PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT Eugene Weekly Guard. FOR M NEIL I8LAND PRI8ON. ■ ♦— CAMI'HKLI. Ulto«., I’roprlstors. FmUr Will Ask It sa Appropriates l«r a Wharf and Pmoa Wall. CECIL RHODE8 DEAD NWS OF TH ESTATE PRESIDENTS VETO Mzasurt Follows That of Cooper. Favored by Judge Taft. Passed Away Peacefully at His Home Near Caps T«wa. BILL. ( ROOSEVELT TAKES FIRM STAND FULL CONTROL WILL be gi VE h Waahington, March 27.—The Repub­ ON MAY 20. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ALL lican members of the house committee Cape Town, March 27.—Cecil Rhodes AGAINST DESERTERS. Washington, March 29. — Senator on insular affairs are rapidly perfecting PART8 OF OREGON. OREGON. died peacefully at 5:57 P. M. yester­ Foster has prepare«! a statement whi.-ii 1 Secretary Root Has Ordered the bithdn^ he propose« to offer in support of a re- I day. He slept in tbe afterno« n, but Pootivtly R c I uki to Allo« th« Records of the bill providing a civil form of gov­ of All Troops Except a Small Fane « ernment for the Philippines. In tbe quest be will inane for an appropriation Csmwwrcinl and Financial Happening: of La- his breath became ditfii'ult and his th« War Dtpartmtnl la b« Chsnycd io as main the mea-ure as [»rfected follows of ,15,16X1 for the erection of an Addi­ Artillery, which Remains Temporsrily, portan« -A Brief Review of the Grewth strength perceptibly diminished until tional building, wharf, prison wail, in Allow Pension! to Descrttrs — Stcrt- that introdurtd by Chairman CVioper All Treaty Obligations Mun be Asa«»,, Mr. Kbcdee was con­ A Comprehtiuivc Review of the Important etc., at the United Mates penitentiary and Improvement! of the Many Industries he passed away. Ury of War Must Approve Chsrgts—Old by the New Government. Happenings of the Past Week, Presented at McNeil's Island. H«- points out and favored by Judge Taft. scious until 5:55 P. M., when he mut­ Throughout Our I hnving Commonwealth In its present form the bill provides in a Condensed Form. Which It Mott that tbe prison labor can 1« used in tered a few words and rank quietly. Soldicrs Much Plcawd. —latest Market Report. making these improvements, and that for the institution of civil government likely to Inlerett Our Many Readers. Washington, March 27.—'«•*rct4rr The immediate cause of his death was a large quantity of brick made by tbe in the Philippines »Is-n the Washington, March 31. — President two successive attacks of heart failure. Root has made public his order to(,M prisoners is u««w available for use in the mente all certify to the president that The creamery plant at Junction City The house tian paxsed the army ap­ building and wall. Mr. Rhodes' last words were the Roosevelt is likely to gain quite a rep­ a state of permanent peace has been se­ eral Wood directing him to turn .,Vw will aoon be in operation. propriation bill. There are coiitinwi in the prison any- name* of his brother and some of the utation among old soldiers and Spanish cured. Thereafter a census is to 1« the government and control of Cuba t A party of about 20 immigrants ar­ Germany will not opixw Rusxia'a i where from 135 to 15U pri*oners, and, other» present, which were meant to be war volunteers by his veto of deserters’ held and the islands further the inter­ to avoid leaving the islami entirely «¡¿ yard. near Cape Town, on a special train Uy d««s not intend to have the military ther operation of the brick plant in the ests ot that city. The lower house of Philippine assem­ fenseles», until the Cuban governnlec. «lay. There it will probably lie in Cecil Ilh<»lex left moat of hix fortune 1 construction <>t buildings, prison walls blymen is to lx« elect«d by the [«copie. shall have opportunity to organize it, The Oolconda mine, in the Cracker state for a day or two, ami the public records changed unless it meets the ap­ to the promotion of hix educational ami wharves. To«lay’s session of tbe senate com­ own forces. General Wcxxl al-x« jg(«" proval of the sroretary of war. This will be admitted to view the remains. Major Frank Strong, general agent of creea district, seven miles west ot scheme. mittee was devoted to a con-ideration recto«! 