COLD DOLCHE FOR FAIR. Eugene Weekly Guard. RICH GOLD NLGOETS. ♦— CAMPBKLL BUGS., Proprietor». Montana Collection Will Be a Feature of Portland Exposition. NEWS OF OREGON1 GUEAT SALES OF LAND. Laat Half ut 1902 Far Exceeds Any Half Year Previous. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS WORST HAS COME break in levee lets loose the World’s Fair People Working Against the Portland Exposition. Denver. March 26.-The appropria­ tion committee of the Colorado house of representatives has just taken action upon the World’» Fair and Lewis and Clark exposition bill to the extent of reporting it back with the recommnda- tion that it lie re'erred to the commit­ tee of the whole house for considers- tiOD. , a This action was no doubt prompted by about an evenly divide«l opinion the memliers of the committee to whether they should appropriate as t- for the World’s the sum of — *.'00,000 . fair and the Lewis ami Clark centen­ nial jointly, or whether v--------- they - . should ....... i to the provide »15,000 in addition . , , ~ appropriated _ 1 by Vv«. fk« *500,000 the former legislature two year» ago for the W orld e fair alone, and leave action upon the Lewi» and Clark centennial to the leg- Mature of 1905. There ie a powerful lobby jn«t arriv- ing here from St. Louis, headed by W. H Moore, president of the National Good Roads association, who ha» been very active interviewing the commit­ tee» of the two houses in behalf of the world's fair item to the exelusion ol the Lewi» and Clark interest». Yet they practically have no opposition, the Iawia and Clark committee having, j abandoned j ffKorta in all the legislative «^ discouraging news ~ 0‘0 appropriated by the MILITARY STATIC SECRETARY MOODY SELECTS A IN CUBA. Washington, March 27.—Land Com­ Helena, Montana. March 28.—W.G. . MISSISSIPPI FLOOD. OREGON. ' Conrad, of the banking firm of Conrad missioner Richards today gav® ou* “ EUGENE OF THE STATE j Bro»., who was named by Governor, statement showing the phenomenal in­ Guantanamo Decided on as Priixu^ Toole as one of the honorary cotnmie- creases in sales of public land in the Many Lives Will Be Lo»t — Whole Yazoo tlon In the West Indies (JoverJ* sioners for Montana at the Iziufaiana Contracting for 1903 Hop» Fruit Tree» first half of the present fiscal year as Delta 1» Inundated — Re»L»tlc»* Tor­ Purchase exposition and the Lewis and | Will Purchase Twenty In Bloom in Josephine County Med­ comj>ar«*il with the corresponding por­ rent Pours Through Break, Swamping Gonpreheaalve Review of the Import- ’ Clark exposition, in St. Louis and Port­ of Land Barracks, Dry deck aixjf/ lord Creamery Nearly Ready — Sheep tion of the previous year. In the six ant Happenings of the Past Week, land, respectively, has made a most in­ Three Coetiea In ML»»laal#’pl — Effort» ifications to Be Construct< teresting announcement — that he will i Dying on the Ranges Governor Par­ months ending December 31, 1901, Presented In Condensed Form, Most Being Made to Fill Crevaaae. send what is supposed to be the largest Likely to Prove Interesting. don» a Forger. there were 7,476 cash sales made in the ami treat collection uf gold nuggets in Guantanamo, Cuba, March •>,. I [ United States, rej,resenting 76. ,002 the world to St. Ixiuis and Portland for Greenville, Mis»., March 30.-A After a personal inspection of th»'1' I A creamery will 1« in operation at acres, from which $2,719,384 was real­ volume of water 16 feet deep and over A new system ol searching for min­ exhibition during the expositions. posed site, Secretary Moody hM I eral or«*» by the use of the telephone is Tine exhibit is owned by Conra«l Medfoid in about 30 days. The plant ised. During the corresjxmding months 600 feet in length is pouring »teadiily e«l Guantanamo as the l«eing tried at the T«-leacaa lead mine, Bros., ami was formerly the projierty of will be cajiable of handling the milk of of 1962 there were 23,015 Haie«, of 1,* through a crexasse in the levee five United States naval stati.m irtbeu* iin North Wales. the First National bank in Helena. 