o E 'Ti 9 ’ ® 9 ISTIBLISHKD POR TUE MMI HI 0 ü OP DilOïRATIC PUNCI PLU, AND TO MAIN AN lONKlT LIVING BT TDK HWKAT OP Oil B^OW 2; -1— O VOL. 3G EUGENË, OREGON, SATURDAY DECEMBER 6, 1902. O NO 47 t WEEKLY EUCENE.CUARD. Ladies’ Jackets at Way-Down Prices , CAMPBELL BROS., Publishers o MESSAGE jtjJW? Favors Legislation OFFICE— East aide of Willamette »treet, be twwn Seventh and .Eighth .treet Ladies’ Kid Gloves TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year........ |i Month.... Three Moutha. S3 PRESIDENT’S to Curb Trusts Would Chan# Tariff GENERAL TOPICS. MAY MUSICAL C. W. FULTON Bank issues should be regulated so a sufficient sup-| FESTIVAL IN EUGENE ply should be always availa-1 ble. Organized capital and or­ The Outlook is Very Bright Says He is Not Losing Sleep ganized labor alike should Over the Senatorial for a Fine Sea­ remember that in the long Question. son. run the interest of each must be brought into harmony Hon C W Fulton .r rived last night with the* interest of the gen­ Every indication point» to a chord» eral publiq; and the conduct of over 100 voice« at the Musical F eeti- ( from Astor!» to visit hl. burner«» friend. In Eugene. He 1« »topping at of each must conform to the val to be held iu Eugene next May. the Smeede. t ie 1 veal chorua i< iui'reaiing In nutu- fundamental rules of obedi- bere at every reheareal. After January, When seen thia morning he said lie h iwevar, application» for luetuherahlp hud uothitig In particular t > »ay as to j freedonij and of justice and will not be considered »» tba »tlort tn politic, a till one exception. ALL'COLORS “I am not losing any aleep over lhe prepare latv niemiier» w n d regard the Laws onlyto Encour­ ¡fair dealing toward all. succ»ful preparation <>f (he oratorio». ,en*'ori»l situation” he «aid, »rolling It ia earuestly ho|>ed that Aloauy ha» already begun work coiiAtirlally. Hi.f ircea are oerefully a secretary of commerce may wdh a chorus of forty and Prof Glen organli <1 and dutlug hla visit her? be age Domestic be creatod, with a seat in the b -Ings good new* from Corvallle. The 1« holding oot> fere no»» with legiaia- r L WHITSON, Competition. U DENTI8T report« from that city have not been live member», no doubt to hla own cabinet. encouraging up to the p^-»ei t I ut|n >* Interact. The congress has wisely Having purchaaed the office and tixture» of Mr Fulton »poke in unmlatakab'e there are twenty-live luemner» who the Ute deceaaed W V Henderson, I am provided that we shall build now | repared to do anything in the line of coinmenc^ctiorui work and who «<> t-oui of admiration for Mugabe, pentietry in the above «aid office. Panama Canal--Army and Navy- at once an isthmitn can«!, if t ito the orgaidz. dl >n w t' III* iftt't- the a| pear option clone the br>e sold the 134,271 were pr< t*»tant» and 817,464 TAR HUGH E. PENLAND greatest musical fe-ilv»l that the state Roman CatholRv. 31 per oent were 12.30, builder. has ever known will be held In Eu­ men. The children were not counted. Successor to Dr Alice Smith. •t At that hour the House re­ Calls especial attention to gene. The attendance wa» 65 per cent of the OFFICE—Suit in Seventh street McClung sumed businosB and the mes­ needs of suitable land and Member» the chorus no t. l««t night memttendilp. The lowest attendance Block. Examinations and consultations free. sage having been submitted other legislation for Alaska. for rehearsal at tbe M E church. The ara of SAavae me 11 IR in In 111 me the V