The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, April 12, 1902, Image 10

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Bally UaaH. April *
G K Price, of Walker, ia 10 the city.
J L Wl<ie, at Wendling. lain tbe
Frank Kennedy is down frtB F .oes-
For Infant« and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
AXi-fietabie Pre paration for As­
similating the Food andReg uta-
ting the StoaadB ani Bowtls at
Wm Kin* is d> wu from MeKebzie
H DHtlllmau. of Pendleton, la in
Rilly Rouey, of Goshen, was In the
oity today.
Bears the
Kobt Brady
this afternoon.
Promotes Di^estion.CheerfuP
fess and Rest Contains neither
Gaum.Morptun« nor Mineral.
rein rued Io Creswell
B F Keeney camedowu from Goshen
this afternoon
Judge W B McFadden returnen to
Corvallis today.
E D Matlock went to Portland thia
afternoon on business.
Jesse Willoughby returned
risburg tbla afternoon.
Aperteci Remedy forConsbpa-
liun. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms ,< onvulMuns.Fevrrisb-
neaa and Loss or SLEEP.
Far Suntie Signature of
to Har­
R L Maeklenberg and Aug Mats, of
Echo, Minn, ar» In the city.
Merchant C L Weber camo down
from Creswell thia afternoon.
Attorneys L Bilyeu and J M Wil­
liams are Belem on legal business.
Mian Addle Carthme, of Goeboo,
came down on the afternoon train.
Claude Riddle returned last night
from n business trip to Vancouver,
Coanty Commissioner H D Edwards
returned thio afternoon from Cottage
Geo Kinsey went to Creswell thia
afternoon to do some carpentering for
Robert Haye.
Mias Lena Applegate came up from
Portland today to visit
her oeusin,
Mias Irene Applegate, a few days.
Miss Ebrmine Veateb, of Co'tage
Grove, after a visit in Eugsne with
involved there will be no oomplaint Mies Lulu Currin,returned borne today
as to the result. Dorris, Paine and
Henderson have each shown be­
fore their fitness for the place to
whiob they were elected. They are
interested in the prosperity of the
oity—are safe men.
Trait organization began with
the first election of Preaident Mo-
Kinley. Daring the foar years or
more be was in office the Repub­
lican majoriliee controlling both
branohee of oongreee took no effective
•tend against the truito, neither
Balem ulatMuiau.
hsve those majorities done no liooe
A rumor, probably well founded,
President has it that W J Furnish, the Re­
Roosevelt Com menial and mann- publican candidate for governor,
faotnnng trusts today largely oon- will soon oome to Portland and opeu
trol and fix prioes of manuiaotured up headquarters. Mr Furnish io re­
puted to be one of the best orga­
products throughout tbs oountry.
nizers in the slate,and,besides offer­
Those an facte that trill moot with ing hie oervioes in a general way to
>nial. Now read thio rosolu- the parly, will personally direct bis
unanimonaly adopted by tbs own campaign from bere. lie will
oblican state convention at not make a stump-speaking lour,
bnt will oonduct the campaign
land Wednesday:
along other linee.
Molved, That in the war which
“Along other lineal” That means
ident Roosevelt has inaugura­
Mr Furnish has not read, al
ted against the gigantic oom bi na­
tions of incorporated oapilal bo least not profiled by some Oregon
has the united and enthusiastic history. David P Thompson, Re­
support of the Repnbhoan parly publican candidate for governor in
of Oregon.
1889, oonduoted
his campaign
Then wen few mon in that con­
“along other lines“ with the result
vention so ignorant as not to know
that whihi the ‘sack” was kept open
that Repnbhoan tariff legislation io
for all callers, Sylvester Peonoyer
responsible tor tbs trusts that have
got the election. Furnish is a care-
clutched the business of the ooun­
ul man. Hs will see how and to
try in their grasp. What were the
whom the money goes. But tbs
c mtrolling Republican majoriliee
voters vole by ballot. There’s the
io the House and Senate and tbe
oxecutive branch of the govern­
Was it with feelings of shame,or
ment doing all tbeae yaan when
those “gigantic combinations“ were «orrow that Canadian citizens read
getting everything worth having in tn ths London dispatches yesterday
their grasp? What are they doing that fifty-three of Canada con­
nowf There io no indication that tingent for servioe in South Africa
congress io in accord with President bad loot their lives in a battle with
Roosevelt in tbs stand bo has taken the Boers? Csnada enjoys a great
measure of freedom, little control
against the trusts.
