o Eugene Weekly Guard death in coal mine . NEWS OF OREGON; Evptokion Near Black Diamond. W arting- toa. kill* Eleven Miner*. heattle, EUGENE OREGON. EVENTS OF THE DAY Cemprchenalve Review of the Import­ ant Happening* of the Past Week. Presented In condenucd Form. Moat Likely to Prove Interesting. Ort. 4.—A special from ---------------- MOROS ARE CRtSMED. ; Native» Lore io Mee. but There are No CasualtK* Amueg Blue Loot*. 'STRIKE CONTINUES PRESIDENT’S PEACE CONFERENCE IS A Manila, Ort. 3.—Th* Macin -Moros DISMAL FAILURE ia Mindsnso hav* offered but slight re­ OF THE STATE. sistance to the column under Captain Pershing, of tlx Fiftenteh cavalry. Miner* are W Using to Submit Their Griev­ After a series of skinuisixs tbe Mor<* ance* to ait Arb, t rat ion Board -Oper­ ratreated into six fort* on the «bore* of ator* Square!» Refuse Such a Move, * w " *” - ”” lake. When a courier left Macin but Want Men to go to Work With­ lodastrir* Tbroeghowt Our Commo*- v.r»ot»m vesterday for (imp \ icar*. laptain out Lnion Being Recognized. wealth Latest Market Report. . . 1» tl _ _____ Pershing was preparing to assault tbe fTFMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL PARTS Black Diamond. Wn»h., to th* 1’u.t- lotalligwncer rev*: Eleven men were kill«! and three in­ jured in a mine exploemti on the fourth level at the l*»»in mine, a mile from thi* place, atkeot 9 o’clock last night. Tbe men employed in tbe working*, , or chutes, were instantly killed. Two I gangway men and a driver, working Barglar* entered tlx Woodl-urn po*t- further in tlie level, or gangway, evi­ flice but we«- siwr«I away before they dently eroajed the force of the explo­ had 0|XO0d th* safe. sion, and instinctively »tartmi toward Tlx construction work on tbe new the slope for safety. Tbe deadly after­ barracks building at Fort Columba damp swept down on them and they is practically completed. succumbed, after not more than a few Extensive preparations are being minute*’ struggle against tbe isle dieir made for ttx dedication of Agricultural experience a* miners told them lay in hall at tbe agricultural college (Octo­ TO END TME STRIKE. President H ill Sec U hat May be Don* in the voal 1kW«. Washington, Oct. 2.—Tbe president EIGHT MILLIONS Now '•LABIE ta yesterday took initiative step, to ascer­ ÜOVERNMENT projects tain what, if anything, could be done by tlie lederal authority to settle Ibe Start HUI be M.dl ln >um(Kr * coal stiike. The result was a general in th* Spring _ . n*x expreaafon of opinion by the adviser* W «-i- „ Le „ t of tlie president, who were present, to gystere. Comp,,,. NcCualr^ th. effect that tlx foleral laws and con- be Let I »til Cart I, on HaiM. stitut ion do not afford means of federal . interference to end tlie strike, but , Washington, (let. 2__ T1_ . last Moro strongi-uld. Washington, Oct. 4 - The great coal another conference will be held today, in the treasury between $7 iT/ro'"* A tornado in Tennessee, near Mem­ Tbe American column reached tbe confereiR-v between t.’.e president and and the preaident will do ail lx can phis, did great daniag* to property and $8.^,000,whu-h, under the f,,rD^er ,amp at Macin Sunday night, the reprexnutive* of the operators coat one life. * |()B tj^ Muro* opened fire on and gniaesro .ame to an end at the tem­ properly and legally to bring about a la»t revoon of congre-s, i- to „ settlement. At the temporary White th* reclamation fund, aB.i porary White Hooie at 4:55 ocloik It is estimated that there will be fal- them with a bra-a cannon and rifles now • ’ •iikbloforexpon.i.tn«^' Hoose a conference was held with the yesterday afuruoon, with failure to )v 500 de>gates in attendance at th* frvm g of nes fort, which three cabinet officers— Attorney Gene- irrigation ______ project* as will *» reach an agreement, and, apparently, irrigation congress. Ik« li.„ ____ _ . ‘ been erect«! aince laptain Pershing - the rock upon whieh tbe .x.nference rai Knox, Secretary Moody and Poet- by the secretary of the ;ut-not Steamship comt>*nies leave raised master General Payne. Governor spring for construction first visit to tlx place. The batten split wa- the recognition of the miners Crane, of Massachusetts, was also OOOOOOof freight rates on coal from foreign porta ~— - thiswreiVi^^A - union. The president had urged the under Captain William S. McNair to the United States. present. These gentlemen met with revenue from th- sa!