Catholic HHIUIIV UlI ohcr- ’Zi .111 ’h, « 22 reliaareal°waHaaoc<*re*' and quito eu-1 lH»r oent, and tbe blghest, Congrega- HanSdtaffacr the reading thereof was im­ QEORGE O B DeBAR, M. D. In dealingwith the Indians ÍF Mani 0' uraglng. tlonal, 61 per oent. mediately began. our aim should be thoir ulti­ Kind Tailored PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. mate absorption into the SUMMARY OF PRESIDENT’S Office. —Room ov r Eugene Low A Savings body of our people. He Bank. Residence No 230 Pearl street. Cails MESSAGE. attended to day or night. Rhone residenoe, b. ......... Ae continue jn a peruruo« Al»iu 77. Offi< n. Main 41). I Favors legislation for sani­ prosperity. While prosperity o I J. J. Walton 8. P. N»»» Sa is not acreature of law unwise tary betterment of Washing­ WALTON * NESS legislation might deetroy it. ton City. The city should be A ttorueys At Law. made a model. DISCUSSES TRUST QUESTION. Printing of useless public Will practice lb all th-* courts iu the atate. Office room No 3—Walton block. Eugen«, Or. “While conditions have documents should be curtail­ m favored growth of good they ed. j^OULH E. BEAN have nave favored lavuicu somewhat * the iCAftCWM growth of what was evil. ^e>rGRLBLwi ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Any tirso is a geed tin»; KSI O - All the new styles are here. should endeavor to cut out XOW is”the accepted time. Office in Loan A Saving bank buibiing. Room TELEGRAPHIC 3. Special attention giveu to laud and mining the evil and retain the good. Any plaeo is a go«d ¡Jaco; $ matter». o c Corporations, and especially but Our Stese is the R est • I Kngeoe, Oregon. combinations of corporations, P lace to do Holiday buying. Psrtoapl Ptfihce fcxplaM*« should be managed under By Scripps New« a»«o<*t»tton L'- L isbon , Doe 2.—A gnu ex­ And the u«y the peo^xle have public regulations. Under ------- FIRST — been laying l*ere to« teJliw tki' story. plosion occurred in the royal lying Iker« our systom of government BOYS i /.Ì g supervision can not be ob­ palace today in a "gallery« We havo t the jwiMcipal stere. CLOTHING Wo have ganaed a yefiMtarfion £er tained by state action. ft lending to*the apartments of o Buy the« here selling only wJftkW»* good». must lie achieved by national Dom Fernando. O Wo have gaaw\l a repjaFation for Th« palate interior wae action. Our aim îb not to do O comidarablydamaged, though staM Cuth S.pltal SCO OOO We draw th« line a^ainefr Surolu. 650,000 rvfMtiUlMtH of btflop the best and irti»(«etf ijiitt, not agaan.-A lw aeSvp« ■*»«< *»«ec.«aen © MAJOcEJfcLBH, Fraeee, I’Ve 2. moo< reasoixudbdy priced. wealsh. Th« («qâtajiafr whw Eufiena Oregon. parformi smi *« great induet- —Ths rtcike erf the wbikww GENERAL U,.., Ul.Al- BANKING BUSINESS ------------ o riad feat by whieh It« win» and stockftps liari become so Done on retainable rra. enable terms. terma. Sigh ret, th» * I -«lost, the latest a oil «•• trait, on Chicago, San Francisco Port­ draft, Franciaoo and Port money it » wadbio«r, ooeeb a irBTUKtu that two thouKisud beg* iGe4*»>««N aft the »ma 1 »1 pre-»-. I o Invretlgate 1« l«> • uy land. Oregon. Bill, of exobanre Bill» axobange »old told on foreign countries, countries. MUM SrUidiHre WHTM OTkiHPe'j to wrong&iBF, provided unJy I m li>rp ; m bi^y heG you eave money. p ■ r «abject ... ._ I’epoaita received to check ot oertih «orkt on profur atoxl l<*gitd- th» scams of the l'erfr 9th Sf«, Opposite Hoffman House. land afternoon. A lioen.e was