The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, December 20, 1902, Image 2

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I troop* and Qun* Sent to La Ouayra and
Volunteer* Enrolled.
British and Ocrman* Arrested. Houses
Stoned, Flag* Burned.
La Guayra, Venezuela, Dec. 13.—The
British cruiser Indefatigable arrivtnl
here at 6 o’clock this evening from
Quanta, the port of Barcelona, where
High Water Damage* Eugene Woolen
she is believed to have lieen in search
Mill- Minnesota Colony to L«xate in
Comprehensive Review of the Import­ of the Venezuelan gunlmat Restuardor.
Lane County—Ingram Want* Legis­
ant Happening! of the Past Week,
The German cruiser Vineta and tbe
lature to Aid Him Oregon Odd Fel­
Presented In Condensed Form, Moat British cruiser Retribution left here at
low* Celebrate 50th Anniversary.
Likely to Prove Interesting.
6 o’clock this evening. It is supposed
they have on board Venezuela’s answer
Free delivery of tnai^will comtnsnce
Spain is trying to buy warships from to the demand ol the foreign powers,
in Albany March 1, UtOfl.
fi paign powers^
, which arrived from Caracas on a special
Fellows lodge ha* been in­
The first blizzard of the winter has at 2 o’clock.
4>urkee, Eastern Oregon.
swept Iowa and Nebraska.
What is termed an inopportune dem- There are about 30 members.
Ice forming on the “third” rail of onntration and the strange method re-
Probably the largest shipment of
the New York elevated roads has stop-
the remitUnoe
the yene.
wool ever made from Independence at
ped all trains.
zuelan foreign minister of the demands one time occurred last wefek.
H. A.
The Venezuelan gnnboats captured of Great Britain and Germany, which Douty shipped direct to Boston 120,000
( pounds of wool. TM' shipment made
by Germany and Great Britain are are freely criticised here.
The government has sent 2,000jmen up almost 10 freight cars.
now manned by British sailorj.
and 18 guns from Caracas to reinforce
A Rock Island passenger train was the garrison at I-a Gua.wa. These
The Linn county jail wall* will be
wrecked by a broken rail near Terrill, troppB s»e camped at Cuaracuti, dis­ line«l with three-sixteenths inch stael
Tex., and the engineer and fireman
tant one hour from La Gutty*». All pbit»s. Tbe *eABi» wifi aU* be cov-
day and atol nig$>t Mixnunitiaa bite heeai en-9 witb a a<««*rk of sD-el bans.
Fire destroyed a five story building carried to Fort latyigita, wdaah •aowosv* These M<*»osw»ivi0e te the js«i 1 hsow
qt fleranton, Pa., in which was located! i the hiasbar, and prepasiiiaons are be (tog beea tMide ncaeRWWY by
hrwOoi in the past two ¿tears.
a wholesale grocery firm. Tbe loss wilt tmalo to resist the foreagn fbaoes»
Volunteers to the number of 926
amount to If 175,999.
For ws--1» tbeae has been a s*»-t-rtiiataa
An automatic tnachme In» Ik es isi- mea, add loom ha Guaran, hinte been haating of seservoir sta-s tfw*ugh«wt
It hue deatelopeh t-tart
vented that will clean m*Be -ahiisu firmed todity, aaid> m**e use aetyiesviag Dis-tassa
It is asserted hete tlsw tae w4iea tJae g»v«vnait-aot so a i m irf Is--- ge*e at
than seven men. o It will i ewib onaiore asms.
gsvexanerg wan laid sufficient Men t* rte wsrk hi tf^s arid region 3 will Haul
the sglrnon canning industry.
resist the foreign ffiBÍei» as take ni«w- «juery awa*Lable rerervoi«- nxe tal*en by
The dock Jab.svrs strihe “in Mar­ meut is pspodur.
Every wheae wne some ene who ha* :<n e»e to baMaesm
seilles, Friftie, continsies i«to».l«*(n. mee» HÜ chvaes iflid •sndxt*»* s;«Bry-
A paahy comaHtang sf adb*(3
The streets a»- now p aoneited lw tor».pff iag Maaiser rxkles.
and riots are ol frequent occuoaenee.
The news of the caiptswe at Psrb-sf- CwCv ;n>9 NerwegMiag tacue b-tt Pen-
dletea So join a huger party in Hte
Ice in Lalaa St. Clair ctagged tt><> m- S?>ain, Triawdad, of the VenemekM Hast, and at New York they will all
liy the lto®tisho erwiser
takR pipes for Detroit’s vatter supply gmihsat
s;dI far Kurape. After a visit ta tbsir
so seriously that many factories were Clary bd is wartcwnnisuncHted t* B»exi- old homes the ewiwsioaists wail aeturn,
compelled to shut down tenytouWiiy.
Associated Press. The event caused and ««q-e- t ta bring raaaij o' their
frieaite and rehitives with them.
General Miles will visit the German gwat excitement.
