The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, December 13, 1902, Image 8

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    ratal shot; and quick as he had fi-ed
the shot he rushed upon his victim
with scalping knife In hand.
A loud “Ugh" rose from the Indiana
Laxity a Distinguishing Cbaracfazia.
and they ro^e from behind the rocks
tic on Morocco’» Man-of-War.
CAMPBILL SSO*., Proprietor*.
and rushed to the scene of death,
Tbe Sultan of MortMico Is tbe pOM».-s-
some exulting and some showing
sor of only one man-of-war. and tbe dis­
signs of disapproval, while old Egan’s
cipline ab urd that vessel is so lax as
face wore a sign of disappointment.
to A» humorous to those who have vis­
But before they had reached his si le
ited tbe ship. France« Macnab de­
the young murderer clinched his vic­
Good evening; have you Invented)»
scribes In her fllide lu Morocco” a visit
tim's hair and was already twining
new breakfast food to-day?
a scalping lock about his fingers.
to tbe Morocco navy. In tbe absence
crevasaa^i. although she had shown i ‘ Before the knife bad touched the
Count Boni de Castellano has an
spirit Qf
coolness f"
’ |scalp, fcowever. a rifle rang out a
chief eugineer aud another officer, prob­
overcoat which coat $11,000. The
strength during tWeir recent adven- sharp crack and then another and
price of bls new corsets is nut named. .
ture. The trapper was quick to come another. The young warrior and a
Rescued and Lost,
mans, and «‘iit*<*d thoroughly luto tbe
to a conclusion. He decided to go companion fell full length for their
humor of the situation. Q
The trapper followed along at
Secretary Wyndham Is predicting an
and get his rifle and secrete his lug­
the -------
halt- gage. •ml steal into his home with lest fall, and in the midst of crackling
shots the others naught refuge be­
end of the Irish row. The Secretary
under him, and between tbenlfbey kept
the girl the following day. making as I
the nearest rocXs.
evidently needs a rest. His mind seems
The judlclul uracle who classlflcl the engines In an appareutly high state draw from its hiding *ace from be­ much of the way that night as pos­ hind
The shots had come from the loop­
perjured witnesses as "liars, ---- liars of efficiency; but the crew, who were all neath tbe sands or wire
sible. So leaving her in the cavern holes in front of the trapper’s home,
and expert witnesses" was Justified re­ Moors, chaoged every third day. Th<«y was not Infrequently rewarded by find­ he went on his mission, at the same and the Indians could plainly see the
Sixty-four divorces were granted in
dark muzzles of rifles still in the
New York in one day recently, and a cently in a New York courtroom. A knew nothing at all about ships, nor covardiy gnawing at its own impris­ time avoiding the savages who
skulking gmor» the rimrocks and
whole lot of people were left unsatis­ handwriting expert was testifying would they learn. The pay is excellent. oned limb and attempting to skulk making a diligent sogrch of every small openings, and every time that
the slightest exposure was made on
"Is handwriting analysis an exaat They are three days 011 board and three away at his approach. Those pelts,
fied even then.
the part of the red Ynen, a puff of
science?" queried the cross examiner. d.iys on shore, and they 0et their food which were usually carried to a safe nmfc and corner.
The trapper W not go*« »or» smoke, a sharp crack and a whistling
Sir Henry Irving cables that he will
j on board and three pounds * feonth.
than tkn hours, though hid course bullet warned the» to keep t»der
come again next year. lie too. It it Isn’t," was tbe exact reply. Which Su«i a berth Is conjklered a sulusbto bis back containing fresh baits for was • round-about on« find to his covey.-
seems, is one of tho** who never can recalls tbe famous ruling by the pres­ reward for any friend or relatlo* *f l*« burden quite a heavy one, but it. did surpri»* »nd dSknay on hlfi retdrt» tto
It had continued thus for more than
ident of a woman’s club: "The chair Sultan.
an hour »h«n a keen whistle was
get quite enough.
not cause him to abandon his Win­ girl sriis not to be found.
decides that srtfnetlmes this assocla
heard frofii th» summit of the rim­
How st 4* much tb*s* “sailors” may chester. revolver •nd knife, Wl^ub
rocks I* the rear. The dim form cf
The other day a practical joker f*» tlon la bound by its constitution and differ among tbemselvt*. ou one point were his
eonstant companion*-<nd
a m<n was seen upon the topmost
tened a crab to a mule's tail, and was sometlm«*» it Isn’t." "Is analysis of rtn*y are agreed -nothing Will Induce tl'.ov wore not carled for ornament,
He -
could see
roefc, rifle in hand. IZ~
kicked to death in just about twu sec- handwriting based on the law of prob tin 111 to obey an order. If they ar* or­
Toward night he decided to climb
•gan rose from the stunning blow th* skulkin« forms of the Indians
ability?" Inquired the cross examiner. dered to do i* thing they dispute tbe or* to the ton of the ri» rocks and take a
oouds. Kindly omit Howers.