« *n i , *•« contending partie» to coaae strife in the scaled a ridge commanding the position interest of the pubiie welfare: the President Ro sevelt, and after the sub­ of public lands in the firoal ber 15. It ie '-vrtain that President Roose­ store for them. of tbe Moros and shelled them out. ; miners, through the president of their ject had been considered for some time, and about $4,590,000 a» the r«t velt will make another move toward* Only the bodies of the men in the The medical artii>ent of Wil­ Tie ** settling tbe cowl strike a* soon as he workings are burned, (bowing that the lamette University openwl its 37th an­ The engineers under Captain J. J. Mor­ union, had expre--«i a willingr>e»s to they adjourned to another room and nue for the last fi-cal voar conferred together for an hour. They revenues for the past vear ex.rof tL* con find a way. submit their grievance* to arbitration row !>ad con-tru« t«l a trail over the sheet of liens- which followed tlx ex­ nual session with an enrollment of 35 all returned later in the day and held of any pre.-ee.Jing fi-cal rear '*• swamp, flanking tbe Moros’ position. trial to tie named by the president, and A Siuthern Pacific through train plosion did not extend to tlx slope, students. another conlerei.ee with the president, ing to about $8,200.000. ’The In T to enter into an agreement to abide by The men of Captain Pershing’« column was wrecked neat San Antonio, Texas. The Willamette valley is fills»! with crosrod ttx swamp by the trail and the terms fixed by the arbitration for and the strike situation was discussed made up not only from fee« lnd ' though it is declared by some watchers A number of passengers were injured, hunters after the Chinese pheasants, •aptureil and destroyed three of the a period of one to five years; and tbe further. missions, but fines and fo, fe,.u to have been seen from the air shaft*. but none fatally. President Roosevelt is deeply con­ abuses of public land law the la* against killing them having ex­ Moro forts. ■ , ’ The Moro* stood but a employers, thr ugh the presidents of Thore miners whoae bodies were pired October 1. . short while, and ran as son as the the railroad companies and a promi­ cerned over the situation. The ap­ du. tion of total expenditure, f, r Another attempt is to be ma>«!»• wer» court proceedings against the miner­ ma-le to him, and many suggestion* jets of medium size and mJ«, for fsd in the futnre. fld.UlM). This is by far tbe largest _ ■ UNCLE SAM S FINANCES. not disfigured. union. and had offered, if tlie men re­ ii»»e been received by him, «'»I it was more, depending nron cost. nugget ever found in this state. Retail merchant* of New Orleans »ay Fourteen men were working on No. 4 turned t<> work, to submit grievances at with a view to ascertain what power is to be undertaken to co« tl at if tlx street car strike is not set­ Tbe prevalence of smallpox, diph- Receipt* for September $4,000.000 More individual collieries to the decision of the federal authority could evoke that the amount available in the reehZ south and four on No. 4 north. Nine­ tled at once they will close their tion fund at the time contract* ar» teen men had teen assign«! to duty on tlxria, warlet fever and measles in Than Same Month Last Year. the judges of the court of common pleas caused tlie conference to tie held. »«ore». huch a move would thru* 5,- During the conference every phase of No. 3 level. Prior to the entrance of *■ ugene has awaken«! tbe su'horitie- for the district of Pennsylvania in Washington, Oct. 3.