Eugene Weekly Guard CAMI'BKl.l. BHOH , Pr.prt.1or«. ---------- ♦---------- BUG ENF OREGON. Vncle Samuel Well, goodby, Cuby. chance to vindicate himself. Tbe mta Ister of education. General VannovskL tbe one Russian official of high rank who has shown sympathy with reform, has resigned In despair because tbe re­ actionary elemeuts are too strong for him. At tbe other social extreme there have been riots of working u»en. partly on tbelr own account, as an incident of strikes, and partly to eipres* sympathy with tbe student agitation. In tbe southern provinces there have been outbreaks of peasants, aimless and un­ organized, tbe expression ap|*arently of a blind revolt against tbe misery of their tot. In Finland there Is deter­ mined resistance to receut edicts for toe Russianizing of the army. The communal governments have refused to obey tbe edicts, the conscripts sum­ I moned have not responded, and at Hel­ singfors, tbe Finnish capital, there has been street fighting between tbe peo­ ple and the Cossacks. Russia Is a vast empire, and is ruled so autocratically that a revolutionary propaganda en­ counters peculiar difficulties. Tbe press Is censored, and there Is no op­ portunity for public assembly. But these simultaneous den onstrntlons of unrest among different classes of peo­ ple and In widely separated parts of tbe empire tell a story of revolt which Is tbe more pathetic for being seem­ ingly hopeless. I RISE OF THE COLLAR.! puted to wear It In heaven, common mortality did not seize upon It for a practical standard collar until starch had done Its utmost with lawn and EVOLUTION THROUGH VARIOUS other half hearted texture«. It Las the FORM8 TO THI8 DATE. geueral world this year under despotic ; rule. Hin e the rise of tbe linen collar I Began 0,000 Years Ago with Peadenta men bare never rebelled against Its of Uaasaa Basra and fasse Down to rules; women sometimes have, but Just now they are acquiescent.—Chicago Us Through btrlaga of Benda,C'haina, Chrenlcle. BuBeend Hendkerchlefe. BY J. MACLAREN COBBAN. oeirad he posae«^ h died in hi. cUir-gnj excitement, strove J ¿ 'I This he eon id not do i,„. '"’V , nin, geatura be point.1 stretched erm to tha stood and stared open mads m if ha would hT;.'** , him to go. wiip. Birley, holding the door or-n Meinhardt went with, ut » . ridiculous! I had taken partly to my CHAPTER XIV— Continued. Never do anything gratia to-day that confidence the big son of the landlady the old man fell back m hi» l“*u're»4 THE NEIGHBORS NOTICED. some one is likely to pay you to do I bad much ado to keep quiet, but I (a stauu-h Lancashire lad of the old was soon rigid in death As a development of tbe last 6.000 to morrow. breed). With him I went through tbe did mansge to hold my tongue. I had years tbe collar Is. to classify It rough­ Fsatsrs of Bara) Life that City Worn- CHAPTER XVI my oyea fixed on him, however; a» he slides of my story several times, and aa DUllkad. ly. either barbaric or civilised. In tbe Birley remained that nL. “Make room for tbe kicker." It isn't again turned to go. his eyre encountered showed him how to manage them with first class must be ranked such ghast­ Tbe mistress of tbe house and tbe mine, aud, I thought, fall before them. necessary; he generally makes room cottage. When I left to effect. ly groping» after beauty as peudauts guest wbo was stayiug with her beard lodgings I surprised, even »? for himself. In a moment we beard tha door slam The evening came and I was almost of human boues, strings of glass beads a light tap ou the pauel, aud before it moment terrified, to see lights behind him, and Louise sank sobbing The place Albany, N. Y., has refused to accept and ths celluloid anachronism; In tbe could be answered Mrs. Overtbeway into a chair. It took all Birley a efforts sinking under excitement. the stream, hovering about « *** of entertainment was that public hall which I knew was the ten«,,J? 'l’" a Carnegie Ugrary. Alaa, poor An- second, various adorutneuts In gems, pushed the door ajar, peeped lu, push­ and mine to calm her. I think I must drew! He may Lave tu die rlcb after lace aud linen. Between these ex­ ed It wider and entered. Her face was hare become rery much engrossed with in which Freeman had de ivered his ol Mr. Lacroix. In the tremes. winding Into each and having anxious, but It beamed relief as she my own efforts, for when st length famous lecture The kind of th ng was I presently taw figure-; Ihs.3 all. rather new in the tillage, and lhere some of tbe qualities of each, may was met by a cheerful greeting. Louise sat composed and I turned to w as a crow-led attendance of work peo­ too—the sounds of a pickaxe Readers of tbe Bible will remember be named th« collar of mediaeval aud "Well, now, Mrs. Whitehouse. I guess Birley, Birley was gone. "They are breaking into ple, especially of Steinhardt s own. I exclaimed to myself, and rre^?’’ that Ezekiel loug ago sounded a warn­ molern knighthood, the knotted neck­ there Isu't anything wrong, after all," “ You will not leave me, ” she said, Steinhardt, with bis wife and son. sat ing to “them that dwell carelessly in erchief of the bandit, tbe cbalu of she said, settling iuto au easy rocking- I laying bar hand on mine, till he right in front, where the reflectioon would go and see. the Isles." servitude and tbe baiter of punish­ chair. “But Sister Almira and I were I hurriedly picked mv way from the sheet fell full upon him. the place. About the fallen,.^* back?” ment getting kind o’ worried, and Almira comes A man got ninety days for stealing That touch precipitated feeling in When the lights were turned, some out Humanity has ever shown a strong thought I'd better run over aud find an umbrella. Tbe man w hose shade Is me, and the confession which I had not and others low, Freeman and I crept up gigantic tomb-slab of I.a< roix impulse to bedeck Its neck. Civiliza­ out, anyhow. lom usually talks as If the crime merit­ intended I should make for some time behind the sheet, where I waited with brawny pickman, naked to th. niCt“ tion must not claim a regard for the was hewing at—there .tosi la “ You bad three extra sheets on the yet. Considering tlie highly wrought ed ninety years. collar as Its peculiar development, for line Tuesday, and next day morning­ condition of the nerves of both of us, I trembling pulse and sudden creeping stolid expectation, a crowd of thi!/*1' chills till the, to me, uninteresting barbarism gives phenomenal promi­ well, It was pretty foggy and we do not think it is surprising that we forty men and lads, with two or 7* •Tull Tight" postoffice in Shannon nence to tbe adornment, informal bls- couldn't be sure, but we thought it should then have opened our hearts to part of the entertainment came to an women with shawls over their 1 County, Missouri, has been discon­ end. The curate acted as lecturer, and tory, not yet tweuty years old. has was the doctor's buggy stopped at tbe Many of the men were in th. ' tinued and mall for that point will In each other. explained with fluency what the views ! recorded tbe unaffected surprise of the end door; and we haven’t seen any- J ''r’s “I wish,” I said, “that I need never meant, or told something about the garb of the chemical work» future go to luk. The drift of young men toward tbe 1 Ills neck as tbe Insignia of power. Tbe kitchen door or the back hall; and some at Blackpool.” old man, whom I recognized „ ? oruament was probably harmless as "And do you think, ” I urged, ‘ that people are sensitive about such things, attitude of quarrel, surrounded by col ­ of engineering these technical schools if I told that heiress how I loved her, ored vapors. Council Bluffs Nonpareil thinks this have arranged their curricula with ref­ far aa Joseph was concerned, but It set so we didn't know. Tlie second followed father of the man to whose death bed I thing of Cornelius Vanderbilt Introduc­ erence to teaching the largest amount a perilous faahlon. Eight centuries la­ “There were tbe Joneses, now; they how I had loved her and thought of her quickly without a word of explanation; had been summoned month» belo: ing the fashion of wearing gold but­ of science and engineering that can be ter we find Isaiah lamenting over “tbe Just wouldn't have a scarlet-fever card from the first moment I had seen her, the same two men—the one half suffo­ “A’m thinking thia that you’ve »bo,, tons for evening dress suits is carrylug compressed Into the time at the stu­ chains and the bracelets and the muf­ on tbelr front door—said It made them before I guessed that she might be an cated, struggling to get out of a vat or tonight in th’ pictures is th’ satnebua. nesa as my lad raved about. tbe gold standard too far. dent's disposal. The schools have flers” with which the daughters of feel disgraced, t>elng placarded that heiress—do you think if I said that, it. bath of vapors, while the other, with So my connection with ths picture, would only be became I expected she mouth muffled, held him down. Still found ft necessary to omit