• nothing^ ’ I Toull just nen dto be i and then you'll be all righ it?'*4* 1 head up agin me, like that Ki> I you’ll feel better. It am't ‘ . A04 riMl'Bltl. Proprietor«. I SURPASSED 1002 FOR UNSEA­ when your lips are l!ge leather' I guess Id best let you know Y bw ' SONABLE WEATHER. EUGENE OREGON. cards He. What's that vom,’ ¿V* I » 'Pretty things' flne thin I BY A. CONAN DOYLE I _| • the little girl. etbuisa.,ti<-piy . Thick Ice Formed During Every Month I Guam lias a new Governor. The na up two glittering fragments < ,: < and Iluceniber Was Moat Agreeable ____ _ ' ture of bis offense is not stateti. When we goc. ba. k to home pr® 1 Part of Year Food Stuff« Hold at ! rww them to brother Bob." 1 ‘ " ■ t olieurd-of Prices. Perhaps Klug Edward merely tumed •'You'll see prettier thlnp. than ,x PART II. CHAPTER VII—Continued. soon,” said the man. confl.lentlt over one of bls castles In order to dodge The Country of the Saint. The recent phenomenal weather has just wait a bit. I was goitJ'tn Mr. Gregson, who had listened to the taxes. caused an old friend to send to the this address with considerable impa­ you. though—you remember 1 CHAPTER I. k ft the river?” **a »« Washington 1‘oat an extract from a tience, could contain himself no longer. General De Wet Is writing a book, We t «t-iv »r,L In the central portion of the great "Well, we reckoned we scrap-book preserved iu bis family of "Look here, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, One by one the heroes fall from tbelr the remarkable summer of 1816. It la he said, “we are all ready to acknowl­ North American Continent there lies other river soon, d'ye see B„, (1.M' pedestals. was somethin' urnn« ‘ ' wrong; cd: edge that you are a smart nan, and an arid and repulsive desert, which for known iu history as the "cold summer somethin' and a-"! it 4 ;?'*'* or many a long year served as a barrier map, nr somethin', that you have your own methods of of 1816." The sun seemed to be de­ The girl's mother saj’s that story np. Water ran out Just exeeM ."iu working. We want something more against the advance of civilization. void of beat and all Nature was clad aliout the primes Infatuation Isn't From the Sierra Nevada to Ne­ tie drop for the likes of y. | than mere theory and preaching now. iu gloom. The people were frightened and —” ’ aBl1-' true. But do girls' mothers always In the Day« ot Witchcraft- though. It is a case of taking the braska. and from the Yellowstone riv­ and imagined that the tire Iu the sun know? "And you couldn't wash yourself ■■ er In the north to the Colorado upon man. I have made my case out. and Few incidents connected with court* was be I ng rapidly extinguished, and of law are more fully charged with In­ it seems I was wrong. Young Char­ the south, is a region of desolation and terrupted his companion, grav-dy . The fortune teller who said Edward Ing up at his grime visage fears w ere entertained of the approach­ terest tliau the following, in which pentier could not have been engaged in silence. "No. nor drink. And Mr. Bend». h. would reign but never be crowned has Nor is nature always in one mood ing end of all things, beriuoua were the honesty and courage of the Judge this second affair. Lestrade went after was the first to go, and then t.e decided nut to use that prediction for preached upon the subject lu all the concerned can scarcely fall to com­ his man, Stangerson, and it appears throughout this grim district, It com- Pete, and then Mrs. McGre^r that he was wrong, too. You have prises snow-capped and lofty moun advertising purposes. churches, and seleutltic tuen of the day mand a good meed of admiration: then Johnny Hones, and tb.eu , , tains and dark gloomy valleys. thrown out hints here and hints there, talked learnedly In effort to explain the There are swiftly-flowing rivers yotir mother." When Lord Chief Justice Holt pre­ 1 and seem to know more than we do, More than KOO seventh daughters of strange phenomena. "Then mother's a deader too" friM sided in the King's Bench, a poor, de­ but the time has come when we feel which dash through jagged canyons: seventh (laughters who jumped la and The winters of 1815 and 1816 were crepit old creature was brought be­ that we have a right to and there are enormous plains, which the little girl dropping her fire |n b j ask you predicted that Edward would never it) DW very cold In Europe, but opened com­ fore him, accused its a criminal on j straight how much you do know of in winter are white with snow, and in pinafore