If those delegatee honestly favor being exercised by the home govern­
the resolution they passed they will ment. The mass of her citizens
have to vote for Democratic nomi­ cannot but regret that an obliga­
nees for eongreee, whoever they tion to the imperial government
may be. If they hope to make it compels the sending of her eons to
effective. The record shows for South Afrioa to assist in the enb-
jagalion of heretofore free peoples.
Ths oity election rstsrno from
tbs three wards can be studied with
interest While lbs total vote for
each of the several councilman
varied bet little on their respective
tickets, there was more or less
variance in the wards.
Ths Third Ward, casting the
heaviest vote, voted almost straight
tickets, there being bat three voice
difference between the highest and
lowest councilman on ths “Cili-
ssns"* ticket and but five difference
on lbs “Restoration of Wards,“ or
anti-saloon ticket. Tbs First Ward
“scratched“ the moot, there being a
difference of eight on lbs Citizens’
ticket and twelve on the op­
varied sis on the Cm sens' and
eleven on the opposition in a vote
that we.' about oue-tourth lees than
the other wards-
The people have given a decisive
answer as to tbe ever recurring
saloon agitation in favor of the
present order of regulation, the ma­
jority being about 135. Wo say in
favor of the “pieeenl order,“ for
the reetoraiion-of-ward issue was
simply a disguise under whiob to
fight over the saloon license ques­
tion. Apart from the special issue
The proieesor of philology at the
Washington slate university, bo-
allls, has beoome insane, with an
attempt to oommil suicide. It is a
peculiar case. Three weeks before,
almost to the day the professor,
Frederick K Colgrove, visited the
the Steilacoom asylum with hie class
for study and observation of lbs in­
mates, insanity being one of his
specialties, his lectures during lbs
first term of the school year per­
taining to the mental degeneration
and during tbe second with in­
sanity and suicide.
Kentucky is a land of eurprieee.
Now a court of the hour bo u etale
has sentenced a man to a year m
the penitentiary for stealing a
Bible. No explanation of the motive
of the theft accompaniee tbe news,
bat It must be a myetery as tbe
thief certainly had no nee for th«
book himself, while bls neighbors
are not uoted for a err amble even
when Biblee are offered for the
Great Britain owee a great deal
to tbe West. Since the arrival of
tbe Eastern Oregon range horses
at the Caps the escape of several
compattava of Bnlieb dragoons from
lbs Boere is reported—a saving
both of mso and heroes.
T Howard left tbit afternoon for
Dawson City. This will be bie fifth
trip to Alaska but bls first to Dawson.
Mrs Woo MoCullocb, of Harrisburg,
after a visit with her sister, Mrs Btraud
Ixmg.ln Eugsne, returned borne today.
Mrs F W Folsom earns up from
Junction City Ibis afternoon and Is
tbe guest of Mr aud Mrs Louis John­
Hos R A Booth left tblo afternoon
for Ran Franelsoo ou business in con­
nection with tbe Booih-Kelly Lum­
ber Co.
Joe Ertz, formerly messenger boy at
tbe Wootorn Union Telegraph office,
went to Portland today to obtain em­
ploy most.
Sunset Rebekah Lodge Files
Articles of Incorporation.
ztc .
Mortgage........ .^.... ................... H5o 00
Mortgage......... „................................ 25u (10
Mortaage............. _.......
ÜÖO 00
Mortgage.................... „....................
Mortgage.................... —................. W« 00
Chattel mortgage........................ - 700 00
Satisfaction of mortgage..........
260 00
U B to riamuel H Conrad 164.84 acres
In tp 17 a r 8 w, palest.
