.ein». court of New York has reversed days, ei «trained the piece that tract. and that no Mongolian labor country ie generally rough and ironn- the the company. Chicago, April 8 — rhe adjur» successful in most of the town« heard 'he d i i-ioti of the lower court giving (orcs of t ie charge burst the gun. tai nous, but there is ^a g- o'lly port ion should he employed. These provisions committee of the railroad train« from up bi midnight. Ils. heir- ol E. 1. Hinsadle *10,000 for of rich land, spitahle for fruit eu tore Timber Land In Wallowa. have resulted in materially increasing and conductrn organ ¡rations ho, Li< de th in the Park avenue tunnel • nd general farming purposes, There I CANADA STUDIES RECORDS. Democrats Carry St. Louis. rived in Chicago and are prepare Tbe secretary of the interior lias an ­ ■ • s -t- r. The award i« declared to 1st the cost of the work to the Federal meet the officials of the Illinois t'«i nounced through the I.a Grande land is plenty of «ater, with «plendid oppor­ St. Lottis, Mo., April 8. — Election l Xl-e-rive. Preparing Alaska Boundary Case Amer­ office that two more towu«Lips of timlier tunities for the emocratie hy a ■ ii -i e » glazing cattle on Indian Ter- plurality oi 18 UOU in about one-half of se< retary of the interior, acting with same terms can lie secured on thsl New York, April II.—The American I for tiling April I, and three more addi­ Inaurane« Business In Oregon. i t n) lauds. the registered Vote, which w is 122,000. the advi8 I. n_er Hermann for congress. The other 22 members ment will he of the highest grade, ami 12 per cent increase for psaetg I ia n< t taking an active part in the pre­ timber land on tlie market. Tliia land buxine«; tranrat te i in thi« state in the delegatee. built to last fi r centuries. No risks of servi e. paration of the care It d<«s not have ia estimated bv local parties to run year 1902 shows an increa'e ol 15 per elected are Democrats. Rev. Gustave Gothial, of New York, The 2 washed-out dams will l>e taken, ami no from 1,500,00) to 3,000,000, feet te tl.e cent over the preceding year. John G. Hannahan, grand msstM access to the archives ol the foreign i- tying at death's door with brain Hot Fight at Springfield, Illinois. per cent tax on net premium« pro­ errors in ca< )ulati< n will be j>erniitt iginal plans. At the in Chicago tomorrow to present th,«, Canadian commission in making the Will Extend Railroad. pared with *33,988 in 1901. The nek« excitii g city election ever held in pr< a nt time it is believed that tbe manila of the fliemeu on tbe Llua Th > United State« bi «cult company, exhaustive study ot the ilocnmentarv The Num pier Valley railroad people written in tire inaurante increased Springfield resulted in the election of work on the live projects already select­ Central. * i an aiithoriaed capital stock of *4,- I evidence relating to the treaty of are quietly preparing to m-ke a move from *74,000,000 to »86,000,1)00, tlie fi H Devereaux, Dem., for mayor by ed can be completed for the average ■■■> <, ha« incorporated at Trenton, 1825. The a ljuelment committee ol tk > I. price an acre n»m«l, hut there is «till trainmen and conductors finm thsl'b The new counsel app'inted for the of some kind in the way rf extending projiertv-owtiers paying out as premi­ 1,500. the road thia spring. Chief Engineer um« the sum of *1,913,392. Losses a possibility pf further increase eagn, Burlington A Quincy. Rock Lit* I Im Haya Hamm >nd, the noted United Hiates are expected to w<>rk APPRAISE WORK ON CANAL. West ha« l>een looking over the corntry were paid to the a > ount of *(>59,148 up the case at Washington, ami dei-end A Milwankee and fit. Paul «vara, nun ng engineer, la going to Mex>co MORO FORT IS CAPTURED. n«uit- tor a horis-intal increase in wsgesol* Ui« Guggenheim«. Electric Sawmill!. 