SHAKE .HANDS WITH FATE. _ ,aj 0|d world, and a bad old world. It is scare» worth while at all; lu wrrows cling and its friendships sting. And eveu its joy» will palL But dear is life for all its strife, ind love is better than hate— Ton'll 6"J • «r,ce in tb* ,urlle*t f,c* If you just shake hands with fste. THEY ARE LOOKING FOR THINGS. marks of a man walking la hla aocka. Th» track of a full grown gr'.xxly me.*»- urea a* much a* eighteen incite* la length Th» trail of the Amesican iuus- quaw bear is ea»;Iy »ecu by the prac­ ticed »y». as he continually tread* in the same path, beating out defined read* for himself. Peraon» ** bo Go Along th* »treat Watching the Ridewslta. ■y 1 —-------- "Th. ‘lost and found' umns of the newspaper la re»lx>ii»it>lc for rather peculiar habit." said an otisenaut etti- sen. according to tbe New Orleans * Timea l>enMX*rat. "and It pnxluee» rather singular mental condition. BIG GAME IN MEXICO. 2*1 ha* cauat-d a great many person* to With light in your glanc* and right in Excitlas Huotiag Tale» Told by Civil Biake a rather close study of the aide- In her lover's arm* n woman weight your glance Engineer of Life in Coahuila. And your lips in a curve to the sky; walk* of th«* city, and no doubt uiau.v but a feather; lu her husband's, a ton.— A civil eugineer recently returned Life. »’spring in your walk and a ring in your of them live lu tbe constant hope of A recent number of the New York talk. picking up something very valuable, lude|>eudent coutaiued a poem by from the hacienda of Jlmuleo In Coa­ Teacher—"Tell me, Bobby, what are Sure, hope will not pass you by. 'l'bey have all sorts of wild dream* Whittier entitled “Eternity." which Is huila. au Immense property containing the two things necessary fot baptism?'1 The path that you will winds over a hill, about finding Jewelry, in re or less val- not Included lu the poet’s complete over 2.isHi square kilometer*, tells some Bobby—"Water and a lathy, laam."— g it it leads to an open gate; stirring tales of shooting wild game. Tit Bits. iiatiie, aud big rolls of money and work*. So trill you a song to lure love along. Antelopes atxiuud, but great care I* I "Why. man. I'd lx* tickled half to And just shake hands with fate. To give your photographic parapher- praise and many prix«*» In strictly pho­ things of that sort. I am uot speaking Well Connected. I*e f Ur. essary In approaching these w Uy of the unhappy aud extremely uufortu- death If I could write well enough to uAlia a thorough and clean tographic competitions. Is to be credit- creatures, owing to their habit of a! ■ay she has good family connections?" uate class w how life I* s|x-ut In search ­ •*Ti« in yourself is the demon elf, really luterest little children. That ing up. If you use a band camera, take ed with having won the laurels lu this way* placing one or two on guard Gunbusta—"Yes: she operetta a Noh ’Tis in yourself is ‘ God; off the front and clean out the dust case, some of his recent work having ing the sidewalks and th«- gutters for would l>e a big thing a wonderfully while the rest of the hen! Is feeding. lllll swltcbbtard."' Ex. stray from yourself And yog'll never that you will be surprised to find it been accepted by the Salon to be huug whatever tride they may pick up. 1 big thing."- Kipling "What do you expect to lx- when yoq Tlie sentinels, faithful to tlielr duly, away— contain*. If it ;* a larger instrument, at Its next exhibition When It Is re- have in mind a different sort of peoptov George W. Cable's new book. "By­ remain with head ereet. pes-ring aud become of age. my little man?1' asked God’s light or the devil's prod. people who are un>re cultivated aud Whatever your tuind you'll meet in kind. see that there are no parts that re­ membered that the Salon la composed more refilled, and whose minds have by low lllll." la rather sei erely bandied stilttlug to the four point* of the com the visitor. "Twenty-one. sir," was the quire reblacking. The nearest shoe­ of the most conservative artists in the by many critic*. He Is somewhat out pass, and give a swift alarm tbe Ulo- bright out * reply.