WOS BAY RÀÌLRÌ^ was to take a “po< shot." Therefore, after holding a consultation, they de­ cided to surround the place and wait Bcuuh C*lumbu and Domuo*« G*v«r—»st* J. 1111 V A V*** for davilght. Shortly after Tracv’e disap|*aran,-e GOULDS SAID T0 BE ((MI'SXII. BUON.. I*r«prle*ur«. In Scrimu Ontr«»«r*y. into tiie wheat field the watchers heard Ixinduu, Aug. 9.— It was announced ITEMS OF INTERE8T FROM ALL THE PROJECT. Vaiu-uuver. B. ('., Aug. *-—British amrinFS TO a shot which sounded as though it came at Rockingham palace at a quarter OREGON. PARTS OF OREGON. EUGENE Columbia has starUxl on a battle for NOTED OU after eight this morning that King from about the spot to which he had provincial rights against the Douiinazn ESCAPE CAPTURE, , FMward was in excellent health and crawled. No investigation was made, B«li«l That Th.ir Monty I* , ■pirita. however, until morning, but that shot Commercial and Financial happening« ol Im- government. The Japan««» have caused CatrX. From Coo. B«v t. s J Although the doors of Westminster Puts is supposed to have lieen the fatal one For many weiuni peat Q mc I v Fur*u«4 «ita T«nc« Wey were ojiened at 7 o’clock few «.«..vu Lo^umtuon Th^jh and to have been reapeneible for hav­ •n End to Hi» ExnUnc«—Body Found in A Ceatprehenaive Review of th« Important participants of ths i*ereinoniea attend- | private members of the legislature have ing sent the noted desperado into the and Improvenwnta ol th« Many laduatrua Fiaaacial Sourc«.-A Clrc«|„ u . Happenin'* <4 th« Paat *«*k. Pr«««nUd « Wlwoi HsM Noor th* Eddy Rsoch. Wh«re ant ujxin the coronation arrived until introduced bills to prevent the employ­ Great Beyond. Throughout Our Thrivmg Commonwealth lavutor» tn a Londmaed form. Which la Moat consideiably after that hour. By eight ment ot Chinese and Japanese on pub In the morning search was made and H« Sp«*t th« Lax Fsw D«V« •< n” Li,t* —Latent Market Report. L>k«ly to iMereat Our Many Rtadtra. o’c'l.xk most of the best positions the body was found lying faie upwards lie works granted franchises by the As­ FM«I Wovnd Mnd« bv 45 CaliterR.volv«* along the route of the procession were near the edge of the wheat field. sembly. As fast as the bills became Portland, Aug. 9__ « Upon examination of the Ixidy it by J. I.. McLean A Co acta, tiie federal government disallowed The house of commons has adjourned ix-cupied. and the streets were packed I A new large gold dredger on John with carriages, state coach*« and hands. Spokane, Aug «.—Harry Tracy is was found tliat the wound which result­ York City, sets forth the merit,'? ?'’ 1 them. to Oct. 16. At eight o'clock the seats ol the Abbey Day river has started up. Last session the provincial govern­ dead The notorious criminal, convict, ed in the outlaw’s death wax inflicted vantages of the Gould railr.«| 0,1 *1' The report of the comptroller of the ■ ere filling slowly. It 1 “ multi-murderer by the 45-caliber revolver, held close and speaks of the eunne tion C. A. Francis <-f Mmint Tabor was ment took a baud |iu th« game. treasury shows national banks to be in passel an .,-t on the Natal act outlaw, desepradu azni multi murder The coronation service proper was drowned at White Salmon. to the head. The top of tlie head was tioulds with the Great Central , ’ * gixxl condition. much more brief than it would have and perhaps going one better than any committed suicide last evening, an badly mangled. Two bullet wounds projected between Coos bay Machinery has been ordered for a con ­ lieen had it occurred on the original measure of a private ineniher. TheOt- being «hot twice by his pursuers. His on the left leg showed the cause of the lake City. It i8 m-eoinMnj/ An advance in Erie stocks has been densed ruilk factory at Hillsboro. caused by rumors ot J. J. Hill’s con- date set, before the serious illness of tawa authorities have answered this ( kmjv wm found at an early hour this man s despair and subsequent sicide. map that shows tie ext«-n? tlie king. Forest fires are causing considerable -lefianee in the aarne way as the others. nection with the road. Gould lines, and incidentally '?