300 cows. miles south "f here and is flooding Indies. Secretary Moody, * 663,613 acres, from which was realized The collection was purchased by the thousands of acres of the finest farming Contrai ls for hojxi for the crop of Jam« » McNeill Whistler, the Anieii- Proctor and Representative» Can*7 lami in the celebiated Yazoo belt. can artist, will receive the degree of Conrads from th«* receiver of the bank 1903 are lieing made in the Willamette *4,747,563. Foss ami Gillett arrived here ve.«?«’“' Inasmuch as these sales were jirinci- The break in the levee occurred at 11 doctor of laws at the forthcoming Glas­ several years ago, upon th«* failure of valley at from 15 to 16 cent», the for­ on board the United State» di.— ' gow university gra«iiiation cer> monies. that institution, and ha» since lieen mer price being generally r«*cognize«l as ¡•ally under the timber and stone act, o’clock this morning and the roar of boat Dolphin. there seems to be justification «>1 the aided to. the rushing waters can easily be beard the prevailing figure. Secretary Moody and his The Mills A Wright company, of ' president’s course in extending the for­ The collection was gathered by ex­ have worke«i incessantly durIlMt^ Boston, one of the oldest printing anil Governor Hauser, when pre-ident of Almonds are now' in full bloom in est reservation system lx*fore the tim­ in Greenville. Only 200 feet of the embankment past two days under a hot sun exan^ liook houses in New England, has made the First National bank, a <1 was the the orchards of Josephine county, ami ber lands are all taken up. The sale» gave way at first, and a mighty effort ing the points, the water supply * an assignment. Liabilities *91,279, result of many years' effort, Even in if not ntpj>en- in the collection is one found in Nelson aupplied by Hpectal »ervice from Lone combat the resistless fury of the cur­ Senator Proctor and the repre^t, taxable projsrties not liable for per- gulch, als>ve Helena, which is said to R«xk. The postoffice at Thurston, Bungling of Treaty Creates tear of Fur­ rent. An hour later it was seen that tives will recommend the purch«» u sonal assessment. He showed that be lie th«- largest »ingle nugget ever ft uu«l I-ane county, has been re-established. ther Amendment». the ends of the levee ««n either side «3 20 square mile» of land on both aide wa» liable for iissi semsnt on only »190,- in the Northwest. Havana, March 27.—Although there the crevasse were melting fa-Mhe force Seventeen canneries and 10 cold of the lower bay and several The present value of the collection is 060 but he agree«! to an assessment on of the current cutting the embankment islands. A b soon as the nece»sary about |300,006 if melted down, but in storage plant» at Astoria are making is much complaint here on the part of away as Umugh of sand. *25o,ii0O. its natural statu, as coming from the ready for the fishing season, which the Cubans that the United States did islation ha» been secured, they ard of asylum from a Cuban standpoint, except Vicksburg, will be flooded and the Western states. It also appears that culty is anticipated in acquiring u, projierty is Fable to assessment both guard< lo«lii>g Iwimb» last (Hise.1 to the reciprocity idea, a» out- heavy loss among the herd». Sheep protection levee through Main street manent. The corporations and indi­ porary certificates for the purcbaieof lined in the reciprocity treaties that owners are trying to move their flocks BIO SMELTER BLRNED. election night in Madison square. lias lieen abandoned and water has viduals enjoined are the same recently silver bullion for coinage into pen. were sent to it by tlie president, anil reached Washington avenue, the high­ tried