EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1902. TERRIBLE MARRIAGE LI- l>ut t ouuty Cl*rk E U Lee Issued £0 marriage licenses. During tbe corres­ ponding month last year tbere were 15 Hocuses issue I and coring July of till* One Thousand Lives Lost by Saturday Night’s Explosion year only 12. Following is a complete list of those wbo secured lioeneee I d August: From $1.25 to $2.50 Throat of His Wife and Four I For 95 cents ch.rS« Rann witness. Coal Mine Fire. Special to ths uv . sd . ¡KILLED BY A $2.00 L00 .50 ith. . loti tin. ¿unte* maie known on application ill bann«. letter, to THE GUARD, « dragon. WHITSON, DENTIST jurrhsssd ths office and fixtures of b 'leaaiol W V Henderson, I am apuwi to do anything in the line of In in the above said office. vud bridge work a «|iecialty. C ooper , VV Ya, Sept 2.— Striking workmen fired the FALLING TREE Pocahontas Colliery Com­ pany's mine andit is burning fiercely. It seems impossible Great A sad accident occurred in Balderee’s to handle the fire. logging oamp a few mllee from Gardi­ damage is threatened. ner Tuaaday morning, August 26, by A guard stationed at the which Joseph Lloyd, of Point Tarraee, mine fired on strikers who wm ingtant'y killed. The olrcumatancee were related to approached too closely. the Florence West by one of the crew Usual Railroad Accident. as follows: The men were at work with a don­ Special to th« Quard. key engine hauling log* and Instead ansas ity o of all following the aatne track, oc< a- eionally a log would slide behind a tree, biaktng it neoeesary to unfasb-n the chain and take a new hitch. O le had jaet been caught In this way a> d Lloyd, accompanied by the boot­ tender, went to It for tbe purpose of looaeDlng it. The other men notlo d Ten Thousand Homeles«. that the tree around which the chain wm wrapped, wax falling and eboab d Special to ths uuanj. to waro Lloyd and bis com pan Io i. onstantinople The latter lay down be.lde the I tg ar d K C , M , Sept 2. —A head-end collision be­ tween two freighttrains today resulted in tho death of the engineers and firemen on both trains. and was unhurt, but LI >yd attempting to run out of the way of danger, w»« oaugbt by ths tree and Instantly .ÜCKEY, kiuhte, Chain., bu iiring promptly dona. mi samuiteit killed. A messenger was at once sent to Point Terraoe to Inform tbe relative« MdibS W wM-bFougrtV tB I WOODCOCK, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. -Ossh.lf block *wls, A D Hkagga wltneea; Geo O Kuowlea and Belle Caaterll tie, Wm H Pl iwm»n wit- newt, Aug 22 —W E Haynes and Velma Deming, H W B Haynea witness. Aug 23—Bu ler Howe and Matilda ] Long, George Howe witness. Aug 29—William Lane and Mrs C H Hiliablddle, H M Vinson witness; M W Pennington and Ethel M Htroud, Fred Htroud wltneea; William Taylor and Nellis Hedriok 1 J Ta^ 1 ir witness Aug 30 —Elward A Robinson and Theo A d I ku I, Hiram Mix n»v wltnei • » A C Wheeler and Kulia M Vaughn, J Q Vaughn witness. Mary Clayton Howe. Mrs Mary Clayton Howe died Hun- day morning, her home on West Teutli etrset, nur rounded by relative« and friend, after a more or leee prolot ged lllneee. She wo. a goed woman whose re- moval from the circle of family and friends will bh sorely ld hueband, John Clayton, a brother, Mrs James Offutt, a sister, and tbe following children: Ed Howe, Eugene; Mrs Geo Melson, Hllverloo ; Mrs Chan Par- eons, Eugene, and Mies Allie Howe By Councilman Dorris. Old Bar. PROGRESS. Lost and Found $675. __ ballr Uu«rd -epi 2 of Hllver Lake, A (PGeyer, Work on Various New Bricks Rushing - Building Will Not I into town thia eame morning t» tske out a load of proylslono, etc, tills week. He bad Mime horseshoeing done al Me­ j ths tint*. Iu the Inside pocket waa a | long leather pocketbook containing ( checks worth 1075 on Eugene hanks, a ( ten dollar bill and several valu ibis pa­ lters. He carried hi* coat aeróse the pulled oft the beach soon. Hbe Is now high «nd dry on the beech, «nd « orew of mm are at work unloading the ballast. When the schooner weut ashore the small steamer General H G Wright, which