thc pi non nN fi lANKFIMV nnrm\:>c A RUSSIAN ¡SIXTY DAVS IN noon ttHAIb •1ERS 8 nc to His « Eugene Guard, SATURDAY JANUARY 31 SA1URDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Tomorrow thousand« of beiie «ill chi ne, calling wordsip«re to their devotions Of all tiieaertnous 'hit etudy mty devise audeloquence.x- pound, none may tx end lor paihoe an ever-living sermon that was preached tome nineteen hundred year« ago. A woman was briutht u no the Mister tor judgtnen—or the word ifiai would cause her to be pitilessly a'oned to death. He knew that the hearts of the men who brought h*r to judgment were not pure, their conduct not above reprosch. Imagine the gratitude of that poor heart, the abashment ci those Pharisees, when the Ma«'er gave judgment, “He that ia without sin among you. let him cast ant-on* at fieri” Not a hand was raised. Then to the gratetai aoui, “Go, aud sin no mire.” • • • The bops left in the bauds oi growers and owners in this viaiuity are being held for thirty cents. The pity is that eo much of the hop crop wan sold by contraut or other­ wise considerably below the twenty­ tire to twenty-seven cent figure that they now bring* « • • * I would rather live with mamma but I like papa,” was the pathetic testimony ot a ten-year-old little girl in a Poitland divorce case Thursday, Ic is the innooent ehil- dren that make the divorce court Otherwise the sooner horrible, quarreling, fighting people sever this mar ¡.ail relations the better, not only for themselves but for the com­ munity, see ONE DOLLAR FuR EACH PERSON. J it H miu 'I i : U 1 It » U’ y *'*e k « iaty ......... ftO 00 Er«d Fisk • epuiy -henIt sa a y 7i 0» 50 00 Allowed Jau 8'h, Supervisors' »c- H»ry It twit 4* This frctu the Peni ston Ent 0 unt: 44 b It Viper IS Oft I 44 44 4 Oieganicn is applicable to Lane Chas Hadley YV B EaHnons, supervl 50 M H Wallis cleric-vl w->rk Is 0 county, which pavs 335,112 alate Win Huier-d M A Kiuyltr i I j -ual wqrk for taxes for 1903. within two toousand J w Hill Gao M Nest clerk ........... a 50 dollars ot tbat ot the county to whiob H A Kompp Grace Wold cle leal woik for reference is made: clerk ......... Wtu Ma: h.ra & 00 ____ 0 E N«l»ou Umatilla county pay« 49-1000 ¡Superintendent’» soot— the entire slate tax tor vie year 1908 J A Clearw«ter W M Miller actio..! *unerl*tan< H— the proposition tc raiet-$250,000an- l* M Bu"ueii uualiy ‘ tor two year», as « hap mil­ W W Darneilie R C V»u.üu C 'Uuty ferryman... 84 E Bowen county ferryman...... 8d lion appropriation to lue Lewis and J H Mlll. on Clark fair, Umatilla, county, in me H J Dickey W L Eaton county fsrrviuau...... M) J W ‘-huma e iu»iou»nji»e for same ratio of asses»m»nt, would Albert 0 Hager ferry .......... id contribute $1*2,250 fur each year, or Meili Casteel B F Finn ores for ferry.......... 1 a iota! ot $24,500 toward« the Uir R F Boott R C Vaughn help on fer-y b»-t e appropriation. The present jiopu- J F Hmitb Janitor aocount— lation of the coun'y is 19,000, and I Hlayter oy au increase jor tbe next Do T C Pope W H rihermau Lvurthotise Jett * tor ........... 40 00 years, corresponding to that of me B F Powers two ye-ra just peered, it is aide t > CA Vaneutiolack Justice account— A Drury Ju«.ioe fees.......... 4 45 place the population at 24,000 in J T Donaldssri 1905. Tam wou:d hnug the cost Pauper account— Vaughn jaslicj fees.............. 10 80 oi th» fair to $1 e»< h for tbe entire I Slayter, pauper tu Lidies .... Wmieriueir Justice lee<-...... 30 90 population ot the county Matte-on jo S'oe fees.......... 5 00 Williams A Pare 111 H R Kincaid w xtrr p»u. b t irday, Jan 17, 18 3 of pm nino- pera........................................... the broad boecm ci the Atlantis b, nla, Mrs John Witiu, iu<>tuer of tbe wireless telegraphy tbe other day NJ Wil*, n, pauper supplies .. Winn boys, who teelde some six mile» R 8 Brndley, puuper meals, eio weal of Ju notion. 15 ho was burbd at meet have thought ao. The two W W Wittier«, pauper ticket... Monr.ieortUHlery Monday. Mrs Wluu vessels, the Philadelphia and Lu- Aa«"eeor»' ac t — vasw It and favorably knowu tliri-ugb* oania, got into communication last D P Burton aaeereor......... .. out uortheru Line and southern part Friday and a challenge was hastily CM Loomied pnty aaaMsamr... of Bert >n oout t »*, and alth< uzh «vie “ transmitted by the Luoania. Chess 8 J. Wilson of me tut'Ot disagreeable days of the Surveyors’ aoecunt— season, a large crowd attended tbe p'.ayere on tbe Philadelphia accept­ C M Collier surveying fuuerul — Tliuve. ed and a gam? w is soon In progress. County offioers scot— Moves were flashed (o and fro and H R Kincaid county JuJge «al­ Heppner Time»: “Attorney U E ary ......... ho greatest interest prevailed, The Woodeon, of Corvallis, ha. I ousted per­ manently m Heppner, and opened an players were surrounded by the pas­ Geo F Craw oounty trea-urer »■!