—Yuker* States­ Ami what is yourself create; Th,- world will view what is really you— maker will give you a little "dubbing" world and that its gate* have been degress Iwnt into the groove. Maybe of bls "sphere" in dealing with New uient au enemy appears In sight man. »ouie of them have found something kt Therefore, shake bands with fat»! that will improve the bellows If lbbed Jealously guarded against the admis­ England character aud condltioua. Not long since a party of young men Patience— And she married that txx'k s >me time or other, and thia lias caused -Leslie's Weekly. into the corners that are gettiug hard sion of anything but work* of the high­ Mariou Crawford does moat of bls were huutlng the Javalt. or wild hog. agent, did ahe? Patrice—Yes. The them to *«*arvh. more or leas dillgeutly, aud Inclined to crack. Go through your est merit, the importance of this inno­ work lu America, and takes bls vaca­ and. coming i-p with a number, one of on» who talked so much?” "The same negatives aud throw away all those vation. to ,..e camera worker, will at the sidewalk as they rush along the tion* with bi* family at hla Itallau the hunters succeeded In killing one She married to reform him.”—Youke. * street. I know of oue case of thia sort, that are useless Overhaul your stock once become evident. ♦ JASPER DANE'S CALLER. a young man who ba« been so influ­ home lu Sorrento. He has, however, a aud dlsuiouniMl to secure It, writes s States—a a. of solutions and throw away all that correspomletit of the Mexican Herald. In Need of Treatment He says l.e enced by tbe habit that he go«*a along work deu of a curious sort In Italy. ♦ are uot In good condition and properly Au intimate friend of the late Frank As lie approach»I bls prey a dozen or fell In love with her at first sight." The snap shot flend will soon be a tbe street with bi» bead dowu. often ... .............................. ..... labelled. Examine your tray* and thing of the past. Amateurs today jMssing Ina nearest aud closest friends II. Stockton has written of him: "Mr. more javall that were hiding lu tlie •'Perhaps I can be of a rvlee to him I washing boxes aud give them a coat of are putting brains Into their pictures. tall grass attacked him ferociously, and know a first class oculist." Philadel­ without seeing them, lie made the Stockton'* work was all wholesome, uot r-jllE door creaked very slightly, enamel If thought ueeessary to guard xo uiucli bsx-ause he willed It to lie so oue fastened bis tusk* lu the hunter's phia Bulletin While brains and work are necessary statement to me a few days ago that *][* but it jarred on Jasper Dane's again rust or decay. Go carefully over “1 saw Johnson going home with my to make artistic pictures, a good outfit during the last year he lmd found six as liecause he could not help IL lie heel, banging on like grim death. The nerves. Lie looked up with a your aource of dark-rooui Illumination is also essential The box should be silver dimes on the sidewalk, and he was bituself clean and wholesome In others came to tlielr companion's assist new book under his arm." "Yes. Just ance aud ihe brute was killed, but tbe built him a house and bis wife wanted and see that there Is no danger from one with a focussing arrangement and frown. bad gradually drifted luto the habit of hit mind aud soul. • • • He looked •1» this Mr. Dane?" any stray beams of white light or an ground glass, the shutter one of the at life with honest eyes, and It looked tusks were souk so deep luto tbe heel some bric-a-brac In red and gold to searching the sidewalks with hla eyes A young woman was framed In the unsafe ruby light. Finally, make a automatic time and speed combiuatora. as he pasted along tbe streets. 