belong, to the government sur­ vey Ing party now at work in thia vi­ cinity, wee at the government works near ths mouth of the river, and gave the alarm. The tug Roberta, owned byMejerA Kyle, of this city, went down to the bar, tut was unable to reach the schooner. Ths tug went down again later and will assist In helping the schooner off tlie beach. The Wing and Wlug has bad an uni icky voyage and la out from Han Francisco84 dsya, Hhe tlr-t appeared oft the mouth t the Hitislaw 10 daya a o but waa unable to cross the bar. After being driven about In <11 tierent direction, she attempted to Mil Into the river with the «I mito result. Ths schooner Is In charge of Cipt Grltnui with a crew of six men. The Wing and Wlug la now 45 year* old uud lias carried lumber from the Hluslnw tor a longer time than any boat in the aervloe. HHII’PtNO ON TIIK SIUSLAW. Tbe steam schooner Acme, the largest 1 which enters tile Hreooe taking on oargoea of lumber All of iheae vessels are from Han Francisco. The school er Oakland, from Oakland, lie« secured a cargo and Is lying near tbe mouth ot the river, waiting to be towed across the bar at the flrat opportunity. Thia vessel Is a uew one and la on her first trip. The crew did not get along well with their captain end nearly left him when they re«ch»d Florence. The Osptalu has only two men end no cook to tske the seboone back to O.kland. F ort de F rance , Island of next receive the attention of tbe car- street , to Bangs’ stab's and came down Scoisi, O iso OB. town win re he mla»eng. Tbe offioe ba* received a uew BROWN, M. D. rumbling and trembling of ooal of plMter and the change to lsrgee front windows hu been made. Work the earth continue at inter­ A meeting of the board of director* HYBICIAN AND SURGEON. Tbeoounty 2 Is be- Theooumy rock roc« crusber uruBuer No i of Installing furniture will aoon com­ of Forenoe school dietriot wm b-Id vals. The ] people ----- fho on the .... ----------- Dally eaard. Hept t -Vpuairt is Chr amao Pia jk. moved from Thurston i to Jasper mence. Tuesday evening, Augu-t 28, to con­ northern part of ol the — island Ing — -----»-.a during the where • It “ wlll be operated m »toll » roditi 3,fit; 9 p ■. A quarter of a century ago today LG John B Coleman, owner of the one- sider the matter of emp'oylng teachers remainder of tbe season. It wlll start story brlcke adjaoent to tbe Hmeede, Adair took up file duties with the H P are panic-stricken. for the oomltig term of school, neither R.BEAN They had never fully re­ op at Jwper tomorrow. Railroad Company at Eugene and to­ stales that wltb a sufficient guarantee of l he teacher* elected at the former The crusher has been at work on tbe ■ of patronage he would add a story to meeting having accepted day be declared that be le "ready to covered confidence since the McKenzie mad Improvement, half of ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. hie block. The suggestion that it be placed od the ebelf and fed on dough- former eruption and now _______ After oonalderlng the application, * Iran A Saving bank building. Roam nuta and buttermilk" for tbe rest of 8eem to have lost all courage, -- the money -------- --- V for which WM -aised by tbe could be used for an extention to tbe received, Miss Anna C Wright, of Ya ■na attention given to land ana mining Florence Schools. Rock Crusher No. 2 bia days. Ha jokingly added Ibatbewaaold Eugene, Oregon. enough to vote and that ha bad do —FIRST------ Intention of retiring from active ear- vice Mr Adair la well along In yean baa been a conscientious employe and I P FRANK & SON iU Bank tbe company be works for. Tba G uard joins bis maDy friends In wishing him many more ymr. of peaceful and prosperous existence In oar midst. Wood hill to the ferry. Their Large Have Sold Out “Racket” Store on East Ninth Street. Of Fugan». Diamond Goods«^ » V» Cats Capital »5Q.OOO *«• 900,000 Cagane, Orwgpn. «NERAL RANKING BUSINESS L ‘"’•J «• reasieabla terms. Sight le'bicaro, Saa Francisco sad Port- Dally Ouard Sept 2 Tbe well known mercantile flrm of P Frank A Ron wbo conduct tba