4 i* PERSONAL 1902 good successful year, esolve to save money end buy your Footwear »“AT ORAN’S Shoe Store BREVITY. sw firm b L Chambers A Bro I hardware d w I Poultry supplies al "-eatou A Hales, H ipray mat-r al already mixed at F L oilier« A Bro. ■>rn»atan Htock Food at Preelon A prlngfield «cbool district has levied 8-mill school tax. ot Tims «loves F L Chambers A Bro. <1 w Preston A Halt* et>ck of wall- >er. V B Cole, tbe West Revent h etreet cksmlth, is suffering from blood toning in bi« right band. erenial vetch and other wit ter-eown tie need at Aw F L Clumbers A Bro’s 1 D Mitchell, residing in ti e Bethel gbboriiood below ti wn has sold hi« acre Iruil farm to P 1 Ru»t of Pbil- Ipbia, for |3,5t 0. bicken lice pat>u 51 p» r g Ion at ton A Halen llean your gr»iu now and bave it y for spring » wing. Tbe Monnt Fan 1» hn Kelly went to Harilaburg on o’clock in the afteruooa of bit arrival yesterday afternoon’« belated train. here, and it te desired to secure tbeaer- Mr and Mrs H û Wagoon went to vices of the Fourth ttogiuaent band Portland today for a tew day’« elay. and eeoert tbe dlstiugutebed visitor J W Kaye waa a pareeuger to Cot­ down town ft cm the depot with a pa­ rade. A musloal and literary program tage Grove on the afternoon train. A C Woodcock and John Kelly re­ for tbe meeting in tbv evening te being turned from the north thie afternoon. arranged and teams of tbe camp and oircle will both give a drill. Dr Lowe went to Junction City thia Following are tbe committees ap­ afternoon expecting to return tonight. pointed for this big oocm I oo : Today’! Albany Herald : W H Ea- General oommittee—J M Williams, tou, of Jaaper, Lane oounty, io vlaitlng Dr W Kuykendall, R McMurpbey, old-time frlenda in the city. Geo K Munroe, E O Potter, Mre W K Mra GN Frazer went to Junction Scarbrough, Mre Honig, Mrs Cbeeblre City laat evening to iii.tall new otBoers Committee on Invitation and recep­ ef the W R C there last night. tion outside of oem(* «nd members— P Dr C W Lowe returned yesterday E Snodgrass, J H Graham, Chas evening oa the belated train from a White, J N Wrey ano M L Campbell. Committee on decor-tion of bueinsM professional trip to Southern Oregon. houaee and wiadowe F M Wilkins, Rev G H Feeee left thia afternoon W M Green and L O :ieckwltb. for Olympia and Tacc.ra «nd will than Mu«io oommittee—Dr W Kuyken­ go to hie home at Halt Lake City, dall end Mr« W K Hckrbrough Utah. Committee on hall—J M Williams. H 8 Htepbene, of Noti Valley, left Committee on printing—J 8 Hille», thia aiternoou for Buda, III, on a bual- W 8 Moon and W W Martin. neaa trip, expecting to be gone perbap» Committee on invitation to recep­ a month. tion— L O Beckwith, W T Gordon, N Mr and Mra Mo re, who were mar­ R Gaylord, Mre D A Paine, Mre A T ried yeatarday morning, went te Port­ Cockerline and Mre G N Frazer. land laat eveuing for a abort honey­ Mr Falk«' burg te rated as one of the moon trip. foremost aud meet eloquent of fraternal Mr and Mre L N Roney, Mr and orators in the United Htatee, end bi« Mra L G Adair and W E Brown leave presence in any plsoe where the prin­ tomorrow afternoon for a mouth’« vialt ciples of the Woodmen ere known aud practiced, te invariably tbe signal for to California pointe. Mra Claude Coppie, of Hood River, euthusiasm among the ’’choppers,’’ who haa been visiting ber parente, Mr nmor.g whom be is well and favorably and Mra C W Young, near Eugene left known. Mr Falkeuburg is head con­ sul for tbe Pacific Jurisdiction of tbe for borne this afternoon. order, which comprises tbe niue stales Olaf Peterson, of the lower Biualaw, west of tbe Rocky mountains. He te a Second Oregon volunteer in the also the sovereign advisor—vice-presi­ Phiilpplnee, left this afternoon for dent—of the enthe order. * A her been, Wash, where be expect« to Be»I<1ee being an socomplinbed fra­ obtain employment. ternal orator, a gift w ilch stand« him Mr* Vina Lemley, teacher in the well in baud, In bis o:llce, he 1« aliei Wendling public echo* ', Ie home fortwo oue of the most able fraternal order week«, on account of fee prevalence of executive officers in t. country. Thie