Eugene Weekly Guard. The functions of that mysterious thing We call life esunot tie resolved by s tub«. Kcieocv baa got no nearer than the Bible > statement that God made man and breathed I Into him the breath IT IS NO LONGER DIFFICULT TO GET A POLICY. of life. ♦ t ASI IIXI.I EUGENE lillOS., I*r<>l>rlelura. ....OREGON. • t f ALL MAY BE INSURED'7^ ‘7. cles that peeped from tbe coat sleeve - next her. Nevertheless tbe man was glad when he got away from her Argus eyee. and now be s keeping tbe cuffs as a proof that be’s as resourceful as any woman when It's necessary to be.—Baltimore News. HERR STEINHARDTS c 1 BY I. MACLAREN COBBAN. large mill ru ruin», "That is mi is unlucky, If once one of tli< ing many pt burned, all ii« years.” “Aii'i t'«l to its w. rk -------- me. “You hi — I »aid— •What?” I related what i “Have you head­ glancing from one No; None of tht “I must »ee to i -tirre.l M if h«- wo but he added, J rA > > One of the questions uow engaging literally | tbe atteutiou of practical educator» Is tbe establUhmeiit of free high schools ELEVEN MILLION8 IN GOLD. for rural pupil» Much school* exist In An Honest man may be the noblest all citlaa aud town* of auy »lze, but It INTRODUCTION. And still as I looked anti thought of Greatest Amount of Bullion Ever Car­ w ork ot God. but the self made man la tin* only beeq lu recent year* that they My name is Unwin—Gerald I nwin. this the 1*11 tower of the ruined ru l ried in a ttingle VeaaeL [ There is a saying current In life In ­ rather inclined to doubt It. 1 have beguu to b« e*tabil»bed lu rural "I notice that the newspapers bavo “Rev. Gerald Unwin, B. A.,” I am before me fell »ith » loud ‘ communities Until they *hall b« gen­ surance circle* to tbe effect that uotu- recently spoken of the carrying of »7.- i usually styled on the backs of envel­ there uprose into the air to miniitie A university student s|x>ke <>f him­ erally entabllabed our free school *ya- lug but an autopsy makvas a man lu- 0UU.00U of bullion to a foreign country opes; for, though I have laid aside cler­ with the other sounds the frantic self a* the chiropodist of his class be­ tern will be defective. Several of the ¿eligible for life Insurance today. Only by one of the ocean liners as the great­ ical duties, for the present at least, 1 screaming of pigs and neighing ol cause be WU so often ut tbe fout. State* ure moving on this line with ! a few year* ago th* list of tbe Ineligi­ est amount ever transported.” said a am still in orders. Now that I enjoy horses. I was not surprised; 1 «as I ble waa a long one aud a boat of occu ­ different degree* of succeM. though all bas been with the navy for leisure and the ab»enortation of mountable bars. Now, there 1* Just treasury In Washington Jll.OOO.OUO, strange narrative of event and experi­ slope by a rough path, and found the ence which, in the Providence of God, road into the valley and the village. I | pupil* at cost. Other Staten lu which : one profession to whose follower* an and It was brought tn a steamer. In the drawing nsini, 8». ^■^■1 A Boston man 3fi years of age who the township la tbe unit for taxation Insurance policy Is Inevitably denied, "The government decided to trans- have worked such a change in mv con­ heard voices and saw a dim crowd o struck with 11.<• altered n<«« 1 Wl eloped with a woman who Is past 70 eveu by tbe most liberal companies. dition. I promised myself and my people about the ruined mill, but the and school purpose* have adopted law* port »15.000.000 from New Orleans. It family in tiic temporary says he married her for her mouey. |M>rmltting townabips to establish high The submarine diver must go unin­ was tlrst thought best to bring it by friends some months ago that I would stream, black and evil-smelling, «as head. Mrs. Steinhardt wy°rt** >| Only Ills candor Is surprising. »ehools at convenient central locations sured. He enjoy* tbe rather depress­ rail, but this was assuming a great do this, but until now I could not bind between me an«i it, and I had perforie and kind—even motherly; i . ' er. K ing distinction of tielonging to tbe only myself to my desk; I have had too It may be true, it» Mr. Carnegie say». In some case* town*lilp* have eatab- profession which I* considered too haz­ risk. The cabinet discussed the matter much other occupation, desultory, per­ , to let my curiosity wait. I continued off his awkwardness and ahyne»» ■ ll*h<*rtatloti of pupil* at public er. The members of the cabinet aaw wife. Yet that is the very reason why mill toward the mouth of the valley and very bright and winsome. Yet, ter the effect rather