large "Racket" store In tbelr own brick bul'dlng on East nin b «treat have sold ,'r« nckann «>13 ea forMga conntrtes. "■ ■wahval eibjact to cheek os oertih- ». ••■km. entrusted te> ne will reoelre **mttoe, L8nr->«ict«, fe?1 i P. E. SaoDoaaae. Cashier. L. H. 1’ ottm Assistant IE COUNTY BANK UGENE, I citizens —•••.aih« nthsr half appropri at>i.ropri_ ­ aud the other hotel might tie utilized. ated by tbe county. The crusher ba Tbe numerous rseldencM In coarse prepared material for 2| miles of reed of construction about town are being from one-half mile thia aide of Thurs­ completed m rapidly as tbe limited ton to the Barney Wood bill. CbM supply of help wlll permit. Good Croner Is graveling tbe road from carpeuters are very scarce Contractor High Banka to where the rock cru«h- J M Eddy stated today that tbere wlll er'a work began and from the Barney be no let up In ba’ldlrig this fall and WILL RETIRE always on tbe alert for tbe Intereata of OREGON. t.tekiisSs« is itti. etSast S.■« I« Ike 9eeety. ■n lanini butoitu «ali bmàtt taurtd m liwraMa türm. A- G HO VE Y. Previ-ter 4 L G HULIN. Cesbiet >.H. HOVEY, A«rt€a»hte Seme one who reads this is going to buy a nice diamond very soon and the question arises: Where will that person buy it? If he is somewhat posted he will see us. Our diamond busi­ ness is growing. We buy only good stones and sell them on close margins. If you are interested call and be convinced. M. R. JANNEY. out tbelr business and bave aDUOUDCod their intention of retiring from active business life. Hoch wm a statement mada to a G uard reporter today by C H Frank, th* junior member of tb* flrm, but be said that be la not at winter Ha said he ha. m macb work before him m be ba« put tieblod him Married for tbe year. Other contractor« are similarly fixed, eo we may aa well prepare to see every saneblny hoar this “Nothing Succeeds Like Success. »» The New York Racket .tore opened for business on the 17th of May, 18*0, by Inaugurating the real-net..pot-»Mb- on-dellvsry-ovei. be-ciuutsr ry.teni. Our prlcM UiO-l have tieen right or we would not have met with sucowa from tbe start which all must admit are stern and stubborn facta. Tba ray-as- you go-ey.teni la tbs true philosophy qulna, waa el-cted principal, and Mies of an sconomloal Io pries system Myrtle Lee Htuart, of Mohawk, teacher and upon which tbe net spot caelt system has succeeded. Upon these In the primary depart mam, principal, ws have built up the Racket business which onr frle' ds have ap- precis ed by the patronage they have gives, us After neartv thirteen years o' CMb business, ws bave cot eluded to Albany Democrat. «lose <»«' our large .took of Racket Two Linn oouoty citizens, Cyrus H gn«Mls and retire f otu Itii* business. Walker, of Albxny, and Georg* Dork» Our present stock Is full ofgrxsl vsl- hart, of Hploer, each had Dr Marcos uas Io all de|>artmenls, which will tie cold at the r>gbl prices until January Whitman m attending phyelclaa at lei. tbelr blrtb. Mr Walker’s blrtb-plao- _ _ __ Pl-ass remember that this Is not I. And a full m WMbt the Whitman Mission Home, t«)« but foots and you — will winter made use of. Walla Walls, In December 1838. U. Mr stot'k " of ---------- up-tr-date ----------------- goods, ’ •— Just -»*» t-ought and all marked In pl >lu figures at Daily Oaard g*pl 1 Barkhart's wm at tbe Mission saw­ Henry Duckworth, of Elmira, sod prices that wlll sell them. mill 12 mllee east of the ml eloi, In P F h ink A H on , Mias { Bartha Allison, of Hale, were 38 E Ninth Ht Bagei», Oregon. Oct, 1M8. married in tbe Hoffman H im parlor The pul ite achoola of thla city wlll ' sctlve pila new lo thè scboola who wlah to neigh borbixxl* In wblcb they res id* b.aaelgn.d to a «rade on Thoraday, who wl*h them mu< b bap(en*s*. He pieno iter 1 Itti et 9 a m, in tbe Pai- liberty at present to give oot tbe names of tbe purchasers Tbs new purchasers wlll not taks (xm-essii'n of tbestore until January 1 1903, but tbe deal has t*en tutiroly eimpleted. Invoicing of tbe stock will oegin «boat I»ccemt>er 3 b. Ths Messrs r'ratik opened tbelr store In