The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, December 20, 1902, Image 5

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Eugene Guard
doubled fiuin its previous
day S ih h v ist liquidation
Bent slocks to
Brokers were tl >©ded with
The 1902 l^oll Shows 5L279.SQ2 Increase Over
selling orders,
Yesterday’s dispatches brought
Southern 1‘iwific which lost
the news that tbe people about the
1901—Twenty-Two Per Cent.
Section Limiting Local
<> 3-4 yesterdav went 3 j»oints
base and slopes oi that terrible old
Germany Will Not Ad lower today, from 60 3-4 to
volcano, Vesuvius, are apprehensive
i>4 1-2 in the two days, ft
of danger from eruption.
had scored a loss ot 1 3-4 the
They have good reason. 1 bis
Should Die.
The fo lowii g j. » anmmary of the Lane t u.ity h i®eHpru» nt
before yesterday.
roll for 19t U
most celebrated volcano in the
as equalli -<i by tie e iuut> board of equal iitloi ;
Maintain Blockade
Pacific showed a
world rises from tbe eastern margin
a decline of 7
Acree of tillal Is laud*.................................
of the Bay ot Naples, in the midst
Acree ot non- tiliable land......
closing at
ot a region that has beeu densely ! Then Eugene Might Get a Fine Improvement« on deeded or patented l*ude
47H,120 Wail Street Panicky This Morn, 94 3-4.
Town and city lota..............................................
populated for more than twenty
Library From the Hands
Improvements on town aud city lit-..........................
mg Vinsruela Seizes Rail­
Loans were practically un­
oenturies. Henae it has served as
of Carnegie—Petition
though as high ax
Mlles of railroad bed..........................................
M. so
a type for the popular conception
Milaa of teleg aph »nd l leghou linos....
wax freely offered
Rolliug stock...............................................................
of a volcano, while its history has
7 A«»
for money on call.
tSteaiui ’*i-, -tttlouary en» ae* 'iuo amnufiiciur tig
supplied a large part of the infortua«
Toward« noon the market
Eugme en|oys the distinction of !>».
04,7- 5
L a G vayaa , Dec 12 rbe rallied, «howing surprising
tion on which geological theories ing the only city out «de of Portland in M«re»t<DODe uij -mcE la Irada............................
eta ino
F»ro mg i a> wmeotH, ivugou», oiriuigre. <ic
Ite.'.W Veuezulan gt vwrnmenl ttidav
of volcanio
action have been this «tat which ba» accotnpll»btd any­ Money.........................................................
strength at the closing hour.
imi ta.
based. Tbe height of the mountain
.■»I.J4 1 seized all railway ar.d tele^
SiHlWf of bhH'k .......................................................
s4,4»>« phone lines the owi>er«liip of
is about four thousand feet, yet it l»w yet .be b not «ati.-fled with re­ H u»«n : i faro tur>, WHtcOto, irweiry, ate
sults. Tne I gisla’ure pttew-d u law Hur».« anj maw- .......................................
ita.» which is vested iu citizens of CONTESTINO THE
varies several hundred feet accord­ permitting municipbl.ii-s to tax tb >m-
Cat I.
S6Ó,. »> Germany or Great Bii'ain.
ing to the effect of successive erup­ selves to tbe extent of 1-5 of a mill St eap and route..........................................................
7 -.5 ».
r’rt-sidenl Castro justifies
lO H«U
6 un
tions, taking off a point in one (atsxituatu) for th. «Upp irt t f no one Swine...................................................
seizure on the ground ot
place, maybe building up in
Gm«» value of al property
«7 877 W
Poll mod and Eocwnu are only th. Exemptions..........................
8B7.ÒSS uiilitaiy necessity.
Citi.« now supportihg khetta libraries.
At the b«ginaiug of LhM Chrir. an Both puce, ha»» f> a jd .lw tax en»ir< ly
era and for many previous centuries fur go-1 w*> k and have
no eruption had taken place, »rid l ean compelled to do ctaer things fir
the vol can .o miturv of th» luoality t ie -opp .rt <if the e»m*.
