fV e? 0.-p' o HE EUGENE WEEKLY GUARD. •d ► rry TT" Lil 1 ifl BT 71aliKlT OP OIL RioW ESTABLISHED MR TSE Ht*8Kll000 yds Wash Silk. All New Patterns Just In Regular 50 cent Grade ¡ale Price 40c per yd emember the Date... uting Flannel Gowns £entS AMPTON BROS Into Tub of Scald •uard “pteitl iteryioe. Earl Gates Thought His Cousin Geo. Bunn Wiil Work 24 Days for the City on the Streets Charles Gates Was a "Cougar and Fired." for Spoiling the Jail. ts.sM Syarial terries. Geo Bunn wu arrMtad I Mt night by «.'Row, F.b 3 —While out hunting S tate H ous ?:, Salem, Feb Sunday, la company wl'li several oth- ing Water. 3— Senator Kuykendall'# »*», Earl Hates nilsfok hie cousin, * concurrent resolution naming Charles Gats«, for a “oougar” wrilob King Edward Mas Influenza- ■ | three senators and five repre- isd been sighted, and tired, the «hot oasaing through th a muscles of bls l.ft Conductor Burned to Deith | Aentat ivea as a committee to Three-Fourths of His Body is Cov arm. In Baltimore & Ohio . meet President Roosevelt, on i ered With Scalds of the Boil­ Toe wounded man wu token to the | behalf of the Oregon legis­ livuie ot mis fi' h-r, Henry Gate., near Bailroad Wreck. ing Water—Little Fel­ lature, when he makes Lis Crow, and ntedloal eld summoned. low Mill Die. The wound was very painful, but all •y Bsrtppa Mswa Asseriatlec contempt ted visit to Oregon A kron , Ohio, Feb 3.—A this summer waa recon«i ier- Little Gu-«le Ream this afternoon t the Interested parti«« are to be Congrat­ ulated that the accident waa not even wreck train collided with the 'ed. It was then amended so about two o'clock f II t>»ekward into a . ru<>re «erioas ih tu it waa. rear end of a Baltimore & the legislative reception com­ j tab of boiling water and sow lie« dy- Ohio freight train near East mittee shall consist of five | lug ut hc h.uas of bis parent«, Mr Ohio thia forenoon. from the Senate and eight lead Mrs U M R-am, at S14 W«N| i Beveuth street. The conductor of the from the House. Ttoe first the parrnte of tbe little one ' freight train was caught in Without doubt Senator ku-w of th« accident »«< the soreaais the wreckage and held so Kuykendall will 1 be made which cam# to tbioi from the kitebeu. At a meeting of the Eugene branob of ttoe W|lhm«tte Chor'I Union last firmly that he could not be chairman of the joint re- Ou reaching the scene Mrs Reum evening tn ths M«iho nd the body of Gussie, agm- uaon Council at Little Gussie Ream Fell the Recorder's office B oston , Feb 3. Ex-Secre­ tary of tbe Navv Long passed acomfortablenightlast night. His condition shows little change. Illinois Bask Robbed. Rews amcw I b U ob ByBorlppti bly today by the House in committee of the whole It still carries, the Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasuier as the state board of control. OREGON’S Doing Indoor Work ti. 0. Notes. USB National Bank Smithfield School Report. W BROWN, M. D. Minister Bowen’s Opinion. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 'fica— Upstairs io Chrisman Block Haars: 9 toit a I m; 1 3, 9 to to e>. p S. P. Noss 1. Walton WALTON A NB3* GENER. L BANKING BUSINESS By ksrisps N«ws AssmiaUeo Doas on wasjaabls terma Sight ashington drafts on Chicago, Saa Francisa» and Port­ land. Oregon. , . Bills •< sxeKans. sold oa foreign co nutrias Dep-isits received sobjwst to chsrk or o-rtin- ^AU* roih^tien. mtrnrted to os Will rt orive A « supt attention. T G IltvnsTCXS, Preridmt. 