10 convene the Cuban congre* It Lax not yet Isen determined wnere gives not congri*«», but the wcretary, of that portion of the Philippine gov­ before May 20. He also is directed u, Heavy rains in the South have cause«I | > the department of justice, who re> entiy Sumpter, lias l«en sold for ,250.000. he will be buritd. It was the wish of the Mississippi to overflow its banns, made an examination and insprotion of Th« buaine-a men of Salem, now Mr. Rhodes to be interred at Matoppo authority to determine whether a de­ ernment bill which refers to the land consult with President-elect Palms w.. the prison states iri a report that: "If that a flax mill 1» assured, are working serter should have his original status held by the religious orders. The prop­ substitute such persons as he shall flooding many miles of territory. it shall l«e decided to continue the pres- for the establishment of a linen mill. Hills, Rlxslesia. Certain nt his friends osition was not formally disposed of, sire for those now holding official p... restored. After a few nuire vetoes sen­ w ill proceeil to Matoppo Hills to deter­ Resolutions U> investigate an allege«i 1 ent prison at McNeil Islami it uinst be but members of the committee general­ tions in Cuba. bribery scane held in the cathtslral. tributaries 11,000,000. ( >ne of these provided that the bonds Cuba, ami upon the establishment of Is sly will tie then taken back to Groot- necessary to provides well built wharf, mitted for governor. ex[»*ct««l that any Republican president to be issued to secure the means for the said government to leave the govern. eschuur, and eventually will lie interred at which the regular steamers on I’uget will veto private pension bills, but purchase of the lands by the govern­ ment and control of the islami of Cot» The note«! Roaring Gimlet mine, in at Matoppo Hili. Sound may land. A suitable govern- from th«* manner in which these bills ment from the friars shall be made to its people, pursuant to the pro»,, , .nent steam launch to l»< UM«i for trans- the Gold Hill district, ha» caused payable in gold or its equivalent in sions of the act of «■ongress entitled, Cecil Rhode: Career. another sensation in the nature of a portation of supplies, etc., i« nee«le inclose the buililings and and since its purchase the new owners and ability won for him the title of the is not of so much im|x>rtance ax the 4 4 percent, instead of 4 [>er rent, as 1002,’ approved March 2, 1901. “Upon the transfer of government the prison yards. The leasing of adja­ have struck a big pocket l«xlge on the ha)>oleon of Africa, was born at Bish­ fact that the pension roll is being originally provided. It was stated in cent grounds on which clay for brick- main vein, and removed a pan of near­ op’s Strotford, Hertfonlxhire. England, added to by the thousand every con­ the course of the meeting that the lands and control to the president and con. gress so elected you w ill advise them July 5, 1653. His grandfather was a gress, and that the heneficiark*s are would not cost to exceed ,7,000,DOO. making is found, and where the manii- ly pure gold, or about ,18,000. that such transfer is upon the expre« well-to-do dairyman in the Islington facture of brick can I»- carried on, is The Prohibitionists of Washington men who cannot obtain |»-nsions under understanding and condition that the GENERAL OTIS RETIRES. also rea-oiumende«!. county will bold their convention April suburb of Ixmdon. His father. Rev. the law under which nine-tenths of the new