* The Dunn- morning, cold and dead, lying la<* damage in the vicinity of Grants Bass. ‘ But this is more serious. 7— - it plain that tlie projected lille t N. C. Hopper , the Chicago amateur CORDWOOD 8HORTAGE. FRIARS SOLD EARLY. in upward, and the hands still caressing Bay is much the shorted routs'. The Portland Civic Improvement muir government will not, it rider, lowered the wurld’s lialf mile the famous 30-30 rifle and 45-calibre Pacific-about 185 mile* amateur bicycle reconi, unpaceil, on Men G«t Work in Mure D«*ir«bl« Line*, and I axwx'iation is making war on billboards. thought, consent to be sat upon in this Disposed of Their Philippin« Holding* Before manner; at all events Joseph Martin, Colt’s revolver. The resting place was Salt Lake than any other. Ir'mi the Salt Palace saucer track, covering A large amount ol cement sidewalks the leader of tlie liberal party, will not. Chopper* «re Hard to Find. American Occupation. the distance in 0:53 2-5. The previous The circular recites the stei,- th, are to be ordered by the Portland city Mr. Martin is demanding that a special in a wheat field near the P.-idy home, Independence, Or., Aug.—9 A condi­ Rome, Aug. 8.—According to in- which the Goulds have record wax 0:58. session of the legislature be called, to where Tracy spent the last few days, tion that demonstrates the Improved council. ormatiun received by the Yatican, al­ strengthen the position of their ' and whither he had been tracked by his The British premier, A. J. Balfour, re-enact the anti-Japanese legislation, Citizens of Independence have de­ commercial conditions tn the valley is ertiee, showing that the GouH^ has announced the apjiointment of the the scarcity of cordwixxi. While the cided to give a bonus of »3,000 to the and he uiges that ax fast as it is disal­ hunters. most all the real estate belonging to roads now reach the Atlantic following committee qf inquiry into the shortage doe« not assume the character first railroad building to that place. lowed the members meetjagain and pass, Tiie body was taken to Davenport, Spanish friars in the Philippines, was the Gulf of Mexico and Caiud, conduct of the Boer war The F2arl the bill until the federal government is 1 >4 a u( the bni'.i of Americas Troop*. aware of the situation. resting place.. without success. of the month. ing operations, it is the general belief' right, therefore, which British Colum ­ Washington, Aug. 5. — Discouraging A party from Creston, Wash., had - through best posted financial channel.' •’ Lucy Hoving, chief organizer of tlie re;x>rtx are received from Cuba. There Mrs. C. C- Van Oradell and Mary bia has started is likley to become fam­ Wuhington Knew About It that the money is being fnrnishel br Bix-ialist party in Utah, was run over has been a great falling off in tlie rev­ F. Hurley, both of Oregon, were ele, ted ous. llow it will eml it is not possible the honor of running to earth the out­ Washinton, Aug. 8.—The war de­ the Goulds and their associate*. cM. by a horse and buggy at Ogden and enues since the United Mates withdrew respectively'grand guardian and hanker to forecast, but Manitoba won its fight law, and xre due to re,-eive the re­ partment has known for some time that tain it is that they can make the instantly killed. from the island. It is reported that at the national convention of Women for provincial rights again»» the federal wards of »8,000 offered by the govern­ portions of the friar lands in the Phil­ jKissible use of a road through Co, wan of Woreleraft at Cripple Creek. government, and Joseph Martin ors of Washington and Oregon and by ippines have been disposed of to com­ Bay, and a branch to Portland, and The Colorado Republican convention the daily receipts at Havana do not will lie held at Denver Kept. 4. The average more than »5,000. Capita) id A letter of instrncion sent bv Com­ the leader. private individuals. The party was panies and til of the recent negotia­ until substantial evidence to the H-n Demix-ratic convention will lie held in cautious, and men of means are wait­ missioner Hermann to the register and made up of the following persons, citi- tions conducted by Secretary Root