8 B Eaxui, Vins Preriiant ttorssya-At-Law. P. K. I’VOIWIAS*. ' «abler. L. H. Porro Assists it. u0UI8 R BEAN ATTORNFY-AT-LAW. EUGENE IrOAJi an.d * 1° osw Mcduns Blok. Ro-inis 14 »ad » opeciai attention «ireu in land *a-n>! * Eugsns, Oragor. OSTEOPATH C PHYSICIAN I® HUGH E. PENLAND »r7i.h »cd Wil matte «trset«. Ckrasis , s’1 dsC'ruii s specialty. Lady • «‘tsacares. — i - ^WBGgOB D-HCR, IL D. SAVINGS BANK Of Eugene. Oregon. Women Hanged. Ry ■‘«Ytpjw »we Paid Up Cash Cash Cantil '”** Et««o. l.oaa h S.«,.«. Sup us. - ,E~i'-r 'S X> an »--.ri Mre-t. ’s , PHYSICIAN aud SURGEON. IvONDON, Feb 3—A moet S50Î30 unusual in dent in Engli.-h 25.330 [criminal story occurred at Halloway today. Two wom«n | were hanged on the same almost at the Drafts im«d •» the priacip ZHties f tbe ■«caflold and ' -»ame instant. The crime for IlUrer allow» 1 ou ieœwi cwWOat» of which they “ijtlered Heath ¿•posit WtM.te.1 perioi Collect» «.feci«« pr >m,4 .-tenti a. was flie kil mg of habita raata hr > 14 ht. t iy a» Coaaty Warn « oo rverv hex cf «to« evanias placed in their care on the ATA1NE 0 W e B«O»K. ( _ b A.YAINE romo-Quinine i». •«« Vkr Prei.drrt ' Halloway baby farm. Prss'drst. I ««■•<• a s«M la <*W V « BROWK. ? W t particularly plaasaii with th« surround­ ings In which be feu nd htnaaaif la the el'y|"ll arid proceeded to break every­ thing he dould fiud. Di«haa and «tnva property went and other dMlroyabla ! the earn« road and soon lay in a heap ; on the floor. Bnuu wu brought before tho city reeordar this m >rning and found a bill availing of fts tbe neaoa of him for damaging Eugene and spoiling tha property of the city hotel. He had not the CMh, and it was decreed ttiat he be put under ilia charge of Strait Commissioner Turner and made to work out bls aeutence at tbe slow rata of »2 per diem until tbe »48 be paid. brother to Jim BuuD, who He 1« a waa sen! to thestate penitentiary a frw WMiks ago fer stealing some money from Mrs Will Osylor. High School Notes. eate eomal t«d tha avatoing’a bu«his«« Ina Bimr.tr befit Ing the ing officers and thsir sucosaeors, reports ot various eommittees, and tbobMlaee« «flairs of the society for the year will bo set to righto. Uuder Che In.tanoe of Miss Wold a class for tbe study has been started. Clam lam. of geology work oem- mruoed yestsrday. The membership is good, and the study premism to bo of tausb use aud iutormt. Dr Condon's '■Two islands” are the text books which the class will use. The Prize Concerts. Thursday and Friday, February 19th and Wtb, have been selected by the management of the grand prise con­ cert« to be given by the Fourth Regi­ me Jt baud. lu tbe oolioitatlon of tomi- ntisa men for prises the committee has already eeeured over 5160 worth of All who attend the concerts prise.. will receive coupons and those bearing lucky numbers will win tbe prises. Tii« «flair promises to be a great suc- oee«. On tbe second night there will be a grand ball in the armory as a flttlug conclusion of two ulgbta of brilliant music. Accident at Jonction. •□ding Jan. 33: No. enrolled, 63. Average dally attendance, 42. Tnnee Flora neither Crons, absent Today's Alrxny Harald: nor tardy: Tina Rosman, Nellie, Myrtle, tflennle end R-nnaa B«ok. Est'ie,r Ollie, Itens, Ardi-, Goldl« sod Ker'ha Mcuote, Rnd, fra Brdl nt, George Htl-n Eieheuberger, Anna Elchenberger, Ira Mounts and Wsl'er Conrad. Frank L Olifion, of this ally, went to Junotlon Ol'y on last ulght’e ponM t«> a telegram overland In rea* stating that hie brother, ■ C Clifton, had been severely isjored. Mr Clifton was working in a legging eamp nea» Jnnation, and waa ■truck by a cable which broke. No more particulars of