'Be­ back at him In precisely the same way. that tbe hog't Jaws bad to be pried scatter around." doorway. resolution to the effect that you will bqt the most Important of all Is the sides,' he »aid. '1 am always reading His writings were altogether giaxl aud apart with a guubarrel before the mini “Ob! Mr. Foor ter, doesn’t that train Jasper's frown slightly faded as be expose fewer piates aud secure better was freed. Strange a* It may seem, lens. It Is better to have a good lens the lost and f**uud column In the news- for gtaxl.” stop here?” said an old lady a« the ex­ the wound closed quickly, and with caught sight of her. She was a pretty results than you did last year. St. and cheap liox and shutter than a flue press dm tied through the station. "No, pu|x*rs. aud tbe thing has a sort of fas­ Mrs. Eugene Field once asked her young woman and cliarmlugly gowned, Ixiuis and Canadian Photographer. l>ox and shutter with a cheap lens. It cination for me. It has produced a husliand to watch some plea for her no serious results. mum,” said the porter, biaudly; "It On thl* same hacienda are both wild and she wasn't more than one and twen­ is also advisable to own two lenses- a Ix-rpetual condition of mental excite- a minute. On returning, she was sur- don't even hesitate.” ty. Jasper avoided the woman's page The rev ent action of the Paris Salon wide angle for luterior and confined uieut. and of course I get a great deal prised to find tbe oven door wide open, dogs and wild burros, the latter be Couldn't Get Within Range. "One of Ing remarkably swift and hard to take of his paper. Lie coqldn't have told in admitting photographs In competi­ places, and a rectilinear. The rectili­ , of pleasure out of it.' Now. here is a aud the meringue flat. "They're ruin Some time ago a pup was caught and these guns can throw a projectile six­ what the young woman In the doorway tion at Its next exhibition is bound to near leus should be of high speed and curious thing. Men for some time have ed!” she exclaimed In dismay. “Why tamed, developing luto a fine watch­ teen miles.” "It wouldn't do me any wore, but he recognised the fact that exert a stimulating and very beneficial not too long a focus, for all around indulged the f* olish habit of counting dldu't you keep the door shut?" “Keep dog. but though every effort was made good. My mother lu law Ilves thirty It was a combination that seemed to be effect upon photography all over the work. A high grade combination lens cracks In the sidewalks or telegraph the door shut!" Mr. Field repeated lu to secure a mate for him It lias not been miles from here New York Sun. just suited to her. world. L'p to the present time photog­ Is very desirable, which by removing poles, and touching things with their . very genuine amazement. "Why. you Mae-I got even with Bessie for possible. ■ .Mr. Dane, the editor?” raphy lias been barred from all Art one combination give a very long focus hands, but few of us have l»*en aware ' told me to watch them every Instant; It Is not generally realised that tlie snubbing me. Ethel-What did you do? Jasper, pencil In hand, bowed again. Exhibits and has been classed as a lib­ with remaining combination -Is at | of the existence of a class of men who ' and I’d like to know bow I could do mountain lions of Mexico will attack a Mae I told that young man who calls The young wornau advanced into the eral and not as one of the Fine Arts. times very Important. The subject of !ondent writes to the New show- them to be as dangerous for men bater hi her class at school.—New York "You are much younger than I sup- however, a very prominent amateur, will endeavor to treat this subject In we have found men looklng’lntently at York Tillies as follows I doubt If lit- as for beast». One of the mosos hi a Sun. posed you to be,” she said. whose work has won him universal some future article. tbe sidewalk we have sup|x»scd that I erature contains more healthy, whole recent hunting party had but one hand, She—1 know some couple* that quar­ Jasper's eyes opened wider. they were counting crack», or trying to some books than those of Mrs. Wiggin tbe stump of hts left arm bearing wit­ reled a good deal at first, but got along "1 am not quite sure that I ought to I keep from stepping on cracks, or mak­ and Miss Jewett. Tlielr writing» ns a ness to a terrible struggle with a !