than the cause? ■ Before lWlei be bad plenty of corn I close to the high road by which I eipeiiHt- The plan of trauHportlng ru pauy. Now firemen, harbor pilots, po­ that there was a chance for a hold-up my friends in town have jtestered me, should have entered it. I had, as it conversing with her and now observi I ral Hchool children at public expense I* If you see an advertisement asking her (when, for instance, she sat n. I and now grow clamorous to know all licemen. etiglneera. glMMblowers, meu If the money was brought by train. you to send a dollar to learn bow to highly commended where It ha* lieen lu tbe life saving service, bartender»— "The United States ship Swatara was about it. They have been good enough were, let myself in by the back door. Frank at the piano), I could not bI ; Before I was well irfto the village I remark that a look of sadness ovi I beat the races without a failure, dou't tried, on hygienic and educational all those who lead tbe strenuous life first designated to carry the money, but to remind me that, though it is prover­ send It. You will la: told to use coun­ ground* It I* said to lead to better and court an untimely eud. are taken, it was found that she would be inade­ bial clergymen get handsome wives, yet passed an arrangement of low buildings spread her sweet face—of sadness, anl with blank walls to the road, from as of anxiously waiting for something ■whoolbouae*. Iietter attendance, longer terfeit money. quate to transport the whole amount, it is quite out of the common for *0 or­ school years, fewer teacher«, better figuratively speaking, to tbe bosom of so the wooden sailing steamer Yantlc dinary looking a priest a* niyaelf to which came no sound of life or work, or some one—whenever she was left to tbe Insurance companies. Naturally Reginald Vanderbilt has Just come work by pupil* amt good social Influ tbe term* of tlielr policies differ a* the was pressed Into service to help out win a lady so beautiful and dis­ but, instead, the vilest and strangest ber own thought. This expression I futo his |7,.V*l,OtMI and Is feeling as encea. Tlie central graded and high problematical danger of tbeir occupa­ We removed from the Swatara her tinguished as (they are pleased to say) smells that ever offended the sense, was able to account for satisfactorily fine and ns free as the young man who school *y*trm for rural communities tions varies, lu several of tbe larger magazines. The shells from the shell my wife is; and, further, that though and from the midst of which rose a very soon. drop* right Into n fit) Job the minute seems to have sbowu that tile princi­ companies tbe electrical lineman la con room w ere removed, as were also the it has l>ron whispered fine looking cler­ towering chimney that smoked con- We had lieen some time in the draw, sumedly. These, I guessed, were part ple of concentration can be applied he steps out of college. ealls from the sail room, so that all ical tutors have had the audacity to as­ of the chemical works of which I had ing room when the door bell sounded, aldered tbe biggest risk for whom a with a* good results In educational policy la written, but If be Is willing available space was utilized for pack­ pire to ladies of very high rank indeed, heard. I found the rectory at the loud peal, and at once I saw that sub- Home Canadians are claiming that a* In other matter*. I to agree to tbe company’s terms be ing the coin. The only weapon of de­ their aspirations have usually been other end of the village. I did not go titled expression of patient waiting on their Interests are tiring sacrificed by overwhelmed with contumely; and, fense was a Gatling gun. can get bls Insurance. —the rector was in bed ill—but asked Miss Lacroix’i faro Hash up into one ,( I England In an effort to be deferential The young men aud women who Kn lastly, they are consumed with wonder eager expectancy. For a moment »ft, "The money was conveyed from the to be directed to my lodgings. Tbe scale upon which these terms to the United tales. This shows how Into tbe schoolrooms to teach are work mint to the vessels in wagons. A squad that I should have lighted upon a re­ I had some tea and then I prepared to looked at the door with her pale are adjusted differs in tbe various com utterly Impossible It Is to please every­ [ lug. In moat Instances, because of a of secret service officers watched the fined and delicate Frenchwoman in tlie go to dinner at the house of Mr. Em­ gone paler, and listened with quick ear body. mission, not liei-ause a salary day . panic*. The company which was tbe work The two