— The monthly 000 clerks oat of employment. The CITY IS WITHOLT COAL. the first shift the mine !iad been in to the ne«l of more vigilant quarantine which the colliery was located. There the situation! was discussed. Prince t han, brother of the emperor spei ted for gas, and before the second regulations, and in tlx future the com|>arative statement of government tlie matter cloaed. Last night both tbe general opinion of the advisers was that receipts and expenditures show that for miners and the operators remained in the situation did not present a >ase in People In New York are Now Tcariar i, of China, is married. shift went on duty the dust was sprin- strictest caution will lx observed. which there could be federal interfer­ Sidewalks for Fuel. 4 klwi. Of the 14 men in the crew on Tbe national debt shows a decrease The Indian war veterans of Oregon the month of September, 1002, the the city, but today they returned to ence by any warrant of law. Then- No. 4 eeuth, the three who were in ­ their several localities, saying that the of $10,000,000 for September. held a meeting at Salem and pass«l a total receipt» were $48,580,381, an New York. Oct. 2. — Not a ton a lias been no interference with federal jured were working in the main slope. resolution asking the legislature to anthracite coal can be had here nlt, increase of over $40,00,000 as com­ struggle will continue. Bulgarian bandit* have murdered 150 authority in the mining region, either issue 4 jer cent 20-year bonds to the pared with September, 1901. The ex­ Greeks during the past two months. Address of the President. by stoppage of the mails or resistance price, says a Rochester, N. Y..di«paui JOHN WHITEAKER DEAD. amount of $300,000 for the purpose of Sidewalk insp«« of the United States court pro. *.-». It to the Times. penditures for Septeml>er were $37,- The president's appeal to the mine Presier day each for their services in the residents are tearing up tiie udevalh sion for the use of federal troops, as The receipts to the point. He said in part: Constitution Passe* Away. him at tbe White House. Indian wars. At the time of the month of $11,000,000. and using them for fuel. Alkgethe from the several sources of revenue are "1 wish to call your attention to the Governor Stone, of Pennsylvania, had Eugene, Or., Ort. 3.—Ex-governor trouble the state agieed to pay $2 per An effort is l«ing made to effect a not called on the government for assist­ several miles of plank walks have given as follows: fact that there are three |.arties affected pried up with crowbars and carried 4 combine of Pacific coast flouring mills John Whiteaker, the first governor of dty, but the men have never receievd Customs, $26,255,777; increase, by the situation in the anthracite trade ance, nor had he even exhausted the but about 54 cants par day. In some ixctione, canal brid| es hai, with a capital of $25,000,000,. the state of Oregon, <)i«l at his home $7,000,000. Internal revenue, $19,- — the opeiators, the miners, and tbe resources of the state by calling out the f>een stripped of planking. ?i|w j Rix harvest hands were held lip at 789,808; decrease, $2,700,000. Mis­ general public. I speak for neither lull strength of the state militia. Mrs. B. F. James, mother of Ixruis in Eugene at 7:45 o'clock last eevning. new lumber left on tbe streets fun* cellaneous, $2,564,895; decrease, $250,- the miners nor the operators, but James, the tragedian, is dead al her He lingered in a state of unconscious- The Dalles and relieved of $300. pairs also have disappear«!. WHERE MAN HAD NOT BEEN. The ques­ Nome in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. A cold storage and meat company has 000. The expenditures on account of tor the general public. Hospitals cf New York city M nes» all day, and the watchers at bis the war department weie about $250,- tions at issue which led to the sit­ The jury has lieen complet«! in the bedside expected his death at any been form«i in Ashland with a capital threatened with being seriously affer, 000 in excess of those in September, uation affect immediately the parties Oeologkal Survey Party Return* From of $25,000. Rt. Igiuis legislature IxMxlle case, and ed by the scarcity of coal. Tbe 1 1901, and on account of the navy there concerned — the operators and the min­ moment. He bad been unable to take Wild* of Alaska. tbe taking of testimony is in progress. Hood Wright hospital has onlyenort The prune crop in Marion county was an increase of about $1,500,000. ers; but the situation itself vitally any nourishment since Wedneeday Seattle, Oct. 2.