—H PERSONAL. CITY AND COUNTY SATURDAY 1» mw— .....JULY 1» There are indication» that tbe Groat Central railway from Salt Lake to thia place ia assuming definite shape. what the Pbilafl-lphia North American say of the c< mmon coun­ cil of that oily: "Beaidea being sordid grafters, tbe majority of Bally GaarS July 17 Philadelphia's municipal legisla­ Hon R A Booth ia In Ban Francia«o tors are ignorant incompetents and B F Keeney el Goeben was In town utterly indifferent to the public today. J A risers, of Hegloaw, was in lb» welfare. They are active in ill- doing, but in tbe a been»* of tbe city today. .Mie» Anna Wald waa a passenger to stimulus of prospective loot they cannot be depended upon to do Albany tod >y. Mrs C C Hammond went to Albany anything at all." * ▲ nun in Ohio named Walter», who haa been working in a fur nitnro atom at $8 a weak, baa been in­ formed that bo ia heir to aaveral millions. Now what will ho do We doubt if many, if any, case» with hia wealthT It may be a benefit to him, but in majority of are ,on reoord that will compare such oaoeo it turns out to be a with the action of the Portland criminal, Belding. That be should cur»». attempt to kill and exterminate a Verily, the world is growing bet­ whole tamily with whom he bad ter; the laws are sometimes effec­ standing trouble for yeare, io not tive. Way back in Illinois there different from what might bo ex­ have been oonyiotions of jurors for pected from meny other men. But aooepting bribes. Yee and they otbere would bo expected either to were punished—fined, it ie said, complete the bloody job by using a $200 apieoe. Thie may be like bullet on their own bead, else make punishing a boy for stealing apples some attempt to escape. But this by taking half of them away from man boasts that be ia too much of him. a man to commit suicide, and too bravo to attempt to evade the law Granta Paas ia getting more than and coolly and without apparent her »hare of fires. Only two yean fear invitee the execution of the ago a groat portion of the buaineea death penalty aooording to law. property was swept. The big mill Ho io in thio reepeot a freak among burned only • few weeks ago. eriminale. Monday several houses went and the whole town wm threatened. Tbe oitiaena of thie oommunity But the people have »pint and ahould miaa no opportunity to get enterprise, and the ambers scarcely • good railroad to thia point from die away until better buildings some point like Salt Lake or Win- take the place of the old. nemuoca. Tbe whole »tale of Ore­ gon ia vitally interested in the While Mn Wagoner is claiming development of the immenee re- the reward for discovery of Mer­ aourcea ot Siutbeartern Oregon, rill's body and delivering it to the which have been retarded or pre­ authoritiee, perhaps wo may not bo vented from becoming known aa nqulred to strain very muoh to they should for want ot transporta ­ v.ew a probability that Tracy may tion facilities. Indeed, many look 0 »me in and lay a prior claim for the reward. Perhaps it might he upon tbe vast territory oomprising better for him to let the woman Klamath, Crook, Lake, Harney draw the reward, and then be go and Malheur oounties aa good for nothing exoept tor producing sage and take it away from her. brush, alkali and jackrabbits, with Lord Salisbury, prime minister now and then a patch that will of England, and Sir Michael Hioka- support a few cattle or sheep. Beacb, ohanoelbr of tbe the ex­ Such ie nat the oaee, however. chequer, have voluntarily ten­ That whole ocuntry is full of re- dered their reeignations and de­ eouroee, which only want trans­ cided to retire from tbe"exoeeeively portation facilities to ensure tbeir arduous and wearing duties of their rapid development. There now be­ respective offioea." That will do ing a strong probability of one of for a report, but tbe foot remains the great railway systems building that such officers seldom lot go across thia atretch of virgin ter­ until tbey