■ ary ......... 66 70 office iu ilia north room of tho P^Uca sengers aad as the members ot the W W Wilbers sheriff salary..... 166 70 hotel, formerly occupied by Attorney Luoania team won tbe game, cheer E U Lee oounty clerk »»Ury....... 164 70 Rea,” Mr Wood-on is a graduate of after cheer rebounded for Marooni F L Giuba deputy county clerk the University ot Oregon, and is wed ulary 75 W) known tn Eugene. and his invention. The first qualifiostmua 'nr a dip- lomatio career is to be a Die to lie like a thie'. Here ooms« the Gar­ man government and euye nothing is known about tbe bom'iardment of tbe Venezuelan fort by German warships, and thst no orders were given tor aggressive action. Such disclaimer ie diplomacy. The bombardment which, oi course, the; commander would not think of un« I less he had tbe a-asnl of bis' government wra in tbe way of con-; oerled bu«inee8. Where Do They Come From ? A great deal of philosophizing has been done in the endeavor to determine T*ik of » “temped in a teapot!” the cause of dreams. At the best, the question is left unsettled, the materialist That ¡southing com pared with the who relates all dreams to physical causes convulsion of Washington soc:ety seeming to have a shade the better of the argument. It is, however, certain that through a young lady desertiug tbe womanly intuition and motherly experi­ guests at her own dinner patty tn ence furnish a solution of the common cause of fia.l dreams, which appeals at obedieucu to a summons from M sa once to practical good sense. When Alice Rioeevelt to attend a White little Willie wakes shrieking in the night and has been quitted and comforted, his House partv. Ji is not necessary mother remarks to her husband: "I wonder what Willie could have eaten to tiling for sumilbing like tha e If some thief bid not made « rich have made him have such frightful day« of dem ocralic simplicity when haul out- ot ths peracnal effects o» dreams. ” Site puts her finger at once Thoms* Jefferson, president-elec , ¡the late Charles G. Fur and wife, right on the ill used stomach as the im­ mediate cause of the nocturnal disturb­ rode hnreebuok to his inauguration killed in tbeir au'o.nobile accident ance. She has right on her side. A dis­ I without a guard or servant in hie near Paris, tbe public would not ordered stomach can disturb the whole body ; sat the heart galloping, check the train, dismounted, then with hie have found out that they were tbe own hands hitched the horee to the poeeeeeore o * a ten-ihoueand-dollsr fence by the bridle, etill it gives one aanie coat and a fliteeu ibou«and- a “tired” feeling to read of this last doliar pearl necklace It ia such White Hou«« social occurrence To luxuries that we poor people manage the credit ot Mi«s Rooeevelt sbe re­ io get along without. leased her guest from any obliga­ Form aui precedout are respon­ tion The latter however did not lake advantage of the onoortauiiy sible for odd thiugs. For instance trehow h«r good’ sen«« ny slaying the indictment agsinct Cilonei Ar­ at home aud attending to the dulice thur Lynch, member uf parltem-ut that before »11 other; claimed her on trial for high treason at Loud m attention She couldn’t forego >Le for ai ling the, alleges that ue el >ry of a summons to tbe White wis "jw’ol *..d seduced thereto by the invitation of the devil.” I Hunte th-y r-aliy believe that they should turn Lynch loose and prosecute toe proper activity of the liver, make the devil. A Jl’ST DEllfxD. blood foul, start the nervea to throbbing A great many au'.hontiea are con­ Ssnator Kuykenduli’s joint me- mortal toejugre-e asking tbit, the tributing articles to current m Aga­ national government care lor the si uea telling hew oongreea might portion oi the M Kenz'e Wagon control th* trusts, not one, though, Road the Cascade ' eserve •m ‘‘Ho* tru» « control Congress.” is but a simple matter of jus­ It would lx> eu per flu .»ua to write ou tice to the state—u> Line ana Crook a subject that is a matter of com­ mun knowledge. e mutes especially* Tbs uationil government has If tha Bcnstor oouiil be elected by | withdrawn tbe laud for forty mi1«« popular v de tl e legi°Utnre would be; long the mountain part of th s