It ", I 't V. O.J U IIT1BLUÍID ?ÜB TEE 'HlinilJTJ 1 OPDUWFATIC PtUCIPLil, 110 TO UBI il 1011 IT LIT 1 Id BÏ THU’IliT OF «I B VOL. 36 EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY DECEMBER 13, 1902. ------------------- o I BARGAINS THIS WEEK ITALIAN WEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. o O nffll’E—East »ids of Willamette »treet, be tween Seventh and Eighth street Oot Year..... ¡i . TV* Month». 82.00 . LUO .50 X»' Police Broke up spiracy at COUNCIL Con Atlanta Had a 4 o PrtitiSiis to Exteud Limits I Prflr o Half sorted — Koutiry Busir»» The luterlor of Coekerllue A Wetber- bld on foreign coantriea. epoait» received «abject to cheek or oertiti- Re of deposit, AliooUectioue entri'ted to □» will reoelve r.mpt attention ! G Honi'CM, l'reeident. IB E«xia, Vloe Preeideat Assassination. By Scrlppa Now« AMoolatlon k P. F. ReonoBAM, Cashier. • me County Bank ---- OF R ome , Dec 9 —A eecrfet meeting of thirteen an- archists was brokey up by o the police la»t night. As the police .gained en- trance to the room the an- archists were taking oath on the points of their ¡Mmiards. The anarchists sought to escape from the room and a bloody struggle ensued in The ProtoDian Literary Society 1.0« , which one anarchist was posted the following program for the killed and ’an officer mortally coming Friday evening: Music.......... ...................... Mandolin C*ub wounded. Before breaking into the Address......... ... ............Prof Rneeden ..........Gertrude Uray Piano Holo......... meeting room the police over­ Recitation—“An Irish Ph loeo« heard the "anarchists take .............. Mr Gabriel pher,”. .. . .. i oath to assassinate King Earl Abbett ............. Vocal Holo........... Original production. .Mary Hklpworth Victor Emmanuel. HAHPTON BROS L. H. Porras Assistant. Xmas Is Coming. But we have here already tbe big- ge®t a®»ortment of Xma® Goods In the city of Eugene. Times are < probat ly greater In variety than any other store in tbe city. It I® presumed you will call and look thi® flne stock over before ymi boy. We would be much pleawd to have y-.a oome In a® early at you can. You will High School Notes. Critic......................................... Miss K«jrr Boy Booth (fap’.) and Claude Gray, both members of tbe football team, are confined to their home« on account of injuries reoelvul during tbe southern Twaetrng Agent J 1* Jone® passed tlniugh Rage me today. He gmt off iff tbe train and did not get on to time eaieh the day eoaek but Hwmg. on to a closed car. The lard eeen of that ditied geiUlviuan he was hammer- lb, at the door with vehemence and hu tgiug ou for dear Wte to the hamlie«. ■WMIM. Ordinances providing for the con­ struction of sewers from the seu-'b oenter of bi wk 1, Htiouer'» «Mtoton to Fifteenth street and extending the East Eleventh sewer one block further east were read and passed. The ordi­ nance providing for the construction of the Jefferson street sewer from West Eighth to Cheshire streets, thence to the oorner of the 11) aww tract ot fl F Ker ns, thence to the Willmiette river was read and referred to the rUeet oom- mil t ie. By Script« 3®w» AwocUUon Jackets for $1.50 }J, Walton S. P. Nava WALTON A NESS NkW WALKS. New sidewalk was ordered on the east side of Washington street between Nlath and Cheshire. Also for Patter- e>»n »tree!, ea>t 4de from Fifteenth t» Seven teen th streets. The Sick Vanderbilt. e John Barrett, the new raltil»ter to Jupan, 1« only 86 year® of age. Eight year® ago he wax Ju»t a eomuiou new»- paper reporter iu Portland. o Mine. 0 WOODCOCK, * 1 he Han Francisco Chronicle refer« to Hon H B Miler, consul to Nia Ch vang, as “a miseiouary to China." Last Night. plosion in a Co«ml DENTIST g,ring purchased the office zed fixture» ot th« l»te deoeaeed W V Heodenon, I »m ,0* pi»|«r«d to do anytumg in the line of peutiauy in the above uivl office. f Cr wn and bridge work a apecialty. Tbe oalandaM for 1903 are oomlng oui lu all their annual glory— some of them are very pretty bite of art. by the Town Dads a Aillioa Dollar Fire—Dynanite Ex-, L