Guard Eugene Al’KJ.,5 SATURDAY. COLD WATER FOR FURNISH ALREADY Clerking I xm I t * move attrertiv» th»“ hotw»'*k lw a womaa, It Is also even mor* «MhauMlng Th» m.rk » -Den lone under higt pi isen—, and tb* brightness pt the eve* «nd the luahed cheek* of the attentive clerk indicate nervenw- nea* rather than baakh. U this i* tru» under molt favorable condi­ tion*, what shall be ■aid of those who suffer from woman­ ly di**a*es, and who endure headache, backarhn and other nain* day after d*y ? No nek woman Aould neglect the mean* of cure for womanly diseases offered in Doctor Pierce'» Favorite Prescription. It regulates the peri­ ods, dne* enfeebl­ ing drains, heal* innanimation and alceration, ami cures female weakness. It make* weak women strong and Mck women well. THE REGISTRATION. Only 3326 Out oi About 6000 Voters Registered. Two years ago tbe Republican candidate« for (’ ap »11 congressmen together had ov . twelve thousand votes plurality. In face of that Deity Osard, April I vote tbe Portland Telegram on the Up to 11 o'clock thia morning only very afternoon of tbe nomination 3326 out of 6000 or more voters In tbe of Mr Furnish as the Republioan oounty bad registered. Thia I* 1939 candidate for governor gave that leu* than th* number registered two years ago Tb* book* will be closed io gentleman a very good dash of oold leee than a month and a half—on May water—ioe water as it were— 16 —and if you are not registered by even used the very indelicate that time, in order te vote you will “if in referring to ,his prospect of have to go to tbe trouble of securing election: witneeeeeand being sworn in at the • • ’Mr Furnish, if eleoted, will eleotion. make a oareful, capable Governor. Following is the total reglstratlcn for two year* ago and the total for each But he will not have such a walk­ precinct up to date on tbe present reg­ over next June as some Republioan istration : nominees have had heretofore. 1900 1902 heart orertlowinr wila (rslitade as well Candidate Furnish undoubtedly .. •A a aensr ef duty ur*»« m« to write to yoa and tell you of my wonderful reeoeery - eave Mies felt a chilly sensation in the region Corinae C Hook. Oran«<-burt Oraareburj Co., Bailey.......................... ....... 11«. .......... 53 Carolina -By the uw of ft Fierce • of tbe backbone when he read that, Routh Blanton................................ 62. .......... 30 Favorite Frewripeloa I am entirely a new twins eornfared with the p.«>r mlaersble .offerer wbo and then remembered that the big wrote you four monlha ago. 1 remark to my Blue River.......................... 61. ........... 23 abnoet every day that il aeeme almoat Bohemia........................... 66. ........ « fl part of the nearly ten thousand Srente tmpr»»inility for medicine Iodo a pereon ao much *«d Irurin* lh- whole aummer 1 could East Cottage Grove ..... 340. 231 majority of tbe Eastern Oregon scarcely keep up t walk af-nat the houae end West Cottage Grove..... 264. ...........181 r'eterday I walkerl four mllee and felt Iwtter district for the Repnblioan candi­ om the eser. iae I now weteh IM poanda Creswell...............................SQ6. ...........136 Mloe wee a complicated caae of female diaeaae date for congress cams from Port­ jo Cbesher................................ 60. ........... 17 ita worst f rm - Doctor Pierce * Pleasant Pellets car* Camp Creek... ....... land, also that hie competitor to 108......... 47 teliousnea*. Coyots ................. 70............... 4» be, Mr Chamberlain, carried Port­ North Eugene No... 1...... 263............. 174 land for prosecuting attorney by North Eugen* No 2...... 218............... 168 several thousand majority at that CRESWELL NEWS. South Eugene No 1...... 247...............180 same election. Mr Famish has Mouth Eugen* No 2.. ...169..... ......... 124 reason to feel ohilly when be con­ Improvements Going on In and Elmira............................. .... 66..... ........ 