in the state court on the charge of These certificates bear four per cent in­ Every Lutheran is to lx* aske«l to all efforts along that line have læen to better ranges, but the sheep are too Company Whose Employes are Striking est point in the city. Appeals for help raising the price of coal and restricting terest, are free from taxation, and nn weak to be moved. give one asHeng«*r train No. 2 at tlie senate, the president is discourag­ lo«»! agent’s commission before the this plate was destroyed by fire, the the rising waters. junction granted will stand until furth­ ion of the war department has reqnett. homeseeker» are allowe«! to locate, If 1-akin, Kan., every car except one leav­ ing the formation of new treaties. Many lives have been reporte«! lost, er order of the court. Immense new ed the secretary of the treasury to pus Sugar formed an important item of the Linn county people refuse to be loss lieing *200,000. ing the track. Conductor Pon«l was a woman and five children perishing in No opposition was offered in court to chase the necessary silver and exerak bled the agent moves his party on, buildings, 200 by 80 feat in area, were recipro al exchange in Home of the treat ­ injured badly, but the juisHengerH one house, but tomorrow will tell the the entering of the order. When the ies, noticeably those in the West looking for greener jiastures. e»cape«l with a severe Blinking up. destroyed. The companv owning the fate of many poor unfortunates. The notice was first served upon the defend­ the coinage of the Philippine pee* authorized by the Philippine currency Indies, and ho far aH that article of im­ Seven thousand dollars in «ash has plant is the same which owns the southern part of the city is entirely ants some days ago the appearance of Ambassador Choate ha» informed the act. Although this act authorizes tte port is concerned the administration is just been paid as part of the lx>nd pri« e under water. Houses are filling and slate dejiartment that a sanitary con­ each was entered with the exception of coinage of not to exceed 75,000,0« entopfied from agreeing to any reduc­ of the Ochoeo mines, near Prineville. Standard gold mill at Colorado City, gress, which will con»ider matters of whose employes are on strike. The fire their inmates are securing rooms up­ the Wabash coal company, which was pesos, including recoinage of Mexicu tion of duty by reason of the terms of international imjiortanee, will Im held Friday, April 10, at 12:30 P. M., at broke out in the refinery from an un­ stair». By morning the water will be represented in court by its attorney. and Philippine coins, it is not contez- the Unban reciprocity agreement. This at Bradforii. England, >rom July 7 to s|H'cifically provides that no sugar pto Indejx'ndenee, is s«*t for the sale of the known cause, and was discovered by over all part» of the city unless another In the meantime, however, the matter plated at present to coin moretbu 11, ami United stat«*» representatives duced by any country other than Cuba jxx>l of the Polk county mohair associa­ the watchman, but couhl not le sub- effort i» made to build a protection. was taken up by the coal operators with 20,000,000 pesos, at the rate of 2,000,- are invited. The city is in total darkness, water the attorney general at Washinton, and 000 a month. du«*d, ami soon t! e recently completed shall tie admitted into the United tion. putting out the fires in the electric by him referred back to District At­ The Pacific and Dominion expre»» States a» by treaty on convention while The silver for these coins will be pus An enjoyable two days’ farmers’ in­ adilitions, which have lieen in progress light plants. torney Bethea. Attorneys for the oper­ chased in the United States, but under «ompany, at Detroit, Mich., ha» in­ the Cuban treaty is in force, at a lower stitute was held at l.a Grande last week of