> in pretty well later on He Oh. yes! take that as a compliment,” he sahl. Ing girl. A troubled look came Into Jas They are of the old school where sen­ ing some sort of curious study of the I whole are xafe ami elevating to put into Some people tnke matrimony like rheu- lie had allot and theu approached, per's eyes. timent reigned. Nowadays we bluntly lie even smiled. Then the pressing I sidewalk's topography, but Instead we ! tlie bauds of young mid old. To my thlnkiug tbe brute was dead. A gen­ mutism they get so they don't co lu­ "1 beg your pardon,” he said, “but call It gush." character of his work reminded him. now learu that they are actually look­ “Bui it'» uot all bad, is It?" queried ing for wealth, trying to find some­ mind. Miss Jewett excels In tlie short tleman who lias hunted lu the State of plain much Puck. His features stiffened. He raised his may I remind you that you haven't story, although "Deephaven” la a flaw Sonora tells of a certain spring where Pretty Loud "Tills necktie." said stated your business with me?" the* girl. |H*ncl! again, and looked at the girl se­ thing that s nii iHxly el»«* lias lost, less gem. equaled In perfection, in Its two men have lieeu killed by lions the salesui'in, “speaks for Itself." The girl looked into Ills eyes with a "By no means,” replied Jasper. “The verely. take What strange flights fancy doth ow n way. by Mrs. Wiggin's “Timothy's wliile camping there for the ulglit. "Speaks for Itself?" repeated the cus- "It's the very first time I was ever in clear, frank gaze. Then she slightly execution is good. If the fripperies and lu these latter days!" j Quest.” My advice would lie to read These brutes follow a man for uiiles topier. as he took In the loudness of the smiled aud slowly removed an elastic affectations were dropped It would be nn editors sanctum,'' she said, as her everything both of them have written, like the panther, lured on by the liu design; “I say that it positively yells!” glance t ok lit the dingy walls and the band that held the small package sin- very passable. If you Would heed my MISSION OF THE CHEAP CIGAR. man scent and hopes of finding au op — Baltimore Herald. and tie thankful that they are ours. bore in one neatly gloved baud. Jasper advice—they never do—1 might be littered desk. portunity to spring oil tlie traveler. A Method In the Madness of Selling for It has long seemed fitting that a Uiglcal — Put—"Pfwat's th' rals n took quick advantage of her averted tempted to ask you to try again. ” "How can I serve you, madam?” In­ I Absolutely l.ow Price». sculptured memorial to the |x»et Whit­ mouutaln lion was recently killed in Clancy do be afther havin' a tin wed- gaze to pull flown his cuffs and make He folded the manuscript and hand­ quired Jasper. "So you are going to try to force u* tier should be erected In Amesbury, Mlelioacati that measured three meters din'. Ol wonder?” Mike "Faith, an' ed It to her. The girl looked at him and she looker! a quick pass at his twisted tie. retailers out of the business!" ex­ Mass. Alxiut a year ago the ladles of from tip to tip. It's because he’s been married to hl* “ Thank you. ” said the girl. "I have written something, ” she said, at the chair beside bls desk. claimed an Irate little cigar man, bris­ ould woman tin years, (»I'm thluklu’."— the Whittier Home Association of “ 1 am sttrry If my Judgment “ and 1 w ant to submit it to you. ” seems "Thank you,” she said, and sat down. tling with Indignation and addressing Amesbury began au organised w ork for HE DIDN'T KNOW THE LINGO. Chicago Dally News. Jasper felt himself weakening. Ordi­ harsh," said Jasper. the manager of one of a number of the collection of funds to place a statue Narrowly Escaped an International “It doesn't," said the girL narily be would have taken the manu­ Newltt The man who can't tnke a cut-rate cigar stores. Complicatlou In German*. “I have tried to treat you as an hon- In the plot of ground In front of the script, aud, hastily scribbling the writ­ little good advice has nobody to blame "Nothing of tlie kind,” replled the Friends' Meetinghouse, where lie wor­ er's address on it, would have tossed it est friend should." said Jasper. A Harvard graduate tell* thia story for tils trouble but himself Sharpe- manager, bustling about his work. shipped nil his life. To this assocln on himself. Kays he: "The summer Oh. I don't know, he’s usually burden­ "Thank you again," said the girl. “I aside with the remark that he would "Aud the tobacco trust has put you communicate with tlie writer by mall will admit that 1 hoped to see my verses up to tills and Is footing the bills’." tlon is due the preservation of the after grad mi t Ion 1 was traveling alone ed with n lot of fr'ends who can't give Whittier bouse, tlie faithful care with through Germany. Before lauding In It.