giving careful atteuti hi I o state leg- 1 road from market or settlement; ialation instead «pending not a there are few settler» to maintiiD email part of it« t me talking sena­ it, besides it is a public thorough­ tor. Tne elate suffer« not only al fare in every sense of tbe term, the horn- but at Washington through, weir and tear of grades and bridges our antiquated ayatem of elec mg being almost entirely consequent senator«. on tbe travel from the eastern to the western ; art ot tbe state and vice —Fnlton gained two vote« in the versa Tbe general government senatorial contest at Salem ye-t?r- shoul 1 maintuia that portion cf day. Gained, we e«y, though, of this important thoroughfare lying i course, he ba i lb»m before. They within its reserve lines. were held in reeerve pr ibably with tor hopeofinflen ingo'bers. S;me- t'mea men are like «h-tp—go with Suothern California is beginning the leal end crowd. to gather in the shekels for the beet crop of orangea—beet not only in ; K ng Oacar of Sweden doe« not quantity but quality—ever grown let affaire of a a:e worry him, elee in that atate. It ie estimated tbat he would never have reached the »bout twerty-tbre* thousand car­ seventy-fourth milestone of life loads will be shipped, the return* He celebrated that anniv r«ary ye-- to growers being not less tbaDfif*i terday, the dispatch «ays “in good health aud exoeUent spirits. foea million dollars. I and the bead to aching. Almost every­ body at some time or another experi­ ences this physical disturbance as a re­ sult of a disordered stomach. But tbe great evil comes when temporary dis­ order gives place to permanent disease of the stomach. Then come the dis­ quieting day dreams of the dys|«ptic, who sees enemies in his friends and foes in his own household. A W1SK WATCHWORD. Take care of the stomach and the body will take care of itself, is the watchword of health. True, not all diseases reach the body through the stomach, but in ao many cases diseases of other organs may be traced directly to the diseased stomach that it is surely true that the man with a sound stomach has the best chance of preserving sonnd health. It is l«cauae it cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion ■ nd nutrition tbat Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dia- covery restores so many broken-dowo people to sound physical health. Mr. O. 8. Copenhaver, of Mount Union, Hunfingdon Co., Pa.. (Box zzx), writes: «About twelve years ago I was suddenly taken with a pain in the pit of the stomach, which waa ao violent I could not walk straight. It would grow more severe until it caused waterbraah and vomiting of a slimy yellow waler. I eonaulted a phvsician and he told me I had a form of dyspepsia and treated me for about nx months with but little benefit. I still kept getting an weak I could scarcely wait I then tried an­ other physician and he told me my liver was out of order and that I bad indiges­ tion He gave me a treatment aud I go« aome letter but only for a short time. I then tried another one who said 1 had chntrcc i- ¡'.ig-rtlon, ulceration of the aning of * < i-lotuach. torpid liver and kidn«-' affection. He treated me for o V a year, aud I felt better but it ,p 1 . A t I then took to using several wnle.v ad -ertised («tent medmnes, but rer-ei -ed no more than temporary relief whi.e us- >r I then tried Dr. Pis res « It U n t: ♦♦ 4 + ♦♦ 4 + 44» v4- T tí ♦ <•* TRAINED HORSE TO i MURDER .4* «•+ 4 + ¿»«3 ★ 4> Î4 »hai • to 44 *4 nal- lllng + 4 +4 fall rovi», f Eu­ it tern- ’>* < o VSAAAAA WMAMMM V o ♦4 Vinrar- bond« at 10 tt « ♦4 ♦4 * <’ s c :■ r TIE detectives who piled their calling on the Ikordera a genera- tlon ago were for the most purl fearless and astute men whe could use their wits as well ai their guns. And they had need to lie, for the criminals they bunted were desperate outlaws who regarded hu­ man life as of little value. Brace Ken nedy. an old detective, who hns been all over the frontier, recently enter­ tained a party of friends in Chicago with a remarkable bit of criminal his­ tory In which he figured and was the means of bringing a murderer to jus­ tice. Here Is the s.or.v as he told It: “I was a new one in San Antonio, 'dubbing It’ under O’Callahan and very anxious for a show, because I was a young man then. The town's record up to that time had led me to thltik It was a good place for a game, smart detec­ tive to make a reputation. Well, on« day the old man called me up and asked me how I’d like to spend a few weeks iu Zavalla county, adding