33 Fairmount..................... ...110..... ........ 46 sults those Multnomah oounty Around the Village. Fall Creek..................... ... 86..... ....... 58 election returns. SpeWal I* th* UaerC. A GRASS TRUST BEAT MOODY. Congressman Malcolm Moody has found out what it means to publioly work for corporate inter« sets—that io whsn his home people are the ones hit hard. He has been retired from the Portland and Ksetern Oregon congressional dis­ trict simply beoauss his vots and influence were thrown in iavor of monopoly, of leasing ths public range to large corporations to the practical exclusion of small stock- men. He made the mistake in supposing that tbs party reoord for trusts would carry him through with bis oonstitnsnts. But those constituents kicksd over the traces when a practical illustration of trnst legislation oame directly home to them. And the district that gave Moody nearly ten thousand majority in a vote of less than thirty-five thousand two years ago repudiated him* It was all right for Moody to vote for trusts on clothing, machinery, sugar, in tact about all ths neces­ saries of life, but it was all wrong for him to vote for an Eastern Ore­ gon grass trust. He has found it out too late. A MILLIONAIRES PLIGHT. Do John D Rockefeller's millions —most of them wrongfully taken from the public—bring him hap­ piness these daysf Not likely. Ho would probably give them all, •nd too willingly, for ths precious boon of bsaltb. The multi-millionaiie Standard Oil magnate is suffering from •kin disease that bailies ths skill ol the modioal profession. The hair has fallen from hie head leaving it bare as a billiard ball, also ths mustache and beard from his face, lie secludes himself from public view, walking about his residence grounds bareheaded when there io ounshice in the bops that the sun's rays may bring some relief. ■J—■ LL J WILL HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF Will Oregon political history re­ peat itoelf? Sylvester Fennoyer, an attorney by profession, though not in practice at tbs time of bis slectioo, defeated David P Thomp­ son, banker, ths Rspublioaa candi­ date in 18M. George E Chamberlain, prose­ cuting attorney of Multnomah county, is the Democratic candidate •gainst William J. Furnish, a Pendleton banker, on ths Repnbli« can ticket, Chamberlain has never failed to overcome odds when bominated and, we believe, is very liable to do buaim lor Oregon as her governor. CaxawsLL, Or, April 3.—H Vac Prooyeu was above Cottage Grove »ell- lug cream asperators last week. He report* favorable on bls trip, having sold quite a number to tbe up-to-date rancher* in that part of tb* ooantry. L D Scarbrough 1* spraying bl* prune orchard near Creswell. He ba* three orchards to spray ; one I* about three mils* above town, tbe other is a half mil* south and the other is just north of town where bis two big dryer* ar* located. Mr Boarbrougb baa just tlnl*iied setting out 46 acre* of prune trees, making 146 or 16o acres of orobard. Mr C Doyle was In town Wedneeday acting in thsoapaclty of land ag*nt. He Is mixing creamery aud real »stale business together. Hejhal better ’tend to bl* cream or it may sour on him, and let John Winzsuried run tbs real estate business. It R Hayee Is up from Eugen*. Billy G1 Urey was Intown Wednee­ day to have bis plow sharpened. Wheeling has begun and J N Lind­ say 1s busy cleaning and patching all kinds of punctures. AM Bailey fluielied outtlug up bis balm tree which be started oa two months ago. Clyde Smith Bcarbrougli. Is making tsne* for Tom Martin attended th* show last night. We Want Chickens. NEW ARRIVALS... Tbe Democratic Primaries Elect Delegates and Nominate Precinct Officer». D utch kxtkr , April 2—John Guilsy, Gulley, of Creswell, waejiu tbteueigbborbocd aud Fell Creek Tursday and Wednesday buying cattle. Mr Bowder, of tbe Eugene Soap Co. was taking order» from our merchant* Help Wanted Monday. Rev Miller, a Baptist preacher from Hpringfield, preacued al Trent Bun­ day and at June in tbe evening. Farmer* have made good use of the ■pell of fine wsather and a goodly amoentofgraiodid garden have gone Into tbe ground. Tbe Trent school district i» putting up a flue large bell tu tbe plsse of tbe one tbat was broken a year or more ago. It will cost them about $20. It ».'