"To a great extent, yea," answered the
the country. Awsy to the given him by the trapper and quickly among tha rocks beneath him. and
<l r ImmedlutiO. and argue th*t It survey of w
the moving forms of Fol­ comprehended the situation. When at tha same tlm* observe the en-
expert. "Do you know any other ex­
It has been found that antitoxin will act science that depends on the law of would be much better not to do it. •
as their
t... ... he ascertained that his late antagon­ trfinca to the c«ve. He signaled the
lett and his companions.
This spirit of disobedience Is no fault horses Jogged along, leaving a cloud ist had escaped *ith the captive, he beselged to cease firin« and mo-
cure rattlesnake bites. It Isn't likely, probability?" asked the cornet-lug
however, that the new cure will make erossexamlner. "I don’t know ’a I of theirs. Measures to enforce disci­ of dust behind them. He brought his knew that he had a difficult task be­ tioned th* Indians to depart, The
field elnssos to his eves and surveyed fore him. The Indians knew of Hum white «.at Withdraw their rifles and
much headway In Kentucky.
do," was the candid reply. The ex­ pline are f rbidden by the Sultan; but the mon for a moment and the thou-.-ht tnersley from one end of the desert the Indians gladly accWpta# the ar-
the German officers can bale the crew
to the other and hi* proWess struck
A preacher says the Ten Command- pert had made drawings of the char­ before the governor of the toWn. When ran through hfs mind: "Wonder what them more forcibly tha* any other miatlce.
meuis are out of date and not applies
lliis is resorted to the governor asks out on for his master this time?”
characteristic of the man. While
ble to present day life. Still, there are under consideration. “Are the Illustra­ « h > the prisoner Is.
Hammprsley hrd behold the victim they had never come in contact with
tions you have made there intended
three or four of them that we bad bet­
him before in cunning they knew that
*>d a New Flat.
to be more or less like the originals?"
he was familiar with every trail of
ter stick to just to be on the safe side.
"More,” confessed tbe expert. The wife," Is the reply: or, "lie Is the cousin pect every move they made to be a the desert and »¡th every crevasse
<to*e house. The
wicked one.
expert admitted that he could "draw of the Sultan's uncle.”
employ«** have returned from th* an­
“Well, let the poor fellow go,” »ays
Politicians »oath of the equator are some” and had the ability to “enlarge
not that they Were in the viclafty nual round-up and the place, which
again talking altout the United States or contract the characteristics" of tbe the pasha. "You shouldn’t give him getting. Dan Follett, you Would hunt of his home the, knew that he was had born* * de*erted appearance for
of South America. As a preliminary, letters he was under oath literally to so much to do.” And there the matter a colder one. but I hope to see the still more familiar here than they, and. the past few weeks, Is now all bustle,
same rope hang von and your mas­
the union of Chill and the Argentine reproduce.
that It would take quick work to r<*s- and men are seen here and there
Tho cross examination ends.
ter" said the trapper half audibly.
On one occasion a little light occupa­
Republic was seriously pro[K>sed by the closed with the expert's admission that
The trapper looked down at his erte the captive before he reached his feeding the horses, mending bridles,
commander of the Chilian army at a lie was paid in the case to draw let­ tion was found for one of the crew, to Winchester and shook his head hes­ home among the rimrocks. If once saddles and harness, shoeing horses
there! he could stand out aealnst a and doing everything that fa required
dinner In Santiago last month.
ters "differently from the originals.” which, It was thought, he would aot itatingly saving. “No. no. let ven- larger band of Indians than Egan’s about a great stock ranch. Night
Expent testimony In relation to hand­
As he turned in dtscust hfs eyes nresont detachment, and Indlan' sa- comes on and finds them still busy,
Andrew Carnegie has asked the writing will never be worth the time hi inp trimmer to the ship; but he did
upon another obfect, fur away iraeity suggested proper tactics ln- but they change their work to the
Workmen's National Housing Council It tak«s to present and expose It so It so badly, in fact no seldom made
finishing touches preparatory for the
ornosfte side of the rimrocks. stantly.
of London to tell lilm how five or ten long ns the alleged experts may be attempt at touching the lamps at all, A great cloud of dust rose behind it
Egan ordered four of his best night and one by one they come and
million dollars can advantageously be employ«*«! by the parties to a case In­ that the officer remonstrated.
and the word "Snakes” escaped his scouts to attempt to follow the fu­ prepare for supper.