The president Ims called on all Vene­
The new Oregon code, compiled by
The reciprocity treaty with Cuba has zuelan citizeas between the ages of 18 Judge C. B. Bellinger aad W. W.
and 50 to talo- tq> arms in the de fen eg Cotton, has been issued.
This code
been (jgned.
was authorized by the hast leim-latat»-
of the con airy.
The California end of the Pacific
and will hereafter lie-uised in the courta
cable lias beitfi laid.
in place of the codes heretofore in use
Negro voters of Alabama have farmed
One thousand copies will lie delivered
a colored Republican party.
senate Decide* on a Lump Sum f«>r Each to the secretary of st£te.
of the Strike Arbitrators.
° Three men lost their lives in a coal
0 There is a movement on foot to di­
Washington, Dec. 13.—The senate vide the Eighth judicial district, con­
mine accident at Wilkesbarre, Pa.
Secretary Hitchcock has’suspended late ‘yesterday afternfxui passed, with sisting of Baker, Umatilla and Wallowa
all timber land entries in the Pacific Beveral amendments, the bill fixing counties, into two districts.
coast states.
the compensation of the anthracite and Wallowa will e«nstitute one, and
Baker county will be constituted a
The cohi wave continues in New- coal strike commission, and it now judicial district by itself, if the plan
York and suffering is intense on account g«H‘s to «^inference.
Sentiment was is carried out.
The reason for the
of the lack of coal.
strongly in favor of allowing the mem- change is that the district is so popu­
Finley Peter Dunne, of “Mr. Dooley
tiers of the commission who are not lous that there is too much for one
fame, was mairied in New York to employes of the government a lump judge to do.
Miss Margaret Abbott.
A slight earthquake shock was fedt
sum for their service, and after much
Fire at Worcester, Mass., caustal ■ debate $ t,999 was settled upon as the at Grants Pass last Saturday.
property loss of $259*900.
About a proper amount, thus taking th«« matter
Local meat dealers of La Grande
dozen firemen were injured.
out of the hands of the president.
will establish a first-class parking
One of the coal operators called to
testify before the conimission stated adopted, fixing the expenses of the
A colony of Minnesota farmers are
that his company re««ived atxiut $2.50 commissioners and the assistant record­
negotiating for 30,000 acres of laud in
per ton for coal.
question of the amount of salary of the Lane county.
It is statisl that President Castro ha* assistant recurd -rs and employes to the
Th’e wajm and heavy rains of l§st
asked United States Minister Bowen to commission.
The name of the com­
act as arbitrator in tbe controversy mission was chaiAttsi to ‘‘Anthracite week have raised the Rogue river to
the highet stage it has known for yeap.
with Great Britain and Germany.
Coal Strike Arbitration.”
An amendment 4>y Daniel, of Vir­
The postoffices at Castle Rock, Wash.,
A two days’ farmers institute was
Nez Perce, Rathdrum, Sand Point and ginia, inten<l«sl tn prohibit officers in held at Lewisville, Polk county, this
Shoshon«-, Idaho, and Moro and Mt. the civil or military branches of the week. A good attendance was out and
Angel, Oregon, have been placed in the government from serving on commis­ deep interest manifested.
sions *r performing duties other than
presidential class.
Governor-elect Chamlierlain is at
called for by law, provoked a lengthy
Tbe senate rejected the proposal
to discussion, ami in response to appeals work on his inauuuial address, It will
admit Chinese to Hawaii.
of Allison and Hoar was finally with­ noj be a long document, but will make
Vice Governor Wright wants a lower drawn.
At 2 o’clock the statehood a general survey of state affairs,
bill came up and there was a brisk ex­ favors protection for public lands, flat
tariff for the Philippines.
salaries and a liberal appropriation for
Senator Hanna sav* be doe* not want change befcwt>en Quay, who favors the the Lewis and Clark exposition.
the presidency and will not run for it.
Quay and Bate saido they were
Fire°destroyed the planing mill of
It ia thought likely that Governor roadv to vote. Beveridge, Ixrdge, Hale
W. I). I’lue, at Rainier.
Ixiss on
Taft will sticceeil Judge Shiras on the ami others protest««l .against ” pressing
building sAul contents, $28,000, par-
supreme bench.
the bill so soon after it was reported, tially cover«««! by insurance.
over until Moi day.
Charles T.Yerkes, the capitalist, ia a and it went
------ 9------------------
Frank S. Ingram, who was Bhot while
strong advocate ol the lalxir union as
Pari* Exhibit at St. I.ouls.
Tracytind Merrill were making their
organized in the Unite«i States.
Paris, Dec. 13.—The prefect of the escape fro n the penitentiary, and who
There i* much piracy being practiced
lost his leg as a result, anti has since
lias submitted to the municipal
in the waters adjacent to the Philip­
l>een pardontsl by the governor, is cir­
pines. The small craft only are preye«l council a memorial en the advantages culating a le-tition asking aid from the
| to Ire gained by a lilieral representation legislature to establish him in a small
on. I
"flie Indian appropriation bill befoae of Paris at the St. Louis exposition, business w hereby he may be able to
th«« house carries more than $1,000,999 and asking for an sppropriation.of $36,- make for himself a living.
less than the appropriation for the 999, which it is ex|M«cted the council
The 50th adgiiversarv of the organiza­
present fiscal year.o
will grant. The memorial points out tion of th«« fitst Odii Fellow lodge in
Oregon was held in SaR-m De<ea>l>er 6.