At the meeting uf tbe clues wbtea is
wae not even suepvuted by the 10-
taking tbe 1 tarss of Mrs L.Lan Col»-
hahitaate, who planted thsir vine­ Hetbei last ev nlog, W F Kitabai , a
yards on its slop»» even to the *x- a travel ng mi ruber of tb. Chlif. rum
Uacumiwd crater, and built ibetr Library As-ocialii.n-a man wh*> is
well Informed on all phane« ot th. «ub
Villages about its base.
jecl of libraries—atidre»«Md tbe meet­
In the year 63 volcanio energy
ing in regard to bis fkvoiite theme. He
first began to manifest itwill, t ol- has etudlxi th. loo-l aitualtou thor­
minating in 79 in a calamity that oughly and is deeply Interested in Ore­
after the lapse of nearly nine eeD gon’s welfare.
Hu stated that a movement was on
hundred years still stands out
foot to procure a repeal of the seci ion
prominently as one of the g eat or the library law limiting tbe muni­
calamities of human history. Oa cipalities in tbeir tax levy.
the 24th of August of the i> ter Woman's Federation of Clubs bee
year the disturbances oultnin- eo taken up tbe matter and peti ions are
in a tremenious explosion.
wc sooo to be circulated »«king the repeal
With all the wealth of this oouoty
letters from the younger Pliny ti and city it ut only possible to secure
the historian Tacitus give ad ac­ tbe piltaaoe of 1^4) per annum fur tbe
count of the terrible event. The support of the pubiio liD.ary in Eu­
continuous earthquakes were so gene.
t he limit of l-o mill tax sisoexclDdee
severe that chariots rolled abo it oi
Oregon from the generosity cf Carnegie.
themselves oa level ground, » hila He demaude 10 per Cent of the total
ths dust filled the air eo thi kly amount of the gif’.« to be raised by tbe
that there was to>al darkness for city to which be gives. This limit
toree days. The oities ot Pompeii kept Poriland from r»diving a fine
and Herculaneum, and 3lai><«. library at bls h.nds ae the tax ouly
permitted Portland to raise t8*'00 w‘ eu
about Vesuvius’ base, were buried filJ.tlO'i was needed.
»o deeply that for centuries even
The Fortnightly Club of this city de­
their sites were matters of c in­ serves united praise for the work t.'iey
have been able to ae iompiieta with the
ject are.
means at hand. They have bad c >o -
For nearly fifteen hundred y iare
trol cf tbe Pubiio Library here and
the great volcano relapsed into have made it a valuable addition t>
feeble activity. Then after »series Eugene. Let us work for more an
of earthquakes lasting six mo.Hhs restricted scope tor tbe ladies.
another grand cataetrophe oocurred.
On the 16 ih of Decern tier, 1631 the
v licano threw out v»st clou 's of ANOTHER GAME
dost and stones. Clouds oi 8 -am
condensed and mingled wita the*
dust, forming muddy streams that
swept far and wide oyer the fer.iie
Athletic Council is Favorable to
Streams of th 8 tn ad
the M A. A. C..U. 0.
reached the sea at twelve different
Christmas Game.
points. Eighteen thousand 1. ves
«ere lost at this time.
Yeaterday tbe atbletio oonncll
Sinoe then the volcano has never
and <iiaea««ed tbe propouition Cf 8
relapsed into total quiescence. At < brietm«a gnme to b» pLayed Io P "t
lo .ervala ot a few weeks, months or Land beiweeo tbe Maltoomab da* <»•
«ears it has broken into eruption nae «ide und t <« Uoivereity wilb tbe
Alumni on tbe other. In vtew of th»
of more or less activity.
Total valav nt taxrit h property >w fl on!' f rqaailxud >y
t'lulouMiy Honrd of Equtii r,»( Ion ...............
1 noreaae from 1901.................................................... ..
Luck in Thirieen.
H od ER Skip worth writs* from
Ti c-'-n, Ar «ma. a« follows: *'Ple»«e
tend tbe (ictso.
Cool eights and
werm day» here but hot from 10 a tn to
8 n tn. Tbe run eh net bri«h(l/ all
day. Good nr tod high priceseeem to
prevail here ”
Henri« tn Wald, of Albanv,
The Deadly Grip of an
Invisible Hand.