« hsvsat a reeatar. Sea th, n.-wal st tke hww.ta every »a,, »..«re ll.r.llt. Kee* he*vla<'S*A. SB.I b. well t rv. In llw et .W twlrtr*.'" I-'1“" •• a."»-rvwa r». aw~i* CANDY CATHAHTIO cisco. WANTED.—Energetic people to »ell our up-to-date publications In each township. We furnish books to reliable agents on a credit system. Write for terms and descriptive circulars. Continental Book Co, Geoduough Building, Portland, Ore­ All Deering Binder heads realrid free If brought In before March 15, al $ L Chambers A Bro. FkYTiNo Eocie —Barred Plymouth R ck «re fbr sale, to cents per set 41 ug. Good slock. 8 M Doue LAS. 284 Fourth and J*fl*reoe. i DROP HEAD AUTOMATIC LIFT SEWING MACHINE Republic, Upright Head, warranted ten year» at........................................ Improved New Model, Drop Head, BROWN LEGHORNS FOR BALE. warranted ten years at....................... Thoroughbred Brown Leghorn cock­ erel* for *al*. Price* reasonable. All above machines J R Yale«, Irving, Oregon. For Sale. Palestine Pointers. C row , Or, March 29.—Our citizens are quietly pursuing tbe even tenor of tbeir wav, waiting for weather fit for gardening and farming. the are fully warranted ten years I have all the latest improvements and attachments, wood work in the finest polished oak. FRESH MILK COW FOR BALE.— A No 1 fre»b tuilk cow for »ale. Ap­ ply to E W Zumwalt 6 tnilee north­ west of Irviug or addreee »ante at Mr G W Clark last Monday took to Junction City Oregon. himself a wife in tbe person of Mies FOR BALE.—Bpriugfield Hotel. You Mary Green of Eugene. mi»» a good thing if you fail to in­ Born, March 21, 1992, to the wife vestigate thia. Il’s a money •taker. of Richard Liles, a eon, J M Woods, Bpringfield, Oregon. Mrs B H Mason, who bas been sick and helple* »0 long, is now able, wltb TIMBER CLAIMS—Two first-ci»»* the aid of ber erutebee, to walk half a limber claim* for Mie on th* best a mile. part of th* Bluelaw river—right on The fall grain looks well, and there are good prospects for a heavy fruit crop. Those on tbe sick list this week are, BH Clark, A J Kraal, Mr» Crow aud little Edna Jenkins. Mr Clarence Evan» was In our neighborhood buying cattle this week. Ml»s Ora Wood visited with tbe family of ber uncle, J V Jenkins, on Thursday. Liles Bros are hauling hay which they have purchased from W L Ford. Our neighbor» at Hadleyville have •uooeed.d in organizing a Bunday school. Success to them. Palestine Bunday school is making a brave struggle for existeu e-. It must make up in energy what It lacks in number*. Tbe public school is belug taught by Mr* Ella Kraal. One month of tbe term lias passed. The C B B boy* are cleaning oft tbe site ot tbe proposed ball which is to be built under tbe auspices of the M W of A. O ptimist . To chop maple and balm exo-lst r wood tee mile- below Fegeue 00 river road. Addiees H kmrt Loamx, Jun< tian City, Or. TO cune A COLD IN ON* «»AT Take lAXallve Hr- mo QuimneTablet* All druegl.t« refund tbe money If It fails to cure. K W Grove's signature e on each box. 26c. O rd AN IX kd .—Tbe Humphrey Mem­ Fon (S ala —Two Cypher incubator orial Brotherhood of lb* M E church good a* new and th*leading incubator of this city ba* organised with tb* < n the market. Inquire of Cbae L ftllowing young men a* offl.wre: President, C A Bent:; vie* pre* .lei t; Millar, Monroe, Oregon. <• F Moore; secretary, Burgee* Ford; «rearerer, H W Johnson ; editor, W R Craig. P. FRANK & SON, 34, 36 and 38, E. Ninth - Wl ♦ ♦♦ the river bank. A bargain if taken at once. Price $1510. A H Hi ok son, Alma, Or. H. GORDON... The Housefurnisher FOR BALE-A good gram, hay and stock farm of 216 acres for sale, | mile from store, poetoffice, school and church, 4j mi lee from rail­ road station, good tuildlngs, well watered, level and good location, 129 acres plowed aud part sown to wheat, on reasonable terms. A snap tor the purchaser. Can be reached from Goshen by stage. Call on C B Richardson Pleasant Hill or C A Parker, 482 Jttiersoil street, Eu­ gene, Oregon. For Rent. TO RENT.