“Who are you, to talk to me?” In- lips. Bringing his glass to play, he gitives while he and seven of his war­
The Lord of The Desert Is alone In
spent In building model dwellings for stead of by the court nlone as aids in
the poor, lie iwim to have concluded nseertntnlng truth. Even then hand­ quired the Moor. “Don't you know that was no time In making out the char­ riors made straight for the trapper’s his accustomed place. None enter
with Gen. Booth of the Salvation Army writing experts will lie good for lit­ I am the Sultan’s cousin?” This dis­ acter of his party. After surveying it quarters to get possession, Intending his quarters except on business and
that a man who is poorly boused and tle. No human being capable of hold­ posed effectually of further lamp-trim­ carefully he remarked. "Old Egan has when the 'trapper arrived with his only his foreman and superintendents
’ ” Then be ex- prize, in case they were not appre­ have business with him. for all busi­
been at. work ■ again.
Inadequately fed will seldom aspire to ing n pen writes the same word ex­ ming.
as he looked through his hended by the trusty scouts, to cap­ ness is transacted through these. His
higher things.
actly tbe same way twice In a life­
glass sits upon the broad arm of the
glasses. "A "Irl captive, as sure as ture tbe two.
time unless bls pen fingers are auto­ and therefore you must do it,” said the I live..........
Egan had left his horses In care of old chair, and now and then his hand
Ah. Fran stealing horses has
Literary Paris is Interested just now matic. The stnte of a man’s temper, German officer to one of these Moorish become too tame for you. has It? You a warrior, and the chief and his com­ goes mechanically to It. and brings
In the achievements of a little girl who, the condition of his liver, the degree seamen.
are not satisfied with pro* filing voiir panions had proceeded on foot. He ft mechanically to his lips, and he
“Why should I do It?" asktsi the stomaches and m*ans of locomotion, knew that the trapper cared nothing s«rallows draughts therefrom me­
although only ten years of age, is said of pressure exerted at the moment on
to "have written seven plays, five nov­ his time or attention, the kind of pen. Moor. "You are a German, and yon and the hazard of occasionally killing for the horses, and that he and his chanically. With mechanical regu­
men could make better time on foot, larity his face grows redder and his
els and a volume of poems.” Such In­ of Ink, of paper, nffect the writing come here for work. T>o It yourself, . I a man who resists you. but now you and.
besides, they had to cross the countenance sterner, while his eyes
fant prodigies are happily rare; but It muscles. Honest men are unable If
wall of rimrocks In order to reacn take on a wilder glare.
Is always possible to gather an audi­ they write much, especially in a hur­ cousiu of the Grand Vizier.”
A knock at the door and to the re­
"I am not th* law. neither should I the trapper’s place of abode. They
ence curious. If not admiring for any ry, always to read their own chirogra-
attempt to punish you for voiir num­ moved off In a trot, traveling In this sponse of welcome, Dan Follett en-
one who attempts to portray experi­ phy. How little reliance must be
erous crimes for I rather 1'ke to see way until a late hogr In the morning. ters.
It was almost daybreak when they
“How Is It?" inquires his Lordship.
ences she bus not undergone and emo­ placed upon the Interested assevera­ Ags.l Woman Charmingly Telia of
yon bar-ss the Lord of The Desert oc­
“All Is completed,1 replied the
tions she cannot comprehend. Doctor tions of others who profess to be able
casionally—he deserves It. but I pro­ ascended the rimrocks, surveyed the
Great Joke on lleraetf.
Johnson HUggesttnl the explanation not only to identify chlrograpliy un­ The writer known as “Mrs. Grant of pose to look Into this caper of yours.” horizon and descended to the oppo­ Frenchman.