vessels were in tow wilds of Lancashire of all conceivable manuel Steinhardt, one of tlie creators till she heard the voice of tlie visitor cornea once lu a while The lire aud first to adopt the substandard policy, and the trip from New Orleans to the places. Perhaps, they add, with a and lords of the Tophet into which 1 when her eager hope collapsed and sank energy uud devotion of their Ilves are aud la bow tlie most far reaching In Washington nary yard occupied a little touch of sarcasm which I can com­ had entered. He was rector’s church into deeper sadness than before. I used to help children to liecome real tbe carrying out of that policy, adjusts more than four days. Considerable placently endure, I was the only creat­ warden, and I had corresponded with was a rich, cheery voice I heard eon, men and women. It Is effort that tbe extra risk penalty by means of a wind was encountered off Hatteras, ure like a gentleman she had ever seen. him concerning the curacy, and had from tbe hall. But my story is all too terrible and “Is th’ new parson come?” it asked I wears and tortures at times, and yet lieu on tbe policy. Tbe man Insured but otherwise the trip was without In­ made this dinner arrangement a week you seldom hear of a discouraged pays no larger premium than lie would cident. The money was carried from serious to be introduced with persiage. ago. I asked my landlady where I of some one. “That’s Jim,” said Mrs. Steinhardt I 1 m 'I ioo I teacher. Thia woman who uuder ordinary circumstances, but tbe the navy yard to the treasury by an should find Timperley Hall. CHAPTER I. with a laugh—“1117 brother.” I luuglit ill one schoolroom for 5U years agreeiueut Into which be enters pro­ express company. “ Oh, ” said she, looking at me with This, then, was the gentleman who I About two years ago I accepted a cur­ a comical eye of respect, “you’ll be go­ b Ellen M Bruce, of Oswego. N. Y vides that If he dies within a year tbe "The money was In boxes of »2.00» Nolssly down In this direction be­ ' She wa* 24 when on un October day amount of ul* policy Is cut down by each and In bags. My recollection la acy in the village of Timperley, within ing to Muster Steenheart’s?” (so she had come to smoke a pij>e. lieen- I lieves t'aimdn could cleau out the Unit- tered—a tall, stout, ruddy Englishman. I a few miles of a large Lancashire town. ' »he entered the Hchixdroom and faced the amouut which represents the extra ed States in six months. It would take INI boys and girl* Mhe I* 74 now Like risk In lilt case. If lie lives two years, that the money was In stiver dollars, If I had had much choice I would not pronounced the magnate’s name). gone somewhat grey. He at once took I or the greater part of it. for. while un ­ “ He ’ s at th ’ other end o ’ th ’ village on at least four years to argue the south­ nearly nil school teachers, she had her les* Is subtracted When lie has, so to loading at the navy yard, one of the have chosen a cure of souls among mill Shale Brow” (she called it “Brew”). I possession of the room and of the per. I ern part of th........ to a standstill, bit of romance, but she uever married. speak, outlived the amount of the Hen. bags, rotten from being In storage so hands and miners. I would have pre­ “Stop a bit, mon.” She went to the I sons in it. His bright and ample pre* I and there are person, still alive who The Isty who asked iH'rmlsslon to pass his disability I* w iped out and he has long, gave way and a large number of ferred to perform my duties under a door of the room and called, “Dick, ence extinguished the gaudy, gorgeon« I once thought u job of that kind could the water W» years ago called her "Miss bls full policy at regular rates. Other silver dollars were scattered about the clear sky, rather than under a canopy lad, you niun tak’ the parson up to j furniture, and his voice, instinct »¡th I be done in three montlis of smoke; within call of fields and Muster Steenheart’s.” Then turning : humor and un-selr-c >ns iousness.filled I Bruce.” mid lit* children speak of her companies arrange the matter by writ­ wharf. ing tbe policy at the risk rate of a cer­ woods, rather than in a forest of tall see to day as "Our Miss Bruce " You "The Swatara was a historic craft. chimneys and black beads of coal pits. to me, she said, “He’ll tak tha, mon,” the void which usually reigned in that I A magazine writer complains that the tain considerable advance lu years. room. 1 old they care very much for this fine and withdrew. John Surratt was brought back from human senses are grossly Inadequate In tbe matter of physical