— Alter traversing a to la-t this week, while St. Ltike’n» will lie pretty generally gathered by the The state election in Georgia result­ affects the public. morning. Y’esterday morning he wilderness where white men have never so fortunate as to obtain a ca:go of 24 end of the present week. OFFICE-HOLDERS AS POLITICIANS. ed in tlie election of tbe I*emocratic ”i disclaim any right or duty to in­ before ventured, the United States tons about a week ag-----enough to I m mwni<«l to give «une indication of con ­ ticket. Joseph M. Ferrell, ex-state at­ tervene in this way upon legal grounds geological survey has completed a pre­ The hoard of regents of the state uni­ tao months. St. Mary’s hospital fa sciousness by making a slight motion torney general, was chosen governor. Payne Sends Out an Order Telling Postal or upon any official relations that J versity, at Eugene, have made arrange­ liminary examination of the country children has practically no supply^ I bear to the situation, but the uigency Employe* Their Rights. A plan has l«>en perfected whereby with his left hand, which was taken to ments to include a music department lying between Cook inlet and the steam coal, and is using furnace cm . 1 and the terrible nati r of tbe catastro­ the coal onmpanies will ship a supply mean lieckoning to his aged wife, whom Washington, Oct. 3. — Postmaster Tanana. of whi h it has about 25 tons. Ufa Mrs. Florence Atwood, state presi ­ phe immediately impending over a of fuel to New Y’ork, the tenement dis­ he want«l near him constantly. When A party of seven, under the leader condition prevails at many other» General Payne today addressed a cir­ dent of the Rebekahs, died at her home large portion of out people in the shape tricts to l>e suppliwl first, the hospitals she would take his hand he would be­ cular letter to the officers and employes of a winter fuel famine impel me, after ship of Alfred H. Brooks, made the stitu’ions. next aneople ter. He vai a inemlrer of Eugene lodge ons can in no way relieve tbe situatioa. A. IF. A A. M., under whose auspices Pardons have Isen asked for < on- political movements, from neglecting makes individual sacrifices for the gen­ The trip was snch a hard one that, for the few cargoes that have bea and burned whole villages. eral good. ” their duties or causing public scandal the funeral services will lie field, prob­ victs lx>uis level anti H. H. Warriner, out of 20 carefully select«! horses, only ' landed are of little ac.-onnt. Therein The president’» condition continues ably Saturday. Mitchell on the Result. m-ntenceti from Multnomah county (or by political activity. 1 il survived. For hundreds of miles only about 8,000 tons of this coal to improve fast and he is able to attend ‘‘A person in the classified service burglary. Following is the text of President the party never saw a white man, and, on the way, but orders have been plsoi to a great deal of busine»». has an entire right to vote as he JOHN WHITEAKER. The 16th annual fair of the Butte pleases and to express privately his Mitchell's statement, made after the indeed, were the majority of the time this week for over 25,000 tons. At The Cuban government has made a in a totally uninhabited land. They least a month is required, however, ti Born in Indiana 1820. Creek Agricultural association, held at opinions on all political subjects, but conference had failed: law which provides for Cuban labor in “As a consequence of this refusal of passed closer to Mount McKinley than fill the orders. The cost of imports Marriad in 1847. Marquam, had a large attendance and lie should take no active pait in politi­ all kinds of public service. the operators, either to grant conces­ any other white man. Many new Welsh coal under normal condition!i Came to Oregon in 1853. wa» very successful in every respect. cal management nr in political cam­ sions or to refer to individual arbitra­ streams were locat«l and named, and zlout $7. Elected prolate judge in 1856. Miss Alice Hay, daughter of Secie- Preparations are well advanced for paigns.” tion, the coal strike will go on. I am another party will probably be sent in Member of territorial legislature in the district fair to )>e held at Roseburg tary of State Hay, was married to firmly convinced that the miners will next year to continue the work. MANY NOTED MEN TO ATTEND. 