"Get a glass there and fill It to the
As the trapper watched the course site side. They saw the rocks that
when speaking of another kind of per­ der nil circumstances but to be able Laggan" was, at the beginning of the
the trapper’s home and brim.” exclaimed Martin Lyle.
formance. "It is not done well," said to establish handwriting analysis as nineteenth century, one of the Idols of tbe Indian party was taking be saw overhung
Partially emptlying the glass Fol*
a glance that ft was making for the placed themselves as sentinels at a
be; "but you are surprised to find It an exact science, as If even a signa­ literary society, both In London and at
watering place that night, near the safe distance from the entranco ’nd lett seats himself and relates the par-
done at all."
ture is always mathematically precise Edinburgh. 8he «lied in 1834, lu her picture rocks. He was first to arrive guarded every path that led to the tfeuiars of the transaction with Old
and the perfect replica of every other eighty-fourth year, a dear old lady who, at the place and secrete 1 himself in place. Indian courage was not great Egan, drawing forth the woman’s
Hazing is always cowardly, because signature by the same hand. Court
a crevasse of the rocks near the top enough to induce them to enter this scalp from his pocket and passing it
the victim Is overpowered by numbers anecdotage received a rich addition made no pretensions to being younger and watched their approach, having place by night. While they had made over to the Lord of The Desert.
“Did you see the corpse?" Inquired
and taken nt disadvantage when lie has when handwriting rending was pro­ (than she was. She had a sweet Bplrlt golooted a place from which he could a quick trip from the scene of the
no chance of resistance. It la utterly nounced by one of Its professors “an 1 and a delightful sense of humor, never observe the camping grounds about previous night they knew that It wits Lyle.
“No. but I deemed this evidence
the watering place
lawless and Irtutal because it violates exact s< lenco based on the luw of
account of her last appearance at a
The reader is familiar with what a quicker one. They. had. from a lack sufficient.” replied Follett.
the sanctity of the victim's persou and probability.”
"Old Egan Is a treacherous old
large public gathering at a flower-show took place from the time of the ar of knowledge of the country, been
subjects him to gross indignity, to
rlval of the Indians until the Inter­ compelled to take a round-about way. scoundrel and would deceive us if he
in a public hall.
which no man willingly submits so long
I had no bonnet, she says, but a very ference of the tranner, for it was he while the trapper could have come a could, but the evidence seems straight
as he has any chance of resistance.
course, doubtless, and ar- enough.”
cap; am! as I walked tn who assailed Old Egan when the lat­ straighter
From whatever standpoint ft Is viewed Interesting Information Kegardln«
ter laid hfs wicked hands upon the rived first. They doubted this how-
"Oh, you needn't doubt that.” re­
Hubmnrine Territory.
ever, as he was burdened with his plied Follett, “the old scoundrel
hazing is detestable, and it Is particu­
person of Bertha Lyle.
Indian would never lose an opportunity to
There seems no logical reason
Old Egan was strong and firm but companion, provided
larly demoralizing because It rests for
defense upon the plea that the social why cables cannot be laid across any crutches and precisely such a shawl as th* trnnper was active and wlrv. scouts had not overtaken them, and commit murder, especially when so
manners and habits of a young mnn nt section of the oceans of the world, no my own. I looked with much Interest With tbe advantage, too. of having they had greitt hopes of finding the many ponies and mules were to be
following gained.”
the Indians bv surn*-lse ho soon place vacant on
college may properly be regulated by matter how great the depth. Some nt my fellow cripple, and this Interest taken
tore him from the girl and hurled him morning, and either take the two
“But they will never do him much
various kinds of physical outrage and
they good,” replied Lyle, as he placed the
to tho ground. But as the cry made prisoners before or after
Insult whuwe practice is forbidden by over three miles below the surface,
by tho warriors as they camo to tbe should enter the place. It was glass to his lips- ”1 have a plan,
and this is not necessarily the extreme equally large nml splendid, but so open rescue of their ehfef warned him that Egan’s Intention to enter
the Follett, and you are the man to car­
depth, for the cable may, and probably that I liad a full view of It Amid all he had not the time to finish settling ntice if It proved to be unoccupied the ry it out. My men report Egan and
A most curious and interesting exper­ does, pass from the top of one sub­ the flush of bloom before me I often accounts with his antagonist. If ho s-i following morning, provided the trap- hfs men camped at the foot of Ash
iment recently t<s,k place at Aidershot, marine hill to another without droop­ withdrew my attention to regard this desired, be seized the girl by the hand ner did not fall Into their han+s before Butte. You are a pretty fair looking
in England. The guns and gun car­ ing materially into the deep valleys be­ «■Ithered flower with still Increasing and led the way Into a crevasse In tho that time, and then surprise him upon Indian anyway, and I want you to
riages of a battery of artillery, having tween. The greatest known dept of Interest, the more so that every time I rimrocks with which ho was familiar. his arrival. If his scouts should suc­ leave tomorow morning for the camp
been painted with daubs tuid streaks the o>*a Is 40,23(1 feet, or seven anti turned to look her eyes met mine, and As they passed Into the recesses ->f ceed in capturing the girl, for this of the Warm Springs tribe, lead the
<«f red. blue and yellow, were placed Hire«* fifths miles, found In tip* South at length. I thought, with a familiar the rocks, he heard exclamations was all thev desired, they were to warriors on Old Eean's trail, and take
the Indians which alarmed him signal the chief's detachment at the everv animal In his possession.”