disability Malta In the Swatara The Prince of But since I was disappointed in my I was amused; and when a minute and Illustrates the ease with the re­ lady who has worn herself out for the hojss of a cure in a certain pleasant vil­ things have changed as radically as (To be continued) mark that "the ear hears little of what good of mankind She might have mar­ in the matter of professional dlsabll Wales, now King Edward, paid her a lage of Sussex, I resolved to go to Tim- or two later she called front the bottom ried. but she felt that tbe children of the stairs, visit once when he was with the Amer­ perley in Lancashire. Is going on around ns By menus of a So when one Ity. Tbe medical examination Is as se­ ican squadron at Vlllefranche In the “Art ready, parson? Th’ lad’s wait- Divorce in Europe. microphone the tread of a tly sounds needed her. that another would not uu vere as ever, aud to obtain n regular Mediterranean. She was then the flag­ dark afternoon of February I alighted ing”— Divorce was established in Germany like the trsmp of cavalry." It would derstand their ways, so she forget* at the nearest station on a branch rail ­ policy a man must pass thia examlna ship. The prince, when he saw her. 1 positively laughed to myself. My in 1875. From 1881 to 1885 the year- not enhance (lie enjoyment of a sum herself and gave up tbe future that way, and asked a fellow passenger, who amusement increased when I saw my ly number of divorces was alsmt 8,000, liter morning imp to udii a microphone makes happiness for most women, and tlou, but a physical condition which asked: looked like a native, and who was hurry ­ guide, a young Hercules in clogs, who while of late years it exceeds 10,000 " 'Is this a yacht or a man-of-war?" ear to a fly's present numerous sdvan- stih k to the liooks and to tbe Job of live years ago would have ma le it Ini ing away, whether he could direct me making good men out of mlachlevou* possible for a man to obtain Insur­ "The Swatara is now in ’rotten row' to Timperley—when I was answered might easily have “taken” me to Tim- In England divorce was established ii tagea. iMtys. ami grand women out of awk ance now merely means that lie must In the navy yard at San Francisco, with a curt "Noa,” I was not discon­ perley Hall and farther under his arm. 1857. During the years 1858-1Mi th Timperley Hall I discovered over­ annual number was about 200; in 1884 In spite of war ubroad and taxe* at ward glrla. Here Is what alie says: secure a substandard policy. He can waiting to be surveyed. The »11,000,- certed. I received a somewhat unin­ home, Great Britain found something I have been happy In my work. 1 get hla Insurance If be I* willing to 000 carried by the Swatara from New telligible direction from a station por- looked the valley from the side oppo­ ■bout 550; in 1898 aliout 850. It to be thankful for fast year A lamdon have taught more than 3.IMX) boys and pay liberally for the extra risk tlie Orleans to Washington was the great­ ter, and leaving orders concerning my site to that from which I had first Austria, where only non-Catholics at periodical, soberly noting 1 that ’ the girl*, and most of them have liecome company Is taking. Of course there 1* est amount of money ever carried by a luggage, I went out into the dark and viewed it. Soon I was in its drawing apply for a divorce, the number of de room, shaking hands with Mr. (or mantis for divorce increased 25 [tered malic plant from America" ' lias long gooil men nml women. I have never a limit to this possibility. Men ore.’ single craft." Washington Star. the drizzle to walk to Tinq>erley. lieen grown In English garden* "for seen a child who was not worth ef- OU year* of nge are seldom Insured nil I tramped for half a mile or so along Herr) Emmanuel Steinhardt; for I saw in four years, and in Belgium about» purpose ' observes that fort on the part of the teacher, I had less condition* are ami the decorative purposes NEVER QUOTES THEM RIGHT. . a well paved road, and then (according at once that he was of pure Teutonic per cent in four years. "for eating III the green state the coba faith In my flrnt class, and It le un thing la considered a "gilt edged risk " to direction, I thought) I turned down breed, and I heard, when he had spoken now find a growing demand at the dimmiHl to-day. a* I look at tbe faces Men In the most advanced »¡ages <>l Trite Sayings tfast Are Seldom Correct­ a narrow lane between a hedge and a a few words, that he must have spent Hard on the Cook. ly Reproduced in Conversation. large hotels In the West End." Tills of the pupils of a later