government d«x*s thereupon and hr ,5. It is the intention toplace a full Francis Wili am Rh«des, was for many soldiers of the Civil war are drawing RHODES' BURIAL PLACE. «-ounty ti, ket in the field. Demo- years vicar of St. Michael’s church in pensions. It looks very much as if the Unuiual Tribute Paid to the Old Soldier bv the acceptance thereof, pursuant to tl» provisions of the appendix to the vxrn- cratic primaries were held in Umatilla the parish of Bishop's Strotford. Cecil, matter had taken a turn where it would the War Department the third son, a weakly youth, receive«! stitution of Cuba, adopted by the con- Will Be on Kopje Neer Where Wileon Mede ] county March 25 and the county con­ be considered ungracious for a senator Washington, March 27.—Major Gen­ stitutional convention on the 12th of vention in Pendleton March 29. The his early education at th« bs al gram­ or representative to object or try to de- Hu Leet Stead. i , mar school, one of King Edwarti Vi’s .................. •1 -•-*-? or eral E. S. Otis closed his active career June. 1901, assume and undertake all which another senator London, March 29.—In a dispatch vote at the primaries was very light '» foundation, as did his numerous broth­ feat a bill in the army today by reason of age, and and several the obligations assumed b« 1 there being no contest over the elec, representative had intrisiuce«!. from Ca|«e Town, the corre»|x>ndent of will go into retirement. He will be* the United States with respect to Cuba ers, one of whom «lied in the heart of th« Daily Mail rays that Cecil Rhodes, tion. A full county ticket was named. Africa and others did honor to the roils xueceedoi in command of the Dejiart- by the treaty between the United States when be last visited Matop|»> Hills, se­ CROWNING OF ALFONSO. The Columbia River Development of the English aimy. A term or two ■uent of the Lakes at Chicago bv Major of America and her majesty, tbequwi lected the s|sjt where lie desired to Ire I Company, of Arlington, has flle«l arti­ at Oriel college, Oxford, followed, and General MacArthur. regent of Spain, signed at Paris on the interred, and gave instructions to an cle« of incorporation. Capital, ,500,- then physicians ordered him U> the The Fetes will Commence with Grand Military The war department paid an unusual 10th day of Ilecemlier, 1698. architect concerning the memorial to lie 000. tribute to General Otis in issuing a Review May 12. Cape. It is the purpose of the United States erected. The place of interment is l>e- lit« landed with mixlerate means and general order reciting the distinguisheii government forthw ith upon the inaur- The settlers rates given by the rail- Madrid, March 31. — The fetes to lie neath a natural cairn of giant Isiulderx, took to diamoml mining, ultimately services of the officer, not only through on a kopje adjoining that on which roa«ls are bringing many new arrivals consolidating all the mining interests held U[»>n the occasion of the crowning the civil war, but in his management uration of the new government from the Eaxt daily, who are buying Cuba to terminate the occupancy ottbs Major W ilson's little force made its and controlling the diamond supply of of Alfonso XIII a» king of Spain will at Manila. In conclusion Secretary island by the United State- and with- last stand. The memorial to be erected homes in various parts of the state. Africa. The warm African climate had commence May 12 with a grand review Root says: “General Otis goes into ' draw from that island the military The Baker City A Snake River rail­ Th« imiications are for an early ad­ will be a prominent featureof the »tru­ made a mountain of energy of a weaxly of 15,000 troops at Camp Carabanchel. his retirement with a consciousness of forces now in occupancy thereof, but road, with headquarters at Baker City, ing landscai»*. Die «late of interment journment of congress. English youth. Cape politics soon at­ duty well done during 40 years of con­ lor the preservation and care of th« is doubtful, ow ing to the necessity of the p has tiltd articles of incorporation, its tracted hint. He entered the colonial There will lie a gala operatic perfor­ tinuous and exi-eptionally meritorious 1 coast defenses of the island, and to Cecil Rhodes, "the uncrowned king construction of a special carriage road object is to builii a railroad from Baker parliament as a member for Barklv West mance and a concert May 16. The ac service, which entitles liitn to the grat avoid leaving the island entirely de­ of South Africa," in dead. from Buluwayo. At present there is 1 City northeasterly to the mouth of and later tk office in the ministry of tual ceremony of administering the itude and liest wishes of bis country­ fenseless against external attack, you Miss Ellen M. Htone, the American notiiing more than a bridle path. Squaw creek, on the Snake river. Ca|e Fir Thomas Scanlon. On the fall of oath to Alfonso will occur in the cham­ men.” may leave in the coast fortification Ital stock, ,2,500.000 Work on this road has already com­ missionary, is on her way horn«. Fir Gordon Spriggs' ministry, July 17, such small number of artillerymen u menced, but its completion w ill require Republican county ronventions and 1690, he Iswatne premiet of the colony. ber of deputies May 18. Upon this oc­ Detective Is Missieg. There may lie some difficulty in th« one month. may be necessary, for such reaHinsblo primaries were held in a minilier of casion Alfonso will for the first time In 1691 hevixite«! England, and w hile Wellington, Kan,, March 27. — A de ­ I'nitivl States getting a coaling station time as may be required to enable tbe Continuing, the correspondent says 1 counties Saturilay. In the Fécond con­ there donated ,50.000 to the Irish wear the uniform of a captain general tective name«! Ferguson, who has lieen new government to organize and rabai- in Cuba. that a death mask of the face lias been gressional district the tight between Home Rule fund. InSeptember, 1893, in the Spanish army. working on the murder case of Mont­ A pass«’tiger train struck a buggy in successfully taken. The features, which Moody and Williamson was th«» chief ho took the field against lx»l>enguela, After the ceremony in the chamber gomery, tbe Santa Fe Railroa«! detec­ tute therefor an adeipiate military font of its own. the suburbs of Pueblo, killing its three were distorted as a result of his mal­ issue. Results seem to have left the the warlike king of Matal»*leland, the king ami the court will proceed in “You will convene the conpw ady, roMUined their re|M>»eful dignity III 1 ' contest in as great doubt as ever. with a Hying squadron of 600 trooper.«. state to hear a Te Deum in the church tive, has been missing for several days, occii|>anta. ami is believed to have been dealt with elected by the people of Cuba in joint death. After the autopsy, which re- • Mo«dy »iqiears to have th«* best of it in A banquet of San Francisco et Grande, When the Anglo-Boer war broke out, Another mounted for«* of 2.000 men veal<»l nn extensive aneurism of the Baker cii'untv, and WillianiHon in Mr. Rhotlex was at Kimberley, where to the foreign envoys w ill lie given in at the hands of tbe gang that killed session at such reasonable time M-n« in lieing rained in Canada for service in Montgomery. Montgomery was kille«! the 20th of May as shall be necensq heart, the remains were placisi in a Union, Wheeler and Gilliatn are for he romaine«! «luring tbe siege, placing the palac«« that evening. South Africa. at his home last fall at Winfield, while therefor, for the purpose of peiformiik coffin and conveyed to Grtexeliuur. Williamson and Sherman for Mrsslv. himx<4f at the hea«i of a regiment