The climax of some of the most weird
ghost stories is reached in the choking
grip of an unseen hand upon the throat
of a sleeping victim. We are constantly
proving that the most fantastic stories
may have some basis m actual fact. It
is so in the ease of the strangling grip
of the invistbl. hand
The man who
has hail a night attack of severe bron­
chitis, knows the clioking and gasping
Which follow the paroxysm as if some
hand was tightening on the air passages,
lad the victim was slowly suffocating
Bronchitis can be cured. Coughs and
tuny troubles generally can be cured by
the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
"I wrote tc yon for advice and you
advised me to take ‘Golden Medical
Discovery ' and ' Pleasant Pellets,' which
and Bertha Wald, of Eugene,
A<wa>ciHt o«
M’ oxavr , Dec 12, -A fire
originating in the basement
of the Hole! iii ipath al 1:40
o’clock inis morning destroy­
ed the building Uig'-lher with
its contents
The lose w ill approximate
two hundred thousand dol­
By Rending 18 ml lew Win Spirey, oi
Walton Furnace, Vt„ got a box of
Buchten’« Arnica Kaiv. ihat wh- by
cured a borrii,I« fever «ors on blu leg
Nothing al*« Oould, Positively ourv-
b ut««., tabu», ulcer«, erupt loua, beili»
Germany's Wailing Hand,
barn», corúa aud pile».
Only 26c.
Co* tag» Gmve leader: The Eugene
By Bcrippa Htw, A jia - cik I Ion
High School rooter« were daiete*.
At Uunrantevd by W L LleLauo, drug,
lewd half <-f the wore might be at­ giut.
B kslin , Dec 12— The
tributed to them.
I did, and to my surprise got well,” write.
Mr. Joseph A. Valleroy, of Forman. 11L
(Box j). "Had what the doctor, called
urmchitis. and whenever I would taka
odd would suffer grewtly ; but siure
taking two bottles of Dr. Pierre’s Golden
[irorpectu of Clearing tbe deficit wb<«b Medical InW'-rerv and nee bottle of bis
■ Pleasant Pellet» ’ hare beeu cured of
uor »hiidi'Vt ihe management ol I
that terrible trouble. Before taking your
MonopoLits hare no heart, no Univereity eis« n tbe «ebeone w
don'. Aa an example evidence vna «tawed with fhmr and peronietv s medicine I weighed Itu pound« ; cow I
Weig h I JO.’
given helnre the ooai strike cem- gyantwl for tbe gerne.
Tue Alutnol wdl na«e a ourt io th«
oflfebion ywaterdey that a hoy who
of pemple die every yemr
Imeap. Born ol<l atara iw M uh
lout hu> leg in one of the co*, or or» Ze gier, Brwltoy and othen» will oo i i of con»unyitkio. I very one of tbo«
thousand- m.gbt h«’« cured tbe ooogb
tpi* nothing from ths com pan j for th» C briet»»* •» irvsg». Tbe«*» or lung trou ..« which enoed fateiiy.
it, but ¡■«tend wliea return»! to 4 owk » e-ivii f< tbe itarvl There • no ccaqfh, however trivial, tlio*
does a<» ' a e 10 tt the gwm'd osi mo-
work the company took his wape» Bmltti. if h» toxi h*eo tko«. Whe» baoachius ttovelopf, t!i»
' \ \
o o « o
post.MIi'« erf a couch ewl'-ag in <'"»•
to pay a debt owed by hie father.
U «<U lf tbin
mm amn » .0 re>oe< '
> ?
Of course in investizetions like nis garne. H >we«*r, tne ü O will pot o It w no time > o»e -ago are " “"A
the worst come» cut. Still this a fln- t--. ’ '*'1 I t i 'i:‘ e une. Ai 'l - n-ro o. an « • o The need ixf » -vme
kse "g *"
’'•« *° n
0,4 00 j
must be about the limit for down­ vh :. h hop.M f ir » «ict iry »ad it HO
0 ra' w* ae nod
euei astme» Th»« » toe -toa« ; er-
hu tirely > 11 f t11• ¡1-tltMi.
right meanness and selfishness.
en ae <c
It cir-s cottah»- N*‘l it Aw»
m «e
ares - -i< «no
' g
A sugar ship frotn Honolulu to
kee the w»ak, - tn
tottering victim, for whom the bony
York lost her charterers
hand of consumption is already out-
thousands of dollars by making a
r- ■ '.«-I. and -a la hitn
k to hte'. ’i.