generation." chronic disease, whose leas ■ of life can wooden fence. I trudged some distance all his youth and part of his manhood ' Lord John Townsend, a British gotir* in the Fatherland: he spoke perfect be definitely deteruilm-d as «hurt, are Nearly every one is fond of quoting through deep mud, now stumbling upon means that the mother country has Miss Bruce la to retire at once, the met of 50 years ago, would often call» discovered green corn and will hence little old school I* to lie abolished, and of course, debarred from Insurance from the )>oet* and dramatists, and lumps on tbe firm edge of the cartway, English, but with an indescribable, the footman in tbe middle of dinner forth use It "for decorative purposes" a special pension will provide com­ But serious chronic disease in Its ear nearly every one commits the egre­ and now plunging into boles, when the tell-tale accent. I had just time to 1 gious error in hla quotations. All of us lane seemed to lose itself in a field. I notice his burly figure, his somewhat | “Tell the cook to come to me tin» after the American style cob In hand forts for the teacher In her few re­ Her stages does not mean rejection. Tbe Insurance compauie* studied s i say. "The even tenor of their way,” hesitated a little and then resolved to rounded shoulders, and his massive moment,” which occasioned rather u awkward pause. Then, ontbeentrimt I maining years. It Is good to know that There lias grown up a class of well- her merit and great work have not tlstics in regard to disease and mor when w hat Gray wrote was "The noise­ return to the road, My eyes were now baldJiead, when I was introduced to of the poor cook with very red facefrua his wife, a tall, nandsome, Lancashire tallty uutll they satisfied theiii*elies ' less tenor of their way." "When Greek used to the dark, and I perceived a educated. Independent, »elf reliant been forgotten Koine day It la posal the combined effects of the kitchen tin young women, »vine from the colleges, ble that teachers will everywhere re­ that they were turulug away gissl meet* Greek then comes the tug of foot path across the field inclining woman (her speech betrayed her), with 1 and mental confusion, he would address I struck into grey hair, evidently a gissl deal older her in a voice of thunder: “Pray ha who seem to be content a* they are ceive the flnanclal recognition that money on an Illogical assumption Tli-y war’ should be "When («reeks Joined back toward the road, 1 then was the tug of war.” When this, thinking it would save me some than he; then to Miss Louise Lacroix, and to feel no <’*ll to marriage They they deserve, and that day can not found that a min may have weak Greeks lungs or kidney trouble or a trouble we say "The tongue Is an unruly mem- distance. But I soon found to my of whom I will only say at present that the goodness to taste that dish and tell are content with their own Hue* t'cl cotue too soon. some heart at 25 and die of mumps or l»er'' I we misquote from James. If. 8. vexation that “the shortest way arcoss she looked refine! and foreign—a rare me if you do not agree with niethatil Ibacy and self development seem to I* measles at 90. Statistics for a certain where It la written. "The tongue can is the longest way round.” I perse­ exotic in this region of surprises; and, is beastly.” their creed. It strike» u* that the wld Where the Trouble Was. number of year* show ed that the num- no 1 man tame; It Is an unruly evil." vered over the sodden grass, and some­ lastly, to “my son, Frank,” a young enIng education of women may have Modern children, whose education 1» Too Much for th« Cobra ber of deaths among the rejected was "Charity shall cover over the multi­ times somthing else besides grass, and man of one or two-and-twenty, who some tendency we wish to avoid tn the I ihik I* of "advanced" ex perl men Recently (says an Indiana paper) i overstatement not to unfit educated tallsl*. nre the victim* of every kinder Dot so large In proportion a* the num I tude of sins” (Peter. Iv 8). Is almost al­ presently began to scent somewhat of looked in every way and spoke like an ' distorted Into "Charity covereth tbe pleasant odors of rusticity, and my Englishman. These introductions over, large crowd, composed chiefly of Kam- women for marriage, but to make »ollie garteu fad and newfangled method ber among the accepted. New York ways Sun. i a multitude of sins.” We say "Wei spirits rose a degree or two. I passed we sat down to wait for the announce­ atis, assembled at Versarpaudy to offer of them uudvslroua of marriage We that |H'd*gogy can