John P aud Ella L Keeo«y to B F
Keeney *J0 acres In tp IS • r 3 w, HlO
Mary and Win A Vincent to May
West Wann lota 8 and 10 blk 5 Knew A
second ad to Eugene,
J M Tallman at al to G C Hnyder 20
acres In tp 16 s r 3 w, SI.
namaon and M atllda Friendly to H
V Tbompaon donation laud claim of
Wm T and Rebecca Callison, 820.69
acres in tp 10 s r 2 w 13260.
Maida T Carson to Wm C Corson
834.48 acres in Lane county, valuable
and sufficient consideration.
H E and Belle Cole to Mrs Etta B
Martin lots 10 and 11 block 10 Mootl'a
ad to Eugene, «10.
M G Masterson to Curtis Masterson
one—eventb Interest In 160 acre- of tbe
donation claim of F N Aubrey, *400.
M G Masterson to A W and Millie
B Blanton 1-14 int in 160 acres of tbe
donation claim of F N Aubrey, *200.
Andrew Brund to Alex Pugb i mt
in tbe Salvador aui tbe Florenoe min­
ing claims in Bohemia district, *200.
Alex Pugb to Andrew Brund J int
In tbe following mining claims In Bo­
hemia district: Emerson, Plato, Avoo,
Missing Lluk, Utopian, Key, *500.
Andrew Brund files notice of location
of Maiumntb mining claim iu Bohemia
Buuael Rebekab lodge No 114, of
Florence, has filed article« of incor­
poration with tbe county clerk. Tbe
names of L M Christensen, Mrs Wm
Kyle aDd Mrs Jeunie Yates, as trus­
tee«, are attached to tbe article«. Tbe
estimated value of property is *200,
and tbe principal place of business Is
cmxiNgHir riPKM.
J R Whitney, of the Albany Herald,
and the republican nominee for state
William Skelton, a Dative of Eng­
printer, arrived up on tbe afternoon land, is grauted full citizenship pa­
train to visit bls mother.
Wade Brooke loft tblo afternoon for
hie borne Io Eastern Oregon and from
Estate of Nancy A Kirk, deceased
there will go to Chicago with a lol of Final aceoent approved end adminis­
stock which bio father will take to tratrix, Barab M Houston, discharged
and bondsmen exbouerated.
J H Mac LaCerty, tbe genial repre­
Guardiautblp of Etbei aud Leonard
sentative of tbe Butler Paper Co, of Mathews, minors.
E W Mathews,
Chicago, was tn tbe city today.
He guardian,
tiles report showing a
has just returned from tbe Hawaiian balance of (212 50 on band.
Islands, aud reports a pleasant trip.
Estate of Daniel Htreeter, deceased.
Final account being approved ai d es­
tate being settled, tbe administrator
A Portland Bunday fisherman E M 8 tree ter, is dlscbared and bonds­
left some of the Iront with an Ore­ men exhoaeralsd.
Estate of Wm Gearhart, deceased
gonian rep trier, and thus the scribe
Final accoant being approved aud es­
who works Bundays feasted on fish tate settled, tbs administrator, Jas M
oaught Sun fay.
Gearbart, Is discharged aud bondsmen
If you went to figure on the
Lane oounty election you oan get
tbe official vote of two years ago
by precincts, simply by dropping
in to the G iakd offioe and asking
for it. No charge, of oourse.
Lane County Mining Co vs Blue
River Mining Co. Demurrer filed on
tbe ground that complaint does not
slate facts sufficient to constitute a
cause for suit against defendant.
Estate of J M Spores, deceased
rtsinl-aunual account of Geo W Spores,
Some lumber is going out of tbe executor, shows tbe receipts to date,
Columbia River. Twenty-five mil­ *3004.3); dlsbarsement«, 14S8.90; bal­
lion feet were shipped from Port­ ance ou bend, (1648.10. Aooouut ap­
land during tbe first three months proved.
of the year. And the lumber ex­
porting business is just in its in-
Although Governor Geer will
An Accident to Old Mr Abbott—
soon be out of tbe job al Salem be
Other Items.
fights shy of tbe farm ho talked
eo much about during the campaign Speelei 1« lb.
four year ago. Ho would even
F ail C reek , Or, April 7.—A D
coneent to take a seat in tbe United Hyland made a betmeaa trip to Port
States Millionaire Senate Club to land Hnturday, expecting to be gone
about a week.
keep from digging Marion oonnty
Miss Alicia
Humphrey went to
mud again.
