■» ... - Eugene Guard p T JRI»» i UL’R X-.V ....... DEI-' OREGON’S NA> TIVE WOODS MbErt 20 bi M. Mr Cleveland had n > he* tmey in telling Great Britain that the collection of private claims irotn V neguel* by force would be re- een'sd by tbit oountry ae an in- Jringe nent of the M rur >e doctrin». I’.eicleut Roo«evelt cotnee to toe pilot in a halting way, asserting tut the South Amer loan republic eoiuld not avoid the payment of j i.l claim»—-an excuse for a no stronger presentation of the Mon­ ro« doctrine. Why? M r Boose- veil’» party M responsible for the retention of an absolutely foreign c ,u itry in every sense of the term, locition, climate, people, all, eight th usand mil« from our chores, agaiuet a continent the major ya»- t on of the peepla af whiah wt- r g >rouely exstede teen ea» scsan- try I ° Hiw can we tail Gwa» Britain end GerasMy they ehail net ideal t^ritsry ealy tbaee itaouenuxd antes ir m their seats af pawer, aa aeoa- tiaaat ea whieta they »1 ready have piHseasioxm, when we have ap- prsyriaWd*—state» ia the tafcUer •» »rd—territory eight towaeawd nr Ice teem vat neaaeet >d»*renT C • istelea*? The mo»'. nsdw mon agecn-t the wisdom of the mtn who in ttav eiclsen yeaM he uitiuly guided toe devil twee of thia vouujry mute no mutotee, »4 least nou« that was worthy of the name. C. gene, Van Has Tyne, of Eu­ a Fine Col­ nnpuig UULiilHiii Uu»r<1 »bedsl iS*’V.os. klMlHA, D r 10.—J D May», of Hair, na- | U oharod a o>»U;l< of lot» from Hr Gils 11, aud ax;<«o -t> move his family her* aa «oou a« he can lection. M C Van Tvne, who has ope of tb« finest oo'lectiona <>t Oregon w< ode In existence, han ju»t received from bls horns In Eugane a number of samples showing tbe beautiful loisti of some of our moat oonnnou woods, says tbe Astoria Budipl. A mon g tbe pieces of particular la* tereat i< curly maple and the Uooe Bay tnyrile, the latter being a very fine wood for furniture manufacture, and •vn be fouud in great abundance at Coee Bay. To Illustrate the Importance of this wonderfu timber, a Han Fren- eisco firm ia now erecting a .»w null at Myrtle Point and will eeon eom msue» openAieua. The firm to pay- «WlHtiser « mi Sir iav**fa eK of wtuea w u.ed in ywueer wark. * Araik* Utosra»88>> s per Wn t»a. Tteto eurfy w«>*pJ», Mr Vow Fy ae «JUtoto h«a no rqwai la ttee world ftir b-saity In finish, lie han made a »tody of toe dlleront woods of ttae ewtire world, Mid tMtoesiWInqly abut ■« t-ipst (Megan l«wdn, tenth In quantity and qu silty, having to tala personal knowledge over 9.) dlatoict specie« of merchantable wsxxls gaowlog within its ixirders. P>rtlnd tea pretty fair raHresd Motor Tie teruaroal yard handled a.ov-iu thousand freight oata daring N ov in tier, three hundred and »evenly a day. Not.o» enCer this h-s!r<’ t. tu» lu.., ■•i junta per wrok, 81 S« » mratb; 812 per year. ' ", ______ build, Elmira Ison the boom. Fl»e new bouse« have been ere« ted tbl« season. Mr and Mr» X T Fisk, of HaP, wer. summoned t> Pleasant Hill Monday to attend tbelr mother who 1* not ex­ pected to live. JohnGro*. ha* returned from Wash­ ington where be baa been visiting fraend*. Mr T A Fountain I* plaoing a board and wire fence along tbeoouuty road in front of hl* house, which add. large ly to tbe Improvements of the jlaoe. 1 IMHEK I.AND tUK B a LE.-W" Jell-O, acres of deeded land—< Id erowth fl. Will cut about five m ilion feet, | Go. <1 swing program will be featuee of the meeting of Mie Aurteitfa ane for Friday evening: Piano sola.....................Harry B NttofgM EAteiDpotMieoua a;*eeche«.............. ........ Mem tieM of the aoCftrty Hyperbole........................Ralph Watean Rreltatlon........................ Walter Moore Debate: R«e<.lved toat Fairmaunt should be allowed 11 w»me within the limit* of Eugene. Affirmative Thaa- dore Holt, Harry Farrow; negative, E •» Crow, John Hill. TbeFrotmlan Huciety haa posted the following program to be rendered at their weekly meeting Friday even­ ing: Reoltatlon.......................... Edna Bertsch Original Production.......... Mias Qulner. Debate: “Reeolved that tbe 29tti cen­ tury woman is fluppreeeed by man." Affirmative Ml*e Grant, Mlee Hudth; negative Mlee Roblnaen, Ml«e Oray. R»citatioh........................... Mr Apperaon Queetion'Box.................. Mr Waehburns Oillo’* Report..................... Mr Bertsch Tbe old memtier, of tbe Dvxlsn Literary Hocinty will hold a recsptlon in honor ot tbe newly Joined Dexlans at tbe borne of Mlee Clara Wold on Friday evening, December 14tb. The ev.-ulng will be paaaed in gaauee aud various novel amnsemenU. •Igned. The appointment I. a good one. Mr 0 will don hla official robes Wuoeaye Japaa ia not progsse- at once. siveT Suspecting that mint eab- MIse Millie Pringle la visiting rela- pioytes W«rt chehoaeet the gawaru- tlvea In Nagluaw. Hotiool closes this week for a two ment inv eted in aaweral X-ray niscuitfte. Now when they aua* weela»' vaostion. In Justice ta th« i.«ci a tellow with hawing ewsdlowxd teachers In our school we must say that universal eatlefactlon h expressed with ▼ liable gold they put hiqn under them and we confident.Ily expect the are X-ray. Great is modern Cre.well school to give a good ac­ count of H h , If this year ai d to Ju.tly gsuiu-l he ranked among toe beet schools In the couniy. Dr Brow a of the New Yoab state year. Hope and all lino« of goods brought remarkably bigb prices. While thio Io ad eo, we are on tbeother hand going to sell you Xmas goods at the lowest prlcee they weie ever sold In this prosperous little city. Th°y are mostly our own impertaHons. The qualities are high, the profits marked low, the variety very great and the selection Is probably geeater in variety ttean any other etore In the city. Il Ie preeumed you will call and look this fine stock over befoao vou bay. We would be much pleased to have ywu Mie- E llth Hmith has the scarlatina come In a« early as you oan. You wUl lunacy cummMeion e«ye there im In a mild form. It xeeais the town can then have more rime to matoe your we- twenty-four thousand inmates in newer get quite free of It. iecNoae. New York aaytamtt and that they Moot Respectfully me inoreaeiag at tore Mrt* of about H a hush G un W orms , M Bast Ninth UMeel. Eugene«. seven huudaed a year. He mwhee Corvallis Orgaw. the «taieauetrt that one-half the R M Cramer, of the Cremer »ruoti >. urn her are foreign born and ahenld a haul4 nit bom permitted to lautk factory at Corrallie, la In the city, Court lotes. Today he made arrangement* wtoti MLAaSMAWB MCBNKB. Morris A Craw, the Ninth vtsset music T* > 0 rondeau boseeown aw» an dealev, to estohllak a laoU agency for John T dtaawie and Z -rabta B Wife t mir way ta Bueeifa to identify a hie organs. dom, H WhMtam witnwwi real sat The inatrwnseota menufaetueed at trotting tears» rtwrt is suapeated of RBAA aXAT» »HAlUBraK*. Corvwhls eqiini toe IfwsGia nnrto» tai being \arrieso tesed, though raeiwg »41 aesyeefa. A n»» was r » to Uto Ulaon tao anua in ÿ 3U u Her a R usmm pedi|f»ne. The •twwvn one ef 'he a->tpv»H tola aftortrawn r 3 w, pubot. E i.aiati goverraneadt ia lndemded ly Mr Cnwaer. It fata the app-awHiew B. -wotatto N rtsompaon to CJiswte» L in t ie inw.tigaHam, toe auepeated of ab »V git p«a»o sari Ile t >as la axle Pfttoaed o j of ho 1 fate IS Mulisg»»^ i»«aee teavmj taken a number ef and dear, Tboy riugrtaf to «II ▼*»ry aroaMan t> tout«»», '■ip«RtM»t idabees locdwdMig ttev wvU wrrw. Fur Sate, Tww faith iu Q k etxwa: tor IW!. taUadMÍ D'xrSru» bad, a jn-ae wM sowt Mtowhf IN jMWliau iOW«b-¡ • falte ttítCri ? 