devise. A boy wh< I come the coming, speed the parting a low black wooden building, and ment of dinner. There was very little gifts of fruit and pour libations of will not say that they nre harder to had been the |iatlent of oom« school I DEVISED HIS OWN CUFFS guest." whereas tip* correct quotation guessed it was a cow house; 1 beard said: they seemed constrained, and I milk into the hole of a sacred cobn. please or more conscious of their au torn her’* lioiUM'liae wa* brought by Illa I perlority. They have a life that suits mother to consult an oculist. The pliy How a Resourceful Man Made Good Is "Speed the going guest" Butler the animals pulling at their chains and was, perhaps, shy. No one seemed to This is an unusual ceremony, and u By-and-bv I think of trying to set me at my ease. called “Nagala Chowty,” or the ■nab’ wrote In "Iludlbras,” "He that com munching their food. the Aliseuce of Linen. them, but It la a narrower life, after »K lim, »ny* a New York paper, went found myself again on a tolerably good Mr. Steinhardt sat watching the clock, feeding ceremony. Such a quantityci piles against his will Is of his own opln all. than that of the married woman »bout tn the usual way to discover de One isn't surprised when a woman and at intervals throwing questions whose lot some of them pity. shows a cert a 111 Ingenuity lu making Ion still." but we alter the sense ns well road, came upon some houses of the over his shoulder to his wife. (One milk was poured down that the cobn, fed* of vision to escape drowning, darted from in suburban semi-detached villa descrip ­ as the wording of the passage by quot ll<‘ placi d a chart l>efore the boy. The things "do." That Is |>art ot femlulu question I noted was, “Is Jim coming Ity'a work, to cover up detects, and ing continually. “A man convinced tion (at one of which I knocked and at all?”—to which she answered, “Jim hiding place, scattering its devotee, It has tw*en said the cartoon 1» to art first word »»» "hut ” and took refuge in a bush close at haml inquired my war), and soon, stumbling what slang is to language In a sense "Now read thia word,” «aid the doe coax a single article to do tbe work of against his will is of the same opinion and splashing through exasperating said he might look in after dinner and Ova; but It 1» always something of a still” thia Is true, for la>th are forcible In tor. A Big Hog. How often we hear people, quoting mud and cinders, came out upon the smoke a pipe”—and I wondered w ho expression, lse talamcd. attempt. ____ of and said, with the sweetest of smiles ' fat monster produced 501 pound» d Ws quote with great complacency listened to and felt the feverish r:.h but rather that those which tend to de "Madam." »aid the ptiyalclan. "there of tUhlng llus. and other* have cooked the life of Iaincashire industry. Tbe and the most musical of tones: lard, or nearly a tierce and a half—| moralise bo discouraged, ami those lie I* aome trouble her« that ha* nothing ths most »maxing dishes In tbe most “The man that hath no music In his birr and buzz of thousands of spindles, “You come from the south—from enough to last" a small family about soul." whereas what Shakspeare wrote recognized which express truth in a t<> d<> with the vision. Ilw vocal or amazing way* when there was uo Ix>ndcn; yes? ” tbe swift dick and thud of shuttle and four years. Besides the lard, then woman around to do thl* w ork but waa "The man that hath no music In dear, concise manner. Frauds J. gan* seem to lie affccteil." Her accent was that most delightful . was nearly a w agonload of sausage fma himself." In his "I.ycldaa" Milton horn, and the regular sob and respira­ Zeigler writes of th« cartoon aa a "Oh, no." answered the mother, "he th* average masculine is a helpless tion of mighty engines mingled with of all foreign accents—the accent of an this one pig, to say nothing about dish- creature when there is a question of wrote, "Fresh woods and pastures "graphic editorial,” aul the term seems pronounced those word* corn*ctly!'* the ruah of watet and the plaintive educated Frenchwoman. I answered j pans full of hogshead cheese, liver pud- new. ” but it Is almost always mis makeahlft. aptly applied, for It has long since be­ ■TTonouiii’ed them correctly ?" panting of some machine as of an en­ that I had come from London, though ding and other products. Sometimes necessity (terelope re quoted as "Fresh fields and pastures slaved geni of the Arabian Nights. I 1 was not native there. come a recogulsed feature of Journal "Yeued th* other night Prior wrote. "Fine by degree« to the various groups of buildings l>e- south; from London last, hut from' A man of the name of Jean Baptist» lieautlfully le«s." a ph raw which has al aud international Issue« are ptwent pie do before he began to learn this when a certain young man had an eu neath me On my right was a many- Paris before.” ___ 87 years old. j 1 Fabre. rtuio, o» oiu, presented prt^emru hinted ed to the Intelligent observer in auch method.