have trary is forthcoming, mere pi-riuiirt-n SHOT AT PROWLERS. ing to see what the government will iik all precautions as to ambushes or tional, ceremony in a balloon, the man­ sen liefore us, after inspecting the b>-Iy vided oil tlie question uf an increase Riggs, of Salem, a iiiemoer of ths state criticised. surprise. agement is prepared to set the happy and hearing the testimony of the »it- from five to seven in the memliersblp Ixutrd of pharmacy to succeed G. C. HAVE A FAMILY NOW. They approached the place in safety, couple up with about »500 worth of ('loudbursts in Colorado have de­ of the court. nessea, find as follows: That the bulr Blakley, of the Dalles, term expired; and when within some f w hundred including is that of Harry Tracy, the«scapal stroyed large amounts ol pro|>erty. A also A. D. Charlton and A. I.. Craig, Firmer Shandrow and Wife Adopt a Whole yards came acroea P’armer F’ddy mow­ housekeeping equipment, everything from a piano to a sack of passenger train wax swept from the WASHINGTON'S STATEHOUSE. lx>th of Portland, delegates to the min­ Orphan Asylum. ing in a field. The party went to flour. If any swains from outside Port­ convict from the Oregon penitentiary; track, but no one wax injured. ers’ congress at Butte, Mont., Sept. that said Harry Tracy came to hi* South Haven, Mich., Aug. 7.—Mr. him, and while engaging him in conver­ land are anxious to receive a handsome death at the ranch of Lou Eddy, in The Ix'tiothal of Archduchess Marie Row in Progren lor Soni« Dayi I* Pitched 1 to 5. sation they saw a man issue from the dower, all they have to do is to ad­ and Mrs. Joseph Shandrow, of South barn, whii h could 1« plainly seen from Lincoln county, Washington, on Au­ Aixionciade of Austria and Duke Bieg- Up and Work Will Froc«d. dress a letter to the secretary of the gust 5, 1902, by means of a gun»hvt fried of Bavaria, which wax announi'ed PORTLAND MARKETS. Haven, nave adopted a whole orphan where the party stood on a rise of the Portland Elks’ Carnival, to make the Olympia, Wash. Aug. 8.—The cap­ wound from a pistol in his posse**«« in June, has lxx«r in order to protect the stone that hud lx**n condemned and more than a competence off their 200- excitement. The party separated, and Coal Oil and Match«* Cauic Frightful Acci- from the Oregon penitentiary, and 6 » the < terman miners against the lie agree.I to abide by the instructions. new crop. the time of his death was fleeing frt'in dent at Klamath. Flour—Best grades, »2.(»503.60 pel acre fruit farm, and it has lieen their fainter and Smith accompanied Eddy American. To avoid further difficulties Messrs. officers and posses in pursuit, and that life long regret that children have never in the direction of the barn, while the barrel; graham, »2.9508.20. Pearson and Atkinsou of the commis ­ Ashland, Or., Aug. 9. — A most Rumor has it that the king of Stain ne one is blameable for hie death, hot been born to them. To please his wife, other two men swung around to cut off sion were instructed to l,x>k over all Miilstuffa — Bran, »15016 per ton has been axxrtxxi listed. Sbandiow wrote to the Smith Found­ any break for liberty in another direc­ shocking accident occurred at Klamath that, all efforts to effect his cspWtf tlie stone on hand in coni|>any with middlings, »21.50; shorts, I »18; ling hospital at Minneapolis, asking on last evening, resulting in the death were praiseworthy and fully in see-n:- tion. A cyclone destroyed 42 houaes at the su|ierinteiident and determine chop, »16. of two children, Lester and Emery »>•> them to send several children for a Pompri, province of Kursk, killing Neairng that structure, the two man Davis, aged 6 and 3 years. They were ance with the laws of Washington. whether any more should lie thrown Oats—N o .Y white, »1.0(1« 1.05; gray, summer’s outing, with the privilege of people. hunters stepped lx*hind the barn on a out. 95c. 011.00. IMPORTANT RAILROAD MOVE chousing from them in ease lie should slight eminence, from which they ,-ould the children of Mrs. Laura -Moon Davis, Rohl, of Munich, Bavaria, beat the FIFTEEN WERE KILLED. Hay — Timothy, »12015; clover, want to adopt a boy. The Minneapolis watch everything that went on, and the who conducts a millinery store there. world's six-hour bicycle tecord at Fried- »7.50010; Oregon wild hay, »506 per institution isa small one, and the man­ farmer continued up to the l«rn door. It 'is reported that the two children were Company lscorpor*tys and girls. They the farmer unhitch the horses. He car­ kerosene. In some way the coal oil incorporation have lieen filed m Marshalltown, la., Aug. 9.