The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, July 12, 1902, Image 6

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Took Morning’s Neal at
a Farm Hoose Near
King Edward is Out of Danger
Terrible Railroad Accident.
Special te Guard.
G loveksville , N Y, July
5.—A horrible accident oc­
curred on the New York Cen
tral Railroad at thia place
this forenoon.
A car left on a gtade with
brakes set by some means be­
came free and rushed down
the grade with accelerated
speed until it crashed into
the rear end of a passenger
Eleven passengers were
killed and fifty injured.
King Out of Danger.
Special to the OUABD.
L ondon , July 5, 5 p m —
The physicians attending
King Edward have just is­
sued a bulletin announcing
that their royal patient is out
of danger.
Pumice Covered Sea.
Special to th» (luarc.
The Suicide Route.
P ortland , July 5—F F
Grosshams killed himself
with a revolver atthe I«eonard
House today. Despondency
on account of financial ora-
barrassments prompted- him
to commit the rash deed. He
wag a young man.
Chicago’s Troubles.
•pscUl to lbs UU4IU>
C hicago , July 5.--The em­
ployes of the Chicago street
car system are threatening a
strike that will tie up every
street car line in the city.
Business iuterests are en­
deavoring to arrest the strike
that could not but result in
vast loss.
Tracey on Deck.
■poclal to th« Grant
County Conrt Agrees to Appro- Celebrated in Grand St) le at
piiate Money for Bine
Junction City.
River Road.
C It US ME ft Oft.
Dally Goars Joly S
A oomralt'ee of representative gill-
z«ui, oonelsting of Ell Bangs, Mayor G
R Chrisman, Gao T Hall, F L Cnarn-
bers, L T Harris, G W Griffin, U B
Eaklu and John Hampton, this after­
noon appeared before tbe oouuty cm-
misotoDere’ court now in session and
pr seen ted tbe petition, as published in
Monday’s G uard asking tbe court to
appropriate money for tbe luit>r >vr-
meut of the county road from Thurs­
ton to tba B ue River mi nee. Tbe
petition asked for 32 for each and every
dollar subscribed and contributed by a
large number of residents along the
road and citizens of Eugene, bat after
due deliberation and consideration tbe
court agreed to give an equal sum sub­
scribed, wblab is now about 31,80', but
It is hoped to make It >2,000 or more in
a few days.
Io addition to this amount the court
also agreed to furnish the county route
crusher for the road, the citizens o do
tbe hauling eftberoak. Tbe crush«r
will be located probably at a point •
abort distance this side of Thurston and
tbe work w II commence In a short
With 34'00 in cash and with tbe use
of the roek orusber the worst portions
of tbe road can be pu* lu good oondi
fallowing are additional subscrip­
tion« obtained eluoe the list was pub­
lished exclusively by the G uard
David Link..........
3 I 6 00
6 OJ
E D Matl ck...........
6 30
M fl Barker..........
3 50
L U Hkeele..............
3 SO
W KHcarbrough ...
15 00
H L l»ong........
5 00
A Yerington...........
5 00
I* Frank A H n.....
5 tin
J U Green A Hon....
5 Co
HH Friendly
10 00
Day A Heuderson
7 M
6 00
A C Woodcock.......
T acoma , July «5.—The sliip
Florence arrived here today
from Dutch Harbor, Alaska.
Her master reports steaming
through a coating of pumice
etone on the surfaco of the
ocean for bve hundred miles
off Akulan Pass.