the aec'dsnt eon Id M sot sis H aopor , organiaa- Te«obor. t'on. Death of Former Resident. Patrolman t'roaar on a eharga nt being au-iim -ned, »cd worked rapidly with ment bas bien working for a member­ T be High Hehool debating team bt Id th» ease, bat him- ami bttndttglug the ship of 100, and it lite suoceedvd ad­ a short meeting yestsrday to discuss bo tyaliu >-t from lived to for t. ln r ably. 1 he rehear-al list evening ths quest!»11 lor debate submitted oy Wbei asked as to ttoe likelihood of « >ied great unprosvms it and rapid ths Rsseburg High School. The clou reuovery Dr Dt «aid: “The little fal­ a>.v «noe. consulted with Dr Beobdult as to which low ha« not one chance in a buudred. Prof O'en oerialuly bi»« lb« proper «Ide of the question te ebose and wIP He wiil bio «' oertaiuly die.” in eiprelatiou of these eorks. The till- evening advise with Dr Young, of The parr of a iling water, <1i»d tt ia morning at a i tne committee Im met with good tbe past few weeks Mr Bvaus has been 4 I'eloek as a result ot th- burns. »uosees. A complete list of subserlp- corresponding with Rise burg and ar- I'b. littls fellow sii fi-rei a great dea- lt< « will be puuli-lied the I mv of the ranging for the ferthoomlug debate, a I u: was m id. as eorufor'atiln as pos«l- w K, allowing thst while the director work ef ue small magnitude. an ngera are working hard, the citi- l> » by ths physician a tending. The Amleitlan society will hold th Ir Our Io formant was mist aken In «tat- sens of Eugene are giving th ir finan­ regular miia:riiat a The Cambridge, Illinois, MPBELL BROS., Publisher« SENATORSHIP 16-inch sewer 3794 ft. Ltagandat 8-lreb Bank had its »ate blown open «ewer 400 feet long. Tbe two i-ew-rs robbers with dynamite ! req-jlriug 150 Y brauclie«, 11 tnaubt l«s by FICE-East side ot Willamette street, b. early this morning. The rob tweeu Seventh and Eighth street and 2 eat eb bantu«. Aoc<-rdlng to the There Was No Change in Vote | epecifioittoue on fil« In the R oorder’s bers escaped with <115,000 in From Yesterday. office, aud tbe proviHions of Ordint nee currency. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. No 414 paseed by tbe Cvminin Coun­ [Cambridge is the county cil December 8 h, 1902. Tue said sew- 52. i Year.... seat of Henry County,Illinois. Sur4 S« m «> Ssrvtes Mouths.. . L er* t» be completed by September let, S tate H ouse , Salem, Feb ee Month» The 1900 census gave it 1345 19b3, pros! led this time may be ex­ 3. — The senatorial vote today dent that he ml-iuok the tnb for the population.—E d G uard .] tended by tlie Oiimmon C muoil. in the joint meeting of the I uug«wtolan ol >«. by ami satdewn At tbe »aid tune «nd plw* for receiv­ A Royal Cold. Senate aud House was ex- 1 in It without saving what he wm do- ing bid- the Common Con 11 will let Brferfpp« News ▲MocmUon ibg. vertuin^ rates ma.le known on application the contracts to furul -b »11 material L ondon , Feb 3.—Knollys, actly the same as that of The funnrai will ■»« tiriti tomorrew crass all husiuess letter, to THE GlTA RD, ‘ md construct the sa I eewers to the Tbe prn«p ctiv« msmbere ot th» Hk'3 King Edward’s private secre­ yesterday. moraing fr m the r-stg to Some excitement was oc­ Hevenlu «treat. Day A H»nd«r«on will 1 to be done under the supervision of tary issued a onlletin at noon make the n a n the best that tbe Uni­ casioned b) Hans Paulsen, of have obarg« < f «b» earamonlM. today staling that tho King the Htreet Committee and Superinten­ versity has aver turned out. The long dent of 8 were, aud to be approved by was suffering iiut«nu r«ct. The council r—ervee the The streetcars were put in back to Fulton before the '¡nc in«.oiled a'tha University. Thea- tion wh.u the mmou opens. H. will ow prepared to do anything in the Uns ef riafit to r-Jeoiany and all bld«. will t>a opera ed fr. m tue president’« t>e expected to take off a f-w -»conda of lentistry in the above said office. operation this morning. vote was announced. Euyenr, Oregon, Janu«r» 18. 