Hcarlet fever there, noceaeitating the te well shown in the urogram of the cloeing of the school. Woodmen of the Wo d. The order te Alfred King baa purchased 12 acree m ■ et not a dozen yea < of age, yet it ie from W 8 King four 1.tiles below town tbe ti ird largest ben- loiary order in and 20 acree from Ira Harlow alx the United State«, an 1 te three times miles north. He will engage in farm­ larger than was the m xt most success­ ing. Mr King Ie a roung man aud ful order at the same age. The Pacific errved in the Philipp leelnone of the juri-dlction, of which Mr Falkenburg volunteer regiment«. ba» beeu the official h ad from its in­ Cha» T»y .or, after a plea-aut vialt in ception, is by )0Dg od> s the tergest or­ Eugene ai.d on the Bi talaw, will leave ganization in the tern ory in which ti lu the morulug for W seton, where be operates. The wood' rful progress te is conducting a very succès»ful mer­ due in greatest me >eu « to the guiding cantile buiiueaa in partnerahip with genius of this remark olemsn. Dan Jarman, alao formerly of Eugeue. They also hevea »tor. at Athena. Dally Haar« Jaa D A nti - s .- loon M u ino .-A b aaU- «aloou meeting waa b id at the Flrat The Sword Discarded. Christian church last Igbt, but bo or­ ganization of a leagt e waa »fleeted. In tbe BritUb army tbe sword bM Rev J F Tout, presldi nt of th« «late been discarded, so far as Its usefulness antl-s*loou league, w»« cboaen chair- is oonccrned In modern warfare. A aaau of the meeting. E R Moou de­ half oentury ago it waa considered tbs livered a recitation, Rev O1« ob rendered best weapon, but tbe rifle baa now eom« music, Rev B F Rowland, of th« taken its plao». At tbs present time thousands of people ars discarding M E church, addr«««ed th« audiano« their old methods of trying to onre and ftov J T Merrill, of th« U stomach and bowel oomplaints, aod B ch□ reh, «poke oa "City Gov­ are using tbe old reliable Hostetter’s ernment." The mealing waa epa««d Stomach Bitters. It baa never been kDown to fail in cases of indigeetion, and closed with prayer. Chairman dyspepsia, constipation, biliousness, Tout appointed a » «unities to ar­ liver and kidney troubles, or malaria, range for future meeting«. No tlm« fever and agne, and a trial te therefore baa been set tor organ zing a league. recommended It has been before tbe public for fif y years, aud by its A BtteiNSBH C hangb .—Milo R Jan­ record of cures during tbat time has flrmly eetabllsbed its *u[>erlority over ney aid Arthur I Me«er, who eaveia all other remedies. Try a bottle and mou'be ago, purcha ed J O Watte’ satisfy yourself. jewelry store at 506 V- Il lametta street, have dissolved partus «hip, Mr Janney M arbibd .—Fred Bukley and Miea having purchased h « partner’s In­ Lulu Mounts were m »tried Jan 27 at terest In tbe «tore and will hereafter the home of the bride’s mother at be sole owner. Mr Meyer will remain Franklin. They will realda at Elmira here, however and will bo In Mr Jan­ where the groom la engaged In black­ ney's «tn ploy. smithing. Huoerlor steal range, fitted with hot The new 40 Oliver Hu ky and Gang eoll te guaranteed to have a qnick oven. plows are eepeetally adapted for win­ Keo them at ter plowing. Hee them al F L Cham­ d FL Chambers A Bro’s. bers A Bro’s. dAw SOME SPECIAL PRICES. Mr Iba fine granulated ___ : rogar 11.00 • Ibe pink leans. 26<’ • Ibe kayo beans, 26c Ibe * fre«a English walnut*, 25" ir ■ ~ ■ lb paper «bell almoi.de. I60 • he good green coffa» fl 1 0 Ibe good rower rd « flee 31.90 4 t kg« A and H Hods, 25c lib ginger snap», 10c 13rve«r tX'X Eogeoe aoap 45c 1H* pail of syrup, 85e Try our 15c masted cnffte.lt teas good BB any 20c coffee ever offered ■ « _____ _ Biking Powder. j Ib-can Rchllhngs Best Baking Powder................................. 1 Ib-cau Hchlllmgs B-et Baking Powder....... ................. . ...... |2j Ib-can Mehlilings Beet Baking Powder.............................—. Jlks--an K C Baking Pueder .... Shtes. 