Eugene 3ctt:ef sad V r.s luard MARCH 13 H\H_ k DAT HOW ABOUT GREAT BK1TAII A AD AMERICA? Aiter two ysan of warfarv taerv ar» still 236,000 Br. uah soaLsrs ia b .tn Adnan, and U s war M xst-ig n--ny liOjOOG^XW • moc’h. Tbs A csr-MU t'-Jr. w ,-ula aay “now f. a .- U *je did w.. mv-j. iiur-7 rv—«muer liai w- bars 30,DOC •xiisn tn tbs P -ilipptM* aad haw alnady spec *300,000,000 owr taerv trytog to teach too FLipinas mat Ta. mas Jeffierson aa-1 A^sxacdsr Hac -lion and the otnsr signers at U» JeaaraLou of Iclapeedenoe Ld : wvn from tbs oottesnt of tbs gowr ad." And Groat BnU n owned this country when the patnota sub­ scribed their name to those sent-* meets. Ws haw «ever bad any title to tbs Philip A om except a wirthIms quit elain from Spain— which lacked poms «ion wbsc she gaw the deed—»nd whatever of that Asiatic territory bold is held oy force of arxj. Be honest with youroe f! Deep down in your heart can you uphold the war of conquest the . has been sn-1 is being waged in toe Philippine? Have ws ever eougnt “the oiosent of the governed?” Should ws jibe as Great Britain for trying to steal 8>uth Africa from the Boers? is tbs old proverb that “people who hve in glass bouses should not throw stones" applicable to our comment on England’s worse than folly—criminal folly? r I BOP r CuJTïACT 1 IM I B Canvnght Caatracts Fsar Years Crop te L trial Sras ; H«ip Wjnuc t NEW GOODS In Silks, Corded Crystal Silks, Wash Taffeta Silk, Lace Striped and Fancy Pongee. The latest and best goods out for Waists. ASK FOR THEM. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. S. H. FRIENDLY. ■aur * y*¡xT-• * uL I cowLi a»x eat H. GORDON caret. Tin rito a Itesi For Sal«. The Housefurnisher ' -' »! Lew Ratu for Seiden. trusts and combinations as “cap­ tain s of industry." Thera has been a failing down and worth.p before the new idol. BROWN LEOHORNS FOB BALE. 1 boroughtred Brown Legnorn cock­ erel» foe sale. Price» reeaonabte. J R Yates, Irving, >regoo. FOR BA LE.-Owe of ’.be choicest tne aaontr.* af Maren sad reaideecaa in Eugene en W lllamette April tne Caaadian Pwcthe Ka.. way .treat. Call on T N secar, Hotel aod Boo-Lune will nue U m following Eugene, far further partícula.». low rate» t» North Pacific Coaat (Axnte From sH Paal 825 ; from Cbteago, *0 FRE-H MILK COW FOR BALE.— ani eonaepsadmgly tow ratea from A No 1 fre»h milk oow for sale. Ap­ ail potata in um Kart. low rat-» ply to E W ZamwJt S mil«« aorth- the p'oeror line in immigration to tbs waas of Irving or adCrees same al Pacific Coast. If yo« nave fr»cd» is Junction City Oregor. the Ea»t who ar« eoiie«» from rail­ road station, good tai.dings, well tion regard g in« rew.urore of Oregon watered, levai and good location, and roan»', ’.nem la arranging '.at their 13) a r-« ptoweo and pert eown trip. F-r bue tanle«, .lat«« and other it- to wheat, on reasonable terms. A f rmauoa call oo or addre»», F P «nap for the lurchaser. Can be reached froaa G«»hen bj.tage. Call Jòhaaoo. F A P A. C P R, 14J Third »tree*, Portland, Oregon. on C S RicLardaoti Pleaeeut nill or C A Parker, 4s_ J-Serun street, Eu­ gene, Oregoo. Mark Hanna is •kill contending for »teaman.p subsidies, both bald­ ing and running. The people would have to pay for it, «hile a few builders and owners won id get tne benefit, Still toare »re lota of voters who conceder it the proper thing to pass law« that make a tew Werktag 24 Bean a Day men rich—like Andy Carnegie that can give away twenty millions and Thera'. n<> rrot for those tiretem ,iu,e etill have enough to keep him in * worker»—Dr King’» Naw Lif. Pili». firot-claa» hotel if be lived to be Mn.too» are always baay. curing torpid two hundred thousand years old. liver, ¡sandio», Muoaenae». fever and A l OSDOX SALOOS SCHEME Why cot let tois money stay where ague. They tamo »lea ben dac ele, it rightfully belong», among the driv» out ma. cria. Never gnj« or wtakeo. rmE, tea's nie», w-xfc woo­ New Yorkers are contemplating people who create it with their den. Try these. J5e at W L D— the eetabliaument at a scheme of labor? Sight Was Her Terror. L«O‘>’» saloons after a I.or don plan. The For Rent. Hcre is bow me Pend>eton Ei« ’ idea is to plane dn..king of intoxi­ Wood Wanted “I woo.c «nugb naariy all n gnt cants ia moderatiot on a reepectabie Oregonian throws ooid water—im 'ocg, ' write» Mr» Cb»» App.ega'e, of i TU BENT.- St-vk and fruit ranch, The E.