WHITSON, MANAGER AND ASSISTANT CHOSEN At a meeting of ttie Eugene Real K lUe Exchange hi id ia»l evanixig it was deaided to ask the Camivat board to '«pply the surplus tooMk to the pub. Me tlon of advertisHig pamphlet® for Laue county. Rather late in the day but perhaps lutter late than never. The pamphlet drenni bw« beoerne al j m mta nlgl- tuiare. ■ ALAHMBt The fl rial readtag and pnseage of the ordfuwuse Hxing the »»ivies of poUoe j ottloere at t’lo per mouth from October 15'h was reoorded. TH RXTKt*« CORFOHAFK LIMITS. A petition of Fairmount oitlzensoon- ttlslicg of 54 names praying for tbe ad­ mittance to tbe oity limits was pre­ sented to Hie oouucIL Another j»ell- Man from the citizens of Eugene asking that the council favor an eatenslon of the limits was also presented. These petitions were referred to the mayor who has called a mass meetlngof the citizens at tbe two places to discuss the matter. It Is very likely that tbe next leglwla.ure wtt. ba asked to eiteud the corporate limits ■>( Eugene ao a» to Include the thrlv city of Fairmount. As stated In last evening’s OtHB® there was a small remonstrating peM- tlob containing the signatures of 11 Fairmount people against tire proposed Innovation. Banking in all branches want bed stop in New and papered and room« Courthouse Ilou.-e. No dusty, Worn- out clean o when Laxative Bromo*Quinine Tobias •» W.e«t ' known authority In the Northwest an toadstools and mushroom», ha« pre. seated to the Unlvereity his entire herbarium of uatlve species. The col. lection Qrnaists of about 175 carefully prepared »|>ecimen*, which have te-en named, many of them by Eastern ex* p^rts. "Though the collection does not I comprise all the known kind. In Ore­ gon, It Is thp rnoet complete, If not the only one of any size that ha« ever been made on the coast. Dr Lane has done much careful work In this part culardepartment of b. tsny and his specimens will he of Invalua. bls aid Io students of the University In their studies of the tia'ive fungi. Th« h«rt»arium will tie on »xhib tion In the biological latoraloay. Pro­ fessor Hweetser Is doing conelderatTe w< rk with the fungi end 1« at present making a wet Obllectlon which shows each specimen as It appears Ir Che " o Turner, Agent of the C. & Shot Himsdf E. R. g, Yesterday. OC3 — board Spacial Uarrlc®. A lbany , Deo 9.—Joha Turner, a^gnt of the CarvalliH A Eastern al thi® oity, committed »ulclde at 1:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon by »hooting him­ self with a 88-cag.bre revolver. The act was committed In hl® bed room at hl® home. .Wlille In hit eblrt »leevee he placed the revolver to hi® left temple and pulled the trigger, falling over dead. His wife heard th« re|K>rt aud rushed to hl® room, horror stricken at the awful eight pre- eeuted. He died lu«tantly. Un t*i» stand wax a note which read: "F luxi . a : May God watch over you and my chil i. Any bills or note® oome to you with my name to them they are legilimnte. i’ay them *41. Have ttie Elks and Woodmeu oare for me, my wife aud child.» J T.” A coroner’» jury ««»» called by Cor­ oner Fortmiller and found a verdlot according tn the facte. I'lue deceased »»» 38yeans of age, w>as tiorn in Mi-wourl and has been In the railroad business »luce a boy. H® was a getubd nm IWeed by everybody. He almiwt worshipped hie wife and daughter and hi® business affairs ware ia good condition. He was a member of Ute Elk» and Woodmen, Married I.ant evening at the residence of Mr end .Mrs H B Hlrswn, 391 High street, there occurred a quiet wedding hi which Miss Abbie fa; lor and Mt E J McCumder were the contracting par- tie®. Justice C A Winterineler officiat­ ed. They are both of Cornstook. Our Holiday Offers New Line of Neckwear and Smoking Jackets Worth Your Notice. o a 100 hats for mon and boys ranging from $1.50 to $3.50 for $1.19 100 new style purges and ehatclains at a discount of 33 j per cent. 150 belts. Another invoke has arrived going at J off during the holidays *r il ESE are snly • few of ths good things w» have for yon during ths • holidays. 