In position on outlying hills, and artil­ Atlantic about midway between the expression. At last I remarked it to from
as to his Immediate future course earliest opportunity. Thus Egan and
"What about the deed." Inquired
lery olllcers were sent out to locate lirtnnd of Tristan d’Acunha and the those about me, and said I thought she with the girl. They had recognized his men concealed themselves among
Follett, “remember this Is dangerous
them The odd style of painting made mouth of the Rio de la l’lntn.
would like to be lutroduced to me when him and know •her* ho lived, and to the rocks In front of the tranper's work and it has been a long time
the guns harmonize so completely with
Sound Ings have been made to the the show « as over. Her figure was as encroach hfs home with her ’vonld be cave and welted for developments.
since our accounts have been ad­
the background that nt a distance of depths of 27.480 feet In th«* North At- ample as my own, but I comforted my­ d'fl'oiilt should the Indians a'temnt tn
Daylight comes on the Oregon des­ justed.”
three thousand yards they could not be lantle south of Newfoundland, and self with th«* reflection that I had a guard ft. Ho was not lone in doubt ert almost ns quickly as darkness.
"Tut. tut, man. don’t worry about
located even with field glasses. The about 34.000 feet, or nearly six and better face, hers being almost ugly. 1 ( on this point, for he hoard Fean give \s soon as the snn sinks behind the that. I'll have all that arranged for
you by the time you return. Take a
officers all knevt In «hat direction th« a halt miles) Is reported south of th«* res«' at length, and so did she, but 1 saw
to the trapper’s place and guard it ert as If a light had been extinguished drink, order an early bearkfast and
guns lay. yet not one was aide to point Bermutlns.
Even such enormous her no more.
in a room: and daylight comes with be off with the rising sun. I shall
them out. Nome horst* artillery sent depths as these need not hinder cable­ There was no such room and no lady. until he came
If once hidden In tho heme In the
flash, as it were.
depend upon you, Dan, I shall
forward to engage the guns advanced laying so fur as the theory Is con I arge folding doors of looking glass same room as that occupied by the in a The
sun rose above the level
within one thousand yards before they eernetl. but 111 practice, for reasons of and my o« n figure had decelv«*d me. valid, ho never feared for the danger hortenn ns if It had popped out of depend, upon you.”
Dan Follett rose and left the room.
discovered the battery.
economy ami othrtwlse. It Is found 'llils eouhl scarcely have happened had of her rescue, for tho passage to this the sands, and soon peeped over the but as he passed out of the door he
= —
best to take advantage of favoring con I b«*«*n familiar with my own coun- room was so secret that no one had rimrocks. Old Egan and his war­ turned and cast a look at the Lord of
The uses of photography are con­ dttions In tbe ocean's bed. To lllus ti nance, but I have actually not looked ever been able to find It. though In his riors. cold and stilt as the rocks ThA Desert mingled with scorn and
absence his homo had boon visited by among which they lay. were eagerly contempt.
stantly extending. A Western railroad trate. nil of the cables between the tn a mirror for more than two years.
Indians and whites, and ransacked peering through the sage brush to
Martin Lyle sat and drank and
How uses It as a substitute for written I'lilted States and Europ«* run up along
many times.
discover If there was any life about thought. For many hours he was
Might DHT*-r«'i»c«'.
reports on construction work. For ex­ our const tuitll they reach the neigh-
in deep meditation.
Tom Edls >n «as at < no time a tramp­ shouting of »lie Indians that while a
ample, the progress of the work of boruood of Newfoundland befon* start
ments everything was quiet and the
"With my brother and his daughter
changing a grade crossing or building Ing across to their destinations in Ire­ ing telegrnplier After he had attained pert of the hand, headed by Old Fean old chief «-as planning for a more de­
and out of my way. nothing can
a bridge Is photographed at stated per land and France. The reason for this . ....... ss a» an Inventor be on on«* oc- were on their way to tho trapper's finite reconnoiter. It was still shad- dead
ever disturb my rights here,” ran
lode, and the photographs are pre­ Is found In th«* range of submarine easiqfi called up. n a friend of fils who home tho others wore recklessly fry- owy about '-be entrance of the cave through his mind.