bare to. King Edward ritory, crossing, the Cascsdes by will undoubtedly reoover. the Middle Fork pass, then seek­ ing the seaboard probably at both Many papers now argue that Fortland and Coos Bay, the people blood hounds are worthlees in run­ should rejoioe at the era of develop­ ning down criminals. Let the ment it will surely open. dumb beasts be given due credit. We know tbe railroad oompany There ia no question about their is not doing tble on aooount of tie instinctively following a trail when love for the dear people, but there they have it; and tbey follow a may be rejoicing just the same, trail that no other detective could it io a good busineee proposition discover- But in order tv capture tor the Miseoun Pacific people, the game, men tout go with tbe rhe busineoo to be made along the hounds, and it is sometimes hazar­ line from here to Salt Lake in dous business. hauling paaaengers, lumber, grain, stock and other farm product», The manner in which whole merchandise and supplies back, communities suffer at limes as tbe will in great probability be result of immense institutions con­ sufficient to sustain the road. In tending for trifles io illustrated in addition to this it will give tbe the freight handlers strike in Chi- company an outlet to tbe ooast and oago. On the one side are tsn put It in position for profitably thousand men contending for one- handling transcontinental business half oent per hour more pay than In oom petition with other roads. tbey are offered; and on the other The early completion of euch a aide are ten great railroad com­ road ia earnestly hoped for. panies opposing this dsmand of half a cent. But while thie io going on the wholeeale busineoo of that great city is paralysed, and the lose to the merchants is not les» than $1,000,000 every day. A new constitution has been adopted down In Virginia under which all stat*, county and city offioere are forbidden tv accept paooeo upon railroads. This is aoother of those prohibitory laws that will not prohibit. If the rail­ ways want to grant person free rides it can not be prevented For instance, if a member of tbe legisla­ ture gets aboard a train, aud the conductor refuses to go tv him for hia fare, what io the state going to do about itT ANOTHER GOOD CHOICE. Walter B. Dillard Choaen Prioci pal of Riddle Schools. Walter B Dillard, A M,of Goshen, and a graduate of the University of Oregon with the elaaa or 1900, baa been elected principal of the schools of Riddle, Ore. Mr Dillard not only beide an A B degree from tbe Uni ver- ally but also the master’» degree, bav­ ins attended for the period of »even yeare. Since his career as a student Mr Dillard has been engaged In teach­ ing, having taught for a number of (»nur in districts 9 and M in tble county. Last year be btld the obalr of language In the High School. Mr Dillard ia an athlete of no email ability. He was a member of tbe U O track team during the seasons of 1K9N, 1800 and 1900. Tbe board of directors of the Riddle schools should le» 1 lhemselvee particu­ larly fortunate In securing the services of Mr Dillard for the oucording year. Several officers of tbe army have been tried by oourt martial for various offenses, from murdering inoffensive "niggers" to water cure, or stealing baoon; but there have been no oonvictions. 1’roee reports Chittim Bark and Wool. at tbe beginning make great stories nut of theee a fl airs, then tbey l>egin Kring all your chlltlm bark and to dwindle aa the trial progresses, wool to W Bander», Eugene. Ha will •nd then wo are told tbe oourt fin Is pay tbe blgbsst ce»h prie». defendant not guilty. Are theee • rmy trials simply white-washing You want a good clean bod )>utlee, or are the newspaper oor whn you stop over night in 1 «epondente the ones who ought to Eugene. New bedsand newly tried T [tapered and painted rooms at The city of oar Quaker fathers, which we have all been taught a* school children to look upon aa the homo of piety, moat be