1857. James W. Wadsworth, of New York, during the five days l>eg>i*ning Octolrer ENDER WOOD FOL ND GUILTY. win, although we deeply regret the re­ Elected governor in 1858. 7. A splendid livestock exhibit is ex ­ Two American inventors are exjxri- fusal of the railroad president» to defer MUCH CHOLERA IN ILO ILO. Elected to legislature in 1866. Irrigation Congress Is Interesting lirwt- pected. Jury Promptly Returns a Verdict of Mur­ to the wishes of tbe chief executive of menting with flying machines on long Ke-elected 1858. est Minds of the Nation. der in the Second Degree. island, line ship ascende I 1,000 feet Suit-committees have lieen ap|siint«i the United States. The president ex­ People Fleeing to the Mountains, Leaving Rpeaker of house ,870. Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct. and sail«! about two miles and the Seattle, Oct. 3. —Paul Underwooii, pressed the hope that there would he no President of senate 1876. in va'ions |>arts of the state to help so­ the Dead L'nburied. The committees in charge of the*' oilier am-ended 4,000 feet and made a Metnlier of congress from Oregon licit funds for the purchase of a sword a ecu e« I, with his wife, of drowning lawlessness in the coal fields, and the Manila, Oct. 2.— It is understood rangements for the 10th National im- flight of nearly live miles. 187«. for Admiral Clark, wlio commanded their infant child in Salmon Bay, life representatives of the miners assnred that 5.124 cases of cholera and 2,740 gation congress, which converse 1«» him that theit every effort would be Collector of internal revenue at Port­ the Oregon during the R|>anish-.Ameri- The wnat« committee on Pacific is­ deaths from that disease were reported October 6. have received enroirsrx l»xn adjudmi guilty of murder in the exerted to maintain peace.” lands and Porto Rico has finish«! its land in 1885. can war. About $1,200 will be re­ in the province of Ilo Ilo, Island of reports which promise a large attend­ second degree, the jury being out Died 1902. work in the Hawaiian islands and has quired. N Ice-President Wilcox's Views. Panay, on Monday. This is the high­ ance of noted men from all parts of tw scarcely half an hour. Through the sailed for San Francisco. The com­ David Wilcox, vice-president and est record for any district since the out­ country. I-arge delegation» from 9 McKinley f und Piling Lp. The school director* and clerk* of several day* of the trial the young man mittee listened to testimony regarding general counsel of the Delaware A Hud- ; break <4 the di«ea«e occurred, and ex­ commercial clubs of Omaha sad * lias maintained the greatest stolidity, the land laws, public improvement* Cleveland, O., Oct. 4. — Colonel Washington county held a meeting and son railroad, in his statement to the ceeds the total of Manila and many of Paul will come in private car*. 5* though he was •urroundrii by his sor­ ne«l«l, bubonic plague epidemic and Myron T. Herrick, treasurer of the discussed various matters of school im­ president, said in part: the provinces »ince the commencement. Mexico. Texas, Wyoming. Kan«»» «** rowing parents and friends. Scenes many other matters of lesser import­ National McKinley Memorial Associa­ portance. The state superintendent The town of Miago, in the province of Nebraska cities will also semi 1*V "The United Mineworkers ance. tion, is reswiving hundreds of letter» was present. It is the first time such in his early mairied life, and events most extensive combination and Ilo Do. was the worst sufferer, 1,173 delegations The subject« to be han4- connected with the closest and usually One thousan 1 people are now be­ daily containing »mall contribution» to a meeting was ever held in tha- case*» being report«! there Monday. oly which tbe country has ever led, affecting a« they do the