1903. ! i-ffl'«». oentr«l and wi'l ring'«a >nia Crown and bridge work a specialty. th» Northwest rrcotd la lb. mile run B F D orris , Troops were out in force and ' utea bvtore tbe hour for diamlesal of City Recorder. ne'1 by himself. He Is eoofiJeut of i [ c I um «« aLd at ‘.h » hour for taking up. I guarded tbe exposed points I being able to do 1‘. DAVE HOUSTON of the lines where trouble Arrangem»'’’« are beirix made by the i ro-pects fora great bunch of superb C WOODCOCK, Y M and Y W C A for a Post Eeiam-1 was apprehended. Soldiars »printers are very flittering. ie-s I« IN FAVOR ATTORNEY AT LAW. lnsiion Jubilee. Tn» rcminl't*« meet« ku >wn about the other events bnt the were detailed to each car and j tonight at the horn- of Thoa Williams boys think they have etufl lu training Olhcs—Oss-half block south of Chrism accompanied them as they si. , to arrange a program. to make a go »d all-round team. passed to and fro over their J O Rusa-ll, ’03, loft today for The Auouri, Oaaoon. Will Likely Get the Superintend- respective routes. Dal lee wh»vr lie has 1 >tere«ta to look cncy of the State Pen Under Friends of the strikers were after. He wiil visit a few days lu Port­ I- CHESHIRE, M. D Chamberlain's Regime. land and Monmouth before returuiug out in force and jeered and Of kugenn. tosebool. derided the men operating PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Upon very gnod authority we Item Paid «t Caah Capital #80 OOO tbe cars. In a few instances riMlTHrikLD, Or«., Jan. SO, IK'S. rúmm ldg. Suralun 800,000 personal collisions took place, this afternoon that Dave Houston, tbs E ditor luniM GffABD: The fol­ popolar railroad oond actor who has though no serious trouble Eugene, Oregon. lowing lu the r-port of the Runitbdsld bean running through Eugene the past was experienced. school district No. 10, fer tbe tuenth Eugens Or«Qon. twenty years, ie la favor with ttoe in eaid sity of Eng«'>e until 7 o'el >ck p. HAVE HELP THE LEFT ARM ACCIDENT More Members of the Legithture Want Pieces on Committee to Meet President. TURNER WILL SHOT THROUGH Large Enrollment. Gent’s Department 75 cent Grade for TERRIBLE LEGISLATURE HANGED FOR... Thursday and Friday, February 5 and 6 OREGON’S NO 28 bo reeurvd, but the dispatch stated that the Injury was a »»rloe« one. J» fRED LABEL CLEARANCE SALE* Nannie Kaenev Itt TMr.ms, Waahlngt >n, tfeturdav n gbt. the de.'hnfMrs Mrs Keeney wa* a former re.ld.tt of Pleasant Hill ar d v»« a lx 1 v.d ebsrae ter In 'bet uelrbbortood. Tbe rem sin a will bo «hipped sou h to Pleeaant Hll where la'ermoi t will be made tomor­ row among her relative«. Mr. Keeney was formerly MI m Nannie Wallis AT FRANK E. DUNN’S Commences Monday, February 2 Closes Saturday, February 21. Have you seen our circular’ Onr Sentiments, Too. Albany i»»A'«rat: Introdaaad A hill ba« ahanglrg th« «aal ot Or«- <*■>, Jo«i way it is dlffianli to «tate. Tbe naw seal >s m» mora significant •nd iatoaMiy «« tiuaal.vs th« pr««ant saaL In tlx cmt la A Mavar. Jnst what a to»-ver I« dotn< m an O’-v^n sea* it wou'd •» aaaaartoi«IL Bsttar -avv wail eo<.u