It has done tins in hundred, of cares
quick passage. Had she been »ut
where hemosr’1 ages were severe and fre-
d ' -
two days longer the rise in sugar
1 . t sweat a- 1 hectic fever seemed to
would have netted t .rm Learl I Senator R A Booth this aftern e.n ■ K
t tl’.e seal of doom upon the weaken­
Ihirt-en tbou-antl duliars. It is informal the GU a BD that the Oom- ing life-
•• I w 'i to in’orm vou that I coUfuaer
often the case that a ship loses mi 'M apoiuted la-t fall to draft a new
vour me
charter or money for consignees by law pertaining to forest Area in Oreg
the publ for lung and th»oat trouble,
would meet In Portland on Dwsr“
•y and female wedhneaa,"
general .
sbiw sailing, bu1 seldom by making
M er. of <- th 8. id
writes M
_ _____
full (River
Park [ ¡r d “I haie 'een a great
a fi at passage.
Ibe G vahd published a
>rer for several years with bronrbiti«,
account of tbe port«*« ot the ” < » t* sun* • — ,f sum h and fer i'.e w akne««
J d I n< t thin ;
I« well
Was ar ad ■"*
In a certain town in Indianaabg
rnti’4 1 .____ 1 n<nr. C' il l neither eat
cool 1 not be on my feet but a
nor tie
fact >ry ie running night and day
fl res *»re r lot ad qas’e f> r
ne, h«l a terrible cough, was
gf nding corncobs an 1 shipping < •
loo. Itii
n a- d nervous I began using
tee to draft a new law to r ut I*
« medicines and have taken
m-a'.—iotnewhere. And the p«o-
■»<’ r k.nca last Mar. have taken
,e .. gi-laiuts. Senator Bo - li
pie eat it under some “he»lth-iuod
ties - -jf
— each
----- -— kind,
--- ‘ . Golden
..____ Med-
all probobtilty, pre-eB* atd nine1-»«*-
I te.; ; aw.»err' »r-* ' F»»-fxne Prescnp-
name or in combination.
Disastrous Spokane Blaze.
W 9-n,7tó
♦ 1,27M,»W
German government makes
ollicial announcement today
that the decision ot President
< astro of Venezuela to fight
will in no wise change Ger­
many's attitude regarding the
occupation of Venezuelan
Germany will not advance
into the interior, neither at­
tempt U» capture Castro.
She will merely maintain an
effective bi icaude, by which
means it is I'»ougi t Venezue­
la will be brought to terms.
the Heirs.
H.nritffta W.ld, wbi> rvtlde« at Al-
bsny, yretarday fii«d a petition tn the
Ciuuly oourt, m»i»te«tllip the pnper re»
oetilly tllad hh the will of ber father,
Frederick Wald, Uvi*vn«vtl, say- the
This liKtruiuent wax ottered for pro
bate by Cui Flem-ler, whole the prluoi-
pal lienettidarv under II. Miea Wald,
in ber iwllllton, allottee that her father
left property In Oregon valued at |2r>00,
and In Montana worth Wl, and tliat
•he and her brother Fred, and enter,
Hertha, who ivo In Eng. ne, are the
h> Ire. Hlie ehargee that her father waa
under the influence of Flereler and w«e
coerced, III Iliienoeti and dictated to by
111 tn to iXii-ute the will. 1 he petition
aUo aaye that the document Hied In a
earbon oopy, and not the otigltial, and
that her father kept the original and
read h over, and, altar ooniprnhindlng
ita content* fully, destroyed it.
It 1«
aeked that the purported Will be de»
dared void. Ml-» Wald 1» represented
by Hon L T Harrl», ut Eugene,
tion' TV«- in.rove went seemed slow at
first but am itaproving fuat lately. Have
not coughed for tliri*. month» Mv
frien-is ail speak of my looking so much
I <lo »11 my housework, lu<ve
canned one hnndred and fifty quarts oi
fruit thw fall. You may publish this
statement if you wish. I hope all women
so afflicted will try Dr. Pterce’s meilwiiure
and lie cured not only take a few bot­
tles, but continue their use until cured.” is YOtTt WEIGHT?