from tbelr Jerusalem were frivolously adorning way lu tbe face and eyes of all Main had been discovered. That man and woman, aged 77 and courses many studies which were for­ tbemxelves. As for three famous dames street. They took It down and tacked would be rich one day?” no word of explanation. Rapidly In silence the hewer picked tbe “oh, I do uot think that at all! | came the third picture—the man one 75 respectively, who were forced to merly regarded as essential to a lib­ of myth aud poetry- Helen, Penelope. It on the kitchen dr lustead, aud elope for the purpose of getting mar­ eral education. Chief among these are Clytemneatra they doubtlews shone at when the board put it back, why, they But,” she said, looking up with a lying dead aud dyed before the other, bricks loose, pausing now and then » ried, may well say: “And, oh laird, the languages and English composition. home In Jeweled necklaces, while their Just took It down again. It was a bright, uncertain smile (which was so and beside an open box. Awful whis­ let a comrade throw the debri» ,i:i, save us from the wrath of our children That this Is a serious defect lu techni­ lords gleamed up and dowu tbe road In back and forth fight over that bit of winning!—so ravishing!) “but I am pers began to Btir among the spectators, Soon a apace was cleared, and hsbenj not an heiress.” who were the more impressed no doubt carefully to pick into and loom tbe and our children’s children.” cal school training Is now becoming collars of mall. It may be here added red card board all one week, and 'most “You guess, then, it is you I would by the silence amid which tbe pictures eoil. A shovel was brought into rem;, thut uecklaces are Interwoven with tbe ended In a lawsuit. No, It didn't seem manifest In all branches of modern en­ Tlie opinion of a clergyman that the gineering. and. singularly euough, tbe legendary tragedies of Queen Guine­ like your folks to act that way; but say this to?—that it is you I love and appeared. I ventured to peep at Stein- aition, and the earth and rubbi-h i-, And the old venti!- earthquakes are the death throes of technical Journals are tbe first to rec­ vere and the glossy throated Isolde, then I'd always been In the habit of have ever thought of?” hard ; he was gazing fixedly, with part­ thrown aside. ating cowl overhead kept grindirè She trembled violently (dear fluttered ed lips. Katau la encouraging. It Is to be re­ ognize it and to call attention to It. and with the modern tragedy of Marie thinking the Joneses had sense, too. The fourth picture called heart!) but I still held her hand. gretted, however, that the old rebel The benefits to be derived from a study Antoinette. forth an instantaneous cry of horror; it stiffly and slowly about, with p»infg There’s no telling till th. test comes. "I did not guess,” she murmured, was, perhaps, too realistic. The dead long-drawn moans, as if it were o» Pictorial representations of Greece In So there Isn't anybody enjoying less has been so loug dylug. EartbquaKes of modern languages by those who are “until he made me think of it at Black­ body lay stripped and quartered liefora pressed with the spirit of the scene. have beeu known for thousands of preparing for a profession, much of tbe Its prime allow a general scoru of the good health than common? Almira'll pool. Then I understood why you had the living man, who stooped over it. I “I've struck on aummat!” exdaitad collar as If statesmen aud orators years. be real glad, and so'm I. We'd have been so very good to me, and I —’’ literature of which la written In other the hewer, pauaing abruptly and »put fancied that at this sight I heard a low languages than that spoken by the stu­ would not allow any hamper whatever offered to help If there had been. We've “What, Louise? What, dear?” I moan from the front bench, but on ing in a hurried whisper Another woman killer has had the put upon their eloquent throats. But had all the usual diseases." dent, would seem to be plainly obvious. Several hands were now tearing it urged. grace to blow the top off his own bead glancing at Steinhardt I saw him sit­ When sbe bad gone tbe visitor burst But If instruction In foreign languages Macedon near at hand, and Rome not ".'hen I—I think,” she faltered, “I ting as before, as if fixed as much by the soil, and fearfully sounding it. after shootlug bls victim. The actlou lar away, were, even then, forging a out laughing. “ 'Three extra sheets!’ ” began to— !»o not make me say it!” must be dispensed with, the acquire­ “I feel a clout,” whispered one mu, Is, of course, no amends for tbe mur­ utter astonishment as by horror. The ment of ability to speak and write the chain of servitude for the Hellenic sbe quoted. "Well, 1 believe In neigh­ “To love me a little?” I asked. next picture rapidly blotted out the and he began to tug at it. der. but It at least saves decent peo- ueck. borliness, but there's a point where I English language clearly, concisely aud “Ah,” I exclaimed in alarm, " to , ple tbe trouble ami expense of bang grureomenesi of the other; the jMirtions Chivalry made a man an esquire by draw a line—and It's the wash-line. “Do, do say it.” logically would seem to be of tbe first “Yes,” she whispered. Her face mustn ’t disturb them—not tonight at in/ the assassin. Tbe example la com­ of the body lay wrapped in three can ­ Importance to engineers. A man may Investing blm with collar and spurs. Don’t you hate to live under such a was hid against my shoulder, and my least!” mended to gentlemen who contemplate vas packages, and the man stood by as To these equipments were added, in scrutiny as that?” lie an expert In some department of en­ arms were aliout her before she added if pondering. Quickly came the next; "Yea, parson,” said the man,''1® murdering their wives. gineering and may have a most com the case of the fullgrowu knight, tin The answer came with a laugh, but —“but not little—very much!" the man digging near a ruined build­ we num. We mun see which on w it entire shell of metal. In the develop ­ píete knowledge of bls subject, but It was given In earnest: It was some momenta before either ing, with the three packages by him. is he’s done for like this. There’s Jim A sociological expert Is Inclined to without the ability to Impart his ld<-as ment of honorary knighthood the col­ “No, I like it. 1 used to hate It, and of us spoke again. “Tli’ owd spinning mill!” some one Riley gons missing, and Job Kersb»,." believe that society should facilitate to others In good English he suffers a lar has been a conspicuous badge of If they took what they saw as a text “Do you think,” she said at length, exclaimed aloud; I had not thought the tbe process of evolution by killing off severe handicap. Says the Electrical ornament. for malicious comment it w ould be dif­ ‘it is right that we should have said (To bo continuel) The sixteenth century may be taken ferent; I should hate it still. But after these things at such a time?—when we resemblance was so recognizable. That people wbo are unlit to live, Tbe pro- Review: “The value of an engineering feasor, of course, means ouly the pbysl report does not depend so much upon as the boundary between the ancient a winter we s|>et>t In a strange city do not yet know anything certain about was almost immediately succeeded by the same view of the mill, with the WANTEO TO CLIMB THE GATE, rally unfit. If be included people too the erudition and the fnmillarlty with aud the modern collar. When Henry where no one knew or cared what we my dear, dear father?” mean to live the undertakers would the subject exhibited by the engineer II. of the house of tbe Italian ruff. did, or what happened, aud when we "Louise,” I answered, “darling. I packages gone, the hole lltles and religion through ! getting back to the ueighltors' notice est pang of pain. But I think I ought which passed over the top of the wall. “The devil!” exclaimed Steinhardt, tloner. show logically the origin of bls deduc­ four reigns those of her husband and was Just a lovely part of coming borne. to say at once, dear, that you must give They are telling a story in Wuhitf But he up the hope that you have clung to, I starting suddenly to his feet. tions. aud to Impress others with his her three weak sons, Frauds II.. I Of all the thousands living In St. conclusions. It Is precisely this art Charles IX. and Henry III. aud with I'm not made that way myself; 1 don't know, in secret, that you might after recollected himself, and sat down again. ton about the new secretary of the navy. Mr. Moody was riding ononeof Pierre but a moment before the de­ w hich lias been neglected. Facility In her ruled the ruff. It Is Impossible to - watch tbelr wash-lines nor count their all find your father alive. He does At once the last picture of all fla-hed the Boston surface cars, and was stand- sheets; but they may lean over my struction of the city, only one person think of tbls woman whether her not live, I am sure now—indeed I may upon the sheet; the