proper«- deare«t memories of his child, were lieved to have perished in the Sicily the memorial fund. Rome time since county. It habitually enforce* its orders and At Cabettaun there were 899 cases, penditure of $8,000,000 of psh- constantly recalled. unknown person» started a 10-cent, 5- disaster. directions by whatever means may be and at Dumanges 395 vases were re­ money now available, an ! the pn«wa The crime was committed on the last cent and 2-cent endle»* chain scheme The people aie from future land sales for the I*'»*’ tn spite of ram, the full war maneu­ in connection with the monument fund. day of May, and Underwood was cap­ most effectual. including strikes boy- ported on Monday. PORTLAND MARKETS. vers are being carriai out by the trorp* Up to date fully 50,000 of these letters tured after a cha«e of two weeks cotts, picketing, besetting and the like, fleeing to the mountains, leaving the ation of millions of arid acres. sndtw not confine ! to its pwn members alone, dead unburi«! and the dying uncared making of homes for millions of pro* at Fort Riley, Kan. Wheat—Walia Walla, 62c; bluestem through the southwestern part of the I have l«en received by Judge Pay, but in which are comps’!)«! to join, as for. The govern ment has ordered ad­ now crowded in the cities. hsvealW** 85c; valley. 63c. state. The penalty is from 10 to 20 president of the association, at Canton, I.umlier shipments by water from the far as j«>ssible. all other persons simil­ ditional doctors and m«iicines to lie ed the highest minds of the r.strt Barley—Feed, $19 50 per ton; brew - years' imprisonment. Columbia river will this year, for the and forwarded to the treasurer's office. arly employed. Its violent methods sent to Ilo Ilo. The number of vic­ from captains of industry to the lesdef ing. $20.50. first time on record, exceed 100,000,- Many letter» are from Europe. have already rereiv«l the condemns! ion tims makes ordinary sanitary measures of labor organizations. letter- of * Mob Compel* M **ber> to Close. 000 feet. Flour—Be*t grade, 3.30(33.65; grab- of the circuit court of the Unit«] .-tates. impoe-ibl*. The total of all the pro­ dorsement of the possibilities 4 the«* Train* Meet In Tunnel. Wil«e»l>arre, Pa., Oct. 3 — The Strit- am. $3 8593.20. “The question at present is merely vinces Monday was 5,390 cases and gress are pouring in every day fr* Brigadier General Sumner, in charge | Parkersburg. W. Va., Oct. 4. —Five Millstuff»—Bran, $18.50 per ton ; ing ws’hery at Plymouth, which has whether an unlawful association shall 3,091 deaths. these people. of the movement against the Moro*, perron» were killed and three injured middling«, $23 50; shorts, $19.50; l»een in operation for some time, was be permitted in this country by means •ar* the relief» ar* not so unruly a» compelled to suspend operations today, chop, $ 17. in a head-end collision between two which are illegal to decide who shall be Coal Situation In New York. MUI Turn Immigrant* Back- reported. freight train* in a tunnel near Corn­ Oats—No. 1 white. $191.02** ; gray, a mob of men and boy* having ent the allow«! to work: what shall be his New York. Oct. 2. — The coal situa ­ Ottawa, Ont , Oct. 2.—Frank P belting and plugged the machinery. hour» <-f work, and what he »hall be It 1» Mid that Queen Maria Chris- | wallis, on the Baltimore A Ohio rail­ '•5<\w*ible to reac h er«, $2.8093; din k«, $4.5095 per dos­ along the same lines as that of " Mr. rate <4 $25 a ton. - --------------------------------- Dealers in other immigration, assured Mr. “argent. outside Officer» are in clos* pursuit the other two at the present time, ow- en; turkey*, young, 14915c; gee«», and the m«>b gone. W i Icox. parts of the city who yesterdav were had already been taken in tbe ®* z $«98.30 jxr d -ten. Veneanela plan* to cut all the calde» ing to wreckage. For Governor of Vermont. selling half tens, today cut fl e allow- and that objectionable in>r * Ch«we — Full cream, twins 139 FineJ for Ordering Inion Strike. ami an American gunlsat may 1« ne- ance to customers to quarter tons. Cr thè new Butter—Fancy creamery, 25937 l*c McCulloch, Rep., of Bennington. Samar. Tl>e po|Hil»tion of many of Panama Canal comjwiny. wh» ha» re- per (»•und. extras, 37 4c; dairy, 171» the polls General McCulloch failed to tural Iron Workers, ha» been fine.) $200 by the joint arbitration committee of , Croker on Trial. receive a majority of votre, although Fast Train Wrecked. the town* bare baaa heavily ledoced turoed from l’ari», say* he -lelivervd to X30c. store, 13S915. rec-riving the largest num leer < ! popular the nnion and the employers because New York, Oct. 2.