/ thnCrmntrTrc.vnrer hf Lanccbnntv O m .». ling on tho 30th day of Septi inter, A. b.t UO2 of rn , from what auurces and on what account paid out GENERAL FUND. I I I I I I I I *r> >n, J»-'v 7th.............................. v................. I .......................................................................................... . i nn Clerk ............................................... Court McKenzie road subscription-.. .. ■iw License.......................................................................... < Id Lumber............................................................................ Redemption................... ■."•.V’V....................................... “ Transferred from Road Fund...................................... Paid Lan« County Warrants ...... _ .................................. Balance on baud SeptanJ>e'' 30, 19 .J...................................... Xmas Presents ..a 4782 21»; 12 ; 1045 20 1 39 7o Oo 15 50 00 40 95 9 o .3 58 8 5906 35 3023 m the fifth floor | of the building. Tttey were tract d to 1 Wwodburn wuere tire capture was made, lu the meantime they had burglarized a store at Brooke. R. F. Btker, formerly in th« mal «ntate baHioe«« In thle etty, hue «MarxKi on option on Bang«' Park, northwwrt or JCAi^eue, and hae a motrvment ou tool which will prove k> be • great thing fitr the oily. When «eeti tlih morning by a GUARD reporter, Mr. linker explained that It won tela Inteutiou to cwganiz« a «took e mtpatiy to buy tlie park with all the Luprovemeut« and am tbe *aow h* Hi« promotion of the dietrltg fair a h»ob will, in all probabll ty, eon.« to Eiigeue next fall. The i 1-ibnrvn w Stall art 04«J0 each. TIM'»* are 84 acre« la tbe Irintt and toere 84 -tbar»« •* m»e. HIBle. n of there »mi be«ti di-pOMd of i» a very ekert ti»M-, b<<(*e the reporter t wit» Mr Biker. Ttwre will no ney de|>oaited for tax receipts nut vet made out and de but It is an dorato, >d that the entire lot livered... * OÛGOB 33 averagal about M ccnte. ('« -h on hand.. 4513 63 \n. nnt of 3 |>er eent relmle allowed on taxes paid previous to March 15,1902 .............................................................................. 3932 31 !’• ■nltected 1901 tax ou April 1, l‘.*V2................................................. 376.30 Ig Born. 9 67 .8 From A. S. Patterson. J illy 7th......................................... Paid orders for County Clerk............................................ Balance on hand September 30, 1902.............................. 25 Tb« Maltn im» h Athletic tin» will ■lv« tbe nest earulval at PertMad. 33 61 it Black log te wad to Re trcmbUa t th* mattoaroand Irvin* to a sawdl «1 Mit. 8 86310 08 8 8 -Uo OH T A Gray, lataty of E u * m «, E m » F»rntM*«d l>* L Do«r'" door and MH «t"R> M lodapwmtoa««. pesai es AND INTEREST ACCOUNT. 669 50 8 8 669 50 ROAD FUND. 963 18 8 8 From A. S. Patterson, July 7th................................. Paid road orders............................................................... Transferred to General Fond.................................. 59 CO 903 58 8 963 18 8 8 7 50 8 963 18 Fisn AND GAME FUND. From A. S. Patterson, July 7th................................................. Balance on hand septemlier 30, 1902........................................ « 50 STATE BOUNTY FUND From A. S. Patterson, July 7th................................................... Balance on hand September 30,1902........................................ 8 1 16 8 1 16 SPECIAL CITY TAX. Rec’d .8 78 57 Eugene, A. S. P............... Junction, A. S. P............ Cottage Grove, A. S. P Springfield, A. P. S...... Paid Bal. 8 78 65 815 79 20 00 8136 93 8 35 17 8101 H INSTITUTE FUND. 8 Fiom County Superintendent..................................... Balance on hand Septemlier 30, i902....................... 95 oo 8 95 00 SPECIAL DISTRICT TAX. School District No. I . I »¡strict No. 2 .. District No. 4 . District No. 5 .. District No. 8 .. District No. 13 . District No, 15 . District No 14 Distjict No. 26 District No. 40 . District No. 43 . 1 »¡strict No. 45 District No. 16 . District No. 52 . District No. 53 District No. 54 . District No. 69 . District No. 77 . District No. 79 , District No. 82 . District No. 89 . District No. 90 . District No. 97 . District No. 100 District No. 101 District No. 118 District No. 125 District No. 127 District No. 133 District No. 137 District No. 140 District No. 142 District No. 144 District No. 147 District No. 157 District No. 158 District No. 159 District No. 162 District No. 164 ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... •z ... .. .. .. ... ... „ ... ... ... Rec’d 10 78 74 85 96 2 11 24 21 07 28 41 2 3!» 32 22 77 32 42 150 99 23 76 1 32 31 13 28 44 41 5 32 128 19 72 44 73 11 50 1 92 1 40 49 32 1 80 33 31 1 58 4 77 4 63 11 19 51 30 6 78 18 51 1 00 Paid. Bal. 10 78 74 85 96 2 11 28 41 2 09 22 77 29 26 22 75 ............. 28 44 41 5 32 126 27 72 44 73 7 58 1 33 1 28 1 •1 49 80 80 00 58 77 1 92 3 92 I 92 15 52 5 31 7 63 11 19 .‘>4 2!' 6 78 61 12 20 S! At Cuttug« Grot», D m 10, 1802, to Mr mid Mrs Nicbola, a «on. 669 50 8 93 45 576 05 833341 46 coin a \ . 8 EXCESS FUND. By funds in the bands of County Treasurer applicable to the 8772 46 payment of county warrants........................................................... 3023 93 By funds in the hands of county Sheriff applicable to the RECAPITULATION. payment of county warrants 1211 98 By estimated unpaid currint. taxes nppli ibb- to the i y- Rec’d ment of comity warrants .................... «056 < tenera! i’titii» ............. 8 8230 28 By Tax Sale Ceitificates belonging to Lane County, the pro­ Couuty Sebo.' ’.imi ........................... 10435 09 ceeds of which are applicable to the payment of county State School ” . . ! . ................................ 12020 28 341 warrants S > ! r Fun«!.......................... ...................................... 9 67 .8 si Gbri A’iiüci............................ ...................................... NET INDEBTEDNESS .................... 669 50 itoad Fund................................ .................................... 963 18 Total •96318 82 Institute Fund............. 95 00 Fish and < lame Fund 7 50 State Bounty Fund. 1 16 Special City Tax....... 136 93 Special District Tax 772 46 MI-ANNl'AL 12 20 8497 82 8271 64 Paid 8 5206 35 216 00 Bal. e 3023 93 10219 09 ¡»BO 69 9 67 576 05 93 45 963 18 36 79 497 82 95 i 1 101 274 00 50 16 14 64 « 7012 50 IEPORT Of the County Clerk of Ith day of Me]4eml>er, 1902, inclusive: Claims War'nts Claim. Warrant» Drawn Allowd Drawn Allowd Roads.... 497 30 " .814786 72 •14786 72 CommiMioners 497 30 Bridges.............. - 19 136 40 2558 19 Insane..................... 136 40 Supervisors . 205 85 1934 10 1934 10 Inquest.................. 205 85 Paupers............. . 1234 31 2! »81 00 1234 33 Election................ 2981 00 Assessor............ 293 90 2179 65 2179 65 Tax Refunded..., 293 90 Witness............. 486 a'» 171 50 171 80 Circuit Court.... 486 35 Justice............... 262 29 261 60 261 'O Jail........................... 262 29 Jurors................ 33 50 71 40 71 40 Indigent Soldier 33 60 Constable........ 268 00 . 202 66 202 66 Bounty................... 268 00 Surveyor.......... 2530 37 155 50 1 -.5 51 I Miscellaneous.... 