Cloverdale Saturday to teach a three
mouths echool.
Mr Abbott, an old gentlemen who
has been staying at D Kinsley’s place,
MI from a horse the other day and
“Brother Hog more, are you con­ was picked up by E B Griffin. He
tributing anything for tbe benefit of was belpleee when found, but it is
thought he ienot fatally hurt.
the beatben this year?“
“Yes, airl I am having my
washing done at aChineee laundry.
KC Edwards, J W Cox and AC
Maltaeon who attended the démocrat­
ie coo ven tioi Saturday reporta bat-
tu voioue invention.
Tbe rain Sunday and Sunday night
has raised the creek about five feet and
IxsTBvrron—In wbat respect did
the sawl.ig» are running thick this
the fourteenth and nineteenth oen*
Tbe coanuny will start tie
tnriea reeemble each other?
drive la about two weeks.
Di O xkks —Tbe nineteenth cen­
Rev Giuiogv occupied tbe pulpit
tury rweraoled the fourteenth in
here Sunday.
that both were one hundred yean
Fom> MoTHxn[to teacher]—Don’t
you think my boy is bound to make
bis mark?
T bacmkb —I am afraid so. It
oeMns imposai bls for him to learn
to write.
n . j , Wilson. Ì
Cr1p»ls> WsM «B« »«•••
A very retuarkabhr theatrical fad
ra.i-d in Paris sixty or seventy years
ago. Tbe Joornala of the period show
that the writers of plays
•“ ‘‘•t*’
rial fondness for the representation of
bodily deformities and infirmities.
It was »ell known, ut course, that
Victor Hugo made a buiicbback tbe
hero of a tragedy and that one of
Scribe's heroes stuttered. But the many
forgotten plays by tbe forgotten au­
thors of tbe period also swarm with
bunebbacka, stutterers, tbe lame, tbe
bait, the blind and tbe deaf and dumb.
Sometimes as many as a dozen of
these cripple plays were performed on
tbe same evening In the theaters of
I.,« pneoo much , but wo <io givo th.u, nnq
«hat you are gel'isg. I‘ oooa lar^e st< ,1c
you? *« '«
*»• Do low price, plea«« ?o0' w
have tietn.
Bo atraighticrwarvi meth««!, ».
iunranUe.! tret vacti- na mtere.t you? Then
is your pUuo to l>uy G roce Ilea. Crockery and c,^
Your« to Pleaae,
! Shriek
PhoM »‘V*1
In one year eighteen plays with blind
characters were produced and probably
three or four times as many were writ­
ten. Tbe first of tbe "blind" plays was
Ancelot s “Un Regard." which later
furnished tbe book of an opera for
which Halevy. the composer of •'The
Jewess,” wrote tbe music.—New York
Whltasaa's Little Jokes.
One Sunday morning Whitman came
out to see me on I*rospect hill. In Som­
erville, where I was then living, says
J. T. Trowbridge in The Atlantic. Of
much of that day’s talk I have a vivid
recollection, even of its trivialities. He
was not a loud laugher and rarely
made * joke, but be greatly enjoyed
the pleasantries of others. He enjoy­
ed especially any allusion, serious or
jocular, to his poems.
When at dinner, preparing my dish
of salad, I remarked that I was em­
ployed as his critics would be when
bls new edition was out, he queried.
"Devouring 'Leaves of Grass?" ” "No.
I said; “cutting up ‘Leaves of Grass.’ ”
which amused him more, I fancy, than
the cutting up did, which came later.
As the afternoon waned and be spoke
of leaving us somebody placed a book
before the face of tbe clock. I said,
“Put ‘Leaves of Grass’ there; nobody
can see through that,” "Not even the
author?" he said, with a whimsical
lifting of the brows.