wall lay flat on the the use of language Is a tool In tbe lived after the tempest of flame had hands of a competent man with which head Is lifted toward the heavens lu fence In rows and Inspect every frayed say 1 as good as know where he lies ground, and the man stood by with tlie ing on the platform on the side wit I the gate that protected passenger» frots passed. When searchers went Into tbe be can accomplish much. Mere knowl­ the study of the stars or tient toward napkin and torn pillow case 1 own, If buried, though I must not tell you loose rope in his hand! care coming on the ether track, i they want to, as long as 1 know it midst of that appalling scene of death tbe earth In the mixing of poisons — more at present. All we can hope to edge without thia facility ia practically Up started Steinhardt, and strode lady—a Boston lady—came to the door means they care ami when we want and desolation, they found In a stone do then, darling, is to give him a de­ down the room, amid an ominous of the cur, and, as it stopped, started» useless." The technical school, how­ without an Investment of Medici col cell of the Jail, alive and unhurt, a ever, Is not alone tn the matter of de­ lar. Spain adopted the fashion with them, they'll help.” That Is the difference Indeed. In a cent resting place. Then we shall go silence, to where the big Dick stood by move toward the gate, whit h was bid­ negro murderer, chained to the wall, ficient training In English. A similar gravity and comparative moderation. away out of this terrible region of his apparatus. den from her by the man standing be­ small place, where liappenlugs are few, where he awaited the execution of the complaint Is lodged against the high Euglaud first eyed It as a vice, then money grubbing, of horrible toiling the frank Inqulsiftveueas of friendly “W here the devil,” I heard him ex­ fore it. death sentence of the law. When re- schools and colleges. It Is gratifying endured It—then let It embrace her. and moiling in smoke and steam and “Other side, please, lady,’’ said the people Is a thing to count as part of claim, “d d those horrible pictures lrased he ruse and tied. lad. tbe right­ to note, however, that the engineering In tbe reign of Queen Elizabeth the the comedy of life, and meet with a poisonous vapors, where the eye cannot come from? They were not among the conductor. He was ignored as only i eous man, was saved out of Sodom. Journals are Joinlug vigorously In tbe lairln ruff attained Its greatest Anglo- rest upon one single spot of nature tin- born ami bred Bostonian can ignore» A murderer was saved out of 8t. general appeal for a more thorough and Saxon proportions The gallants and laugh. It la only the Inquisitiveness abused—we shall go away to a place loti bought! Come, nod—d nonsense! that Is spiteful, or that pries Into mat­ where the people are poorer and milder, You must tell me where you got them. man. The lady took another step » Pierre. ladles who gathered around Heury III., ters where privacy Is known to be tle- exact training tn English expression. ward the gate. Wbo gave them to you? wort- wire framed ruffs one third of a sired, that a sensible person will re- where we may see clear skies and “You must get off the other side," There was now a w ild hubbub of During a tire lu a largo apartment pure water, and trees and flowers bright yard deep, but Elizabethans were, as sent.—Youth's Companion. In Washington. talk. Dick. I was sure, had refused to said the conductor. house in Chicago receuily, n child of and wholesome. Won ’t that be a wel ­ “I wish to get off on this side,"Mt “Sir." cried the disorderly Individual n rule, content with a spread of one- 0 years old was seeu emerging from come cnange?—and to get away from tell him anything aliout them. In the the answer, in tones that c- n.-eiled tbs quarter of a yard. As may lie tiling The Original Mr. ^queers. midst of this the lights flashed forth tbe burning building, bolding a caged wbo had refused to pay his fare, "do the constant talk of ‘brass.’ ” Ined. courtiers French and English- official into momentary silence. 