of There will lie [Hipuiar and municipal Two n-.asktd men held up an Em- The Ixnly has since b«ox»ibl<* to em­ for th«« Wast’o county man. Clatsop tained. Ou th«« relief of the city, he an«l receptions during the six days Ferguson recently was instrumental in electorial vote for president and viol the arrest of two men charged with president under the 5th article of tbs break into the safe. balm it, ow ing to the «qierationx neces­ will go for the man from Crook. For hurried to l.on«lon and met Mr. Cham- from May 12 to May 18. Montgomery’s death. sitated by the attacks of dropsy. Cuban constitution. At the same tin.« governor, Geer has carried a number of lierlain, but the subject or result of the The president is receiving dozens of counties, and Furnish ia in favor in you will publish an«i certify to the [«»► applications for the governorship of the conference wax never announce«! His ELECTRIC CARS COLLIDE. Cecil Rhode»' Condition. pie of Cuba the instrument adopted a Danish West Indies, should those RUSSIA'S HOLD ON MANCHURIA. Eastern Oregon. In many of the more health Iving bail, lie returne«l recently Ca|>eTown, March 27.—Cecil Rhtxles the constitution of Cuba by’ the consti­ important {counties, however, the dele- to the Cape in tbe hope that the South islands lie sold to the UniUsi Staten, Three Men Are Killed and Ten Injured in the experienced a very bad heart attack tutional convention on the 21st day 4 Wjth On« Fxcus« or Anothsr, Sh« Will Nat gâtions are noncommittal. African air would benefit him, but his A force of laguna reliels lias sur­ Accident. yesterday aftermxin, from which he did Febuary, 1901, together with tbeap­ Giv« Up. condition steadily grew worse rendered . PORTLAND MARKETS. Joliet, Ill., March 31.—Three dead not rally as he has done from previous pendix added thereto ami forming I Isindon, March 29.—In a «lixputdi Cuba will lie turned over to the Cub­ from Moscow, the corres]s>niient of th«« and 10 injured is the result of a col­ attacks of this nature. At midnight part thereof, adopte«l by the said cus FOR ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION Wheat—Walla Walla, 63'ae<] ment of the Unite«! States that theft- from Amur, Sil»>ria. The oflicer is ,21(321.50 per ton. .10 deaths at Manila. for dropsy. His friends enterain little ernment of the islami will pa*s to the Portland. line. A St. Joseph, Mo., man in under ar­ quote«! as saying that tbe Anglo-Japnn- new president and congress of Cubsa The wreck was the result of a head- hope for his recovery. Oats—No. 1 white, ,1.15(31.22*, ; St. Louis, March 28.—The work on i«xe alliance has m-ahd the |H«litical axs out of Russia's that it is p'sxible for a casual visitor motormen from seeing the approaching Berlin, March 26.—At a conference tion continuing in force arid effect, aid Meteor, will Is« ready to crooa the wsn poaseHsion. The brigumlage rampant barrel; graham, ,2.50(32.80. to mak<< out roughly tin* main features ears. There in a single track at the of cotton exjierts held at the Colonial all the judicial and subordinate exet- In a few «lays. tber«« will I»* iix ««I as a justification for Millstuffs—Bran. ,18 per ton; mid­ of the picture which is to lie painte«! on pla. and the two cars came together office ttslay it was resolved to dispatch tive ami administrative officials «untin- abort», ,20; chop, Two men, charged with grand lar­ the retention of a |»>»er(ul Russian dling», ,20; the site with buildings, lagoons, trees w ith terrific force. The ears were pile«! a commission to the United States to uing in the lawful discharge of tf.rh ceny, naw««l their way out of a Mon­ army. After the brigands have l»*«*ii ,16.50. and avenues. Saturday plans ami in a chaotic state. The scene of the study the cultivation >f cotton, with present functions until changed bv th« suppressed, the Russians will remain