—Edward F. Crok- De* Moines. Oct. 2.—Th» through death and the flight of the Attorney General Knox. in Pari«, evv-y Fgg*—22SMJ.Nc per dosen. Today, however, he re­ he ordere.! a strike of i onwoikere on er, chief of the New York fire depart- Island fast mail, west Nxnd. panic atricken people. Potat o«» i Best Burbanks, 60X6 V vote» cast. rwareyaoce, decres, conrewaion or otrxr ceived hie majority, having the «apport the Rock Islam! depot, 1 ran.»» calle.1, ment. wa» placed on trial today before wrecked thi* morning at Japan, drowning per rack; ordinary. 509 55c per rental, A tidal wave »wept witii*nt relating to to thè propesile» Commissi oner Sturgis, who uL, pre- mile, east of here. No 1-x of >i of l«4 menihrrs of the convention. Z. out the men be<-au«e the « ntra< tors Fire Commissioner Much property ■»( tbe new Panama Canal company, grower*’ price»; Merced sweet*. $29 at least 500 |«<>ple. Stanton, Rep., wa» elected lieutenant gave the building of a ‘ traveler" to ferred chargee against Three care left th* '**. —I------- the — chief. -------- The currad. A Japanese warship ami ita *nqne*tie bridge across Skunk river yv« e Beef—Groa», cow*, 3X14* P*r Aiwcrk an ScttMr* la British ColwmHa. lite building trades. claim» of any kiod. been rent against the Mono. York, conversion of public property to Three tramp» were rep- rte»! » Vancouver. B, C-, Ort. 3.—It is eeti- pound steer*, 4e; dre«e«i. «97c. mated that 37,1X10 American» afone private n«e, conduct prejudicial to gessi heen killed in the latter » tm - Veal— 749« 4c. R*»«rv»ir* ilevw Hay. Ordered to «u«pend Horfc. ore United Minew-.rker* The Hl*sor«in at Pan»"**- Sixty-fire Salt Company Fail«. Lamb* — Groas, 34* I** poo»! ; been actually recorded. today, and shout «.000,000 gallons of fire at Stockton, Cal., destroyed ti. «ìaand immigrants from different oí A menea, district of Alabama, .tated Washington. Oct. 2- h* J^ixt*» Trenfon, N. J., Oct. 2 —Chancellor water em-ape-l and fiowreidown Twenty­ drsreei. « 4*- t.«iay that he hail iswaad ardors for all Five $500,000 worth of property. Magi » has appointed Frank P McDer­ part ment has rocoired * * , flrded by tlx eml <*f seventh street. ft.«sling ths cellar» of th» miner» of the Tenne.ree Coal A the year. blocks were burned. mott, of Jeraey City, and Nathan S. announcing the arrival • ■ ■ maay bouse» ami doing other damage d re am d. 797 NC- Iron Railroad oom;aoy. at tbe Bloe Beardslee. of Warxw, N. Y., receiver» mirai Sila» C»*y •h,*r” iJ’ ’ g Street Car* SIM TW lp. The cable from San Franciare to A watchman »Le duty it >• to opon a 1 ■*»** Bforton mines to ruspend f ■ the National salt .-ompany. The tbe Wisconsin, at valve when the water rswclxw a certain New Orleans, (M. 1. — The sMaatioa work inc order by The “ antiagro a Ni> aragnan volcaao, Manila will bw in •ork. About I,«00 men will be in­ application for a receiver was made by almost ar>«inaled ran down th It tower* above ia the street railway »trike remain« volved July 4, 1903, acre.-ding tn the o9eiale height neglectael to «foso and the water threaten» an ecu pt loo The strike grows bank moot, washing the town <4 'an Fernando de Mareara, urn Farjsd. Not a car i» moving ex­ r>f"*al th* rompony to withhold The company'» liabilities are n two weak*. R’«r ' , f Uy the «able, two from Manila and away the earth to *ucb aa »stent that wboae 30.000 pt'o'pir are greatly cepting two mail rere, although this is »•-«-mr-t« made bv the miner»’ will «rtnme general «>n-r* ■ tlx break I o II owmí . the fourth day of the strike. alarnw*!. one from San Francisco. on* n for the antf.dk it* striker». American naval ferre. <*•> Ux >’- ! Ì a V A