One of the first signs of pulmonary
dise.iae » loss of fiesh The man finds
hie clothes hanging a little loosely on
him. Tlw -voruan huils that her gowns
do not tit her as snugly a. when they
were made for her. When the acales
show a Stea.Iv decreare from th. nonnal
weight of health, there ie danger. If
A Fair Legatee III.
there is a cough then the danger threat­
ens the lungs, or lias already attacked By kkirtppN New«, As* vtatlon
them. There Sbottld be no delay in
I’lTTSFiELn. N J, Dec 12.—
taking measures to at once step tin. loss
of flesh, and that can only be done by cur­ Mrs Hanna Nelson, who in­
ing the disease which I'auses .maciation.
a fortune through
Those w ho have l>een cured of lung dis­ herited
ease. by the use of Dr. 1'ierce’s Golden the death of her daughter,
Medical I Recovery f>eiier-
ally mention the gain iu Mrs Charles Fair, is critically
flesh which accompanies ill with little prospect of re­
the cure. Sometime, this
gain is only implied, as in covery.
the case of Mrs. Miller,
The Cuban Treaty.
who watt "vwy tliiu," and
Hy «crlpp» M»wa A««ocl»tlBn
whose friend» tell her since
using the " Discovery ’ how
W ashington , Dec 12.—The
much better she i. looking.
treaty between
It is implied too in the
change from a woman who Cuba and the United States
con Id only be on her feet
but a short time — to s was signed here today by the
w-man w ho can do all her accredited representative« of
own housework and can on«
hundred and fifty quarto of the two countries.
fruit. But in many eases,
Sandwich Island Cable.
as in Mr. Valleroy’^ the
gain in weight is explicitly Ry -tuipp» Must« A«ii»iM’li*Uuji«! : " IE-fere
yonr medi- io. I weigh«.
S an F hancisco , Dec 12.—
l»o pounds ; now I weigh I jo " There'«
proof positive of cure, when loot flesh b> The laying of the ocean tele
regained and when weakne«. w changeu graph cable that will connect
into strength.
“In 1900, mv busband had neuralgia the United Slates and the
and also a iwowre cough,* write. Mre. Sandwich Island« was quiet­
Betti. E Payne, of Kiel, Okla. "For
nearly three vears hut rough wua so bad ly begun this forenoon when
h. could not lie -low. «1 night. He got the
cable ship Sil vertow u
no reltuf fn-m t> • doc'ors we employed,
paying out wire
so we purchar.« I two Ix.ttte. of Dr.
Pierce'» Goh leu Medical I Hsoovery. Af­ from the immense ends thai
ter th. first lour dvswt we could sue that
his cough ore berter. awl he rested fairly fill the ship’» hold.
well timt night. Tlio d-xtor thoMgbt it dent Mackay of tbe cabl<-
com-un ’« , o-— I it write, lire two lot-
t»« of ‘ t'-ol Ln Mwb.«1 I u-covary ’ cured corupany »ay« th» line wil
bcm—uottaog *Uo did ”
l>e in oj*araUon in time to
Dr. Pier, e's < .video Mrdleal Msoov«ry
ouren brrw'
-ri - sorted rough., »eod Chriitmae greeting, to
wwte and ble«
» 01 «owristw» «nil
<M.itre«|f o r,
wb«h, rf nrgrh-ctird the Hawiuians.
or urmni.tfc v tri 1' d tend a hted terw
[Honolulu, th« capital and
mirf-00 to maun-' ■ o
city of the Sandwich
%r«a ovo e
.. v th" - sadfenug
f- m «m « ini itrd te oo.
Islands, 1« 2100 milea dis­
cui Ir * c by lei tr,/nr, and M
San Fiaisoisco,
yr, tar- op nio. of • tant froai
rauc> o n
••-■»•«. All ootrew .OU th westerly,—[Ei> < ¡ land j
oo-ir o
' : fi r .Hal. Address
WaU Street Panicky.
Dr. p.
I : «, H -ffalo. N. Y.
Sometimes a dealer tempted bv the
Rew« AMOfln’l -•
little more profit paid on the aale of leee
«Mritarioua medi nee will < ffer th. cu»-
Nxw Y ork , Dec 12.-Wall
kun ■
- ¿"j’nt aa good"
u the "Dtkcoverv." It ia bitter for th» street showed very panicky
dealer because it pave better, but it if conditions on the opening of
not as good for you if you want the
m-: ©ne that ha« cured othera, and tbe Btock exchange this fore­
which you believe will cure you
noon it was the greatest
rr will hrlp von
excitement experienced for
Dr Pierne’e Common Sen»e Medical months, and lacked but little
Adv vr i I help anyone who «tudiea it
to live a healthy and vigorous life. It of developing into a panic,
to» fria
ninth for plain people. It dra'-e in fact was on
; ' lia Kok
the verge
with the
d.e 1 too»’
-i.trnnd tub ect» from
ty, ikw-poinl
,' » ■
tmon o -ise. It thereof.