The ship’s master knew of Remains of the Late Rev. H. K
Hines Taken From Portland
no volcanic disturbance that
could be belli responsible for
"The remains of the Ute R*v H K
the pretence of the pumice. Hines,
D D, and that of hie deceased
Hpeola! to the Guard.
lowng wets th' winners ami
wife were removed recently from the
Line Fir cemetery, Portland, to the
Lee Mission cemetery, Salem, and Ir-
ierred in the Dimond Square where so
many of the early missionaries are
burled. A year ago last Deooratlon
Day Dr Hlnee visited the graves of hl*
heroic associates, and he talked of the
people who are butted there and of the
dutyofr.ur church to eiect a fitting
memorial. It ought to be done In
the Dimond Square there should be a
monument to the men and women
who brought Christianity to this
We tern shore ”
The above Item we clip from the Pa­
cific Christian Advocate, Portland, •
Methodist publication. The Lee Mis­
sion csmslery ol Salem belongs to that
denomination and In It repose the re­
mains of many who ware prominent
In Oregon’s early history.
them are Jason I^ee, Cyrus Shephard,
PL Edwards, J H Wilbur, "Father’’
Waller, Gustavus Hluss and Bishop
Fraatus O Haven.
SiArn.K, July 5— Tracey
the eecaped Salem peniten­ Repealed oo Maoy Articles
July ist.
tiary convict breakfasted at a
farmhouse not far from the I be f< ll »wing war r
taira, a*
citv limits tins morning.
far as they relate to I
The people whom he in­ were ro;>**led July
vited to set out the breakfast brokers, dealers lu |
say that he looked fresh, as if pawnbrokers, custom
of theatres, public bull I-
the chase ami the recent mur­ proprietors
lug«, circuse-, bowling elleys or bill-
ders for which he is responsi­ bosr! o wners, dealers In leaf tobacco,
ble had left no particular im­ iiiaoufaUurera of toieteoo and cigar«,
pression upon him, either imdruimute, papers or documents,
Isatiee, deliveries, transfers ot «took,
physically or mentally.
sales, agreeinenla of sale, agreements
Tracey kept his gun in to so l stocks, products and metohan-
easy reach while he ate with dlse, limes, seat- |tu parlor or palace
teeming relish.
rars, berths In sleeping cars, excise
He talked to his entertain­ taxra on persona, firm«, com pan Ira
ers and claimed that his and corporations engaged In refining
and sugar and on legacies
chances for escape were ex­ petroleum
tod distributive eharse of personal
st; >ree:
‘ Doc'1 MePLereon, first choice, score,
J M Martin, second, score 4».
A Hutzman, third,score lOj.
John Kieet, fourth, score, 11.
E J Cn w, fifth, score 11».
In tbe tug of war between tbe mar­
ried men aud single maa the married
men won. In the two foot raoee Louie
Miller and George Miller were the
winners. Denctng on a|platf>raa built
for tbe purpose was Indulged In dur­
ing tbe afternoon aud evening. Al­
together It was a very eajoyable affair.
•V OTHKh Fiact*.
Special to tbs OS abo .
J unction C ity , July 6.—July 4th
was oelebrated in a befitting manner
at this place yesterday, lbs day
opsned with poor prospects for a good
crowd, but the people began to ooms
Into iowd about nine o’clock from all
directions, some coming horseback, in
wagons, carriages a< d many coming
In oa ths trains from Eugens and
By noon folly 3000 people bad as­
sembled In the city. Owing tbs mud­
dy condition of the streets some of the
program had to be left ou*.
The program commenced at 11
o’clock, when tbe line of parade was
formed by Dr W W Oglesby, grand
marshal of the day, starling at tbe
city ball, thenoe east to Front »t*eet,
tbenra north to Eighth street, thenoe
to city park.
The Fourth Regiment band of Eu­
gene, beaded the line of march, then
tbe liberty car with tbe goddresof liber­
ty and forty little girls all dressed In
white aud each carrying a flag. Next
came tbe
fl >at representing tbe
Daughter of Rebekah, with MIssLeab
Lew I* a« Rebekah at the well. Next oame
tbe iliac repreec’tl"ir ’he Degree of
Honor which 1« < c. tiled to special
mention. This fi >at was made on a
wagon with low wheals and dressed In
white all over so as to hide the
wheels. The wagon bed was made
perfectly fl-it aud bad a post at each
corner about 15 inches hlgb. Four
beautiful little girls all dressed In white
were seated one at each poet, and In
tits center of the wagon there was a
raised platform about six feet high
and on this was placed a email crib,
toed and on this two little girls were
lying as if dead, and at tbe bead of tbe
bed stood Miss Opal Williams dressed
as an angel with wings extended,
making a beautiful picture as well as a
very Impressive lesson.
this came tbe fl'iat representing tbe
Woadtnao of tbe World, which was
very pretty. A log oabltt was built on
a wagon and was covered with mosses
and bouquets. Following this cams
the fire department and people in car­
riages. .