** gsgement to go to tbe theater with bls berome In popular use. "Small by de storied mill, wh'**« bright windows Here common ground for pleas- i th© other day to the mayorof Montreal grees and beautifully less." a manner that he may perroive what fiancee, and found, wbeu be went to "Madam." said the doctor, gravely were refits ted in the glassy surface of a ant _ ant reminiscence, and we became ^ns-Boig to obtain at ¡ai»t a birth rtf* la the attitude of men aud affair« "»end him to a go,»i *<*hool or take him make bis toilette, that hla trunk bad pond, on the banks of which there friends at once. IMst-onaolale but Enterprising. titicate. Scarcely had he uttered h» without ’he tedious process of much oitt of school and put him to reading not arrived at hi* new abiding placo— grew , pensive and forlorn, a few scrubby The following curlons advertisement M’hile we were talking I happened request when he sank down withvrt» reading The artists who supply the good book* In clear type Then there’ll be had moved that morning and that trees. On my left an aggregation of Men rusher! to help him. W dally papers with this class of work be nothing the matter with hla sight o( consequently he bad no fresh linen to Is taken from a Spanish journal 'This long low buildings with glass roofs, to glance across in Mr. Steinhardt’s di- cry. morning our Sarlor summoned awav rection: he I was looking straight at me w ithout avail; he was dead with » are the moat versatile of tuen. and yet hl* education, and he won’t talk like a put on. that looked with their shining backs nothing can be leea enduring than bullfrog." Youth * Companion .. He rose and angrily den stroke of apoplexy—Paris Lv.r Luckily hla shirt and collar had only the Jeweler. Slebald llllmaga. from hla like monstrous, crouching dragons of for the first time, their work It la the flower of a day been donned a few hours before, and shop to another and a better world The antediluvian days. Farther up the val­ rang the bell, Presently we went in to nal. published by the event* of a dav and would look all right with tbe business undersigned, hla widow. wUl weev> ley was another group of buildings dinner. I I, of course, sat next to him How Hr Gained * Meal. upon bls tomb, aa will also his two Ru«»«r Sag«'» "Bouncer. useless to morrow. Isw-ause the events — with ......i Rome cu- w rapped in a cloud of steam. Imme­ on his right, and noticed ' Will you have «om* clam chowder. suit be was obliged to wear, but bls Ru««ell Sage employs a “boonrrt the combinations. have < hanged that Mr HallrvH*m?" •■*«*! th* landlady tn cuff* would uever do Tbe ink that be daughters. Wild and Ktuma. the former diately before me was a rained mil), riosity, as he < caned, that his hand)« of whom is married and the latter is seemed encased produced It a tone that made th« Invitation sound used lu bls work ornamented one. and open to an offer The funeral will take unroofed and gaunt, with its bell tower colored gloves: 1 in very Sne lemon­ nowadays—a giant who stands •M* fl secomi look assure«! reach of everyone admitte-l to th* •*** tbe other waant Immaculate by any and its tall, cold chimney outlined like a warning Hut Mr Halirwom wa« His dlai-cnaoiate against the sky ; behind it »as another me that they were merely stained. millionaire s private offite. The There la «x»ii«ldera*»le muisenae pa brave with hunger mean* The man groaned He beard place tomorrow. widow Veronlque llllmaga P. 8. _ group of irregular buildings. A dozen His son's hand* ------ were ? similar, hut of a day a man while talking to as M'lentlfic discovery A uni "Ah’" he *a d. gawlaUy, eyeing the a fellow boarder wb stling In tbe next For the first time it oc- reached for his hip pocket. I* versify after cwt»»»»lerabie ei fast depleting tureen. that remind« room, and wondered If he dare knock This bereavement will not Interrupt tall chimneys poured their smoke into deeper hue. F p«*rtiuent in his laborabtrjr. ”dixs»vers” me of a cap tat story You know 1 «ent at tbe door and ask a perfect stranger our employment, which will t>e carried the sulphurous air, which was pervaded curred to me that mv —. host wag the lord bouncer had him in an iron P’P * about a second, The man «»• *■, that ■•erlain culture* *ubmltted to cer tlnh'iig the other day on one of tbe to lend him euffa The Idea wa* pro­ on aa usual, only our place of business ^7 ■ certain glow—insufficient to dis- of the Chemical — Dy Works. They were your works, V....L I sup pose y reaching for a handkerchief. tain experiment* have certain effect* •tramer» that g > to the Bank« W.