1 upon tbe words "windings or siniiosi. Hr several Company Is Doing. Hostile Natives of Mindanao Beaten With per cent for two classes of employ The electric «awmill under construc­ ’ !« sold te the I Mercantil* method of measuring ten marine absolutely noncommittal, everything in­ tion at 8t. John’«, « suburb of Port­ Manila. April 13 — Captain Persh­ revised and will present them to'» I ti iiial, ol that city, lor *2,700,000. letgue« Minister Sitton and his Cana- dicate« that tlio roa I is to lie extended land, will begin operation about the Walker, General Haines and Major managements of those roads belortk It is »0 yi-are old. George W. Black, the two latter of the corps of ing's force < antnred Bacolod, island of | dian aeeociatea are working quietly, thia season into Harney county, poaei- drat ol next month. end of the week. Brower ie the inventor. It is a novel bly an far a« Burna. engineer«, will leave New York next Mmdvnao, Wwlneeday, ki.ling 100 t trolley car was struck hr ■ (e«n busy for the past three weeks and feet of lumber per dav. This Glorious Westland. power will lie riippiiel by electricity, prosecuted by the French company up battlion ot the Twenty-seventh infant­ more spraying their trees. Ondiardists Fto 11 tora of the eetata nf Namnel J. Flood at Hymella Bursts Its Bounds and and ih* «awe will he op rated in such to the nn ment when t! e great there are taking a much livl er inter ­ Another volume has been «dW I 'I i et gap in the levi-e, under- Imtter this reason than they hav* ever of a letter front F. E. Rittman, auditor tion to the contrary, the Company was atia ke.1 the stronghold, first shelling your office, and while waiting its*- i <■!►• Ii«I Chentnng—all one word, mining the light piling wtii. h it had tiefore b»-en known, ami indications <>( tlie war department at Washington, not >. tilting. Th* middle part ia mv taken 13 day« and nights to btli'd. expenditure on account of lalmr ami 1 point to a good crop of fruit. ana then charging gallan lv. After history, «tort, and traveling «pre in which he states that it is imp issible A delegation from the crevas-e com- I in I n< e I.tang—pBrnounced aa if »t the present t me for him to rend ma erial and «tip rintendence involved crossing a deep moat ^nd eirerinv the ernes that the book aff >rde. Ak ■ •* e spelled l eeang. The latter mi»ai n came to the city larly to'ay Clark of Stats I and Board. ■ lata which General Ganteubein needs in the continuation. It isclaimed that fo’t, tlie Americans engaged the Moros, bun-lie o' poorly conceived and chny’ l< r’ I plain Cheng. Mv name, there- and made a puri hare of tilling, which M. I.. < hamber sin. clerk of the be'ore paying Hie Indian war veterans a suspen-ion would have worked h»»m bayonets a.ainst kris es A hundred will tie sent forward t< morrow, I re, ia < hentiing Liang Cheng ” ft 1« state Ian I Ismrd, ia ill with dropsy, of Oregon for ttie r services, in compie and have resulted in the loss of a num­ of the de ruder« were killed, including printed advertising matter will rot » imposed on yon. but you will hop* considered, however, that not O'ie ami Ina physicians s«y he <-a«n<>t te- sne« with the act of February 24, |9<<3. ber of canal workers who have now be­ ’he datto ol Pai a diti gan, and tnanv -ented a b-antinil magazine cnrtxinf Tit* .