Hou B F Mulkey of Moumou’h de­
livered the ad drees
the day
which was listened to bj a large
crowd •ud
very much enjoyed
as tbe professor Is a very interesting
Harvey Winn reoited the
Declaration of independence and we
must say it was well delivered and far
ahead of ths old way of reading It.
Io tbe afternoon a game of baseball
was played between Eugme aud Juno-
tlon nin»H which was a very interest­
ing game, reeuptng lu a so>re of nine
to eight in favor of the Janet Ion nine.
Tbe Eugene boys were all true sports­
men and played clean ball end tbeir
umpire was fair in all bls rulings.
Ths horse race was won by the little
brown mare of John Stroms— purse,
Tbs men’s foot race was won by N
Purkerson, of Fern Rlcge.
Tbe beys’ foot rac* was won by
Eberle Kuykendall, of Eugene.
lu the evening there was a fine dlr-
p ay of fire-works from a stand erected
lu front of tbe botel.
The crowd was one of tbe rural or­
derly ever seen In town, very fe w
dranke were seen on the streets.
At 5 o’clock tbe plug-uglies made
their appearance ou tbe streets and
made dunces of themselves for the
amusement of tbe cbLdrsr.
EugeHt ilhlu'C celebrat», but on ac­
count of the w»ath«r tuauy wbo In­
tended to goto Junction and other
^lacra «tayed at home. Mi»l of tbe
bu«lnera h«u«e« were oloeed during tbe
day and the «trrala had rathtr a Hun
day appeara'ioe. Thora wha bad fir»-
erack«re f >r tale dlaporad of them, and
tn the evening Ibero waa Impromptu
pyrotecbnlca ou Willamette «tree’,
Cottage Grove gave up her celebration
en tbe account .of tbe rain, but there
were large crowd« of people on tbe
•treete anyway and In the evening
eonte firework« were had. There w«re
uo public exercieee.
Quite an elaborate celebration waa
planned at Springfield but the whole
thing wae given up on account of the
at M ort , nkwmikb ' s .
W ood L omt . —The incessant raine
Dally arard. July!
Weainraday and Thursday caused the
Notwltheiat'dlng the threatening
MARRIED.— Dr R J Marsh and Mlse
willamelle river to rise several feel
Abnla H Zauer, both ot Portland, her Ibero wee a big crowd at Rob*
unexpectedly. Considerable loss
were married at the reakletice of 8 G Newmter'e place, on the old Welle
tHvaaloaed by coralwood, which had Marsh, RTS High etreet, yesterday by farm two mike weet of Fa gene, yrater-
been baokeai at the river In the Rev D K Loveridge, rector of r»t Mary's day. A good old-frahloned Fourth of
vicinity of Jas,er to be tioate.1 1.» Rü­ episcopal church. Tba «room la a July picnic wa« held, the amaeemente
gens for the markst, heing washed
. young physician ot Portland with paraIng off very «ucoeeefully.
away Fred Gibson I -t about 4U oords, '* | bright (roepecta. He la a son of 8 G
I In the rtfie «boot for a toeef tbe fo.-
and Griffin Bros lost considerable
1 Marsh, of Ktogvoe.
Upon the Death of J. A. Burlin­
Headquarters J W Geary Post, No 7,
Department of Oregon OAR.