Thirteen anarchists were arrested in
Rome after a desperate struggle? Th«« exposition and urges a Parisian repre­ Then« was a large n*i*ber of members
lailice *nrpri*e«i them at a meeting sentation whigh will ewceefi jn its fr->*i all parts of the state present.
while they were in the act of taking an artistic nature that of the CUaeUM J'lie i »-rcises weee presidtM over by
Sil»- .1. Day, past gn«.«l nu*-*»r, 1968.
oath with poniards to assassinate King world’s fuar.
Victor Emmanuel.
The high wun-r caused o>nside»«We
People Aim <Mi Ladspncfe
A civil war is in progress in Morocco.
Miaala, De*. 18. — betiM Daniel, dain-a* to the woclen mill in Eugene,
China will increase its standing governor of Rizsd provaise, Luzsn, bit's «id wa- stilb, ieat t* s*«e the propriet­
ors rewading the prospe*t of what
abfndosed the w.isaiD masse of **ne* of iiagib lurtipen if tbe vnHer sh*uld ia-
Secretary Shaw proposes to remit the reesncentriUasn in his dirtwut, which f< ar fe«s hitiker, :» g t**ie*hnea does.
duty on tea in bond.
were established h> prevest the ladawnee The machinery ha* lieen t<n*-*rt'r>i [ta'tQ-
It is the plan ol the trusts to dvteat from receiving supplies. The people ba-Uy o*x of tree.
Rixisevt'lt for renomination.
have promised to assist the police said
constabulary in the campaign against
Secretary Root ha* rwommended the the tadrones, and Governor Daniel has
laying cf an all-American cable to agrrt-d to give them a chance. Many
Wheat—Walia\9niliw 714473»; tollte
ladronea have already t>een ar ranted, stem 79.<$80c; valley, 74c.
Barley—Feed, $23.50 pettan;
The crown prince of Germany will and the plan of co-operation promitDh
Ing, $24.00.
probably visit the Unit«*! State* at the to la« a success.
lime of the St. Ixiuis fair.
Flour—Best grade, 3.60(93.90; «T»h-
Kull«! I p Japan'* Navy.
am. $3.20®3.60.
Hops rtill continue to raise in price,
Tokio, Japan, l*ec. 13.— The qtl««e-
Millstnff»—Bran. $19.00 per ton ;
but big consumer* are holding their tion of Japan expanding her navy is
middlings, $23.50; shorts, 119.50,
order* in hopes of a decline.
rtill unsettl«*!, though it is said to be chop, $18.
Greet Britain will ship 296,099 j obliged, as part of the tacret conditions
Oats—No. 1 white, $1.15(91.17 :
mule* and horse* from the I nit«*) attach«*! to the conclusion of the Angle« gray, $1.13^(91.15 per cental.
State* to restock the farm* in the
Hay — Timothy, $1(M|11; clover,
i ex-Freniirr, is taking a d«iep interest in
I the matter, and is endeavoring to com­ $9.00; cheat. $8(99 per ton.
Potatoes— Bert Bnrtianks, 60(980«
The largest department store in promise the difficulties among the po-
Omaha has failed.
The liabilities of litHal parties with a vie» to eff««ctmg ;«er sack; ordinary, 50<55c per cental,
the company are about $447,990, with th* expansion without having rectrars* growers’ pricee; Merced sweets, $1.75(9
$2 per cental.
asset* which will more than cover that to the «X'ntinug,nce of the land tax.
Poultry—Chickens, mixed, $3.00<A
amount when realixed yn.
4.25 ; ;i*r pound, 10c; hens. $4(34.50 ;i*r
Accept the (luklsboro.
President Rooaevelt ha* announced
Washington, 18 a -. 13. — Robert T. dozen, per ponnd, 10c; springs, $3.00
that lie will send Barrvtt te Japan.
of Portland, representing the st3.50 per dozen; fryers, $2.50(33.00
A riot in the French chamber of
of the Wolff A Zwh-ker ship­ broilers, $2.00(92.50; ducks. $5.00M
deputies ha«) to be suppressed by
coaipany, calle«l on Secretary 6.00 per dozen; turkey*, live, 13c,
Mosly to-lav in company Pii’h Senator dressed, 15c: xeese. $6.00(36.50.
The postoffii-e department ha* liegnn ! Binion, for the purpose of inducing the
Cheese— Full cream, twins 15S<*
issuing the 8-cent stamp* bearing tbe department to accept tbe tarp»««lo boat I6%c;
Young America, 16 ^(917 ly
Martha U a*4>ington fa««.
Gol,ist>«>ro for the unpahl balame of factory prices, 1(31 l»c lee*.