that five murders had been committed In ns many weeks and that the authorities had offered a reward of $500 ami would pay my salary and expenses while 1 was at work ou the case. "This suited my book to a nicety, and I started for El Tletupo, the town In which the murders had been done. By putting all the evidence together I was able to satisfy myself of the following facts: •‘Each of the five bodies had been thrown Into the river at the same point, a shelf of rock high above the deep and rocky chasm ot the river bed. Tbe vv 4-4 ♦ 4 * C \ \ s « »♦ •f* XWAWVWWo How the Mystery of Five Tragedies Was Revealed > I L . want ; here, my trips nenr the cliff and changing horses us often as Bragg's forblddtu* temper Would permit. By louuglmi about the burn I began to know most of the horaea. and one day u chance question directed at the half wit ted uegro hostler disclosed the identity oi tbe proprietor's fuxorlte saddle horse That quickly suggested an Inquiry a. to which horse Dailey had used, and tbe answer was as easily given. But It was In vain 1 tried to engage cither oi the likely looking animals. Bragg In­ sisted that he wouldn't hire Jason t< bls own brother, and as for Topgal hint, Dailey's home, 1 w«« convincing ly Infoi'incd that nobody could ride that animal 'in daytime' except bis late muster. ’’At last, however. Bri'jrx. with a bank« r who was to advance the money, went down to Nueces valley to buy stock. I bribed tlie negro hostler to let me have Jason, swore si-creey. prom lsed to ride out the alley and keep away from town and tlnully got away toward tin1 object of my dully rides. But this time the experiment worked. Jason no sooner felt the slack rein than he pricked up bis ears aud trotted quite to tile verge of the bloody shelf above the river. This seemed like something significant, uml yet I could hardly convince myself that there was any sensible way to apply It. "But when 1 got up tlie next morning It suddenly dawned ui«>u me that the solution of the mystery. If there was one, lay In riding Topgallant to the same place. I resolved to test Bragg's sincerity by neglecting to rldo that day reputo ka Sut Gffiear durlug 'gktad on he «tate« B eouü- Mbth In •rly by . Cole I It was m from ! neigh- a safety so Win- id guilty tee. Tbe to’sloek days to situated xor south Trains tn Oregon ermite for trains on East Hide sad on tha ia for se­ al IravaJera laeoavsnl- Jsaga -«rip give then» ey enjoyed » viAlng on >y signing a aldaaaacM, may «Main t trains on medicines, using his ‘ Golden Medical Discovery,’ ‘Favorite Prescription’ and the ‘ Pleasant Pellets,’ and in two months’ time I was feeling better than I had for years before. I can truthfully say Dr. Pierce’s medicines did me more good than any I had ever taken.” A LESSON TO HEED. If there is one thing more than another taught by Mr. Copenhaver's experience it is that it is a waste of time, money and health to delay the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery when the stomach is diseased, whether or not other organs are involved. Here ia a record of treatment by three physicians, with “little benefit” as the best result of their treatment ; the use of “ several widely advertised patent medicines ” with no result but "temporary relief while using and all this at an expense of time, money and suffering. Then he " tried Dr. Pierce’s medicines, and in two mouths’ time was feeling better than for years before.” There are thousands of similar cures on record. They all point to the same fact. The prompt use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery save* health, time and money. The reason why other treatments do not produce lasting benefit, and other widely adver­ tised medicines give only temporary relief while they are being used, is because they are only pal­ liatives. They relieve dis­ ease as opium relieves pain while it is being used. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures disease perfectly and per­ manently, because it goes to the root. It does not deal with effecta but causes. It cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and increases KENNEDY ROLLED HEADLONG OVER THE R ih KN the supply of pure, rich blood, which is the life first two had bcr-a thus disposed of and demanding th» forbidden animat ami health of the body. while tbe river was dry. and ho their 1 for a moonlight gallop. He looked In­ "FLAVXD-OUT” PKOFL* bodies remaliK»!. mangled, but recog I terestedly nt me that evening when I are usually worked-out people. They nlzed, Iu the sand at the base of thia 1 told 111 in what 1 wanted and said tbat ■re worn-out because they are using up more energy than they can store up precipice Two of the other Irodlee had ' I’d better wait till It was ‘real dark’ every day. Human energy comes from been found lislgisl against roks or wll , and Anally consented to give m« Top­ food. Food ia the fuel of the body, and lows lower down, having been carried | gallant. He watched me inonnt, too, its heat is converted into motion. When along l>.v tbe current. One. the bUest bnt I had no time for b!m, because the the fire under the steam engine dies victim, bnd been dlacoverod clltqttng 1 restive beast under me took tbe bit In dowu from want of fuel the power gives with a death grip to u projecting cac- I his teeth and tore away Into tbe night ont, the engine slows down anil ul­ tus. tbe feet dangling In tbe water, but ’ like a scared ghost. At flrat I wna timately stops When the food-furl of the head and trunk well out of tbe 1 strong enough to guide him. but at the engine of the bodj is reduced the la«t my muscles wearied, and I saw, power gives out, and in time tbe body st renin. "The town marshal nod the sheriff, ; with horror, that he was making, with ■tops activity, because it is starved. Rut if there lie abundant fuel in the fire-box both of whom 1 whs sure had expend despenite determination, for the lonely of the steam engine without proper com­ ed their best efforts, told mo that In point of rocks above the Ix-ona. bustion, there is a lose of pewer just the two out of five cases In which the •'Divining my peril without realising ■■me. And that's tbe way it is with the corpses bad been promptly found traces Its relation to tbe 'murders' 1 wus In­ man. He may have abundant food, but if it is not properly digested and assimil­ of hoof prints seemingly of two or vestigating. I got my feet from the ated, and so converted into blood, the more horses were plain In the bard 1 stirrups and Jumped to the ground jnst power gives out, the strength fails. , sand about tbe place. They had fol as he charged toward the precipice. 1 Food digested and aaaimilated furnishes > lowed these traces pretty easily bpek i rolled headlong over th» rocks, cacti the power that nine the heart, the lungs. 1 to town, but there had lost track of I and sand, but when I ■< rambled to niy the liver, tbe kidneys—every organ of , them In the trampled streets. Tber« feet and wljwd the dtiat from my eyes the body. When the food is not di- 1 had been no sign of wagon or buggy 1 tbe frantic borse was trotting away I gusted end assimilated, then there ia a , redaction of physical power felt by everj wheels, and the Inference was plain caught hlin by the bridle, afraid to organ of the body, and the result is | that the horses employed had l>een rid mount, and as I l»d him back Into town met Bragg riding Jason. He "weak” heart, "weak« lungs, sluggish 1 den and not driven. liver, "weak ” kilneya, etc. By enabling “I worked quite awhile about th« looked positively frighten*d the mlnnte th« perfect digestion and assimilation of town, hoping for some more tangible be saw me, but when he came up I ar­ the rood eaten, Dr. Pierce's Golden Med­ theory upon which to exert my Ingenu- J rested him That night 1 ser.rchcd bt« ical Discovery enables the laulding up Ity. but was at last driven hopelessly I safe and found the wut< h<*s, papers of the whole body into a condition of 1 back upon tbe horseback clew. Assum and trinkets that had be<-n taken from strength and sound physical health. Sick people especially those suffering lug tbat the first tiling to do was to j five of the murdered m* n. Bnt the odd from chronic **< n mla-liig up to obtain, without charge, the opinion of a In town. Tbe sign over tbe door was that time without exciting any graver specialist on their anments. All corres­ Dailey A Bragg, but I noon found out suspicion than thst bls corpse had bee» pondence strictly confidential. Addreaa that Bragg was tbe sole owner and robbed after be bnd drowned hlm»-If. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ♦hat Dailey had drowned himself tn ''That’s about all. Bragg waa acquit- SB NT FnXK. tbe river about two months before my ted of murtb-r. but got ten years f« Ua, N. Y. and I galloped about every day, «udlix boras for other victims" duri. Ceaaul U B anta Paas waa • reosot fi'wd. sad ths trass Tb» tarai waa o on« •! ths nil la aow ia a Is wife, Julia rtion to the agai separa­ rne/ for the in onery lied. IILD’S ore. Report ette st OREG q N RE. \ 5