A iolid oik udeboard I« JI4-00. Slo.Ot and lia a»
Extension tabla for $4-00
Dinin* chain, cana scat 73 cents.
Nurse Rocker tor (I.SO.
Top Mattress lor (2.00.
Spring Msttress tor *1.50.
See our new line of China
Closets and Buffets.
• * •> A
LOAD • • • •
Direct from quarries in New England.
Two more cars on the way.
None furnish better work.
None in the valllej handle in larger quantities,
Hence our prices are right .
Write for booklet.
W W MARTIN, Proprietor
Th« Roman« Did Kot V«e Soap.
The Romans were not acquainted
with the use of regular soap, but they
employed an alkali, with which tbe
greasy dirt was dissolved out of their
clothes. This alkali, called nitrum, is
referred to by Pliny, but the cheapest
solvent was urine, which was mostly
used. The clothes were put in this,
mixed with water and then stamped
upon with the feet. This process was
performed by old people, while boys
lifted the clothes out of the tubs. The
white garments, after being washed,
were subjected to the vapor of sulphur,
being stretched on a frame and tbe sul­
phur burned beneath. Poor people in
Rome cleansed their bodies with meal
of lupins, called lomentuin, which, with
common meal, is still used in some
places for that purpose.
Looking For Them.
Major d'Arlandes, like many another
French soldier, was tired of waiting
for promotion and opportunities to dis­
tinguish himself. He seized an oppor­
tunity to enjoy a little excitement and
at the same time to remind Louis XVI.
of his battled ambitions.
He made a balloon ascension, which
at that time was thought to be a very
risky affair. The king promptly re­
proved him for his rashness.
"Your majesty will pardon me, I
hope,” said the officer, "but tbe fact Is
tbe minister of war has made me so
many promises in the air that I went
up to look for some of them.”
The teaching of cookery in the Eng­
lish board schools is sometimes not
appreciated by those who would be
most benefited by It The teacher of
one of these schools recently received
the following letter of protest: "My
Mary Ann Is not going to be a servant.
I wants her to be a lady, and th» less
she knows of how to cook victuals the
better. When I sent my gal to the
board school, I did not expect she was
going to be taught undignified things
like that”
»•«y» Ni üUy
b .
• Is« nerve Us),
x;« t rM. Pvmat-TX
'•O’, fat
niai* «.-4
;»t»<. l-.O'» '
I.MM-L ^ -r. ■
aifln.-tn ■“
ífor MÜe id Eumeno-<*’■*•/ -a bT Li EN DELL*** ■
lyon ’ s
y M.
. I
French Periodical Drops
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
Beware of eonntarfelta and Imitations. Tbe rennlna la pat up only tn paste board ba
ton with fac-almiia signature on aide of the bottle, tbua:
Oeui fe« UretUar to WILLI AMs MFU. Cu.. Suit Aaecta, Cievetud. Ohio.
For Sale bv Linn Druo Co
City Election at Florence, a Fire
at Glenada, Etc.
From Tho West, April 4.
A »on was bora to tbe wife of John J
Carlyle at Greenleaf last Tuesday.
Tbe gebooner Danielson was towed
to sea Wednesday morning. This is
tbe first lumber vessel of Siuelaw’s bar­
bound fleet to leave tbe river this year.
...Call on...
Julius Goldsmith
On March 23 a sturdy young insn
tipping tbe beam al 15 pounds, arrived
at tbe home of Mr and Mrs Haus
Nellie Furnish left Thursday for tbe
vaney. Bbe will commence teaching
tbe epring turn of school near Irviog I
I be city elect on passed off quietly
Tuesday. It resulted in tbe election
of A E Pickle as mayor; Wm Kyle O j
W Hurd, Wm Brynd aud Hugti Cassi
dy as trustees; C C Behnke as recorder,
aud G C Cumpton as marshal.