Butter—Fancy cr*am*ry, 30(3321»«
Italy al*<> has claims against \We- $20,900. He urged that, a* th* Golds­ ;<er pound; extras, 50c; dairy, 20
xuela and ba* ordiVd two cruiser* to
vessel* ol that same plan, 28.1 knot*, «9 22 Sc; «tore, 15>318.
that country to enforce her demand*.
Eggs—25rt30c per ft-en
it shookl lie acceptable to tbe govern­
Hope—New crop, 23326c per pound
A Mexican scoot »** captured by ment.
Wool—Valley, l$Si915c; Eastern
Yaqui Indian*, his tevtciit «>ff and then
Diamonds Stolen from Hotel.
Orex«»n, 8gll4Sc; mohair, 264U8»-.
compel!«««! to walk. lie fell dead after
Cbi< ago. I've. 13 —Mrs. Charles II.
H*ef—Gros*, cows,
3(38 Sc per
100 yards.
Blackman, a wealthy widow re«i<iing pound; (teer*. 4c; Ireeeed. 6«<7c.
Veal—7 SA8Sc.
Th* new 9 Spanish minister of marine in th* Kenwood hotel, has been robbed
Mutton — Grnea, 3c per (jponnJ;
of |b,000 worth of diamonds. Th*
the nava)
prop..**' to
— increar*
— estimates
by $5,009.909 ami after ward io gradu­ jewel* were taken from her room in th* dreesed, 6c.
Lamb* — Grna*. 3Sc per pound,
ally increase timm until the annual hotel in daylight, ami while th* par­
expendU'ire reaches $»0.«MK),000.
fn lop, a short distance away, was filled dreseeii, Sjfit-
Hog*—Gro**, fiM-ASScper ponnd;
this manner a modern navy will b* with people. There is no clew to the
<freeead. 7«7 H*-
VYillemetadt, Curacao, Dec. 12.—
There wa» a great patriotic demonstra­
tion in Caracas last night when tbe
news arrived that the British and Ger-
Must Now Be Approved by United States
man warships had seiz«xl the Vene­
and Cuban Senate* - Lnlform Reduc­
zuelan war vessels at Im Guayra.
tion of 20 Per Cent, With Specials
Ciowds quickly gathertid and |>arade«i
by Each Country on Many Product*
the streets ol the capital, displaying
No Further Changes Likely.
lianners and singing patriotic song*.
Violent speeches were delivered at var­
Havana, ¡>ec 12.—A definite treaty
ious pointe. The populace marche«! to |
of commercial reciprocity between Cuba
th* palace of President Castro, who
and the United Statas was signed at 11
addressed them. The mob then moved
o’clock last night by General Bliss anj
on to the German legation, shouting:
Secretaries Zaldo and Monte*. It lacks
“Death to the Germans!”
only the signatures of Secretary Hay
Tbe windows were shattered with
and Senor Quesada, and the approval
stones and attempts made to force the
of the United States and Cuban senates
doors, but the ,latter resisted these
to make it operative.
efforts, and Madame von Pilgrim-
Although the treaty provides for a
Baltazi, the wife of the German chiage,
uniform reduction of 20 per - cent from
who lift been ill in Jxsd for th* part
the present tariff charges on Cuban
two msnttis, mad taMteftaoe c«*Jd not pi«*** «. e**»rikig the United States, a
leaaM ('.«rttal* w irii her hm«b.u»d, wi<- p«i«ital list wf producte has bwe* <lr8wn
th* BSStoud fteom vi«tawee.
lb’s ono*««i wp ia wSiirti to se* fsrth the aednatiaa
• a wtwh me*» aassde tow Cuba a*id the
«tot« BMtanton-d to* the lotenna»
Uaito-J iflw.Ses kexpeaWuAy. It is i*a-
and Are’ *tMdVa»e •$ btt. laoetotta», p«snsble naw ba aaudde
aau stMMMH bhe wdai lww said, at «aoiw hi H ms last.
tiwMptOM» ta tawe ¡a* «sKkuuxw*
pslice »««3«- ns edfbrt to dtay»«*«* the
Aw*S<fh>«n MHtanta GW*!
The teu-iteaiwMt wots s»«il ax»:«* MtaAm
wtae*, at 1$ o’slsel» taixrgM, the gsa-
erMswtt sadeaed the sawst *f adl Ge»-
M';» tosa Atta a, Des. 15.— At tbse in­
imm «id Eagftod» Beside« tos. <tae to oar stance *f Secsetoary LFay, Dr. Hemuc,
totter 125 pen*»as proMawetoto in cem*- Cvloataan clnMtge d’ldiiiw-sx oaLtad at
men<jte iHid sssiul tide wx-*e c»w«« »toe stata dqpaeta»«en«t ta « ühuohs titw
ihither hi the pslise sta&oa.