and sobbing bitterly crowned are now claiming that they “Yes; they all went ev,-pt you paratively mild in our country, and In whom the full severity of the law the business. Can you name the man summer are gray with the saline alkali dust. They all preserve, however, the me. Then I thought there was son. added "Iu June.” no way Indicated the severe weather ought to be visited with exemplary ef­ I who did it?” chance of water in this dir. ctioi T that soon prevailed. January waa very fect. "I cannot help feeling that Gregson common characteristic of barrenness, I heaved you on my shoulder and '«» irhospitality and misery. The story that the Egyptian Sphinx mild, ko much so, Indyed. that tires ren ­ is right, sir, ” remarked Lestrade. "We What an amount of sorrow there A “What la her crime?” asked hla lord­ There are no inhabitants of this land tramped it together. It don't seem is disintegrating on account of climatic have both tried, and we have both though we've improt bound up In the word Ingratltudel dered homes uncomfortably warm, this ship. of despair. changes ia Interesting but not ueccs- failed. You have remarked more than A band of Pawnees or of Blackfeet There’s an almighty small ctiinre f Twenty years ago a “puddler” In New was broken, however, iu February for “ Witchcraft ” once since I have been in the room may occasionally traverse ft in order us now'” anrlly alarming. The disintegration be­ York lost his wife. He mourned and a few days, ati|| the warm condition "How la It proved?’ i that you had all the evidence which to reacn other hunting-grounds, but the gan long ago. Dw,k at the poor thing's i gave to bls child, a girl, a double quan­ which existed nearly all of that month "Do you mean that we are ROlir to “She has a powerful spell.” you require. Surely you will not with­ hardiest of the braves are glad to lose die. too?” asked the child, chwi-j^ nose. tity of love. He tolled and saved. All gave no Inilleatl- n of the coming wintry “Let me see it.” hold it any longer?" sight of those awesome plains and to her sobs, and raising ) er tear stzine' aspect which succwded. and which ren­ The s[>ell wax handed to the bench. Germany has been experimenting the tenderness of his na'ure was poured “Any delay in arresting the assas­ find themselves once more upon their face, dered tiie remaining mouths of the year It api>eared to be a stnaii ball of va­ sin,” I observed, “might give him time pralrica. with the American system of checking out on his baby. It waa almost wor­ “I euesa that's about the size of it" unlike any summer that had preceded riously colored rags of silk with to perpetrate same fresh atrocity.” The coyote skulks among the scrub, "Why didn’t you cv so before?" she baggage, and likes It so well that It Is ship. The feel of her arms about bls It w ithin tiie memory of the then "old­ threads of as many different hues, neck took the tired from Ills boues, the buzzard flaps heavily through the said, laughing gl-.efully "Yon gave Thus pressed by us all, Holmes to be more generally used on the rail est inhabitants. ” air, and the clumsy grizzly bear ium such a fright. Why of courro. n,,w t These were unwound and unfolded, showed signs of Irresolution ways. Under the old German system drove sadness from Ills heart and made March came In with its usual Icy until there appeared a scrap of parch- He continued to walk up and down bers through the dark ravines, and long as we die we ll le with mother every mnn hail to look after and Iden­ him realize that God had Indeed ticen picks up such sustenance as it can again.” winds, but moderated greatly toward : the room with his head sunk oq his tify hie own baggage, as Is the custom good to him. He wanted her to have the end. April began with warm and tnent, on which were wrltten certain | chest and his brows drawn down, as among the rocks. These are the sole "Yes, you will, dearie.” more education, greater advantages, cabalistic characters then nearly ille­ here on country stage-coaches. dwellers in the wilderness. “And you. too. I'll tell her ho» 1 was his habit when lost in thought. than he had. That Is the way of par- bright sunshine, but as the mouth drew gible from much use. In the whole world there can be no awful good you've been. I'll b>t e*’« “There will be no more murders," he to a close the cold Increased and It enta. tOO good to Koine of them are The Judge, after looking at this pa ­ more dreary view than that from the meets us at th« door of heaven When the IK'» ships now buildlug