going to the lad «ten alarming rale. Here 1« the Courthouse Lodging house. No old, duety, worn- out carpets but clean painted floors with a nice bright Bru»- •els carpet rug to each bed. Juel back of the courthouse. tbis afterncoo. ML» Pern 1 Park returned yesterday from Bpokane. Mias Htslla Wilkinson went to Al­ bany today to visit rslatlvee. Misa Fannie Millican waa among tboaa wbo left for Albany today. Profeeaor F G Young waa a paaeen ger to Cottage Grove thia afternoon. Grover Long acnompaBlod tbe militiamen to Albany thie afternoon. Misses Nan no and Jeseie Paddock left for tbeir former borne at Oregon City tble afternoon. Mice Marguerite Cundiff, of Albany, returned homo today after a viell with Mr and Mr» C L Winter. Mrs B F Lohr, of Roaeburg, wbo vialted Mrs E H Pritchett in Eugane a few day», ba» returned home. |L M Rowland will be foreman of tba G uard office In tba abaenoa of Oapt R 8 Huaton al tbe Albany encampment. Mrs Harvey,of Rlobville, Waab,wbo baa been visiting friends In this city, went to Albany on tbe afternoon train. G X Wendling, a beavy stockholder In tbe Booth-Kelly Lumber Go, ar­ rived bare last nlgbt from Ban Fran­ cisco. Mr» Jack Wilmot ot Spokane arrived this afternoon to visit ber sister Mr» G W Biddle and other relatives of tbia place. Mr and Mrs ubaa Young, of Nebraa ■ ka, left on tba afternoon train for tbeir home. Tbey were gueata of Mra J A Straight. Mrs Goo Tucker, who has been vlait- lug ber daughter Mrs G W Biddle, re­ turned tble afternoon to ber borne at Moscow Idaho. C H Bower», suffering from t' pboid fever, was brought down from Weud- llng last night and placed in the Eu­ gene boepltal for treatment. F W Bloomfield and W 8 Moon left this afternoon for Wendling where tbey will install tbe new offioere of Court Wendling, No 26, Foresters of Amerloe, tonight. DEXTER JOTTI NGS. Williams Drive Makiog Good Progresa Toward Eugene. Special io thaauaM DrXTBB, July 16. —Herl Parker, who ba» been working in ibe tnloes io Idaho for several ¿ear» baa returned to bis borne at Pleasant Hill. Williams’ logdrive paa»td tbe moutb of Fall Creek ye»terd»y. Tbey are an exoeptlontlly fine lot. Barney William» baa un vwi onto tbe Taj lor place. J B Hills bee taken charge of bis logging camp In person. Tbey are putting In some very large timber. Mlaeee Henry Caln and Tom B<>we i started to Prineville last Baturday with a view of locating. Tbe Goeben-Zion route now bee one of tbe finest mail stage» In Laue ooun­ ty. Il io e floe covered three seated rig, and the proprietor of It deetrvso tbe patronage ot tbe people for furoiob- lug them each ezoeileut aooorni de- lions. Meeere Midgely and Hollenbeck of Eugene, who are large bolder» of lim­ ber in ibis sect ion < f country were looking ovtr it the first of tbe week. Tbey ar- very sanguine of tbe I future of tbe Mldde Fork, as regards to tier timber. Grandma Meet Is visiting ber eon Wooley for a ooupls of weeks. Hlgb winds Monday did consider­ able damage by blowing down timber across fenoee and fields. Tbis Is sc unusual thing for tbe moutb of July. leaves Junction Mondays, Wednes­ days end Fridays at 6 a m, for Maple­ ton via Deauwnod and way pointe K-lurns lue-dsys, Thursdays and Bsturdsys. Mingle Far»........... .. ............................. |4.M) ltouod Trip...................................... 8.50 Por further particulars inquire or ad­ dreee E* B ryant , At Cascade Drugstore,Junction City, Oregon. Chickens, Butter and Eggs. For Sale. FOB itALK-Ou» of the choice»» naideboea tn Eugene on W illamette at real. Call ou T N Uegar, Hotel Eugene, for further particular». mer, tbe dormitory, gymnasium. and LKady Hall receiving especial atten­ tion bludeuts iuteuding to enter this fell are Invited Io correspond with tbe president n 1*11 VS to tbeir woik. Ceta- b800.