All the .«lai tn-atv negehiaitioae, that the see-
British eesidi-»ft« wsene arBeeJed iwpt i retarv might be atote to re*ort
Aurticri A. Chesry. of the VeaeHuelaa stab» of the canul situation h> the «*U>-
CeiiS»»l mdslWBty. and W. W. JFalhice, iaet. Dr. Hertau w» unable ta jtive
manager «f the tek<pli*ne noaopaxiy, the sei Betswy eny reply fior» the Bogota
who escaped to a place of safety. UDVwrnnent as to the price whinto
Ninety-stwen Geiuna»i n-sidf-Bts were Celom bin will a<nept for the lease.
arnuiteil, among them the German c*n-
It was explained to Dr. Hertan that,
sul, Valentine Blshm, aad ffeerr Kn*p, in view of the many other weighty dip­
manager cf the German Cteitral rail­ lomatic matters peessing for attention
road. Herr Fimmross, chancellor of at this time, and the growing impa­
the German legatisn, was met by the tience at the capitol at tbe ffelay in the
police near Bolivar square sail arrested. conclasion ol tbe canal convention, im­
Amid cries of “Death to the Ger mediate action by the Bogota govern­
mans!” iind “Down with the foreign­ ment was imperative.
ers!” tbe populaee directed its way to
Drfe Herran today cabled the foneign
the German residential quarter and office at Bogota the wishes of the state
gathered outside the Hotel l^lindt and department, and called attention to
the German club, vix'iterating and ut­ seriihis complications that may aris*
tering insults. The Belgian charge, F. out of the Venezuelan situation.
S. Guffart, was arrested by uiixtaae for
a German because of his fair complex­
ion. In spite of hie vigorous protests,
he was taken .to the police station, Th«.y Capture $30,0*0 In New Mexico and
but was release«! 10 minutee later.
Escape to the Mountains.
On learning these incidents, Unite«?
St. Louis, Dec. 15 —A special to the
States Minister Bowen and Secretary
VV. W. Ruesell went at once to Presi­ Globe-Democrat from Santa Fe, N. M.,
dent Castro, and after a long conference says:
A report reached Santa Fe late this
BiHceeffed in obtaining the release of
Dr. Koehler, ° Madame von Pilgrim- fternoon that the private bank of Hills­
Baltazzi'e physician, and Consul Val­ boro, Sierra county, was held up by
entine Blohm.
Minister Bowen ob­ robbers, who escaped with considerable
tained the official authorization of the bootv, as but a short time before cattle­
Venezuelan government to represent men had deposited $39,990.
The deed was done in broad daylight.
German and British interests «luring
The robliers made for the northern
the imbroglio.
The government has placed an em- part of the county. After midniglit
batgo tin the British railroad to lai three men were heard galloping at a
Guayra and the German Central rail furious rate through Fairview, a mining
camp, and were headed for the Black
road from Caracas to Valencia.
The populace is still greatly excited, Range. A sheriff’s posse is in pursuit.
The bank is owned by Pennsylvania
and the situation is regarded as critical.
The British and German o flags have capitalists, and is doing a large busi­
ness. Hillslioro is off the railroad line,
lieen publicly burned.
the nearest point being Lake Valley, a
number of miles to tbe north. There
is no telegraphic communication.
Protest Against bducaUonal Test Provid­
ed In Immlgintion Bill.
Washington, I>ec. 12. — Tbe senate
rommittae on immigration vesterdkv
continue«! its bearing on the immigra­
tion bill, the first witness being Wil­
liam Hayward, representing the Ha
waiian Sugar Planters' association and
the chamlier of commerce of Honolulu.
Mr. Hayward's objections were directed
solely to the educational test require­
ments of the bill.
This test, he said,
would keep out of Hawaii the only
labor it can obtain, and in time would
produce financial ruin. The Hawaiian
planters have tried for years, he said,
at great expense to get white labor to
work in the fields, but without slice« ss.
Japan is now the only country from
which labor can tw obtain«*!, and the
tslucMional test would keep out all the
* Colonel Joseph Smolinski, repn-sext-
ing the Polish-Ainerieim Alliance, ah«*
spolse ai*i«a-t the efiacatienal test. He
tiud these ar< alasi-t 5,099,0i t> Stowe
in tae United States, sad de»toai-d Matt
many Poles who wo«ld make excellent
citizens weald he kept ont by edaca-
,tioaal tan**, and their te*«nKK.*as for
fits-dom he itadod.
A. P. Andeseea, repee-tadia*: rte
Americsm 1 lae s*e:aiishq> ceapaav,
Mok easeptiea ta the wsvadaieats as-
eetaly »««to- *• the hill iaip uoat fises
on »ransporatio*a ix>a|:iai»s ar *roow
iap itoa*seized adA-aw
t»ul|giur CiwwcMk Rta.
Watchirg; to Sec Bow Far the Monroe
Doctrine Will Reach.