served ts>tb as a record and ns Illustra­ table lands, forming au Ideal cable bed. « as n die tor nml expressed «insider« 1 ! fnv to follow his trail for knowing hfs and nothing could be but dimly seen,
His lips barely quivered as the train
door at the entrance was closed of his thoughts continued. "But what­
tions of method. 1‘lctur.s are also which Iles betwe*u the three latter able feeling because In* hail not re­ marksmanship the man «-ho trifled
the marauders were coming to
ceived an invitation to attend a ban­
taken' of all the resources of the road countrle*
became of that brother to whom
But tho Indians knew that as long as the conclusion that they had 0111- ever
quet In honor of visiting physicians.
the property
In the «ay of material, and of every
could prevent It ho would never traveled the owner, They were soon Tt Is strange that properly
In pnst years Immense |M>rtlona of
"But.” faltered the doctor,'“this Is h*
the old man should
mile of track, showing curves, grades, this submerged territory have been
fire a gun. while the ^rlrl wad (n his surprised, however.
disinherited Jim and myself for
switches and crossings A < >mplet»«et plotted nml mapped by various govern­ a banquet for medical men. nml you comnanv; that this would endanger
The door opened suddenly and a him. He was never considered
________ __ a ft*-
of photographs la used, too, to Illustrate mental and private expeditions nml certainly do not claim to tie a member her life by drawing tho Are to her.
stalwart man of the desert walked vorlte bv the connection, and we had
After going a long distance through out carelessly, and uncovered, as If
the book of rules which Is placed In the this knowledge In constantly belng of .hat organization?"
"Well." answered Mt. Edison, seri­ the crevasse made by nature’s eren he had nev*r thought of danger. A done nothing at the time of hfs death
hands of every railroad mnn. Thia en added to. It bi cone particularly val
merit such treatment. But my 1ft-
"I myself was a dispatcher at ii"heave1 In the long past. Hammers hist, passed down the line of war­ I to
Shies the men to refresh their tneinor uabl«* In ecoiioml«’ cable laying, B.X
tie sharp work and false swearing
les by reference to the view of any par­ ccjst In extreme caaes th«* electric coll
and the little forgery combined
“Ah. I understand now." snld the which ho thought was unknown to any enough to be heard by the frontiers­ turned the property this way and. as
ticular point of the r ad, nml makes ductor Is not «Iropprd overlmnrd hap­
except himself.
them more readily Interchangeable hazard. On th«* eontrnry th«* subma­ doctor, catching the humor of hl« vis­
As he and his companion seated strolled out Into the sage brush, sur­ th»v used to chare* In the old world
from one division to another. Th«* book rine mountain«, valleys ami plains over itor. "but these men are patehers.”— themselves the shouts of the Indian« veying the country about him. One that one crime led to another. I have
of rules also contains photographs of w hl. h It to to take Its slauoua «nurse Detroit Free Tress.
came to their ears from the distance, common thought took possession of carried out the scheme hv making
The girl was the first to break the si the Indians. Quickly every man way with mv brother and hts daught­
trains in more thnn one hundred com are accurately select,al beforehand and
Phtlosopblo Maundering«.
reached to his quiver, drew an arrow er and semiring their «-hole fortune
blnatlons of circumstances, ami the their general configuration, so'l cov-
Not uutll a man is good and married
"Do yon live In this country. my and placed It to the string of his bow after using Jim as an Innocent cat's
text Inf rms the trainmen what if do erlng (If any) aa*l oilier peculiarities dots he nallze what au easy thing It
dear preserver’" she Inquired.
Carelessly (he white man strolled on. paw to obtain ft.
In each case.
"Put this elder brother, the right­
properly taken Into cons deration Bpe- Is to get into trouble.
When he Informed her that he did. Nearer and nearer he came.
(- ■?) r ■ «■„
-- - *
clnl varieties of cable are manufac­
If th«* man constantly dunned by she said: “I have an uncle worn«*
Indians in the bitterest warfare pos­ ful heir, «-older what ever became
Although only alsmt two years have tured to meet certain conditions known creditors wants to analyse bis sensa­ where on th* desert: his name is sess some policy and some sense of of him’ He came to America when I
pass«*d since the Common« enlth of to exist when* they are to go. Like tions. let h in think of th«* dog with Lyle Martin Lyle, Do you know reason. The first thought of all was quite young We heard he whs
him’" The trapper nodded In the af was to shoot the man down and then : married once and had a child; and
Australia was founded, tunny dlscon men In all trndes. the cable layers th«’ tin can tied to bls tall.
tented Australasians are urging the mint adhere closely to the specifies-
rush into the cave-house, secure the then we heard no more of him. Vet
We have had all kinds of experience
"Oh If we could convey word to girl and proceed on their journey. my father after eivfng my brother
dissolution of the union. Robert Philp, tiona given them In starting In order with kitchen help. Iti Imling seeing the
him ' she said, "he would come Im- But Old Egan reasoned. To kill the and I barely month to rearh America
premier of Qm*etislaml. said recently to perform the right kind of work
girl In the kitchen help her relatives mediately to our rescue."
tiapper. «ho «r,a9 the friend of every­ ♦o engage in bnsfnes« upon willed
that not more than one fifth of the
The steamship, therefore, while go­ over the back fen -e. Baltimore News.