____________________________ FOB SALE A good gram, bay aud * stock farm of 216 acres for »ale, j mile from store, postoffioe, school and eburt'b, 4j miles from rail­ road station, good building,, well watered, level aud good location, 12U acres plowed aud part sown to wheat, on reasonable let tn*. A snap tor tbe purchaser. Can be reached from Goeben bjetage. Call on C 8 Ricbardson Pleas«ot Mill or C A Parker, 462 Jetlersou street, Eu­ gene, Oregon. d* a » a Skirt g Suit Sale. The remainder of our Summer Suits and Skirts must be sold. Crash Suits. White Pique Suits and Reversible Covert Cloth Suits. • ALSO . . . • I White duck Skirts, Demino Skirts, Crash Skirts and Fancy Cotton Skirts. For io days only at a BIG BARGAIN. 4 Í -• i * s. H. FRIENDLY. i * T ■A 4X KEEP YOUR HEAD COOL Id the maxim for health—All our straw hats wiUU doged out at COST. Children’s and misses’ Summer Hats will be closed out regardless oi price. Men’i Rough Straw Hats, worth $1.00 will be closed out for 25c. There will be many snaps on this HAT SALE Call early. P. FRANK & SON, 34, 36 and 38 E Ninth St. Miscellaneous. FARM TO TRADE.—I have a farm t.f 353 acres, 6 miles south fit Freeuo, Cal which I desire to trade for farm property in Laue couuty. Laud la all good bottom laud, wtll watered aud well improved iu every particu­ lar. Addreee B, care G uard , Eu­ gene. TEAMS WANTED.—To baul lumber from our mill on Coast Fork river. Good pay, steady work. Coast Fork Lumber Co, Cottage Grove, Oregon. C 8 F arrow & Co.—Have the beet binder*, mowers and rakes iu tbe mar­ ket. This Is Ibe only firm in Laue oouuty that has a binder that runs ahead of tbe team. Tbey aleo have a »< coml-band mower for eale cheap. Hee them for machinery, real eetate, inrurauce and loans for tbe beet bar­ gains. They want to bay a good bug­ gy horse at once. W ood W anted .—A few cords of wood wanted at tbe G uahd office on subscription account. CASTOR IA and For Infantd Our Motto to Please Fruit Jars... We keep a well »elected Hue of Grown» and fresh vegetables id all kind» in tbeir season. Fresh Saratoga chip« and aalfel ;>eauuts. Tillamook, liiubergtr id country cheese. Giv us a Call. w. B. M c K inney . Phone, Red 66-3. all styles, lots of them. Prices Right. L. C SKEELS, I847 Rogers Bros A 1 Ware, Free. Children Hi Kind You Ha« Always Bough E have just finished unloading a mammoth car of Furniture wall Paper and Paint Co, 37 west 8th street ..FOR. . Latest dciigas In Will paper, Be»t paint» and Lowest Price,. direct from the factory. Call and in­ spect our new line. Everything to fur­ nish a home. J. W Kays Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Furniture Co Eastman Kodaks, Premo, Poco and Century Cameras, Cyclone Magazine Cameras. At Attractive Display *»f ard now before ths eeere ary of war Chilla and fever It a bottle of Grove s recouim-nds that tbe unlf rm of the 1 ■ TesSoloes Chill Tool«. Il Is simply • •Idler be made of a oolor known offioi- > Iron and quinine IB a taeteloeo form. •llv a- “olive 4rab.” No Cure, No Pay Pik» Wo. Esp» rtmeote demonstrete that tble 1 shade Is lees visible lu Ibe field than 1 Woodchoppers Wanted ny other eel w. Administratrix Notice. low prices nock, but ws rio <*»» them »» I T I wh»ty..u ar» »»Ving. Ia .-» a Isr.e »»■»• pio? W» »» got iv Do lew ; ri«» 1 le** I have tl cm. Do .tra>*I' • rwiw.l J ir>»rantes 1 ! ’»ese, | Your» Notwe is hereby »teen, that tba UB L Biljeu ir. Eng oe. Orecon, v thia aiz months from th* date o tbi» untie» Dated thia M day of Jnly 1902. W ocdcbori rrs wan’rd tn cut bia Laxative Hmmo Qilnlte Teblete bwy fir WMd. ApflJ •* boote i n core • cold In one day. No Cure, No 1 L Blue ar, Attorney. rlvsr road ur »dine» al Junction Pay. Fr ee 36 cents. 1 L C ViTva. Nreonn. A ituuu»Uauix &Son Telephone, Main 25-1 Tk« IW»« rrsscrlptlsa Ss< Malaria St»m SB* C.»«» sa« W arks . e »•» M. a J A » 1 d- X4* 4« 4« 4« «bd-4« «bd* 4* 4« 4*4*4« 4« 4« 4« FOR BALE OR 1RADF.-147 scree ou the Military road 26 mil»« from Eugene, 6 miles from Lowell, ou tbe Willamette river. 