-li, poat eron«’ He dismissed It from h.a will be removed from S I .ess I a de Lein si pate the darkness, but enough to make VX hereupon, h. *nn>>un<-e« that he ha* they have clam teiwder foe lunch, you mind at once Then bls eyes fell on turiers to 4 Rue de Mlsslonalre. as our the stream which wound down the val­ M. Steinhardt.” I »»id. that I pa^se«I' dlacovereil the *e« ret of life, has found know amt tb«*y use clam« for halt, too, some Bristol board on tbe table, and grasping landlord baa raised the rent.” ley gleam like a black gigantic snake after entering the village?’ American English Now and again furnace months It* cause ami mainspring, amt pro don't yosi know Why, what • tbe mat be had an Illuminating idea M’e do not speak the English lxnf-sj and mT ’W* ,he ‘’N*' , , ------------- — opened Does Aaybraly Know? and gioaed with a ferocious glare, ‘"'I »'«ti 1« »peak to him, or I*. ,ilent in the way in which it is sp k»° ceeda tn build upon the rr«ult* of hl* ter with Mi«» Typewriter, are you A minute later be was han! at work 111? Why is It. when a maiden langbs alood while weird tongues of lurid flame ■n.en.O *‘a **’ r,,her ■b*UI'tlv. the people of England. Me hav«*tmi expect ment* an elaborate •< lentille tlie But at* ut the fiahing trip You see with arlaamra and a discarded cuff, cut ­ It • At »’Hr p<*«r Joke that's sprung upon a nickereii on the slope and ridge behind ^Sr.r*’*“’ that ory By and by **ine one “discovers ly changed, enlarged and perhap ban! to tell the difference between the ting btmaelf a pmr of the latter from crowd— that th« theory d.«-» got cotcport with chowder and tbe bait, but I found out the drawing paper. He shape«! them Aa I looked a great repulsion wins! proved it in our usnal pr’’»"*- 'A joke no« bright, wet witty»— .nJ ’ htr'r ’ h Td'z 1 h ** ’ •* ’ ” . ’ • tbe fact* In tbe < use. ami tbe theory a «lire way I Just put It on the brwvh. skillfully, made the button holes, in M> instantly cnnclade »right that ah« toe I reenl led th* Prophet’s de«crip- way. The wonder lies in th* n* "!«| 4 1 how I had been strack (I did not Englishmen that their way of tumble* down like a house of cani* and If the fiah bit It was bait and If •••rted tbe button*, sopped them on 1» >nly »imulating all that glee tion in the OM Testament of the Valiev ’ m of ’ W ' th and <* of Hinnom or Tophet. in which men Be. »««e her teeth are pretty? the language is the only way and I laboratory experiments give a hint of they didn't It was cbowne would ever bare nm rifiox! p, strange god*, ami caused the aecrv* of life, but they do not go It M UI sonveti our wav is wrong. I o(>en the door for knowa that be had not on wristbands —Bs’t.more American. their mmt and daughter* to fnr enough Tbe culture naperinwnt I re noticed tbe fro«h from the laundry Certainly tbe "Pa** Where Her Iaterras tease«. through the fires to Moiroh.” This. I* all right in a gl««« tabe, bat when Right is Th«ir Lins. well lately. As n» yonng woman whom be escorted to the So your wife has a great foudueae rare! v. was one of the Topheto of tn<*i- whb the culture lOtur« In contact with tbe tv« hungry. TWiaem. theater did not find out tbe ruae, for for fiction?" “Those cold Boston girl* ern inya. in which the eons ami dangh- Jaleen of tbe body and living tissue, th* « chow 1er.“— New tbe finish" of tbe Br stoi board .s not Er-a- yes; all except the k nd 1 I«»« ^4 <•——I * 1 me >'* having nttarad it "I» u enjoy the Abbey‘Holy Grail’ ter» of EngaDd ar« made to ..4,ea «bol* *xp*rlineal turna out d ffervntty tior.s in the public librarv. I uullke linen and »be nev^r even gxv* tell her " Philadelphia Bulletin. tbmwgh u,, finf< of M n w.n “Mhyr’ <«alth «ad u,e Baal of all-devounng “Because * frieze is right i» > • ’ h«P^ned that. iiaa." •'Senatorial courtesy" 'knocked out." Is ’ORT ( Si St fcsx—F" ■lax—" Kid s rib I h ribbons stillile! ph it I “I don’t L proti'I "I' Ketal L I "Coin* y Ijlijnii Broi I,lute folks je,’ put on lyotbuh foil de reason i I I FITTX“ Lg D r . K. Il I sunday preen, wh the Bible Lies. see i I Willie 1 Lriicemer ! *e otter he of c»i l«*r;h C F. ®etheu t r th pa I» r.i>i< Inc ah. ff their ti Club! I chip i Chub Club tot’ket r res.«. he S S tod h tod w earrh >f pm ! I'