—Stock aud fruit raueb, 440 acres, 50 acre* in cultivation, 10 acre» in orchard, one mile aud a half from Waltervilie. Call on or address E M Bowermai , Waltervilie, Ore­ gon. AUCTIONEER.—Sixteen years ex­ perience Fine stock nales a special** ty. Write for date J H K til Eft, Eugene. The Best Goods. The Lowest Prices. PHONES: Office—Black 59-1; Residence—Black 631. W. T. GORDON, UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 26 East Ninth st Office Phone Blk 59-1 Res. Phone Blk 53-1 Our Motto is: There's no rest for those tireless little worker»-Dr King’* New Life Pill*. Millions are always busy, curiDgtorpid liver, jaundice, biliouso»»», fever aud ague. They banish sick headache, drive out malaria. Never gripe or weaken. Bmall, taste nice, work won­ ders. Try them. 25c at W L De- Lano’s. You Know What You Are Taking w Phone Red 66-3. APPLES, EGGS and BUTTER WANTED. M c K inney , b . 588 Willamette Street JUST ARRIVED "‘k" Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every hottie show­ ing that it I* »imply Iron aud Quinine In a tas'eless form. No cure, no pay You want a good clean bed when you stop over night in Eugene. New bedsand newly papered and painted rooms at the Courthouse Lodging House. No old, dusty, worn- out carpets but clean painted Moors with a nice bright Brus-1 seis carpet rug to each bed. Just back of the courthouse. I “TO PLEASE.” We keep an up-to-date line of Groceries, and guarantee our prices to be as low as the lowest. Working 24 Hours a Day BAYLE’S BAYLES BAYLES BAYLE’S BAYLE’S BAYLE’S BAYLE’S BAYLE’S BAYLES J- U. GREEN & SON By This Morning’* Tralu Horseradish Mustard Boneless Herring Tabasco Sauce Peanut Butter Little German Pretzel Dewey Biscuit Tabasco Catsup Spanish Peanut Farragon Vinegar We Expect J. W. KAYS’ FURNITURE CO. Embalmers and Funeral Directors. Day & Henderson, Undertakers and Embalmers. Cor. Will ana 7th •r omy w . h„, in UdJ-, (^n**r wheelg X Mrs^^k* ’• T°u ’3i0° on teJd’wÄ ^“imÄ.r',Ury,hattle’ dTUP • • Repaired Free New Walking Skirts. All the latest new goods in Ladies Summer Dress Goods and materials for Waists . . WANTED.—Intelligent young men from 17 to 19 year» of age, having eommon school education, to learn mechauical trades. For full informa­ tion apply or write to Union Iron Works, 222 Market »treet, »an Fran­ About fifteen person» attended tbe gon. democratic primary in tbi* precinct which, if we ere correctly informed, WANTED.—Several persons of char­ was altout twelve more than attended acter aud good reputation in each THE LATEST tbe republ'-yan caucus. state (one in this county required) to Our up-to-dale merebaht, Mi»* Par- represent and advertise old establish­ ed wealthy bosineee bouse 01 solid vin, is displaying a nice line of new We have jurt received the new ball­ financial standing. Salary $18.00 goods. bearing Matchless Automatic Lift weekly with expenses aditlonal, all Messrs E P Williams, Joel AddlDg- Sewing Machine, warrant® i for ten payable in cash each Wednesday ton, H L Edward» and E K Parker year» at............................................... direct from bead office*. Horte and were choeen to be aelvgatee to tbe M.tchleaa Swell Front, Drop Head, carnage furnished, when m-oeeeary. democratic county convention. E P Ball Bearing, at................................. References, Enclose seif-addreseed William» was nominated for ju»tioe, A Mstchlees Drop Head, Ball-Bearing at 2'1 envelope. Manager, 806 Caxton B Addington for constable and E F Mstchlee», Upright Head, Ball-Brar­ Building, Chicago. Templeman for supervisor. ing, at................................................. Rxu. A BEST FOR THE BOWELS THE NEW GIBSON Waists: Petticoats in Linen Shades. WAN i'ED.