erection for the past year, were a ators refused to state what action would creased the rewarii offer««! for the *23,- rate of duty than is imposed by x-xist* under the auspice* of the agricultural ma»» of flames. The plant is not a what conditions has not yet beu BOTH SIDES FIRM. lie taken by the mineowners in the determined. The treasury, it is under total loss, as its entire value was *500,- 500 gold bar stolen la»t week. The re- ing law. college. matter. war«i is now *2,000 for the recovery of 000, but it cannot lie learneii that then* stood, will purchaee only at the market RIVER IS STATIONARY. the bar and *1,000 additional for the Fire at Portland Sunday morning was any insurance. One hundred an«l Seattle Street Car Strike to Be Fought value, in euch quantities as may I» SPAIN SIONS PROTOCOL. to a Finish. arrest and conviction cf the thief. destroyed tlie Parellus pulley manu- fifty men are made idle. needed as the coinage progresses. It Swift Current and I avorablc Wind» Keep facturlng plant and badly wrecke«l th« Seattle, March 30.—Both parties to is said that the department will not The United State» crul»er Albany has Mississippi Down. Salvador Must Pay L'p. Enterprise planing mill. The loss is the Seattle street car strike stand firm Claims Against Venezuela Adjusted Prior submit to an advance in the price of arrived at Palermo, Sicily, front Algiers. to Hague Court's Action. Washington, March 27.—The state and business is paralyzed. Business New Orleans, March 28.—With the placeil at $15,000. A number of other silver, if it can possibly be secured *t The United States steel corporation river practically stationary during tiie buildings ha«l close calle. department has taken measures to col­ men tried to mediate yesterday, but Washington, March 26. —The Spanish the ruling rate. has |>ut in operation more than 1,500 «lay, there han lieen little change in lect the award asi-eHHer«*gon ernment of ban Salvador by the arbi­ would not be recognized, and the strik­ Bowen a protocol providing for the ap­ AMERICAN FALLS RUN DRY. City are icatling a strenuous life at As many more will l«e complet««! with* »peed at which the current is (lowing present trying to capture men who ar<* tration in tlie case of an American cor­ ers declare«! they would strike till it pointment of a mixed commission to sit in 30 days. and favorable winds have doubtless re­ catching salmon during the dosed »«-a- poration amounting to 1534,000. The was recognized. at Caracas to adjust the claims of citi­ Ice-Jam Stops the Flow of Niagara, ui secretary ha» accorded tlie Salvadorean» There was a slight increase in the zens «>f Spain against Venezuela. The Baron Mumm von Schwassteln, who strain««! the rising tendency. A vigil­ eon. Relic Hunters Revel. a full opportunity to present reason» ntimlier of cars operated, and the offi­ president of the republie of Mexico will was for a numlier of years secretary of ant eye is being kept on every foot of Niagara Falls, March 26. — The The Rogue River Packing A Naviga­ why the judgment shoulii not lie paid, cials predict that this increase will con­ be asked to name th« umpire, who will euibassv at Wanhington, is to relieve levee from R«si river landing to New tion company, of Grants Pass, is »|>end- but after patiently considering these tinue. Barracks are being fitted up for decide «juestions of disagreement be­ American Falls is practically dry, tel Count Vodel as imperial German am- Orleans. l«a»»ador at Rome. Memlier» of the state board of engin­ ing a large amount of money in the de­ representations the department lias just the employes, and 18 of the latter have tween the two commissioners provided for the first time in 55 years people able to walk about in the river bed. velopment of the Lower Rogue country, inform«*«! the Salvadorean government The rejsirt of I.irutenant General eers are at various point» along