City of Mexico, Dec. 15. — KI Impar-
cial, the Liberal newspaper, in discuss­
ing the Venezuelan troubles, sees in the
attitude of Germany and England an
attempt to try how far reaching is the
shadow, for some threatening, for
others protecting, of the Monroe doc­
Therefore all eyes are now
turned toward the capital at Washing­
ton, for the situation may perhaps be­
come very difficult for the American
The Mexican Herald says that blood
is thicker than water for the Latins as
well as for the Anglo-Celts, and that
Latin America looks on at the present
crisis with anxiety.
New lowmmtnt BkiiliBrun»
W aldington, Dec. 15.— The h*t»e
•omaiittee on pahl ic bwilditiHs and
grounto refioitad favorably the bill ap­
propriating $7,09«,09* to porches«« a
Mite for a cosrt of justice bailding for
the acsoaisi*dHti*a *f the sspseMe
court of the Unttad States, tae depasr-
m - at of just!«««, n.ational Imv ldrssry
aid intarmwllsMl tribaanMe. The csai-
mita-w alss reported the bill, which
p.s-swd Mis mwm M s . carrying $2,50d,t»»8
tor the cesetructisa sf a nw depart-
■<tat of atricaltsre bwJdw, but cut
the lissit t* $1,509,0*9.
Nww .VRnirtfcr to Jiqian.
Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 12. — By the
Washington, Dec. 15.—Secretary Hay
ignition of a package of srtptour in a
men’s lodging house hut»? early to lay, ha* re<-eived a cablegram from John
Barrett, d^ted Calcutta, stating that he
the occupants of the place narrowly regarded it his duty to continue his
esca;>e<l death from suffocation. The connection with the St. Louis exposi­
fumes of the bnrning stuff filled the tion, and, therefore, declining the Ja­
hou-e, overcoming many of the hslaeFs. panese mission, which had been ten-
The polic«« nianageil to grope their way |der«*l him. It is understoo«! that Lloyd
through the smoke and opentni win­ Griscom, Jr., now minister to Persia,
dows, after which tb«“ unconscious men who wa* charge d'affaires at Constanti­
were carrie«i into the open air, where nople, and in that capacity did much to
al) were revive«!. It ia not known how ««fleet a settlement of the American
the sulphur became ignite«!.
claims, will be the successor to the late
Minister Buck.
Safe-Robber* at Pocatello.
Pocatello, Idaho, l*ec. 12.— Th«« safe
Silver Issue in Mexico.
in tbe Western Lumber company's
Mexico City, Dec. 15 — The •il ver
otfice was blown up by burglar* early question continue* to l«e one of the
this morning with nitroglycerine. Die great topics of public di«cnssion. It is
burglar* settire«! about $59 in money now certain that the silver miners and
anu $75 in checks.
Tbe Studelaker farming clasps will make common
manufacturing company’s offit* ami cause against the adoption of the gold
the Ristlimrvompany’s office »ire al«o standard. Meantime ail prices are be­
entere«!, but as the safe* at both pla<e* ing raised, and there is much anxiety
»ere o;«en and mntaine<1 no money among the middle classes, especially
nothing wa* ^ecured nor any damage wage earners ami salaried men. The
done at either place.
cost of living ia considered to be out of
proportion to incomes.
Wheat Average Shows Increase.
Washington, IN*. 12.—The statisti­
cian of the department of sgricnltn'-e
estimates the newly see<le<i area of
winter »treat at ab >ut 34,000,000 acres,
an increase of 5.1 per cent upon the
area estimate«I to have Iwen sown in
th* fall of 1901. The condition of
winter wheat on I'ecember 1 was 99 7,
as compared with 86.7 in 1901; 97.1
in 1900, and a nine-year average of 91 4.
French Bank* Losing Deposit^
New York, I»ec. 15—The with­
drawal* from the Ravings lank*, say* a
l ari* dispatch to the Tim** hr way of
Londvn, in the last 10 day* have
,-'<Wo0Wx •« ««inst
$500.009 d.po*(te<i >n the hank*. ¿ln«a
the beginning of the year the with-
drswal. have en-eeiied the deposits bv
• 25.900,000.
Power* Seize Venezuelan Warships- Lltl-
matum Sent to Castro.
tales of w ronqs
Caracas, Dec. 11.—At 4 o’clock yes­
terday afternoon the combined German
and British fleet seized and towed out­
side the harbor of la* Guayara ail the
vessels which were then there.
weie the warships General Crespo,
Tolumo, Oasum and Margaiita.
ships were manned by 390 men.
The news of the capture of the war
vessels is not yet generally known in
the capital.
Great excitement will
undoubtedly prevail when it is an-
__ ______
Ultimatum Sent by Courier.
death of a wife as « r^lt of lt e
fotae removal from her home, and « ’
story of a mother whose h08band '
killed in the Markle mines, and of bo?
she and her two boy, 8truggl(j<J
years to pay the Markies the back r«
and coal bill she owed them, were tb
principal features of yesterday’n *
sions of the coal striks coming*’’
Caracas, Dec. 11.—It is said on good
authority that the captain of the Brit­
ish cruiser Retribution yesterday after­
noon sent a special courier from La
Guayra to Caracas with an ultimatum
lor compliance with the note deposited
by the British and German ministers
at the home of the foreign minister be­
fore their departure for Caracas. It is
said tin* the note gives a maximum of
48 hours in which Venezuela is to ac­
The note, it ia said, requests the
i*Miie9ia*e cash paymeat of $34,090
eisM* to* Gaeat Britain and Germany
fer tbe settlement of claim* arising
tarn psw* »evolutions, by a mixed
tmtowii, the same ae the last agree-
ie with Fasaise.