1» The thoughtlessness of write: in canary lu oue baud aud (be family cat you know who I am?" “Oh, yes," she exclaimed “that will again, and the people began slowly to fore he could either explain or export» found Irauquetlng an Inconvenient caricaturing people for grotesque pur­ “ Rend me your name and address by disperse, with hushed but earnest and het skirt lu the other. The crowd be sweet. I et us go — do let us go as pleasure. Iaing handled spoons came poses in their novels has been thmet ing for our dear a wide door. a time “ tbe stately arches of pride ” remarked quietly. “The lady wants» aisle of the car. ing to sensitive persons. Both Dick ­ I went straight to Jaques ’ s cottage. fully drilled by tier father, with re uncle Birley I We shall do something “I'm a l ulled States Senator, air!” stood up. three or four deep, supported ens and Thackeray sinned in tbls re­ for him—shall we not?” There I found Birley. In low. anxious climb over the gate.”—New I*1 pealid practice, what to do lu ease of Orc. On bearing tbe alarm she Itad shrieked tbe disorderly oue. “You are by what a satirist of the nge called spect Tbe grossest Injury which We were thus talkirg when ‘blear voice« we liegan to discuss what would Times. Jumped out of lied, calmly picked out Insultlug and assaultlug tbe majesty of “a master devil ruff" a frill stiffened Dickens ever inflicted on a fellow be- Uncle Birley” came in. He probably he (meaning Steinhardt) do now. Sent to Coaferenct Commit««. with gold, silver, lace and Jewels. If lng was his too accurate i>ortralt of her beat clothes, put them on, aud the government, fellow!" su»|>ected the understanding we had Louise wished she ha.I l-een there, and Gen. Grosvenor had just been till­ tlie aatanlc aupjrort could not lie af Birley had just eaid it was as well she The conductor grimly smiled as he an Innocent man In Squeers. That come to, but, like a kind and discreet made her exit deceutly and In good or­ 1 forded the ruffs were fastened to the Yorkshire schoolmasters were, as a old gentleman aa he is, he said nothin« had not, when a lieavv foot rapidly ap­ ing a story. When he reached therw der, bearing her own particular treas­ balanced his victim on the lower step I ears or allowed to fall over the shoul­ rule, cruel and wicked enough It Is then. proached, the iatcli was noisily raised, max he paused expectantly, but nvX' ures with her. A better than Casa of the platform. "You’re the twenty third Senator I’ve ders like windmill sails. “Everybody true. But tbe particular schoolmaster, blauca la here! “Wondered where I’ve been, have the door was das! ed open, and Stein« laughed. They looked at him in «re proachfnl manner, and the gen-rv. had to eject to day," he said as he let will have them." mourns tbe satirist, who was recognized and who recog­ yon? Well, lad, I’ve just walked down hard stood before us. "Soh!” he exclaimed,glaring at Bir­ with some irritation, tartly explsu*1 Tbe cry of frenzied and panic-strick­ the stranger gently slide onto the pave­ "whether they esn afford them or not. nized himself as the original of to thy lodgings to tell th* old woman They tifS en Inhabitants of the island of Mar ment. “And It strikes me that tbe old No |>eople la so curious In new fan Squeers, « tiui to have been an ex­ she may go to l-ed, for thou'rt to stay ley and me, "I have found you, sneaks the point of the joke. gles." And thru lie adds, mor« seri­ eeptlon to the rule, it will be rvmem- here the rest of this night—the last and. cowards! Yon think' w ith your laughed, but it was an effort, and ’*0' Unique to Ire taken away Is met by the gag Is a little overworked." Then with one hand on the bell rope ously: “Monstrous ruffs three steps bered that Dickens and bis Illustrator night but one, very likely, that I sha.l fool’s tricks ami your pictures you will ator Favre said: determination of the French Govern “Grosvenor, you are deteriorxtiM and a half to the devil! God tie merci­ traveled together to the north of En­ be here myselfl” annoy me, and spoil me! Pi'ff! Yon meut to evacuate tbe Island entirely. he poked his head Into tbe car. ate nothing! — you Formerly anyone could see your ;--w ful unto ns!" are beggars' — you "Any more Senators to get off here?" A tear glistened in his eye, and a gland for tbe purpose of collecting ma­ Nature has triumphed over man. lu Ruffs were first made of holland. but terial for "Nickleby.’’ and especially lump rose into bis throat; but, after a are dirt! I will have you. Sir Parson, after one application.” the long tight between tbe two tbe for he politely Inquired.