«nil Ciimniiraion ia pre|wiriug clisnce in a thousand to clow the cre­ cover. George G. Brown h«s been It will evident v be two months before come experienced in I inured to the w w Io ks to the I'mted 'Utes givem- Large Door Factory at St Helens Mr. Chamber- r ti •-), >e eran nf tbu Cigil a <1 t in- ■ ourcM, and planter« are calling away al>aen«e from office. I he H». o|. d leaders «nd the majority tn >«t critii al. The Itook costs not'« their hands in < rilvr to build protecting lain has been ill ,e ersi week« but lit« Rainier will probably «non have the ment for com|ien*-ation for the expenses of the people of that distri f had be n ti e war«, I« dea I. I he po-ta-re ie six cents. Send levees als d • icon rap. to Chas. >. hee, general pae-en•M .I.r-ey Citv, under the statute« of few days ago. tion In th* Northwest. A lew months ci attack on American ea pa. The; ticket agent, st. Paul, Minn., and ”* I Ufa Mammoth Liner. \w» Iersev. I mi « placet! a hau ob all Anarchist Out of Jail. ago W. D. Pine’s door factory was rejected tbe tenders of friend-hip. Prices ot Salmon Fixed. souvenir of th« West will bevottr*»* p y» <1 a Tracy nature. New York, Aprii 11.— largar than burned d e'or* the New and 1 lily excelled in aia* nf all the tective union held a meeting at Astoria m idi larger «cale. months loniputstion ol sentence for til know edging Ame-i an sovereignity \ k I g -In tire appropriating u*350,- | and fixed th* prices of fi«h for the Colorads Legislature In De«dl«k «or d’e th et liy ilio Celtic and Cedrri, good 1« >av>or on bla<-kwell’a island, Pershing's coliin n i« going to ParaliUe. tot or ili« 6t. lenti« fair. Fish Warden Report«. c .ming sea«on at 5 cents per poond for of the " lute Mar line, the Minnesota Denver. April 89.— M midnigM Johan Most, the anarchist, bra been re- which 1« also bo-tile. cannery fl«h and 6 cents p.-r pound for Th« monthly report of ki-h Warden l’i< «i l nt Rcoaevelt was ««cortei! to will bo la 11 tie tie. I in New l-ondon. les«en-*n du>«n the receipts of his publication in Ina oaner, Freheit, on •he Y<- lo i atone park from Gardiner, Conn., on April ltl. Castro's Army Is farete 0. of the pneent session of the stat» 'I" ing !'5 pounds or over. Aa tho«e are •ttier for March to have been f .uti.lO, daughter of J J Itili, president of the M >i» by tlie fatuous l'-ay troop of tbe dav President M. Kinley was »hot, Willemstad, Curacao, April 13.— la'ure of Colora 'o whs exban»*vl- ’ the Great Nir hern steam-hip c >m- I the prices already practically arreed of which *112 60 was from fine« an 1 ol an article with the caption, ".Murder in al-y. | tl|«n bv the packers, no controversy 1« «ale« of gontraband salmon, and the and Murder," winch wa« held bv the New« 1«. he-n re. ebe I here Us af tlie east and have features nnd suuvvn *nc*« to t*e Quarts Property Change« Hands. that it «a« an incitement tothe nmn'er nei uh orl.o «1 ol C« reca» and caj t red 8 Louis fair was passed tonight L« *v»t • l.ciwe of Marylaud. found on no other vewm-l until ber sister PORTLAND MARKETS. of tnlers. Upon his release, Most went Negotiations have lasn < li>«ed whehn M. Maxwell, of Len bill >» P*’’” )ea S. Berlin, April 9 —The German A rg«. containing manv prisoners, Barley—»red, *21.50 per ten; br«w. Direct ca- an extra session will be unsvokW* Melilla. Moww'.'O, give« detail« o< the down Th* mine as« N>nght of Rigg«. rmnp intend to revive the m beme f< | , uruir In, | hie communications betcr; .......... tt .ureawBtatlve John II. K«t<-ham, of righting at Frajala •een thi« g’ly It «aye that 5,000 I Flamm A Evans of tni« city Riggs ia Ing. *>3 --------- »------ on*l . agr cultural congrem. whn-h «ili he Doming' . «init. the < uatomary prater« the trilieamen I hfM at Rome troni Aprii 13 tn ¡7 Millatnfta — Bran, *19 per ton; announces today that General hoM”’ Bering for Olí al M>rtle Creek. advaniwd with a wild mah, to toe ac­ M>-e Kdna Telfoner, piece of Mr*. middling*, * 24; aborte, (I9.50 p.wwd Captain Hoben a« Tort wanton on the young. 