or ended In Ice and snow and a very wln- per charm for a fewr minute«, addressed said, at last, stopping abruptly and fac- northern slope of the Sierra Blanco. a big pitcher of water, aril a lot of (Ing us. “Y'ou can put that considera- contracted for are completed. twenty their children. They carry kindness try temperature, May, which Is usually As far as the eye can reach stretch ­ buckwheat cakes, hot. and tin 1 himself to tiie terrified prisoner: “Pris­ 1 tion out of the question. You have eight Blates will be represented In the tieyond the bounds of appreciation. looked for with Its welcome flowers, oner. how came you by this?" asked me if I know the name of the es the great flat plainiand, all dusted both sides, like Bob ai d me was fn-| new navy by nauiesakea. The armored Twelve years ago he sold his property over with patches of alkali, and inter ­ proved a bitter disappointment; the "A young gentleman, my lord, gave ! assassin. I do. The mere knowing of sected by clumps of the dwarfish chap­ of How long will it I e first’" ■ rulser 1’ennsylvuiila, which Is soon to and sent his girl to Europe to study “I don’t know—not very long." his name Is a small thing, however. She gained early buds were soon bhickeued by the It to me to cure my child's ague.” be launched, will be the third uaval music. She did study. The num - ■ ■ I compared with the power of laying our arral bushes. frost, and In one night during the first fame, and her beauty appealed to the "How long since? ” On the extreme verge of the horizon vessel to bear the name of the Key­ northern horizon. In the bh e v-nlt 0» | hands upon him. This I expect very two days of May vegetation was made artists of the Gid World. One day she ‘'Thirty years, my lord. stone Stule. The first was a wooden shortly to do. I have good hopes of lie a long chain of mountain peaks, the heaven there appear« I t^ree litt!« a blackened waste; the corn was killed “And did It cure her?” three decker of 8,400 tons, built In came back to New York a polished i managing It through my own arrange- with their rugged summits flecked with specks which increa-ed 5 a bushel. The He beds down all ye Cattle. The Origin of "Windfall." and talent, so that each book thorough There was a small portmanteau in I his shriveled limbs, proclaimed what When roosts ye tired Lark, the room, and this he pulled out and j it was that gave him that senile and last month of summer opened bright ly taken In shall be the beginning of Did you ever have a "windlxL A sickly Glini he takes with him began to strap. ; decrepit appearance. a new life, and shall make a new man and warm and was the mildest of the and did you ever wonder « hv y«u rtiiw To light him after dark. He was busily engaged at ft when The man was dying—dying from it so, when tiie wind had r.othirg of him.” year; but the ex|>eetatlon of returning hunger and from thirst. the cabman entered the room. sunuuer w-ns anon dispelled. all to do with your good 1 ■ >rtune I' From one Year to another "Just give me a help with this He had toiled painfully down the ra­ James A. Bailey, the millionaire elr On August 111 Ice formed everywhere, was to the peasants in William ''f He Harvest sows and reaps. buckle, cabman. ” he said, vine. and on to thi* little elevation, kneeling cws owner, has been visiting In Detroit snd winter clothing, which had been He lives and thinks and works and drink* over his task, and never turning his I fn the vain hope of seeing some signs Conqueror’s time that an actual »>““• recently. Bailey was struck with the And also eats and sleeps. laid aside a few days before. was again fall meant good luck. Ihey »e« of water. head. circus fever w hen he waa but 11 years brought forth to protect the people What work he has not Tyrue for Now the great salt plain stretched bidden, under severe penalty, to • The fellow came forward with a Is managed by his Wyfe. old. He began as u lemonade and pea somewhat sullen defiant air, and put before his eyes, and the distant belt forest tree, but whatever the »i " '* from the wintry weather. October kept All must concede ’ ti» good to lead nut vendor. Finally he got to tie ad of savage mountains, without a sign down was their own; hence t*'' down his hands to assist up the reputation of Its predecessor, as Ye liappye Farmer’s life. vance agent of a show "I remember At that instant there was a sharp anywhere of plant or tree which might greatest fortune was a heaiv. there was scarcely a day during the -Portland Oregonian. click, the