Hay — Timothy, ,12(313; clover, tana jail and esca|ied. ill Manchuria to protect their railway ,7.50<38; Oregon wild hay, ,5(36 per specifications will lie rea«lv for the ma­ accident is the same s|s>t w here a ter­ the view of the e«tablisiiment of exjier- constitutional officer of the new govern­ chinery building. Tin* estimated cost rible wreck occurred on the Alton road imental stations in German East Africa ment. At the same moment the re President-elect Palma, of Culm, is and secure i««aee in Northern China. ton. 29 years ago, when a score were killed. on American lines. sponsibility of the United Statesfortte ronfir performance of duty Government Orders Steamer L«b»leeL Judge W. Van Dnvantar, of Chicago, fully detaihd plan for the civil and tal. grower»’ price«;awreta, ,2.25(32.50 Washington, March 29.—The house convert the St. I.ouis Athletic Club on military administration of Manchuria Washington, March 27,—Attorney by the officers an«l employe« of the in­ han lieen prominently mention««! an a per cental. the world’s fair site into a temporary committ«-«* on foreign affairs has voted General Knox today telegriff>he«l in- sular government will end ami there niiivenaer to Secretary of the Interior has already been eiaboratid, ami win Butter—Creamery, 25(330c; dairy hospital The large increase in the to report the bill of Repres«>ntative Ad­ strwti'n» to the l'nite«l States attorney aponsibility of the new government of re«vive the czar's approval in «luv Hit« lie«wk. 18(3224»; »tore, 13(315c. number of men employed on tiie site ams. of Pennsylvania, to reorganize the at Port Townsend, Wash., to liliel the Cuba will, therefore, commence. i*ourse. The senate is working on the oleo- Eggs—14» for Oregon. makes some provision for emergency United States consular service. The steamer Wilhelmina, whose captain is “In order to avoid any embarrass­ commercial organizations of the country- margarine bill. Cheese — Full cream, twins, 13(3 aid to the injure«! necessary. The President'! Veto stated to have brought into port two ment to the new president which might F. J. Hart, architect of th«* Arkansas have l»*«*n much interetsed in a meas­ Chinamen whom he put ashore and as­ arise from his assuming executive* Washington, March 31.—President j 134»; Young America, 14(315»; fac­ An Alabama negro wan lynche«! for world's fair building, has arrivtwl in ure of this kind. As agreed upon, the sist«! to es«’a]>e the in»|>ectioti officers. sponsibilities with subordinates •b'B Roosevelt lias «ent to the house a Veto tory prices, 1(31 4» lee». the assault of a little white girl. Poultry—Chickens, mixeii, ,4.00(«t Ft. Louis to make final survey and bill |>rovi«ies for the appointment by he does not know, or in whom he h* of the bill for the relief of Emanuel An agent of the Southern China reb­ no confidence, and to avoid any ora­ Klausur front the ebarg« <>f «lesertion. 5.00; hens. ,5.00(36.50 |»»r dozen, 11(3 preparations for the erection of tbe the president of acommitt«*e of twosen- President's Dav at Charleston. els lias arrived in tills country to buy 1 atora, thr«*e representative« ami one tion for sweeping changes in the ciri The prv«idenl say» thia bill, like the 12 4» |«*r pound; springe. 11(311 4» l*v building. Charleston, S. C., March 26. arms. _ _ —April -■ service personnel immediately after tbs C- F. Taylor, chief of the department state department official to a«sist in the L--- V - - siuiate bill in the esse of James W. |«>iilid ,3(34 4 |»-r dozen . ducks. ,’><36 9 ha« l>een set apart as President's «lay inauguration of the new governm«“ Governor General Wood, of Culm, is Howell, not only authorises the Presi­ ;>er dozen; turkey», live, 12(313», of agrii-ultiire and acting chief of the reorganization of the ronsnlar servire. at the exposition. The feature of the approval is given to the course ’D ’ lieing talkisl of as a sticetwnor to Gen­ dent to act, but also Orders the serre» lr,*«se.l, 14<316» perpoun«!; g««*e. ,6 4 department of horticulture of the which is to be effect««! within two day will be the presentation to Major you have already proposed of «» n*'.'