13.» 14c; hena. 12*; tnrkeva, »*’-**n pro.,» t,re fi.liermen where there m no attempt te empl< v io > i y hy A mancane. The position para no aal- live, 1*4l7e; Breened, 204» over MontbeankPVVi Kans*« at 4 o'clo- k Columbia. non inion worker«, bnt where the o>lv ducks, Deaperade Kills T*a * ary, the incombe t receiving his com. (<**7.50 per di»*«; g*ea*. *HBg •ine tmn at i-sn* j, a rof,laa| of the Fv ''r-ahient Cleve'aml ba« asked thia afternoon, and ADamonl, a en a'I Kirgm«n Aria., April 8 ~~ lenaatioa in commissiona. employer te reo< T-n Eek prise for orntorv at Yale, much damage 17«; Tonng America, 17% ** l*c; fishermen -Unr.a i*d 3 Obaervattoe of Arbor Dey. Charles ttlakev known a« the from Oswego. Kan , «e.en mile* MO o Settled In Fifteen ninutes. f.< w - im I him a copy of th* oration. I he c >m |>any has met tf e pianist,” ia 1 Roy Winchester * "^ j Snjmrinten 'ent of Public inai ruction factory prirea, IftlSc lave. demsn.f half Atlamont. staled that ti er* wa« a an TVnver. Apri| l3 _A ^u| of miner, on the trail 40 mil»* Batter—Fancy creamery, 80tR32Sc way and ag<**d to pay at the rate of t - .(ne.t,.... <„ A 1 f'l-tr year« ef Ihe enllege rvMirse al ver* «’orm in th* vi.-tnity <>l Altamont J II Ackerman ha« i«*n-*l a aogge-tiv* roots Th* fi.herm. n Y-ie will r*reaft*r lie optional, making bnt nothing i« known a« to ita full manual for the ni of public schools in I ner pound; extrea, Mk; dairy, 208* MHtl*s the diagmte, ami anw^ab g\'n « "f t e t oloradi A N»nthern ■ inmen thia place hy James McKrn ».* it . —this for fre«bn>ea to drop Greek. extant. iireparinir lac Arbor div. which will I KSt; stere, I5**l*e. rai r«ad »• t>*n ef5... t!»t. I Fifteen minute- ing definite is known of the of man Bltl th* A he April 10. Th* |«mphl*t compri»»« • .tivanil mathematics from the ea- the murder, bnt it ia thought t • { Fgg»—18Al7He per doeee. after t.*n*r,l Hrrhert. of th — be Cdoradn Kenner, who is wanted for th- Pa-ard ABtkSMhe KM. IS PM»«- Iran w eaaminaletn. t Hope—Choice, g 4*22.- per poned British Trade *. th« tservass g ™T m ’ "I ‘ ,0,n -f'»ronre' whb The Hague. Aprii 11.—Tbe arennd of William L. Wynn at 1 '^4. Wool —Valley, K as «* ts I « row Carnegie f aa offered par AttrMawt« Want Mars Ray. an! |M.of th* By t herh-of L.mdon Anril fh- M.-. h Cal., last July, took the tore rl, <>lil« »fall Cornell «tadea'« larurrart chamlwr ot thè Nethrelan-la parbameat meet of the towrd of trod« kG.’ "* Th* mile attei n*d fha hoc al ata and LiI ora pound stssrs. 4*4He; dr*«re d . 7^c. • 14.4M.IW ta *,port, I;'*;;* «*■ >n e «here they nr their parent« will to 14. CM«»,,. Demiwrats vn'ot with thè minorila •be bnwrd of trn«t*e* of that in«tite fompnacd Railroad te Vsel—7H*»8lq«. nr* Ma'ifMl i * m.kreg - u *rtir)n tr t**' r in export« i*c'o’*. - ia-rer vltk Rew York state la tbe w tir* ratina 1« durmg strikre and ad- ■” -An •’*»«*-* fated by 5 ancouvar bo«in** ® ^* artist f Ho*. - Greaa, per prwerf; d ubitai eolnma. j urlisi aie« dm. Ft^Tn^^:. cotton *3.w.W ” *ÎV0 ■ ’ ” 0W and. dnsf^e AraeeedJeYHe. - ■ ♦----------- EVENTS OF THE DAY I I —r— •g^r u —.... * '•ordina te a report