15cf slate 'or lho. 6x9 inch «late 5o > jc slate IM 20c 35e 85c 3fc SENTENCED MURDERERS ESCAPED Bpeolal to tha G uard . P ittsburg , Jan 30—Ed and Jack Biddlo sentenced to hang for murder escaped from jail this morning. They shot one guard andjlocked the others in their sell, then made their escape. OLD WORLD HORROR. •peelal to tbe Guard. V ienna , Jan 30—A roof garden collapsed in this city today. The debris took fire and ten persons bald prisoners were slowly burned to death. BOERS SURPRISED. Special to tbe Guard. P retoria , Jan 30—A Boer laager at Poplar Grovo was surprised by British troops this forenoon. Seventeen Boers were taken prisoners, including Field Cornet Grobslar, who afterward died of wounds. WAR TAX REPEAL. Hpeoial to the Guard. W ashington , Jan 30—The Ways and Means committee in the House today mad« a report recommending that all stamp and war taxes be repealed. HUNGARIAN LABOR RIOTS. Special to tha Guard B uda 1*« sth , Hungary, Jan 30—A large body of work­ ingmen are rioting. The enforced idleness through business stagnation has exhausted the means of many and drove them to desperation. The rioters made an unorganized attack on the parlia­ ment building but were met by the mounted police. The police charged the mob and 86 persons were cut down, many of them fatally injured. SCHWAB’S WAGES OF SIN. Hpvcial to the Guard N ew Y ork , Jan 30—President Schwab of the steel and iron trust has cabled an offer of resignation. This action on the part of Schwab is the direct outcome of his gambling at Monte Carlo a few days since when ho received unenviable notoriety through large losses at the gambling table. President Morgan of the transatlantic steamship combine has been especially severe in his com- ments on the impropriety of Schwab’s gambling, in a man- ner forcing the resignation. INSANE MAN RECAPTURED. own roof. Dalton -»terned, «nd »he i frankly faced >i ■ ' d »aid t el alie beiit-ved be ku»w * uiethiug about the lunrd'-r of Morn u . H te action w m of . sue i a nature th« ■be at ouce lele- phoned tbe Dtelric t Attorney aud in j a short lime both meu were under ar­ rest. Eacu accu-ed the other of the I crime and acknowledged tbat they had ustatook young Morrow for a well kaowu gambler, that he resisted aud they «hot him. A« imhhi ■» tbe news of the capture became kuown a great crowd gathered at the jail aud for a time mob law was eminent but the COOL ANO COLLECTED a Khoiiti«» pise*d the m irderers at t o Armory fer protection On Monday, V* lb* Uutrd. November 26tb, Wade aud Dalton PoKTi and , Jan 31.—Dalton aud were arraigned for murder before Judge Waco were bauged tbi« oiornlng Frazier and grant» d until Woduesday shortly after 3 o'clock, for killing Jas to plead. When brought before the Morrow Novsuaber 21, 1901. Both court on Wednesday Wade pleaded guilty, to tbe aurprise of tbespectators, were cool and collected. Daltou made with th« eyideut purpose of a»»urli g a »peecti aud »aid he wa» saved by ■the death penalty to Daltou, who G remark«. Wade'« 1 pleaded not guilty. The case of Dalton was sit for trial body will be sent East, while Dalton'« . December Jib at winch time be declar­ will go to the pauper'« field. ed tbat Wade was tbe man who did «TOBY OF TUB CBIME. the kllliug. The 'Jth aud 10th were The crime fer which Jack Wade and takeu up with securing a Jury, trying William Daltoa today paid the death I the case aud at 11.45 on the moruit go peualty wm oueof tlie moat outrag«- j the 11th Judge Uielaud charged the ou«, unprovoked aud cold blooded ever jury who returned a veid’ct of guilty eouuuilted lu Multiiomali couuty or lu ten miuutes, ltie trial ot Jack poasibly lu the eulire slate. About Wade was ordered for tbe foil >wiug 4:30 Thursday uiurulug on November day, Tbu «ur», dunug which of a uulk wagou frem Richard -ootl’s lime Wade made a «tateiueut tbat he dairy al Milwaukie, noticed the body wm williug to atone with his own life of a man lying partially on tbe side­ for hl« crime He w is found guilty of walk at the sorrier of East Eighth aud murder by J edge Frazier aud takeu East Mill street*. He Immediately | from the c >urt. Ou Diceiuber 24th summened the police, whoascerlaiued, they were a-uteueed to be bung Frf. from letters on the body, tbat bis day, January 31st, 1902. Ou Thursday, January 