1 >on't »lay away today bamass you calls.I ys.lsrday. W« ar,» constantly »hitting »ur »took and bringing out new goods and every alteration in our store arrangement, every change in our bualneae system 1« to letter merit your patronage. The store that Mrvas ths public well Mrvas itself liest. « See our windows for Xmas suggestions. Til« HTHKHTCAI. LINK. Prof B E HterHngM communication a«ki'>g for a franchise for a streetcar line was presented to the ootxacll and a very short discussion of the «su.c followed, with the molli® to refer Jthe Mine flies. Thia wee (lane. tour fl the team. 'ITiere 1s a movement on foot among the student« for the presenting of a drama In tbe t ear future to pay tbe « then have more time to make your ae- At tbe meeting of the Athlatlc natural state. jd fldts of tti t ack and football teams Established in 1W. Oldest« B «rd of the University In the lectlone. Bank in the County. gymnasium this afternoon David Moat Reepec'faliy Al H I j hw a ilsjlty of Christmas (jrabotn, rise« oi '06, warehoe- B arker gcm W orks , A.General business toys, etc Tn-arrangement of the die- manager of the 1908 football 88 East M-iti. -tree’, Eugene. transacted inlay I» tO wnrk of Fred Lamb and team and Virgil Earl, '06, assistant A Lurutier of the citicene of Fair- on favorable terms. monut and Eugene bavli g petitioned I Fred Foster. manager. ------------------------ ---------------------- the Legislative Assembly to Incorpor­ Luck in Thirteen. A. G. HOVEY, President ate the town of Fairmount tn Use City You a good cld&n L 0. HLLIN, Cashier of Eugen« and the petitions having you over night : been referred to the Common Council B. H. HOVEY, Asst Cashier. By sendlDg 13 miles Wm flpirey.oof | Eugene. beds newly r»y -------- of the < ity of Eugene, a mass meeting * __ —A M .«->•» rtf Walton Furnace, WO. Vt., got a F box of — , At bl» b«a,« three miles sect of Ea-1 of the cit'zens of th« City of Eugene Is painted Bucklen's Arnica Halve that wholly at tbe Lodging gen», this morning, Rode Chase paused hereby called to meet at the City H»1 cured a horrible fever sore on hie I*«- old, awav at the ripe OKI age of 71 year., on Fr day December, 12, 1IL2, at 7.31) Nothing else oould. P. sltlv ly cure.' carpets but painted Trw r ‘ ral ’T *,n rfu ‘, P m t> take .uch action in regard to bruises, fr! n«, ulcere, e-u,. !« «, I lie, " L , i . ,* TJ th re-id® y l 'morrow u. ruing at 10 tbe po>p, a»,| changes in the bouodari^ barns, cornsaod piles. Only 26c. flooiB with anicebrighv (J«f.(MJg wtib interment In Laar»l .f th- ' tj a. they may deem b»L J Guaranteed by W L D Lano, drug- car J-et to tach p* ve<*.neurs. Rev B C Miller, uf | ( i RC hsumim , Ff» Wort la oo every bev of *b* fennlaS Mayor, Ult of the courthouse. B, riogfle!d, *lli oooduct the Obaeqal««. E ugene . O regon suicide Hohool enrolltueut baa been »lightly doereaae«! uu agpoütit of alcknww. Important Meeting Meld Rome- o ' a Th® U l ’AHD furop thank» Kruttuian A Jsnnlug» for a box of Otto's niAjeh- John ltwa awaetH. Sworn to Kill the o King. o ,j.ertining rates made known on ap; lication »lire* all business letters to THE GUARD, Kugene, Oregon. r Brevities. o O TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. NO 48 THE CITY ANARCHISTS O In Ladies’ Misses’ and Children’s Jackets AMPBELL BROS., Publishers ROW FRANK E. DUNN g I svJanney I I stf I I I I I I I I I JANNEY’S I Suggestions from the Jewelry Shop. The 9 The Newest. The Cheapest. Opposite The Best. GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY. FOR FATHER. For Brother. An earthly heaven lor the children laU'iirbtmas time. Do your part. Tbe Joy the little ones have 1» surely »uffioenl for your »light invest- tneot. huitalde gjft« W'll V < Mit little at our -tore, A large al<>< k of Watches, I bains. Charm., Fob-, < tit! I ii he, Mtu«l», hutidems, F .unta'n and < i Id Pen«, ■Mck Pine, Hal Marks, Umbri Has, Card Cases, Kmoking Hats. Cl >t>r“*r, r> Be I wore, ink Wrll-, Puff J»!», Manicure Flense. Pin Trays, Bon Bon Dishes, Lockets, Ufllbr.i a«, Purses, Wai.t Bags, Chat lain Watches, Rings, Pius, etc, rle. I