—Five good deputies, men or women, to *oiicit tor the Inde­ pendent Order of Lions. Address D Bradley, Northwest corner 11th and Cbarneiton streets, Eugene_______ Chas Stanton has suspended opera­ tions on bls oil well till be can set ure a We waut a oarload of chickens by perpetual motion niacblue to ruu bl* Abril 10th, for which we will pay 8 Thurston Notes. drill, than the oil will I* bored for. cent* per pound, live weight, for all Mrs Win Tail Is moviug into tbe lien* and spring chicken* tbat are de­ thukston , April 1.—I'M Densmore, TiRany bouse on the More* place livered on or before tbat date. We are paying tbs highest cash She Is a daughter of Mr D Grosbeak*. ; rice for egg*. 64 West Eighth street. of Eugene, was in Tburstou today. Mi*» Uua Davis was a passenger to T hi B kattlk P roduck C o . Mr CL W< ber i* having B H Par­ Waltervlle today. sons put in more shelvlug to hold a Rev Carlson, of Eugene, is boldiug large stock ot shoe* Just received from Step» tk* Cough and Werk* off ths Cold, J Miller, Kaclue, WIs. Ms now baa laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet* meetings tiers this week the largest assortment of shoe* that cure a oold In one day. No Cure, No Dr B E Russell went to Eugene flat* ever struck tbe town. Mr Weber baa Pay. Price 26 cent*. urday. also started a ladle*’ department under Tbe Booth-Kelly Co's log drive Is Snell Bicycles. tb* management of Mias Myrtle opposite here. Tbe log* will be takeu Smith. Mr Weber aims to oommeuo* out at Cobarg. Hnell* twat the world, prioes $20, *25, the season with a complete line of Tbe democrats held tbeir primary *30 and *85. We tit Morrow coaster everything. brakes to any wheel for *6. W* fit all Saturday. U C Hasleton doubled bis clerk force O A McMahan, Cha* Hasting* and makes of tires. Call up 653 Black for April 1st. W W Scott I* now acting J E P Wither* were elected delegates bicycle Information, In tb* capacity of clerk 111 the store. to tbe eouuty convention. B ahkkk G un W orks . All wbo know, and I guess every t>ody A H ard C ase . knows Billy, are glad to see him back Call For County Warranta. to town. Hilly is tbe man wbo killed Horrible Outbreak two swan at 17 shots last winter at 30 Notice I» hereby given that the yards with R 1) Hawley’s 30-.S0 Mar­ following warrant* will be paid on "Of large »ore* on my little daught­ lin. Billy Is a success at gunning as presentation at my office on and aftkk well as at oounling egg* and sailing March 5tb, 1902. Intereat will cease er’s head developed into a case of scald “Battl* Axe." Huoosss to Mr Haslatou March 6th, 1902: From registered bead" write* C D Isblll, of Morgan­ ton, Tenn, but Buoklen’s Arnica Is what all expect. uuaiber 1 to 349 Inclusive. Helve completely cured ber. It’s a Dated March 1st 1902. guaranteed cure for ecsema, tetter, salt A B PATTKRSklN, County Treasurer. rbeum. pimple*, *oree, ulcer* and pile«. K lbmm ' s A ddition . — John H Only 26 cents at W L DeLano’e. Klemm, ths West Eighth street har­ Now I* the time for poaltry fencing; ness and saddle dealer, has commenced lower than the lowest at Chambers' the erection of tbe big two-story brick hardware. Stray Horses. addition te his building. Excavating Wood Wanted. is being done today aud tbe founda­ Two mares came to my plac - about tion materials are belog prepared. Feb 1. One grey, left eye blind, tbe From present Indications builder* will Tbe Electric Light Cb will reosi ve ocher, light sorrell with white face. be al a premium In EugeM Ibis sum­ propesale for cld growth body fir wood Owner paying all charges can get tbe mer. in iota ot 50 lo 600 corde, to be dellv- bores*. H Rebmen, one tulle south of eied at tbs plant nell summer. Ad- Llswellyn post« fflee.