the fronl the mouth of the Illinois down. that it cannot reopen the case without been »worn in as policemen and armed. for in the protocol. Thousands have clambered over the Mississippi, tlie Red river and lai The strikers say they have gained With the completion of the Spanish Miles on hi» observations in the Philip­ The eomjiany is now at work building showing gross disresoect for the arbi­ metnliers ami ride on cars to convert protocol all the nationsexcept Denmark rocks hunting for relics and souvenir« Fouchiere. On the latter stream there pine» and on his trip around Ilia world two steamers to take the place of the trator», and that it sees no reason why nonunion men. A strike of the miners having claims against Venezuela will Great rocks never before seen are high ha» l«eeu subnntttsl to the ’societary of are now three crevasse», but planters two lost last year. So little water is flowing the money should not tie paid. at the Renton coal mine, which »up- bate provided the machinery for set­ and dry. war, but it will not Ixv made public, a» not immediately within range of the over the American Faile that men in break» have had time in winch to con­ plies the power houses, is threatened. tling them. The nations outside the The Grand lodge of Oregon, I. O. O. it is regard«»! a» an inspection report. Lp Capitol .Step» In Automobile. struct temporary embankments, Mm h F., will meet in Portland May 20. A blockading alliance are expected to go high boots almost could have crossed Two men entered the j««welry »tore of damage will lie «lone to the oyster in- largo attendance is expected on A New Treaty Would Be Better. Washington, March 37. — Three men to The Hague with a united front at the brink. ac- The extraordinary condition is d* A. B. Hubt'rinan, at Omaha, and dustry by the present thssl. count of the president’s visit May 21. in an automobile attempted to ride up New York, March 30.—Senor Silva, against granting any preferential treat­ walii<*een an advocate of the treatv of reci­ the three blockading powers. clerk’» attention l«eiug direct«*d to the entrance to the Niagara and lodged in Washington, Match 28.—W. F. Me­ evening of March 31 to accomodate the ing, 16 steps from the street, when the procity with the United States, is quot- telephone wIdle they were looking at Lennon, chief of tlie warrant division Mason» and their families that will at- chain of the vehicle broke, and it ran the shoalwater, shutting off theft* Fatal Fire at Grand Rapids. e«l as raying, according to the Havana the gvma. into the American channel. Tce of the treasury department, today tend the dedicatien of the new Grants bickward without accident. The man correspondent of the Tribune: "I am Grand Rapid«, Mich., -UttriU March oiO. 26 — -g--- , avaaxu., The Illinois aj«p«llate court for th« ■tartnl for Honolulu, charged with the Pass Masonic temple, from Ashland, who acted as chaffeur gave the name of inclined to the belief that the beet Hre at the large greenhouse plant of Horseshoe Falls is not affected as ranch The river in the Fourth district has ri»oti for the murder propriated by congrese to satisfy in [«art ern Oregon pointe. Grants Paas will Detroit, Mich. The ameml-' in the lose of one life and *35,- of hi» wife he ia judicially dead, and his the judgment» render««! on account of have some 400 visitors on that evening not give their names, but one of them ment« seem confusing to all of us. We 060 «lamages to property t-day. The quite dry, and the center falls, between children are sntitled t«> the insurance the destruction of property in Honolulu Th«1 dedication of the new temple will -aid he was a police commissioner of have perfect confidence in President blaze »trte«1 in the boiler room, pre- Goat and Luna islands, is a skeleton of on the life of the murdemi woman, in suppressing the bubonic plague «lur­ l>e one of the grandest