jangling of metal, and Sher­ Indicate the presenci of moisture. that I used to possess a great many whole month that the tbemrometer rose In all that broad landscape there storm and its cmeequent “fall. lock Holmes sprang to his feet again. suits of clothes, and I owned a large higher than 30 degrees. November was Dietetic Dinteultiee. was no gleam of hope. North, and hence the name we give our mod'™ “ Gentlemen. ” he cried, with flashing cluster diamond that cost ataiut >lt>" extremely cold, but. strange to aay. De­ Readers of Don Quixote will recall eyes, "let me Introduce to you Mr Jef cast, and west he looked with wild, good luck. Mr. Bailey looked down at blwself as if cember was the mildest and most com­ the meal at which Kancbo Panza, while ferson Hope, the murderer of Enoch questioning eyes, and then he realized What Alligators Eat. mentally comparing bls suit of to day that his wanderings had came to an fortable month of the entire year. Governor of Barataria, found that ev­ Drebber and Joseph Stangerson. with that of the time he was advance More than once curi< ih ti'itK* The whole thing occurred In a mo­ end. and that there, on that barren Of course the cold spell caused bread erything be desired was whisked agent. The suit lie wore to-day could been found in the stomach of a ' _ stuffs to rise to an unheard-of price, and aw ay at the bidding of the physician's ment—so quickly that I had no time to crag, he was about to die. “Why not here, as well as in a feath­ bnt never has such an extr not have cost more than >lfi. while not ■ It was Impossible to obtain the ordi­ wand, until the table was cleared of reallxe It. I have a vivid recollection of that in­ er bed, twenty years hence.” he mut­ collection been found as was 11'” v a single article of Jewelry adorned bls nary vegetables for table us?, as what all that was eatable, Doctor Martin, stant. tered. as he seated himself in the shel­ t. of Holmes' triumphant expres ­ recently in the stoma, h •! an s. • person. Every young man passes woman «corner to gaze at her with were on sale were required for seed tn his book. “A Cycle of Catliay," tell» sion and the ring of his voice, of the ter of a bowlder. This alligator was killed in the' through wbat may ba denouiluattd "the much more tliau fleeting glance. Dark Flour sold In 1817 tn the cities for >13 Before sitting down, he had depos of au experience h» had In a Chine«« cahman's dazed, savaee face, as he clothes era.” a time lu the process of dark In hair and eyes and complex per luerrel. and the average price of hotel; It waa singularly «luillar to thnt glared at the glistening handcuffs ited upon the ground nis useless rifle, and was more than 12 fo**» 'n his evolution when bls serious purposes Ion and museularly formed, «he shown wheat In England was l>7 shilling« per and also a large bundle tied up in a In its atcninch were di- «',’r''l r - which befell Sancho. The Doctor saya: which had appeared as if by magic gray shawl, which he had carried slung five stones, several birds 1 In"'- lu life run largely to clothes. In these the Ideal American girl, the type from quarter upon his wrists. "Many of the Inna are kept by Mo human finger nails ami three ■' ’ callow days s solitary hair oat of place the West, nurtured In Nebraska breese« For a second or two we might have over his right shoulder. hammedsna. as I learned to my coet. been a group of statues Then, with It appeared to be somewhat too donkey, to one of which a pie« (l TABBY AND HER BABY RAT. disturlie hla esthetic equilibrium, to be and taught no fear of even cyclones. One day when my servant had set the an Inarticulate roar of fury, the pris­ !lea.yyAor hls. '’trength^for, In lowering was attached. even sans patent leather polish as to his She liss her father's broad mouth and W«r««««l to Kat th» Tennaatar—Wvared table, and I waa about to begin toy oner, wrenched himself free from ft. It came down on fhe ground with shoes Is equivalent to conviction as ac­ flrtn jaw a. her mother's low forehead, It aa Her <*ff«prla*. Medals for First Xolurteer*. breakfast with a slice of bam. the Inn Holmes’ grasp, and hurled himself some little violence. cessory after the fact, and the nicety with rippling brown hair, dressed low. Instantly there broke from the gray Tabby, our old cat, lived In ths barn kev-per appeared, and Implored me by through the window. Governor Cra ■ . expended upon hie necktie would suf but has her own eyes. Miss Bryan Is parcel a little moaning cry. and from Woodwork