—Philadelphia Press concerning it—and then he would have In your paper." was the cigar mau's second exploslou. w lileli It is maintained and tbe celebra the country 1 had thought that 1 knew "Try again,” said Jasper. resumed his work. Now be hesitated. Whispered —"Say, old man. what Is "Now. see here,” said the manager, tlon of the birthday anniversaries of considerable ah >ut the lauguage, hav a 'summer girl?......... A summer girl' is The girl arose and put out her daluty His pencil dropped from bl* fingers. He taking the angry little man by the hand. the poet of freedom, of religious char lug spent two years In the study of It. a rack to stretch shirt waists on; Inside straightened up a little. buttonhole anil leading him out of the "1 nm glad to know you, Mr. Dane," way of customers, "you don’t under­ lty, of patriotism, of the virtue and with a finish of Goethe and Schiller. la n re<-eptacle for lobstelr salad and Ice "What Is the nature of tlie article?" lie asked, In what be fancied was an she said. "I have a very dear friend stand the game. We're Increasing the tendeitiess of tbe American home. It But I soon found that a reading of the cream, while outside is an attachment who has sung your praises until I am Is desired thnt the expense should lie |xx«ts or tile N'lelielutlgen Lied did Uot for diamond rings."—Life. indifferent tone. consumption of tobacco, We're build- defrayed by those whe hold Whittier's help me when 1 wanted to order a beef- “It Isn't an article," said the girl. quite Jealous. I was really auxlous to ing up your business." She And you say you can tell by the memory dear, either as a reformer or "Do I look like a person wlio would meet you. Good-by." Then she sw iftly “Don't see It,” said the retailer, as a poet. The memorial will be a de­ steak nt h hotel or was Inquiring the Stars If he loves you? Why. I didn't addid, with a charming smile, "1 am "when you sell a standard 5-cent cigar distance to the next town. Indeed. ns know that you ever sesnued the skies. write ni> article?" sign by some sculptor of established I went furtlier up the lihlne I found Belle I don't; but I scan bls love let­ She seemed to challenge bis scrutiny. sure we shall meet again.” five for 12 cents." reputation, and will cost not less than myself more and more confused by ters. He Is one of those fellows that Tlie smile and tbe words quite over­ Jasper couldn't resist the temptation. "That’s Just the way we re doing IL” *10.(M)0. Whittier loved Ills own town what I heard, mid had finally made up marks a star for every kl»a. came Jasper. "SORRY MY JUPUMEMT SEEMS HARSH. ’ i He leaned a little farther back. replied the manager. "The man who "1—I bo|>e so,” be fairly stammered, smokes two 5-cent cigars a day comes and his meetinghouse. He once said, my mind that an American cannot learn "It isn’t always possible to judge hy Mrs. Bubba—"I suppose that when pleasantly, alluding to the Friends' the German language out of text-books, you get out you will be n better man?” bh he arose to Ills feet and watched her Jasper sighed and stared at the half- the appearance,” he said. In here and takes five for 12 cents and Meetinghouse: I expect they'll put a or even by ii week's sojourn among the! Becond Story Steve—"Oh. yes, mum. written sheet before him. "But 1 fancied article writers were flutter from tbe room. smokes them all In a day. A few As lie resumed Ills sent a card upou weeks of that, and he wants his five graven Image of me then- some day." Are you sure it is the editor you want always old. and—and fussy, and—and German |ieople themselves. I'm rapidly masterin' de finer p ints, an' the flixir drew Ills attention. Tbe girl cigars every day. He gets tired of I to see?" he asked. "The society editor cranky," said the girl. "1 hud renched this sober Conclusion expect ter go In fer bunk rohbln' w'en FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND. wlien I entered one evening a small Ilin I gits out!”