4>wxri I Vtoro bear, W UManttae did. «ATut< IMR p.uaa4»| R .ww^ tetlbre LN omw IlOSeai, afa.ut a Mfar «*♦. Pria.- 1 «». Fw^inse ef or •<* South American republic. Arb t^stioo is a good thing to talk • '»hm th» powers oonoerned have . -rt, »where n»ar equal standing. Wn«u one i« altogether stronger e . I cn cimpel its demands with- < it ipiae'lon, naturally it will not I ( with favor on outside intet- voclion. This question arises in the famj? avtr v day Let us an»w«r it to-day. Try For Sale. T » pacer Daa Patoh ter whom one a poll» man haa juat paid / thousand dollars ia a great >e. He has hasten every borae John McDowell »tart* txlay for .cd against him in three euooee- Colorado with hie faiui y to make hl* » seasons, and haa paced more future home. But we have hero already tbe big­ Mr Clark lite been appointed Justiee «ta in 3:06 and better than anj gest assortment ef Xmas Goode In the of the peace vice John McDowell re- u >r«e that ever lived. city of Eugene. Timas are good thia Cx .r’a t^eu'.y-ftw» fbou-wul dwUiw perae tor ReaasWM-teredbaMM. a—vr-.. _■ ■ 1 Thb sseaa'wyi wfd tab wlad o , the resident fotoigaeM la Vensstiela seem to thtnte their tortuue« »r* made. At an »stance the telegraph brings news that most of the nearly eight thousand Italians there have elei mt for loases. What Shall We Have for Dessert? Th* Heat Pvexcwpt'un tov Matan», Chiite and fever in a botti* of Grown Taetelera (.»>111 Tonto. It I» simply 8 Haiirteaker fa I m receipt af a letter Iran »nd QUI 11 lift- in a tanroten» foro». from PenahiH Omnarrmrtnuer Ware In No Cure. N« F.y Pt un- Soc wluuh beetotee tbe* »11 applications tor perrsluus are being examiuert h * speedily a» possible, and when tiro proof Is posirive a favurabie report wtl soon be made, but when other proof h* required a delay will of Bourse oureur. Beet lfiv-grmJe bnlh miuoe must, 2?« per it» LUu nr 3 Itos f»«r.............. 8 10.-packages of tuu.te................. Ufai 25 ocmi Monupoh ‘ "’ .semro, very Tbe Pride of Heroes. 20u fine for pie ............................... 3 lOo-eans cond»»..o >np»......... Many soldiers In the last war weots 15 lUc-packagea 2j oz 1 log eut to »ay that for aerai cnn, bruises, outs, tobacco....................................... 41.no wound», oorna, aore feet and still joints 9 5c-pkge lj < X -BtokiHg tobMCO.. 25« Buokleu’» Arnica Halve Is the beat In 3,1b• plain mixed amity............... ïôd the world Huras for burns, eaaida, Lower price os same In quan­ holla, ulcers, skin eruptions and piles. tities for Cbritamas eutortsiummte It cure» or no pay. Only 25« at W L f’hoioe m i»d eaudy per lb.......... De L alo ' s drug atore. 15 bora Houix soap......................... 50c Quart bottle maple »yrup...... Ladies’ 4L00 ell w»al under gar- Cows for Sale. men is.......................................... Ladles’ 50" heavy cotton under- garment«. <.................. Freeh cows with and without calves for sal». A good number to pick from. Boy»’ 75c hats ................ Well broke for dairy oow«, Red and Country ham», few only Country shoulders ......... roan Durham. Terms of «ale cash. Call nt home In Notl Valley, fifteen Country bacon sides ..... miles west of Eugene, or address H tephenb B ros , Crow, Oregon. Cor of 9 h und Oak Hin Skeels’ Special Sales. L. C. SKEELS Just received a line of the NATIONAL BISCUIT CO’S Inner Seal brand. Nabisco,Favorite Milk Biscuit, Athena, Butter Thin Biscuit, Social Tea, Five O’clock Tea, Stalzenbach’s Fwicback,English Fruit Cake, Banquet Wafer, Champagne Waler. J. U. GREEN & SON Phono Main 25-1. W Our Motto to Please We keep a well selected line of Gmcerf* and fawh vegetable« ef all Mnvh, m their «ea**on. E vm E Saratoga ebqx and mdod peanuta Tillamoel^ fauhrager ami •uunWy chara», Give mb a Call : : : Grocery : : : •••••••• SMf J Iowa i Cockerline (Sb Wetherbee Have all the new new things in Ladies’ NeckWear and Neck gibbons for Xmas. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. Our line of Man’s Furnishings for Xmas are Complete. No Trouble to Take Goods Out of Windows r TW Christmas is Comingi I I I 3 and we are in a position to offer you Splendid Bargains in Jewelry and Perfumes at per cent Discount We have a fresh supply of Candies and Nuts at low prices. A new and fine line of Ladies’ Men 8 and Boys’ RUBBER BOOTS. Elegant line of Crockery and Glassware at prices to surprise you. We pay highest market price for Butter and Eggs. Call on us on West Eighth Street and Try Us. BURG ®> KESTLY. J M c K inney bros . Only 15Days to Phone, Red 6-36. Secure RacketBargains... Hurry Along and Secure First Choice on Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Furs, Jackets, Skirts, Furnishing Goods, Piece Goods, In All Departments. Always Desirable Fe«»p4* ••me f>r »ur «¡•d t*«e* ttow am Niai farvnh Mhfÿ Mtroà Mi wv* qiM«ldy Wi»e tfwvt b«v W« aXw4 pteM«. Whe» jm « WUT« ••tne- tf>*a ti i« Wy, u r b«Ac (. flave« Racket Store. P. FRANK®,SON. N. T. WELSON Ptaoae Na gn. We shall close up the Racket Stnr*3 on the 25th of Dec for invoicing. Be­ fore that time all goods will be sold a Clean-Up-Prices. Please remember that on the abo'e date we shall give you the last tbance to secure bargains at the ¿47 WJUmaottc St Open Evenings. c c ■ AMMoNn. Two Sightly Building Lott for Sale. ILinidmrry Plant*. Ttee two corner lets on tbe left hand whore th« old street railway began to Marlboro and IVtii'wrt red raap» go up < oil ge Hill are eft-red for sals. twrry plant« for aale, 88.50 per thous- They have a gentle slope 10 tbe street Eugens, and. James Ottut, Otiut, Box 198,/ 198/ Eugen», Corner aud toward- the town, with an Ore. elevation of probably twenty feet above the level ot ibe t u-ln-ae part thereof. Thle elevation 1« reached by Euray Notice. a barely appreciable rise extending over several 1 1 n. Illi»» Jost sen»« the street from the end the K*et arrived t He Ufle-noos. of the lengthavl«o (lank walk when The Iowa Grocery Co baa a new you wmi* to Collsg« HiU, in the anile Chrlettaae wfedow. of th» Aral two r»«l teuoe properties. Torn -aiurely to the right at th» plan - We rga save yoa money ea Ueqp»n 1» Ing n.ill and y<-u cannot ml«» It. A »Mi give yoa to-y payments, b*-ld** g » a*.y Han.ik.rchief. (suit- abla for a Xma. U ft.) in th. history of our .tora CHATELAIN BAGS- whst is tber. more .uttable f * » Xmas Uift, fnr * l*<1y ths® a rise Cbatolaia llatr* W. her. th.m st rtweial pruws thi. week. GARMENT DEP ART M vNT R«n«a.ber 41 oar leilor m«.le an ta go at th* Mlowini .win« prices: thir I • ■ t. • • ........ . , 8 5 80 ' nr 812 '«> .U:u f.w.... O ut 49D •>. 872 M atol *2» 00 .aito 10 00 at Ladiea Wool Waist* at Coat. Fancy Goods Department. All our $1.50 Fase in atora 44 44 1 25 14 44 1.00 «4 «s 81« 80.4111 OOaad 4»> OOraftogvM... 412 SO Dress Goods^Department We will onntinus one silk a"»' • ' . .Although many araLe-i • « t' * . a price* of our focy «ilk. lart f , ¿nod ase.mm.nt toa.ee» from. K*"1'*1 fanny ei k. wirtk from 81 2S OiCCHl- to 43 00 for................................. C ’ I Our Half Price Remnant Sale 1 Wi l ale coetiau. all th» wa->. A wod m»ny Iwrveeiw th-m raiianla tor Wrapiar*. " »•’ Skirt, and lull .uita, * Watch for our ad ia Friday . and Saturday . paper telling you all about th. good thing, in .tore for you Saturday night f f