and glass gave way be with her family of kittens Kha mads all that waa «acred to abstain from it there protruded a small, scared face. ____ . has signed the bill «warding a flee for the consummation of an exceed­ now 18 her home In the stall itf Dandy, on« of port. for hla sake ia u<8 for my own. for« him; but before he got quite with very bright, brown eyes, and two every man from bis state 1 ingly delicate diplomatic mission. The through Gregson. Lestrade and Holmes the farm horses, and the kittens were ' Sanding It away. 1 a 1 *' lyle'a pbiloeophy of clothes Neither la The new *oeier ashamed that he ever became co and panting • nary announcement*. ” mother used to da Where's mother?" given by the Gra’d Merrit who writ «a ae Crown." Glam "We have hla I carried the kittens to the grauary cab ■ said Sherlock gaged "Tho groom!" raltered the yonug beautifully as she once »'1M. says; Holmes "It will serve to take him to | "Mother x gone. I guess you'll see ratio river, in A »zona- and put them In a corner on a pile of her before loag." A man likes to be told that be baa "For It la the alnMWt sterile soil of woman. "Why why. I forgot to ask empty as.-ks Scotland Tarci And now. --------- gent.. ..tiemen" When 1 turned mu nd "Gone, eh?" said the ..... little B .,„ rtr? him. ami nottody else appeared to think A Chin«** Claries*»- earned a vacation, even If some he continued, with a pleasant smiie old poi eri y that oftenest |>e>idue»a ¡liât Tabby was Just coming la the door we have reached the end of our little Funny she dfdnt say gool bye; she ca<*tue-llke plant of Ambition w h>w of bltn Rut they bad all the Important with her foater he by In her mouth loafer makes the remark. Tba 5jna. a Cl mystery You are very welcome to ^most alwxys did If she was Just goln' favorite jnstrWmeat a splendid and dazzling flowers are. alas details ready for me." She put It down ;■ the corner with the Ths largest coral reef In the world fa put any queation* that you like to me over to auntie's for tea and now she’* people, especially at mi r i so often without perfume ' The s mile Time makes all things even -eit-rpt kittens, but It Immwllately hid under the Australian barrier reef, which is row and there Is no danger that I will been away for three davs Say. It'a •** awful 4ry ain't It? Ain't thare no «rai entertainment». is well selected. The dnaer. la Na I tn • poker gatua the sacks. I pla.-ed a saucerful of LMQ miles til length. reft’M to answer them " water nor nothing to eat?" F to U abqve. Eugene Weekly Guard ture's poverty. The desert has been denied water. Therefore everything it grow*. cactus, uieaqult. yucca. Is-ar I grass, shows marks of the struggle with bard conditions, aud. ow ing noth­ ing, It presents a prickly independence, lu its armed su«plciou It «ay« "Hands off.” Aud so of the human ca<-tus grown on the plain» of poverty. It lias I thrived iu spite of the lack of nour­ ishment ami culture. It is Ix-autLful I to look.upon. But It has thorns as you ' will discover If you try to pluck It. And It is without perfume, 'there I* i ntXblng of the rose smell about these ' hardy human plants. They haven't had the ai.vautagea of the rose. Abra­ ham Lincoln waa a cactus. Klud at heart, be was rough aud prickly out­ side. Douglas found those thorn*. UlysKeH S Grant was another of thia type A kindly nature waa hedged I aliout by an Indurati'd growth that produced seen ixiiiits of defense. Aud so of all "self made" men. Bril­ liant to the look, and like the cactus, which the desert dweller knows I h one of the most useful and generous of all plants when you kuow It* uses, these human flowers are wondrous kind, but rugged, strong, unbending to outside Influence«, keen aa needles —Ambition grown lu the Desert of Life. 1816 HAD NO SUMMER. milk on tbs floor and »too back out of alght to watch developments. Tabby, after lapping It a moment, called her family. The kittens respond ed slowly, and then the tiny rat darted from its biding place under the sack« and scrambled over the edge of the saucer, head foremost Into the milk. When It climbed out Tabby attenled to Its toilet, licking the milk all off. Af­ ter she had finished the rat didn’t look much larger than the tirst joint of a man's thumb, but It sat up on Its haunches aud washed its face, bead and ears In the most comical way We were all Interested In this most unnatural adoption, but one morning the queer foster nursling was missing and we never knew- wbat became of it. — Edinburgh Scotsman. ____ A STUDY IN SCARLET •