jubilees the city Hartford, Conn. The chaffeur wa« ar- Roosevelt, but fear the amendments are sumably from the explosion of a lan­ itself. The conditions is likely to la* rested, but later released on liail. even if it was taken out in favor _of her ing the years 1H91> ami 1906, The Ter­ ha» ever know n. in such shajx' that to make a new treatv tern carried by one of the employee for several days. ritory of Hawaii was also authorised by huiliand. is preferable.” who was afterward found dea.I. The Fire In South Dakota Mine. the Hame act to issue bonds net to ex­ Offers to End the War. PORTLAND MARKETS. ihero Teaa ’? ‘he b0,rdln‘f h-”1’" General William Thomas Clark, of ceed *500,000 in amount, to lie used in Leads. 8. D., March 27.—The Bing Called to Account. Willemstad, Island of Cnrkcso. th. mb t •“Pfoyee lived, and then to Washington, D. C., was knock««! down paying its »hare of the judgments. Wheat— Walla Walla. 72c; blue­ ham hoist of the lliggen Fortune niin- Pekin, March 30.—The tone of the »he other buildings. Another employ«- March 26.—General Matos, the leader by a cab while attempting to croas ing company was destroy««! by fire ear­ Official Gazette indicates that the Chi­ stem, 77 « 78c; valley, 77c. Zkh by «nd rescued of the Venezuelan revolutionary niovr* State street, Chicago, ami severely in- Hr» Cause» Death and Paafc. ly t«xlay. Th«» lose is *50,060, partly ne«' government is giving increased at­ with ment, who is here, today sent the f«'‘‘ difficulty. He will recover. Barley — Feed, *28.50 per ton; brew. jured. He i» 73 yean old, and has insured. Four miners were at work at tention to the rebellion in Kwangsi New York, March 28. —One man, lowing telegram to General K«n>pr' «■«■»tained, it 1» saul, two fractures of ing, *34. • the bottom of the scaffold and were province. An order was iMued thia I Ayala, vice president of Venezuela*11 Oreat Northern Blocked. the skull an«i internal injuries. Hi» Vincent Itaehtn, a carpenter, lost hi» F lour—Beet grade, »5.9504.25 ; grah­ «lightly injured. They escape«! by evening to General Mei, who was dis- I president of the congrese: “Genera: recovery is sai«i to lx« doubtful. Gen­ lit«' in a tire to.lav, which damaged the am, *3.4503.85, I h Mareh 26’ ~A «“PnG Castro has resigned the presidene* almost a miracle. The mine is tini- patched months ago under i eral Clark has the distinction of lieing three upper fluoro of tlie flve-story ------ an injnnc- , *• r * ’ a»'hed here that a snowilide at Millstnffs — Bran, *19 per ton; t«ered with heavy timl«ers an.I i» «till «n to ern-h the duturbamv». to re- "®ll,ngton yesterday buri.-d an «ngine Considering that his being independ®’ the only »«irviving adjutant and chief building at 409 Fa»t Twenty-fourth middlings, * 24; »horte, *19.500 20. burning. The tire has reached to a nrn to lekin and report immediatelv "nd ''»^“'ee standing on the Great renders impossible ail peace and pros­ of staff of Grant's army of the Tenne«- street. Another man was taken out distance of 75 feet below the surface. <> ti e Dowager Empr.'»», who desiros chop. *18. »«<*. and Conductor Walk^ perity in Venezuela, if congress will*f* J He served two terms tn congreie iinconseioua and four children were res­ cue«! from tlie fourth floor. The tire to learn the exact situation, the reason- I «nd Fireman F>t*n>an Duffy Dnffv were were caught ca Oate—No. I white, 11.1» <4 1.20; The fire started in a drying r«w>m. from Texas. in t * ’ie cept his abdication I will promise T00 «’■used • panic among th« tenant» of the gray, *1 13 («01.15 per l'ente I. for the complications ami the cause of *'lde' but were extricated to use all my influents with the Flood Subsiding. Lui» Carlo Ri«> has l«een appointed adjoining tenement house«, and women ’tT ’■“‘"■’bVÍ'lge NX m menders to inime«liateiy en«i the <*r his failure to carry out the order» given S — *" * n ’ ”* Hay — Timothy, *11013; clover, minister of foreign affairs for Colom­ and men ran screaming into the etreet. Memphis. March 27.