• world's fair, and Chari«» M. Reeves, years. tary of war to revoke and xet asiile the i*7 per doeen. eral Miles. Jenkins by his former chief of the Mutton—Grow, 4» per pound, drese- srorwtary of th«* joint rommittee on leg- ing the president-elect and xnbmittint An ex-prenii«r of Japan says bis order approving the proce«sling», Und­ ed, 7(374» l*r pound. Rough Riders of a l»*antiful eword Dclartv Hu Eicapvd. i -iation an«i state and territorial ex­ liefore the 20th of May. wherever '’ ing« and sentence of a general enurt country is not going to have any trouble from the South Carolinians. Izmdon, March 2B.— Incomplete Hog»—Gro«», 5A|c; dree»««!, 64®7c hibits. have left on a Western tour of martial and to grant an honorabl« dix- shall so desire, for the persons »'* with Russia l«er |«Hin«l. exploitation, to last alxiut thn*e weeks. report» of the results of the combined charg«. ___ ___ holding official positions such [er»-t Turkish Troops for Albania. V««al—8(384 for «mall; 7(474 1« Th«» will meet the g«ivernorsof New movements of the British columns A Kansas postoftic« roblmr has lu«en as he may designate. large. Mexico. Nevada. California. Oreg«'n, against General Delarev have enabled For a Mmt at Omaha capture«! on the Pacific coant after a “I de«ire that vou communicate tbs Ixind"n. March 27.—“A report has Beef—Grona, row», 34(34»; steer« Washington, Idaho, Utah and Wyo­ Ixird Kiteliener to announce the «•ap- l«vn receiv«*«l from Constantinople," contents of this letter to Mr. Pal®*- chaan of over 5,000 tulles. Washington, March 29.—The boti«« 4(34 4»; dreesud. 6 4(374» per pound. ming, as well as the members of the ture of ovet 100 prisoner». thr»*e 1- cables a «*orresp«indent of the Daily the presiilent-elect, ami a*erU:t The mineworkers association of Penn­ committ«*» Od col tinge ha» onlered a Hope—12(313c |>er pound. business «.rganisations of the capitals potimi guns, two pompoms and qnanti- Chronicle,“that 40 Turkish battalions whether the course alxive de*crilel I-' sylvania has issue«! an ultimatum, and favnrable tepori on thè bill o( Merrer, General have l«een mobilized for service W«w>l—Valley, 13(315»; Eastern Ore­ of those states; also the leiuling citi­ ti«* of stock, wagons, etc. in coni« with his views and wishes. if it in not aciyptisl by the mine owner« c-taliliahing a roinage mini at Omaha, gon. 8(3124»; mohair. 21(3214» per zens of »«»veral other cities, imduiling Delarev appears to have successfully Albania, where there is a reign of reepectfnllv, Neh . and appropriatiti* ,250,000 f«< a a repetition of the 1900 strike will oc­ pound. San Francisco. I’ortlami ami Tacoma. evaded Lord Kitchener's cordon. anarchy.” "EI.IHÜ ROOT, Secretary <>f M'*r building cur in the anthrai ite region. Blast Furnace Workers' Demand. American Government Sounded. Youngstown, O., Man’ll 31.—At a mroting of the extxiitive b>*ar«i of the Natin al Association of Bla«t Fnrn ice Worker» tonight, it wan decided unani­ mously that notice« should be sent to all blast fnrnacv operator« April 5. de­ manding an eight hoar day at the pres­ ent scale of wages, to take effect May I. President McMahon say« the assnriatmn has the assurance of the employe« of the United Rates Steel Corporation of support in the movement. Manh 27. — The Daily Chronicle, in an editorial this morning nn 'S* — * -« _ - ~ France nans >>n th«, statement that and Rn * sia have sound««! the Unite«! States with reganl to its attitude in regard to the Anglo-Ja|>anese alliance, sav« it 1 k« as if France an«i Ru«sia were al­ ready reckoning up the chances of the game. The Chronicle asks what might happen if they could reck«'n on Amer­ ica’s fnendlinee« or even neutrality in the far East. The Rothiwhilds employ 27.000 men ’ Railway Repair Plant Bums R«b«l laadsr Captured. in the varfom copper mines that they ! Chihnahua, Tex., March 29.