—Chicago Dally News. Is at the lower end of the hall. So are "There are exceptions.” said Jasper. had dropprxl It. lie picked It up, caught coming around here to look for bar- sight of his name, and al once recog­ gains, and in a few weeks he begins to the musical editor and the art depart­ "There must be exceptions.” or ‘gastbaua,’ Just outside the town of . Barely Industrious. -"How I* Ann They Tell a British Hunter Ulinas Heidelberg. Thirsty from the hot sun' ment. So is the dramatic editor.” "1 suppose you know,” said the girl. nized tbe augular handwriting Theu stop at your stand, as he used to do, Matlhla making out as |x>stmistress at Hidden from th» Itrdtnarjr Mortal. he read it aloud: "I caiue to see you." said the girl. mid dusty road, I managed to order a Elin Crossroad»?" "Getting along flu>. “But it isn't an article.” but instead of buying 10 cents' worth For a long serie» of years Mr. Lacy, "Dear Dane — Thia Is my daughter glass of beer. While the heavy Ger Jasper slightly flushed. “You arouse my worst fears," said of cigars, he leaves a quarter In your tlie famous English hunter, lias made To-dsy she rend twenty |>ostals. held mmi Innkeeper was drawing another I nine letters up to the light aud opened "Thank you,” he said. "I am on ex­ Jasper, as tbe girl spread out tbe manu­ Leonle, just come home from abroad. cash register and carries away halt a such a close study of the footprint* of What she writes goes, of course. hibition at all hours. Is that all?” script. We've Increased your the denizens of the forest lu many put my feet on the table to better ease four newspapers."—Chicago News. dozen cigars "Yours, my legs. At the other end of the table The girl shook her head. “1 think I understand what you trade 150 per cent.” A woman who Is spending the sum­ lands that he e*u tell those of twenty- "I.INAS LAMSON." "I»o you own the paper, too?” she mean," she said. ”1 hadn't looked at It that way." said five species of lions, of th«* sume num­ »at a numlM-r of German soldiers drink mer In Pennsylvania writes of a sign Dane softly whistled. Ing and smoking together. A few mo displayed In tlte window of a small shop asked. "I'm glad you do.” the retailer, calming down. ber of different members of the ante­ So this was Lamson's little girl, this Jasper frowned. “And here's another scheme of ours,” lope family, of panthers, hyenas, croco­ indite later one of the soldiers arose In the village nearest her. It rend»; "And I'm afraid your worst fears are splendid young woman! How charm­ continued the manager. “Hundreds of hastily, and, taking off ills cap, ad­ "For Sale — Second hand furniture, “No,” he replied. "I believe it is gen­ confirmed." she said. diles. lutlaions and many other auluialH. ing she was, and bow friendly. Had dressed me at some length. Not know­ teeth, and Ice."—Washington Post. erally understood that Mr. Linas Lam- smokers never treat themselves to a Jasper sighed. The spoor of the fore feet of the fe­ he hurt her feelings? What a brute he 10-cent cigar. We offer three lucent- ing n word that was said. I concluded son Is the paper's owner.” "Then it is verses?" he said male elephant Is practically a perfect BUI_ "Talk about blood and thunder "The railway president?” "1 supposed It was poetry," said the was! It would have lieen such a simple ers and three fivers for a quarter. The circle, while that of the male Is slight­ that ye» would be a proper answer, so pieces, wow!" Jill—"Is It?" Bill-'You thing to publish the verse». Aud she smoker takes them and gets the taste 1 »aid, politely ’Yah, yuh!’ "Yes." ly oval, the hind feet of both .texes girl. never showed him her father's note. for the better cigar. When he comes “There was a moment's pause, mid bet! Why, there are seven men killed "Has he any children?” "They always do,” said Jasper. leaving oval mark«. Tin- fore feet show That was noble of her. tin ti a second soldier sprang to tils feet, just after the curtain goes up." Jill— "One.” back to your shop he wants a lo-cent four toe marks, the hind feet only The girl looked up at him with a He picked up bis pencil and bent over lie repeated over the speech of the first "Shut?” BUI—"No; the star comes In “Boy?” cigar.” pretty grimace. three, ami the outline of the bin I feet on au automobile!"—Yonkers Stat. »- I his work. And presently be softly soldier, and then nil the group In uni­ "No, a girl. A little girl who Is study­ "By Jove! It ’ s a great scheme," said "You are uot a bit encouraging,” she , is more strongly marked and the pad man. form star«! nt me. By a luiturnl Infer ­ hummed: ing abroad.” the cigar man, quite appeased. — New behind the toes leaves a deeper Imprint. said. "1 think," said the historical novel- "How old?” She came upon me unawares York Time». “It's tbe lietter way.” said Jasper. A large s|s»>r measure alxiut fifteen ence 1 now decidl'd that If 'yah' wa* let, "that I shall not put any history wrong, a negative answer must fit the I turned and she was there. "1 don't know. Mr. Lamson speaks “And yet you write verses yourself,” Inches In diameter. FARMS AND RAILROADS. question, HO I nmlled pleasantly, and, Into my next liook." 'Uli. Percival." of her as his little girl." Jasper was said tbe girl. "And get them printed. —Cleveland Plain Dealer. These peculiarities you can only dis­ taking off my hat, answered, 'Nelu, hla wife salil. "1 »"• »0 In hopes that getting fidgety. Pro*!* on Agriculture Not Ro Smalt cover by examining the footprints of too.” you would make your uext book differ­ nvin, nlnimer.' IS YOUR THUMB MAD? "1 b*g your pardon," he said, “but yon After AIL 'Terhaps It Is because I haven't a ent ” from your other». Chicago lice- ¡he ntilinals at rest. When the elephant "All the soldiers now sprang to their A special census bulletin gives th» moves In a leisurely manner his four have not told me bow I can serve you." ' friend honest enough to dissuade me,” ord Herald Is an Infallible Revealer of the feet, mid there might have been Inter ­ It value of farm pro|>erty. Including am- feet leave a track of the width of a “No,” she said, "1 haven't.” | satai Jasper. "I have had no time for Pre»« nee of Insanity. “What la the original Idea In thl* national complications at the present chlnery and live stock as *‘jo.514,001,- A brief silence followed. that s6rt of nonsense lately, however Tbe thumb la the most tell tale mem 088. The total value of farm prod­ single foot only The elephant lu nioV- time la-tween the I'nlted Ntates aud novel of yours?” ssked the publisher. "Am I to Infer that you are getting "That's a pity.” said the girl. Ing awlogs one foot aero»» the other, Germany If tlw hotel keeper, who knew "My hero and heroine hate each oilier tier of the human tielug's laxly, and It up a society directory?" Jasper Inquired “Don't think to soften me In that Is a well known device of employers of ucts for 1HW was *4,780,118,782, and beating a path the width of tho front a bll of English, bad not said: so heartily.” »aid the long haired and the gross Income from tlie farm* was with a slight flavor of sarcasm. way.” said Jasper. a large amount of lalior to carefully *TM.177,7ofl. making Kt 3 per cent on foot, the hind feet following lu the " 'Young man, they have asked you wistful eyed young author, "that they "No," said the girl, “the Inference •She same way. Thus he makes a continu­ marry for revenge, and make each oth­ ”1 like tb -se lines beginning scrutinize tlie thumbs of every appli­ Would lie wrong. Nor do 1 want my came ui»in me unaware».' ” said the cant for a situation before finally en­ the value of the property invested. A ous track, not a Succession of foot twice to lake your feet off th« table, er miserable for life.”