ieeued t >day their employers. — Advertising rates made known on application Addre«» all busine»« iettare to THE GUARD, Kugene, Oregon. CUTE Liues fiHp Thanksgiving Trade Lace Curtains, Swiss Curtains, Ruffled Curtains, Bargains this week in o Ladles’ Cloaks I Q lien’s Clothing and Overcoats MI ’ Maul Baak to OSto W«dk A A Lane U; Bink toJHHpabraul H >rrl»' E Pltch»r l( O M Puckett, of Hhedd», wae In tbe * A J Pickard »hlppad 135 h»aetitors who fltruggling *agaio8t Knights Templar’s Officers. Attorney J E V"nng la down from ( afternoon. _. a- .. ‘it do^n _ I he regular electioo of officer« of J E Parker br thirteen U itlaga (urovc. yret-rda« a- Irving. He says IvanboM Cominandery No K T, la»t Blie;id Wilbers returned thia after­ g»w-e tbeyarenum .u-inUMt^gton. evening resulted a« follow»: they .re uunib’ u* In tli.l piton. noon from Cottage Grove. .Mi-s Mayb IOH nann, d.ugbtM Qur 8ho“ld U H W Thompson, > mb ent y unwise tariff Cn31^08 changes —OF— Dean E C Bund»reob haa returned from bl« (Southern Oregon tour In tbe interest of the Divinity School. EUGENE. OREGON EatablUhe! in 13H3. Oldart Bank in the County. A General Banking business in all branches transacted on favorable terms. A. G. HOVEY, President L G. HL’LIN, Cashier B. H. HOVEY, Asst Cashier. <9 •'rr.atnre f» ne every box of Ibe grnulae H-sxative Bruino-Quiñi ne rabie«« ■t-lw'-. Uat ewr» • ■ evM ta eae «*/ W M Ht*fiord, who baa t»een tbe gueet of bl« brotMron tbe Mohawk for tbe pm t week, returned to hla home r ment. ia to be mar- to give foreign product» ad- IB M) w u»o. ____ n ard . Pr»s«o a fair chance. Albany D n -rat: U H Dand D- liwt Dec 17, t i 'be only state In ,.Bn «h»re a club team ir x ooll -ge t am. Every G H Keily, generi!. L Bilyeu, captain (tuerai. B D Fain», prelate E H Church, «enlor warden. J L L/ mbard, Junior warden. F W'Iÿeburn, treasurer. J F itotiueon, recorder. E W battarr, warder. R H Miller, aentloel. 9 j GRAND SLAUGHTER I ! One way in which the tar­ in Washington today. iff readjustment can be Mi* V’ira Stuart cam» up from Al­ j by reciprocity bany tbla afternoon t« be pre»»nt at th« de M0 ’! > i* dub team« go down reached is 25-leot Beds. w odd ng of Mies LotQp Waler to wb reel They can Ire used Oregon's State treaties. ' I bef-re tb< xdlegea. Wm iirnaetettQ tomorrow morulng. to widen our markets, to I U ver- .j 1 should not permit this. Ni«-" «•leaii naw lad« »c th« <'««w Eire eblef ^4 - ---- are give E1IV" ft ibis afternoon from ®t Paul,«tlnne«ota, ------- ——«-«1 u «wu nn , y.»urd*T . pvwy -5 'oO. Ttjx la ac^ — •— protection for •ovrtlaunae. Qt'v« locality. No »tree« rtsl-ra boy» i i , * — nt J >bn <’( g»well and baa become one lb>* •latenient <» dfcti-ofib» ■ nei». H«.^ at any tIrne nt toe night. I rl.v»r >- . < - ’ ‘ 1 1 ----- •e» trai »f ir» -y BF.Dn from Day ffil oftb<*b»t m'nlng au.horitiea in tbla >> ~-‘ - --------- • people. • uii airuoet reach tbs «« mi over tbsiamong our own only place I United 8' part of tbe conLiry. (J) I needs ot tke oib«gjplayer». ° R. JANNEY H»od«^ vr GUAKD « fflen curu«r. In Ladies’ Tailor Made Suits, Capes, Coats, Jackets and Furs. make your mother, wife, sister <>r daugh ■ r a Christmas pres- fur or suit? Nothing could*l>e ni ore desiiable or useful. We are bound to reduo the-e lines aud for that reason are making prices in the reach of all. You can’t >fi'ord to go poorly clad when warmth is so cheap. SALfeTO CONTINUE UNTIL EVERY GARMENT IS SOLD. COME TO THE STOKE FOR PRICES FRANK E. DUNN ' I I I I I