—The Manila. March 26 — Noriel, tbe only Nrranton, I'a March 29.—Fire in owa. in«nrgent general, with theex«*eption of roundhouse, carpenter shops and entire ths villag«« of i*eckville, eight miles Rev. Jo«rph W. C««‘k. pionror of In- I Mahar, still in the field, has been cap­ plant of the Chihnahua A Pacific Rail- fr m lioo. Tt irty of th« build the Ihikota«. diol of valvular dieses« of wa-repts a railr,«w«l |>a«s All A maj«ir, a The b ■«• is intimated at , i ».000 insure*!. Fifty famille» are left home- th« heart in St. Ixtuis. He was en I Twenty-eighth infantry Tbe Erie Rsilnspi Company baa le«s ami are bring eared for by the route tn Florida. ________________ captain, a lieutenant and five men, the engin«*«, with the exception of two. who were acting as a bo«1rguarii to were destroy»«! grantsxl an iacreaseof wages t«.tbe roa­ neighbors. ductors, trainmen ami switchmen na Rev. William Stark, of Baltimore | N wiel were capture«I with him There Thousand Cholera Deaths at Mecca Date 'or Compiette«« of Ta.ema the entire line. ha» submitted to a remarkable opera- j 1« «««me reason to Is*I leve that one mem- Cairo. Egypt. March 29.—It is «abl her of this txwlygwwt'i is < «eneral Malvar tion. bis brain being llttesl ami th« J Washington. Mandi St* — Th« navy Congress will probably authorise tbe 1 in di^nuoe. Nonel ha« been *ne of here that nearly 1,000 death« from ronstrnction of three new hattlrohip«. » I March 23 tion since 1,99. • 1 pro ted Tacoma to May. 1903. 11 otb«r naval ve«a«l». New Y«»rk. March 27.—King Ed­ wanl's birthday 1» in Novemher, a per­ i-si of the vear very unsuitable for snrh __ oMruilAO a brilliant h-.IH—• military —’ a function a« the tr«»>ping rolor», ___ trooping o( of the th« color», and tbe an­ n«'nrM*ement that the day 1» ,to lie otfi- »tally celebrate«! this year on May 30 give» »,.«-• much tnuen satisfartion «attMartion, saya the ijnn- don «-orTropondent «I the Tribnne. The «wiebratmn wiil mark tbe beginning of the roronation festivitie». »» many Boy­ al and "tber di«tingui»be«i pereonage» frota abrood wiil. it i» experta«!, ha ve smvwl by th« end of May. Voting Machines at New York. Santos-Dumont, the Brasilian aero­ New York, March 31.—Voting ma- naut. is in London ami e»|w*< t« to make a»«'eii»iona during the «sirouation sea- chine« may I«» tned at futili« election« a»n. in New York city, Th« question of Parisians are discussing a plan of adopting machine« was discus.«»«! at erecting wirvl«-«» telegraph system« in length at a meeting of the boari of that city to take th« plate of tele­ election rommineioner» today, and it phones was annrmn<*und« of ammunition in th« magarin«. 72 000.000 hop tin«» B«*mn n< of Coronation Fetes. Intent of Anglo-Japanese Trestv- St. Petersburg, Marrh 27.—' » " ing to a«lvice» rereived here fr'in' 11 Arthur, it is believed there that real intent of the AngloJapane«» t'**1’ is to rompe) Russia to evacuate ”•* churia The Japanese have alres'i'*^ tablidied a Japanese-Chinese h»n« compete with the Raseia-Chine* and a Japanese institution 1 >* ronressions to explore for gold if- 6*- chnria. Caught in a Cave-in. Cleveland. March 27.—As tbe re- of a cave-in of a huge bank cf ■ the Main street plant of the < Gas Light A Coke Company tl i* * noon, six men are«lead. Tbe men working « loee to a bank of clay. it smhienly gave way with«-o'tl»-'J*' < ext warning, burring them I«-'”* ■ ma«« of earth. Fellow wrkmen J tne«iiately began the work of T»‘ y ' in a «bort time six of the men I >■ taken out. Some of them 1 other« were alreo«ly de»!, their ■ having been »mothered out.