—Indianapolis aner laughed. "That's enigmatical," laughed the thumb to stand at a right angle to th» counting all assets as a pari of tbe In­ round In a circle, and on reaculng hl* "And do you come up here te tell me girl. “It shows you are not sure." other fingers, or to fall listless Inte vestment. Thia make* the Investment own track again continue» following It It I* a grewaome occupation at beet, dead failure. It 1» the sqiii-ereil and that?" be asked. and In order to tuake It a* cheerful as »weltering |ieople In tbe ui ddle w lio • I must object to your manifest In the palm, taking no part in bls writing, That for one thing." said the girl. tention to throw me Into a sentimental his handling of things, bls multiform In railroads three fifths aa great aa in up until he see» hl* hunter In front, poMSible the two men lighted all the make tbe end seats so de.lgbtful.-Bos­ gas In the room and prepared to make ton Transcript. “1 don't »uppvse tny presence here both mood." said Jasper. "It »HI >*>t belp duties, but standing Isolated and sulky, the neat important of all when he promptly make» away. Industrie* I he grow lucotue wa* In The leopard f.dlow* bl* hunter In the thenixi Ive» comfortable. They doted, era yog (n the least. d-x*S It?" ft I* an unaswerable confession of men­ 1!»>1 8551 oji' you. ” which would be only same manner »ometlim-» eveu track­ but Were awakened by some inline that When lira»» He«n»nie» llrttlle "Madam." said Jasper. “I am a reek The girl laughed ««’ pa'aed tbe man tal disease. t 2 prr cent on the investment, and out ing the hunter to bis camp. In the hope aoiiiulixl very uncanny; one of the It I» a curlou» f.u t i i it c ............ is* '*»» user of the truth. Your presence Spe< lallats In nerve disease, by an of this exp»n»es n>a«t tie met abtah of finding sheep or gotta. Hi* spoor Pcsvents me from attending to my du­ uscript to him. examination of the thumb, can tell If are at least a- great |ir<>portlonat»ly and that of the panther are alm lar to a young men sprang to hla feet In terror which I" subject**! for »- in ■ time to “I know you will H*e •*-" »be said ties" The other merely yawned and re constant teti»»>ii occastunaUy undergo« » "Why are you so certaiu." Jasper tbe patient 1« affected or likely to lie aa the expense« from tbe agricultural ikin'*, but much Binailer and mor«* Hon marked "John wanta ua to turu down a remarkable change It Io»« s its te­ L^rhaps this hi your busy day?" said affected by paralyala. aa tbe thumb tig Industry can be. On tbe whole It gated. nacity and In a short time becomes al­ the ga»r—It Paul Glot». the gfri Innocently. ^“Becans» I haven't written on l>oth nals this long before It Is visible In any would seem that tbe profits from agrl- Among carnivora tbe hyena is re- most as brittle as glass. “All my days are busy days." other part of tbe body. If tbe danrer , mture can hardly be *u small a» to markable, having four toe* on *11 Its MoMien at German 4 nlvrrslllea. stale» of tbe paper." said tbe girt. “Then, of course. It Is Just as con­ Jasper bent over the manuscript to symrtotna are rvkiewced there, an op justify the <1 e-ouragernent which baa feet, Th» hind feet are narrow aud Tbe unmbee of women students at Her Reason.—“But why did y u en­ venient for me to call to-day as any bide his »mile Tb»n Us took chaugwL erati-'O Is perform»«! on wbat Is know« the German uaiveraltlea 1» hx-reaslng courage him if you didn't want litui to tHw-otue alnvist habitual with Aiuerlcan tarn itv-r«* outward t in tb» fore fl °’l>er dsy,” said the gtrL At Berlin 8db Insert bed their namrs propose?" The »mile faded H» retd the Un » with a, «he -thumb center” of tb» brain, and faruiera Gn tbe contrary, it 1» a mat­ and the cluwa «bow or. tieing a -nt n trans- may asily be d 1stingu.shed from '■»Hers, h» laid scarcely given her an One hundred sod fifty la If you are sincere In jour desire to women. lAst winter there were «ill of ports if " •'”* mifa< turn- It«— hyena. tuivlnf fiv qulring glsae» •FPcevlatlve look when she entered. avoid crowds, vrbj done jou ,<> ■>fienet iluiii th» highest figure as yer al tarn -You want me to be frank T be »aid have tieen summoned at » e g lee at a j rollt of pa > per cent I front fe^t. *•». at shorter range, be saw that »be taklt < in Ixeir-ler* w thout tuo to prayer meeting? | The bear leaves a track like the I ed. "Of course " . atoa et Luo potwo. tai cerufnly a old snap. »as much prettier than be at first sup- 'The line» *f« quite too «entimeutal. P