17th, Wade naaae wa« James Morrow, 390 East SoveBtb street. The youug mau was made tbe following confession : "I tiave kuowu all along that there employed by the Porilaud Iron Work» aad waa wsil and fav< rably known as was no ctianoe for me, aud bave wanted steady aud Industrious and waa held to see Daltou puuisbed too, itecause be in esteem by a large eirele of frieuds. gave usbolh away. Bull bave thought He had spent the eveuing with Mi.s it over, aud concluded it 1« right for Lllah Iliige, 68 E*st Sixteenth street, me to tell tbe truth. I Bred tb« shot, I did n >t and started home about 11:45, too latej i but 1 did it acuid« itally. to catch a car. Residence in the near want to kill Morrow, nor anybody, amt nefglibnrhued wore awakened uesr' would not have done it luteutionally, mbiBight by the f.tal shot which even lo »ave myself. I hope this will sniilted out the light I youug Morrow. »eve Diltau. L am doing this because Ruuulug footstep« wt re bend by dif­ it is right, aud not ".cause I am afraid ferent parlies but uo oue iuvestigaled to die. 1 can’t see .uylbing lu it lor until the miiktna'i fouud th« body me, "All is 'rue lying cold and stiff iu tbe early uiuru- "J ack W ads ’’ hours. Detective« at ouee bvgan au iuveetigalioa but nothing upon The scaffold waa er urt yaitl and nur- Hunday morning roanded by » high 1» ard fence There were two trap door* aud the condemned CLKW FROM LODOINO-HOUBE KKfalPKK. men *tooid. 8p««lal lo tha Guard. R oseburg , Jan 30—Elwood Chenoweth, insane fro’ti religious excitement, a recent escape from the balem insane asylum, was recaptured here today. This is Chenoweth’s second escape. He managed to get away from Sheriff Deering of Union County while that official was taking him to the asylum. PAY FOR VETERANS Second Oregon Men Will Re- ceive $21,899.77. « tU RSeitC TO THC BOVS. P ortland , Or, Jan 23.—Adjutr.nt General Gantenbeln, ONG, who re­ turned today from Washington, D C, announces that the Heoond Oregon regiment will receive about 322.<*0O additional for their services In the Hpanteh war. Tbe additional pay te for the period of their service between tbe date of assembly at tbe state ren- deavoue and tbe dale of their muster Into the United Htates serv'.oe, and will be at the rate of 31.50 per day. The average amount will 1« about |15, for 1600 officers and men. [According to this, most of the mem­ bers of Co C, 2nd Oregon, will receive pay for about 16 days, which at tbe rate of 31.50 per day for private«» would amount to 122.60. j A BUSY MAN. Sheriff Withers Is Kept on the Jump Serving Subpoenas, etc. Bally Geard, Jaa KI Hberlff Withers te a very busy man these days. He te kept constantlyoB the Jump Tbe latter pertof laat week bo waa up In the Fall Creek country. Tuesday noon of this week he arrived homo from tho Gate Crook country on tbe upper McKenzie. He waaover in Willamette precl net yesterday and tills afternoon started tor Blue River mlnee on a several days’ trip, expect­ ing lo be back Bnnday. Tboee tripe were all made for tbe purpose of serv­ ing subpeenaa and otter papers. Mon­ day,after returning from tbe Blue River, tbe sheriff will start f >r Florence, via the Lake Creek country, to make a solo ot come saw logs w.ilcii have been levied upon. Mr Withers mak»» all hie tripa throngbout the oouuty on the hurri- Ha wished V» can« dock of a cayuse attend the banging of Wade and Del- lornlng, ton st Portland tomorrow but bls urgent duties at pr ieent pia» vent him from doing so. Mrs. Carrie E. Vincent Mrs. Carrie E. Vincent, of Pleasant Hill, daughter uf Mrs. Ella Bridgea BIG DEMAND FOR TIMBER aud wife of Harvey Viuoeat, died st her home at 3 o’clock a. m. January So Reports George H. Kelley, of the 27, 1802, > f ouhsumptlon, contracted a little over two yetare ago. Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. Rhe was born la I.aer county on Remnints. Novemlter 16, 1878, and wee married BIG UNE TO CLOSE Junes, 1MXJ. Her huebond took her Portlaod Teletram Remember we have a largo line of George H Kelly, of the Booth-Kelly mat of the mountains In the fall of EXTRA HEAVY HLEE1 ED UN­ Lum tier Company, owning tho cream 19ons tbes th* demand for church at Pleasant H li till her death. Koya’ shoes 75c and 11.80 Mens' 31 50 sbnee for tl 00 timber te Increasing at such a rate that1 Bosldee her eorrowl ig husband she Men's fall stock a ho» |1 «6 almost anything la tbe shape of lim­ leaves a ton-months-old daughter and ner land finds a ready market. Lande a large number of rete Uvee au friemla The funerei took pías» frote the that bls eoiBpewy purchased a few year* ago now sre «'irth three lo four ehureh at Pleaaant Hill en Jannary 23th at I o’clock, and Intermvot was time« ee mueb as when pnrehaoed. Among 'be lerger p'ants operated hy made In the remeterv noar tha’ plan*, the Bootb-Kelly Company are tbues at R«v. K G. CaliHon having (btff* •' Magi naw aod Wendling. thr services.. Ai Billy Department Store. There haa been some comment on the fact that two men were bauged for tbi« crime. Lying iu wait for one man and killing another coneiitutea murder In the firat degree, the («nalty of which Ie hanging. Whether Wade or Daitoj were principal or arc tsaory cute email figure. Both are murderer« imtlnc- tively. The law of Oregon as inter­ preted by the state circuit eourt for the fourth judicial district has «ent to the gal Iowa at least three murderers who ■hot and killed partons whom they were not "laying for," notably, Brown and Johnson In 1ST!) and Murray, the painter, some seven years later. The last banging in Portland was nine or t»n year* ag >, when Pelllo, au Indian, was hanged In tbe woodshed at the courthouse for the murder of ACTIOWH AR0U8X 8U8P1CION. another Indian on the Umatilla Rue- Thie was Thursday. Her ledgers ervaliou at Pendleton. rose late that day, and when Wade It was a United Htatee case and was same she noticed thr he and Dalton tiled in the Uni ed Htate» court here. had au earnest sou*»rsation, mostly Baron was United State* marshal at carried ea in an undertone. It seemed tbe time, and the banging waa con- te her that Wade wa asking Dalton to ducted under bls -apervislon. Tbe do something which Dalton would execution was a u«ly asked to be bid thought. Haturday st>out noon shot, saying that it was no disgrac« to she oould not reel concerning her be «hot, hut a great disgrace to be strange lodgers, and «be walked to tbs hanged. His rvqu *t could not ed form. O ily 75 invitations growled a voice wore l»eued aod the «flair attracted •I'm Mrs W hitlock, at d I want Into comparatively little attention, the tbe r.tosi *• soon as yeu men are crime having teen ion nitted in through with I’," replied the land- Eastern Oregon, ae the result of a lady No reaponee was given, and Mre quarrel the two Indiana bad. Hang- Whitlock went about her household | Inge have beeu eo scarce «ince then duties. A few mlnu'ee e t-rward she that people hail alm at come to believe went to the room lately occupied, and there was no such thing possible. waa eurprl-ed to see different bureau drawers < pen, aud the contents In s stale of confusion. ”N<> sk R hobbn . Ralph Robin«»n, while »bating on tha ice at Bang»’ CHABOIDTHIM WITM TMkCBIMB Park Tuesday, fell »nd broke hia none. ••I’ve been robbed," wse her first Ke came to town and bad it ('etched tbowght, spd by a rapid Inventory she up aud la getting along nicely. ■aw that jewelry aod clothing valued at «boat |4<’ was n. ««ing. Then she New fl m: F L Chamber« A Bro, becamv angry that ter confidence bed hardware. tMQ eo misplaeed in tboee under her left tbe bouse shortly afterward, ac­ companied hy Wade, whe had called In the interval. Mrs Wbltlook says she became suspicious of the actions of Wade and Dalton when she first met tbe men, and she became se uneasy that «he fell a prey to nervous, un- aeontable fears—so much so that In­ stead of retlrlag Wednesday night at her usual hour, she sat up until 3 o’olock Thursday morning to wait for bar dsw lodgers. Whsn Wade and Dalton came In sight they looked haggard and ill at ease. They went to sleep, however, and Mre Whitlock waa startled hi hear later In tbe day that young Morrow had been abet and killed on the East Hide a* about 12:13 o'clock on the same morning. I 1