Wtt» Rbwmttrtgrtds
America!» Llrtt.
Wasdriartuoa, Dee. °11. —“I wish to
irt*ei*M»n te the Mity*rtU*«» ef a
between the nertakMessetn eeast
the sfetta ef Washrtigton and the
eoaxhein pewit of our Alaskan terri­
tory, no as to esnaeet Hie teh-gtooph
swsteai •< the United StexteH with the
telegrwph eyrteai in A las lav.
“The govermaendt of the United states
is maia tabling treops in Ahtetaa at
various pohnta. It is nesponteble far
the maintenaiMe of oader. Distorb-
unces ause aiwatys I bible to eeeur in new
mining camps, aad these is always a
possibility of their occurring along a
iroutier line. Our only present meaais
of communicating by talegsupti with0
our officers, or with anyone conoeraed
in the government of Alaeku, is ever
the Canadian land Lanes.”
So says Secretary Root in his annaal
report to the president. Aad be it
reaieiabered, Becsetary Root gcaemlly
(gets what he gees after. The neeessity
for an ail-Americm telegmph line to
Alaska is recognized by many men in
congress, and its importance, in view
of the recent completion of an extensive
military system in Alaska, is all the
more apparent at this time.
It is
doubtful whether an appropriation will
lie made0 at the present session for a
cable such as the secretary a<ivoea»es,
although, if proper estimates are sub­
mitted later, an appropriation may be
provided in one of the regular Bupply
oh U
Senate Making Good Progress Wltti Im­
migration Bill.
Washington, Dec. 11.—The senate
committee yesterday adopted ail the
committee amendments to the immi­
gration bill, with the exception of one
prescribing an educational test, and
also the action of the committee in
striking out section 3(> of the bill pro
hibiting the sale of intoxicants within
the Capitol building, and then laid
aside the bill until today to pars %
number of unobjected pension bills.
The amendment fixing a $3 head tax
on each immigrant coming into the
United States furnished the principal
topic for debate. It was discnssetl at
length by Galling*r, Hoar, Fairbanks,
l’enrose, Ixxlge and Foraker, and final­
ly was agreed to.
The committee
amendment making the tax a lien on
the property of the transportation liaes
bringing aliens to the United States
was disagr««ed to.
An amendment by Ixidj*« wan adopted,
providing that the head tax shall not
f>e levieil on alieas in transit throagh
the United States, or ta aliews *ace a>i-
rnit<ed to have paad the tax.
Section 3, prescribing an educational
test, was parsed over temporarily.
Sestion 36 of the bill, prohibiting
the sale *f intoxiaants within the limits
of the Capitol buildiag, which was
stei(d««i out by the seoiitoe coi*s*itto»e,
Miss poised over towaapoHwily.
____ a _________
NTRfiCK rn MkrtiOUH.
ItasscnHrr Twin Demiled at Open SWWh
—Two Lire* Lost.
Ka*» City, Mo., Dec. lb. — The
we< bound limited passenger train on
the Santa Fe was wrevked at Rothville,
Mo., shortly after noon today, causing
the death of engineer Samuel Wise, of
Argentine, Kas., and bis fireman,
Alexander Havelin, of Topeka, Kan.,
anil great damage to the engine and
coaches. One passenger was slightly
injured. A colored waiter had his
arm broken and two other waiters were
injured. The wreck was caused by the
coaches being derailed on an open
switch, which the engine passed safely
when the train was going at a high rate
of speed. The train was almost de­
Dynamite Wreck* Mine.
Mother and Two Bo>, Strug£k
Year, to P.y
0( $JQ<>
mony at Time. w„ Hlhetk.
Surprising to the Comml.^n
Owner* Have Little to Sa>.
Scranton, Pa., Dec. ll.-Tale, ,
eviction from houses owned by c »
>t.,kl. 4 Co
The testimony, as presented by
the witnesses whose fives are given
to the coal mining industry, wag^
times pathetic, and surprising'to t*g
commissioners, who listened to it WjU*
undivided attention.
The miners this afternoon conclodM
the calling of witnesses against the
Markle company, which concern «rf
the conditions surrounding it b*
lieen prominently before the mta'^
^ioiiers since lasto Saturday. jD th
absence of Samuel Dicxinson, of Phil *
delpliia, and George R. Bedfotd of
Wilwcsbarre, attorneys for the Markle
company, who are reported to be on
avoidably absent, only a perfunctot/
cross-ewainination has been carried on
by J. H. Torrey, of Scranton, who’is
iep?eeei3iuK another con^iany before
tftoe commission, <tond who had been
asitad to titav- care of tlie interests of (,.