Whereas, the Supreme Commander
of the universe has In his Infinite wi*-
dom, seen fit to remove from our midst
oar late oomrade, J A Burlingame, and
Wherear, Comrade Burlingame was
a faithful and oonsis eat member of J
W Geary Poet No 7, and ever ready to
advance its Interests,therefore be it
Resolved, by this Poet that lu the
death of Comrade Burlingame, this
Post 1 >eee a true and falthtal member,
and the family a kind and affectionate
husband and father. That feeling the
lore which we as a Poet have sus­
tained ws are prepared to and do, un­
qualifiedly aympatize with his bereaved
Resolved, that while we deplore the
lose of our Ute comrade, we bow sub­
missively to the will of tbs Supreme
Commander, realizing that our loaa in
HI* gain.
Resolved, that theae resolution* be
apread at large upon tbe record* of the
Poet and a copy thereof be trauamitted
to the family of our late comrade.
Reeolved, that tbe charter of tbia
Frat be drapad In mourning for tbe
apace of 30 day*.
R A B artlett ,
Bootli-Kelly Co Takes Formal
Harrieburg Bulletin: Tueeday Mee-
•ra John F Kelly and George H Kelly,
of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company,
aud Attoraay A C Woedoeek were
here, when the final tranifer of IheHar-
rleburg Lumber Co’a plant to tbe
Bootb-Kelly Co took place. Mr J F
Kally Immediately gave order* for tbe
belt«, aawa and all removable portion*
of tbe machinery to be taken off and
•tored In the tool hoo*e, and thia waa
belDg done Tueeday afternoon.
For tbe paat year, or ever ainee tbe
Bootb-Kelly Co rirwt began negotiating
for tbe parcbaae of thl* plant, tbe eitl-
zen* of Harriiburg have indulged in
much «peculation a* to what the new
owoera Intended doing with tbe prop­
erty. Many rumor* have been circu­
lated m to tbeir plan* and intention*,
but upon Inveatlgatlon they proved to
be rumor* In truth and witbout founda­
Just what diapoaltion will be made
eftbla plant bae not |been definitely
determined upon by tbe manager* et
tbe company, we are reliably informed,
but that tbi* company (with tbe rapid­
ly increasing demand for it* produet,
will in th* near future erect other large
«awmllle, ia an aeeured fact. Whether
Harrlaburg will-b* one of the place*
favored Is ooutlngeut upon clrcumetan-
That ia if tbia company can ob-
f*oi|ltle« here to operate with-
out having to pay exorbitant prices for
the privilege. It la reasonably oertain
that they will put up a big mill here.
They virtually come to us with the
proposition that If the faollilie* are
afforded them they will build a saw«
mill plant In Harrisburg that will em-
ploy a large force of men; and further
that they do not demand a bonus.
Booth—Kelly Co's Dam Being
Repaired—Petition For
A Record Breaker Uncovered Out
in Josephine County.
0S TSt wiaoLiae sgaieg.
Dally Guard July J,
G. Nowete,
ployed on tbe Wendling brancto of tL
Southern Paclflo railroad, met with
terrible aocldent y rate rd ay wblcb win
cripple him fer life.
On the up trip yeeterday fora0000
the train etopped at the aiding a «bort
above Maroela about iq
o’clock to do aome • witching, a oar
had been «witched, and a* Brak*mw
Nowel* wae climbing to tbe top *f u
•et th* brakee a piece of botrd on the
oar which be graeped broke, rawing
him to fall under tbe wheel*. Befor*
be oould get out of the way the whasi*
paaeed over both leg* below tb* kn*e,
mangling and cruahing them in a ho/
rible manner.
Hi* fellow-trainman
tenderly picked him up, placed him on
tbe train and brought him back to
Springfield, at which place he wH
met by a conveyance andRbrought to
Eugene where Dre Paine and Kaykan.
dall gave tbe Injurlee an antlaepti*
him, on the northboand
train for Portland where he wa* taken
to tbe boepital last evening.
Late laat night word waa receivtd
that the operation for tbe amputation
of tbe feet waa performed and that Mr
Nowle* bad itood the operation very
well. Th* left leg wm amputated Jeet
below t he knee and the right juet
above tbe ankle.