—Cleveland Plain “Yes,” replied the crestfallen or» this fabric yielded to lawn and cam for the Dotbeboys episode. At Great momentary pause, he talked on, aud arrested for making calumnious chargee mer lias treen put under contribution to Dealer. venor, abjectly, “and now they b»'** brie when starch was brought Into Kn H^ainst me! ” How in his fury had he these signs of emotion disappeared. ' Bridge they visited a tmardlng school the latter. It has been held down, re­ be sent to a conference conuaill*"' gland. It was In 1504 that Mrs. Wing known as Bowes Academy. The mas­ An Inffrnloua Keesee. We soon went to tied, bnt I think no committed himself! pressed. made a slave. As If tn re­ “Herr Steinhardt,” raid I, at once, New York Times. Gsncral William T. Sherman was ham. a Firm lug, came to Ixmdou as a ter. William Shaw, received the stran­ one of the three slept much. venge, It appears to claim one regiou starcher of ruffs aud a teacher of the gers with some hauteur, aud did not In tbe course of an intimate talk "the pictures, so far as I heard, were for Its own. Thus far shall thou go aud fond of relating the following story; E ay land'» M nt. art. She drew around her largo classes as much as withdraw his eyes from with Louise which I had that Sun lav unaccompanied by a single w.,rd of "When I was with the army In Geor ­ no farther, says recalcitrant nature, Some striking details of the op** of pupils, and as she charged <5 per the «iteration of pen maklug during the I learned bow near I had been to losing comment, except what thev drew from gia, a slave-owner ataiut Christ man and man. terrorised, submits. But If the jeople, and no one could «ay that tions of the mint are given in the ci­ pupil, with an additional fee of 20 this land Is given up. may not the time missed a tine fat turkey. He sus shillings for Instruction in “seething Interview, "l’hlz" sketched him In the her while sbe was at Blackpool, where the figures represented were likeness« « mate f >t the coming finaru’i*! '*» pected a good looking mulatto, and or ­ her vigilant duenna had been a hard, act "Boz" described tbe acL The per- people of other Islands In the voleantc But vour guilty, black heart has charged The profit on silver and b'-.nze-■ **’ the starch." she found her handicraft soual peculiarities of William Shaw faithful ol-l German servant of Stein- you. A, it „ya, i „ay. ».Yoo are the belt also give up the struggle and evac­ dered the mau to l»e brought tieforv profitable. is estimated to be the same as I»'1 hardt's. It was only gradually that I him. ’ You have stolen my turkey and were recognized In Squeera. Yet there uate. Every Island In the Windward In the reign of James 1. the ruff con got to know all the anxie’y, and even nmrlererof your partner, Mr. Lacroix namely, 800,000 pounds, wi-if eaten It!* said the Irate plauter. Toe Is abundant evidence to prove that he group Is subject to a like visitation traded Its circumference somewhat, terror, of those days of detention and and his remains will now be found se­ lose on worn c«dns withdrawn fron-^ and throughout the West Indies a stm not gwlne to say 1 didn’t when you and then It assumed a rewOfled form was a really excel'eut and kind heart­ surveillance, but that day I beard to curely lo< ked, w hence you can’t remove culation, is expected to an nt says I did. massa ' *1 ought to have you liar doom impends, la nature going known as the "band"—a wide, stiff col ed man. wbo was made to suffer for my horror that the poor girl had been them, under that fallen wall!” 000 pounds, a» against fiO.ddO , flogged. What have you to say why tbe misdeeds of his neighbors. to rial tn one district for Its ewn Hi- jaw dfvppad, sn 1 his great body last year. The gold coinage ref lar, horizontal and square, starched, so wrought uj«>n bv Meinhardt's repre­ I should not punish you?* 'Well, nias where It may mutter and spit upon tbe wires! and edged with lace. sentations of her duty to her fathei trembled fora moment, then as with s a lose of 5.000 pounds. Tbe Throw <\>ld Waler on Him. earth to Its content? And will t he day sa. yon haln't lost anything |>artlcular ('barleo I. Introduced to bls courtiers A titled lady warned her gardener of the l-enionsneas of refusing to fulfil' sudden impulse of fury he made s» if preparing and engravinj the ever come when matt shall control Its You see. you has a little less turkey a plctnrsoque collar of point lace, with what (Steinhardt declared) had teen he would crunch me with s bearish seals is put at 2,000 pound» - subterranean wrath even In those beau and a good deal more Bigger!