Strong as was the trapper’s b~1* body, and had not an enemy on the the majority of hfs estate to this eld­
voters in his state favor the continu­ ing ahead ami paying out the cable
and steadv as was bls nerve, he felt desert, and who had never crossed er hoy whose whereabouts are un­
ance of the federation, and that the over the stern pulley. Is nnder the
(’<«■'■ ■ t Mall for Englishmen.
his whole frame yl*1d. with a shudder his path before, did not seem to him known."
The l.oml. ii la.lor and Cutter makes when he learned that h*a companion exactly right. To rush upon him and
’ Well well. T know ho
voters in the states of New South gul<lan<-e of sklll«d hands, following
fti dend
Wales and Western Australia are as a certain path. which has ls*en is»fnt- the extraordinary statement that there was Bertha Lyle and of the narrow capture him by force and then bln! the others are out of the way. so why
hostile to the union as those In Queens ed out for her by sages «n the main­ are some men who always Include a escape she bad Jiad. When she had and leave him so he could not pur­ should Martin Lyle ever fear of los-
land. How far their dissatisfaction land as being the best adapted for tbe coat of mail in their wardrolw aud hurrlcM’ told him her history and sue th*m after they had retaken their ing bls fortune or his title as Lord
of b*r capture by the In- captive was the plan that suggested of The Desert?"
will carry them no one can say; but comfort anil ease of the electrical con­ sor.e of the we«t cud tailoring estab- tbe fn.’bb'pt
be f, It relieved that ehe hai
Thus mused the arch crlmfral of
the crisis through which Australia la ductor she Is depositing. I.lppin* ott'sf Jlshments manufacture them regularly fallen Into no worse hands than Old itself to him.
the Oregon desert between drinks
for their customers.
passing is not without precedent In the Magazine
when the frontiersman bad ap^ '”itf1 his conscience became so be­
British Empire. The Canadian federa
To take h*r to bls home that nlrbt proached a little nearer to the left numbed with the Intoxicant that he
tlon. which was created by act of Par
Ik,m«-stic ecun> my uoie it Is Im
thmneh the Indian searching par” there was a "swish.’' i—' ' - -
retired half-dazed, half unconscious
and he fell to to
would be too basaMoua He coni! the ground pierct
Ila men t only thirty five years ago. was peratlve that parents give every chihl
hls bed.
make It alone
bt«d the by an arrow. /_ ____ _
not a harmonious one In Its «writer a tmnk that is au Ingenious contriv-
Dan Fol1»tt left with the morning
W bat d.. you du with the Uu caos at girl’s sbflttv to climb among the rim­ whom he had approached couid rot sun to perform his mission.
Stages But eventually the dlsaatlsfi«*«! ance. In order that guests may be cu­
you; buusal
| rocks and keep bsr footing In the I , resist tbs twnptauon and fl rad Ue
•tomenta were a$>e*sed. and tbs union I rl«>ua to sec bow It worka
Eugene Weekly Guard.
of the provinces In the Dominion of
Canada la almost az close aud as
strong as tbe union of this great re-
public. It Is probable that the threats
of secession lu Australia will have as
little result as did the similar threats
In Nov« Scotia. New Brunswick; yud
British Columbia at various periods In
the history of t'ne Dominion. Tlie ad
of Parliament which created a com­
monwealth out of the separate Austra­
lian states did not provide (er disso-
lut ion. Tba Importance of the uniun
was recognized tbe world over, After
a time tbe minor grlevam*es will be re-
dressed and harmony will be restored.
Half a inLUiuu mile. 1» lhe Iatw «
mats 3f tbe length of the world’» r. ’
In Texas and Louisiana there are aow
more than one hundred canal»
pumping stations, each capable of flood
lug one thousand acres of rice Tu
are owued by irrigation cyumpamT
which supply tbe water as needed to
tbe rice farmers.