B. M»»kle & Co. as best be cooid
Mack surprise bas been «ap»t8ed that
the company has not made greater
efkixteta refute ssaie of the seemingly
damaging: testimony that has been pre-
seated. It is expected, however, that
the conipwiv will do so later.
The attorneys for the large coal com­
pany have nothing to say regarding
the character of the testimony being
presented, but those representing the
miners are well pleased.
Mrs. Kate Burns, of Jeddo, waeoone
of tbe witnesses called to the stand,
and toki how the and her two bor*
worked 13 years to pay off an accuma-
Isded house re*t and coal bill due to
the Markle company. She was ex.
ami ued by Lawyer Darrow, and in
annver to bis lyiestions said her hue
band was hd engineer inside the Jlar.
kle mines.
Tbe husband was killed
under ground, leaving her with lour
children, the eldest of whom was a toy
of eight “years.
The company ut-v«®
offered her a penny, but the employee
gave her about $189 to defray the
funeral expenses. After tier husband
had been killed she moved from her
four rcom house into one containing
only two rooms, one room above the
other, and for tbe next six yrtln tbd
struggled ae liest she could to getiloig.
She took in washing, scrubbed lor
tbe neighbors, and once in a while die
was given the cleaning of tbe offices of
the Markle company. During these
six years, she said, she kept her chil­
dren at school, and when the eldest
child was 14 years old she »ent him to
the mines to help earn the daily bread.
At the end of the first month tbe lid
brought home his wage etatemeit,
showing that the mother owed $3!Hi for
back rent. The boy’s wages for the
month bad been taken off the bill »nd
he came borne empty handed She
submitted to this and hi the course of
time her next boy was old eriftngb to
help earn a living and be, too, ™
eent to the co>liery. Like tbe older
brother, the second boy received no
pay, his earaings lieing deducted for
rent. The tears of tbe mother on tbe
witness staad were by this time «ek­
ing up and whes she added that tbe
money she earned for cleaning tbe I
Markle offices w« never^iven her, tot
was* kept by the company for rent, the
commisrtusers lo*ked at one anoth*
in surprise. She said it tookothe throe
of them 13 years to make up thedeht,
the mother’s earnings from neighton
being°the principal contribution tow«
the maintenance of the family- *“«
debt wan cleared last August. P0”"!
the ei> years from the time her 1 >
band was« killed until the time
the fiirt boy went to work the comp»»’ I
never asked her for rent.
Test W ashtagoon Hemlock In ,«l*
Washington, Dec. 11. —Gn reco*
mendation of Senator Foster, tbe
department has ordered that •amp*«’*
of Washington hemlock timl*r be *
ried to Manila aboard the tr*w£
Dix, now loading at Tac->ms.
thoroughly tested by forestry *nd ’ a
termaster officers to «ktermin*
eistance to attacks from ants
ability to stand
tests are intended to show «be
not this lumber is suited for coae^
tion purposes in the Philipp‘nW-
Barrett Not the Maa.
Washington, Dw. 11.—I’nrin«*
on Secretary Hay the Jape** . ,
ter, Kogoro Takahira. ¿‘P10® iat'.
but firmlv intimated that Hie i *
ment of John Barrett
Japan would not lie as pleas-»*
im;>erial government at J'
of some other man. No f°'n • P (1,
was file«) against Barrett s«PP° 1Stne*
but the statements °', '*—«)*•
minister were such as to lea
for doubt as to bis meaning
Wilkesbarr*. Pa., Dec. 11.—Four
men were killed and 10 injured, three
probably fataHy, by the explosion of a
box of dynamite in No. 5 mine of the
I^high A Wilkeebarre coal company,
at South Wilkesbarre today.
mine has the reputation of being the
most gaseous in the entire region and
at first it was reported that the gas
had exploded and a score of miners had
Fatal Wreck on the Sant* ft
l>een killed outright.
Los Anglees. Dec.
however, th* gas did not explode, The
accident caused the big colliery to SUS son. a Santa Fe engineer,
killed and two firemen wre rollis**
pend operations for the day.
injured in a bea 1-on fta'i
,r Peaeb
on the Santa Fe near
Tannery Fire. Los* $373.000.
Ridgway, Pa., Dec. 11.— The Eagle I Aria., vesterdav.
Bwicht . r*Tf
\ a Hey tannery was destroyed by fire ! wrecked and several ^er
today. The loss on th* building is es­ | ma-bed. Only mea,
timate) at $75,000, and that on the
stock of leather and hides $250,000 to
To Pay Cost of Bubonk
Insurance ample.
Washington, Dec. 1*'
tannery is in the Elk Tanning com­
pany’s district, which is identified Wilcox, of Hawaii. b»« “ n.ttrrt*f'
with the I nited Mates leather com- bill in tbe bouse ta
A large number of employes render«*! by the »**•’. _.rprs*-«*
will h* thrown out of employment. Re­ for property destroyed 1«
the bulonic plague.
building will commence soon.