* And the Van Dyke points and Henrietta Marla that her husband bad an Irritating his frequently expressed wish, that she '"'». wl.en Birley came lietween us. Daily News. master was compelled to acknowledge habit of disparaging everything be ttful but stricken Islands of the sea? “Come, 'Manuel, none of that As j the philosophy of the slave and let him to her ladles a neck kerchief. To thee«- saw In the greeuhouse. and of order­ was on the point of accepting Frank for Where Brenie 1» »«*»■ fashions cavaliers dung through the I told you. yon'e not vet d--ne with law ' ing, In a recklesa manner, new plauta a hiifl-and, when he and his father were Recently two attempts were made to go unw blpped.” An ast -nishing de- reise in th' civil war and the severe years of the and Lancashire. You'd better called away, the one home and the to be bought kill the chief of pollcw of Moscow. commonwealth. home, or go to onr experiments ” other to Loudon. sile strength and ductility '* Z tsing Post|«l. "Hut on no account humor him," she Three shots were fired at the governor­ Charles It. adopted "the neckcloth." temperature« above 400 egr*» * , Helen of Troy was admiring a new me general of Waraaw. and tbe minister girdle given by her lover. CHAPTER XV. or cravat, with ends of lace Tbe style said. "Whatever be says, throw cold , .¿W .hat "’’■•P of have von heit has been reported by I’m' < water on him. or be will ruin ns with of tbe Interior was areasalnated at Rt of Stuttgart. With an alley0' ■■ As I recall the final episodes of mv of the ridiculous charge you make'. d” “You don’t think that horrid thing be was an expensive one. to Judge from a hla extravagance." •For one thin« I haveproof that Mr. cent copper, 4 of zinc and ■' 1’eten burg All tbewe crimes w ere coming?” asked one of her maids; “it’s royal entry of coot "i2U 10 shillings ( story so far as they concern the arch'- At thia point tbe new gardener turn­ comml'ted by students or by tbelr not at all tbe style." l-acrojx, bef, re he went to von at the these properties were re-I'i<*'*^ •’ q for ernvat to be worn on the birthday villain Meinhardt. I am m affw te-1 ed on her a white and atartled face. wo’*«. called here to s, his old per cent at 400 degrees, bul^ • friends, aud tnay ue Interpreted aa a "Ok. you're very muck mlsfaken," re­ of my deer brother." Thia outlay "Ma'am.” be asked. "If he orders wtth a shuddering horror that I scarce uncle. “ j reaponse to the sei ere tm-asurea re­ plied tbe beautiful prlueess, “this Is the seems to Justify au early deflnitloa of write tnribiy. Yet they have such a jer cent at flOO <1 rgees. TbM tbe * * > "Soh! Has the old idiot found cently taken by tbe government against latest thing from Fa ria!” the word "cravat” namely, “a hand me to pitch every plant In tbe place faaciration that I am drawn to the de ery suggests caution in hl. .jrtsA on tbe rubbish heap, I shan't ever have tongue at last then?” student agitators. How »evere there bronze for engine parts tn « Ro obtuse, howevsr, was tbe Trojan some, gracious, new fashioned gour tbe pluck to douse him In cold water. eenption of the*, to the risk of omit- We wo all amazed, Meinhardt maesurea «re la tudlcsted by the fact mind that It failed to are the point get ” ting ore or two matters of quieter inter­ superheated steam. as that In Moecow al< e six hundred stu and the straight front corset did not IJnen as a fabric for neckwear came Won't It do Just as well If I get a est, which are vet vital to my etorv much as any, at the electrical effect of drain of warm water ont of the boiler dents Lave i-«en coudrmne|.T this upon the old man. I had casually Sped al Ch-la**«* ( -me Into vogne for S.-»»» years. New tato use very tardily, considering Its and let It trickle gently down bit Three I most dispw of. rille or Imprisonment The precess la York Mun and Thursday passed away, an.] the noticed antiquity and that It ever at band - , „ throughout , - -------- tbe «cena that he The first Tagalag-Engli-i * ( b * neckr ____ Friday arrived, which tu think of even had eagerly though painfully listened liab-Tagalof dicti- nary has 1 that known aa “administrative order." for experlmeat. It would seem that, that la. a simple police bearing la When tm undertaker looks sympa now mskee me tremble. It wee a dar , " •'»"‘«n »ith fright, a. if I , conrpletwl. It is the »,,rk . t thonrh tbe rich wore tbe fabric with Which tbe prison act used has small their purple and though salata were rw tbetlc. 0« one belie« es that be feels It Ing experiment we were about to at- Stomple of New York, who • ‘ — I, and so very iittie would make it to hU ,ul1 height tbe Tagalog grammar bef- N height which I eould not bava coa- with bpain. Take keer o’ yourself.