Sleep Is Induced by the Javanese
states a French author, by conipressiJ
tbe carotids. These large arteries
which carr? blood to the brain, run
ward below the ear from the 1OW„
front of the neck, aud are pressed wlta
a hand on each side of the neck. Tt,
brain congestion pr- duciug wak«h.i
uoaa Is thus r«xluced.
"iilack light” Is the curias term u»e<
by Gustave Le Bon. ofQ the French
Academy of Sciences, to describe »
fOrm of rudlant energy which arts«»
from the back of a thin sheet of opfe)s,
met»l when the front is llluuuu*te<
with ordinary light. "Black light" ta
lome of its properties resembles th»
X-rays, but di«vrs from them in fund»,
meutal points. Le Bon first announced
the discovery of this singular radiation
In 1807. This year it has been observed
by Mons. Nodon, who calls it radio-
actfalc phenomenon.
The result of tests of a liquid air
plant, made at Cornell University, re­
ported at the Pittsburg meeting of th#
American Assocjntlon for the Advanc*
ment of Science, indicates that the ev
penditure of oue-borse po«-er contin»
ously for one hour results in the produo*
tlon of just gnougli liquid air to pro*
duce, if utilized lu its turn as n source
•f power, lu a perfect rnacbli», one-
horse power tor one minute. Thgeip^r-
liueuter adds that the most efficient
method of obtaining liquid air as yet
discovered would Increase the time to
only five minutes.
The mighty peaks of tbe Himalayas,
several of which rise far above the lof­
tiest elevation attained by any other
mountains on tbe globe, have long chal­
lenged the inountaln-climher with im­
punity. Sir Martin Conway got to th«
top of one, 21,000 feet in height, in 1892,
but tbe real giauts rise more than a mia
above that level. No«- Dr. Jacot-Guill**
mot/With a party of two Austrians au4
three Englisluuen, has started for India
to attempt the asceat of Mount God.
wln-Austen, formerly known as MouM
Dapgang. If he succeeds in this »:■
tempt, he may yet try higher peak*
The highest climb on record Is Fltzger.
aid's ascent of Aconcagua In the And«^
about 23,000 feet.
According to Consul General Masoi
at Berlin, the trailing clouds of black
smoke from mill and factory that hang
over so many American cities, darken.
Ing the atmosphere and befouling tha
buildings, couki be eliminated if th»
scientific methods of constructing chim­
neys and stoking furnaces that prevail
in Germany were adopted here. “It li
not every strapping laborer who ai
shovel coal who is permitted to stoki
a boiler furnace in Germany," says Mt.
Mason. The stoker In that country
must learn the theory and practice ol
economical scientific firing, whereby
the coal is so distributed over the gran
surface as to secure the must perfec«
combustion. The use of fuel briquette«
for domestic purposes In Berlin also
tends largely to the prevention ot
Aberdeen. Ohio, claims the distinc­
tion of having within Its Itorders om
of the oldest houses In the I nit™
States. It Is known as th«* Wisrnsil
property, nml Is located on Last 1 -"»I
street. Through Its old age It bas be­
come famous. Every apartin n in
Is composed entirely of rock an 1 nit
withstanding that at least fifty * 1
river °flood» have Inundated the "W
structure ami sonietlnres hid It ■■ 0
view. It Is still intact and firm. Gen­
eration after generation has
the faiaous old residence, and it ■»
claimed to be over 200 years old.
Simple Mcihml«-
The young ladh*» of a
school were one day told «I*11
must review a course In
"1 don’t see any sens«’ In IL o111 1
haughty maiden. “I don t knoy •
to subtract, and I don t kn " 1
multiply, but 1 probably neut
need to.”
"Then you can’t even buy * .
of ribbon aud
•*■' '
correct change.” said the t. 1 1 •
"Yes. lndcdl” was the r.qly- j
always know how to manage t 1
give the clerk a large 1*111.
gives me something back.
A similar simplicity of H”'1 .'"¡.„»t
noted by the New York I
In an answer from an examlm
The candidate had api .lied for »»
nd **»
appointment as patrol 'ma
■tnlty xf
asked, "If you were iu the vic
the general pcstofllce. and wii
U ‘
go to tbe Zool* K’i<-:(1 Gard D
Broux. how would you
Ing the trip?"
« tlx
"I should ask a policeman,
answer, written appanntly
felth._____________ _
Traln 1*
Trained cat» an
French society w.
crees that th.* ex-
cated" entirely by
eral of the best kn
Somehow it giv« * a i
to bear a woman in a
V*U laugh a I uua I*
fed 0«
rt'» 1