Intelligence was received th s w<ek
of tbe death of Mrs VV H Pepper, who |
resided in Florence a uuinbtr o years,
As a method of prolonging life and
strengtbeuing the human frame against leaving tbie place last spring
sickness whistling is said to be beyond death was tbe result of paralysis of the
compare. Development of chest and heart, and occurred at Hiesone, C«l '
neck muscles Is oue of tbe special ad­ Wednesday, March 20, 1802
vantages claimed for tbe exercise. a large circle of friends, she leaves a 1
Long, deep breathing is an essential busband and four cbildreu to mourn !
for a good whistler, as it is not per­ her uutimely loss.
missible to draw in the breath except
Tbe bouse oecupied aud owued by
during the intervals of the sound pro­
B F Kane wae discovered on fire Tues­
day nigbt about 12 o’clock by Mr
Petulant Teaayaoa.
Ksne’e oldest son, Frederick, who de­
Tennyson was one of tbe most for­ tected smose and got up to investigate. |
tunate of poets, in that he was rarely
He found tbe kitchen in flitnee, and
criticised adversely, yet Mr. Bram Sto­
ker. who saw him often while hia plays burridly arrousing tbe family, gave a
were in coarse ot production at the general alarm. The f >oii)y barely es­
Lyceum, said that he used constantly caped freru the building, which was'
to complain of "the attacks made on too much under tbe oontroi of tbe
him.” He actually wound up one day flames to be saved, and only a few ar­
by declaring that he often wished be ticles were removed from it. Tbe loss
bad never written a line.
is estimated a' about (1200. The bouse
wa* insured for (500 aud the furniture
His Ltaslt.
Wife—How did you get along while for (100,
I was away?
Husband—I kept house for about ten
daya and then I went boarding.
M Ife—Boarding! Why didn't you go
on keeping bouse?
Husband—Couldn’t, All tbe dishes
were dirty.
\\ ' \ ^ \
Rain and sweat WW
\ \
have no effect ( n
bzrneis treated Fg[r K ¿L,
with Eureka H at -
ness Oil. It re- “ •*
sists the damp, w w \
keep» the lea th- M
do not break.
No rou^h vur-
face to chafe
and cut. 1 he
haroeea not
wears twice
as long by tba
use of Eureka
Harness OIL
•vwry where
in cans—
all sizes.
Made by
Standard Oil
Get up! Get up
Te Beaattry the City.
“Mrs. Dash, wbat is your club doing
to help beautify the city T
“Oh. we are working hard to get the
clothing boweee to use the word trou­
sers’ instead of *pants* in their mlrer-
tlsementsr'—Detroit Free Preaa
Like milk, eggs are a perfect food,
containing all tbe conatltuenta of nour­
You want a good clean bed
when you stop over night in
Eugene. New beds and newly
papered and painted rooms
at the Courthouse Lodging
for Infant, asd Children.
House. No old. dusty, worn-
IbliM Tw Hin Alwin tel» out carpets but clean painted
floors with a nice bright Brus­
sels carpet rug to each bed.
Just back of the courthouse.
That’e what our Nickel Alarm Clock»
will ear to you. and yen mu»t be deaf
if you an* not awakened by the d < iae
th«y make.
Our Nickel Alarm Clocks at a dollar
make tacee at tbe peor trash sold in the
dry rsode st..rea for lees money.
01 RS do not have e ft pinione and a
reso a. thin as tin. T he difference iu
and Ton-iat Sleeper»
pnce M IN THE CLOCK- aod ia the
Dining and Buffet Smoking Librery
•«’wji'isot O'ot of keel ing it going.
CARS STAY GCMID—an 1 that’s
a«™,,. We h.„ B NickeJ
Alarm f.< very e.eepy Mks, that rings
For Ratae. Folder« and Full Inf'<•*•’*
for tee minutee uniese you get up and
•but it utf; aod aaotht-r kind that ria<» regarding tiikete, routoa etc, call on or «ti*
, **• P* “ f ^wgins again and et. pa J. W. PHALON, t r a H. DICKSOX <’*
until yon n>u»t get Up or go mad.
“T °«*1 “ ‘be Nickel
A «arm L lock line.
St- Paul, Duluth,, ChiMfi
A. B. C. DENNISTON, O. W. F *•
Z«12 Firvt Avenue,
Jeweler and Optician.
H<w Lovât.», «a M-Opp. Moftm,. tlouw