—The river to­ to him. ” (809; cheat, IM 10 per ton. ™ the (treat Northern at Madison has bia, suweeding Dr. Paul. The fire wa» caused by an employe ac­ night 1» falling rapidly, the gauge Long Distance Electric Road. Potatoes — Best Burbanks, 50« J • (fe per Carnegie's Great Gift. Nearly all Cripple Creek min«»» have cidentally upsetting a pot of paint onto ■k-h; ordinary, 40050c per <»ntal. allowing 34 8. a fall of tw . tenths since •'n«™ “"** “» ’»•«- Chicago, March 26. —The Chroni««* a gasoline stove. 6 o ’ clock this morning. The situation l««en shut down. Pittsburg. March 30.-Andrew Car- grower»’ prie»». Merced sweeto, *30 is rapidly assuming normal propor­ tomorrow will say; A new railn* • nevi«* has a .led »1,556.000 to bb libra- 125 per cental. using electric power, between Chi<®F Jap« and Metkan» I nionixed. Scarlet fever »till rage» at lutke For­ tion», »n«l all anxiety is over. Some ry donations in Pittsburg. Export of Silver Allowed. h„ ■nd Milwaukee, parsing through "*11' Poultry— Chickens, mixed, 12013c; uneasiness is »till felt for ti e St. Fran­ est, near Cl>i«ag , ami al) pabllc place» U«e Angel«*«, March 28. —The lata ma-le it known that be wonhl «foaate "•shmgton, March 26-Believin«, kegan, Kenosha aa«l Racine, will I*1, are closed. Angeles county council of labor ha» youag, 11S012«*; hen«. 12»; turkeys, cis levee» to the north of this city, but »1,400,Ota) in addition to »1,750,000 live, I501fic, .lre«eet bron­ unionising of all nnsktlle«ex- pany. The man who is repre«**1,‘ advio , •rwwirJ »2 ’ 1 r'it to the Eastern capitalists an«! who chiti», bill hi» doctor says lie « an eouR other alien laborer» in Ixve Angele». per pound, extna, 841c; dairy, 200 Heavy Loss by Fire. Ixwal lalwr le«e the *Ltn resume work. flrat times union labor organiser line Rochester. N V . March 37. — Fire Egg*—’ 4015c per d«wea. To Lay Cable From Mom>l«l» Norte. •* San Juan del •rd oil people is Mr. Whitman. of unknown origin which broke out in The Texas legislature has passed a in any way fax« ral Asiatic labor. Hope—t'heuw, 3102te per pen ad Baa Francim«. M.roh 30.-The first Coal Mine Blown Lp. law prohibiting any lotting <>n horw> Meel —Valley, 13S015«; Resterà th,* Hayden building tonight complet««- step in Um preliminary work to the Troety I. Cuhan senate. San FraiwlK«* Sendheggrr». ly guttcl that structure ami caused lay mg M the ¡.able between Hooolulu races, and the g «veruor ha» signed it. Springfield, II)., March 2«-A Orem'», 50 It Sc; mohair. 2«; r«. of rifle explosion in the mine ‘ San Francisco, March 28 —Four Beet — G no», cow», 303*a April 10 she will f ’ the aro-n lr rasee ami many deaths have occur red morning ami robtied every person who Irweeed, 7%e. er». The fiamee started on the fifth thi. port «-.rrvmg SnPplie»Bn i , of six men ami one being serio1’.«!? !«•*«•>! through the gate. The piers fee» the matter tn th * •doP,ed «ml re- jnred. An entry in the mine 1 »1 lamb» — Grose, 4c per pouml ; th**, and rapidiy ate their wav through for the courtnutKvn of lb.. ( f Gcvernnr McBride, of Washington, wa» abe.lately «lark ami before they dreosad, 7 He. 1 th» »tractors, the greater poetisas of «m Midway ..lami Th,* .team- for tome time stopped up on aro baa vetoed th* *50,000 appropriation «»•».•<1 their operations the robber» »u«*- H'Xf — Gone», tHe per poaad., the throe walls tailing before it wa* ero Anglia and Colonia are «t prZZ¡ • Wws Mw.. •h" of the gas. This morning an for the Lnii and Clark expoeition. I «emieil ia b 'lding up eight men. u.i.ier control. No one was hart. dre»em!,707Hc. ^‘«n relation» ’*'*nwi to the was made to open it by dril M I in lx>ndon¡bemg loaded with the' cab,». r’Pon on Friday "**’ Which wil1 other entry in orde* to nlloe *ir w ter and the n« to aecape. EVENTS OF THE DAY