- f •
trit.i in in plan Er uh, free
___ ’.a i he lie truth
Over two million »hares ot
"__ : ; jargon,
_ :. This great work.
from -oedioil
■ -- t* n at!
are! large -toek were told, double the
And yes­
P«|tr' »• I o'.er -oo iltostritiona, to aent »ales of yesterday,
a -« to pay eipenae
sales were inure
• tamps terday’s
of m*
for t e < a ,« ■!> :: I 1 I !:■ e, or -inly 21 than double those of the day
« ta pal-rr cover»,
alampa fot the
Addr-» I>r. R. M to» e, WaJo, N. Y. before, the latter having also
hull» ciust O Dre U
is on B A Hooih is III Rust-burg.
Wni L hix I i r« I» down fr..m Cottage
Mi»* < lair« Dunn oi>iitli>u « to Im­
.Mln Hallie Hurlburt returned to
Junction today.
Mr anil Mr« IfiH-cl) Col-'nian were
over from Coburg natoy.
Ci>niini“-lnner H 1> t*. Iwarda left to­
day on a trip to Wbr-> I r < "unly.
J D Gteotilee, uf H... I u 11 wa, la th»
gUH-c of I la uticfl«, CCC tl.uan.
Ueo E Hinitti ami J J rii**tu|>«.»o, of
Engeii., were r. g I «re ret I at Albany ho­
tel- yeeteiday.
Frank H mmhi , wba rao a*ly bought
farm property near I .era, I ft today for
the Dak> t >s to gut lilt family.
W P Wagiinn, brother of H D Wkg-
unn, lorived thi« afternoon from Colo*
■ ado »11.1 i-fl* gu.-et of tala brother.
•i Le ader :
Clement, <if
Puri 1»1 d, waa «baking bawd» with aid
frroud« <>n <>ur «treat« the fl ’«I of thia
to h-n> J .»rnat: MlwtGnm • Th<tn»p*
■«Mi boo r< t'lroed to Eugen,,, after a
• in lb ■« vlty at ttte tomtr* of J tt
U«* pt >1.
d .tera 1 rdyyv-Mdtnit: Mr B«n-
ear. and »• ►- Lumto«*, wf Hugktnn, ar*
gttoau. of »>■ ..a w.r'«4wi«btoJ, M m W
A Uemuird.
M m A A Feliie, of PoHhnrd, liek
•pi-« u*.e n».t ether ihgAdU.», Mr* O
d Ad»»« 6» -arne l to re iriutiiMd* th
Portteu.8 ifeia »i <*aa«a.
Fto B-«a<- l-’l Uil« raandaig far th»
Ila. tew v >»)> y io arrange th« filial de-
tilla tedeie lakl >g up lb« Mapleton-
E iohi ne »tag» r u*e next Monday.
Mr« J It Bean and MraOC Morgan,
of Portland, who hove attended the
'u ieral i.f it.« late Mrs Cummlna re-
nrne.1 Ui th-dr home- today, »lopping
in Junction enroute.
W K Fr»iler, r.f I* r land, ex-eberlfl
of Multnomah cndu y, 1« litre LUylng
neavy d'af hot»««. He ha» been here
a numb«! ■>* Urn-» before buying
bor-e* for tbe C rt army.
John Eitoo and family, two aontoln-
law »ni their («mill»« arrived thia
•fieri e*u from Miaaourl and are at tbe
horn* * f 'b-tr relat’vee, Jack Poill and
famil . They wlU nettle her«.
Mel id Journal:
Mr« Cole-Nethel,
r >ku >wn >e*eti«rof pariiamen-
«. , will «'
at tbe reaidrnoe of
’ » V rrr r »'«I Mr T l Ger I >e Ma­
in l-ehkei with« here in
o< *•«»•
UIU« to .li.ud lb. WulB.U a ClitbUMWl-
lug tbla *>in>u< iteiurilay