70 acres bottom land; 12 acres clear; tbe rest bill with some timber. There is a go >d bouse with four rooms, smoke bouse Notice to Contractors. aud barn. I will sell or trade at a bargain. Cell ou me at Mrs H E Notice Is hereby giveu that the Gardner’s ou First street between County Comnileelonera Court vs ill re­ Jefferson aud Madison, or address 1 ceive sealed bids for tbe nr ad log ana F Goocb Eugene, Oregon. gravtllog of tbe county road begin nlng at Hendricks Ferry on lbs Mo For Rent. Kenzle River ruunlDg thence west to tbe east side of wbat is known as the TO REMT.—Block aud fruit raucb, 440 acres, 50 acres in cultivation, 10 Barney W ood bill. acres in orchard, one mile aud a half Also for grading and graveling tbe from Waltervillo. Call ou or address oounty road, beginning at Ibe west E M Bowermau, Wallerville, Ore­ end of Baruey Wood bill, and tunning gon. In a westerly direction al out oue-balf mile, tbe gravel to be «pread al east tour yards to tbe rod. Also fur hauling aud spreading grave on tbe oounty road between Tburntou, Lane oouuty, Oregon, aud tbe McKeu- >le slock farm, at points to be desig­ nated by tbe Court. Tbe said work to be lompleled on or before tbe 10ib day of October, A D 1902. Bide will be conaldered for grading aud graveling separately or togetb< r. A. 0. U. W. GRAND OFFICERS. A satisfactory bond will be requited for tbe faithful performance of the con­ Elected io Fortland Yesterday— tract. the Court reserving tbe right to re­ Also D. of H. Officers. ject any and all bide. By order of tbe County Commission At tbe grand lodge, A O U W, in ere Court tbe 14lb day of July, A D session at Fortlaud, tbe following 1908. offioere have been elected : E U L kb , Grand master workman, William County Clerk. Smllb, of Baker Chy. Graud foreman, G H Durham, of Y om Know What Y om Ar. Taking Portland. When you takH Grovo'a TaaU-1»*« Graud overeeer, Virgil E Watters, of Ubill Tonic becauno tha formula ia Oorvallie. plainly printed ou every bottle »bow­ Grand reoorder, Newton Clark, of ing that it In simply Iron aud Quiuiue In a taa'eietMi form. No cure, no pay. Hood River. Grand receiver, R L Durham, of 60c. Portland. Court bouse News, Graud guide, W J Clark, of Gervala. Graud inside watebmaa, Pbllllp Ge- vuris, of Portland. Mortgage ........... $1460 00 Graud outside watchman, J Warner, Mortgage................................... 300 00 of Albany. •BAL NBTATB TRANSFERS. Graud trustee, J P Dodge, of Ash­ Bernhard and Bertba Winter to land. Lost» E Bean 160 aorta tn tp 16 e r 4 e, Supreme representatives. C C Hogue, $16*0. of Albany; DC Herrin, of Ashland; Wolf and Rachel bander» to C Jen­ Ralph Feeney, of Portland. sen three acres In tp 17 » r 4 w, $400. DBURBB Ok HONOR. Louis E Beau to Ubas Mayhew 160 Following are tbe tbe new officers of aeree In tp 17 a r 4 e, 11,60 L tbe grand lodge, D of H: L M Travis to Fted Flak 160 acne In Grand ehief of honor, Laura Bmitb, tp 19 e r 6 w, $1. of Baker City. TO CURII A CULU ir» ONU OAV Grand lady of honor, Addie B Col- Take Laxalive Bromo Quiume Tablete vlg, of Jacksonville. Grand chief of ooromoolee, Sarah All drugglrts rtfuud tire mouey If II falla to cute. E W Grove’s signature lo Fastaband, ot Ast'ria. ou eacb box 26c. Grand recorder, Ollie F Stephens, of Tbe Dal lee. Grand receiver, Mary Randall, of The University of Oregon. Porllaud Grand usber, Hat Ie E McCormack, Tbe University of Oregon will open of Msrebdeld. tie iweDty-wveutb ssosiou at Eugene, Graud >nuer watch, Harriot C Loon­ Wednesday, September 17tb. Tbe ey, of Jeffirsor. on I loos for tbe year seems al present, Grand outer wa’ob, Harriet B Davis, very promising. A uuiuber of new of TillM»"Olr. 1 mru bate been added to tbe faculty, Repreerutsll van, Wilds Belknap, all thoroughly fitted both by prepara­ Ollie F Mteplisussnd Maggie A Barker. tion sod by experience, for Iheir work, Alternates, Mamie W Briggs, Kato J lbs Uuiverslty buildlug« are being re­ MIssuer and Maggie Houston. paired and improved durli g tbe sum­ Junction- Dead wood Stage Line ~ * Shriek N. T. Wilson e *a---- **• 9u Phans Maia