—It is growers prices; streets, »2.50(43.00 have just decided to adopt all of them. Confederate naval oflii-vr who nearly ried no rifle, althouh he had his revol­ became ignited, exploded snd covered county clerk’s office for a coinpas’1" captured Grant during the Civil war, now known that 1.5 parsons were killed |>er cental; new potaUxw, lc. vers in place. 1 the little ones with a blaze of fire, build a railroad l>et«e«n The Ikie in tlie freight wreck on Hi« Milwaukee WOULD NOT SAY NO. died at Chi, ago Sunday. The fugitive saw the men carriyng Butter — Creamery, 20« 21c; dairy j An attempt was made to smother the road Wednesday afternoon. Of the in­ rifles, and turning shraply on Farmer flames, and the burning clothing wa* and Biggs, Sherman county, the termi­ Dr. William M. Bradshear, president jured two or three cannot recover, ft 17(418«; store, 170174c. II Democrat* Think Brian th« M«n to Lead Eddy, said: “Who are those men?” taken from the little ones, but the nus of the Columbia Southern. L’ of tlie Iowa State college at Ames, and is thought that more Ixxlien may lx> Eggs—20021c for Oregon. “ I don ’ t see any men,” said the host. flames had already done their work, right of way sought is by way "■l“* Th«m tie Will Not Rt'u*«. former president of the National Edu­ found, as the wteknge has not yet lx«en Cheese— Full cream, twins, Seufert ranch Up Five Mile to I Whereupon Trucy pointed out the two cational aaxefore they began shooting. The circuit court of Cuyahoga county and across tc the bench land Eddy informed his companion who the New York, A'St !»,—< »ta news of the 4.50; hens, »4.0005.50 per dosen, bly. He was asked if he had lieen cur- Celilo, on to and acro.-s the Dmhote- has dissolved an injunction against the men were, and at that time the officers, MORE RURAL MAIL ROUTES. above the old Millei Bridge prof«*-' Cleveland city council, which prevent­ recovery of I resident Charles M 11(411 4c jier pound; springs, 11« re, tly quo1 a.1 when it was report«*! that stepping a little cloeer, commnaded: ed that body from transacting business Beli Wall, <»( the I lilted ''tâtes Miel 11 He per pound. »2.50(44.00 per dos- lie refused again to lx* a candidate for "Hold up your hands!” Pojtoffic« Department Authorize* Sever«! Ad­ Portland, Aug. 9.—An ind»p«^: because of alleged illegality and the in­ Corporation, lieixmiing known at Ko- en; ducks, »2.50(43.00 perdocen; tur­ president. He repli«*l that only a At this juncture the outlaw jumped be­ ditional in Oregon. mgxwart, ebete Mr. Schwab ix a largo keys, live, 13014c, dressed, 15016c per part of the interview was use«!. He railroad on the line indicatel in’ '' auguration of a 3-cent street car fare. hind Eddyand placed Ixrth the man and oruperty hofiler, thankxgiving mass pound; geese, »4.0006.00 per doxen. i said he was not a candidate in the Washington, Aug. 6.—Rural delivery Dalles dispatch will serve Striking anthracite coni miners say ' nas celebratisi, nave a dixpateh to thè Mutton—Groan, 2 403c per pound; . light of seeking again to lead the Dem- hie horse between himself and the of mail han Iteen authorise,! in Oregrii poses. It will admit the trafli< o hunters. In this position he command­ incomjietcnt men are living sent into llerald troni Vienna. The servii^' wax dreeneai, 6c per pound. ■ x-ratic party, but if the party should Columbia Southern railroad to as follows: the mines. attende,! bv all tlie municipal digni­ Hoge—Grose, 64‘» J reseed, 7074c ■ h* ide that he was the proper man to ed the farmer to lead his hoi re to the Aumsville, Marion county — One water in tlie Columbia r’Tir*'? barn, and remaining under this cover head the ticket, he couhl not honor­ The Banta Fe railroad has issued a tario« angus lalx-ls to some union men who Monmouth. Polk county— (»ne car­ leading sooth from the tern. of a bitumimxis miners' strike in caus­ Turner» in nvention at l>avenport, ha membership ami urged taxa­ Predict* Futur« Traiuvaal Duturhnnc««. following ticket: Edward to london. The Victoria illa­ fleeing quarry. served. 