Tbe unfortunate man resided at Co­
burg wbere bi* folk* al*o lived. He I*
a married man, bl* wife leaving on
tbl* morning’* early train to be at hie
Schedule of Carriers' Trips for
Delivery and Collection.
For tbe benefit of tho*e who g*t
tbeir mail by carrier we publlih a
schedule of the oarrier* tripe, both for
Special to ths Onard.
delivery and collection of mall*, a* fol­
C oburg , July 2.—The flue of M H
G rants P ass , July 3.—A moot re­ low*:
Sklnnar’a residence burned out last
markable rich gold strike has Just been
night aud caused a great dial of ex- !
made in the Pickett Creek district of
First trip—Report, 7:00 a m; leave
Considerable damage
northern Josephine county by George poatofflee, 7:45; return to poatofflo*,
done by airmen cutting through cell­
Collins and Charles Brad ba ry, two 11:45 end, 12:00.
ing, thinking the garret of tbe hoove
miners of Grants Pass.
Thsee men
Second trip—Report, 2:15 p m ; l**v*
was on fire.
have uncovered a vain tha’ is a record- poetoffloe, 2:45; return to poetoflice
The mill dam of the Booth-Kelly Co
breaker in the matter of riohneee. They 4:40; end, 4:45.
at this place le undergoing repairs.
have brought a quantity of the rock
Quite a large hole was washed through
from the strike into thiscity. Much of
laat night, perhaps caused by mu k-
Report 12:00; leave poet­
it is half gold. From all parte of the
rata, and|lt will take several days to re­
office 12:00; return to poetoffloe, 12^5;
vein the gold can be plainly seen.
pair the washout.
The rich find is located on the tum- •rd 12:30.
Second trip—Report 4:45 p m; l*av*
George Moore, tbe night foreman at m|t ot , hlgh rldg, 0vsrlooklBgPiekett
the planing mill, had tbv misfortune Creek and in one of tbe beet placer d la­ poetoffloe, 4:45; return to poatoffle*
te eut bls band quite badly on one of 4rlcts In Josephine county. For this 5:10, end, 5:15.
the planer knives last night.
.reason It has been long expected
O L Parsons Is circulating a petition that a remarkable quartz
for a saloon at this plaee, aleo a remnn- would some day be
•trance is being circulated egalnet the the district Parties previously worked It Benefits Hops, Potatoes and
there, removing a pocket and aban­
Grain—Hay Damaged.
doning the shaft at depth of 12 feet.
Bradbury A Collins relocated the claim
Bally Saar*. July 5
THOSE HOMESTEAD CONTESTS. and went to work In the old abaft.
The oold rain which began Tuaaday
They went down but two feet farther
thoroughly loaked the grooad,
Will Be Renewed—New Affida­ whm they struck the vein, At thia ba*
which wae parched and baked. Th*
shallow depth It has a width of 12 In­
vits Filed.
general opinion among farmer* I* that
ehee and lira between two well da-
more benefit than barm will roiulL
fined walls of serpentine.
lt will be remembered that some
There ie aome bay cut, and thl* 1* be­
Tbe first pan of rock removed from
weak* ago Hubert
H Aniersou (the vein contained over >60 In gold. ing damaged,bnt the opring gialn new
• nd others filed contest* on 40 home­
bae a cbanoe of making a fair crop,
Pieces of quartz were removed the
steads up the McKenzie river. Twelve
while hope, potato*« and all kind* of
size of a hen's egg that contained an
of these were dismissed on technicali­
vegetable« are greatly benefitted.
ounce each of pure gold. Much of the
ties and the matter seemed to be
ledge matter gives returns of 31600 per
W ill I ebtall E lecteic P laet .
dropped for awhile, but word came
ton, while all will run up into the —Beth MoAllster, tbe well known
frorn tbe U 8 land oflloe at Roraburg
electrician, left thl* afternoon for Gold
today that yeeterday afternoon new
Hill, J ack »on county, where he will
affldavito were filed and tbe matter
an electric light plant for
will at once toe takea up again.