Eugene on lb* 17th day of May, 1890, In a small building and with a small To School Patrons and Teachers. tersen building. Ttiare wlll be a gen­ erai toacher. meeting on Frlday, Hep- lamber 12tb, et 9 a m in,thè Patterson building. The euperlntendant’a office Saturday afternoon Clyde Mltcbell. wlll bereafter be on thè flrat floor of wbo Is empb yed at tbe Eugene saw­ tbe Pattereon bulMlag. mill, met wltb an acaMeat Raton,ay A F Bl< HlXrl.T. afternoon wblcb will ley him up for quite awhile. A log fell on hla right foot, badly mashing the member and breaking th* bone« Dr L W Brown Foot Masked Will Have a Float. Dally soar« —pt 1 stock. Hy strict attention to boslnees, atteoded tbs injuries jediciousadverti-log,shrewd porchaase sod fair aud .qasrs dealing they bave built op a magnificent business, have badloeolsrge tbelr quarters several Married. times, and in 1396 erected a large two- Edwin A Robiaeon and M'esTbeo story brick sod occupied the entire An leaf, both ofibe Anlaaf neighbor­ lower floor with tbelr goods. bond In Routh Roo th Laos, Lon*, were wets married While tbe G uard regrets to see tbe Saturday night at 9 o'clock In the g-utlemen go out of ba- mess we are glad to knew that they will rvmalp la Bo*M. Lumber Schooner on Sand on Siuslaw BUILDING MCViung uiuca uaiu<-u<*u muay. Tbe store wlll tie realty to move Into In atxint two weeks. Tbe concrete walk on the south aide le tielng completed as rapidly as possible. Th* up«tsfrs wlll WINGASHORE IMUv usaM. S>pl 2 I At a masting of ibeHtuslaw loggers' Union lMt Hsturdsy a Commit tie of three o>nel*tin« of J L Atkinson, pres­ ident of tbe uuloajOW Lyons, vice- president, and Harvay Halee, secretary, was appointed to meet A W Beadle, president of the Hiualaw-Ssn Francisco Lamber Company In regard to a new and more Mllsfan'ory arrangement for i ixymenl of the logger, who bank logs | for tbe company. Attempted to Sail Into the River, Linder tbe present system the log- But the Wind Died Sud­ gera bank tbs log. fur the company denly—Will Float Off and they are «caled and paid for at tbe convenience of tha corporation. Tbe Soon. requMtoftbe lingers le that lbs log* shall be scaled every month and field F louknck . Hept L—The schooner for whan received at the tnil'. Wing and Wing, In hallaat, bound I B Cushman, manager af the mill from Han Francisco for the Hiusl.w f ir the ootupany, was with the om river to take on a cargo of lumber,went ferae*. ashore about dusk Ibursday evening The above request of the loggi r. *aa just outside the Hiusl.w bar. The made to Fresldeut Beadle at a meeting schooner attempted to sell Into the In Eugene todey. He lias taaen th* river, but ths wind died suddenly and matter under oonatderatlon and will she was thrown on the beach. Tbe give au auawer to the coniiulttoe t< • vessel Is Oregon, set­ Barker and Green let the contract tling In Lane county about 12 miles »gainst the vote of Dorrle and the lat­ below Eugene, and In 1871) moved to ter la fighting it. Junction City, Mr Eaton at the time of hla death waa .probably the oldest man in Lane county. He wu a meni- of the Cbr'stlan church. Let Up This Wimer. WING AND WITH MILL MEN NULLANDVOID During tbe month of Augu.l just Shirt Waist Ilf EUCEHECUA3D. LOGGtRS CONFER CENSES IN AUGUST MT. PELEE 100 CONTRACT Holtman Hoose pa.l,e», Rsv BE Little waa accomplished hot much waa discussed at tbe meeting of Io wans In F,a*t park Isst night. It wm decided to eouatruct a float for tbe carnival and ire to It In general that Iowa wm honored m ber aooe merit. Tbe Iowa Association are in earnest In doing up- v-dale things and their part of tbe pr-ogaam will be watched I wltb tetarse*. •*•04 sH>.ubt sical anyth»« ws have crrie.1 in this lisa. One l «.k will ooaviace yon, aa>i buy you will. [New VV aiSUDjiS .,w A ricfnrt /All<ril ,ot I**1** Is lbs ns* Fall sad Wister .hsrsa bava ar riv.L Tbsy .p«sk for Ui.iiuw ras in «iodo«. M.a • Wietsr .h<>« na>s arii.Ml sise. ST, LU., T«Uy *e her. la stwk ell th. new .h.p«e in .tiff en.I iNODOy liais ,r. hate Hot y.u mo tbs»’ They are »ery «tri kin« Frank E. Dunn