2530 37 County Judge 400 00 100 00 Treasurer........ 839000 26 467 on 467 oo Total Sheriff............... 2018 97 2018 97 Clerk .................. . 1923 00 1923 00 School Snpertend't 600 00 600 00 Ferry........................... Interest 661 97 661 97 Princip’l Janitor................. . 240 0o 240 00 Outstand'g unpaid Reform School....... 17 5! 17 52 county warrants Court house a park 167 25 167 25 on the 301 b dav Light, water a fuel 9'7 04 407 04 of Sept, 1902 . ' 891545 85 A-.m’t A coll, taxes 8 3772 I1' 108 37 108 37 Estimt. ac. interest Printing...................... 720 53 720 53 Teachers Exam....... 72 00 „.891545 85 72 00 Total Pt i Jty c 'licci.-I on I" ‘1 tax« • 8 ,T 72 taxe. 104 io Tlie Bainm Co«i««nM Cla» will Interest culled, I un I pgt an oppoeillog si « m M* on the Wil« CONTRA. lametM river to draw trap» fro® »eMr- l'aoaltt«* t.' I'” 1'iiro Max I, l'.H>2 8 <77 Penalties tn O» isiirer .lune 20, l'.»»2 by tow Be. 167 Penalties—cash on hand ........ ... 161 Tbe C M A football t - mm * of CotlNflt' I ■ mat to I'. «Mun ■ May 1902 3 Grove ¿Dyed four ipme« tbi» ee*>n «’to Treasurer J ime 10. 1 902 .30 |. ■ • t a true h i I. W W U it hors. Sheriff of Lane county, Oregon, do hereby certify that terlan church of Eugene, has been in« the foregoing s'ateiueut is true and correct to the l« -t of mv v. «ledge an.l - a ement uf the amount« received, paid and remaining on hand in t' e < o'» ijea«ury^of «aid county for six month« ending on the 39th day of S pteni -' v t ‘d to supply the puipit of tbe AI« belief. Ihited this 1st day of Octolter. IA ’ 2. bauy Preebyletian church for five Witneaa my hand thie 3.1 day of Octoi>er, 1902. W. W. WITHERS. uionthe, and It 1« thought be will •o- n ... D _ GEO. F. CRAW,Tren-nrer. Sheriff of Ijine county, Oregon By F rank R eisner , Deputy. cept. Hr F red Fin. D«pnty. • • ¡8) ‘jew.lw. • I I I I I StMI-ANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT. ize Company and 9 From A.S. Patterson, July 7th........................................... Balance on hand September 30 1902....J............. ........ We would be pleased .to have you call. R. F. Baker Will Organ­ 12020 09 SOLDIERS FUND. All kinds of gamo boards, dominoes, bagatelle. Our sewing machines^ at $16.85, $25.00, $27 50 and $30 00 are elegant Xmas presents and of the finest makes. OPTION ON BANGS’ PARK „8 44 8 .. 12020 25 From A. S. Patterson, July 7th............................. -......... “ State Treasurer........................................................... Balance on hand September 30, 1902............................... Nice stock of fancy China ware. A big line of iron wagons at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50. The above wagons are tlie celebrated Toledo which have steel geers, and 1 not castiron. Sporting goods. ‘lie purchase of this traci is al uuti an «Mured fa< t. The new company will be known ae the “Lane C lunty Fair and Agrioul« tarai Association.’’ It elioni 1 haw. the support and en­ couragement of every citizen, Thu farmers of tills violuity will be deeply interested in the progress of the asso­ ciation. • 216 00 1021.1 00 STATE SCHOOL FUND. Toy«, drums, trains, c >w», engines, mules, horses, dogs, cats, geese, ducks, chickens, trunks, cradles, carpet »weeper», stove», tubs, washboard.», clowns, surprise boxes, automobiles, mice, rats, alligators, hammers, flags, chairs, st'Mjls, cart», wagons, elephants, balls, spiders, sea devils, paints, transparent slates, houses, celluloid balls, rubber balls, ping pong, table tennis, beds. The finest selection of Madalion pictures in town and our prices are right. Mandol- ios, violins, banjoes, guitars, au