465. tion of church property. Governor, George T. 1*’^ ,.r. Rome, Aug 0.—The Giornale de The will of very Rev E. A. Hoffman, tion has l«en brilliantly decorated. It W.xxiburn. Marion county — Two Coming to an immense rock, the out­ Bt. laiuis and eastern capitalistshave Italic publishes an interview with the ■lean of the general theological semi­ 's expedi ted that his majesty's return law »aw a chance to get rid of his pur­ routes, two carriers; length of route, county; state trearur-r. ( ■ organize.I to build a bridge over the rem of M-Secretary Reita, of tlie Trans­ nary of New York, «Hapoees of an estate to the capital will In marked by a suer«, and a,x*,rding]y d.xiged behind it 43 4 miles; area covered, 47 square Laramie county: secretary N. Stickney, Albany c- unL' ' Mississippi at Bt. Izmis and a new de­ vaal, who is now at Naples. In this Mt ¡mated at 112,000.000 to »15,000,- great street demonstration en route to »nd tiegan a fusilade which be proba­ miles; population served, 1,175. interview Mr. Reita declares that the 000. auditor, W. I). Hays. Big ,,''rnj".,f. pot in the heart of the city. Buckingham palace. bly imagined would end th« struggle auperinteadent of public in»»- - war in the Transvaal w ill recommence a Eight ahote in all were fired, and Natal Want* Immigration. Charles J. Jones, popularly known a« few year« later. ol a Michigan car Mrs. Italario, Albany ark An important report made by the sur­ coonty. -,«4 for securing Hr to on hoard, left Cowes at I 30 p. m. for convict as a dead shot. Seeing he was veyor general and director of agriculture The platform aiiopt«-' Portsmouth. The harbor station at Brussel«. Aug. V.—The The Bulgarian minister of comnier<-e not amx-ee.lmg in his eudeav*.rs, he left estmates that 10,000 whites are neces­ legiance to the national pi* Portamcuth was reached shortly after 2 hia po«iti,m behind th« reek and rnmie and agrtcullore has forbidden the im­ announces th« sudden -ieath sary that Natal may lie able to supply the past. It ,temand- th« *'* A special train to convey hie l.uca« .Mayer of heart diseaxi A propouitiou is on foot t.> divide o'clock. portation oí Amanean gra|>evinee. a lash for th« wb«at field not far dis­ her own agricultural necl- and de« lares the United States renal°r* ^pgj. ma testy t<> Lwelon awaited his arrival Mayer was attacked several tim< tant. Just as he was entering th« fiel.l that preference should he given to farm­ Vakitua count«, the PiAsterrt half l«eing at Portsmouth. The |>npers of an anarvhist of Baler- this illness during the war in S< dirvArt vote of the pe^te, U1’ he stumbled, and fa'I ing on hia face ers Milling to work with their own callud Klver»»de. I'n«er *• the pro son, N. J./arrested at tlie Bra, Italy, Africa. sorv arbitration <>( labor " i ‘ «r »F crawled on into the field on hia hands i hands. The report recommemis the divorcement of state instit t discloee a plot to assassinate King Vic­ jxmws I county seat. This rx tion of the . Metter th« Winwtr an-»ecd th« Northern Pa- " ■ai Yakima county *• one of tlie largest r e vachi Meteor, of American ttadly beaten at Boston L>r desecrating »rut it was grtt'ng ev did w A gale m>t dare to prweal. as they could not aoxisted immigration ami grants of I ioh meat of the initiative an Amarienn flag, and later lined »ID cifle railroad »>Hlth of thia city last in tlie state, its dimensions lining nl- build. Sybarite wag second. money to encourage agricultural de­ dote is adv-«at, night, and rearhesi Rismarvk tonight. u»<>et equal to tlie state of Connecticat. was blu wing. in the dtatr let i-nart. see their man nor know how ready he velopment along various lines. the Bhoah--nej'ndian rv«»' Eugene Weekly Guard EVENTS OF THE DAY NEWS OF THE STATE! FIGHT OVER JAPS.