«rtrx Lagbt Co vili radei ve Alexandria, ltd, “»nd c u d nard!y beala. The genera plan includee a water m it wars—on the propoai 44 that amount of It may be better or the class that Marc!. 5th, 1908: From registered money. Firai-clae* hotels in imaL goes to saloons pr. narily to drink, towns are not g od investments Thorosghbred Jacks. number 1 to 34* inc.osive. Dated March 1st 1901. but hsw about th ■ large number for the owner*. T .ey are the poor­ A B PATrxaSOX, that frequent such plaoes through est form of real eat .to investments, I have two jaste of Keo lucky «tack G Minty Treasurer '.bat will make the -eae ii of 19U8 a: but they are splendid things with Card ef Thanks. social attractions? They are the my h»me at Clever are, c e*e: »f which to advertise town. people—and toe b; majority, too- Crrowell oa th* I roaani Hill nrod Stray Horses. J R riammoed tasa, thia method of >* .«• an Engl eb e> -••fa horse, 5 year» last must be kept in eight when •Xpressing hl» 4«» > graUtud» an4 old aod» 14'xl pound». Jac»* Startling as it may seem the it ia proposed to ameliorate the thank, to th« B«wb«i of the W omec 7 aad 11 yror» aid »nd weigh from *A) Two man-» came Pi my place about evils of the saloon What will the •tatemenl ia made that there an at W»odcra.*t aad fri-ud» who aasiateC to lcM). Foate insured at |8. Mi.-ee Fee 1. One gray, lift eye blind, the taken In pots.v and attended to. temperance reforu m give in ite sixteen ships of tha Federal nary at the ftouaral at hte beiovad wife. R obekt Bauinx, o U act , ¡■«Lt icrrtU with white face. and fifteen torpedo boats lying in <_ reeweii, Oregon. pines? Owner paying » I chargee can get the ordinary .awaiting officers and craws Bay Sugar: h:rse». H R-tman. one mile e uth of ■ Uewailya poau fflse. that cannot now be soppiiad. The A Horrible Outbreak senior claaa at the Naval Aoodaasy THE "OLD ÌOLD1ER. J. W. KAIS' FURNITURE CO. “Of large tores r seasaaa, tetter, Kit and Embalmers, Cor. Will and 7th AU Danrmg B:i w bead« real red rheum, pun p;»», «r-« a leer» and pi!»». • hen tha event ocura the “old chronic condition a the Navy De­ fre» if br «gel in ta’ore March 15, a Only SS esula u ft L DeLano'f. eul tier” gets Uule, f any more than portment, and it scats the govern- F L t baraoere A Bro. the privilege of voting for the mept in , os see muc.< more annually Tbs K «guter aays the than the par of th» men teedrd. ■Mali Porviusra D i » s » sd — At ’be cour­ ir rouira» cuoim:•.!•• inset les held names of ln E. SCHWARZSCHILD tue convention n .lly destTM the them which *•» do y accept«d Eugene Book Store. nomination of a v teran. There ia °f *lsep. appel.te and wedding 1 to 1, for Arree y, ba. w beo th» sharfl Eugene. Oregon, a giod deal of lady spread about fixture», and ten i.,oaaand for the ““°l ** &la h» bad broken oat Tu been a UX.J rs o»e oav about and in the «Sort • reek of ber pemv of mind. Il in» Wsrab» rn we., Take Laxativ» Br-m* Qaiaro» Tabtote. ,BU th* “d ** A.l drweg -u rvfaaa th* ■*■•<..y if a I to catch the “old soldier'' vote looks a little h.rb bat m.vbe tr. BJ< MU; w»»ny It wa. tei* tec-ire. E W Grove« Mgeatuv u And the “old sold .er” votes as be poor gin enfierei that mrb, be- ^»«1 b» was bare aad kewmar- aw each box. «Se The Best Goods. The Lowest Prices. Office-Black 59-1; Residence PHOXES: «id«s the yoang man may b» able rero»« this marri ag. to afford it. _______ ___ --reas IxFwovkxawro - F E ouo FELL DOWX BEFORE THE tristi ViotePresident R ossve.i had this to say about the t usta during hi» visit to Mmreapoli ia the early tall of 1901: Ws shal. fiad it isnsenary in the future to shack le cu using as ia th» Í\st we bave sback >d foro». * * <0 r«st ladivsl» and sorncrat» t *1-11.0», th- vs»*, wabinat.uu. o e petal which hare marked the a te.opmeut of or industria » *'«m, create ne» ooodit. >a» aad n-woeitote a change from the old Eugene Razor Factory, bxlay s n mm»cred ,« to ax teem v» i»- ! ■■ W A V I ¡MAM fa I « V I -t hav. to-T rented .a-ro ••**« «f bto Mg *U sfoMvlDg ar. ' » c»r-a. • r-ro.-1 w b» ma'* A ■*»• ih» mprowa>ecte ar» p«road Mr !<«aa will kaw mach Io it»» «toe«. C Schaefer & Co. Ne C»rv, No Pay UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 26 East Xin th S1. Office Phone BIk 59-1 Res. Phone Blk >3-1 Wi A Delightful Innovation SOME SMART THINGS IN WRAPPERS, SKIRTS AND SILK WAISTS. In soft, sightly, shapely Wrappers, Skirts and Silk Waists. P. Frank & Son. New Stock Seeds Fi 'i Fancy Timothy and Red Clover, White Clover and Kentucky Blue Grass, Field Peas without weevils. Seed Potatoes that look good. L. C. SKEELS. 1847 Rogers Bros A I Ware. Free. FOR LEST We have a choice, fresh and hi^h gn* * lot of '•»voters, - aft .«, ¡« biters and all kind« of shell tub in cans and bentis ** weil ae Vothe me m-ifwl* m kipper?*! hernai, aoowi mackerel, canned ab*- . oe salmon anc rt?“ • -••»d» «tore in Orow, banfag th- han r»r»ir di .p ia Lane Onntr PAINE & KAY Our Motto is Razors and surgical instruments a specialty. New razor, in stock and made to order. ê . . . FIELD AND GARDEN . . . Piiee Sue. You want a go