Houck Bros of that plac*, for tb* pur­
_______________________ _
pose ef lighting the olty. G*e A
B uffalo B ill CoMtsa-Baker city What We Got in Appropriation By Honck, the well known goal ral»*r of
Herald: "G«o W Fanning, Peter;
Eugene/ I* one of tbe member* ot tb*
Hlelgb, William Roberta, George Rhar-
firm whloh 1* putting In th* plant.
der, L' F Harrla aad W G Legg, a
New R eal E state F irm .- T H
ooterle of bill _____
poattra ______________
In advance of| W ashington , July 3.—’rbs sssslon
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West shows, sr- of conKre" 'vlitoti hM jUit cloeed ae_ Garrett, recently firm Howard, 8 0«
rived In the city early this morning ®0,nPll«bed mueh for the Pacific and Stuart Mateer have formed •
and are at the Sagamore. Haar log an i!orthw««*- Both Oregon and Wash­ partnership te engage in the r»1
advance guard for Ringling’* big off ln,,on h,Te
w«u- For rivers estate bualnee*, Mr Garrett buying ool
cus had reached here a day In advance, *,n<l h,rbor’. Oregon, Ineluding the M L Camptoell. Mr Garrett eotn** <•
Bill’s representatives
Immediately Colou,bl«
nets about 32.539,000 Eugene w*]| recommended a* • A™1
employed teems asd made an on-1 “nJ w“hlngton ever >»«1,600. Tbe claae citizen and tousinee* man, wbll*
• on tbe boards of the surround- Indian bill carried the necessary Mr Mateer io well known a* a me*
log country, working during tbe dark ,ni0UDt fr>r continuing schools and of integrity. The now firm will ■»
hours to beet their rival mountebanks. M^nciee In both states, while minor doubt prosper.
Both aggregations will show here In •PProPr,«l'one were made In tbe sun-
P rompbrous B lue R iver .—A cor­
Aeguvt.” Buffalo Mill’s show Wj|| ^ry civil bill. The Portland poetefflee
appear at Eagan*.
ie aseureti of »200,000 and 310,000 al­ respondent writing the G uard from
f lowed on the eustom house.
tbe Blue River mining district *•/•■
Aside from appropriations Oregon "Evsrythlng hoe a very prraiwoo«
B oh km t a Mi sb ».—Cot tags drove has been exceedingly fortunate in local look about camp. Several small p*r"
Leader: A visit to Bohemia at thia legislation, getting an Indian war lias are doing excellent develop««**
season of ths year cannot but Impress pension hill; tbe Crater Lake National work on the east elope ol Gold Hill M>‘
the visitor with the u-ual amount o Park; authorization of the sale of •11 with »plendld poroibilillee. ILo*
activity meal fated by the eontinoal Vasatlila land«, and relief for Sbermaa River bae a big future, better than IM
The district 1* *xtendlt>«
roar of powder blasts beard on every county settlers, aside from a num- Bohemia.
band dveloptng the various mines. ber of private pension bills.
In clreumteronoe all th* time."
The r ads are fairly well opened and
A R unaway . — Thursday
both tbs stage line and freight teams
H old O ut .—W d Hampton, who
are loaded to their full capacity with reroutly bought out J A Gorton’s dray as Jobs Graham wae driving on* of N
met and supplies for the various and transfer business, bee «old out to J A Skeela’ team* to a haek al 8prtt>(-
e«mrs that ate al-eady in aciiv’ty H Brown, recently from Nebraska. Mr
Aliogether the prraprata for Bohemia ra-b-l'? ‘Vof Henry field the horee* became frightened *o
ran away. The tougne of th* v*b
iXjpU‘“ X‘nlh
i base not been brighter for years
wo* broken ana one of th* bors** *«•
pretty badly cut oa ef bi* ><•